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I give a description of the method.

Money management is based on the Martingale modification - Labouchere,
also known as the "deletion method". This method is not as extreme as the regular martingale.
What is the principle of transaction management?

At the dawn of the casino, to play on an equal footing (for example, red - black), a method was invented to double the bet when losing. I will not go into the description in detail, but this method, despite the fact that mathematically, of course, allows you to win, has negative traits. The stakes are rising in geometric progression and sooner or later, you will either win, or you will face the lack of the necessary amount in your pocket for the next doubling of the bet, or with a limit on the maximum bet on the gaming table.

Let me remind you that the mathematical probability of winning when playing classic roulette is 49%. 1% - ZERO, this is the advantage of the casino.

The elimination method is as follows. We divide our deposit into 100 parts.
1% of the deposit is one contract.

We start the game with 1 contract. We take paper and a pen, write down the rates in a column one under the other.

We add 1 more contract to the lost one. The next bet is 2 contracts. For example, we won. Write in a column
In total, we won 1 contract. We cross out everything, we start anew. The next bet is 1 contract.

Consider a more interesting series.

For example, we lost the first bet. We write down on paper
We add 1 more contract to the lost one. The next bet is 2 contracts. For example, we lost. Write in a column
Now to the first bet in the column (-1), add the last bet (-2). Total 3 contracts. Let's say we lost. We write in a column.
Now, to the first bet in the column (-1), we add the last bet (-3). Total 4 contracts. Let's say we lose again. Write in a column
Now, to the first bet in the column (-1), we add the last bet (-4). Total 5 contracts. Let's say we lose again. Write in a column
Five losses in a row. It happens… The next bet is 6 Contracts.
For example, we won. We write in a column.
6 contracts that we won made up for the loss of -1 and - 5 contracts! Now, cross out -1, -5 and +6.
Now to the first bet in the column (-2), add the last bet (-4). Total 6 contracts. The next bet is 6 Contracts. Let's say we win again. Write in a column
6 contracts that we won made up for the loss of -2 and - 4 contracts! Now, cross out -2, -4 and +6.
There are -3 contracts left. Since there is nothing else in the column, we add 1.
The next bet is 4 contracts. If we win, then we cross out everything, remain in the black in 1 contract and start the streak again.

We had such a series

Three profitable trades compensated for 5 losing trades.
I advise you to practice on paper, several times, until the principle reaches automatism.

So pay attention! In order for the system to function and win, it is necessary to have the number of profitable transactions above 33% -40% percent!!!
If anyone is in doubt, write your own long series. You can practice at any online casino that has a test game for virtual money. Divide your deposit into 100 parts. Bet only on red or only on black. Keep in mind that such a method of playing can be considered by the casino as dishonest, and the casino computer, after some time, will begin to arrange series for you. opposite color 10-20-30 in a row, of course, we won’t talk about any 33-40 percentage ratio and you will lose.

But the principle remains the same, 33% of wins compensate for 66% of losses.
Thus, applying such money management in practical Forex trading, we need trading system, which has a 50% chance of winning, and the ratio of possible profit to possible loss is greater than or equal to 1,
those. Profit factor >=1.