Scenario of the anniversary concert of the vocal group. The golden anniversary of the OSN choir, pages of history ... The last choir was the choir of veterans of pedagogical work, organized by G


Scenario of the anniversary of a man. And we open with joy a wonderful anniversary 2. . "Hymn of Veterans" words and music by Valery Panin, member of the choir.\.

March 23, 2012. According to in the press service of the administration of Volgograd, currently in the choir "Veteran" under the direction of Olga.

Veterans Council

Anniversary scenario on .. We are celebrating our 50th anniversary

our school. The joy of it. (Song. Spanish teacher choir) "Don't think about

school from above". Director: Allow me to introduce the veterans of the school (2

Victory Day. number of cool scenarios per day. choir, or veterans' choir, or any vocal group.

Veteran - 25 - Anniversary Anniversary - Scenarios of holidays

December 3, 2012 Round dance "White-faced-round-faced".

On the eve of the anniversary of the Victory, the Post gives to all veterans.

Kargasok Cultural and Leisure Center, the choir "Veteran" and the ensemble "

Russian ... The scenario of the main parade is being thought out in detail, which

will pass on the 9th.

Academic Women's Choir

In 2006, the choir “Memory.

Primachenko Zhanna Alexandrovna. Detailed development of the conduct

Veterans of Mayak and city organizations are engaged in the choir - 32

different according to We celebrated our 5th anniversary with a great

concert. women's day, be sure to prepare costumed


The creative group writes the script, determines the performers.. Folk

Choir of War and Labor Veterans. With their numbers performed and

other hip-hop teams who came to congratulate colleagues on their anniversary.

60th anniversary holiday script for veterans

Golden jubilee of the OSN choir, pages of history... The last choir was the choir of veterans of pedagogical work, organized by G. N. Masterov.

4 Nov 2012. The choir celebrated the anniversary. 20 years. They write about us - this can be said historical date. It was she who was recently noted by Yutanovsky.

The script consists of 2 parts: a literary and musical composition about..

He died on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Victory .... The choir sings a song. one.

10.20 Maalot city veterans choir, leader. New York) Valentine


31 Mar 2012. 40th Anniversary Scenario. 1 episode. We ask to rise - veterans, thanks to them. We are intertwined in a single choir.

And scenarios / scenario of the anniversary

22 Dec 2010. SCENARIO OF THE ANNIVERSARY CONCERT folk group vocal. To the 30th anniversary of the folk group of the vocal group "Russians" .... And back on stage folk choir veterans (3 songs).

Club formations - People's Choir of War and Labor Veterans. In 2012

noted holiday concert its 25th anniversary. For big.

"Evening of welcome meetings"

May 5, 2009. The screen goes blank, the stage is blacked out, the choir comes out, preferably consisting of veterans, the presenters are highlighted by the beams of the spotlight.

We found a "veterans choir anniversary script" with humor

Copyright ©

He could not fully check whether his precious wife had received the transfer. To receive you need to mass information about what interests you celestial body, to catch it in the viewfinder, the built-in sensors will immediately accurately determine the fundamentally new orientation of the tube, and the liquid crystal screen located on the side of a strong telescope will give out the conventional name and extremely laconic description of the "possible object X".

Scenario of the anniversary concert program of the folk group [archive] - vkm online


FOLK ENSEMBLE "Indian Summer"

(Curtain. Music sounds. There are two old women near the stage)

1st: It was in the evening,

2nd: There was nothing to do.

1st: We were sitting on a bench

2nd: All passers-by were seen.

1st: Discussed

2nd: Dismantled ...

Together: And a little bored.

(The members of the ensemble pass by the audience and rise one by one to the stage)

1st: Let's go Vali somewhere

important as stolen

2nd: They are a couple of times a week

Run away like now.

1st: Where to? At least find out!

2nd: Why guess here, women ?!

1st: Yes, we fell in love, to know Valyushki ...

2nd: Ugh, ugh, ugh those on the tongue.

Yes, not in their years now

With the young oh yes ah.

1st: Why is it not in theirs?

They are smarter than the young ones!

2nd: What?

1st: Yes, I mean, they look younger.

2nd: And my neighbor Lyuba

Dressed up nicely.

And somewhere straight

It flew by at the same time.

1st: Know left ...

2nd: No, to the right.

1st: Really on a date?

2nd: Yes, not on a special mission.

1st: Oh, look - Julia with Luda

Following Anyone seems to

Dressed up as madams.

2nd: I told you that they have love. And then?

1st: Look, who is this?

Is it really Baba Valya

And she is there ..., stealing ...

2nd: And there Ivanovna with Leksevna

Two neighbors go...

1st: Holy, holy, holy

Has your mind gone haywire?..

2nd: Yes, they have a date in the choir.

1st: You are talking nonsense!

Is there such a choir where grannies sing? ..

2nd: Why are they grannies

There are such beauties.

And they sing not for the first year,

The people in the village love them.

1st: I still don't understand

What are they for. Well?

No, to sit with grandchildren

Did you see them? Sing!

2nd: They are singing in this choir

Adds mood.

1st: Mood? It's true…

But who would take away my years?

2nd: So that's the whole point

What sings from the songs of the body!

And it, after all, it happens

Forget the years...

1st: Yes, as long as the soul sings

The person lives.

2nd: Lives? Are you talking about songs?

So why are you sitting here?

1st: Why, let's drop all ambitions

Yes, run to them for a rehearsal.

(The old women rise to the stage.)

1st: We want to sing!

2nd: And just sing!!!

Together with the ensemble: And get younger with every song!!!


HOST: Good afternoon, Dear friends, Dear guests!

HOST: With these words we begin each celebratory performance folk amateur ensemble Chamerevsky rural house of culture "Indian Leto".

HOST: And today we decided not to change our traditions, but rather continue to follow them. And do you know why?

Yes, because today is really very kind, thanks to the fact that you came here, and thanks to the fact that we have an ANNIVERSARY today!

(Your applause!)

"Indian Summer" for a concert

All of you have been invited.

"So that no one is late" -

Very asked.

And here you are, the hall sparkles,

Warm faces.

It's time for the concert to open.

Let's have fun!


HOST: Today, at our holiday, we are glad to welcome and see the native faces of fellow villagers, friends in creativity, as well as guests of honor in the face of:

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________

HOST: The word for greetings and congratulations is given ...

There is a time of nature of a special color

Pouring sun, enticing heat.

It's called Indian Summer

And in charms he argues with spring itself.

The ensemble performs for you a song that has become calling card collective - "Indian Summer".


LEADING: The word for congratulations is given ...

Well, dear friends. Today is a special day. Celebrates its 10th anniversary folk ensemble"Indian summer".

HOST: 10 years. Is it a lot or a little? Hard to say. If we talk about a person, then this is not so much. But for creative team- this is the deadline.

HOST: So what is behind the shoulders of our hero of the day?

Years are running, there is no power to return them ...

But, thank God, bright consciousness

Gives a glimpse into the past

And it brings back memories.

(Slides are projected on the screen. Background music sounds)

HOST: The folk amateur ensemble "Indian Leto" came out of a choir that sang sometime in the late 70s of the last century. At that time participation in amateur performances it was almost a matter of necessity. And the voice... Well, where did you see the voiceless Chamerevskaya resident.

HOST: The case, which began with the "obligation", soon became dear and beloved. All now singing women in "Indian Summer" (and there are 12 of them) now cannot imagine life without an ensemble and a song.

HOST: The founder and first leader of the ensemble was Yuri Kuzmich Anisimov. about this amazing talented person I can safely say that he is a professional in his field.

HOST: Over the years creative activity Yuri Kuzmich was repeatedly noted. In his luggage certificates of honor Ministry of Culture, Regional Administration, Department of Culture.

HOST: Under his leadership, on December 1, 1999, the ensemble "Indian Leto" was awarded honorary title Folk.

HOST: So let's remember how it was ...

Attention to the screen.

(The performance of the ensemble is shown on the screen)

HOST: Dear friends, now you have listened to an excerpt from the song "Lost Tower", one of ten the best works cycle of the poet and composer Yuri Anisimov.

HOST: Well, dear friends, I think that now is the time to invite Yuri Anisimov, the founder of the Indian Summer ensemble, to this stage.

(A video of the band's performance is shown on the screen)

HOST: In addition to this song, the cycle includes such works as "The Ballad of Lost Love", "It's Hard to Be Young", "Abandoned", "Why I'm Single", "Sineborsky Waltz", "My Blueboarding" and many, many others. These melodic songs pleased not only the inhabitants of the village of Chamerevo, but also the shipowners.

HOST: A graduate of the Vladimir College of Culture, the artistic director of the Chamerevsky rural house of culture from 1996-2007, made a great contribution to the development of the Indian Summer team. Svetlana Sakharova.

HOST: She not only taught performers to sing without musical accompaniment, but was also the author of many interesting theatrical performances of the group.

HOST: Later in 2006, Yury Kuzmich Anisimov retired for a well-deserved rest.

HOST: And in February of the same year he was replaced by new leader- Graduate of the Vladimir State Pedagogical University, specializing in Musical education- Anastasia Stratonova. Under the guidance of a young, talented, energetic Anastasia, the team felt the breath of youth and enthusiasm.

HOST: With the advent of the young leader, the ensemble's repertoire has been noticeably updated. Although it is necessary to note the fact that in their performances the ensemble "Indian Leto" is not limited to song performance. His integral part were and are theatrical performances for such folk and traditional holidays like Christmas, Maslenitsa, Apple Spas, Victory Day.

1st presenter: So let's turn over the brightest pages of our speeches together. And remember how it was.


Blog Search Northwest Region News Veterans Choir Anniversary Script

  1. The Northern Choir will give a concert in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior Compliance rate: 58.14%
  2. Fragments of the text of the post: ... The Northern Choir will give a concert in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior Artists of the State Academic Northern Russian Folk chora will present the song art of Pomorye at the 10th Moscow Easter Festival... ... May 7, 14:00 solo concert northern Russian folk chora... ... The works prepared for this large-scale musical performance are performed by the Northern chora with a bright feeling of a wonderful Christian holiday ... ... In the program chora a diploma winner of the international competition master chimes Vladimir Petrovsky, Jr. ... ... Then, under the guidance of Nina Konstantinovna Meshko, performances chora took place in State Museum A... Read more:

  3. Home-based sanatorium provided to veterans in Pomorie Compliance rate: 20.93%
  4. Fragments of the text of the post: ... Until the end of the year, it is planned to provide the services of the sanatorium to the majority veterans region - there are four thousand people in the region ... ... It is open to veterans war, as well as prisoners of fascist camps, residents of besieged Leningrad ... ... Previously, the workers of the Victory are invited to fill out a questionnaire, which takes into account most of the wishes and preferences veterans... Read more:

  5. Northern Russian folk choir will become methodical center training Compliance rate: 9.3%
  6. Fragments of the text of the post: ... A significant event for the cultural world took place in the house created by Nina Konstantinovna Meshko - in the building of the Northern Russian Folk chora... ... Beginnings in the culture of the Arkhangelsk region were fully supported by the person who is considered the ideologist of the folk song, National artist Russia, Ukraine, Adygea and other republics, CEO and artistic director of the legendary Kuban Cossack chora Victor Zakharchenko, considering them timely and important... More details:

  7. Krasnoborsky district will become the center for three days cultural life Pomorie Compliance rate: 9.3%
  8. Fragments of the text of the post: ... Krasnoborsky district will become the center of cultural life of Pomorye for three days On May 27-29, in the Krasnoborsky district, within the framework of the project of the government of the Arkhangelsk region "Constellation of Northern Festivals-2011", an interregional festival "Smetaninsky Meetings" will be held, events dedicated to anniversary artist Alexander Borisov, the results will be held regional competition museum projects... ... The Krasnoborsky Museum will open an exhibition of works by Arkhangelsk artists "Inspired by the North", dedicated to anniversary talented painter... Read more:

  9. The Song Festival of Russia will be held in Pskov on May 21-22. Compliance rate: 2.33%
  10. Fragment of the text of the post: ... It is assumed that within the framework of the gala concert there will be a performance of a consolidated chora with the participation of 1.3 thousand people... More details:

History of external searches

Veteran - 25th anniversary

1. Good afternoon and good hour

Who came to listen to us

At the same time and see

The folk choir is here to congratulate

After all, "Veteran - 25!"

We warmly welcome guests

And we open with joy a wonderful anniversary

2. Being a member of the team is honorable and responsible, it is no secret that singing is not entertainment, but work that brings joy to oneself and people.

Veteran - 25!

Friends came to congratulate us

So let's get started

Please meet the folk choir!

1. Take it well


25 years later

This child was born!

Welcome to the n / x "Veteran" Hood. hands - spruce Toyloshev V. Ya.

"Hymn of Veterans" words and music by Valery Panin, member of the choir.\

25 is a great age.

And not a lot, and not a little,

For and for work

Only the very beginning...

The path of life is difficult or simple -

Not given to measure it.

So meet fate in growth,

Not kneeling.

2007 Ust - Cox. Holiday "Springs of Altai!". For the first time sounds "Oh, Katun - my river" to the words of N. Volodina, music. V. Toyloshev.

"Ongudai - the core of Altai" words by A. Usov, music. V. Toylosheva

A few words about the famous poet - A. G. Usov, who composes for the choir, and V. Ya. Toyloshev writes music.

In 1985 Shchetinin Dmitry Ivanovich organized the club "Veteran", which was later transformed into the choir "Veteran".

From the very beginning, the team chose the patriotic and moral education the rising generation. The members of the choir were veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor veterans.

Those who stood at the origins of the creation of the n / choir "Veteran" their work, love of life will forever remain in our hearts.

(participants, lists)

And in the hall we have those who stood at the origins of the creation of the team (we call)

Let's greet them and say words of gratitude for their contribution to the development of the n / x "Veteran", and participation in public life villages and regions of the Republic of Armenia.

The word is provided by __________________________________

(a thank-you note is given to members of the choir)

With special pride today we are talking about a man without whom the folk choir would not have taken place.

We present the very first head of the n / x "Veteran" - Sergey Nikitich Nikiforov - a creative, talented person who is in love with his work! The social significance of the choir was so great that in 1990 it was awarded the title of "People's exemplary team". And this is the merit of the head of the choir - who, when working great attention paid attention to the quality of the performance of choral and solo songs, the selection of the repertoire.

Twenty-five is a lot and a little!

Twenty-five is your heart's warmth!

Twenty-five - they ran too fast

Too much water has leaked.

Years passed by with deeds and worries.

Soul harmony. anniversary concert script. yutanovka. female choir

Good afternoon my dears!

From pure heart I congratulate you on your Anniversary. 30 years is not enough. I wish that Anniversaries do not end for you, and there were 40, and 50 and ...

Health to you, my dear girls, good luck to you, creative success, simple female happiness. In the choir remain persistent and loving songs Because it's a second family. I was with you in the choir for 16 years and I have the most wonderful memories. Our trips to Kharkov, Bryansk, Belgorod, etc.

AT Hard time You supported me.

Vladimir Dmitrievich and Olga Mikhailovna, please accept my congratulations. You are great leaders who love what you do. creative success To you, new victories and achievements. With your songs you please and support the culture of the village.

A wonderful scenario, I mentally imagined everything, and it seems I was there with you, sorry I could not come.

Happiness, health, success, new victories!


Anniversary concert of the School of Arts

2013-2014 academic year year

At the closed curtain in readiness ORNI "Rhapsody"

Festive fanfare sounds. On the screen is a festive screensaver.

On the stage Russian orchestra folk instruments. The program of the orchestra's performance is on the screen.

words behind the scenes (at the opening of the curtain - me)

Spring is in the sky again

Blooms wildly and beckoning.

Happy Anniversary Dear School

My most favorite!

(The curtain opens. Olga Stepanovna enters)

You give people eternal art,

Lighting up the light in harmony of hearts.

Speak confidently and proudly

We are 30 years old today!

The orchestra plays immediately after the words, plays without announcement.

1. A. Shirokov "Little welcome overture"


Words behind the scenes (Kosov):

- Laureate on stage all-Russian competition"Wind Rose" orchestra of Russian folk instruments "Rhapsody". Head Olga Stepanovna Velizhanina

2. A. Shirokov "Round dance"


The curtain closes. Everything is removed from the stage.

3. Film about the old school (2 minutes)

The hosts come together to the middle of the stage.


Good evening, dear friends!


Good evening, dear guests, colleagues and parents!


Today we have Big celebration! We are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the School of Arts!


Let me sincerely congratulate all those present in this hall on this significant event!


30 years is a lot or a little? Is it a moment or an eternity? Is this the end of a journey or the beginning of a new road?


30 years is the joy of victories, these are the years of accomplishments and discoveries. This is memory, this is history, this is a special way of life!



For welcome speech invited to the stage:

  • Head of the Administration of the city of Kogalym Vladimir Ivanovich Stepura


  • Deputy Chairman of the Duma of the city of Kogalym Govorishcheva Alla Yurievna

Kosov hands over his microphone

Speak welcome speech

Chvaida (after welcoming speech)

thanks for good words and wishes. We ask you to remain on stage for the awards ceremony.

The Diploma of the Head of the city of Kogalym is awarded to the director of the "Children's School of Arts" Velizhanin Nikolai Viktorovich!



The diploma of the Head of the city of Kogalym is awarded to the Deputy Director for educational work Kabilova Svetlana Faizovna



The diploma of the Head of the city of Kogalym is awarded to the teacher of fine arts Singizova Zilya Migranovna


Thank you letterThe head of the city of Kogalym is awarded a teacher of fine arts Kashina Yulia Yuryevna


- Thank you letterThe head of the city of Kogalym is awarded a violin teacher Ivanova Tatyana Vladimirovna


The diploma of the Kogalym City Duma is awarded to the piano teacher Ignatieva Olga Mikhailovna



Dear Vladimir Ivanovich and Alla Yurievna, thank you very much, we ask you to go to auditorium.

(a short pause, we give the opportunity to leave the stage)


Our school is 30 years old! We have the right to be proud of her success.


30 years are behind us, but we have an even better future ahead of us.(pause)

Microphone for soloist, piano cover


3rd grade student on stageOrudzhova Nazrin,class teacher Zinchenko Emilia Mikhailovna

We put 2 chairs, microphones for the duet of accordionists

Chvaida (offstage):

Winner of school competitions on stageduet of accordionists "Fantasy"class of teacher Lubashcheva Tatyana Petrovna.

5. E. Lauren "Claviette-musette"

Remove 2 chairs

Kosov (offstage):

On the stage, the winner of All-Russian and International competitions, a student of grade 6 Churakov Maxim, class of teacher Ivanova Tatyana Vladimirovna, concertmaster Zinchenko Emilia Mikhailovna

5. Wieniawski "Mazurka"

Both presenters leave


- For a welcoming speech and awards, we invite you to the stageDeputy of the Regional Tyumen Duma Loseva Inna Viniaminovna

Speaks a speech!

(if she herself says about letters, then you miss this moment)


The Diploma of the Tyumen Regional Duma is awarded to the accordion teacher Olga Stepanovna Velizhanina.



- A letter of thanks from the Tyumen Regional Duma is awarded to the librarian of the school Sando Alla Vladimirovna.

handing over


Diploma of the Deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma is awarded to the piano teacher Anikeeva Tamara Nikolaevna



The Diploma of the Deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma is awarded to a teacher in the button accordion class, a tuner musical instruments Moskatov Konstantin Kirillovich


Thank you Inna Viniaminovna, please come down to the auditorium.

Microphone, piano cover.

Well, we continue. The laureate of district and regional competitions, a student of grade 7, plays for youGizatullina Elina,class of teacher Martynova Anastasia Vladimirovna, concertmaster Romanenkova Larisa Vladimirovna.

5. F. Churchill "When my prince comes"

Applause. Microphones for vocal ensemble

Chvaida (behind the stage) At this time, the vocal ensemble "Kvinta +" enters the stage.

I can't live a day without music!

She is in me. She is around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities,

In the silence of grasses and in a rainbow of flowers,

And in the glow of dawn above the earth...

She is always and forever my companion.

6. "Yes, Jesus loves me"

Applause. Some of the children leave the stage.

Kosiv:- On the stage, the winner of the international competition "Viva Ferenze!" vocal ensemble in italy Quinta+, leader Fazylova Guzel Gabdulbarovna.

7. "Soul in love"


Both presenters leave


Life is like an intricate pattern woven from a string of days and destinies that are endless like the starry sky. And only some of them are reflected in the soul with the rays of the sun, warming the heart with warmth. The history of the school is life, it is a whole book of stories of the fates of our wonderful teachers.



For a welcoming speech, the Head of the Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Kogalym Grishina Svetlana Gennadievna and the chairman of the Kogalym organization of the trade union of workers of public education and science are invited to the stage Russian Federation Mazur Maria Spiridonovna.

Speak up!


Diploma of the Department of Education and Youth Policy is awarded to piano teacher Zinchenko Emilia Mikhailovna



A letter of thanks from the Department of Education and Youth Policy is presented to the teacher fine arts Karbovskaya Alexandra Viktorovna



Thanks for the kind words. Please go to the auditorium.


A laureate of all-Russian and international competitions, a student of grade 8, plays for you Gareeva Alina , class teacher Zinchenko Emilia Mikhailovna.

8. N. Medtner "Fairy Tale"

Preparing 2 chairs and microphones for the accordion ensemble

Chvaida (offstage):

plays for you accordion duet "Comme il faut"

9. Dorensky "Transcarpathian dance"

Preparing a microphone for a clarinetist


On stage, a teacher in the class of wind instrumentsKosov Boris Vasilievich.

10. A. Gimmer "National Polka"


Microphones for violin ensemble

Immediately without announcement"Consonance" - play 1 piece

11. A. Babajanyan "Nocturne"


Chvaida: (behind the scene with the entrance of the ensemble):

On the stage, the winner of the All-Russian and International Competition"Wave of success" violin ensemble "Consonance". Leader Maltseva Tatyana Gennadievna, concertmaster Leshchenko Olga Alimovna.

12. M. Schnitz "Orange Boogie"


The curtain closes. "Consonance" takes 1 step back stands at the closing of the curtain. Preparing coasters for the choir

13. Film about school today. (2 minutes)

The curtain opens. There is a choir of 3-4 classes "Rainbow"

Kosov (offstage):

Winner of city competitions on stage choirs and vocal ensembleschoir "Rainbow", leader Chvaida Natalya Alexandrovna

14. music A. Ermolova, words??? "We are together"

The choir descends from the stage and after one they disperse along the hall up the stairs and stand there. The senior choir comes out.

Kabilova S.F.

You have a lot to do with
From youth happy days,
Over the years, you have become more beautiful, -
And celebrate your anniversary again!

The warmth of teacher confessions,
And children's classes scent...
Keeper of valuable knowledge
You have grown a priceless garden.

You revived wisdom in the heart
And gave us a dream
Let me warm up at your walls,
Embracing knowledge height.

Beloved, native school!
Shine with the fire of happy eyes
The reward will be our solo
And the loyalty of each of us!

Kosov (immediately after the poem)

On the stage laureate of city competitions of choirs and vocal ensembles choir "Capriccio"

15. music and lyrics by S. Staverov "Hymn to the Music School"

The choir "Rainbow" becomes under the stage, the vocal ensemble "Kvinta +" enters the stage

Happy Anniversary School!
Your students are proud of you!
We heartily congratulate the school
On such a significant and joyful day!

We wish the school great patience,
Students who always strive to grow

Parents, of course, grateful
And more creative years ahead!

The final song sounds (2 choirs, Quinta+)

16. music. A. Ermolova, words??? "Favorite school"

Both leaders leave.


Here comes the end of our anniversary evening. We give the floor to the director of the Children's Art School Nikolai Viktorovich Velizhanin.


Chvaida (with applause):

Our school is 30 years old! Let's all say together: "Happy Anniversary, expensive school!" (all children on stage speak with the presenter).


We don't say goodbye to you, we say to you: (together 2 presenters)

"See you again!"

All students of the school wave their hands into the auditorium. Choir "Rainbow" leaves the hall through the main entrance.

The curtain closes.

Screensaver of the Anniversary Concert is on the monitors. Music.

Let's drop all urgent matters

Together with us at this hour

Dear honored guests.

From the bottom of our hearts we welcome you!

1. Good afternoon and good hour
Who came to listen to us
At the same time and see
How will we sing songs
Poems read and dance
The folk choir is here to congratulate
After all, "Veteran - 25!"
We warmly welcome guests
And we open with joy a wonderful anniversary
2. Being a member of the team is honorable and responsible, it is no secret that singing is not just entertainment, but work that brings joy to oneself and people.
Veteran - 25!
Friends came to congratulate us
So let's get started
Please meet the folk choir!

1. Take it well
Happy Anniversary
25 years later
This child was born!
Welcome to the n / x "Veteran" Hood. hands - spruce Toyloshev V. Ya.

"Hymn of Veterans" words and music by Valery Panin, member of the choir.

25 is a great age.
And not a lot, and not a little,
For love and work
Only the very beginning...
The path of life is difficult or simple -
Not given to measure it.
So meet fate in growth,
Not kneeling.

2007 Ust - Cox. Holiday "Springs of Altai!". For the first time, the song “Oh, Katun is my river” sounds to the words of N. Volodina, music. V. Toyloshev.
"Ongudai - the core of Altai" lyrics by A. Usov, music. V. Toylosheva
A few words about the famous poet - A. G. Usov, who composes poems for the choir, and V. Ya. Toyloshev writes music.

In 1985 Shchetinin Dmitry Ivanovich organized the club "Veteran", which was later transformed into the choir "Veteran".
From the very beginning, the team chose the patriotic and moral education of the younger generation as the main and defining goal of its activity. The members of the choir were veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor veterans.
Those who stood at the origins of the creation of the n / choir "Veteran" their work, love of life will forever remain in our hearts.
(photos of participants, lists)
And in the hall we have those who stood at the origins of the creation of the team (we call)
Let's greet them and say sincere words gratitude for their contribution to the development of the "Veteran" n / x, and participation in the public life of the village and region of the RA.
The word is provided by __________________________________
(are awarded Thanksgiving letters choir members)
With special pride today we are talking about a man without whom the folk choir would not have taken place.
Introducing the very first head of the Veteran N/C, Sergey Nikitich Nikiforov, a creative, talented person who is in love with his work! The social significance of the choir was so great that in 1990 it was awarded the title of "People's Exemplary Collective". And this is the merit of the head of the choir, who during his work paid great attention to the quality of the performance of choral and solo songs, the selection of the repertoire.
Twenty-five is a lot and a little!
Twenty-five is the warmth of your heart!
Twenty-five - they ran too fast
Too much water has leaked.
Years passed by with deeds and worries.

The word for greetings and awards is provided by _________________
The song "Repentant Russia", "Oh you Russia"

Our work is wonderful!
We are always needed
During the festivities
And hard times
At all concerts
Rallies of victories
We are always ahead.
Although difficult.
But we don't moan
We sing from the heart and walk with the proud title of veteran
We are 25! That's how many years we live
And with a song we heal the wounds
“16 birches”
“Ballad of Monuments” May Waltz

May our evening
It will be warm and cheerful
Let them sound today
Congratulations 100 in a row
There will be dancing, there will be songs
And ditties are appropriate here
Let's celebrate the anniversary together
So friends we need it
The word for greeting is given to the teams

May this day be long and good
Let the holiday continue at 50
We are 25 today to sing for you is not too lazy.

Listen to Siberian Sunsets
Dance (Kurikov)
Oh in the yard in the yard
The earth is the provider

Anniversary candles lit
Congratulations Veteran
On this memorable festive evening
We bring this cake to you as a gift!

Give people songs and meetings
On the way you do not know barriers
Let the eulogies not go out
And the descendants are talking about you!

Let's say again to the veterans
All together in chorus: "Congratulations !!!"

Conducted last year creative evening his vocal ensemble. This is the scenario we had. Hope I can help you a little :)


Fanfares sound, and the hosts of the concert, Nastya and Artem, enter the stage.

Artem. Good afternoon dear friends! Kind not only because of the clear weather, but, above all, kind because of the good that he brings to all of us! We are glad to see you all in the hall of our nursery music school!

Nastya. Good afternoon dear friends! Let me call you that, regardless of your ranks, because today one big family. After all, all of us present in the hall today are united by interest and love for the creativity of the vocal and variety ensemble "Surprise" And therefore we are in a hurry to announce:

The ensemble "Surprise" is invited to the stage. Meet!

The introduction to the song "Surprise" sounds, and the girls go on stage.

The hosts introduce the soloists.

Nastya. The family is our marina, a fortress that protects from all adversity.

Artem. The English say "My home is my castle" and lock the gates.

Nastya. And we offer to open the doors, open the windows, let in more warmth, light and fun into our hall.

Artem. If you just try

Then miracles will come

From a smile will clear up

And eyes and heaven.

Nastya. Well, adults and children,

Smile quickly

To become in our hall

And warmer and more fun.

We are starting our concert!

The song "Children are gold"

(Girls take turns)

I want more light

Goodness and beauty around us all,

So that summer shines in the soul all year round,

Warmly gave joy to kind eyes.

I want happiness to reign in the world,

And people smiled again and again,

So that most of all good things happen,

May all misfortunes be conquered by love!

Sounds the song Wishes to friends

Let's trust people with all our dreams.

The song One snowflake sounds

Artem. We are pleased to present to you today our junior group, cat. we called "surprise". Surprise, please come on stage!

music vocalists Ensemble Voronezh wedding toastmaster photo

It was like a day off for you.

Our mothers are our joy.

There is no word for us relatives,

So accept gratitude

You are from loving children!

The song sounds Mom-first word

The song sounds A soldier has a day off.

Artem. Well done boys! I understand that you are the hope and the future of the Surprise ensemble!

All adults were once children.

And we know with you for sure

That they would give everything in the world,

To see childhood clouds.

And the sun in childhood is a hundred times warmer!

And friendship is stronger, more beautiful flowers!

And all the songs seem more fun!

And fulfilling dreams!

And again on the stage the group "Surprise"

Song "Clouds"

Nastya. What compares to music in terms of sound?

Noise of the forest? The singing of a nightingale?

Thunderstorms? A brook murmuring?

I can't find comparisons.

But whenever there is confusion in the soul,

Love or sadness, fun or sadness.

In any nature given mood

Suddenly the music starts

Sounds good fairy tales

Artem. Let's live, love and believe

Let's build castles and bridges

Let's open the doors in our souls,

Let's trust people with all our dreams.

The song Childhood, goodbye!

Everyone leaves the stage.

Artem. Each group has its fans. Our group has one too. Probably a lot of secret (still you have to be modest). But there is one, a cat. never hides his interest in our work.

Nastya. And for us it is a great joy that today she agreed to take part in our holiday.

Artem. So, we invite a graduate of our music school to the stage \(gives name and surname)

Song "Temple of Music"

Nastya. There is one country on earth

It's called music.

Consonances live in it and sounds,

But whose hands open them?

Artem. Who makes the world sound

When does he get tired of being silent?

When he is like a string,

Which one should ring?

Nastya. Of course he's a musician

His impulse, his talent,

His desire to create

And give beauty to people.

Artem. He teaches the soul to look up

And, without fear of obstacles, fly

To a land where sounds give happiness

Where everything is in the power of music.

Members of our group have other talents as well. Now you will be convinced of it.

Nastya. And now we invite Anya to the stage ... (synthesizer)

Nastya. Meet Katya...

She will perform "Oriental Dance" ... (guitar)

Nastya. "Blossoming May" Spanish. Lena… (synthesizer)

Artem. Performed by Xenia. .. Natalia Mogilevskaya's song "Month" sounds

Artem. And again on the stage the soloists of the group "Surprise" Ksenia, Katya, Anya and Lena.

Nastya. The day before his child asked God:

I don't know why I'm going into this world. What should I do?

God replied:

I will give you an angel who will always be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

But how will I understand him, because I do not know his language?

The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.

How and when should I return to you?

Your angel will tell you everything.

What is my angel's name?

He has many names. You will call him: MOM!!!

Artem. This song is dedicated to our mothers and fathers. Grandparents, our dear teachers, and all those who help us become better and happier.

Sounds like a mother's love song

Artem. Adults! If you're sad

Cats scratch at the soul -

At the pharmacy, ask:

In drops or dragee.

Nastya. A couple of colored vitamins

Five drops of sugar -

And barefoot without shoes

Walk right through the puddles.

Artem. Reflected in your eyes

The sky is so blue...

Sun, blade of grass and bird

As if you would become.

Nastya. Big trees again

I want to sing and play!

Maybe you even decide

No more scolding?

Artem. Childhood magical kingdom -

Joy of funny pranks...

It's a pity that about the miracle drug

Mom doesn't know yet.

Nastya. But don't worry! Thank God,

Instead of miracles

Adults come to the rescue

Laughter and smiles of children!

Sounds like school time

Artem. Everything passes, only the music is imperishable,

She sounds in a dream and in reality,

She flies like a bird into the blue

On a wonderful morning, escaping from captivity.

She has no barriers, and, listening to the foliage,

Let's kneel together

And mistrust invented walls

Easily fall into the green grass.

Nastya. We'll be back again

To light up the sky with stars.

We'll be back again

So that love shines over the world.

We'll be back again

To make the best in life come true

And sounded from heaven

Above the earth is a magic lyre.

Artem. We dream that the world

Reigned for all time

To people around

Wishing everyone love and health

To from a good sky

The big moon shone

Filling the whole world

Inspirational and tender love.

We'll be back again, we'll be back again...

We'll be back song

Nastya. Each of us has a dream -

Make the world even brighter

Carry through the spring years

Songs of his sonorous youth.

We need to think and understand everything

Light to see wondrous stars,

We must strive, believe, wait,

Even if the path to a dream is not easy.

Artem. We walk the streets, our eyes meet

with different passers-by, sometimes we smile.

And if faces smile in response,

a smile will remain in your heart.

Keep it as long as possible

because it is not difficult and not even difficult.

Smiles, like the sun in the soul, warm,

and gloomy faces only kill them.

Give each other warmth and smiles.

Forgive insults, other people's mistakes.

A smile is priceless, not worth the reward.

Just a smile... And everyone will be happy...

Song All I have in life.

We invite the head of the ensemble "Surprise" to the stage ...

Well and more....

This year marks the fifth anniversary of my team. Incl. I join Tatyana's request!

Vocal Ensemble Anniversary Screenplay /

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Scenario of the anniversary concert program of the folk song group [archive] - vkm online


FOLK ENSEMBLE "Indian Summer"

(Curtain. Music sounds. There are two old women near the stage)

1st: It was in the evening,

2nd: There was nothing to do.

1st: We were sitting on a bench

2nd: All passers-by were seen.

1st: Discussed

2nd: Dismantled ...

Together: And a little bored.

(The members of the ensemble pass by the audience and rise one by one to the stage)

1st: Let's go Vali somewhere

Very important how they stole

2nd: They are a couple of times a week

Run away like now.

1st: Where to? At least find out!

2nd: Why guess here, women ?!

1st: Yes, we fell in love, to know Valyushki ...

2nd: Ugh, ugh, ugh those on the tongue.

Yes, not in their years now

With the young oh yes ah.

1st: Why is it not in theirs?

They are smarter than the young ones!

2nd: What?

1st: Yes, I mean, they look younger.

2nd: And my neighbor Lyuba

Dressed up nicely.

And somewhere straight

It flew by at the same time.

1st: Know left ...

2nd: No, to the right.

1st: Really on a date?

2nd: Yes, not on a special mission.

1st: Oh, look - Julia with Luda

Following Anyone seems to

Dressed up as madams.

2nd: I told you that they have love. And then?

1st: Look, who is this?

Is it really Baba Valya

And she is there ..., stealing ...

2nd: And there Ivanovna with Leksevna

Two neighbors go...

1st: Holy, holy, holy

Has your mind gone haywire?..

2nd: Yes, they have a date in the choir.

1st: You are talking nonsense!

Is there such a choir where grannies sing? ..

2nd: Why are they grannies

There are such beauties.

And they sing not for the first year,

The people in the village love them.

1st: I still don't understand

What are they for. Well?

No, to sit with grandchildren

Did you see them? Sing!

2nd: They are singing in this choir

Adds mood.

1st: Mood? It's true…

But who would take away my years?

2nd: So that's the whole point

What sings from the songs of the body!

And it, after all, it happens

Forget the years...

1st: Yes, as long as the soul sings

The person lives.

2nd: Lives? Are you talking about songs?

So why are you sitting here?

1st: Why, let's drop all ambitions

Yes, run to them for a rehearsal.

(The old women rise to the stage.)

1st: We want to sing!

2nd: And just sing!!!

Together with the ensemble: And get younger with every song!!!


HOST: Good afternoon, dear friends, dear guests!

HOST: With these words, we begin each festive performance of the folk amateur ensemble of the Chamerevsky village house of culture "Indian Leto".

HOST: And today we decided not to change our traditions, but rather continue to follow them. And do you know why?

Yes, because today is really a very good day, thanks to the fact that you came here, and thanks to the fact that we have an ANNIVERSARY today!

(Your applause!)

"Indian Summer" for a concert

All of you have been invited.

"So that no one is late" -

Very asked.

And here you are, the hall sparkles,

Warm faces.

It's time for the concert to open.

Let's have fun!


HOST: Today, at our holiday, we are glad to welcome and see the native faces of fellow villagers, friends in creativity, as well as guests of honor in the face of:

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________

LEADING: The word for greeting and is provided ...

There is a time of nature of a special color

Pouring sun, enticing heat.

It's called Indian Summer

And in charms he argues with spring itself.

The ensemble performs for you a song that has become the hallmark of the group - "Indian Summer".


LEADING: The word for congratulations is given ...

Well, dear friends. Today is a special day. The folk ensemble "Indian Leto" celebrates its 10th anniversary.

HOST: 10 years. Is it a lot or a little? Hard to say. If we talk about a person, then this is not so much. But for the creative team - this is a deadline.

HOST: So what is behind the shoulders of our hero of the day?

Years are running, there is no power to return them ...

But, thank God, bright consciousness

Gives a glimpse into the past

And it brings back memories.

(Slides are projected on the screen. Background music sounds)

HOST: The folk amateur ensemble "Indian Leto" came out of a choir that sang sometime in the late 70s of the last century. At that time, participation in amateur performances was almost a matter - which was mandatory. And the voice... Well, where did you see the voiceless Chamerevskaya resident.

HOST: The case, which began with the "obligation", soon became dear and beloved. All now singing women in "Indian Summer" (and there are 12 of them) now cannot imagine life without an ensemble and a song.

HOST: The founder and first leader of the ensemble was Yuri Kuzmich Anisimov. We can safely say about this amazing and talented person that he is a professional in his field.

HOST: Over the years of his creative activity, Yuri Kuzmich has been repeatedly awarded. In his luggage are certificates of honor from the Ministry of Culture, the regional administration, the department of culture.

HOST: Under his leadership, on December 1, 1999, the ensemble "Indian Leto" was awarded the honorary title of People's.

HOST: So let's remember how it was ...

Attention to the screen.

HOST: Dear friends, now you have listened to an excerpt from the song "The Lost Tower", one of the ten best works of the cycle of the poet and composer Yuri Anisimov.

HOST: Well, dear friends, I think that now is the time to invite Yuri Anisimov, the founder of the Indian Summer ensemble, to this stage.

(A video of the band's performance is shown on the screen)

HOST: In addition to this song, the cycle includes such works as "The Ballad of Lost Love", "It's Hard to Be Young", "Abandoned", "Why I'm Single", "Sineborsky Waltz", "My Blueboarding" and many, many others. These melodic songs pleased not only the inhabitants of the village of Chamerevo, but also the shipowners.

HOST: A graduate of the Vladimir College of Culture, the artistic director of the Chamerevsky rural house of culture from 1996-2007, made a great contribution to the development of the Indian Summer team. Svetlana Sakharova.

HOST: She not only taught performers to sing without musical accompaniment, but also was the author of many interesting theatrical performances of the group.

HOST: Later in 2006, Yury Kuzmich Anisimov retired for a well-deserved rest.

HOST: And in February of the same year he was replaced by a new leader - a graduate of the Vladimir State Pedagogical University, majoring in Music Education - Anastasia Stratonova. Under the guidance of a young, talented, energetic Anastasia, the team felt the breath of youth and enthusiasm.

HOST: With the advent of the young leader, the ensemble's repertoire has been noticeably updated. Although it is necessary to note the fact that in their performances the ensemble "Indian Leto" is not limited to song performance. Theatrical performances for such folk and traditional holidays as Christmas, Maslenitsa, Apple Savior, Victory Day were and are its integral part.

1st presenter: So let's turn over the brightest pages of our speeches together. And remember how it was.


Vocal Ensemble Anniversary Screenplay /

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Municipal district of Ney and Ney district - culture


"Rowan" 01.06.2012

Let the pessimists sometimes say:

Which songs? Life is so hard

And only women with the soul of artists

They will sing until the last call.

Let's rise for the song in the sky,

And dissolve into white clouds

And let songs always sound over the world,

So that in their melodies we live for centuries

With these words, the anniversary of the vocal ensemble "Ryabinushka" of the Yelensky SDK began. We have been preparing for the anniversary since the beginning of the year: we selected the repertoire, developed the script, thought over the design.

The idea of ​​creating the ensemble belongs to Vera Gennadievna Smirnova, who has been its artistic director for 10 years now. She is a teacher by profession. primary school and in the village enjoys well-deserved respect, is known as a creative, cheerful person. Any singing group cannot create without the support of an instrumental musician. AT different time The group's accompanists were Alexei Pospelov, Grigory Veselov, now Nikolai Ovchinnikov accompanies. Each of them is treated with warmth and gratitude.

For 10 years now, in the heat and frost, in the rain and snow, putting aside all household chores, the band members rush to rehearsals. Always on the rise, with sparks of joy in the eyes. There is a lot and a long time about each member of the ensemble, they are united by a big and strong friendship, love for song, for nature, for communication. These ones lovely women, young at heart, going with a song through life: V. G. Smirnova, N. I. Dobroserdova, G. L. Katkova, L. E. Kopets, E. V. Kurnoskina, V. N. Pospelova, S. P. Treskina, E. P. Sheshina, G. D. Khokhlova, G. I. Shatrova, G. A. Smirnova. For 10 years creative history"Ryabinushka" adorned not only the concerts of our village, the ensemble is a participant in many regional competitions, such as "Voices of Russia", "Russia's Faithful Sons", permanent member folklore festival in memory of the Honored Worker of Culture A.P. Shatrova. We visited with concerts in Kotkishev, and in Nomzha, and in Kuzhbala, and in social center city ​​of Nei. Everywhere we were met warmly and cordially. The ensemble's repertoire includes a variety of songs: folk songs, songs Soviet composers, modern folk songs.

It is very pleasant that the anniversary concert was attended by many guests with numerous gifts:

Galina Viktorovna Vinogradova - head of administration municipal district Neya city and Neisky district;

Valentina Borisovna Orlova - head of the Yelensky rural settlement;

Larina Olga Borisovna - manager of affairs of the head of administration;

Lyubov Alekseevna Lebedeva - assistant to the head of the administration of the municipal district of the city of Neya and the Neisky district;

Larisa Borisovna Plyusnina - director of the cultural and leisure association;

Valentina Andreevna Smirnova - chairman of the regional council of veterans;

Alexandra Ivanovna Orlova - head of the women's club "Otrada".

Our neighbors from the village could not come. Kotkishevo, but they also sent a gift. Huge thanks to them! And there were a lot of gifts: from the district administration they gave a color printer, the Elena village administration - 10 chairs and a table-cabinet, photo frames for each member of the ensemble, from the veteran regional organization - a vase for fruit; and much more. In honor of the anniversary, Svetlana Kretova made a film about the ensemble, which was a pleasant surprise not only for the participants, but also for the audience. The scene was designed with taste and imagination with the help of Lyuba Kopets, Valentina Pospelova, Elena Serddeva. The tree of balls, made by the entrepreneur Elena Vasilievna, was beautifully adorned. Everyone is huge thank you so much!!!

Not only the Ryabinushka ensemble took part in the concert. The audience greeted Gennady Smachnev with thunderous applause, without whom not a single concert can do, the soloist - the same age as the ensemble Alexander Konovalov with "The Song of the Magic Flower" and "White Capless Cap".

Many words of gratitude were said to each of the members of the ensemble, not only by the guests, but also by the director of the Elensky KFOR. And as a sign of gratitude, an elderly rose was presented, and a cake for tea.

The holiday was a success!!! I would like to say a huge thank you once again to all our guests, our beloved viewers, to everyone who shared the joy of the anniversary with us. And also many thanks to our sponsors: philanthropist Alexei Germanovich Zhigalov, Alexander Alexandrovich Stupnikov, the Smachnyov family.

Russian mountain ash, native tree,

Thin and flexible, expensive since childhood

Will throw in the spring wedding attire

And the early garden will be decorated with a white veil.

The leaves are patterned, the clusters are slightly small,

For the time being tasteless, very tart.

Blossoms and grows, gaining strength,

So that the branches do not bend before a strong storm.

Dressed in gold in autumn

Clusters of red berries attract the eye.

She is not at all afraid of hurricanes and thunderstorms

Berries are sweeter than stronger than frost

That's why we didn't break our heads

And our song ensemble was called "Ryabinushka".

"I open the pages of my palms...": scenarios, dedications.

Galina comments...

Tanechka! Since birth!

Let friends surround you with care and kindness

and fate prepares only clear days!

Without luck in the world, of course, it is impossible -

Let her help you to succeed!

Understanding, health and strong love!

And let happiness lead every moment, every step!

Fulfillment of the most cherished dream!

And everything that the soul asks for today!

I breathe .. Soul in flowers

Galina! I'm with you again! I hasten to join your work. For reasons beyond my control, I was away from you for a long time. It happened so... but I feel, "... that with a thin thread from above Fate will bind us tightly."

I get JOY from co-creation with you. Looking forward to your new pages! Good luck to you! Always with you (even after long separations).

I think you will like the poems that I like...

Don't trust those who don't trust you.

Don't wait for those who are in no hurry

Press the bell at your door

When trouble destroys your house

Look for those who will hear you

He will recognize in the crowd, he will call,

With whom a thin thread from above

Fate will strongly advise you.

Hold on to those who argue with you,

Remained in the main at the same time.

Who shared the tears of grief,

And stormy joy wine.

Trust those who believe the call

Bells, not coins

Who measures your conscience by your measure,

Whose "yes" - so yes! And "no" - so no!

Hurry to those who yearn to meet,

Who is waiting for you as a personal holiday.

With whom once a year lived an evening

Nourishes the soul throughout the year.

Hello Galina! A new one is coming academic year. I wish you creative success.

I re-read your scripts, dedications. I enjoy. I am glad to add like-minded readers who understand each other and conduct verbal roll-call. Attention to each other enriches feelings. It becomes easy and joyful in the soul.

Teacher's waltz (A. Zaruba - I. Lvova)

1. Oh, how the years fly, whoever asks will believe.

Falling leaves have begun, inviting us into autumn.

Again, we have incredible cases and worries.

Suddenly autumn sometimes the year begins and is called academic.

CHORUS (2 times):

Time has chosen us

Light souls - candles.

Let the teacher's waltz

Doesn't end forever.

2. This is not a trifle for you, at night I dream of the class.

It is necessary to fall in love with your school so much.

Where paper turns, and programs, and plans.

Of course, here the whole life passes, But it's a lot.

CHORUS (2 times):

Time has chosen us

Light souls - candles.

Let the teacher's waltz

Doesn't end forever.

3. Save you, God, and he keeps you, probably.

Let for the hundred thousandth time I worry immensely.

When I see children, I make discoveries.

So this is fate, then this is fate - a school, a desk, a teacher.

CHORUS (2 times):

Time has chosen us

Light souls - candles.

Let the teacher's waltz

Doesn't end forever

On the ground on the small town of Rylsk stands,

He is covered with glory, small, but famous.

These steppes, given by the gray river

The regiments vigilantly guarded Igor.

Brave Rylyans fought with Batu,

The city was defended, the Motherland and life.

Umadyar and Fritz bitter fate,

They often dream of the Kursk Bulge,

So the centuries flowed through their native land,

Evil hard times have sunk into the mist.

From the ruins and ashes the city rose again,

His strength grew stronger, the spirit of the rylyans matured.

It is one of the small Russian cities

In the annals of the main grandfathers and fathers.

There are not a few rylyans outside, and they will still bring in,

Glory to them for the feat, for talent and work.

Shelekhov, Kurdyumov and Alekhin are,

Zaitseva, Maksimov - you can't count them all.

This is our pride, daughters, sons.

Honor they and the conscience of the city, the country.

So live and hello with a difficult fate,

My city is beautiful, ancient young!

Our Rylsk poet Yevgeny Naydenov.

GBU DO Palace of Children's (Youthful) Creativity

Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg

Music department


anniversary concert

variety vocal ensemble "Ovation"

"Hello Spectator!"

Yulia Vladimirovna Rudakova -

methodologist, teacher education

Susanna Stepanovna Yeghiazaryan -

Sintsova Daria Viktorovna

concertmaster of the music department

St. Petersburg


Explanatory note

Idea. It has become a tradition to perform at the reporting concerts of the Ovation Variety Vocal Ensemble of students, teachers and parents. The festival of creativity of the Variety vocal ensemble "Ovation" is held as part of the anniversary events of the 10th anniversary of the group.

Form : project-concert


  • Creation of musical traditions that unite the creativity of children, teachers and parents.


  • To change the attitude of children to music as a unifying factor of family values;
  • Create conditions for changing the motivation for learning music;
  • Encouragement to actively organize content musical leisure children and their parents;
  • To create conditions for the formation of a listening culture, developing the general and musical horizons of pupils on the example of family musical creativity.


  • Visual method (storytelling, showing photos and videos);
  • Visual-auditory method (performance of musical works);
  • positive example method;
  • Method of emotional impact and stimulation;
  • A method of encouraging the preservation of family values.


  • Children will expand their understanding of music as an opportunity to form strong family traditions;
  • Children will show enthusiasm and love for activities to a greater extent, will be oriented towards a positive attitude towards family values;
  • Children and their parents will listen to music performed by their parents and teachers, expand their musical horizons;
  • Parents will improve the culture of raising a child-musician and will acquire the opportunity to organize joint family leisure;

Features of the program implementation:

1. Venue - assembly hall of the Palace children's creativity Moscow region;

2. Time frame - 1 hour 30 minutes;

3. Number of participants - 60 people - students of the music department, teachers and their parents, invited guests - creative teams of DD (U) T and the city of St. Petersburg.

Necessary equipment:

Piano, computer, CD player, video projector, screen, lighting equipment, 8 radio microphones, light gun.

Leading concert program:

Dzendor Alisa and Strizhevsky Vitaly - students of the children's musical theater"Cantabile".



Concert progress

Technical Notes




First number on stage

  1. "Hello Spectator!" FROM THE POINT

Use Yulia Rudakova and the concert group of the ensemble

Good evening, dear friends!
Good evening, true connoisseurs of the song!We are pleased to welcome all guests and parents sitting in this bright and cozy room. Everyone who came today to share with us our joy - the 10th anniversary of the Ovation Variety Vocal Ensemble, under the guidance of a creative teacher, a talented vocalist, mother of many children and just wonderful person Yulia Vladimirovna Rudakova.

Ten years of creativity

Ten years of pedagogical search,

Ten years of singing, sparkling stars

Ten years of high professionalism and full dedication to students.

BRAVO! (applause)

Let's rise to the sky for a song

And dissolve into white clouds

Let songs always sound over the world,

So that in their melodies we live for centuries.

  1. "Hello world" group 301 and 501



Phonogram minus

1 microphone

Phonogram minus

All microphones + blanks

Video #1

Slide #1

Video #2

6 min.


How glad we are to see your smiling faces. Today there is no reason to be gloomy and gloomy, because today is the anniversary birthday of the Variety vocal ensemble "Ovation".

There would be no such bright children, such a sonorous ensemble, if it were not for the friendly staff of our Palace of Children and youth creativity, who will always support in difficult times, will say kind parting words.

The floor for congratulations is given to the director of the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity of the Moscow District, she was awarded the sign "For Achievements in Culture" of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. ...

Vergizova Elena Viktorovna

(flowers) applause...


Background music

Slide #1


10 min.


Great is the merit of the teacher in the education of talented youth, introducing children to the world of art, beauty, culture.

Timid kids come guys to the team.

Once upon a time, as today, today's graduates took the stage as small and inept as the youngest members of our ensemble. And that was 10 years ago.

  1. "Cranks" gr.201 EXIT

Phonogram plus

5 headsets

Video #3

3 min.

LEADING : Thank you, we continue our concert!

Anniversary date open,

Years fly like a bird, do not catch up,

But "Ovation" is only 10,

Let's celebrate with friends!

Today our old good friends have prepared their congratulations. They came to congratulate us. Meet the dance theater "Taledans" on the stage, leader and teacher - Lebedeva Tatyana Leonidovna!

  1. "Orchestra on the Avenue" Dance Theater "TaLeDance"
  2. "Rock-n-roll" Maria Ustavshchikova and Dance Theater "Taledans" EXIT

Words by Lebedeva T.L. (flowers)

  1. "A Tisket and a tasket" Sentbekirova Nastya EXIT



1 microphone


1 mic.

Slide #1

Slide number 2


Video #4

10 min.


If with a friend went on the road -

Merry road!

Without friends, I'm a little bit

Without friends, I'm a little bit

And a lot of friends!

What is snow to me, what is heat to me,

What is pouring rain for me,

When my friends are with me!

Meet the vocal and choreographic studio "Kadans"!

  1. "Quiet Harbor" wok. –choreographic studio. "Kadance"


... microfiche

Slide #1

Slide #3

3 min

HOSTS: (backstage)

There is everything in childhood - both miracles and colors,

Fantasy, dreams and fairy tales

And rays of goodness laugh

And the sounds of songs pour right into the heart!

  1. "Potpourri school" conc. Gr. EXIT

9. "Valentines" 301 gr. FROM THE POINT


5 mic


8 mic

Slide #1

Video #6

Video #7

8 min


Thanks for your awesome songs! We wish you a bright creative way!

And we continue our concert!

The repertoire of the ensemble and its soloists includes folk, military-patriotic, pop, jazz and children's popular songs.

My homeland is rich in songs.

The song glorifies sweet lands.

Voiced, cheerful, sad at times

It flows like a free river through Russia.

Love our songs villages, cities,

If there is a song nearby, grief is not a problem!

How many songs have been sung! How many we will sing!

We live in this world with a song!

  1. "Russian Field" trio Trifonova Nastya, Vasilyeva Marianna, Sentbekirova Nastya FROM THE POINT

10. "Fly summer" 501 gr. EXIT


3 mic


5 mic

Slide #1

Video #8

Video #9

6 min


Thanks guys!

……….. why are you sad?

: Looking at these young artists, I feel a little sad, because my childhood days at the Palace of Children's Art are over and will never come back.

Do not be sad, dear friend, smile!

Forget all sorrow and pain

Open your heart to the world

And the whole world will be kind to you!

Hall illuminated with wonderful light,

Filling my heart with warm summer

Sing melodies, the universe is silent

Only the music is playing!

Meet! On our stage - graduates of the ensemble "Ovation"!

12. "Drop" Eva Batrukova FROM THE POINT

13. "Beautiful mess" Anast. Trifonova FROM THE POINT

14. "Pirate Blues" Maria Ustavshchikova EXIT

15. "Wreath" Susanna Yeghiazaryan and Alisa Rudakova EXIT


1 mic


1 mic


1 mic

2 mic

Slide #1

Video #10

Video #11

Video #12

Video #13

10 min.


Now our team is very popular and in demand in the city. Teachers and children had to work hard to establish themselves on city sites, to take their rightful place among the best teams in the city!

For us The video greeting was prepared by the leaders of the City educational and methodological association of teachers of pop vocal direction and the center of culture and creative development"Rising star".

The ensemble is not born on its own - it is the tireless work of teachers, children and, of course, the understanding of parents who, together with us, create an atmosphere of creativity. Low bow to you, dear parents! And this song is for you!

Meet the ensemble of mothers "Trio Retro"!

16. “A song goes around” ensemble of mothers “Trio Retro” FROM THE POINT

Phonogram minus

3 microphones

Slide #1

Video #14

Video #15

4 min.


We are connected with the children's musical theater "Cantabile" not just by the common territory, we are with the theater - one whole, friendly and inseparable creative family!

The word is given

Head of the Music and Theater Section, Honorary Worker general education, the best teacher additional education Saint Petersburg, artistic director Children's musical theater "Cantabile" -

Rovnoskikh Elena Olegovna.

(delivery of flowers)

And now a creative gift from our friends!

17. Dance from the Performance "Dandies" music. theater "Cantabile" EXIT

Slide #1


4 min.


Thank you for a great number!

It seems to another person that it is easy to lead a team, make an arrangement, paint a vocal score, come up with and embody a stage number and image. But in creativity, the apparent lightness

achieved with great difficulty. Behind the song, which seemed to be easily performed, lies the intense rhythm of rehearsals. And for 10 years there were a huge number of them in the team!

Now a figure will sound ... But if you think about it, that there is something more behind the dry statistics, then you, dear friends, will now applaud. Over the years

In its creative activity, the ensemble "Ovation" participated in more than 700 concerts and performances. And there are still so many roads ahead, calling and alluring, so many festivals, competitions, and, of course, victories!

The stars from the sky illuminate the earth for us,

Carrying a quiet light of hope,

They are also lit on the ground,

It's not a little, as much as 10 years.

On the stages of the city they shine brightly

And there is no priceless gift for the viewer.

  1. "The World I Need" duet Maria Meleshko and Anastasia Sentbekirova

Phonogram minus

2 microphones

Slide #1

Video #16

4 min.


Friendship is a warm wind

Friendship is a bright world

Friendship is the sun at dawn

A fun feast for the soul.

Friendship is only happiness

Friendship is one thing.

With friendship, bad weather is not terrible,

With friendship - life is full in spring.

Meet the creative gifts of our friends!

  1. "Will be!" "The Grand Prix" EXIT
  2. "Nataraji" Dance Studio "Gardarika" Hand. And the teacher Yulia Alexandrovna Sergeeva.


7 mic


Slide #1

Slide #5

Slide #6



For these 10 years, true professionals have worked in our ensemble - teachers. We ask those present now to come up to this stage:

Lozhkina Tatyana Nikolaevna,

Chetvertkova Natalia Valerievna,

Ilyasova Elmira Borisovna,

Rumyantseva Galina Nikolaevna,

Zarubina Ksenia Petrovna,

Lvova Daria Alexandrovna;

Vasilyeva Tatyana Alexandrovna


Kukin Valery Viktorovich,

Osipova Galina Ilyinichna,

Cheredin Vladimir Ivanovich,

Lapina Maria Evgenievna,

Smirnova Marina Viktorovna,

Sintsova Daria Viktorovna,

Yeghiazaryan Susanna Stepanovna.

We invite to the stage our dear guests, leaders

Team "Gardarika" - Yulia Aleksandrovna Sergeeva,

Ensemble "Kadans" - Mazurin Alexander Alexandrovich. As a token of our respect and gratitude, accept these flowers! (Giving flowers)


What compares to music in terms of sound?

Noise of the forest? The singing of a nightingale?

Thunderstorms? Brook sound?

I can't find comparisons.

But whenever there is confusion in the soul,

Love or sadness, fun or sadness - In any mood given by nature

Suddenly the music starts playing.

  1. "Youth" wok.-choreography. Ans. "Kadance" EXIT
  2. Potpourri Giants 301 gr EXIT

Background music


... mic


7 mic

Slide #1

Slide 7

Video #17

10 min.


The vocal group is not an addition, it is a multiplication of talents, and as a result - happiness and joy, which they have been bringing together for 10 years to near and far corners of the Earth. May your friendship never end

mutual understanding - musical and human, from which we all feel so light and good!

23 "Winner Takes All" EXIT

(Final) concert group and all participantsat the last verse, all participants of the concert go on stage)

Yu.V. Rudakova

It's time, it's time. The spotlights will go out, the hall will become empty, plunging into shadow,

But if the soul is open to joy,

You will keep this day in your heart.

Thank you for your kind attention

For the fact that you came to the anniversary.

Thank you, see you again

We will be glad to see all our friends!!!

Our concert has come to an end, but we, like our Music, do not say goodbye to you. We are again waiting for the moment to say to you: (everyone) "HELLO spectator!"

(delivery of memorable gifts, photo session)

Total: 91 min.


5 mic

Background Music "Winner Takes All"

Slide #1

Video #18



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