Train to be a hero! Unfortunate is the country that needs heroes.


Bertolt Brecht, German playwright, founder of the "Berliner Ensemble" and the theory of the "Elite Theatre", in his statement raises the problem of the happiness of the nation. He tells us that if a country needs heroes, then it is unhappy. Accordingly, if the people in the country are happy, then there are heroes in it. It seems to me that he meant that when the people feel bad, then he needs a hero to change the situation in the country, to carry out counter-revolutions, he needs someone who would lead, save and protect people. If there are such heroes in the country, then the people will not feel unhappy, they will follow their hero and believe in a brighter future.

I will be forced to agree with the statement and opinion of the author on this matter. However, first you have to understand a few social science terms. So, the country, it is the state, in social science is understood as a group of people living in a certain territory, with a dominant public authority on it. From the definition of the state it follows that the people are always controlled by someone. Accordingly, if the government is going well, then the people do not need heroes to save them. There will be no one to save. And vice versa, when the rulers oppress the people, then they are already waiting for a hero to save them.

Take for example V.I. Lenin, one of the leaders and organizers October revolution 1917. If his contemporaries were happy, there would be no question of any heroism. And so, due to the depressing situation of the people, he needed a hero, and that was Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Subsequently proclaimed leader of the people.

The literature also contains many examples of heroism and the subsequent acquisition of happiness by the people. Take as an example the same Ilya Muromets, the first domestic superman. Until the age of 33, he lay on his parent's stove, until his wanderers healed him. After that, he began to protect the simple people, serve faithfully to the fatherland and repel the attacks of various enemies.

Thus, heroes are needed for those people who need help, and for those who are doing well and do not need heroes.

Egor Sedov: To the Claims Policy - a wagon and a small cart. The trouble is that there is a whole freight train for the regime!

update: 16-10-2014 (09:41)

From the website.

Let's talk about the situation - no names, no faces, no names.
In a certain state with a hybrid dictatorial regime, there is, as it were, an opposition radio with a cunning host. "As if" it is because it is financed by a corporation close to the dictator, and everyone knows about it.
Cunning Leader invites the opposition Politician. And he asks him his question with a joke, knowing full well:
a) a negative answer can be regarded by the regime under the Criminal Code - such an article has recently appeared;
b) The politician is under probation, under court, under the supervision of the authorities.
The politician hesitates. Then he still gives a positive answer. Well, he was in vain: one could say directly - no need to provoke, Mr. Lead, here is the Criminal Code, read at your leisure.
But it is clear that the fault here is entirely on the petty Leader.
Yes, there are still such Bloggers in this country. Who, having heard the dialogue, for some reason did not say: well, this Host is a scoundrel, let's not pay attention to this radio. Yes, and there are such comments that you involuntarily begin to believe that the regime manual Internet trolls have agreed on something with the editors. Well them!
But no, for some reason stones fly into Politics.
To the Politician, of course, claims - a wagon and a small cart. The trouble is that there is a whole long freight train for the regime!

Something this situation reminded me of the classics - Bertolt Brecht.

"Andrea (loudly). Unfortunate is the country that has no heroes!

Enter Galileo. He has changed almost beyond recognition during the process. He heard Andrea's words. For a few moments, standing at the door, he waits to be greeted. But the students step back from him, and he walks slowly, with uncertain steps, as he sees badly; walks over to a chair and sits down.

I can't look at him. Let him go.
Federzoni. Calm down.
ANDREA (shouting at Galileo). Wine bag! Glutton! Saved your precious skin? (Sits down.) I feel bad.
GALILEO (calmly). Give him a glass of water.

The little monk brings Andrea a glass of water. No one pays attention to Galileo, who, silently listening, sits on a chair. From afar, the voice of the herald is heard again.

Andrea. Now I can go if you help me.

Galileo. No! Unfortunate is the country that needs heroes "(c).

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