The appalling conditions of a Philippine prison (17 photos). A prison where they dance...


The prison in Quezon City was built 60 years ago on the Philippine island of Luzon. Initially, it was supposed to accommodate 800 prisoners, but the authorities managed to accommodate 3,800. Prisoners are forced to sleep in turns on the floor, stairs, hammocks made from old blankets.
This place is more like a can of sardines. Photojournalist Noel Celis "sneaked" into the prison to see what it looks like in reality.

1. The daily budget for one prisoner is 50 pesos (about 70 rubles) for food and 5 pesos for medicine.

2. One toilet for 130 people. The stench is exacerbated by rotting garbage in a canal adjacent to the prison.

3. Philippine prisons are the most overcrowded in the world. On average, they contain 5 times more prisoners than they should be.

4. Prison conditions are getting worse every year as the police cruel war with crime. The President of the country stated that the main priority of his six-year rule is the elimination of drugs. (Photo by Noel Celis):

5. In just 1 month, hundreds of people were killed in the Philippines and thousands more were detained.

6. "Like sardines in a can" is the most accurate description of this place.


8. Washing and washing.

9. A gloomy place.



Yesterday we visited penal colony O. Palawan (Philippines) under the name "Iwahig". This "institution" is located 17 km from the city of Puerto Princesa. The peculiarity of this colony is that prisoners of light and medium regimes live, work and move freely around the territory of the village.

white beach

On the way to the colony, we stopped by a beach called "White Beach", probably because white sand around.

We met with one of the inhabitants of the local flora and fauna

And they set off along a long, terrible road several kilometers to the colony itself.

Colony of Iwahig

Just imagine, dozens of prisoners walking around a vast territory, practically left to their own devices.

They say that they are not fed according to the schedule, they have to earn their living on their own - by growing rice, fruits, etc. Or, by making money on tourists like us, dancing dances for them and selling handmade souvenirs.

I must say that the locals met us quite friendly, asking with curiosity what country we came from and how we like the Philippines. Quite to yourself funny boys.

But not all prisoners can roam freely. For a strict regime, there are separate buildings surrounded by barbed wire, where entry is strictly prohibited. As we approached the fence, we heard shouts of welcome at us, as well as the sound of a basketball sword on the pavement. Apparently, not everything is as dreary as we thought, even in prisons you can find a basketball court.

Well, you can put a tick on one more attraction of the island of Palawan. Personally, the place seemed rather boring and uninteresting to me, but what did I expect actually? Fighting without rules on the street?

The guide said that there is a swimming pool nearby with the purest water where we can swim. We jumped on our bikes and hit the road.

Balsahan Natural Pool

I completely forgot that the roads in the Philippines do not matter, just like in Russia. Therefore, here it is imperative to take a bike that can normally ride over bumps and potholes. Some Honda WRX at least (semi-automatic). But you can and something higher, especially for off-road.

We also had an S-class stool that jumped so much that every time I swore never to ride it out of town again.

A few more kilometers off-road and we were met by a sign "Welcome"

An interesting pool, built along the course of a mountain river, looked very clean and ... cold. It's not for you to swim in the sea!

"Stairs leading down to the pool?" - No, have not heard.

From blows to fresh water, the ears were terribly blocked and the water seemed to seep directly into the brain. Noticeable difference after sea ​​salt. Someone jumped up and left, complaining about headache... Maybe even it was me, I don’t remember

Monkey for dinner, sir?

Getting ready to leave, the locals offered to fry for us ... a monkey. As it turned out, they were prisoners and they really earn their dinner as best they can.

500 pesos (~700 rubles at the time) for a monkey and they are ready to cook it in at its best.

The vegetarian part of our company immediately opposed such animal abuse! Still, the poor baby was kept in a bag tied with a rope.

We managed to bargain twice as cheap, and taking the monkey, it was decided to go in search of the nearest veterinary shop. It's good that there was a crocodile farm along the road, where monkeys were also kept.

The farm staff agreed to take the animal in, feed it and take care of it. And we were allowed to visit him at any time, even giving a certificate that the cub was accepted from our hands for the maintenance of the organization.

It seems to me that such a trick the prisoners get up all the time. It is unlikely, of course, that they eat them. Most likely, they just catch it in order to sell it to tourists like us, counting on their kind heart and love for his smaller brothers.

Nevertheless, with a sense of accomplishment and the thought of a good deed done, we headed home.

So another sunny day passed on the wonderful island of Palawan for me and my bride.

Prison in the Philippines August 2nd, 2016

We somehow looked with you, and now here is the Philippines.

The prison in Quezon City was built 60 years ago on the Philippine island of Luzon. Initially, it was supposed to accommodate 800 prisoners, but the authorities managed to accommodate 3,800. Prisoners are forced to sleep in turns on the floor, stairs, hammocks made from old blankets.

This place is more like a can of sardines. Photojournalist Noel Celis "sneaked" into the prison to see what it looks like in reality.

The daily budget for one prisoner is 50 pesos (about 70 rubles) for food and 5 pesos for medicine. (Photo by Noel Celis):

Photo 2.

One toilet for 130 people. The stench is exacerbated by rotting garbage in a canal adjacent to the prison. (Photo by Noel Celis):

Photo 3.

Philippine prisons are the most overcrowded in the world. On average, they contain 5 times more prisoners than they should be. (Photo by Noel Celis):

Photo 4.

Photo 5.

In just 1 month, hundreds of people were killed in the Philippines and thousands more were detained. (Photo by Noel Celis):

Photo 6.

"Like sardines in a can" is the most accurate description of this place. (Photo by Noel Celis):

Photo 7.

Photo 8.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Here's some more info on the internet:

There is a CPDRC prison on the island of Cebu, known today thanks to YouTube around the world. The most dangerous criminals in the Philippines are kept here. In 2004, there was a riot in this prison. Appeasing murderers, drug dealers and rapists was not easy. The rebellion was suppressed, and the authorities of the island went on an unexpected experiment. Byron Garcia, the new governor of the prison, enlisted the support of his sister, the governor of the island, and created a completely new prison. Instead of dreary walks around the prison yard, the prisoners are here ... dancing!
The spectacle, I tell you, is impressive: hundreds of men and women in orange robes, synchronously performing movements to famous world hits.
Looking at the faces of the dancers, it is difficult to see murderers and rapists in them. But there really are inveterate criminals sitting here. We had a chance to talk with one of these dancing prisoners.

Roel Vender has been in jail for seven years now. Dancing helps brighten up the monotonous prison everyday life. According to Roel, he rehearses dances every day for several hours.

After the introduction of dance therapy, the level of violence within the prison has decreased so much that even the guards here now walk without firearms. Moreover, they began to let visitors in here - after all, imprisoned dancers need spectators! Today, the CPDRC prison is one of the main attractions of the island. Look at mass dances Tourists come to Cebu from all over the world! The prisoners have become so popular thanks to YouTube videos that small groups dancers now participate in the official events of the Philippine government.

The most favorite musical artist of the prisoners is Michael Jackson. Dances on his compositions make up the lion's share of the repertoire of prison dancers. A few years ago, a music video for Michael Jackson's "Thriller" was filmed in prison, which has already gained more than 53 million views on YouTube. It is said that the king of pop himself saw this clip and praised the dance skills of the prisoners.
Moreover, the longtime choreographer of Michael Jackson Travis Payne with a couple of dancers from the team of the "King of Pop" came to Cebu and staged another prison dance. The guys danced "They don't really care about us" (very symbolic!). If you haven't seen these videos, be sure to look on the Internet. Or better yet, go to Cebu and watch it live. I'm sure you will be impressed by what you see.


On the island of Cebu, there is a maximum security prison that holds the most dangerous criminals in the Philippines. In 2004, there was a riot in this prison, as a result of which a sufficient number of people suffered, but despite this, it was not easy to calm the murderers, rapists and drug dealers.

As a result, the rebellion was nevertheless suppressed, and the island authorities, in turn, decided on a very unexpected prison experiment.

New manager Philippine prison Byron Garcia, having enlisted the understanding and support of the governor of the island and his sister in one person, created a completely new prison of a completely different type. Today, the prison in Cebu is not only a unique experiment for correctional organizations, but also one of the main features and attractions of the island.

In the Philippine prison of Cebu, prisoners every day ... Dance! These are dances of 1500 prisoners with synchronized movements clearly worked out in dozens of rehearsals. The imprisoned dancers needed an additional incentive - the audience, so after the opening of a new dance prison, they began to let visitors in here! At the entrance there is a sign asking everyone to hand over their weapons. Within the prison, even the guards go without firearms, as the level of violence has decreased so much that it is no longer necessary.

The late Michael Jackson is a favorite musical artist all prisoners. The repertoire of prison dancers in most cases consists precisely of his composition. In this case, we can safely talk about the high personality cult of Michael Jackson. Also quite popular songs are good for everyone famous group queen.

The recidivism rate after being released from Cebu prison is minimal and really tends to zero. Many say that completely different people are coming out of these walls into society. The director of the prison himself, and now the governor's adviser on security issues, Byron Garcia is trying to make an opening or solemn speech at every concert.

Adds entertainment to dancing Orange color clothes. Now tourists from all over the world come to see the mass dances in Cebu Prison! Thanks to YouTube videos, the prisoners have become so popular that now small groups of dancers take part in official events of the Philippine government. The first video has over 35 million views! Filipino stars also take part in the performances along with the prisoners.

A year ago, a music video for Michael Jackson's "Thriller" was filmed in Cebu Prison in the Philippines, which ranked fifth in Time magazine's top ten Viral Videos and has been viewed more than 14 million times on YouTube. The main choreographer of this production and the dancer in the foreground is Travis Payne. The dance is competently and professionally staged, filled with interesting director's ideas. And despite the fact that a huge number of dancers were involved in it, they all did an excellent job with the task.

“Michael saw the dancing prisoners, he really liked them. He watched the video between rehearsals and enjoyed it immensely!” Travis Payne says That is why, after the death of the great musician, the choreographer decided to fly with two guys from a backing dancer to a Philippine prison and stage new dance in which will take part maximum amount prisoners. Interestingly, it took only one day to implement the conceived idea.

On this moment Byron Garcia's invaluable experience is being actively studied in other countries. The director of the Philippine prison Cebu has cherished dream- to spread such dance prisons all over the world, because looking at the faces of dancing prisoners, it is simply impossible to recognize in them murderers, rapists or drug dealers ...

Tourists are allowed in there, probably to brag: look, prisoners can not only sit in cells, here they live like a human being in such beauty! Only if you dig deeper, then all this veil for tourists falls and is exposed. true life in a Philippine prison. Natural selection leaves only the very strong... or the cunning.

Beautiful mountains, a river, waterfalls... All this is the beauty of a prison under open sky on the island of Palawan. Here prisoners live for years and even decades. Tourists are allowed in there, probably to brag: look, prisoners can not only sit in cells, here they live like a human being in such beauty! Only if you dig deeper, then all this veil for tourists falls down and the true life in a Philippine prison is exposed. Natural selection only keeps the very strong...or the cunning alive.

It was interesting for me to look at the life of Filipino prisoners. Over the years of work on TV, I visited three Ukrainian colonies: a children's, a women's and a men's prison, where there is a strict regime and life prisoners. As they say, there is something to compare ...

A striking difference is already at the entrance. We and two of our friends - Masha and Sergei, calmly drove into the prison. You just had to sign in some book, indicating your data there. The guards didn't need our passports, and they didn't care what we were taking with us either. Signed up - move on! Let's go straight, there is only one way. Along the path of beauty and rice fields. Remember them well. They are very important in this post.

The road forked several times. They turned randomly. As a result, we came across a small settlement. A couple of houses, families live. Quite friendly, like all Filipinos.

Inside the house was a pantry with a bed. A tiny dwelling, straight and incomprehensible, how do they all fit there?

But there is a rooster, I don’t know if it’s fighting or for soup ...

The men live in prison with their wives and children. The toys are unpretentious, some kind of springs, pieces of plastic. Arinka became interested in a one-year-old girl and prison gadgets.

Seeing that I was photographing, they brought the baby: take it off as a keepsake ...

We had 2 packs of cigarettes with us. In prison, this is a matter of prime necessity, since there are no convicts without tobacco addiction. Khodorkovsky doesn't count. They gave the men a pack, they were happy.

A lot of locals from Puerto Princesa come to the prison. For what? Swim in the Ivahig River. On the territory of the colony, it forms small cascading waterfalls. We got to them too. This is the first place where we were charged for entry. As much as 10 pesos per person ($0.25).

Arinka and Sasha immediately began to have breakfast. In nature, everyone has a good appetite.

Filipinos go to the river not only to swim, but also to eat delicious food. They rent such huts, barbecues and prepare a barbecue for the whole company. I wouldn't mind spending a day in jail like that either.

So when will thrash start, you ask? Be patient, in order to understand how bad it is here, you first need to realize how good it is here.

After going back a little and turning onto another road, we soon found ourselves in a large prison settlement. Life is in full swing here. If you do not know where it was filmed, then you will never think that it is in prison.

Does this building remind you of anything? House from American Westerns! Such color!

Sorry, I could not resist, sobeziannichala. In this version, I like this house more. Like intrigue, what's inside?

Inside is a workshop where prisoners make souvenirs and wood crafts. Things are very beautiful, not only tourists buy them. Our friend Hector has a carved wooden chest of drawers, bought in prison.

Well, we have come to the moment in this story when readers suddenly stop envying the Filipino prisoners ... The next building - the punishment cell - I managed to photograph only once. After that, I was strictly forbidden to shoot there.

There were many people inside. They all crowded near the bars and asked for cigarettes. This is where our two blocks, bought before the trip, came in handy. Managed to click on the bottom.

Sasha and Sergei went to distribute cigarettes. And a man came up to me, guiltily asked if I still have a pack? Of course there is. We don't smoke, cigarettes were brought to distribute. So why not him? We got talking. The man's name is Guillermo. He has been in prison for 19 years and will be released in a year. What was wrong? At the age of 17 he killed a man.

In general, if not for Guillermo, then everything here would have seemed like a sanatorium. But this guy told us such things, after which you understand that our prisoners live much better.

At first about punishment cell: 150-160 people are constantly there. There are no beds, no chairs, and air conditioning is out of the question. There is not enough space for everyone, they sleep with “valetiki” on the floor, they feed hordes of bedbugs and other insects. You can get here for any offense. The worst thing is if you get caught with a bottle. Among other things, for drunkenness, a year is added to the term.

Job. Guillermo is a supplier, brings pens and papers to the authorities. Lucky, he says. It is considered a good job to help in the kitchen or make souvenirs. But the most hard labor is for those who work in the fields. On rice plantations, they work knee-deep in water in the heat and in any rain. Wounds and ulcers on everyone's legs ... You can't run away from work. Submachine gunners are standing around the perimeter, step to the left, step to the right - they shoot without warning.

Guillermo says: A lot of people are dying here, you can’t even count how many. "We understand that they are simply not treated here very much.

I have no reason not to believe this man. Although, experience suggests that convicts tend to put pressure on pity. Some even feed on these emotions. Well, even if it's only a half-truth, it's still scary. Where are all these human rights activists - Amnesty International and others like them, who take such good care of our prisoners?

Well, I don't want to end like this. Admire the house "demobilization". Those who are released in two weeks are placed here.

And this is a church. Imprisoned Filipinos are just as devout as the free ones.

We left the prison just as easily as we entered. I didn't even have to register anywhere. Well, now we know why there is such a formal guard here: a step to the left, a step to the right ...

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