What is the cherished dream d 503. The secret of the "endless Assyrian ranks"


Francis of Assisi became famous not only for his holy deeds, but also gave the name to one of the most famous cities in the world. True, most of the inhabitants of this beautiful corner of the planet are unlikely to be aware of this. The story began in 1776 with the landing of Spanish travelers on the coast of the peninsula.

The history of San Francisco can be summarized as follows:

  • pre-colonial history, residence of Indian tribes;
  • mid-17th century - early colonies, first Spanish settlers;
  • second half 19th century- the beginning of gold mining, " Golden fever»;
  • end of the 19th - 20th centuries - "Western Paris";
  • modern life metropolis.

Naturally, this division is conditional, in each of the periods there were important and minor events for the townspeople.

From a Spanish settlement to a city of peace

In the territories where the beautiful American metropolis is located today, Indians belonging to the Oloni tribe have long lived. Archaeologists have found objects of their everyday life, which date back to the third century BC.

The Spaniards wrote in the history book of San Francisco (as locality) first pages. It was they who built the military fort by the strait, which is today beautiful name- "Golden Gate". The first name of the settlement that appeared at the fort was Yerba Buena.

The development of the settlement was facilitated by the discovery in mid-nineteenth centuries of gold deposits in California and the beginning of the so-called "gold rush". Since 1848, there has been a rapid growth of the city - both residential areas and public buildings, institutions of power. This year was also remembered by the residents by the fact that the settlement with the unsympathetic name Yerba Buena was renamed into the sonorous San Francisco.

The "Gold Rush" led to a sharp increase in the number of inhabitants, very soon San Francisco became the largest urban settlement (west of the Mississippi), only in 1920 did it give way to Los Angeles. Gold mining contributed to the development of industry, trade and entertainment.

"Western Paris"

San Francisco got such a beautiful name in late XIX century - a famous European architect was invited, who developed new plan development of the city, many beautiful buildings and structures appeared.

It is clear that the metropolis cannot live without problems regarding the provision of housing, food, hygiene and sanitation (the city has repeatedly been subjected to plague epidemics). In 1906, the townspeople experienced the largest earthquake in the history of San Francisco, previously the worst fire. These tragic events contributed to the renewal of the city, many of architectural masterpieces preserved.

"If you're going to San Francisco, don't forget to weave a few flowers in your hair" - lyrics from famous song Scott Mackenzie, which has been a unofficial anthem San Francisco. They personify this city as the capital of the hippie movement and progressive youth.

State: California

Foundation date: 1776, city since 1850

Population: 852,469 people

Nickname: Frisco, Foggy City, West Paris

San Francisco - picturesque sunny city, located on a peninsula between the bay of the same name and the Pacific Ocean. Numerous sights of San Francisco attract a huge number of tourists to the city, which is only worth the largest park in the United States, the most beautiful Golden Gate Bridge in the country and the Alcatraz prison. The oldest cable car passes through the compact streets of the city, and Lombard Street is considered the most curved street in the world.

Lombard Street

Alcatraz prison

San Francisco is considered a trendsetter of cultural innovation and experimentation, the home of the Beat Generation of the 1950s, the center of the counterculture of the 1960s, a hotbed of political protest, and the hub of the American gay community. The population of San Francisco is represented by the most diverse ethnic groups in the United States.

Today, San Francisco is home to a huge number of cutting-edge high-tech companies that provide jobs to thousands of people in this densely populated region.

The coastline of San Francisco stretches for almost 50 kilometers, so the city's climate can be attributed to the Mediterranean. Most of the precipitation here falls from November to March. Because San Francisco is surrounded by water on three sides, hallmark this area is fog, which often approaches the city from the side Pacific Ocean.

History of San Francisco

The human footprint on this earth dates back to the 20th millennium BC.

The Spanish conquistadors, who discovered California, did not know about the existence of this peninsula for two centuries, because the fog coming from the Pacific Ocean hid the peninsula from prying eyes. The first Europeans to discover this land were explorers traveling small group in 1769 from Mexico to Canada, led by Sergeant José Ortega. After 7 years, a small town was founded here - Yerba Buena. Later city got his modern name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi.

For more than half a century this place was not given special significance However, the situation changed dramatically after the discovery of a gold mine here in 1848. The California gold rush triggered the rapid expansion of San Francisco. Thousands of gold miners who came to California in search of their fortune subsequently took root in the region. However, the gold rush brought not only wealth to the city, but also a wave of lawlessness. Gang groups began to form on the territory of San Francisco, open gambling establishments and brothels. In 1850, San Francisco was granted the status of a city, after which locals began to form groups of vigilance to clear the city of criminals and restore order.

After the completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869, San Francisco continued its development. On turn of XIX and XX centuries the population of the city was more than a third of a million people. Everything changed at the beginning of the 20th century, when the people of San Francisco experienced the greatest catastrophe in the history of the city. On April 18, 1906, a massive earthquake hit San Francisco, killing more than 500 people. Ten square kilometers of the city were wiped off the face of the earth. The fires caused by the earthquake could not be extinguished for three days. Nevertheless, the people of San Francisco persevered and, on their own, as well as with the help of donations from other states, restored the city. By 1915, the rebuilt city hosted the world's first exhibition dedicated to the completion of the Panama Canal.

The first half of the 20th century was a period of development of the city's infrastructure. In 1913, a dam was built on the Tuoloumne River in the Hetch Hetchy Canyon Valley, in 1936 the Bay Bridge connecting San Francisco and Oakland was completed, and a year later, the famous Golden Gate Bridge was presented to the world, which became calling card not just San Francisco, but the entire United States.

With the growth of industry, emigrants began to arrive in the city. In 1930, a large-scale movers' strike took place in San Francisco, which became the largest labor uprising in US history.

With the outbreak of World War II, the industry of the city became even more powerful. This period was also marked by the forced relocation of several thousand Japanese Americans from San Francisco to internment camps.

In the 1960s and 70s, San Francisco became the center of youth counterculture, the main site of student protest against the Vietnam War, and a center for advocacy for the rights of sexual minorities.

1979 is remembered for the high-profile assassination of San Francisco Mayor George Mascone, the city's first openly gay leader. That same year, San Francisco elected its first female mayor, Dianne Feinstein.

In 1989, San Francisco residents experienced another powerful earthquake. However, despite this, in the next decade the city made huge strides in its development: state institutions were repaired, a museum was built contemporary art, main library and art center.

Jobs in San Francisco

Due to its location, throughout its history, San Francisco has been the most important port center of California. The main branches of the country's leading banks are located on the territory of San Francisco, Insurance companies, Pacific stock Exchange, a division of the Federal Reserve System and the US Mint.

Since the San Francisco metropolitan area is part of Silicon Valley, in the city and suburbs, the industry of IT-technologies and biotechnologies is very developed. Hundreds of the world's leading high-tech companies with offices in this region attract tens of thousands of IT specialists from all over the world.

Sports in San Francisco

San Francisco represented by teams major leagues in all popular sports in the USA:

  • Baseball (MLB) - San Francisco Giants
  • Football (NFL) – San Francisco Niners (49ers)
  • Basketball (NBA) – Golden State Warriors

Golden Gate Park

Golden Gate Park, founded in the 1870s, is the largest urban park in the United States. total area The park is 412 hectares. On the territory of the park there are many gardens, artificial lakes, waterfalls, nature reserves, beaches, campsites, 43 km of footpaths, 12 km of horse riding trails. This park welcomes more than 13 million visitors annually.

San Francisco Tourism

Despite the huge number of high-tech companies located in San Francisco, tourism is the main industry of the city's economy. Natural beauty of San Francisco, mild climate and a large number of sights, annually attracts more than 17 million tourists to the city. San Francisco is one of the ten most convenient cities North America for a variety of conferences, exhibitions and trainings, which also attracts a considerable number of visitors.

One of the most unique features San Francisco is a cluster of various ethnic neighborhoods. The most famous of which is Chinatown - the largest Chinese area outside of Asia. Chinatown is home to many oriental bazaars, temples, and restaurants.

The image of the sights of San Francisco can often be found on postcards or wallpaper desktop monitors. This sunny city will surely surprise you with the change of its geography - winding streets and green hills, will please bright colors parks and squares, a variety of vegetation and the tenderness of the surf. Plunging into the atmosphere of San Francisco, it will seem to you that life is flowing here in the eternal stream of the carnival.


1. Roman E. Zamyatina "We"

    Is Zamyatin's novel "We" a utopia or a dystopia? Prove your point.

    What was the impetus for the rebirth of the D-503?

    What is the significance of the novel?

    What type of state is depicted in the novel? What are its political and social system, science, art? Under what conditions can such a state be created?

    Why don't the characters in the novel have names? Is it possible to kill individuality in a person? Prove it with the images of the novel.

2. A. Tolstoy, the novel "Peter the Great"

    Why does Tolstoy talk in such detail about defeats and so briefly about victories?

    Tolstoy compares Peter with Charles and Augustus. How do we see them? How is Peter different from them?

    Peter is a man, not statesman. What is he like in the novel?

    What is the peculiarity of A. Tolstoy's novel "Peter the Great"?

    What was the pathos of Peter's activity (based on A. Tolstoy's novel "Peter the Great")?

    What is the inconsistency of Peter's personality (A. Tolstoy's novel "Peter the Great")?

    What events of Russian history are reflected in A. Tolstoy's novel "Peter the Great"?

3. Roman M. Sholokhov " Quiet Don»

    Tell us about the main stages in the life of the main Sholokhov hero Grigory Melekhov.

    What is the figurative meaning of Don in the work? What is the semantic inconsistency of the title of the work? How do the epigraphs to the novel relate to the title?

    What is historical background events depicted in the novel?

    How do you see the tragedy of Grigory Melekhov?

4. M. Bulgakov, the novel "The Master and Margarita"

    How do you understand the meaning of the epigraph to the novel?

    How is Moscow depicted in the 30s?

    Why was the Variety show such a success?

    How did the stay in Stravinsky's clinic affect the poet Bezdomny?

    The role of Margarita in the fate of the master.

    Why did the master deserve peace and not light?

5. A. Platonov, story "Pit"

    Describe storylines story.

    The meaning of the image of Nastya?

    How does Platonov manage to show that the heroes of the novel do not and cannot have a happy future?

    Why is the story "The Pit" tragic?

6. M. Shukshin. "Village" prose

    Name the writers - "village people".

    What problems of the Russian village did they reveal in their works?

    What, according to Shukshin, is the “wisdom of life”?

    The idea of ​​the story "Freak"

7. V. Astafiev "Tsar-fish"

    Naturphilosophy -

    How is the main idea of ​​the work outlined in the short story "Tsar-Fish"?

    Why did Ignatich's soul feel better when the tsar-fish was freed? Why does he promise not to tell anyone about her?

8. Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera"

    Who is the most memorable character in the story and why?

    How do you understand the ending of the piece? How is the author's position in relation to the depicted revealed in the finale?

    State your understanding of the idea of ​​the story.

    Why and for the sake of what did V. Rasputin write the story "Farewell to Matera"?

9. A. Solzhenitsyn

    The history of the creation and publication of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich".

    What helps Shukhov survive?

    What is the meaning of the story?

    Which social problems are reflected in the story "Matryona Dvor"?

10. Correlate the definition with the corresponding type of trails:

A) tool artistic expressiveness based on exaggeration.

1) an oxymoron

B) Figurative meaning words based on the likening of one object or phenomenon to another by similarity or contrast.

2) hyperbole

C) A form of poetic speech based on the comparison of one phenomenon with another.

3) metaphor

G) artistic technique connection of the incompatible, for example, "sinfully modest girl"

4) comparison

Next to the title of each work, write the name of the author:


    "By Right of Memory"

    "Ugly girl"

    "I will ride the bike for a long time"

    "Winter night"

    "Doctor Zhivago"

Characteristic literary hero D-503 - the hero of the novel by E. I. Zamyatin "We" (1920). A resident of a fantastic state of the future, which embodied the technocratic utopia of a mechanized and totally organized society, where all connections and relations between people are “integrated”, D-503 (the inhabitants of this state are deprived of their own names and exist under “numbers”) is the first incarnation of what then became traditional type the hero of a dystopian novel (or dystopia). Like Winston Smith (“1984” by D. Orwell), whose image arose under the direct influence of Zamyatin, like the heroes of the novels “O wonderful new world” O. Huxley, “451 ° Fahrenheit” R. Bradbury, D-503 violates the laws of a utopian society, the justice of which he had no doubt before, goes through trials and finally capitulates, giving himself (morally and physically) to the mercy of the winner - United State. Despite the novelty of the image created by Zamyatin, it imprinted the “archetype” of the hero-traveler, leading the reader through the described events, of which he is a witness and participant. (Among the literary predecessors of the hero, Gulliver, Candide is sometimes called.) On the one hand, D-503 is objectified in what is happening; on the other hand, it acts as a chronicler of events shown through the prism of his subjective perception. The entire text of the novel is a synopsis of a poem conceived for the glory of the State, this “single mighty million-celled organism”, a task that the hero, as it turns out later, did not cope with. By occupation, D-503 is a mathematician, the creator of the interplanetary ship "Integral", designed to subordinate the entire universe to the "benevolent yoke of the mind"; by nature - a philosopher, prone to reflection. “Fed from childhood by the Taylor system”, he enters the plot as an optant of “we”, convinced of the expediency of an organized society, for which “only the reasonable and useful is beautiful: cars, boots, formulas, food”. The hero sincerely does not understand how in the ancient XX century people lived in a “wild state of freedom”, slept and ate when they wished, went anywhere. Love for a woman changes the whole life of the hero. The awakened feeling leads him out of the state of totalitarian eudemonism, makes him an apostate, “ fallen angel and encourages crime. D-503 penetrates the Green Wall encircling the One State, and discovers that there, behind the wall, another life flows, inhabited by wild and free people. Having known love, the hero discovers that he “ceased to be a term”; he becomes aware of himself as a person (“I was I, separate, world”) and comes to the “criminal” conclusion that “we” is not necessary. Now he is not a “number” and not a “molecule”, but a “simple human piece”. However, this “human piece” has a soul, which number D-503 was deprived of. The presence of the soul in the system of concepts of "Taylorism" is a serious disease. The hero's illness is cured by a brain operation, which he was subjected to along with other inhabitants of this State. At the end of the novel, D-503 watches blankly as his lover is tortured in gas chamber. Now he is completely healthy. It seems to him that “some kind of thorn has been pulled out of his head, it’s easy, empty in his head”, there are no fantasies - only a cold mind and the belief that “reason must win”. Zamyatin’s novel was a direct response to the ideas of “mathematical civilization” that hovered in the circles of the futurists: V. Khlebnikov has a “made-up humanity” inhabiting the city of Solntstan, where people instead of faith have a measure where “only numbers remain”. (From this point of view, it is noteworthy that D-503 is a mathematician.) However, over time, the novel was overgrown with allusions not envisaged by the author (for example, the Green Wall was associated then with “ iron curtain”, then with the “Berlin Wall”), and became the mirror in which totalitarian regimes The 20th century received a merciless reflection. In this context, Zamyatin's hero, described rather schematically, became a vitally recognizable character.

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Other writings:

  1. Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel "We" was written in last years civil war when it was already clear that power would remain in the hands of the Bolsheviks. At this time, society was worried about the question of what future awaits Russia, and many writers and public figures tried Read More ......
  2. E. And Zamyatin was not going to write a parody of communism, he drew the final development of any social order which is based on the idea of ​​violence against a person. Thus, the main theme in the novel “We” is the theme of individual freedom. This topic is revealed with the help of a parody Read More ......
  3. As is known, the censorship of the 1920s was notable for its sharp "diagnostic" flair. Rare works whose authors ignored the class approach to literature were published in a timely manner. Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel "We" was delayed for almost seventy years. This indicates that the writer's satire "got Read More ......
  4. “The novel “We” is a horror of realizing socialism ... This novel is an evil pamphlet-utopia about the kingdom of communism, where everything is trimmed, castrated ...” wrote Dm. Furmanov. We have been told for so long about freedom, which, by the way, for the majority has now turned into “freedom to die of hunger”, Read More ......
  5. As is known, the censorship of the 1920s was notable for its sharp "diagnostic" flair. Rare works whose authors ignored the class approach to literature were published in a timely manner. The novel "We" was delayed for almost seventy years. This indicates that the writer's satire "hit the mark". Read More ......
  6. Evgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin, who eventually became a very original writer, also began as a Remizovite. He was born in 1884 in Lebedyan (Tambov province, Central Russia), studied shipbuilding at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. In 1908 he received a diploma as a shipbuilding engineer and an offer to prepare for Read More ......
  7. Evgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin ZAMYATIN, EVGENIY IVANOVICH (1884−1937), Russian writer. Born January 20 (February 1), 1884 in the city of Lebedyan, Tambov Province. (now the Lipetsk region) in the family of a poor nobleman. In addition to the impressions of the nature of those places with which in one way or another they were connected Read More ......
  8. The personality trait of E.I. Zamyatin can be described as follows: he was a very Russian person. His attitude to the country ranged from adoration to hatred, which indicated that the writer had a deep understanding of contemporary reality. In 1917, Zamyatin returned from England Read More ......
D-503 (We are Zamyatin)

D-503 admires the Hourly Tablet, which regulates all life in the One State:

The tablet... Right now, from the wall in my room, her purple numbers on a golden field look sternly and tenderly into my eyes. Involuntarily, I recall what the ancients called an "icon", and I feel like composing poems or prayers (which are one and the same). Ah, why am I not a poet to sing worthily of you, O Tablet, O heart and pulse of the One State.

All of us ... as children, at school, read this greatest of the monuments that have come down to us ancient literature- "Schedule railways". But even put it next to the Tablet - and you will see graphite and diamond side by side: in both the same thing - C, carbon - but how eternal, transparent, how the diamond shines ... The Tablet of the Hour - turns each of us into a six-wheeled steel hero in reality great poem. Every morning, with six-wheel precision, at the same hour and at the same minute, we, millions, get up as one. At one and the same hour, we start work for one million and we finish work for one million. And, merging into a single, million-handed body, into one and the same second, appointed by the Tablet, - we bring spoons to our mouths - and at the same second we go for a walk and go to the auditorium, to the hall of Taylor's exercises, we go to sleep...

However, in such a state there is still no absolute solution to the problem of universal happiness, the personal has not yet been completely overcome: twice a day - from 16 to 17 hours and from 21 to 22 "a single powerful mechanism crumbles into separate cells" - a personal watch.

D-503 - the same screw, number, like the others, which is a product of a rationalized state, with straightened, mathematically verified feelings, which is emphasized by the speaker portrait detail: "drawn straight eyebrows". However, the planar, “rectified” dimension is not its only dimension, it has something that potentially distinguishes it from others, it contains something special, poetic a beginning that is already contained in his poeticization of the Tablet of the Hour, inspired admiration for its mathematical perfection and harmony. It is no coincidence that the emotional R-13 invites the main character to “arrange” him into a poet:

You, my dear, should not be a mathematician, but a poet, a poet, yes! Hey, go to us - in the Poets, huh? Well, if you want, I'll arrange it in a moment, huh?

Something must happen to such a person in the United State, he is marked, doomed to stand out from the crowd. And indeed, D-503 becomes a dissident, a criminal - from the point of view of the United State. Change psychological state the hero of the novel is manifested in his behavior: at the beginning of the novel, D-503 is a respectable, that is, a unified number. A drop of wild blood that speaks in the hero pushes him to rash acts, seditious thoughts in relation to the United State. In the novel, the novel itself appears, love line. Love for D-503 turns from a medically useful procedure for a pink coupon into a passion that captured and revived him:

Instead of a harmonious and strict mathematical poem in honor of the united State, I have some kind of fantastic adventure novel coming out.

Moreover, the motives that were decisive in this transformation were not political, but personal: psychological, emotional and sensual. So, D-503 has an innate emotionality, the Hourly Tablet reminds him of a poem, he listens to Scriabin's music performed by I-330 and for the first time feels "slow, sweet pain" feeling the burn in your blood "wild, rushing, scorching sun". Decisive in the history of the state fall of D-503 was his love for I-330, the experience of a stunning shock from this love.

D-503 becomes one of the conspirators - MEFI 9, he takes part in an attempt to capture the "Integral" in order to break out of the United State, but the plot was revealed. D-503 again becomes an obedient executor of the will of the Benefactor, and I-330 is destroyed, since the state is powerless to overcome its resistance.

Read also other articles on the work of E.I. Zamyatin and analysis of the novel "We":

  • 1.5. Image D-503. Characteristics of the main character

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