Vitaly Gibert vkontakte. St. Petersburg director is trying to sue the daughter of the TV series star


The magician and esoteric Vitaly Gibert became the undisputed winner of the 11th season of the Battle of Psychics. He has an exceptional ability to win over the audience, especially the fair sex.

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Vitaly Gibert in the 11th season of the Battle of Psychics

Before participating, Vitaly liked to watch the project, and later the man wanted to try to pass the tests himself and get the title of the most powerful psychic. He thought for a long time on this topic, but the signs prompted him to take decisive action. On the day of the announcement of the casting of the Battle of Psychics, Vitaly Gibert saw three hands and decided that they meant victory in the show and the chances of getting it.

Vitaliy Gibert - winner of the 11th season of BE

Vitaly Gibert went to the casting without notifying his closest relatives - sisters and father. They learned about his participation in the show already on TV. The magician's family enjoyed watching the episodes with him, and her younger sister Maria was delighted that her brother was a participant in the Battle of Psychics project.

While participating in the "Battle of Psychics" Vitaly proved that he has a powerful gift. He successfully passed even the most difficult test " Minotaur Labyrinth". The clairvoyant himself considers the most challenging task associated with a fire in the house in which the mother and daughter of a woman who turned to psychics died. Like most of psychics, he was forced to pass the pain of people through himself, and this is difficult. Still not too easy was the task with 12 chairs. The reason Vitaly considered was that the presenter prevented him from concentrating and constantly "pulled" him out of a trance.

Like many bright participants and the finalists of the show, Vitaly Gibert annoyed the other contestants. There is such a rumor, and if you believe him, then the victory of this magician was bought by his relatives. But he has a lot of fans and, most likely, Grand Prize he got it honestly. Several hundred Gibert fans came to the shooting of the final episode of the 11th season of the Battle of the Psychics. But, despite this, many even accuse him of hypnosis, thanks to which he forced the invited participants to agree with his words.

The main rival of Vitaly Gibert was Victoria Saturday, or Rada Romanova. She has repeatedly publicly expressed her personal negative attitude towards this person, there were also doubts that not hereditary psychic may be real. At the awards ceremony for Vitaly, Victoria's husband used foul language about the final result. Her son does not consider Gibert a competitor to his mother, he is sure that the result of the show was bought.

After winning the "Battle" Gibert for a long time refused to film and participate in various events. He appeared in public only in 2015, shocking fans with his appearance. Vitaly lost a lot of weight, let go of his hair and beard. He explained the changes by hermitage, which he needed after gaining popularity. The psychic refused not ready for a public lifestyle. Unusual appearance became the reason for rumors about drug addiction and insanity of Gibert.

The winner of the "Battle of psychics" Vitaly Gibert - biography

Photo from vkontakte

The winner of the 11th season of the "Battle of Psychics" Vitaly Vladimirovich Gibert was born on March 21, 1988 in the capital of Kalmykia, Elista. His height is 175 cm, and his weight is 70 kg. Now the magician lives, according to some information, in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg, not far from the Dybenko Street metro station.

Vitaly Gibert is the second of three children in the family, he has two sisters. He graduated from high school in Elista, and his class had a legal bias. After that, the magician studied at the college, learning the basics of auto mechanics, then entered the Institute of Economics and Service and studied at the Faculty of Organization traffic. But Vitaly left the institute in his last year. Up to a certain point, he believed that social norms should be followed, but he soon realized that it was time to think about the spiritual side of life.

After Vitaly Gibert left the institute, he became interested in studying psychology, hypnosis, healing, clairvoyance and other branches of esotericism. He directed all his energies to studying things of interest to him instead of getting higher education, without which ours can do without. For some time he was fond of yoga, studied other religious movements.

Among his relatives there are no magicians. Vitaly did not inherit his gift, but from childhood he was a special child, marked from above. At a young age, relatives teased him with an orange because of his bright sunny appearance. It is easy to guess that the fiery red color of his hair, which distinguishes Vitaly Gibert from the crowd, became the reason for this. Even immediately after his birth, all the staff of the maternity hospital went to see him - even then it was understood that the boy would be red.

The famous esoteric considers his family to be completely ordinary. His parents loved their children and gave them a lot of time. Vitaly has two sisters - the younger and the eldest, he became the middle child in the family. He lived in an ordinary block five-story house. His family's apartment was completely ordinary, like most viewers of the project. She was on the first floor. The father of the future magician worked as a bus driver.

Prize for winning the Battle of Psychics

From an early school age the boy reacted sharply to injustice and any manifestations of aggression. Vitaly Gibert grew up as a very kind and honest child. When the irregularity of the world around him prompted him to move away from civilization, Vitaly even ran away from home at the age of seven. But by the evening he had to return back, because he knew that his loved ones would be worried.

The famous magician had to be left without a mother early - in adolescence. She died young oncological disease. Vitaly was completely unprepared for this, and the death of his mother was a heavy loss for the teenager. During the funeral, he saw her alive, after that the deceased mother came to Vitaly in a dream, and he could communicate with her. It was a lot of stress for the guy, but still he was glad that his mother had not disappeared forever.

Since, after the funeral of his mother, Vitaly began to see not only his mother, but also other spirits, he became interested in esotericism. His father was always an atheist, so he was skeptical about his son's hobby, but did not prohibit or interfere with this.

In his bibliography, you can find some very useful literary works for the development of personal qualities and the disclosure of talent in oneself.

Gibert Vitaly Viktorovich - personal life

Vitaly Gibert and Nelly Ermolaeva

Vitaly has always been able to easily make friends and learn. He also attracted girls, being popular, charming them and practically not knowing the refusal of female attention. But the moment came for a harsh lesson, which was the betrayal of a loved one and unhappy love. Vitaly realized that he treated the girls too cruelly and behaved incorrectly in relations with them.

Vitaly's first love was a girl a year younger than him. Her name was Marina, and she was similar both in appearance and character to the late mother of the clairvoyant. Vitaly at that time was 18 years old. Marina for a long time sought Vitaly's reciprocal feelings. But about a year later, he declared his love to her, and after that he became uninteresting to Marina. She left him.

Vitaly returned her several times, but she again went to another. It was this relationship that became a lesson for him. As a psychic, he immediately felt that Marina was cheating on him. He stopped playing on the feelings and emotions of other people and dating several partners at once. While participating in the project, Vitaly said that after love relationship with Marina did not bother to find his only one.

Already during the filming of the first issue of the project, editor Evgenia became his first fan. She admitted that Vitaly even dreamed of her several times. The very next day after the release was aired, the magician with a bright appearance and charisma literally overgrown with fans. The invited participants expected the arrival of this particular psychic. Undoubtedly, Vitaly Gibert knows how to charm and attract attention.

For some time there were rumors about an affair with the singer Maxim, but neither she nor Gibert himself confirmed this information. According to unconfirmed information, in 2012 the psychic met with former member"Dom-2" Nelly Ermolaeva. Their relationship lasted for about six months. Now Vitaly has no permanent passion.

How to get an appointment with Vitaly Gibert

Vitaly Gibert

Like, Vitaly Gibert does not conduct receptions. He believes that people should not visit psychologists, fortune tellers, psychics and witches. According to the magician, each person is able to deal with their problems without their help. He claims that anyone can do the same thing as a psychic. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

Vitaly Gibert does not have time for online counseling. He does not consider it necessary to give anyone his Skype, ICQ and other contact details. Vitaly Gibert is not in contact. If you are offered to make an advance payment for an appointment on-line on behalf of a famous psychic, most likely they are scammers. Many participants in the Battle of Psychics complain about a large number of criminals who profit from their fame by providing no favors and taking money fraudulently.

The mystic and esoteric Vitaly Gibert became known to the general public just a few years ago, when he appeared on the blue screens in the 11th season of the Battle of Psychics. It was thanks to this project that the handsome red-haired guy became a star, making the hearts of many young TV viewers beat a little faster than usual when they sat down in front of the TVs and turned on the TNT channel. This guy became a real discovery of the program about people with supernatural powers. Throughout the season, the opinion of experts remained unshakable: Vitaly Gibert is the most powerful psychic of all who took part in this project.

Childhood and youth

Vitalik was born in the very ordinary family in the city of Elista in March 1988. Before him, none of the relatives possessed, he alone was born "strange".

Even in the maternity hospital, doctors and nannies were surprised at what handsome baby, not the same as the rest of the little ones. Often, women in labor and medical staff came to admire him.

Ros Vitaly Gibert in the usual, but very caring and loving family, in the most ordinary house. In addition to him, his parents had two daughters, one of whom is older than Vitalik, the second is younger.

Since childhood, he felt in himself the manifestation of a certain gift, he understood that he perceives quite sharply everything that surrounds him, reacts to the injustice, aggression, cruelty of this world. Therefore, with all his strength, he tried to do everything in his power to make this world a better place than it was before. Vitalik studied at a comprehensive school, but the class was with a legal bias.

Mother! Mother! Mother!

Despite the fact that Vitalik is very young, a tragedy occurred in his life: he lost the person dearest to him - his mother. The future psychic Vitaly Gibert was still young when his mother died of cancer. Doctors found she had a simple inflammation and ordered her to be treated with warming. Such procedures led to a sad result, because because of such treatment, the cancer began to progress very quickly. So that the youngest sister would not see her mother in a terrible state, which all shortened her life, Vitalik took the baby to relatives.

During the funeral, the young psychic (while still a teenager at that time) really wanted to bring his mother back to life, he was simply consumed by the grief that had fallen on him. Later, the guy said that it was at that time that some in an incomprehensible way he managed to see the ghost of his mother. Only at that moment did he realize that he was able to see what others could not see. But at the same time, the guy understood that he should not talk about his abilities, because not everyone could understand him and accept him for who he is.

With time young man began to study esotericism. His dad was sure that his son's incomprehensible hobby was just a temporary fad, but Vitalik did not stop his occupation.

Forward, to the "Battle of psychics"!

Often, turning on the TV at the time when the “Battle of Psychics” program was broadcast, Vitaly Gibert caught himself thinking that he really wanted to try his hand at it, test his abilities. But at the same time, he wondered if it was worth it or not. And so, when the casting was announced on the TNT channel for another season, a young clairvoyant and healer received three signs - three hands. The realization came to him that this is a symbol of the main prize of the broadcast show.

As it turned out later, the decision made by Vitaly Gibert (reviews of him with gratitude and admiration can be read on the pages of printed publications) turned out to be correct. It was this young man with the tenderness who turned out to be the undisputed winner, receiving 90 percent of the votes.

Seeing his only son on the screen, Vitaly's dad was shocked. He, who previously did not like this program, now did not miss a single issue, often reviewing them again. Convinced of what his offspring, the father, is capable of, again talking to him on the phone, told him that he was proud of him. For Vitaly, this was the highest recognition of his abilities, capabilities and skills.

Is the young magician's heart free?

Fans of Vitaly Gibert have been trying in vain to get an answer to this question from the very moment when they first saw him competing with the rest of the psychics. After the first release of the program, girls (and even older ladies) flooded the Internet for days on end with confessions of their very warm feelings for him.

So, Vitaly Gibert. The photo reflects a cute red-haired boy with sly and smart eyes. Now he is the idol of thousands of the fairer sex, who sacredly believe everything that comes from his mouth. It is unlikely that he himself would have believed in such worship of women if someone had told him about it twelve or fifteen years ago, because in childhood he considered himself a rather ugly boy. Every freckle was his enemy. It was because of the caulk that he was once ridiculed.

Vitaly does not let anyone into his personal life, only slightly opening the veil. At the age of eighteen, he was in love with a girl who very much reminded him of his mother. At first, it was she who sought the attention of the guy, and when he was subdued by her, she turned away from him, as from a boring toy. Many times Vitalik tried to renew their relationship, but he failed. Now he lives in the hope of meeting with the very one and only.

In any interview, Vitaly talks about the fact that he is not able to cure a person from a deadly disease; he will not promise people incredible wealth or business success. Gibert is sure that a person can solve any problems on his own. It is important to guide him in the right direction.

A lot of things happen in the world that cannot be explained by logical conclusions and science. It probably belongs to the realm of mysticism. Or humanity has not yet come to new level understanding of what is happening. However, we will try to objectively evaluate the psychic Vitaly Gibert.


Indeed, there are many in the world unexplained phenomena, but they are not the result of connections with the "other" or "parallel" world. On the this moment science cannot explain much, but blindly believing in dogmatism is not worth it. On problems ordinary person charlatans or, as they are also called, psychics are profiting. They are supposedly able to foresee the future, but in fact they are telling people the obvious things.

Repeatedly conducted independent studies in which the "talent" of psychics was smashed to smithereens. But some part of the population continues to believe in mysticism, because it is easier to explain the events that take place this way.

Never trust someone who will convince you that he sees the future and can change your life without reforming yours. internal state. This is nothing more than idle talk, such statements are just an attempt to extort money from you.

Biography of Vitaly Gibert

The boy was born on March 21, 1988 in an ordinary Russian family. Two more sisters lived with him, one was older than him, and the other was younger. He spent some part of his life in the city of Elista, the capital of Kalmykia.

It is worth noting that he grew up as a completely normal child and did not show any supernatural abilities. Vitaly's parents did not have any special talents and did not go "beyond the limits of the possible."

The boy was born unusually pretty and pleasing to the eye, he was very different from other babies. In the hospital where he was born, a rumor quickly spread about a handsome young man with outstanding appearance. And most of the medical staff ran to his crib to look at small miracle.


Vitaly Gibert spent some part of his life in the most ordinary apartment of a five-story building. He, like all boys, loved toys, played ordinary games.

The guy had an unusually developed sense of justice, he reacted sharply to aggression. I tried to show empathy towards other people. In general, he did everything that could help the world become a better place.


The boy's parents decide to send him to study in general education school. He gets into a class with a legal bias, which will help him in the future.

During the training period, Vitaly began to notice oddities in himself, which he decided to hide from everyone else. Now he saw and felt something indescribable, then he imagined some figure.

But the boy's psychic gift was not revealed immediately, some time and a series of certain events passed. And only after that Vitaly realized for sure that he was special, that he should help people.


AT early adolescence Vitaly experienced a monstrous loss, a tragic situation occurred with the closest person. One day his mother felt unwell and went to the clinic. The doctor listened to the woman and sent for examination. She was diagnosed with inflammation and it was decided to send her to warm up the area where the inflammatory process took place.

However, Vitaly's mother began to feel even worse, the procedures did not have a positive effect on her well-being. Subsequently, it turned out that the woman's cancer progressed, and the doctors prescribed treatment, which only aggravated the situation.

But it turned out to be impossible to send her to chemotherapy, she died before the doctors could at least do something to help. Vitaly was painfully worried about the course of his mother's illness, but he found strength in himself and did not show weakness in front of younger sister. Later, he took her to relatives so that she would not see the torment of her mother.

The funeral

As Gibert himself states, during the burial of the body, he saw the ghost of his mother, but he was not at all surprised or even scared. Vitaly knew about his abilities for a long time, so unexpected appearance did not become a sensation for him.

About our supernatural powers he did not trumpet at every corner, but preferred to remain in the shadows. The boy was well aware that society was not ready to understand him. And the rest of the children will simply ridicule him, saying that he is somehow not like that.

Passion for mysticism

The young man quite seriously took up the study of esoteric treatises. He worked hard and reached some heights in his psychic activity. The boy's father treated his son's activities with some skepticism, he thought that this was a temporary hobby and soon the boy would stop "seeing the invisible."

However, the boy did not stop practicing spiritual practices. On the contrary, with even greater enthusiasm, he began to study everything new that related to mysticism and esotericism.

"The fight of extrasensories"

The young man loved everything connected with his passion for mysticism. And often looked popular show"Battle of psychics", which was broadcast on TNT. Often he caught himself thinking that he wanted to participate in it and compete with other "special".

However, he constantly doubted and wondered if he should go there. Everything changed with the announcement of a new casting for the "Battle of Psychics". Vitaly has a vision in which there are three signs, symbolizing three hands. He decides that this is the symbol of the main prize.

He nevertheless came to the casting, but before the broadcast he called his family and asked to turn on the TNT channel. The father was very surprised by the participation of Vitaly Gibert in the "Battle of Psychics", he did not like such programs. And my sister, on the contrary, was very happy for her "special" brother.

Overcoming himself, the father nevertheless began to watch the broadcasts and watch his son. He finally notices Vitaly's extraordinary talent, which he had never suspected before. And in a state of emotional excitement, he calls his son and says that he is very happy with his success and insanely proud of him.

Without any effort, Vitaly Gibert talks about other people, but he is silent about himself. With the beginning of participation in the "Battle of Psychics", he had a whole army of fans. But the pleasant appearance of the guy could not charm the skeptics who spoke unflatteringly about his activities.


Vitaly does not consider himself to be someone unearthly, a sorcerer, a magician. He declares that he is between the worlds and is the usual conductor between them. He directly says that he cannot heal or help return lost love.

The practices of Vitaly Gibert help to realize oneself, to feel internal energy. It does not have a direct magical effect on the fate of a person, but only directs a person (for a certain amount) to the true path. Reviews about Vitaly Gibert are very contradictory, we will explain why below.

However, skeptics are not asleep and are ready to smash Gibert to smithereens. They have reasonable suspicions that he ordinary charlatan and concurrently a skilled actor and psychologist. The psychic is only amused by such statements, because he passed a kind of quality test, having won the "Battle of psychics" and gaining more than 42 thousand votes.

Vitaly Gibert and the book "Modeling the Future"

On his official website, the young man began to distribute the electronic version of the work for free. He timed it to his birthday, on this subject he recorded a video message to the fans and posted it in social network"In contact with".

There he appears against the backdrop of a Buddhist monastery, birdsong is heard (most likely, just a sound is added), and his voice sounds as if he was cleansed of all earthly sins and received God's blessing. But in fact, he speaks in a playful way, uses the typical epithets of a "spiritual" practitioner and does not look entirely convincing. Draw your own conclusions.

Quotes from the book:

Five years ago I had a lot of problems. At that time, I was a deceitful manipulator, confidently playing on the feelings of other people. Especially the people who loved me.

Vitaly describes the achievement of the mythical "epiphany", speaks of spiritual practices and God. If you're really bored, you can read it. Although, despite psychic abilities, the talent of the writer, it seems, bypassed him. The author's thoughts are not presented objectively, and the narration is in the first person. But you can find something worthwhile for yourself, as well as learn from the mistakes of others.

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