Dolokhov war and peace characterization briefly. Composition “Characteristics of the image of Dolokhov Fedor


Among the many supporting characters in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", the image of Fyodor Dolokhov stands out for me personally. Somehow he attracts the attention of readers, makes him stand out among the numerous representatives of the nobility described in this great work.

Fedor Ivanovich Dolokhov is a controversial and ambiguous personality. A handsome officer, a brawler and a brave man, the last male representative of the impoverished noble family, smart and well educated, Dolokhov has always been the soul of the company and a favorite beautiful ladies. His appearance was conducive to the appearance in his life of numerous novels.

A twenty-five-year-old infantry officer, well-built, of medium height, with blond curly hair and blue eyes, and gracefully curved line mouth, Dolokhov cannot help but like women. The halo of a “martyr” that arose around him after being demoted to the soldiers makes him even more attractive in the eyes of secular beauties. Even more attractive is the fact that only he suffered for the offense he committed together with Pierre Bezukhov and Anatole Kuragin, the rest of their joint hooliganism got away with it. Of course, Dolokhov did not forgive his "friends" for such an injustice.

The rake and duelist Dolokhov spends time in cheerful company for carousing and card games. His ability to win at cards even gave rise to rumors that he was a cheater. However, as a thinking person, Fyodor Dolokhov is often bored with such a pastime. He preferred to get rid of this boredom with the help of strange, mostly cruel deeds.

The unbridled nature of his character was always combined with reckless courage, reaching the audacity. IN war time Dolokhov used these qualities to stand out, become famous and rich.
I began to respect Fedor Dolokhov very much when I found out that wealth for him is not an end in itself. This man, at first glance, who had nothing sacred in life, adored his mother and sister, was a devoted and gentle son and brother, and was ready for anything for their well-being. Perhaps he himself was ashamed of these feelings, strenuously hiding his tenderness under the mask of insolence and cynicism. But the main thing is that he had these feelings.

The courage of Fyodor Dolokhov and the fact that he achieved everything in his life himself also command respect. He was not rich, had no connections that would allow him to improve his position in society and could always rely only on himself. Despite all the inconsistency of this image, there is something very attractive in it.

Composition Fedor Dolokhov

Fedor Dolokhov is one of the most complex characters in the novel. A native of an impoverished noble family, of his relatives he has only his mother and sister. Initially received a good education and upbringing. He has an attractive appearance, which he willingly uses to seduce women. A player, a rake and a duelist - in a word, an adventurer.

In the service, he often turned out to be demoted to the soldiers, due to duels or manifestations of character. The same character and willingness to take risks own life helped him to be restored to the rank of officer. Colleagues unanimously consider him a brave man, but Dolokhov's brave deeds end when he receives the desired promotion. He is not inclined to show courage just like that, not counting on personal gain. He will certainly notify the authorities about all his exploits.

IN secular life Dolokhov is also a prominent personality. He enjoys attending entertainment events, his entertainment borders on recklessness. Often he comes close to the line between "decent" and "indecent." He makes friends easily, but does not feel real affection for anyone. He needs friends to use their position in society and money. Most of all, he became friends with Anatole Kuragin - the same rake as himself. And here is Nikolai Rostov, a representative of the respected and rich family, Dolokhov was not interested as a friend. First, their values ​​were absolutely opposite. Secondly, Dolokhov was stung by the refusal of Sonya, who preferred Nikolai to him. Therefore, Dolokhov did not begin to make friends with the young Rostov, but instead decided to beat him at cards, thus receiving material benefits from him. Dolokhov was often lucky in cards, there were even rumors that he was a cheater. Dolokhov himself willingly spread such rumors.

Against the backdrop of a dissolute life, unexpected manifestations of completely different qualities occur. It turns out that Dolokhov dearly loves his mother, about which he himself informs Rostov. He is wounded and cries, remembering her. Dolokhov informs Nikolai that he is ready to die for those whom he loves, and he is ready to trample on all the others if they stand in his way. He asks for forgiveness from Pierre on the eve of the Battle of Borodino. Earlier, Dolokhov abused Pierre's hospitality, seduced his wife and brought the matter to a duel. It turns out that this egoist Dolokhov is able to love someone, is able to admit his guilt. But this nobility so rarely manifested itself in him.

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Dolokhov - no key character novel "War and Peace", but this image is so bright that it is impossible to pass by. The image of Dolokhov is a problem of hypocrisy and spiritual emptiness.

Fedor was very attractive, had bright Blue eyes, curly blond hair. Always popular with the opposite sex. The look of the guy was purposeful, reasonable, insightful.

Dolokhov had average height, had an excellent and fit figure. He did not wear a mustache, which was a feature of an infantry officer in Tolstoy's time.

Everyone without exception considered Dolokhov the soul of the company, a cheerful and sympathetic person. He was gambler, the cards became the meaning of his life. Fedor was very quick-tempered and restless. Often started duels over trifles. Due to his ability to play cards, he was nicknamed "The Rascal", but did not get upset about it. On the contrary, he was even proud.

Having fallen in love with Sonya Rostov, he lost his head and offered to marry. The girl refused, as she was engaged to Nikolai Rostov. Angry, Dolokhov plays cards with Nikolai and loses significantly here. Fedorov squeezed a girl like Sonya all his life, and Rostov became in his way. The hero, angry, invited Rostov to a duel, even despite the friendship.

Dolokhov did not have moral principles that would interfere with his life. The affair with Helen Bezukhova ended in a duel, where Pierre wounded Fedor. Dolokhov always knew how to weave intrigues, so he agreed to help Kuragin in the kidnapping of Natasha Rostova. Kuragin at first glance seems tough and treacherous person, but despite all this, he has a feeling of tenderness. When Dolokhov went on reconnaissance with Petya Rostov, he understood that he was an idol for him and that Petya wanted to kiss him, and he did it himself. But it was a momentary clouding, because he was used to expressing no feelings.

Sometimes Dolokhov could be sincere, but for everything he developed the image of an adventurer, and he fully corresponded to this image.

Composition on the theme of Dolokhov

External Description

The young officer is very handsome and well-built figure. His age is approximately 25 years old. He didn't have a mustache, just like any infantry officer. His wonderful hair fell down the collar of his shirt. He has a powerful build, about average height. In general, he was well-built, rather agile and broad-shouldered. Dolokhov's voice was very firm, he spoke slowly, with an arrangement. In general, we can say that Fedor Ivanovich had a fairly attractive appearance.

Military career

For this young man military duty is, first of all, self-expression, an opportunity to distinguish oneself by military merits. He does an excellent job with his duties, but he does all this not for the sake of patriotism, but for the sake of glory and the opportunity to get rich. The officer serves in an elite regiment called Semyonovsky. But due to constant entertainment and duels, he is often deprived of his officer rank, after which he has to deserve it again. In the war of 1805-1807, Fedor shows the heroism of his actions, but only the desire to enrich himself and become famous prompts him to do so. His love affairs with Bezukhova they lead to an inevitable duel, after which his rank is again lowered. During the war with the French and the Emperor Napoleon, he serves as an ordinary ordinary soldier. Serving in the army goes again the same way - the ascent to higher ranks and money.

Personal Traits

Dolokhov treats the female sex in a special way. He literally drives women crazy with his antics. They often dream about him. This image actions attracts the attention of personalities of various ranks to him. They began to call him nothing more than a "reveler" and a quick-tempered duelist. Killing a man in a duel is not difficult for him. It seems to him that absolutely everyone should respect him and keep in fear of him. Also one of his favorite activities is card games. Very soon they began to call him a cheater and a dishonest player. In life, the young man is rather arrogant and impudent. His insolence is shown not only to ordinary people, but to the commanders of the regiment. He is also very cunning and can fool a stupid person.

Fedor Ivanovich unusual character. He is perceived as a reveler, a goofball, an impudent and a duellist.

Option 3

Fedor Dolokhov is one of the secondary characters in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

This is a young man of twenty-five from an impoverished noble family. Dolokhov is outwardly attractive, he has an athletic figure. The eyes are beautiful, but the look is repulsive, cold. Smart, got a good education. His whole family is his mother and sister, whom he loves very much. He has no connections, he has to rely only on himself in life. Dolokhov is in the service of the Guards Regiment. For him, military service is an opportunity to secure his future. He strains all his strength to be in high society equal, and for this plays a role secular lion. Takes advantage of himself the right people.

At the beginning of the novel, we see Dolokhov in company with Anatole Kuragin. This company spends time in carousing, drinking, card games. Dolokhov is known in society as a rake, a duelist, and women like him. Because of his antics, he is demoted to the soldiers. During the military events of 1805-1807, Dolokhov manifests himself heroically at the front, but acts for selfish purposes - he needs to return officer rank. Having returned the officer's rank, he goes to the Caucasus and Persia. No one really knew what Dolokhov was doing there. After returning to Moscow, revelry continues, a duel takes place over love affair with Helen Bezukhova and a new demotion follows. When the war with Napoleon begins, Dolokhov is an ordinary soldier. He needs to excel in order to earn forgiveness. Dolokhov does not know the fear of death, he acts courageously. Later, Dolokhov ends up in a partisan detachment, where he acts very cruelly towards the French, and behaves fearlessly in intelligence.

The image of Dolokhov is complex, contradictory. On the one hand, he is kind to his mother and sister, tenderly - to Sonya, Petya. On the other hand, he is vindictive and cruel. He pays for the goodness of Pierre Bezukhov by dishonoring him by seducing his wife Helen. He became friends with Nikolai Rostov during his recovery after being wounded in a duel, was extremely frank with him, talking about his dreams. And then he settles scores with Rostov, having beaten him at cards with the help of deceit. He takes revenge on Nikolai because Sonya loves him. The concept of friendship does not exist in Dolokhov. He can manipulate people, as in the case of Anatole Kuragin. Dolokhov helps him prepare for the kidnapping of Natasha Rostova. He is an adventurer, for him it is just another game. And in last moment tries to dissuade Anatole from this dangerous undertaking and, as a result, saves him.

Dolokhov is lonely and embittered. Some find their way in the service of goodness and justice, while Dolokhov chooses the path of a cynic. The author condemns false heroism and personal egoism in it.

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Dolokhov Fedor - "Semenov officer, famous player and breter." Dolokhov was a man of medium height, curly-haired and with light, blue eyes. He was twenty-five years old. He did not wear a mustache, like all infantry officers, and his mouth, the most striking feature of his face, was completely visible. The lines of this mouth were remarkably finely curved. In the middle upper lip energetically descended on the strong lower one in a sharp wedge, and something like two smiles constantly formed in the corners, one on each side; and all together, and especially in combination with a firm, insolent, intelligent look, made such an impression that it was impossible not to notice this face. The prototypes of the image of Dolokhov are R. I. Dorokhov, a reveler and a brave man whom Tolstoy knew in the Caucasus; a relative of the writer, known in early XIX V. Count F. I. Tolstoy-American, who also served as the prototype for the heroes of A. S. Pushkin, A. S. Griboyedov; partisan of times Patriotic War 1812 A. S. Figner.

D. is not rich, but he knows how to position himself in society in such a way that everyone respects and even fears him. He misses the conditions ordinary life and gets rid of boredom in a strange, even cruel way, doing incredible things. In 1805, he was expelled from St. Petersburg for tricks with the quarter, demoted to the rank and file, but during the military campaign he regained his officer rank.

D. is smart, brave, cold-blooded, indifferent to death. He carefully hides from outsiders his tender affection for his mother, confessing to Rostov that everyone considers him an evil person, but in fact he does not want to know anyone except those whom he loves.

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Fedor Ivanovich Dolokhov is a minor character in the epic novel War and Peace. Despite this, he is one of the brightest male images in the work.

Dolokhov is a poor nobleman from a dying family. He does not have special connections and in life he is forced to rely only on himself. At the beginning of the work, we see him as a member of the elite Semenov regiment, but later, because of his ugly antics, he is demoted to ordinary soldiers. In the future, he will be able to distinguish himself on the battlefield and regain his officer rank, but, since violent temper he is unchanged, he will be demoted again. This is repeated several times.

Character characteristic

Relationships with friends

According to Dolokhov's description, one can understand that he suffers because of his poverty and lack of connections. At the same time, he knows how to win over the right people and take advantage of them. This is what happens to Anatole Kuragin, with whom he makes friends, shamelessly using his wallet. He shamelessly seduces Bezukhov's wife, despite the fact that Pierre unselfishly helped him with Hard time. Nikolai Rostov beats cards on a large sum in retaliation for Sony's refusal.

(Fedor Dolokhov as Oleg Efremov and Anatol Kuragin as Vasily Lanovoy, feature film "War and Peace", USSR 1967)

Hero Courage

At the same time, Dolokhov cannot be called a cowardly person, he is brave, sometimes to the point of recklessness. This is manifested in the very first scene in which the reader meets him. Fedor, sitting on the window of the third floor, drinks a bottle of rum in one gulp, risking falling down and killing himself to death.

On the battlefield, Dolokhov also manifests himself with better side: he alone stops the enemy company, captures an officer, fearlessly reconnoiters the location of the French units. However, he does all this not out of love for the fatherland, but only in order to Once again curry favor to regain his officer rank.

Relationship with mother and sister

The character of Dolokhov in his relationship with his mother and sister appears very unexpected to the reader. Rake, breter, rip-head turns out to be loving son and gentle brother.

The image of the character in the work

(Oleg Efremov as Fyodor Dolokhov Feature Film"War and Peace", USSR 1967)

The author reveals the image of the character to us through the attitude of other heroes towards him, as well as through his portrait. So, Pierre thinks about him before the duel: "... it does not mean anything to him to kill a person, it should seem to him that everyone is afraid of him, he should be pleased with this ...".

Reading the description of Fedor's appearance, the reader notices that the author places special emphasis on his eyes. So, he said, "... shining with his beautiful, insolent eyes ...", or "... looked at them with his cold, glassy, ​​not promising look ...".

Thus, Dolokhov in Leo Tolstoy's novel is a young impoverished Russian officer of desperate courage, but of low principles, an incorrigible adventurer. Through his image, the author shows a whole layer of officers of that time who could not find themselves in peacetime, but fought heroically in the war. Unfortunately, in the novel, as in reality, this image turns out to be unviable unless it changes itself or is changed by a pure female love, similar to the one that Dolokhov hoped for when he proposed to Sonya.

I remember the novel "War and Peace" from school. Fortunately, even before reading it, I watched Bondarchuk’s film, otherwise I would have spat from Andryusha Bolkonsky so that you can spit more only from Napoleon with his plump neck and fat thighs: shpendik, small arms, small legs - nothing Beautiful face and princely blood does not save this undersized. Not a single director dared to take on the role of Andrei Bolkonsky an actor who would correspond in size to what Tolstoy wrote about.
At the same time, the victims of directorial envy are really interesting and handsome character- Fedor Dolokhov. Because in Tolstoy he is wonderfully good in all respects, and in the films he is either a silly Yefremov, or a nigga-sebe-surname Zadler, or a boring mustachioed Burke.
The image of Fedor Dolokhov catches immediately. A real man is a military man, a player and a breter. Let us omit the fact of his cohabitation with Anatole ("It was Dolokhov, a Semyonov officer, a famous player and a breter who lived with Anatole"), because sodomy was not noticed on the pages of our works, only number two.
At the beginning of the novel, Dolokhov is 25. Height is also so-so - average, but everything is better than short. Curly-haired and, as usual with Tolstoy, his bright blue eyes were his beautiful place. The mouth also did not lag behind the eyes, and even, according to the master scribe, surpassed everything in its beauty. Due to the lack of a mustache (the bastards of the British, it was necessary to take JJ Field instead of Burke with a scar and a mustache covering it) "his mouth, the most striking feature of his face, was all visible." To her, Yoda, under the weight of years and perversity, I see more and more in the imperishable lines of Lev Nikolaevich a touch of voluptuousness: “The lines of this mouth were wonderfully subtly curved. two smiles, one on each side; and all together, and especially in combination with a firm, insolent, intelligent look, made such an impression that it was impossible not to notice this face.
Dolokhov had neither a dowry nor connections. Proud to the point of ambition, smart, cruel and tough, he managed to gain the respect of the rich around him, with whom he did not stand on ceremony, with both sexes.
Not the last advantage of Dolokhov was the ability to drink and not get drunk - in the matter of womanhood, this is very important. And women Dolokhov, like a normal man, loved how, khe, to fuck.
For his entertainment, Dolokhov was punished to the fullest, almost one for all suckers and jerks like Anatolka and Petrushka, as evidenced by the case with the bear and the quarter. But he didn’t give up, rather, he only became angrier and more reckless. He carried out military affairs regularly and, in general, everything related to weapons was done by him with honor - the same duel with Bezukhov shows Dolokhov exclusively with positive side(omit true reason duel, besides, Dolokhov didn’t cheat on anyone) - he gave Pierre the opportunity to fire the first shot, for which, by the will of Lev Nikolayevich and the fate of the turkey, he paid the price.
It seems to me that Lev Nikolaevich had exceptionally warm feelings for his beautiful, to the point of insanity, courageous and arrogant hero, so he settled him together with his old mother and hunchback sister. The hero's heart was tender and vulnerable, he was forced to hide it under a thick shell of vice and hatred for the rich. Wonderful character, the best of 559!
JJ Field, Tolstoy as Dolokhov wrote from him

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