Mythical creatures with wings. Russian mythical creatures. Gnomes lived much longer than humans. In the bowels of the earth, little men kept their treasures - precious stones and metals. Dwarves are skilled blacksmiths and could forge magic rings, swords, etc. They


When we have nightmares about terrible monsters, we realize that this is just a fantasy: monsters emerge from the darkest depths of the subconscious and embody our secret fears (special thanks to the movie Aliens!). However, there have been many cases where people actually believed that some creature actually existed. Everyone has heard about Bigfoot, but there are others - so evil and scary that some people are even afraid to mention them.

So, you are reading about a protected papyrus in Berlin. In the first of the three who opened their eyes to the light, the Goddess Meskhenet prophesied: "This will be the King!" Renene added: "He will rule over the whole earth." And finally, Shai: "His kingdom will be short, but happy and prosperous." the same thing that the three benevolent geniuses said when the second twin came into the world. Upon the arrival of the third, Shai exclaimed, "His Kingdom will be long and lasting." The same two prophesied the other two Lords of Destiny.

These three babies became, in adulthood, the first three rulers of the 5th Dynasty. Another story very similar to some of the modern fairy tales, tells of the visit of the Three Lords to another farewell, the Sovereign Bride, who gave beautiful boy light. "At eighteen a dog or a crocodile or a snake will come here to take her away." They both felt like three Genes together. This meant that at the age of eighteen a little prince die for being bitten by a dog or a crocodile or a snake.


Yovi is the Australian equivalent of Bigfoot. It has been spotted in different parts of Australia, most often in the Blue Mountains region to the west of Sydney. Reports of encounters with strange creatures appeared shortly after the settlers from Europe decided to settle in the area, and do not stop to this day. At Australian aborigines there are also many legends about encounters with yowie. At first, it was called "yehu" (yahoo), which means "evil spirit." And although there have been no cases of a direct attack by a yovi on a person, this creature itself is terrifying. They say that he stands and stares at you, without looking up, and then disappears into the forest thicket.

However, the tasks of these three lovely ladies did not end there, and they were not always so favorable and accessible to mortals. Shai, Madame of Destiny, was also the Genius of Life and the Inexorable of Destiny, and it is known that in order to avoid this, he often ends up even faster in his arms. Fate, who sent the Sages, makes every effort of mortals to avoid wealth or happiness if he lacks his consent. Therefore, the much beloved Goddess, Shai, even threatened, according to the whole Egyptian mood to pray to the Gods.

Even Renene, the "Genius of Fortune", was very polite, as was Meskhenet, who knew every detail of every mortal's future. All three have also been used in many other circumstances: weddings, travel, business, wars, and more. We follow at this moment a pacifying rite offered by the Three Lords, thanks to the young promise of marriage.


Rumors of a giant anaconda living in the jungles of South America have always existed. It's about not about the usual giant anaconda, but about an unknown reptile of truly monstrous proportions. Witnesses claimed that this snake is larger than any they have ever seen, and its length reaches 40-50 meters. The natives gave her the name "mother of water". They say that the head of this snake is almost two meters wide. She can cut down trees on her way, let alone large animals or a person - when they meet this monster, they are doomed.

On the warm morning of Mehira, last month season of Peret, a fire flared up when the sun enveloped the rays, and the earth covered green color. Frankincense thrown into the fire left a pungent and penetrating smell in the air. Tauser, Seer of the Temple of Tuaret, invoked the favor of the Goddess, Protector of Woman and Motherhood. His shoulders were broad and his broad azure robe camouflaged and concealed his figure, but his voice was clear and loud. Tawart, Lady Nun in whom Life was created. Tawart, Lady of Water and Life.

His breathing was slow and rhythmic, and his voice was a little hoarse, but "fair" in tone, as it required the success of the rite. Bright, but calm and patient, the boy thought. Aware of opening a gap with the divine. In the sky he saw a brilliant crescent, loving Mystery and Magic. Make you feel your beloved presence, Great Mother, but do not crush the Radiance of your being. Without moving in front of the Goddess in simulacrum, his hands extended forward, Djoser felt that he reminded the Powers of the Infinite Cosmos to use them for the benefit of the participants in this meeting.


Brownie - a creature from Slavic mythology, devilry. He looks like a little man with a big beard. It is believed that every house has its own brownie and that brownies love cleanliness and help maintain it. These creatures do not seem to be evil, but on the contrary, they are useful in the household, but if the brownie does not like something, he can begin to build evil intrigues and ruin your life. It's best not to mess with him. If he loves you, he will help you, and if he suddenly dislikes you, he will pinch you to bruises at night, lean on top in a dream and press so that you can’t breathe. In general, the brownie is an ambiguous figure.

It was a small team and a quiet crowd. A heart suddenly came into his throat: there was Princess Nefer, the ultimate son of the pharaoh, and it seemed she was there to ask for answers. Environment, in which this assembly took place, was a small space adorned only with a statue of the Goddess in dark diorite, located above the stone base of Tura. Lying on the hoof was a thin linen cloth, in which, when the rite was over, the boy thought that the sacred effigy would be restored, which only cleansed hands could touch. Make your voice, Lady of the Primordial Waters.


Bunyip, also known as "kyanprati", is an Australian sea devil, or evil spirit. This creature large sizes and rather peculiar in appearance: he has the head of a crocodile, the muzzle of a dog, fangs and flippers like a walrus, and in addition to everything, a horse's tail. Bunyip lives in swamps, streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. There have been no reports of encounters with him since the middle of the 19th century, but the natives still believe in his existence. Bunyips are bloodthirsty: at night they go hunting, devouring animals and people, and they especially love to feast on women.

Joser saw that the Savior poured the milk contained in a special pot into a bowl. Watching closely, even from a distance, he could clearly see his own form: a female figure crouching with a hippopotamus head and perforated breasts from which milk flowed. Djoser stared at Tuare's figure; his appearance didn't like it, but it was reassuring: pregnant and round, offered the mystery of Life. He knew that the gift the Goddess preferred to receive from her faithful was a piece of cloth or dress; the small statue was literally covered.

Even Princess Nefer, he noticed the boy, offered him: a patch of his most expensive clothes, made of thin linen, with a ball. On the other hand, in The Three Sisters, the toilet attendants who followed the Great Mother in every rite saw Princess Memphis offer a gold shell bracelet. The three ladies were: Renene, the Genius of Fortune, Shai, the Genius of Fate, and Meskhenet, the Genius of the Future. O Shai, lady of the Immutable and Inevitable, who in due time points the way. Something must have happened, the boy thought.


Almost everyone has heard of Bigfoot. But in case you don't know, this is a large creature that has been seen in many areas. North America. Bigfoot is known to be very tall, have thick brown or black fur, and stink terribly. There are reports that he abducted people and kept them in the forest for a long time in his hiding places. Whether this is true or not is not known for sure. They say he likes to watch people, looking into the windows of houses at night.

With a final call, an open void opened up in his eyes. The last one appeared first: Meskhenet, who spoke with the voice of one of the two girls present; not even six years old and “forced” by the will of the Seer to enter into a small transfigured body of divine light.

With this term, the people of the Nile pointed to the sea. Under this divine impulse the voice little man was firm and confident, calm and calm in tone. Becoming tender and sweet, with a pinch of veiled melancholy and deplorable, almost as much as "communication" was no longer the same Being. An obscure gift passed through the boy's spirit: Shai could not cheat, as he sometimes did with the senet, secretly hiding the checkers of the chessboard.


Jikininki is a very peculiar mythical creature. This is a Japanese evil spirit, a goblin that eats human corpses. It is known that once they were people, but for sins after their death they were turned into terrible spirits. If you are a bad and greedy person, you will be cursed and after death you will have to roam the Earth forever in the guise of a jikininka, endowed with an insatiable hunger. They say they look like a decaying corpse with very bright eyes, with which they can immobilize you with a look. So it's better not to get caught by them.

The boy was still staring at her, following her with a glamorous look. Full of grace, like a sweet melancholic psyche, saw her spot on the palm chest that seemed to have been laid on the floor for her; he smiled at the mirror image in the mirror.

From the Greek angelos, which means "messenger", angels have been present in all cultures and traditions since very distant times. In many, in fact, even today they believe in the existence of angels, although no one can claim to have seen one. Beings full of charm and splendor, surrounded by mystery and suggestion, Angels belong to the vanishing and fantasy world on the borders of matter and spirituality. And their appearance: bright and vanishing, and at the same time composed of matter.


Yeti - Himalayan Bigfoot. They say that he comes from Tibet, from where he then spread to the nearby highlands. Witnesses claim to have seen a yeti carrying a large rock and whistling an eerie tune. Yeti walks on two legs, is covered with white hair, and he also has huge fangs. Yeti should not be taken lightly, because. in Tibet, many cases have been recorded when people encountered it.

The main feature, in addition to the "substance"? Wings which they provided. But in the Bible, they do not always have wings, but use the heavenly ladder to ascend to heaven and receive human form to bring divine messages to people. In fact, the person has angels who come to Abraham to announce to him the concept of Isaac or to prevent his sacrifice. So it is when, under the name of Azariah, the Archangel Raffaele accompanies and protects Tobia on the way. The other two: Israfil, this is Raffaele, the Archangel who will play the Trumpets of the Resurrection, and Mikail or Michele is the one who directs the actions of man.


The Chupacabra is the legendary goat vampire. This creature is rather modest in size, but very vicious. The first mention of the chupacabra came from Puerto Rico, and then there were many reports of a meeting with this monster, both in South America, as well as in the North. Chupacabra translates as "sucking goats." She kills animals and sucks their blood. There is not a single serious proof of the existence of the Chupacabra, but people still believe in it.

The angel did open the prison door to Peter, and the list would be very long. The feature of Revelation is ultimately the mediation of Angels who will be called to bring the divine message to the 7 Churches when. Already in primitive societies there was a belief in the existence of a Protective Spirit. In Jewish culture, we talk about Angels protecting not only people, but also nature: sea angels, air angels, fiery angels etc. in Mesopotamia, benign spirits with the appearance of winged griffins await the figures of angels and arcangels for several millennia.

Beast of Gevaudan

Between 1764 and 1767, the French province of Gévaudan (now the Lozère department) was terrorized by a creature that looked like a huge wolf. It is known that in three years the ruthless cannibal wolf, whom everyone considered a werewolf, made 250 attacks, 119 of which led to death. The killings continued for several years, and even King Louis XV sent hundreds professional hunters to round up the beast, but their efforts were unsuccessful. They say that he was eventually killed by a local hunter - with a consecrated silver bullet. And human remains were found in the stomach of the beast.

IN Greek mythology The messengers of the Gods were depicted with wings, like angels. Golden wings and a caduceus, which was the sign of the messenger. The caduceus was an auction house with two snakes coiled and ending in two wings. The messengers of the Greek and Roman gods were Iris, the personification of the rainbow that connects heaven and earth, and Hermes or Mercury, the symbol of mystery and mystery.

Guardian angels are also found in Persia: the fravashi, the perfect but vanishing copy of every human being. A bit like the Egyptian Ba, also called "Double", which is an exact copy of each person, but transparent and pure spirit. Always in Persia, Zoroaster, the prophet of Ahura, reported that the world was created with the help of the spirits of Benedict: seven angels.


Wendigo is an Indian bloodthirsty cannibal spirit. It is said that if a person is cursed, they can turn into a wendigo, especially if that person has practiced black magic and cannibalism. And also if he was cursed by a healer or bitten by another wendigo. The danger is that the wendigo is always hungry and loves human flesh very much. This creature is three times taller than a human, it has translucent, but very hard skin that no weapon can take. You can only kill him with fire.

Is there a hierarchy in angelic society? The Angelic Orders would be nine divided into three Orders. The first order will be: Cherubim - Seraphim - Trinidad. Second order: dominance - virtue - power before the third orders - angels - arcangels.

There would be many angels, while the higher ranking archangels would be four, but we only know the name of three of them. Gabriele - Raffaele - Michele. For some, the fourth archangel was Emanuel. This has been discussed for centuries, but according to most, the Angels would be removed, although they can appear with both male and female appearance.


The Sumerians were interesting people. They built such a highly developed civilization that they rose above the rest. Their epic, like the epic of other ancient peoples, tells of various outlandish creatures, gods and goddesses, including very bloodthirsty ones. One of the most famous mythical monsters The Sumerians are Gugalanna, the heavenly bull from the Epic of Gilgamesh. This creature killed thousands of people in search of the city where the great king lives, and it was also looking for him to kill. It was possible to cope with this bull, but not without losses. Gugalanna was a terrible heavenly punishment that one of the gods sent to people.

The demon is the personification of evil. For the Egyptians were the symbol of darkness and evil; indestructible and eternal: Seth and Apep. However, with a significant difference between them: the first was only the Criminal of the Universe and its creatures, and the second is aimed at its destruction. Apep was the Destroyer and the Destroyer. And if that wasn't enough to hinder the lives of the Egyptians, there was a whole series of demons of the second degree that constituted the "court" of the higher gods, such as Sekhmet, the Goddess of Destruction and Disease. They had the ability to enter the human body and bring torment and disease.

The demonic domains called him Christians; to free the unfortunate, they used and used, as their only means, exorcism: a ritual practiced in the past by other cultures. But what is the devil or demon for Christians today? The Apocalypse tells us that within a thousand years the devil would have been released from the abyss, where he was persecuted after the temptation of Eve and released his "court" of the Demon, those Angels who supported him in the rebellion. He adds that his final defeat will follow the final decision.


These creatures, legends about which are common in the Philippines, look like vampires. They are also very fond of blood, but they have features that distinguish them from other vampire-like creatures: these monsters love to feast on the hearts of babies and know how to split their body in half. They say that at night they do just that - they leave the lower half of the body to stand on the ground, and the upper one releases membranous wings from the shoulders and flies away to look for a victim. Mananangals fly into houses, grab pregnant women, drink their blood and steal the heart of their child with their long proboscis tongue. The good news is that they can be killed. To do this, pour salt, crushed garlic or ashes on the lower half of the monster's body.

Satan, which means "enemy" in Hebrew, was actually unknown to the Jews prior to the Babylonian exile. Heaven and earth, said the Babylonians and before the Sumerians, were filled with demons, which they identified as a life-threatening principle and responsible for all evil that harms man. Initially, they claimed that they were only the spirits of the dead and they lived in tombs, isolated and deserted places. They had well-deserved names: Destruction, Destiny of Death, Resentful Spirit, Malignant Spirit and much more, everything is terrible.

No less scary, they were also the evil spirit of the Romans and their names are no less appropriate: Libitin, Lemur larvae. Perhaps even more were terrible those that inhabited the Etruscan hell: three-winged winged monsters, hybrid creatures with four or more paws. They all have long fangs, large horns, goat's legs, and all armed with forks and sticks: infernal beings of the second order, and for this they were very envious of the position of man in the hierarchy of "beings."

Black Annis

Black Annis is known to every Briton. She is an evil witch with bluish skin, long sharp teeth and claws and a frightening smile who roams the countryside and steals small children. It is necessary to protect not only children, but also animals from her, because she eats children and small sheep, tearing off their skin. From this skin she then makes belts and wears them. She lives in a cave called "Black Annis's Dwelling" and is scratched with witch's claws into the roots of an old oak - the only tree left from an ancient forest in Leicestershire.


A dybbuk for Jews is the same as for Christians a demon or spirit that inhabits a person and which Catholics exorcise in the process of exorcism, and Orthodox ones - with reprimand prayers. Dybbuk is the soul of the deceased bad man. She cannot rest and is looking for someone to move into. They say the dybbuk can cling to good man and make him insane. It seems that the dybbuk is desperately looking for help and support in this way, but in the end it brings only evil, completely mastering the person. It takes one righteous and ten other members of the community, dressed in funeral shirts, to exorcise the dybbuk.


The tale of Koschey the Deathless is common among Slavic peoples. This is a powerful and strong sorcerer who always plots and is considered one of the most terrible precisely because of his immortality. Looks like a tall thin old man or a skeleton. Likes to kidnap other people's brides. He has a weakness - his soul, but this soul is bewitched and turned into a needle "Koshcheev's death", and the needle is very well hidden. We know it by heart: a needle in an egg, an egg in a duck, a duck in a hare, a hare in an iron chest, a chest buried under an oak, an oak on a magical island. Not The best way spend your vacation.

Ten mythical creatures whose reality has been disproved by science.

1.flying rods.
Flying rods were so named for their elongated shape, ranging in length from a few centimeters to a couple of meters. They are very often seen in videos or photographs. Many believed that this special form life, we still do not know, there are those who considered them aliens. Anyway modern research showed that it's just optical illusion due to the special properties of light passing through lenses.

2. wild haggis.
wild haggis - fictional creature, according to legend, living in the highlands of Scotland. According to some sources, the right and left paws of the haggis are of different lengths, which allows it to quickly run through steep mountains and hills. There is an opinion that there are two breeds of this animal, the first has a short right paw, and the second has a left one. You can distinguish them quite easily: the one with a large left leg rushes along the mountains clockwise, and the one with right leg more - counterclockwise.

3. fluffy trout.
Fluffy trout is a mythical creature native to North America. The main premise of this legend is that the water in the area is so cold that the fish need fur to survive. Also well-known funny legend about how the trout grew hair after the hair balm factories began to dump waste into the Arkansas River.

4. squarer.
Squader - mythical creature, the brainchild of Swedish scientists. Rudolf Granberg in 1918 created a stuffed animal consisting of the head and legs of a hare and the back, wings and tail of a capercaillie. The legend about this animal originated at the beginning of the 20th century, when one of the local hunters told a story about how he shot a creature with the head of a hare and the body of a capercaillie.

5. jackalope.
Jacalopes - mythical creatures North American folklore. Described as hares with antelope horns and a pheasant tail. It is possible that stories of such creatures were inspired by the observation of rabbits infected with the Shope papilloma virus, which led to the growth of horns and horn-like tumors on their heads and the rest of the body. There was a legend among Midwestern cowboys that this creature could be caught with whiskey flask bait.

6. Madagascar cannibal tree.
In his notes, the German researcher Karl Lich spoke about interesting legend about the Mkodo tribe of Madagascar. It speaks of a certain tree with branches in the form of huge tentacles, to which a person was sacrificed every year.

7. Thetis lake monster.
On August 22, 1972, the Victoria Daily Times reported that two teenagers were frightened by a monster that suddenly appeared from Lake Thetis. He was remarkably similar to the monster from the movie Black Lagoon. At that time, the police could not find any evidence of the authenticity of what happened, but 4 days later, witnesses of this strange creature there were 2 more people. According to them, it came out of the lake, looked around and hid back under the water.

8.Kasai Rex.
The Kasai Rex is a mythical carnivorous dinosaur that has survived to this day. He lives in Africa. There are conflicting descriptions of this monster, so most cryptozoologists are inclined to believe that all this is falsified. In one case, it is described as a 12-meter lizard-like monster on two legs. The color of the predator was dark red, with black stripes on the neck, back and tail. Almost always, the animal was observed eating rhinos. There are also two official photos of the animal that contradict each other: one shows a creature similar to a monitor lizard, and the other looks like a rhinoceros.

9. Khodag.
Hodag is a legendary American monster. The first mention of it dates back to 1893, when a local newspaper in Rhinelander, Wisconsin published a report about an animal with a frog head, an elephant face, thick short legs, huge claws, a dinosaur back and a long spiked tail. The messages were received from a well-known prankster in the area, Eugene Shepard, who subsequently organized a campaign to capture the beast. It is said that he disappeared after the source of his food, white bulldogs, became rare in that area.

10. cardiff giant.
This giant is the work of the New York tobacconist George Hull. So original way he decided to shake up the population of the country and have some fun. He ordered a huge statue, and then buried it in the ground, at the same time giving the workers a lead to excavate. This giant created a huge sensation and many scientists were ready to reconsider the hypotheses about the origin of man.

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