The Magic Pipe is a Russian folk tale. Tale of music - magic flute


Vishnyakova Oksana

Tale of music "Magic flute" result creative activity student in the lesson on the subject " Musical education”, the actual task of which is the development creativity students. An active means of developing the creative abilities of students are creative tasks, among which the direction "Write about music" is highlighted. Students convey their ideas about music in creative mini-stories, essays, fairy tales, poems.



A fairy tale about music - Magic flute.

In one distant, distant country there lived and there was one poor boy-musician. His name was Danko. He had no friends or girlfriends. He lived all alone in his little house, and he had only one flute, which was the queen of his soul.

The melodies that the musician played filled everything around. And then one day the guy took his pipe and went into the meadows. When he started to play, the birds calmed down, everything around fell silent. By chance the forester heard the voice of the violin. He listened so much and decided to come closer, and the guy continued to play. The violin made magical melodies, but sad ones. The forester became interested, and he decided to ask why he plays so sadly. The forester came up and said:

Why do you play so sad and sad?

I do not have friends. I live all alone, - the musician answered.

The forester felt sorry for Danko, and he said:

My name is Jean, let me be your friend.

So Danko found a friend. Soon Danko and Jean went to the city to look for work, and the musician, of course, took his favorite flute with him. There were many people in the year. Everyone was busy and minding their own business. And suddenly they saw an announcement that a musician was required for a noble house. Danko was very happy, a smile appeared on his face, and together with Jean they immediately went to that house. When they knocked, a woman came out and said that not just a musician was needed here, but someone who could play the flute.

This is luck, - exclaimed Danko,

I am exactly who you need!

The woman invited her friends to come into the house. Her name was Margaret. She said that a little girl Elena lives here, who is constantly naughty and cannot sleep peacefully, she only calms down when she hears the magical sounds of the flute. In addition, today is her birthday and in the evening many guests will gather in the house and therefore she needs a musician.

How long have you been playing? - She asked Danko.

As long as I can remember. - He answered.

Then today will be your debut.

And then evening came, many guests gathered in the house for home holiday. Danko took the flute and began to play, she sang magical, unusual melodies. Everyone was simply fascinated. When Danko finished playing, all the guests clapped their hands, and someone shouted:


Danko's game produced great impression. Margaret approached him, thanked him and asked him to stay and work as a house musician.

So Danko found friends and achieved his goal in life.

group: RPK


teacher: Trofimova V.V.

(harp, harp, violin, cello). And in last time we talked about such an unusual musical instrument as.

Today we have a wonderful flute as a guest - a rather rare musical instrument.

To begin with, let's dive a little into history, talk about where the flute came from. By tradition, a magical one awaits kids. And finally, you can enjoy the magical sounds of the flute performed by a young musician.

There is a very beautiful ancient Greek legend about how the flute appeared.

Long time ago in Ancient Greece there lived a goat-footed forest named Pan.

Once he saw the beautiful nymph Syringa and fell in love with her.

But the young Syringa did not like Pan - he was very ugly: the head of the god was crowned with horns, and his legs were with hooves.

The maiden rushed away from Pan, but he rushed after her and almost overtook her on the banks of the River. Syringa began to beg the River to hide her from the goat-footed god. She heeded the prayer of the beautiful maiden and turned her into a reed.

Sad Pan cut out a melodious pipe from a reed and began to play it. And no one knew that it was not the flute that sang, but the sweet-voiced nymph Syringa.

The flute we hear in an orchestra is called the transverse flute in our time. Why does it have such an amazing name? The fact is that when playing this instrument, the musician holds the instrument across his mouth, since the air inlet is located on the side.

Although the flute is a woodwind instrument, it is sometimes made of metal.

But 200 years ago, this tool for kings and nobles was made of ivory, crystal, porcelain and even gold.

The flute has a little sister, the piccolo flute. "Piccolo" means "small" in Italian. This flute is really a baby - it is half the size and thinner than its older sister. She has a very thin voice, which is similar to the trills of a songbird.

The orchestra also has an alto flute. It is longer than usual and sounds much lower. There is also a bass flute. In size, it is the largest of the flutes.

IN symphony orchestra the flute is far from last place and many composers even dedicate individual works to her.

And now our promised fairy tale. This Vietnamese fairy tale is called "The Miraculous Flute".

once upon a time old woman. And she had one son. They lived so poorly that of all the wealth they had only a piece of dry land and a dog. To raise her son, the mother worked from morning to night. The son grew up handsome, strong, hardworking. And in his village he was known as the best flutist.

He will go out into the field at dawn, work properly, and in the evening he will sit down on the grass and begin to play the flute. As soon as the sounds of his instrument were heard, everything around froze: the streams stopped flowing, the clouds stopped in their run across the sky, the birds did not sing. And people praised the young musician.

One day, girls from rich houses, who played and had fun all day long, heard wonderful game musician. And each wanted him to become her husband without fail. But the musician refused everyone. And the offended daughters of the rich began to think how they could destroy the obstinate flutist.

One day, when he was walking home, the girls waylaid him and pushed him into a deep hole. The mother waited all evening for her son, shedding bitter tears. And, without waiting, she sent a dog to look for him.

And the young man, having fallen into the pit, was not killed to death, but only lost consciousness. Waking up, he heard a dog barking and called out to her. When the dog ran up, he told her to bring him a flute from home. The dog ran up to the house and began to rush to the roof with a sonorous bark, where the flute lay. The mother understood what was the matter, and gave the instrument to the faithful dog. She grabbed the flute in her teeth, ran to the pit and threw it to the owner.

As soon as the musician began to play his flute, the birds stopped singing, the monkeys stopped calling to each other, and all the animals gathered in the pit to listen to wonderful music.

The monkeys climbed onto a branch that hung over the pit and bent it low. The young man grabbed a branch and climbed out. Returning home, he still lived happily with his mother.

But the evil daughters of the rich, seeing that the young man had returned unharmed, hated him even more and decided to kill him at all costs. Once they ambushed him during a hunt and pushed him into a deep ravine.

Finding himself below, the young man began to make his way along the ravine. For three whole years he was on the road. The roots of plants served as food for him, he quenched his thirst with spring water. And the old mother during this time cried out all her eyes, grieving for her beloved son.

Finally, the young man saw a light at the end of the ravine and went out onto a large lawn. Nearby was a field with almost ripe rice. He went to this field, but in the three years that he spent wandering around the ravine and eating roots and water, he became so overgrown and emaciated that he looked more like a monkey than a man.

This field was guarded by two girls. Seeing the young man, they decided that it was a monkey, and they were about to call people with bows and arrows to drive him away. But the young man shouted:

- Do not shoot! I am human. Give me food and I will serve you: guard the field so that the monkeys do not spoil the crops.

Since then, the young man began to guard the rice crops, and the girls brought him rice porridge every day. For the first time, the older sister came and shouted rudely from a distance:

“Here’s your stew, go eat, you dirty monkey!”

The second time the younger sister came and, coming quite close, said:

- Brother, I brought rice, eat it, I cooked it myself.

One day the sisters brought him rice together. The young man asked them for vinegar and a comb to comb his hair. The girls brought everything he wanted. But at the same time, the older one said venomously: “Look, you wanted to become beautiful!”, And the younger one offered him a mirror.

The young man washed, combed his hair and turned into a handsome man. The older sister was the first to fall in love with him and wanted to take him as her husband. And she told her father about her desire. He set the condition:

- There are two roads near our house: one is good, and the other is overgrown with shrubs. Both need to be cleared. Tomorrow, let each of you choose one for yourself and get to work. To whom the young man comes to help, she will be his wife.

Early in the morning, the older sister went to where there was less work. The youngest got the road, densely overgrown with bushes. The young man came out to help them and immediately went to his younger sister.

Then the girls' father set another condition:

“Tomorrow, let each one prepare food for the young man: whose food he takes, she will marry him.”

The eldest chose the better rice and seasoned it with venison. The younger one cooked rice in the usual way: with sauce and small fish. And this time the young man helped cook and ate with younger sister, and not with the older one.

Father said:

- Now let each of you prepare a bed for him: whose bed he chooses, she will marry him.

The elder sister prepared a snow-white bedspread, a colored mat, a fluffy blanket, a mattress and an embroidered pillow. The younger one took a brown bedspread and a simple blanket, and instead of a pillow, a wooden roller. When she finished her work, she went to the kitchen and began to spin. The young man also came to the kitchen and talked for a long time with the girl, and when it was time for bed, he chose the simple bed she had prepared.

The next day, my father arranged for them to get married. Again the sounds of the flute rang out, praising the pure and selfless love. The young man with his young wife returned to his old mother, and they all began to live together in labor and contentment.

This is so wonderful.

Let's now listen to how this musical instrument sounds. Plays for you young musician With unusual name Tsar Alekseev.

In one distant, distant country, where the Great Ocean rolls its waves on the shore with noise, very far from its shores there was one valley, surrounded on all sides by mountains.

In this valley lived people who spent their whole lives climbing rocks and building stairs for this. All the rocks that surrounded this valley belonged to one or another noble owner. And when one of the young men in the valley became old enough to start climbing rocks and building ladders, he went to the noble owner of one of the surrounding rocks and offered to allow him to climb precisely on his rock.

Each young man touted his virtues in rock climbing and his skills in building stairs. And sooner or later, all the young men found a rock for themselves, and began to build their ladders. Some were better than others, but no matter how long and beautiful the ladder turned out to be, and how high a person climbed it, there would come a day when people were too old to climb rocks and build ladders.

And then the old people left the rocks and returned to their huts, and until the end of their days they told their grandchildren and great-grandchildren how they built the ladder, how beautiful it was for them, and how high they climbed it.

And everything in this valley from the very early childhood they knew that they would build ladders and climb rocks, and they were already looking for one or another rock and preparing to build their ladder high and strong.

Sometimes some children would come up with strange things - they wanted to draw, compose music or do something else. But the adults explained to them that no one needs it, and the main thing is to choose a reliable rock, build a solid ladder and climb it as high as possible. And the children obeyed the adults, gradually forgot their dreams and learned to diligently build ladders and climb rocks.

A very successful rock climber lived in this valley. He painstakingly built his stairs. And he turned out to be so strong and beautiful that he climbed on it much higher than the rest of his peers.

But every minute, while he was building a staircase or doing other things, music sounded in his soul. Not for a moment did she stop, she rushed out and did not find a way out.

And then one day the unexpected happened. That part of the rock, on which the successful Rock Climber climbed, and which seemed unshakable, suddenly collapsed overnight.

The climber took his ladder, so long and beautiful, and went in search of another rock to climb.

However, it turned out that for some rocks the ladder was too long, for others already a lot of people were climbing.

And then the climber, for the first time in many, many years, was distracted from climbing the rocks and thought. And he thought not about how to quickly find a new rock and continue building his staircase, but about whether he was happy?

And while he was thinking like that, suddenly the wind blew. And it was some unfamiliar wind that flew in from afar, and brought with it unusual sounds and smells. And the climber breathed in this fresh, cool wind with all his chest, and his head was spinning from its freshness.

And the Climber closed his eyes, and immediately the music that had always silently been composed in his soul found sound. And he clearly heard someone playing it on an unknown instrument. And under these sounds, he suddenly saw himself in a dazzling white suit, standing on the ocean, and a beautiful woman she held his hand and smiled at him, and around the beach, laughing, playing, children ran - two boys and a little girl. And fresh sea ​​wind puffed up palm branches and flapped canvas awnings on the beach, and gulls flew in the sky, the sun shone and the ocean and sky merged in their blueness on the horizon.

And when the Rock Climber opened his eyes, he realized that what he saw was the picture of his happiness. And this picture beckoned and called. He looked around the valley, and realized that there were only rocks and stairs, and no Ocean. And the Climber left the valley to find his way, which would lead him to the Ocean.

The climber remembered the music he heard in his dreams, and its wonderful sounds haunted him. He tried many instruments, but they did not play it.

And one day, passing by the house of a master, he heard beautiful sounds that reminded him of the sounds of his music. This master made flutes. The rock climber went to the master's house and asked to make him a flute for his music. And the master told the Rock Climber that he makes unusual pipes - these are magic pipes. They only play in the hands of someone who is truly able to bring them to life with his music.

And the Rock Climber took the flute he liked and brought it to his lips. And then the flute came to life. The master's house is filled wonderful sounds, they flew out of the house and spread throughout the district, and the flute sang and sang in the hands of the Musician. And the people gathered at the master's house, and applauded the Musician and gave him offerings.

And the former Rock Climber, who was now a Musician, was walking along the road to the Ocean. Along the way, he played in all the cities and villages that came across on his way. His music was so beautiful that people did not skimp on gifts and coins for the Musician. And imperceptibly, the Musician had accumulated enough money to continue his journey to the Ocean with all the conveniences.

One day the Musician was driving past a city and saw a girl in the park with cheerful and kind eyes. The girl was painting. She had an extraordinary gift - everything she painted immediately came to life. The girl was very smart and kind, so her paintings were the same. It was as if she touched the world with a brush and painted it in bright colors.

The musician talked to the girl, and they met. He played his best melodies for her, and she told him how she dreamed of teaching children to draw just like her. And the Musician invited the girl with cheerful and kind eyes to go with him to the Ocean. She agreed and they set off together.

The musician played melodies for her, one better than the other, and the girl drew amazing pictures. They never understood who first guessed that they love each other.

How they rejoiced at their firstborn! And then their second son was born. When a daughter appeared in their family, they were immensely happy.

The Musician's melodies became known throughout the country, they were set to music for many instruments. And when he and his family finally arrived in a seaside town on the shores of the Ocean, every morning they woke up to the sounds of wonderful melodies composed by the Musician, which were played by the city orchestra. They bought a house with beautiful garden and an open terrace, and the Musician's wife opened a drawing school, where every day she betrayed her gift to the children.

And then one warm spring day they went to the shore of the Ocean with the whole family. The musician put on his favorite white suit, and he and his wife walked along the beach, holding hands, while the children frolicked and ran around them with laughter.

And suddenly something imperceptibly familiar seemed to the Musician. He stopped for a moment and listened to the sounds of his music played in the distance by the city orchestra.

And under these sounds, he suddenly saw himself in a dazzling white suit, standing on the ocean, and a beautiful woman was holding his hand and smiling at him, and around the beach, laughing, playing, children were running - two boys and a little girl. And the fresh sea wind fanned the palm branches and flapped the canvas tents on the beach, and seagulls flew in the sky, the sun shone and the Ocean and the sky merged in its blueness on the horizon.

Yes, now it was all here, nearby. And he really stood on the shore of the Ocean, and held his wife by the hand, and his children ran around. And he was the most happy man in the world, because I found the strength in myself to do this long haul and make your dream come true.

This is the story that happened in one distant, distant country, where the Great Ocean rolls its waves on the shore with noise.

or once a boy. He had neither a father nor a mother, and he wandered, a bitter orphan, in the wide world. His owners took him as shepherds, and for a piece of bread every day he had to run after the master's pigs and cows. When the boy had already grown up, he worked somehow for one owner - she was tending cows. Autumn that year was extremely cold, no one wanted to go out into the yard: it was damp, cold, it was scary to stick one's nose out of the house. And the boy doesn’t have shoes either, he was herding cows barefoot. The poor man is shaking from the cold. What to do, does not know. He wept bitterly. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an old man comes up to the orphan and asks:

Why are you crying boy?

How can I not cry, - the boy answers, - the owner makes me graze cattle every day, but he doesn’t give me shoes.

The old man took pity on the orphan, but there is nothing to help: he himself has a tear on his feet. The old man thought, thought, and took out a flute from his bag.

I can’t give you anything else,” he says, “only this flute. Maybe it will come in handy for you someday. As you play it, everyone who hears it will start jumping.

The old man gave the pipe to the orphan and immediately disappeared.

The boy took the flute, but he does not know what to do with it. But he liked the beautiful pipe, and he put it in his pocket. “If the old man says that she can suit me,” he thinks, “well, let her lie.”

He grazes cattle, and suddenly it occurred to him: “What if I play the flute?” I took it and played it. And as soon as he began to play, all the sheep and cows jumped. The boy was delighted and put the flute into his pocket again: he didn’t want to torture the cattle, it’s enough that he knew how the flute could help him.

The boy drove the cows home, and the hostess attacked him:

Why don't you tend cows at all? You won't get dinner for this!

The boy was silent and went to the hut. And the hostess that evening was very out of sorts - everything was not for her! As soon as the owner returned home, she went to him: they say, this is not so, but it’s not like that. The owner gave the hostess a lot of will, he was afraid to say a word across her. Here the laborers returned home. The hostess is right there and let's scold and push the laborers: they say, they are completely lazy, even stand over them with a broom.

The boy decided to play a trick on the hostess: he took out a flute from his pocket and began to play. And as soon as he began to play, the hostess stopped cursing and began to gallop like a smart polo. The rest all looked at her, looked and also jumped.

The boy sees that his flute is not a trifle. Now, as soon as the hostess starts swearing in the evening, he takes a flute out of his pocket and begins to play. Since then, the hostess has not been able to take her soul away with abuse. And as soon as she sees the boy, she immediately becomes so quiet and meek - best hostess and you will not find.

And at that very time, a war broke out between the king of the state where the boy lived, with another king. Another king gathered a huge army and ran into a neighbor, as if devilry. We did not have time to look back - all the daring warriors and brave generals had already been killed. The king was afraid. He ordered to announce everywhere: whoever comes to the aid of the king and defeats the enemy, he will give his youngest daughter for a wife and half a kingdom to boot.

Generals came to him and noble gentlemen, but they could not overcome the enemy, only in vain they laid down their heads. And the enemy is already approaching the castle itself. The king sees - his business is bad.

And just then our orphan decided that it would be necessary to help the king. He comes to the king and says:

I want to go kill the enemy army.

“But what can you do, you little booger,” the king thought, “if the generals and noblemen did not cope?” And at first I didn’t want to let the boy in. But he stands his ground. The king sees - not to dissuade him from the boy, and allowed him: let him, they say, go. If they kill him, no one will grieve.

The boy went to meet the enemy, stood on a hillock and waits for the enemy army to move closer. The army moved on him - the end-edge is not visible to her. The boy was scared, he almost ran away. He took out his pipe, and as soon as he began to play, all the soldiers forgot about everything and let's jump like crazy. All day the boy played the flute, and all day the soldiers jumped. By evening, the flute fell silent, but the enemy soldiers were so tired that they fell to the ground and the spirit of them went out. And those who survived did not get up for three days.

Everyone around marvels: wow, the milk on the lips did not dry out, but he defeated such an army. And the boy, as he defeated the enemy, went to the Royal Castle and demands the younger princess for his wife and half the kingdom in addition. The younger princess was about to come to him: the word must be kept, but the older sisters began to mock her and say to the king:

Get rid of that sucker! So which one is the king?

The king himself did not want to give the boy his youngest daughter as a wife. He gathered all the soldiers that he still had left, and ordered the boy to be driven away.

But as soon as the soldiers approached him, the boy played on his flute. For half a day he played the flute, and for half a day the king himself jumped with his daughters and with all the soldiers.

Stop playing, - shouts the king, - I will give you my youngest daughter! - But the boy knows himself playing. And when the flute fell silent, everyone could hardly catch their breath, they were so tired.

The king realized that it was not easy to deal with this boy, and gave him his youngest daughter in marriage without talking. And he also gave half the kingdom.

They played magnificent wedding. They rejoiced as they had never rejoiced in the presence of one king. And the boy and the younger princess lived in happiness and harmony, and if they did not die, then to this day they live like that.

There once lived a boy. He had neither a father nor a mother, and he wandered, a bitter orphan, in the wide world. His owners took him as shepherds, and for a piece of bread every day he had to run after the master's pigs and cows. When the boy had already grown up, he somehow worked for one owner - she was tending cows. Autumn that year was extremely cold, no one wanted to go out into the yard: it was damp, cold, it was scary to stick one's nose out of the house. And the boy doesn’t have shoes either, he was herding cows barefoot. The poor man is shaking from the cold. What to do, does not know. He wept bitterly. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an old man comes up to the orphan and asks:
"Why are you crying, boy?"
“How can I not cry,” the boy answers, “the owner makes me graze cattle every day, but he doesn’t give me shoes.

The old man took pity on the orphan, but there is nothing to help: he himself has a tear on his feet. The old man thought, thought, and took out a flute from his bag.

“I can’t give you anything else,” he says, “only this pipe.” Maybe it will come in handy for you someday. As you play it, everyone who hears it will start jumping.

The old man gave the pipe to the orphan and immediately disappeared.

The boy took the flute, but he does not know what to do with it. But he liked the beautiful pipe, and he put it in his pocket. “If the old man says that she can suit me,” he thinks, “well, let her lie.”

He grazes cattle, and suddenly it occurred to him: “What if I play the flute?” I took it and played it. And as soon as he began to play, all the sheep and cows jumped. The boy was delighted and put the flute into his pocket again: he didn’t want to torture the cattle, it’s enough that he knew how the flute could help him.

The boy drove the cows home, and the hostess attacked him:
Why don't you tend cows at all? You won't get dinner for this!

The boy was silent and went to the hut. And the hostess was in a very bad mood that evening - everything was not for her! As soon as the owner returned home, she went to him: they say, this is not so, but it’s not like that. The owner gave the hostess a lot of will, he was afraid to say a word across her. Here the laborers returned home. The hostess is right there and let's scold and push the laborers: they say, they are completely lazy, even stand over them with a broom.

The boy decided to play a trick on the hostess: he took out a flute from his pocket and began to play. And as soon as he began to play, the hostess stopped cursing and began to gallop like a smart polo. The rest all looked at her, looked and also jumped.

The boy sees that his flute is not a trifle. Now, as soon as the hostess starts swearing in the evening, he takes a flute out of his pocket and begins to play. Since then, the hostess has not been able to take her soul away with abuse. And as soon as she sees the boy, she immediately becomes so quiet and meek - you won’t find a better hostess.

And at that very time, a war broke out between the king of the state where the boy lived, with another king. Another king gathered a huge army and flew into a neighbor, like an evil spirit. They did not have time to look back - all the daring warriors and brave generals had already been killed. The king was afraid. He ordered to declare everywhere: whoever comes to the aid of the king and defeats the enemy, he will give his youngest daughter as a wife and half the kingdom in addition.

Generals and noblemen came to him, but they could not defeat the enemy, they only laid down their heads in vain. And the enemy is already approaching the castle itself. The king sees that his business is bad.

And just then our orphan decided that it would be necessary to help the king. He comes to the king and says:
“I want to go kill the enemy army.

“But what can you do, you little booger,” the king thought, “if the generals and noblemen did not cope?” And at first I didn’t want to let the boy in. But he stands his ground. The king sees - not to dissuade him from the boy, and allowed him: let him, they say, go. If they kill him, no one will grieve.

The boy went to meet the enemy, stood on a hillock and waits for the enemy army to move closer. The army moved on him - the end-edge is not visible to her. The boy was scared, he almost ran away. He took out his pipe, and as soon as he began to play, all the soldiers forgot about everything and let's jump like crazy. All day the boy played the flute, and all day the soldiers jumped. By evening, the flute fell silent, but the enemy soldiers were so tired that they fell to the ground and the spirit of them went out. And those who survived did not get up for three days.

Everyone around marvels: wow, the milk on the lips did not dry out, but he defeated such an army. And the boy, as he defeated the enemy, went to the royal castle and demands the younger princess as his wife and half the kingdom in addition. The younger princess was about to come to him: the word must be kept, but the older sisters began to mock her and say to the king:
- Get rid of that sucker! So which one is the king?

The king himself did not want to give the boy his youngest daughter as a wife. He gathered all the soldiers that he still had left, and ordered the boy to be driven away.

But as soon as the soldiers approached him, the boy played on his flute. For half a day he played the flute, and for half a day the king himself jumped with his daughters and with all the soldiers.

“Stop playing,” shouts the king, “I will give you my youngest daughter!” - But the boy knows himself playing. And when the flute fell silent, everyone could hardly catch their breath, they were so tired.

The king realized that it was not easy to deal with this boy, and gave him his youngest daughter in marriage without talking. And he also gave half the kingdom.

They played a magnificent wedding. They rejoiced as they had never rejoiced in the presence of one king. And the boy and the younger princess lived in happiness and harmony, and if they did not die, then to this day they live like that.

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