Genre differences between the novel and the short story. The novel is a literary genre, the art of the short story.


Due to the fact that many lakes that now exist in nature are erroneously called seas, people often get confused in these two terms. In order to accurately classify a specific body of water into one of the categories, you need to know how the lake differs from the sea from a scientific, geographical and geological point of view. Therefore, now we will consider the main features of both, and then we will compare them with each other.

Brief definition of a lake

So, a lake is called a formation closed by land on all sides, which is a deep depression. It is filled with water and is not connected with other bodies of water on the planet (rivers, seas, glaciers, etc.). Lakes are classified as inland waters, which may have various origins and characteristics. For example, the largest lake is the Caspian (it is often called the sea), filled with the deepest reservoir of the planet is Baikal - a freshwater source located in the zone of the purest air.

tectonic lake

To understand how a lake differs from the sea, it is important to know the history of the origin of this reservoir. We will consider them on a good example and compare. Rupture or its deformation - Right way to the appearance of a depression that can fill with water. It was during such lithospheric changes that the notorious Baikal was formed, and it can also be attributed to the series, which today is almost completely dried up. A number of similarly formed lakes can be traced on each continent. In Africa, the rupture of tectonic plates gave rise to reservoirs called Edward, Albert, Malawi and others. On the territory of Israel is also located a giant salty tectonic lake - the Dead Sea.

Highland lakes

It is easier to understand how a lake differs from the sea by looking at this body of water in a mountainous area. In such regions, the so-called dammed lakes are popular, which are formed by landslides of rocks and large stones. Thus, the path of rivers and other sewage reservoirs in the gorge stops, and a closed one is formed. You can find similar wonders of the world in every region of the mountain ranges. They are in Canada, and in the States, and in Russia, and their largest number is concentrated in Asia, between numerous elevations. In this topic, we also note that there are lakes forbidden for swimming, which are located in the craters of volcanoes. They have unearthly beauty However, water contains many gases and acids.

Definition of the sea

To finally understand how the lake differs from the sea, consider the encoding of the second. The sea is part of one of the planet's oceans. It can only contain salty water, it is directly connected with the "fatherly" big waters. The sea is separated from the ocean by islands that rise above its level, or by underwater ridges. In the sea, there may be different from the ocean current, flora and fauna, as well as climate. The seas are divided into internal and external. The first are tightly clamped by the mainland, they have access to the ocean only through the strait. This is Azov, Black, mediterranean sea. The latter are located on the map in the form of bays of one of the oceans surrounded by islands. These are Okhotsk, Caribbean, Andaman.

Summing up

So, the main difference between the lake and the sea is that the first belongs to the waters of the land, the second - to the waters of the oceans. It can also be noted that in the seas we meet exclusively salty waters, while lakes can be both fresh sources and mineralized ones. Well, the difference lies in the quantity. Today there are 63 seas on the planet, but how many lakes there are is still unknown.

The short story and the novella belong to the narrative epic genre and have some common features. characteristic features: small volume, clearly defined plot, dynamism of the development of the action with a pronounced climax and denouement. However, the novel also has distinctive genre features allowing to distinguish it from a number of works modern prose into an independent literary form.


Novella- a small prose work, which is characterized by a sharp plot with an unexpected denouement, brevity and a neutral style of presentation, as well as the absence of a pronounced author's position in relation to literary heroes.

Story- variety of works epic genre, which are characterized by a narration about events from the life of the protagonist, revealing psychological aspect his actions or state of mind.


The novel is notable for its underlined brevity of the narrative. It does not allow direct author's assessment action literary characters or conditions that determine the development of the described events.

In the story, such an assessment is indirectly expressed in portrait characteristic and copyright disclaimers. It is necessary to reveal the topic, which is often associated with the identification of psychological factors that are fundamentally important for understanding the state of mind of the protagonist. His behavior in unusual life situation forms the basis of the story. The plot action in this case is limited to a narrow time frame and is tied to a specific place of events.

There is no psychologism in the novel. The most important thing in it is an extraordinary event that sets the dynamic tension of the plot. The focus of the reader's attention is not so much the hero as what happens to him. The novelist does not seek to create deep subtext the main content of his small work. His task is to spice up the plot and achieve the ultimate intensity of the story at the climax.

With a limited number of characters in the story, additional story line. In a short story, the plot cannot have a branched structure. Eventally, it is connected only with what happens to the main character. Other characters in the novel are extremely rare: as a rule, only if additional episode with their participation enhances the dynamics of action.

Findings site

  1. In the short story, the sharpness of the plot is expressed to a greater extent than in the story.
  2. The novel is characterized by a neutral style of presentation, while the story uses the author's style. estimated characteristic characters or events.
  3. In the story, the action reveals the motivation of the actions of the hero. The novel depicts the action itself and lacks techniques. psychological analysis character behavior.
  4. The story may have a hidden subtext that is important for the realization of the author's intention. The short story does not allow ambiguous interpretations of the main theme.

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