Story and novella in works. Short story, novella, novella as epic genres


Report grade 7.

The story is a narrative epic genre with an emphasis on a small volume and on the unity of an artistic event.

The genre has two historically established varieties: short story (in a narrower sense) and short story. “The difference between a short story and a short story does not seem to me fundamental,” wrote the researcher of the European short story E. Melitinsky. B. Tomashevsky believed that a story is a Russian term for a short story. This opinion is shared by most (though not all) other literary scholars. A small epic form in European literatures, at least until the 19th century, is usually called a short story. What is a novella? theoretical definition short story "does not exist, most likely because ... the short story appears in reality in the form of quite diverse options, due to cultural and historical differences ... It is quite obvious that brevity itself is an essential feature of the short story. Brevity separates the short story from large epic genres, in particular from the novel and story, but unites it with a fairy tale, bylichka, fable, anecdote ”(E. Meletinsky).

The genetic origins of the novel are in a fairy tale, a fable, an anecdote. What distinguishes it from an anecdote is the possibility not of a comic, but of a tragic or sentimental plot. From the fable - the absence of allegories and edification. From a fairy tale - the absence of a magical element. If magic still takes place (mainly in an oriental short story), then it is perceived as something amazing.

The classic novella originated in the Renaissance. It was then that such her specific features, as a sharp, dramatic conflict, unusual incidents and turns of events, and in the life of a hero - unexpected twists of fate. Goethe wrote: “The novella is nothing but an unheard-of incident.” These are Boccaccio’s short stories from the Decameron collection. Here, for example, is the plot of the fourth short story of the second day: “Landolfo Ruffolo, impoverished, becomes a corsair; sea, escapes on a box full of jewels, finds shelter with a woman from Corfu and returns home a rich man." Each literary era left its mark on the genre of the short story. real events and their refraction in the mind of the hero (" Sandman» Hoffmann).

Up to the establishment of realism in the literature, the short story avoided psychologism and philosophy, inner world the hero was transmitted through his actions and deeds. She was alien to any kind of descriptiveness, the author did not interfere in the narrative, did not express his assessments. With the development of realism, the short story, as it was in its classical models, almost disappears. The realism of the 19th century is inconceivable without descriptiveness, psychologism. The short story is being supplanted by other types of short narrative, among which the first place, especially in Russia, is taken by a story that for a long time existed as a kind of short story (by A. Marlinsky, Odoevsky, Pushkin, Gogol, etc.). In the prospectus of the Educational Book of Literature for the Russian Youth, Gogol gave a definition of the story, which includes the story as a particular variety (“a skillfully and vividly told picture case”). And this refers to an ordinary "case" that can happen to every person.

Since the late 1940s, in Russian literature, the story has been recognized as special genre both in relation to the short story, and in comparison with the "physiological essay". The essay is dominated by direct description, research, it is always publicistic. The story, as a rule, is dedicated to a specific fate, speaks of a separate event in a person’s life, and is grouped around a specific episode. This is its difference from the story, as a more detailed form, which usually describes several episodes, a segment of the hero's life. Chekhov's story "I want to sleep" tells about a girl who is driven to a crime by sleepless nights: she strangles the one who prevents her from falling asleep baby. About what happened to this girl before, the reader learns only from her dream, about what will happen to her after the crime is committed, it is generally unknown. All the characters, except for the girl Varka, are outlined very briefly. All the described events prepare the central one - the murder of a baby. The story is short. But the point is not the number of pages (there are short stories and relatively long stories) and not even in the number of plot events, but in the author's attitude to the utmost brevity. So, Chekhov's story "Ionych" in content is close not even to the story, but to the novel (almost the entire life of the hero is traced). But all the episodes are presented as briefly as possible, the author's goal is the same - to show the spiritual degradation of Dr. Startsev. In the words of Jack London, "a story is ... a unity of mood, situation, action."

The extreme brevity of the narrative requires special attention to detail. Sometimes one or two masterfully found details replace a lengthy characterization of a hero. So, in Turgenev’s story “Khor and Kapinich”, Khory’s boots, which seemed to be made of marble skin, or a bunch of strawberries presented by Kalinich to his friend, reveal the essence of both peasants - Khory’s thriftiness and Kapinich’s poetry.

“But the selection of details is not the whole difficulty,” wrote the master of the story, Nagibin. - The story, by its genre nature, should be assimilated immediately and in its entirety, as if “in one gulp”; also all the "private" figurative material of the story. This makes special demands on the details in the story. They should be arranged in such a way that they instantly, “with the speed of reading”, form an image, give the reader a lively, pictorial representation ... ". So, in Bunin's story "Antonov apples" practically nothing happens, but skillfully selected details give the reader a "live, pictorial idea" of the passing past.

The small volume of the story also determines its stylistic unity. The story is usually told from one person. It can be the author, and the narrator, and the hero. But in the story, much more often than in the "major" genres, the pen is, as it were, transferred to the hero, who himself tells his story. Often we have before us - a tale: a story of some fictional person with his own, pronounced speech manner (the stories of Leskov, in the 20th century - Remizov, Zoshchenko, Bazhov, etc.).

The story, like the short story, bears the features of that literary era in which it was created. So, the stories of Maupassant absorbed the experience psychological prose, and therefore, if they can be called short stories (in literary criticism, it is sometimes customary to call them that), then short stories that are fundamentally different from the classical short story. Chekhov's stories are characterized by a subtext that is practically unknown to literature. mid-nineteenth century. At the beginning of the 20th century, modernist trends also captured the story (stories by Sologub, Bely, Remizov, partly by L. Andreev, etc.)

IN European literature In the 20th century, the story was enriched by the artistic discoveries of all prose (“stream of consciousness”, strengthening of elements of psychoanalysis, temporary “interruptions”, etc.). Such are the stories of Kafka, Camus, F. Mauriac, A. Moravia and others.

In the 1920s-1930s, heroic-romantic (V. Ivanov, Babel, Pilnyak, Sholokhov, etc.) and satirical stories(Bulgakov, Zoshchenko, Ilf and Petrov and others). The short story remains a productive genre to this day. All its varieties are successfully developing: everyday story, psychological, philosophical, satirical, fantastic ( Science fiction and fantasy), close to the short story and almost plotless.

Questions about the report:

1) What is a story?

2) What is a novella?

3) How did the genre of the story develop in literature?

4) How did the novel genre develop in world literature?

5) How is a story different from a novel?

Given all the features of a short story, it can sometimes be very difficult to tell the difference between a novella, a short story, and a sketch (a short sketch, an outline). Everyone knows what at least a story is exactly: either narrative prose, defined as "shorter than a novella" or, in the words of the first deep researcher of the small form, Edgar Allan Poe, "no longer than what can be read in one sitting."

In addition to this definition, according to Western educators, only two things can be distinguished that characterize short story. First, the story is about something that happened to someone. Secondly, a well-composed story demonstrates the harmony of all principles more fully than any other literary form, with the exception, perhaps, of poetry, that is, it is comprehensive and "ideal". “And this is quite enough,” says the Canadian educator Rust Hills, “the first statement distinguishes a short story from a sketch, and the second from a novel.”

So, a story differs from a sketch in that it is about something that happened to someone. A sketch is just a brief and static description of a human character, place, time, etc. In sketches describing a person, his life path, - the hero, so to speak, is constant. That is, for example, if it contains a description of some period of time, and we are shown the sequence of actions of the hero - from morning to evening, - it is assumed that this hero remains unchanged every morning, every day and every evening. And in this case, if there is any action in such a sketch, then it is called only to determine the character of the hero, and not to develop him: the hero does not receive anything new, does not learn from those situations that sent to him, does not change one iota. Any incident described in the sketch is regarded only as an example of the hero's behavior, and not as something that changed his life and inspired him to take any decisive actions and deeds, as happens in the story. It is assumed that after some time, the hero, placed under the same circumstances, will react and behave in exactly the same way, regardless of how many times this will be repeated. The story is dynamic, not static: the same things simply cannot happen again. The character of the hero must change and is changing, even if not drastically.

The novella differs from the story not only in length, but also in many other ways, although both genres involve changes in the character of the characters with the only difference that the novella has such space and time that contribute to a larger set of events and various effects. Edgar Allan Poe considered the story as a kind of conductor of one "strong and unique effect": "If the author's desire is not expressed in the search and creation of this effect on the audience, then he has already failed. In the whole structure of the story, this intention, explicit or implicit, should be seen. This famous saying By, of course, it should be taken into account, but on the other hand, we cannot assert with full confidence that in any well-developed history this degree of total unity of everything must necessarily be present - what we have defined as "harmony of all principles" - but in any case, in a good novel this is not required at all.

A good storyteller does not have to constantly develop and add to the list of secondary actors and philosophize with off-plot lines, while a good novelist tends to change point of view, describe the same events under different angles, constantly pushing the reader to important details. The narrator tries to stick to one single point vision, in order to focus entirely on the problems of his story.

A good storyteller will never miss a thing. technical means narrative (plot, point of view, main theme, style of language, expressiveness, symbolism) that a novelist can do. Everything in the story is closely connected. main topic in a successful story, it is inextricably linked to the actions of the characters, but it is impossible to guess in all other aspects of the story, even in the language used. In terms of the importance of language and the ratio of sound and meaning, the story is comparable to poetry. For example, the poetic metaphor of light and death in Hemingway's short story "A Clean, Well-Lit Place" echoes Shakespeare's sonnets in richness of language and symbolism of the conflict between good and evil. In general, it should be noted that the language in the story is of paramount importance. Language creates the style of writing, is responsible for the author's tone, is used to create a certain atmosphere and mood, foreshadows some plot twists and, of course, depends on the point of view from which the story is written.

A good story must necessarily contain a seemingly imperceptible harmonious transition from the general to the particular, as well as an integral connection of all parts, each sentence with the previous one, which is rarely seen in a short story.

“Everything-everything must work and interact. The former must exaggerate the latter and be inseparable from it. - Emphasizes Rust Hills. “All of this saves the reader time and gets the point across.” javascript:void(1);

Based on the materials of the literary workshop of Anastasia Ponomareva

Often the short story is identified with the story and even the story. In the 19th century, these genres were difficult to distinguish.

The story is distinguished by the fact that in it the plot focuses not on one central event, but on a whole series of events covering a significant part of the hero's life, and often several heroes. The story is more calm and unhurried.

Novella in Russian literature

In Russian literature, the short story is a rare genre.

Classic short stories were the works that make up the "Tales of Belkin" by A. S. Pushkin.

E This is a short narrative, usually with one event and with a minimum number of characters. The genre was born in the 14th-15th centuries. The brightest writer's figure of that time among the novelists was D. Boccaccio. A novella is essentially a story, but with one obligatory final feature: it has an unexpected ending. It is, of course, logical, but most often the reader waits for a different resolution of the action. This imposes on the short story the character of artistic intrigue and generally makes the whole story very exciting. This is especially true for adventure stories, for all sorts of mysterious stories.

Story- a small epic prose form, a small work with a limited number of characters (most often it tells about one or two heroes). In the story, as a rule, one problem is posed and one event is described. For example, in Turgenev's story "Mumu" the main event is the story of the acquisition and loss of a dog by Gerasim. Novella differs from the story only in that it always has an unexpected ending, although in general the boundaries between these two genres are very arbitrary.

The story, like the story, is also a type of narrative prose and belongs to the epic genres. If the story is called short prose, then the story is a small, “miniature” prose. The size of an average story varies from 2 to 50-70 printed pages. Actually, this is the topic of another major literary dispute - 70 pages - is it a story, a novella, or maybe already a story? There is no single answer, it all depends solely on the content. In our opinion, for the average reader, this is not at all important, so you can consider a story that is less than this volume. A story is a work of art that is traditionally dedicated to one event in a person's life. In the story you will not be able to find a description of the childhood of the protagonist, as detailed as the story, the author introduces the reader to the hero just enough so that the reader can understand how the situation described at the present moment has developed. Many literary critics believe that writing in the genre of a story is much more difficult than, say, in the genre of a story. Why? - you ask. The fact is that in a short moment of the action described in the story, the author reveals the essential, typical features of the hero's life. The story is easy to read and digest, so most of the classic stories are included in the school curriculum on world and Russian literature. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is considered the master of the story in Russian literature. It can rightfully be placed at the origins of the "new literature". His stories seemed unusual and wonderful to many readers, they have written a great many professional literary criticism. Chekhov's stories are so vital, since his main creative method- realism. In fact, there are also quite a few genres of the story: Fantasy story (Ray Bradbry, Isaac Asimov) Fantasy story Humorous story Adventure story

P Compared to the short story, the short story is considered a more "quiet" genre. Historically, it precedes the short story (appeared during the time of Ancient Egypt).

A story is a work of small volume, containing a small number of characters, and also, most often, having one storyline.

For the story, primarily due to the volume, it is characterized by the presence of one main problem, in contrast to the story or novel, which can describe many conflicts and wide circle problems.

The short story and the novella belong to the narrative epic genre and have some common features. characteristic features: small volume, clearly defined plot, dynamism of the development of the action with a pronounced climax and denouement. However, the novel also has distinctive genre features allowing to distinguish it from a number of works modern prose into an independent literary form.

What is a novella and a story

Novella- a small prose work, which is characterized by a sharp plot with an unexpected denouement, brevity and a neutral style of presentation, as well as the absence of a pronounced author's position in relation to literary heroes.
Story- a kind of works of the epic genre, which are characterized by a narration about events from the life of the protagonist, revealing psychological aspect his actions or state of mind.

Comparison of novella and short story

What is the difference between a novel and a short story?
The novel is notable for its underlined brevity of the narrative. It does not allow direct author's assessment action literary characters or conditions that determine the development of the described events.
In the story, such an assessment is indirectly expressed in portrait characteristic and copyright disclaimers. It is necessary to reveal the topic, which is often associated with the identification of psychological factors that are fundamentally important for understanding the state of mind of the protagonist. His behavior in unusual life situation forms the basis of the story. The plot action in this case is limited to a narrow time frame and is tied to a specific place of events.
There is no psychologism in the novel. The most important thing in it is an extraordinary event that sets the dynamic tension of the plot. The focus of the reader's attention is not so much the hero as what happens to him. The novelist does not seek to create deep subtext the main content of his small work. His task is to spice up the plot and achieve the ultimate intensity of the story at the climax.
With a limited number of characters in the story, additional story line. In a short story, the plot cannot have a branched structure. Eventally, it is connected only with what happens to the main character. Other characters in the novel are extremely rare: as a rule, only if additional episode with their participation enhances the dynamics of action. determined that the difference between a short story and a short story is as follows:

In the short story, the sharpness of the plot is expressed to a greater extent than in the story.
The novel is characterized by a neutral style of presentation, while the story uses the author's style. estimated characteristic characters or events.
In the story, the action reveals the motivation of the actions of the hero. The novel depicts the action itself and lacks techniques. psychological analysis character behavior.
The story may have a hidden subtext that is important for the realization of the author's intention. The short story does not allow ambiguous interpretations of the main theme.

The story and the short story belong to the narrative epic genre and have some common characteristics: a small volume, a clearly defined plot, a dynamism of the development of the action with a pronounced climax and denouement. However, the short story also has distinctive genre features that make it possible to distinguish it from a number of works of modern prose into an independent literary form.


Novella- a small prose work, which is characterized by a sharp plot with an unexpected denouement, brevity and a neutral style of presentation, as well as the absence of a pronounced author's position in relation to literary heroes.

Story- a kind of works of the epic genre, which are characterized by a narrative about events in the life of the protagonist, revealing the psychological aspect of his actions or state of mind.


The novel is notable for its underlined brevity of the narrative. It does not allow a direct authorial assessment of the actions of literary characters or the conditions that determine the development of the events described.

In the story, such an assessment is indirectly expressed in the portrait description and author's digressions. It is necessary to reveal the topic, which is often associated with the identification of psychological factors that are fundamentally important for understanding the state of mind of the protagonist. His behavior in an unusual life situation forms the basis of the plot of the story. The plot action in this case is limited to a narrow time frame and is tied to a specific place of events.

There is no psychologism in the novel. The most important thing in it is an extraordinary event that sets the dynamic tension of the plot. The focus of the reader's attention is not so much the hero as what happens to him. The novelist does not seek to create a deep subtext of the main content of his short work. His task is to spice up the plot and achieve the ultimate intensity of the story at the climax.

With a limited number of characters in the story, an additional storyline can develop. In a short story, the plot cannot have a branched structure. Eventally, it is connected only with what happens to the main character. Other characters in the novel are extremely rare: as a rule, only if an additional episode with their participation enhances the dynamics of the action.

Findings site

  1. In the short story, the sharpness of the plot is expressed to a greater extent than in the story.
  2. The novel is characterized by a neutral style of presentation, while the story uses the author's assessment of characters or events.
  3. In the story, the action reveals the motivation of the actions of the hero. The novel depicts the action itself and lacks the methods of psychological analysis of the behavior of the characters.
  4. The story may have a hidden subtext that is important for the realization of the author's intention. The short story does not allow ambiguous interpretations of the main theme.

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