Great message jumping over the bar. Exercises for the development of strength. Lead-up exercises aimed at mastering the technique of a high jump with a take-off run


Loktev S.A.. Athletics in children's and adolescence: A practical guide for the trainer. [Text] / S.A. Loktev. - M .: Soviet sport, 2007. - 404 p.: ill.

A new book, published by the Sovetsky Sport publishing house, will be of interest to both athletics coaches and physical education teachers. The practical guide not only outlines the principles for the selection of athletes, general physical and special training athlete, but also given a large number of exercises for the development of physical qualities and the technique of track and field exercises. great attention given to sports and outdoor games. The guide reflects new directions for organizing competitions for children with different levels physical fitness .

Fosbury later explained how his method got its name. It wasn't interesting, and the journalist didn't even write it down. Before that, one newspaper noted in a headline depicting one of Fosbury's jumps: "The laziest high jumper in the world." Another described his jump, noting that it looked like "a fish flopping in a boat."

However, five years after he first fell over the high jump bar, this former teenager, who for some time could not even qualify for some of the school meetings, used his innovative method to make the United States Olympic team for the Mexico City Olympics at Olympic Games ah, he was one of only three jumpers to clear seven feet, two and a half inches. With only three members left, he managed to clear seven feet, three and a quarter inches along with his teammate Ed Carruthers, while their opponent from Soviet Union Valentin Gavrilov did not and ended up with a bronze medal.

Strength Exercises

  1. jumping out from a standing position with a push leg on a support 50–60 cm high ( rice. 1). Pay attention to the movement of the fly leg. The exercise can be carried out without weights and with various weights (20–30 kg).
  2. Half squat with weights (for example, a barbell) or with the help of a partner.
  3. Kettlebell jumping from the starting position standing on two supports ( rice. 2).
  4. Bouncing on one and both legs with weights(rod, sandbag). The exercise can be performed on an inclined plane ( rice. 3).
  5. Tilts back with a turn to the left and to the right sitting on a gymnastic horse. Legs at the height of the horse are fixed on the gymnastic wall.
  6. Forward tilt with face down from a position sitting sideways on a gymnastic horse ( rice. 4).
  7. Reaching out with the feet of the brushes from a supine position on an inclined gymnastic bench ( rice. 5).
  8. Changing the position of the legs sitting on a bench, right leg straight, raised up ( rice. 6).
  9. Jumping off a hill at 40–60 cm, followed by a jump over the bar set at an accessible height.
  10. The same exercise, but with a run-up of 3-7 steps ( rice. 7).
  11. Jumping over 3–6 hurdles installed in a sand pit. The exercise is performed in series of push, fly and on both legs. (Fig. 8).
  12. Bouncing in place in a sand pit. The exercise is performed on one and on both legs (series of 5-8 push-offs). You can use a weight of 8-15 kg.

Static exercises with maximum tension for the development of muscle strength

  1. leg extension. Angle of flexion about 135°. The exercise is performed in series, the duration of the tension is 5-6 seconds. (Fig. 9).
  2. Leg raise. The exercise is performed while sitting using a weight of 20–40 kg. Voltage duration - 5–6 sec. ( rice. 10).
  3. Exercises to develop the strength of the muscles of the pelvis, back, abdomen. Performed from a prone position. Voltage duration - 5–6 sec. ( rice. eleven).
  4. Flexion of the foot. The exercise is performed while sitting.. Voltage duration - 5–6 sec.

Exercises for the development of speed

  1. Jumping on an inclined plane. They are performed on one leg downhill and downhill. Repulsion as fast as possible rice. 12).
  2. Jumping stairs on the push leg. Performed at maximum speed ( rice. 13).
  3. Various jump ropes.
  4. Hitting the ball hanging at a height of 100–150 cm, from the position of the push leg in front, the fly leg behind; hands in swing position rice. 14).
  5. Jumping with reaching high-hanging objects by hand, head, fly leg ( rice. 15).
  6. Jumping over barriers with a push of one and two legs(rice. 8).
  7. Plank jumping with repulsion from an elevation of 30–40 cm ( rice. 16).
  8. Jumping on gym equipment. It is performed from 4–8 running steps ( rice. 17).
  9. Standing leg swing side by the gymnastic wall. Pay attention to the advancement of the pelvis forward and the movement of the straight pushing leg (Fig. 18).
  10. Leg-split standing sideways at the gymnastic wall.
  11. Side knee squats from a standing position facing the gymnastic wall.
  12. Jumping over the bar somersault (rice. 19).
  13. Standing long and high jumps. The exercise is performed on a signal.
  14. Throws, pushes, throwing light cores(stones). The exercise is performed by all those involved on a signal.
  15. Fast run with spurts at 40–90 m. Performed on a signal or independently (4–6 spurts).

You can also use exercises for runners.

The Carruthers failed in all three attempts, winning Fosbury the gold. While there are many different subtle variations on the flop, in general, at the top of the jump, when their center of gravity is at its highest point, the jumper's legs are still below the bar on one side and their head and torso are lower on the other. If this is done optimally and with sufficient flexibility, this means that the center of gravity of the jumper should not exceed the bar; in fact, at times he can be a few inches lower at his peak point, requiring considerably less jumping power to get the same result as methods for which the jumper's center of gravity was raised higher to clear the bar.

Lead-up exercises aimed at mastering the technique of a high jump with a take-off run

  1. High leg swing with a quick setting of the other foot on the ground ( rice. 20).
  2. Plank jumping, installed at an easily overcome height. The exercise is performed with a lateral and direct run-up ( rice. 21).
  3. P pulling the push leg with the foot to the knee fly leg from the main stance ( rice. 22).
  4. IN jumping on the gymnastic table from 5–8 takeoff steps in the position of the push leg with the foot under the knee of the fly leg.
  5. Hedge jump, log from 5–8 take-off steps based on the same-named hand with a push leg. Repulsion is done with one foot (Fig. 23).
  6. Pulling the push leg with the foot to the hips y, the knee is laid aside; with the straightening of the leg, the toe turns outward ( rice. 24).
  7. Jump over horse, log with two hands (Fig. 25).
  8. Lying on the belly on the balance beam, raise the push leg with the foot to the thigh, turn the knee outward. Straightening the push leg with a turn of the knee and the toe outward, fall off the log ( rice. 26).
  9. P redheads in a flip way. The body before crossing the bar is located vertically, above the bar - horizontally ( rice. 27).

Leading exercises aimed at mastering the technique of the Fosbury Flop jump

For effective training in the “fosbury flop” method, it is necessary to properly select the equipment of the training places and the presence of soft foam rubber mats, without which it is almost impossible to teach this method of jumping.

If you train to be good at any sport, you are optimizing - doing your best to improve everything that will allow you to do better and minimize any mistakes that hinder your performance. This is one area of ​​sports science that relies on ideas that are possible with a bit of math. Here we will be thinking about two athletics competitions where you try to launch your body as high off the ground as possible: high jumps and pole vault.

This type of event is not as simple as it seems. Athletes must first use their strength and energy to launch their body weight into the air. Alternatively, we can think in terms of energy savings. It is not the height that is cleared by the jumper. Rather, it's the height that the damper's center of gravity rises to, and it's a pretty subtle thing because it allows it to pass through the top of the bar's body even if its center of gravity goes under the bar. When an object is shaped like a curve, its center of gravity may lie outside the body.

To start learning the individual elements of the jump should be only after the students receive clear instructions for its implementation.

Attention! A certain sequence of studying its elements is essential in mastering this method of high jump. To learn repulsion and jump over the bar with a push of one leg, they start after acquiring the skill of running in an arc and mastering the transition through the bar with a push of two legs.

One way to find the center of gravity of an object is to hang it from anywhere on the object and drop the weighted string from the same point, noting where the string falls. Then repeat this by hanging the object from a different point. Draw the second line, which now hangs a string. The center of gravity is where the lines of the two strings intersect.

It is this capability that allows the tall jumper to control where its center of gravity is and what trajectory it follows when it jumps. Our jumper's goal is to get his body to pass over the bar while his center of gravity is as close to the bar as possible. In this way, it will make optimal use of its explosive takeoff energy.

Rice. 28. Exercises for learning to cross the bar when high jumping using the “fosbury flop” method

Exercises that contribute to mastering the technique of running

  1. Picking up speed in a straight line, run into a circle with a radius of 5–6 m and continue to actively run in an arc, tilting your body towards the center of the circle.
  2. Put on a belt or leather belt, to which a rope 5–6 m long is tied. A partner or teacher holds the free end of the rope. The jumper starts to run in an arc at maximum speed (holding the student with a rope at a certain distance from the center of the circle makes it possible to instill in the jumper the skill of tilting the torso to the center of the circle).
  3. In front of the projection, the planks designate an arc with a radius of 4–5 m with its displacement on one side to the left or right of the uprights at a distance of 1.5–2 m. Tangentially to the arc with outside a straight line is drawn perpendicular to the plank projection. On this straight line, turning into an arc, mark the run. The jumper runs up without repulsion, practicing the rhythm and pace of the run.)

simple technique the high jump you first learned in school, called the scissors technique, is far from optimal. To clear the bar, your center of gravity as well as your body must go through the bar. In fact, your center of gravity is probably approaching 30 centimeters above the height of the bar. This is a very inefficient way to clear a high jump bar. The high jumps used by top athletes are much more difficult. old technology the "saddle" included a lintel rotating around the bar, and the chest always faced the bar.

This method was only safe when inflatable landing pads became available. Fosbury's technique was much easier for high jump than swing to learn, and is now used by all serious jumpers. It allows the high jumper to send their center of gravity well below the bar, even if their body is twisting in and around it. The more you bend, the more you can bend your body around the bar, and the lower center of gravity will. He swims over 2m 37cm but his center of gravity goes well under the bar.

Rice. 29. Exercises for teaching repulsion when high jumping using the “fosbury flop” method

Exercises that help master the elements of crossing the bar

  1. Lying with your back across the gymnastic horse, take a position corresponding to the transition through the bar ( rice. 28, 1).
  2. From a standing position, slowly leaning back with your body, perform the “Bridge” exercise, resting your hands on folded mats ( rice. 28, 2).
  3. Mats are placed on the gymnastic horse in such a way that they hang from one side of the horse and form a cushion for landing. Standing on the other side, jump and roll back over the horse with a further somersault over the head on inclined mats (Fig. 28, 3).
  4. Performing a jump over the bar with a push of two legs from a standing position with your back to the bar. You need to try to take a position bending over the bar, corresponding to the position of crossing the bar in a jump using the “fosbeer flop” method (Fig. 28, 4).
  5. The same, but with the help of a flip board (Fig. 28, 5).

When performing exercises 4 and 5, it is necessary to ensure that the athlete's legs do not immediately go up, but lean back, causing a deflection in the lumbar part, and only after that go up.

Photographer Peter Kjelleras captures Olympic high jump champion Stefan Holm jumping at the World Championships in Athletics in Paris, Holm dramatically demonstrates his ability to send his center of gravity far below the bar, which he clears 32 meters above the ground. A high jumper's center of mass is about two-thirds of the way up his body when he is standing up or running towards the takeoff point. Of course, in practice it is a bit more! When a large jumper is passed to launch himself up, he will only be able to transfer a small fraction of his best possible horizontal sprint speed into his upward launch speed.

Exercises that help master the technique of repulsion

  1. From three steps of the run, they perform a repulsion with a swing with a bent leg; when taking off, the fly leg drops. Landing occurs on two legs in a standing position with a slight deflection in the lumbar part of the back ( rice. 29).
  2. Repulsion is performed from a shortened run along an arc. After lowering the fly leg down and bending in the lumbar part, landing on the back on the foam pads takes place (with the correct repulsion from the run along the arc, centrifugal forces will necessarily turn the long axis of the athlete, therefore, performing this exercise without landing on the back is impractical, since the main goal is not achieved - use of centrifugal force).

Having connected the run-up with repulsion and transition through the bar, you can begin to work out the elements of transition through the bar when pushing off with one foot. In this case, it is advisable to use a rigid gymnastic bridge from which repulsion is performed. With the help of the bridge, the jumper can increase the amplitude of movements, which contributes to the assimilation of a motor skill. In the future, after mastering the technique of crossing the bar, the bridge is used extremely rarely, since at this stage the repulsion skill may not be formed correctly.

He only has a small space for his approach and has to turn around to take off with his back, the front stance can do much better. Let's see if we can get a rough estimate of how well we can expect from them.

Barrow is a professor mathematical sciences and Director of the Millennium Mathematics Project at the University of Cambridge. As the bar was raised higher, literally, the perfection of the arch became as important to the sport as speed and the ability to jump vertically.

Basic beginner training simply teaches you how to clear the plank. Stand with your back to the bar and place it at a low height. Practice jumping over the bar and into the hole. Once you get the feel for getting up and over the bar, start running around the bar. Get some distance between you and the bar and train in the center of the pit. When your feet get close to the bar turn or jump when your feet land next to the bar and jump over the bar into the hole.

If you want to learn how to jump but don't know where to start, this article will help you. In it, we will talk about how to learn to jump high, and give examples of basic exercises.

Jumping up from a place

Naturally, with poorly developed physical abilities, high-quality jumps are out of the question. To develop the muscles involved in the jump, you must do the following exercises:

You can practice these exercises in a hole or on a mat. On the carpet, lie on your back and put your hands behind your head close to your ears. Your palms should be flat with your fingers pointing towards your feet. Click to create a bridge in the spine. As you become stronger while holding the bridge, practice pushing your body off the ground into the bridge position. As you try to push off the ground, press your back into a deeper arc, quickly reaching to your ankles and releasing them. Do this exercise in a safety hole.

Take-off drills are important as body approach and weapon assistance play important role in positioning the body for maximum arch in the back. Start by doing exercises to practice your approach. The forward move focuses on the first six steps of the approach. Keep your body high and bounce while keeping your arms pumped in a smooth, controlled motion. Circles help you learn how to approach the bar on the curve before takeoff. This exercise simply controls a circle of any size. Lay the circle on the ground and practice staying on the line as you run.

  • Squats. In order for the jumps to be as successful as possible, it is necessary to develop the quadriceps muscle. During training, you need to choose an average load and perform as many approaches as possible.
  • Calf workout. Developed calves are the key to a successful jump. To train them, you need to do climbs on an inclined surface on one or two legs.
  • Stretching. Lack of flexibility leads to unbalanced muscle development. For its development, it is necessary to stretch the gluteal muscles and hamstrings.
  • Plyometrics. The goal of plyometrics is to minimize the time required to transition from a relaxed to a tense muscle state. For its development, you need to make the maximum possible number of jumps with weighting with additional weight.
  • Rope jumps, long jumps, to a surface higher than the original, and jumps from a sitting position will contribute to the development of plyometrics.
  • Download press.
  • Torso workout.

It is worth remembering that jumping workouts should be short, but as energy-intensive as possible and with a high load. There will be no benefit from long workouts with low loads.

To increase your jump arch, it is important to improve and maintain your flexibility. Yoga is not only effective for back flexibility, but is also a cross-training exercise. If yoga isn't your thing, you can include a few poses in your workout routine to increase your back flexibility. Lie face down on the ground and pull your chest off the ground by straightening your arms. As you lift your upper body off the ground, focus on pushing your hips into the ground. Incorporate flexibility exercises into your workout routines for effective high jump workouts.

High jump over the bar

There are several ways to jump high. There are five jumping techniques:

  • "stepping over"
  • "wave"
  • "roll"
  • "toggle"
  • "fosbury flop"

"Step Over"

This method is quite simple, it is used in physical education classes. Its essence is to correctly step over the bar. To do this, you need to make a small run-up, prepare for repulsion, push off with your foot from the floor and, having made a swing, jump over the bar and land.

Flora Lichtman is here with Video of the Week and she has Olympic fever too. The tour continues for the Olympics. Did you know that the world record for high jump is just over eight feet? But fortunately, other people, like Jesus Dapena, are studying biomechanics at Indiana University. And we called him for a video recording of the week. And he is indeed here with us today to guide us through the science of the high jump.

So what are the main ingredients for a successful high jump? Basically, how do you achieve this? The first ingredient is your body. What you need is genetics and training. So you have to choose your parents very carefully, and then you have to work very hard so that your body has very good muscles and is very flexible, good coordination and all that. To date, the basic things that will help you become a good jumper. But there is one more thing which is your technique.


This method consists in smoothly flying over the crossbar with the whole body. To do this, the run is carried out in a straight line at an angle of 60 - 70 degrees to the crossbar. The larger the takeoff angle, the further the take-off point should be. Then you need to make a wide swing with the supporting leg and fly over the crossbar, bending the torso.

If you know how to high jump, you will jump much higher than if you didn't know how to high jump. The main factor is still the body, but technique also plays an important role. So what do you want to do during takeoff - you have takeoff and take off and then you are in the air. And in this part of the takeoff, which lasts like between 16 and 20 seconds, you need to make a lot of vertical momentum on the ground, so you need to press hard on the ground and for a relatively long period of time.

And how can you move strongly on the ground? Well there is different ways do it: one of them, well, you're actually - well, you're making a big effort and you're just trying to push hard on the ground. But there are other things that you do to help you make the best boost. One of them - you want to quickly run up. Through rapid acceleration, by the time you land your foot on the takeoff stage, you are not placing your foot directly under your body. Of course, you will put it under your body, but also get ahead of your body.


In this case, the run-up should be carried out at an angle of 30 - 40 degrees. It is necessary to push off with the foot, which is located closer to the crossbar. After you have pushed off and thrown your leg over the bar a little, you need to pull the second leg to the first. During the “roll”, the jumper is with his chest above the crossbar, and then with his left side and lands on the push leg and hands.


This method is similar to the "roll", but differs in that already on initial stage rotation is set. The arms, bent at the elbows, must be raised along with the fly leg, and the shoulders and torso must move back so that rib cage was above the crossbar. The push leg must be bent at the knee and hip joints, the heel should reach for the swing leg. Due to the movement of the legs, a rotation effect is created.

"Fosbury - flop"

The jump is carried out with your back to the crossbar. The athlete needs to take a run, push off from the surface, while bending the fly leg. The head should move in the direction opposite to the pushing leg. After repulsion, the legs are brought together, the body straightens and turns its back to the bar. After the body flies over the crossbar, the legs need to be straightened. The jumper lands first on his hands, and then with his whole body.

In order to learn how to jump in any technique, you need to pay a lot of attention to the mechanics of the jump. The whole jump can be decomposed into several components:

  1. prejump steps;
  2. jumping position;
  3. mental setting;
  4. bounce;
  5. landing.

Information on how to long jump can be found in the article.

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