What to draw on a briefcase. How to draw a school bag


Very often I want to draw not a banal flower, the sun in the corner of the sheet and a house. What to do if you want to draw a character with a briefcase, but this school bag does not work out in any way? How to draw a school bag? Our article is especially for you!

What you need in order to draw a briefcase with a pencil

For bright and beautiful drawing you need to get a piece of paper, a pencil, an eraser, paints, pencils or felt-tip pens (your preferences come into play here). It is also important not to forget the desire to draw and accuracy. Also, don't forget to organize your workspace: it should have enough space and nothing should interfere with your work. So how to draw a briefcase with a pencil?

Stages of drawing

So, you have already acquired everything you need, now you can figure out how to draw a portfolio!

1st stage

Draw a rectangle in the center of the sheet. It should be drawn with soft lines, as if outlining the boundaries of the future drawing.

The basis of the future portfolio is ready!

2nd stage

Slightly round the corners of the future backpack, and then draw a fastener for it by drawing a line parallel to the contour in its upper part. Draw a small elongated rectangle anywhere on this line - this will be the "dog" of the castle.

3rd stage

We draw a portfolio strap. To do this, you just need to spend two parallel lines, which start at the top of the backpack.

It should be noted that they should be located symmetrically, closer to the edges of the bag.

4th stage

We will place the handle of the backpack between the straps that we drew in the previous step. To do this, in the middle of the upper part of the backpack, we symmetrically draw two small squares, which will be a blank, the basis for the handle. Then, from these squares, we begin to draw lines in the form of an arch in such a way that the beginning is in one square and the end is in another.

5th stage

Adding details. To make our backpack beautiful and pleasant to look at, we need details. They can be decorative pockets different shapes(be it hearts, stars or even rockets). Also, to decorate the portfolio, you can come up with unusual drawing decorating it. It can be either geometric, abstract, or depicting animals and heroes of various cartoons and comics.

6th stage

We figured out how to draw a briefcase, now you can have some fun! The fun part begins - coloring. color scheme you can choose any, and the more details you have on yours, the better, each can be painted with its own color.

At this stage, the main thing is creativity and accuracy (do not go beyond the contour).

How can I make a finished drawing

The finished drawing can be framed with an ornament along the edge of the sheet. Also, if you really like the work, choose a frame of a suitable color and size for it and hang it in a conspicuous place. Do not forget about the "classic", hang the work on a magnet on the refrigerator!

An interesting option would be when you make your own frame, which is called a passe-partout. Within such a framework professional artists often place their work, it looks very neat and favorably sets off any artwork.

Have a great time!

One of the most necessary items for any student is, of course, a portfolio. It is convenient to carry all textbooks, notebooks, notebooks, abstracts, drawing accessories, pens and colored pencils for drawing in it. It comes in different configurations, colors and shapes. They are also often divided into two groups: for girls and boys.

Therefore, by September 1, we will learn how to draw exactly school bag with all accessories using colored pencils. It will be colorful and bright.

Necessary materials:

  • colour pencils;
  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • sketch pencil.

Stages of drawing a school bag:

We draw the shape of the portfolio in the form of a rectangle with rounded corners.

At the top, add a voluminous pocket for school supplies.

We will also draw another zippered pocket at the bottom of the satchel.

Draw with right side side of the school bag. In the upper part it will be open, because there will be located school supplies. At the bottom we will draw a small pocket for small items.

Starting to fill schoolbag useful little things. For example, let's place a ruler and a textbook. We place them on the right side of the figure.

Next, we will add one more textbook and a paper clip notebook.

For a drawing lesson, you should put multi-colored pencils and markers in a portfolio.

For a little change at school, let's grab an apple that fits easily in one of the three pockets of a satchel. Draw it general form. Then draw a branch and a leaf.

Color the drawing on school theme starting with yellow pencil, which we give base color apple, textbooks and top pocket.

With orange and red pencils of different tones, we add volume to the details of the picture, which were yellow.

The portfolio itself will have green color. We paint with a light green pencil most of the backpack and the details of the pockets. Also with such a pencil we give color to the leaf on the apple and the felt-tip pen, which is located in the school bag.

With a dark green pencil, we give the school backpack a shadow and partial shade.

We paint over blue pencil the remaining parts of the backpack in the form of pockets, and also give a shade to one felt-tip pen.

With brown pencils, color the sections of the apple branch, ruler and pencil. Let's add a shadow with this pencil color on other objects in the picture.

Finally, we give the outline to the entire pattern of the backpack. We use a black pencil.

A backpack is a universal thing and is a mandatory attribute in many looks. Modern youth, schoolchildren, tourists and travelers, rescuers, cartoon characters - they all wear backpacks. Therefore, the ability to draw such a bag will be useful and will definitely come in handy for a beginner and an experienced artist.

Learning to draw with a pencil

First of all, you should figure out how to draw a backpack with a pencil. For understanding common sequence Let's consider the most common simple option.

First, you should designate the main shape of the bag. In our case, this is a rectangle.

After the base is marked, the future position of the lid is marked with a working line and a side pocket is depicted on the visible side.

Then the cover of the briefcase and the patch front pocket are depicted. A symmetrical side is marked on the opposite side.

The entire bag, including pockets, is given volume and rounded shapes.

At the end, adjustable straps and a handle are drawn. IN last turn the whole backpack is detailed in the desired way: zippers on the pockets, facing of the lid. The portfolio is ready.

step by step

Another option on how to draw a backpack in stages offers a sequence of images of a simple textile accessory. The method is quite simple and accessible to any level of training.

Stage 1
The main shape of the bag is schematically depicted: rounded, without a lid, with a large patch pocket on the front side.

Stage 2
In the same way, the image of the handle and straps is applied, for the most part hidden behind the back.

Stage 3
At this stage, the position of the zipper of the main part of the bag and the patch pocket is marked.

Stage 4
All main lines are carefully drawn, auxiliary ones are removed. The backpack is ready. Now it can be filled with the color of your choice. In the proposed version, the patch pocket is decorated with a patch, and the main part has a darker color.

School bag

The method below is how to draw school bag will allow you to learn how to portray a cute, and at the same time, an uncomplicated version of a student's bag. The toy image and the details that create it, if desired, can be excluded, and the result will be a regular backpack.

First, the main part is drawn, including the handle and trim.

Then the side part is complemented by an open pocket, with writing utensils embedded in it, a ruler. It will also accommodate toy hand along with a small decorative pocket.

Now you can add the visible part of the straps.

On the other side of the bag, a second toy hand appears with a pencil.

The backpack itself is ready. It remains to add elements that emphasize the entire image:
- books;

- eyes;

face with a funny smile.

Already in the finished drawing, the main lines are additionally specified with thicker lines. The student's backpack is ready!

Tourist with backpack

Below are two ways to draw a tourist with a backpack.

The first one is easy and without small parts depicts a walking man with a bag over his shoulders. To repeat it, it is enough to first draw the tourist himself in stages, as shown in the figure, and then draw the details of the clothes: hat, jacket, pants. Last but not least, accessories are added: a backpack and a walking stick.

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