What is ends in the water. Ends in the water


Water has played a gigantic role in human life at all times. She was praised, she was revered, she was deified, legends were made about her. That is why, from time immemorial, a huge number of phraseological turns have been used, with the introduction of the word "water".

If you translate any phraseological unit from Russian into any other language, you get an incoherent combination of words, and a foreigner is unlikely to learn the meaning of the expression. But only Russian people likes to use these phrases every day, emphasizing his education, literacy and amazing oratory.

Let's remember a few similar phrases.

"Like water off a duck's back"

Here we are talking about a lucky person who, no matter what he does disgusting, always remains in a winning position. This expression appeared due to the property of the plumage of geese to remain dry after being in the water.

"Do not spill water"

So they say about very friendly people who never part and always do everything together.

"carry water on someone"

Usually, we use this phraseological unit in the saying "They carry water on the offended." The expression again went from ancient times, when, for the purpose of curbing and re-educating, wayward, stubborn horses were harnessed to a wagon for transporting water. Also with people. This turnover is used as a warning that retribution will certainly come for incorrect, rebellious behavior.

"Go through fire, water and copper pipes"

Phraseologism is very loved by us, because it means overcoming various adversities on actual way. The person about whom we are talking, usually, saw a lot of things, experienced, visited difficult situations and managed to adequately get out of the most difficult alterations.

"Seventh water on jelly"

Here we mean very distant relatives. The degree of kinship in this case is compared with a mixture of jelly - a thick drink. The more you dilute it with water, the more watery it becomes. So it is with the relationship between people.

"Quieter than water, lower than grass"

We are talking about an ordinary, quiet, inconspicuous person who does not seek to be the center of attention.

"Like a fish in water"

This describes a situation where a person feels very confident.

"Storm in a teacup"

The phrase shows a frivolous, trifling situation that suddenly caused a strong resonance.

"It is written with a pitchfork on the water"

So it is said about an event, the ending of which is not exactly defined, nothing is yet clear.

"Bring to clean water"

To open everyone's eyes to the indecent, impermissible, criminal act of a person, to expose him.

"Come out dry from water"

In this case, we are talking about a person who, despite the fact that he did some illegal act, escaped condemnation, publicity and punishment.

"Sink into the water"

Synonym for given phraseological turnover- an abyss, an abyss.

"I got water in my mouth"

The man is silent, not uttering a word, although everyone expects an explanation from him.

"Looking into the water"

We are talking about a person with good intuition, who was able to foresee the finale of some action. Previously, divination on the water was especially popular among the witches - this is where this phraseological turn came from.

"As two drops of water"

It means the incredible similarity of someone or something - or among themselves. For example, twins are like two peas in a pod.

"He walks like he's been dipped into water"

It speaks of a frustrated, depressed state of a person.

"A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since that time"

It means that a lot of time has passed and almost everything has changed.

"Hide the ends in the water"

Means to cover the tracks, to hide the traces of the atrocity.

As we see, the aqua theme has always been and remains popular in the daily speech of a person. Any of us, at least once a day, uses one or more phrases from the list presented.

And ends in the water Razg. Express. There is no evidence left (so that there is no left) no evidence, traces, signs of anything. At first, the cattle must be covered so that - if something happens - you can skillfully sell it and come out clean ... The horse owners thought about the matter in advance: they put horses and cattle for themselves, and it will be more convenient for the poor to take what is smaller - pigs, sheep: they will slaughter - and ends in water(K. Fedin. Bonfire).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .


See what "And ends in the water" in other dictionaries:

    Ends in the water- Ends in the water (and there is no conversation). In a sack and into the water (Mordovian court). With a stone (into a sack) and into the water. Wed Any loss, than to go after him, I will tear off my own peasants and the ends in the water. Fonvizin. Undergrowth. 1, 5. Skotinin. Wed… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Ends in water - and bubbles up.- Ends in the water. Ends in water and bubbles up. See CONSCIOUSNESS EVIDENCE...

    The ends are in the water, and the bubble is uphill.- The ends are in the water, and the bubble is uphill. See BEGINNING END... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Ends in the water - and bubbles uphill.- Ends in water and bubbles uphill. See CONSCIOUSNESS EVIDENCE... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    ends in water- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    END INTO THE WATER- It is done; no trace of crime or misconduct. This refers to the concealment of evidence, the destruction of evidence of what kind of l. reprehensible or criminal deed (P) committed by some l. person or group of persons (X), as well as avoiding punishment for ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    ends in water- (and there is no conversation) Into the sack and into the water (Mordovian court) With a stone (into the sack) and into the water. Wed Any loss, than to go after him, I will rip off my own peasants and ends up in the water. Fonvizin. Undergrowth. 1, 5. Skotinin. Wed Riding with a dead man... Not the first time... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Razg. (Not) disappeared, (not) disappeared traces of something. And only two weeks after the disappearance of the cows, when the ends finally went into the water, a commission from the district finally arrived (B. Mozhaev. Alive). You need to go immediately, so that on a hot trail. While all…… Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    ends in the water.- see ends in water and bubbles up... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Ends in the water and bubble up the hill (up)- Region Shuttle. The same as ends in the water 1 2. Mokienko 1990, 117 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings


  • Ends in the water, Nikolai Dmitrievich Akhsharumov. Detective story, which formed the basis of the novel ʻEnds in Water`, to match contemporary works. Sudden death of a young woman who never gave a divorce to her husband, unwittingly...

When a person is sad, he looks unimportant. If you understand the meaning of the phraseologism “as if lowered into water”, then you will have too much to indicate despondency. Therefore, today we will consider a stable phrase.


Of course, phraseological units were presented to us by dark times. In the latter there was no electricity, and education was limited only to practical skills. Therefore, one should not be surprised that the meaning of the phraseological unit “as if lowered into water” entered the language as a result of two rather barbaric procedures:

  1. When a person was suspected of a crime, he was tested with water. If he did not drown, then he was recognized as honest.
  2. When they wanted to get some information from a person, they lowered him bound into the water.

The last trick can be seen in some American action films, but as a certain rudiment, when the hero is trying to drown in the bath in the interests of truth. This is what we mean modern man such methods are well known. We hope it's just hearsay.

It is also impossible not to say that witches were subjected to a similar procedure of “honesty” in the Middle Ages, but at that time it was completely paradoxical: if a woman drowned, then she was not a witch. It turns out that when the girl was caught and accused of witchcraft, she has no chance of surviving. If she does not drown, she will be burned at the stake.


But enough history. It's time to answer the question of what the phraseologism means "just dropped into the water." Before revealing the secret, let's imagine what a person who underwent such torture should have looked like. Represented? And now the correct answer. That's what they call sad person in confusion, bewilderment.

This state is usually caused by specific problems, and rarely by internal experiences. For example: things are not going well at work; parents shouted; quarreled with a young man or girl - all this can cause despondency, and acquaintances at a meeting can recall an old, old phraseological unit. What can be said for consolation? Life is too short to be sad about the little things.

Water has played a huge role in human life at all times. She was praised, she was revered, she was deified, legends were made about her. That is why it has long been used a large number of phraseological turns, using the word "water".

If you translate any phraseological unit from Russian into any other language, you get an incoherent combination of words, and a foreigner is unlikely to understand the meaning of the expression. And only a Russian person likes to use these phrases every day, emphasizing his education, literacy and excellent oratory.

Let's take a look at some of these phrases.

"Like water off a duck's back"

Here we are talking about a lucky person who, no matter what he does bad, always remains in a winning position. This expression appeared due to the property of the plumage of geese to remain dry after being in the water.

"Do not spill water"

So they say about very friendly people who never part and always do everything together.

"carry water on someone"

As a rule, we use this phraseological unit in the saying “They carry water on the offended”. The expression again went back to ancient times, when, for the purpose of curbing and re-educating, wayward, stubborn horses were harnessed to a wagon for transporting water. Also with people. This turnover is used as a warning that retribution will surely come for wrong, rebellious behavior.

"Go through fire, water and copper pipes"

Phraseologism is very fond of us, as it means overcoming all sorts of adversities on life path. The person in question, as a rule, has seen, experienced a lot of things, been in difficult situations and was able to adequately get out of the most difficult alterations.

"Seventh water on jelly"

Here we mean very distant relatives. The degree of kinship in this case is compared with the consistency of jelly - a thick drink. The more you dilute it with water, the more liquid it becomes. So it is with human relationships.

"Quieter than water, lower than grass"

We are talking about a simple, quiet, inconspicuous person who does not seek to be the center of attention.

"Like a fish in water"

This describes a situation where a person feels very confident.

"Storm in a teacup"

The phrase reflects a frivolous, trifling situation that caused an unexpectedly strong resonance.

"It is written with a pitchfork on the water"

So it is said about an event, the outcome of which is not precisely defined, nothing is known yet.

"Bring to clean water"

To open everyone's eyes to the obscene, impermissible, criminal act of a person, to expose him.

"Come out dry from water"

In this case, we are talking about a person who, despite the fact that he committed some illegal act, escaped condemnation, publicity and punishment.

"Sink into the water"

A synonym for this phraseological turnover is the abyss of obscurity, to disappear.

"I got water in my mouth"

The man is silent, not uttering a word, although everyone is waiting for clarification from him.

"Looking into the water"

We are talking about a person with good intuition, who was able to predict the outcome of any event. Previously, divination on the water was especially popular among the witches - this is where this phraseological turn came from.

"As two drops of water"

Means the incredible similarity of someone or something to each other. For example, twins are like two peas in a pod.

"He walks like he's been dipped into water"

He speaks of a frustrated, depressed state of a person.

“Since then a lot of water has flowed under the bridge”

It means that a lot of time has passed and a lot has changed.

"Hide the ends in the water"

So cover your tracks, hide the traces of the crime.

As we can see, water topics have always been and remain popular in everyday human speech. Each of us, at least once a day, uses one or more phrases from the list presented.

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