What is a love affair? What is intrigue? This is the premise for the eternal mystery


Word usage

Schemer- a person who resorts to intrigue
Intrigue- to intrigue against someone, to mystify


see also


  • Heinz-Günter Deiters: “Die Kunst der Intrige” Hamburg, 1966,
  • Gustav Adolf Pourroy: "Das Prinzip Intrige - Über die gesellschaftliche Funktion eines Übels" Edition Interfrom, Zürich, 1986, ISBN 3-7201-5194-8,
  • Peter von Matt: Die Intrigue. Theorie und Praxis der Hinterlist. Hanser Verlag 2006. ISBN 3-446-20731-7
  • Helga Thoma: Liebe, Macht, Intrige: Königinnen und ihre Liebhaber. Piper, München 2002. 2. Aufl. 309 S. ISBN 3-492-23157-8
  • Eva Gesine Baur: Venedig - Stadt der Frauen: Liebe, Macht und Intrige in der Serenissima. Fotografien Thomas Klinger; Knesebeck, München 2005. 239 S. ISBN 3-89660-313-2
  • Gottfried Liebl: Krieg als Intrige: kulturelle Aspekte der Grenze und die militärische Revolution der frühen Neuzeit. Verl. Turia und Kant, Wien 1999. 173 S. ISBN 3-85132-164-2
  • Arnulf Dieterle: Die Strukturelemente der Intrige in der griechisch-römischen Komödie. Grüner, Amsterdam 1980. 358 S. Ueberarb. Diss. Tübingen, 1977/78 ISBN 90-6032-119-7

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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    - (French intrigue, from Latin intricare to confuse). 1) intrigues to the detriment of someone or something. 2) the plot in literary works. 3) love affair. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. INTRIGUE 1) intrigues,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    intrigue- and, f. intrigue f., floor intrigue. 1. Usually plural. Secretly carried out actions using various unseemly means to achieve something. goals; intrigues, tricks. BAS 1. A spark of hatred entered her Tsarevnino from her mother... ... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

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    Tricks, intrigues, tricks, slander, tricks, intrigues. Wed. machinations... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. intrigue, intrigues, tricks, slander... Synonym dictionary

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    - (French intrigue from Latin intrico I confuse), 1) machinations, intrigues2)] A method of constructing the plot of a dramatic, epic and cinematic work with the help of complex twists and turns of action, clashes of interests and cunning tricks of characters... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    INTRIGUE, and, women. 1. Secretive actions, usually unseemly, to achieve something, intrigues. Lead against whom n. intrigue. Weave intrigues. Political intrigues. 2. Method of construction complex plot in novel, drama (book). Complex, confusing and... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Female, French cunning, intrigues, tricks, hooks, intrigues, sneaking things, tricks; | love affair; | string, reference point comedies or dramas, usually love that gives birth to intrigues. They started an affair. To play tricks, to sneak around, to sneak around, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

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    intrigue- and, f. 1) (usually pl.) Secret cunning actions of a cacophonous nature against someone. Weave intrigues. Lovers of intrigue. Start an intrigue. Intrigues of politicians. I have been very pleased with you so far... but now the intrigues in which you may be... Popular dictionary of the Russian language


  • The intrigue of temptation. Eight shades of love, Larisa Renard, Marina Voloshina. The temptation to prolong the spring excitement of relationships for many, many years is great. Let's reveal a secret: a little intrigue - and you are again in the land of fragrant roses and sunny wind. But like everyone else...


This is an understatement that arouses INTEREST in a person. At that moment when a person
interested, he actively thinks about this understatement, tries to choose its continuation himself, drawing for himself a huge number of options. In his head, many questions arise and many possible answers.
In other words, a person who intrigues makes the other person think and question himself.

In seduction, intrigue is used to make a person think about you.
Here, the possibility of its use is very wide, for example, from any object around you, you can create conditions under which another person will think about you, and thinking about you more often, he will perhaps even more ask himself “Why? What is it?” ?...

Subconsciously, a person will associate these questions with you. Intrigue (in seduction in particular) awakens even greater interest in you. If another person does not feel interested in you, then after a couple of days he forgets you, and interest dies. There is a high probability that you will never meet him again, or you will have to awaken this interest in a new way. It is best to maintain this interest and transform it into an even stronger one.

And yet, what is interest?
Of course, there are many questions and attempts to find answers to these questions.

Everyone was a child, and we, as children, are interested in discovering something new for ourselves. Give your child a toy and watch him. If a child likes a toy, a light will light up in his eyes, his hands will immediately reach out to a new object in his life. Questions will arise in your head: “What is this? How does it work? What will happen if I do this or that?”

Therefore, a person’s interest awakens exactly at the moment when many questions are born in his head and the HOPE to get answers to them!

Consequently, the interlocutor’s interest is constant questions (associated with you) + hopes for receiving answers.

When your interlocutor asks you a question, intrigue can ALREADY arise here, and intrigue will only take place when you do not give a direct answer to this question:
- What are you doing?
- What's happened?
- You did something that I didn’t expect from you at all. I'll probably tell you about this, but later.

Just after this “later” a person begins to be visited by questions and hopes for their answers. The goal of intrigue is to keep your interlocutor from answering his questions as long as possible. And exactly at the moment when you delay answering these questions, the person thinks about you. It's simple!
Intrigue is a strong point initial stage to your conquest of the person you desire.

Just leaving the topic, abruptly switching to another
-gentle drift into details, abandonment of the topic
- pauses at points of climax
- leaving the topic with a promise to tell you later certain time, condition

When using intrigue, you need to understand three aspects:
1. There must be a resource in communication or relationship that can be utilized.
That is, the topic of intrigue should interest a person.

2. Intrigue is a weak thing for proactive people. They simply forget it right away, and rightly so.

3. I recently discovered the “Reverse Intrigue” mechanism - also a powerful thing. The point is that you are sending a request for intrigue. And faster than a person, he realizes it as an intrigue. You declare that you don't need it. Keep this to yourself.
Me: It’s clear that it’s scary, look at it differently
step in new life, if anything happens, you can always go back to your parents, under their wing!
I can't go back, my pride won't allow me
Thank you, by the way, I was able to get rid of my attachment to that person! You helped! With your random phrase
you have to look at things realistically, which I really don’t like to do
I know......ok
*although this phrase will remain a mystery to me*

Tying love intrigue On the side you can destroy not only your marriage, but also lose your life. Availability secret lover out of wedlock leads to... chances of developing migraines, and a small percentage have experienced a fatal aneurysm. Therefore, the professor advises unfaithful spouses to “take a break from love intrigue and conduct a brain examination.” Pinessi also recommends that cheaters prone to headaches should "avoid the Kama Sutra and practice normal sexual intercourse" to avoid...


But also understand their shortcomings that prevent them from obtaining personal happiness. It's time to talk about why Zodiac Signs can be lonely. Love Compatibility isn't everything. A lot depends on how a person behaves towards other people. [ ... it is always pleasant to communicate with them, but sometimes they are simply unbearable, which is why they remain alone. Taurus B love Taurus occupies a special place in the horoscope, because they are one of the the best masters flirting. That's the problem - flirting all the time...


Intrigue, intrigue, intrigue,
Yesterday's friend will become an enemy.
Having crossed out a line in the Book of Life,
What the two of us wrote together.

Intrigue, intrigue, intrigue,
Evil gossip and laughter behind your back.
The two-faced God of Fate is cunning,
He will push people together.



For some reason, the consequences of which are not written about in books on practical magic. Beware of practicing magic, especially love, since naive belief in miracles and curiosity can lead to unpredictable results. The essence of magical rituals... the world Same. Here specific example. One young girl was passionate about love spells and various attributes love of magic. After several love spells on young people she liked, she admitted that she did not feel a sense of satisfaction...


Only emotional intimacy, but also other manifestations. The main component happy relationship will become financial side life. Love the union during this period of time will fuel material well-being, thoughts on how to improve personal... inappropriate behavior, especially if you allow your emotions to rule your reason. At the beginning of the month you will face a protracted loving conflict and complications that will have to be overcome. Astrologers recommend showing not only willpower, but also patience...


May last for a long time. However, not everything in our lives is ideal, and this even applies love relationships. The main disadvantage of Taurus is excessive frugality. They don't like to waste money and carefully... by their partner. Gemini - Gemini These representatives of the zodiac circle always have a thirst for adventure, especially for loving. Typically, Geminis do not like to pay attention to only one partner and do not refuse the opportunity to flirt with someone...


Will work a miracle. But maybe this only happens in fairy tales? No! And the most amazing thing is that this loving a talisman can be one of the most ordinary items that you use every day: a comb, a mirror, jewelry. )

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