What is a ridge among the Aryans. No matter what they say, but the ridge is a Nazi salute


5 If someone told our grandfathers that after 70 years, some young people would consider themselves Nazis, then he would have been struck to the core. However, before continuing, I would like to advise you a few sensible articles, for example, who is Skinhead, what does Vatnitsa mean, what is Stonik, what do the numbers mean, etc. Russian people who fought the brown plague for 4 years suddenly found this infection in their heart. So what does Ziga mean? How to throw Ziga? These questions are of interest to our youth and in this article we will try to give answers to these questions. Word " Ziga"was borrowed from German language "sieg" and is translated into Russian as "win", " victory". This is the oldest gesture of saluting the sun. It is made by raising the right hand, while left hand located in the abdomen, thus forming a special zig-rune. Whatever" pretzel"German hands did not write out, no matter what gestures they made in the intention to destroy the Russians and make all their slaves, but their end was a foregone conclusion. Therefore, the gesture" Ziga"can be associated with bad luck, loserness, because in fact the Germans lost all the wars they waged with other peoples.

Ziga- this is a special greeting that originated in Nazi Germany and was used by the Nazis until the end of World War II

If we look into history, it turns out that this gesture was used by the ancestors of the Slavs, although there is no exact evidence for this, but many citizens with foam at the mouth prove the truth of this theory.

The emergence of the "Zigi" gesture

Greeting your fellow tribesmen among the ancient peoples

Salutation of the Sun God by the Slavs

Greetings from political and military leaders

What do the Russian fascists want? They think that everyone should be kicked out" black"from mother Russia. However, first you need to determine the borders of Russia. After all, where are the skins going to expel the Tatars from Kazan? After all, this is their land, and they have always lived there. Probably the Nazis want to establish Muscovy, with several areas located around the capital. They don't need the rest of the territory, Siberia? No, I didn't!
One more detail is interesting, as soon as the Bandera began to kill Russians in the Donbas, Russian fascists immediately went there to help. Do you think they decided to protect the Russian people of Donbass? It wasn’t there, they began to exterminate women and children with enthusiasm and post on Instagram the civilians they killed.

So, Russian fascists are killing Russian people. Why and why? Isn't it all the same. One thing is clear, if they make a coup in Russia, then millions of ordinary Russian citizens will die, and these ghouls will live on blood. Someone doubts that they will meet the troops with flowers NATO? Me not! These are the real Russians" patriots who kill an Armenian girl in a dark alley and then surrender their country to the occupying forces.

Army Ridge


This article aims to educate the youngest representatives of the NS movement. The article will address such issues related to the use of zig as:

  • Definition of the concept "ridge";
  • Correct execution of the ridge;
  • The meaning of using the ridge;
  • Types of zig;
Will also be given as an example graphic materials for clarity.

Definition of the term "ridge".

"Ziga" (from German "sieg" - victory, gain) is a gesture of saluting the Sun: from the heart to the Sun by the road of the right hand; the palm of the left hand lies with the inside on the stomach, forming a zig-rune.
Description: the open palm of the right hand with fingers folded towards each other touches the left side of the chest, where the heart is anatomically located, then sharply rushes forward and upward, while the person’s gaze rushes up to the Sun, since it is with such a gesture that a person welcomes and connects with him by the energy path through his right hand. This was a description of the gesture "from the heart to the Sun", when throwing a ridge and establishing a high-quality energy connection, the formation of a zig-rune is also important, for this the palm of the left hand should lie with the inside on the stomach (as in Fig. 1).

Rice. 1.

The meaning of using the ridge.

IN ancient times our ancestors, Aryan peoples, everywhere used the practice of throwing a ridge, welcoming and praising pagan gods, first of all, the god of the Sun, thus connecting with the "energy bridge" with the highest spiritual power by means of information and energy exchange. Later, the gesture was also used to greet military and political leaders. IN Nazi Germany In the second quarter of the 20th century, the ridge received special attention. The gesture was used mainly to greet each other: ordinary citizens threw large ridges, while high-ranking leaders had the right to throw small and medium ridges, which indicated their more high position in society (read about small, large, and medium ridges in the Types of ridges section). In Germany, among the military, it was customary to add the biting clatter of heels during the throwing of the ridge to the traditional ridge.
In our time, the practice of greeting the leader with a ridge and glorifying the gods has been preserved almost with reconstruction accuracy.

Types of zig.

There are ridges (see Fig. 2):

  1. Big ridge. A large ridge can be thrown by any representative of white humanity. The remaining options are exotic and perverted.
  2. Middle ridge. The middle ridge has the right to throw higher-ranking people in white society to less high-ranking people.
  3. Small ridge. Only the most senior representatives of society have the right to throw a small ridge: heads of state, spontaneous leaders ...

Rice. 2.


On the example of the personality of the leader of the German people A. Hitler, let's see how the ridges look. Hitler, as the most senior member of German society in the second quarter of the twentieth century, had the right to throw all kinds of zig. Naturally, by throwing a large ridge, a person shows the greatest respect to a person.

The Fuhrer of the German people throws a big ridge

The Fuhrer of the German people throws the middle ridge

The Fuhrer of the German people throws a small ridge

Yuri Dolgoruky throws the middle ridge

The boy on my avatar, as a sign of respect for those who read, throws you big ridge! =)

what are you throwing?
How to throw ridges correctly. Popular science guide.

This article aims to educate the youngest representatives of the NS movement. The article will address such issues related to the use of zig as:

Definition of the concept "ridge";
Correct execution of the ridge;
The meaning of using the ridge;

Types of zig;
Graphic materials will also be given as an example for clarity.

Definition of the term "ridge".

"Ziga" (from German "sieg" - victory, gain) is a gesture of saluting the Sun: from the heart to the Sun by the road of the right hand; the palm of the left hand lies with the inside on the stomach, forming a zig-rune.
Description: the open palm of the right hand with fingers folded towards each other touches the left side of the chest, where the heart is anatomically located, then sharply rushes forward and upward, while the person’s gaze rushes up to the Sun, since it is with such a gesture that a person welcomes and connects with him by the energy path through your right hand. It was a description of the gesture "from the heart to the Sun", when throwing a ridge and establishing a high-quality energy connection, the formation of a zig rune is also important, for this the palm of the left hand should lie with the inside on the stomach

The meaning of using the ridge.

In ancient times, our ancestors, the Aryan peoples, everywhere used the practice of throwing a ridge, greeting and praising the pagan gods, primarily the god of the Sun, thus connecting with the "energy bridge" with the highest spiritual power through information and energy exchange. Later, the gesture was also used to greet military and political leaders. In Nazi Germany in the second quarter of the twentieth century, special attention was paid to the ridge. The gesture was used mainly to greet each other: ordinary citizens threw large ridges, while high-ranking leaders had the right to throw small and medium ridges, which indicated their higher position in society (read about small, large, as well as medium ridges in the Types of ridges section ). In Germany, among the military, it was customary to add the biting clatter of heels during the throwing of the ridge to the traditional ridge.
In our time, the practice of greeting the leader with a ridge and glorifying the gods has been preserved almost with reconstruction accuracy.

Types of zig.

There are ridges

Big ridge. A large ridge can be thrown by any representative of white humanity. The remaining options are exotic and perverted.
Middle ridge. The middle ridge has the right to throw higher-ranking people in white society to less high-ranking people.
Small ridge. Only the most senior representatives of society have the right to throw a small ridge: heads of state, spontaneous leaders ...


On the example of the personality of the leader of the German people A. Hitler, let's see how the ridges look. Hitler, as the most senior member of German society in the second quarter of the twentieth century, had the right to throw all kinds of zig. Naturally, by throwing a large ridge, a person shows the greatest respect to a person.

There is some confusion about the semantic load of runic occult symbols and greetings. The huge negative experience accumulated by mankind throughout its history, and especially in the 20th century, has imposed a kind of taboo on many gestures and signs. Not only their use, but also any talk about them is banned in many countries. However, here and there a swastika is depicted on the wall, and a ridge is used as a greeting. This always provokes protests from the majority of society. Maybe the whole point is that the gesture is interpreted incorrectly? Or is it done incorrectly?

Historical primary sources of the ridge

IN Ancient Rome both legionnaires and ordinary citizens often greeted each other by raising their right hand, putting it first to the heart. The original meaning is the wish for health, well-being and showing respect by directing towards the sun from the heart. At the same time, ordinary people gesticulated vigorously, and high-ranking "cartridges" answered less diligently, only raising their palm on their half-bent right hand. The traditional ancient Roman greeting can be seen depicted in the statue of Marcus Aurelius. Slavic peoples also greeted in the same way. For example, the half-lowered hand of Dmitry Dolgoruky (a monument in Moscow) is perhaps also a kind of ridge. This does not mean at all that there is some hint of Nazism, nationalism or fascism in the gesture. By the way, on numerous Soviet monuments and Lenin, and other prominent figures of the Communist Party, also extended the right upper limb.

Ziga and the Nazis

The Third Reich was conceived as a successor to previous empires with ancient Roman traditions. Its official symbolism included a swastika (distorted, with the opposite direction of rotation) and an imperial eagle holding the mentioned sign in its claws. Instead of the usual "guten morgen" or "guten tag", members of the NSDAP, and later the entire population of Germany, used a ridge. This greeting, like the symbol of eternity - the swastika - has also undergone changes. Now the palm was not applied to the heart, but went straight from the hip. In addition to this difference, there was also a certain semantic load, unusual ancient Roman traditions. The gesture "zig" expressed the highest degree personal devotion to him, the "great and infallible" Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of the people. The entire population of Germany was reminded of this by a verbal appendage to the greeting: "Sieg heil - heil Hitler!" So that they always remember in whose honor they zigue. The gesture had nothing more to do with the wish for well-being.

Zigs are different

As in ancient Rome, as in fascist Italy, and in Nazi Germany, subordination existed, and very clear, manifested, in particular, in greetings. If an ordinary member of the party had to pull his hand with all his might at an angle of 45 degrees, then the bonza, depending on the rank, could use a long, medium or short gesture to greet. In the latter case, he only slightly raised his palm, as if brushing off overly importunate admirers of his own genius. Medium - for field marshals, generals and high-ranking officials of the Reich. A long ridge is the lot of the plebeians, even if they are representatives of a superior race at least three times.

Who ziguet today

Raised hand in modern era evokes unambiguous associations with the Nazi salute. In many countries, it is forbidden by law to greet in this or similar way: Hitlerism brought too many troubles to the peoples of Europe. However, there are far-right organizations that use symbols and gestures (sometimes slightly modified "for blazeera") borrowed from a terrible past. Sometimes members of neo-Nazi structures even pretend that they have no idea what a ridge means, and press on the ancient Roman or ancient Slavic meaning of the gesture. In fact, they are adherents of Hitler's methods of "limiting the population" of migrants and foreigners. They should remember that all people have an equal right to life simply by virtue of the fact of their birth, and they should not be killed. This has happened before, and with very deplorable consequences.

In addition, psychologists say that a hand raised above the head indicates that the speaker promises obviously more than he can fulfill, and he knows it very well.

Not at all surprised by the result. It turned out 4.7 - which, according to the scale attached to the test, means: "Surely knows how to throw a ridge correctly." In this connection, I had to go rummaging through the bins of the Internet and understand how to throw a ridge correctly and what it is all about. It revealed:

How to throw ridges correctly.
Popular science guide.
This article aims to educate the youngest representatives of the NS movement. The article will address such issues related to the use of zig as:

    Definition of the concept "ridge";
    Correct execution of the ridge;
    The meaning of using the ridge;
    Types of zig;
Graphic materials will also be given as an example for clarity.
Definition of the term "ridge".
"Ziga" (from German "sieg" - victory, gain) is a gesture of saluting the Sun: from the heart to the Sun by the road of the right hand; the palm of the left hand lies with the inside on the stomach, forming a zig-rune.
Description: the open palm of the right hand with fingers folded towards each other touches the left side of the chest, where the heart is anatomically located, then sharply rushes forward and upward, while the person’s gaze rushes up to the Sun, since it is with such a gesture that a person welcomes and connects with him by the energy path through your right hand. This was a description of the gesture "from the heart to the Sun", when throwing a ridge and establishing a high-quality energy connection, the formation of a zig-rune is also important, for this the palm of the left hand should lie with the inside on the stomach (as in Fig. 1).
Rice. 1.

The meaning of using the ridge.
In ancient times, our ancestors, the Aryan peoples, everywhere used the practice of throwing a ridge, greeting and praising the pagan gods, primarily the god of the Sun, thus connecting with the "energy bridge" with the highest spiritual power through information and energy exchange. Later, the gesture was also used to greet military and political leaders. In Nazi Germany in the second quarter of the twentieth century, special attention was paid to the ridge. The gesture was used mainly to greet each other: ordinary citizens threw large ridges, while high-ranking leaders had the right to throw small and medium ridges, which indicated their higher position in society (read about small, large, as well as medium ridges in the Types of ridges section ). In Germany, among the military, it was customary to add the biting clatter of heels during the throwing of the ridge to the traditional ridge.
In our time, the practice of greeting the leader with a ridge and glorifying the gods has been preserved almost with reconstruction accuracy.
Types of zig.
There are ridges (see Fig. 2):

Big ridge. A large ridge can be thrown by any representative of white humanity. The remaining options are exotic and perverted.
Middle ridge. The middle ridge has the right to throw higher-ranking people in white society to less high-ranking people.
Small ridge. Only the most senior representatives of society have the right to throw a small ridge: heads of state, spontaneous leaders ...
On the example of the personality of the leader of the German people A. Hitler, let's see how the ridges look. Hitler, as the most senior member of German society in the second quarter of the twentieth century, had the right to throw all kinds of zig. Naturally, by throwing a large ridge, a person shows the greatest respect to a person.

Next come historical facts mixed with network folklore:

The Fuhrer of the German people throws a big ridge

The Fuhrer of the German people throws the middle ridge

The Fuhrer of the German people throws a small ridge

Yuri Dolgoruky throws the middle ridge

Grandpa, who are these people in the photo? Fascists?
- Yes, granddaughters, the Nazis
- What are they doing?
- They raise their hands in a fascist salute and shout "heil hitler"
- Is that you in the photo?
- Yes, granddaughter, it's me.
Do you yell "heil hitler" too?
- What are you, granddaughter! This is when they all began to shout "Heil Hitler", I raised my hand and said indignantly "MINUTE!"

There is a terrible gesture in this world,
Terribly forbidden gesture!
He breaks mystical nets,
And glorifies the Sun-Cross!
Incorruptible partisan gesture,
Leftist, rock fangs!
Judeo-Russian pate
Afraid of outstretched hands.
Leftist, know and remember -
W$ ladies have no place in Rus'!
Let the zombies zombify
And don't burden us with the Talmud!
All life is a struggle! Your way
We cut into the Sky through horror.
Go ahead, friends! From the heart to God!
Bless! Good luck!

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