What does peak mean in jargon. How to correctly name card suits


    As children, we used to scare each other with the Queen of Spades. They also called a swearing dwarf.

    And the Queen of Spades seemed to be called with the help of the Queen of Spades card. She had to be put under the pillow and said something (like I call you, Queen of Spades). Those who dared to do so did not wake up in the morning, and the stigma of Spade's suit remained on their body.

    But it's pure children's performance, as it was before.

    Firstly, queen of spades it's just a woman from a deck of cards. However, either she was depicted on the cards somehow ominously, or the suit of spades symbolizes unkindness with her black color, but it has become customary to identify the queen of spades with a witch who brings bad luck. And so the rumor about this terrible woman went around the world. People even began to invent legends about the Queen of Spades, as a spirit that lives in the looking glass, which can even kill. This is how the image of the Queen of Spades gained mystery and unfavorable energy from hundreds of conversations and legends. Thought, as they say, is material, so you should not think that children are lying when they say that they saw the Queen of Spades (especially since children's energy is the strongest). After all, if you do not believe in not, this does not mean that e does not exist at all. It exists, for those who do not believe in. And they are able to see e. Otherwise, how can one explain next story I don't remember who told me.

    One day, two girls decided to call the Queen of Spades, for which they put a card with her image on the floor, put 2 chairs opposite each other and tied them with a thread. Then the girls joined hands, sat on chairs and began to repeat the Queen of Spades, come to us, after which one of them itched her leg, in order to scratch which the girlfriends had to unhook their hands. When they held hands again, they noticed that a bright spot was running along the thread, which, having reached one girl, switched to not, then the friends saw that the clothes had been burned in place of this spot, and there was a small burn on the skin. After a few seconds, burns began to appear on the bodies of the girls, and they rushed to the street, where they met the grandmother of one of them. Grandmother explained to them that it was impossible to disturb the queen of spades, for which it was impossible to unhook the hands, thereby allowing the lady to leave her circle, and whoever did this would face a long and painful death. When they returned to the room, it smelled of burning, and all the walls were brown incomprehensible stains.

    Whether it is worth believing in the authenticity of this story is not for me to decide. However, this is not the only proof that the woman from the deck of cards exists. The Internet is full of options on how to call the Queen of Spades. It is believed that it mainly comes from the mirror, and for it to come, you don’t need much, in some cases lipstick and candles are enough, in some a few sweets, the main thing is that it should be midnight and, of course, sincere faith in is existence. However, it is highly recommended to terminate the call mysterious stranger as soon as you notice its appearance. So you can try, if you are not afraid, of course.

    The Queen of Spades is considered one of the guises of Kalmava, Mary, the Mistress of the cemetery. Also called her Mother Nature, the Queen of the Elves and even the wife of the devil. These ideas are partly transferred to famous novel Pushkin's The Queen of Spades, where the Queen of Spades embodies cruel fate that punishes the protagonist.

    Calling a lady is dangerous. But it is believed that she can grant wishes ... But if called several times, she can even strangle ...

    The Queen of Spades is mystical character card deck. dedicated to her story of the same name Pushkin. The Queen of Spades is asked for the fulfillment of desires. She personifies the cruel fate of fate. However, often it is not worth calling. And of course, it is up to you to decide whether to believe in its real existence.

    Queen of Spades - mystical image created by people's imagination. The Card Queen of Spades is identified with bad luck. There are legends and stories about her, as about a woman living in the Looking Glass. They try to call her spirit and ask for the fulfillment of desires. In my opinion, everything is a fairy tale, with a hint of mystery and mysticism.

    You can believe or not believe various legends, be an atheist or, on the contrary, a deeply religious person. It depends on you. But since all this cannot be reliably verified, it is better to exercise reasonable caution and respect.

    The image of the Queen of Spades has always personified evil, the world of unkind spirits. Initially, he contacted the cards. We all remember well the work of A. S. Pushkin The Queen of Spades, as well as opera of the same name P. I. Tchaikovsky, where one of the variants of the legend about the Queen of Spades is presented.

    The Queen of Spades personifies the evil forces that a person turns to in moments of despair, when for the sake of fulfilling his desires he is ready for anything and does not think about the consequences. But the Queen of Spades is not Kind fairy, if she fulfills desires, then retribution comes.

    This should not be forgotten.

    I heard that the Queen of Spades is personified in legends with the wife of Satan himself. She is an evil spirit coming from the Looking Glass, which is not very kind to living people. They see her differently, since they all represent her differently: someone sees an old woman, someone sees a woman in black, there are references to a black bird, as well as a naked girl. I think it all depends on what shape the person is in. expects to see her.

    Most likely, the Queen of Spades is an egregor, a soul that comes to life thanks to human emotions and ideas.

    Actually, the Queen of Spades is a playing card of a black suit, which is considered a symbol of death or serious illness. Actually, this mystical story became widely known thanks to the story of the same name by A.S. Pushkin and opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky. The prototype of the Queen of Spades was Princess Golitsyna.

    I always have an even relationship to the suit of spades in my cards. Although, to be honest, if the queen of spades hits, I always remember Pushkin. There are a lot of mystics around this lady, maybe somewhere there is some truth. I would not call the queen of spades. but it won’t hurt to protect yourself once again. No need to wake up famously.

    What is the legend of the Queen of Spades? Who is she?

    Perhaps, since childhood, everyone has heard horror stories about the lady of spades. Many are wondering who is the queen of spades, how to call the queen of spades?

    There are many most different stories And creepy stories about the Queen of Spades - but, of course, there is no way to know which of them is the most real, and in general to say whether something is hidden behind them - it is impossible.

    Legend of the Queen of Spades, as it is believed, takes its origin from the usual deck of cards. The card of the lady of spades is sometimes compared with a witch, a sorceress who brings bad luck. Perhaps just once someone lost a big fortune, and this coincided with the fact that the Queen of Spades card played a fatal role in this. And then, over time, the story was overgrown with additional details and turned into a creepy, terrible legend, scarecrow)

    Many people identify the Queen of Spades with an evil spirit, with the spirit of a woman who supposedly lives in the looking glass.

    Calling the Queen of Spades is highly discouraged. The fact is that the other world, the world of evil spirits, is just waiting for some curious person to turn to the spirits and try to summon them himself. As a rule, evil spirits do not disturb people if they themselves do not meet them, and God does not allow them to do anything and make physical contact with this world, with people. But if we take it upon ourselves to call and invite them to our house, they will come with pleasure - but, as you know, you will not receive goodness and help from them. And if they help, in return they will demand much more than you would like to give. And to ward off evil spirits is much more difficult than to summon them, so it’s better not to do this at all, especially out of idle curiosity.

    The Queen of Spades is the spirit of an old lady. An evil and merciless spirit. Called out of curiosity. Fulfills the desire for wealth. Capricious spirit. If you don't like it, you will start to dream. Children believe in the Queen of Spades. Adults read Pushkin about the Queen of Spades.



PEAK, peak, peak.

2. Unpleasant, difficult, which is the result of failure, defeat (the meaning comes from fortune-telling on cards, where the spade suit means misfortune; colloquial joke). Peak position. Stay at peak interest (fail at something, end up with nothing).

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what "PEAK" is in other dictionaries:

    Stay at peak interest. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. peak limit, single-peak, record, highest, maximum, largest, guilty, largest, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    peak- (not recommended peak) ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    See peak. II. PEAK See spades. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    See peak. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    See spades. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    1. PEAK, oh, oh. to Piki. P th suit. Good lady. P. king, ace. ◊ Peak position. An unpleasant, embarrassing situation. Stay (be) at peak interest. To fail at something, to be left with nothing. 2. PEAK see Peak... encyclopedic Dictionary

    peak- I. PEAK I th, th. pique f. Rel. To playing cards spade suit. The ace won, Hermann said and revealed his card. Your lady has been killed, Chekalinsky said affectionately. Hermann shuddered: in fact, instead of an ace, he had a queen of spades. Fluff… … Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    I adj. 1. ratio with noun. peaks associated with it 2. rev. unfold Difficult, hard. II adj. 1. ratio with noun. the peak associated with it 2. Inherent to the peak [peak 1.], characteristic of it. 3. Being at the peak [peak 1.] ... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, peak, ... ... Word forms


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In modern society, it is not customary to divide people into any groups, estates and castes. However, this rule does not apply to places of deprivation of liberty, where for many decades there has been a strict classification of convicts into peculiar groups (or, as they say in the zone, suits).

Prison suits

The suits in the zone are the division of all prisoners into peculiar groups that differ from each other in prison status, rights and concepts.

Absolutely in any prison and colony there is a clear distinction between all prisoners into certain groups or suits: “thieves”, “muzhiks”, “goats” and “roosters”. There are also so-called intermediate groups, which vary depending on the specific place of deprivation of liberty. Such "intermediate" castes include "roosters", "lowered", "offended" and others.

The suits in the zone are quite closed groups, and it is almost impossible to move from one caste to another.

"Authorities" of the zone

The most significant, important and honorable suit in the zone are "thieves". This caste is the smallest, and it’s not easy to get into it. So, who is this "thug"?

"Thieves" - this is real, almost unlimited power in the zone. It is the members of this group that establish unwritten rules of conduct in places of deprivation of liberty, keep order in the zone, decide conflict situations that arise between prisoners, and punish the "guilty" to the fullest extent of the prison law.

A special group of "thieves" are the so-called thieves in law. These are recognized. Moreover, they do not have to trade in thefts. A "thief in law" is a person who has an impeccable criminal reputation, the right concepts and strictly observes

If answering the question about , who is “thieves”, then we can say that he behaves “correctly” not only in the zone, but also did not have any “jambs” at large. For example, "thieves" should not serve in the army, in the wild they should not have held leadership positions or worked in the service sector (taxi drivers, waiters). IN Soviet times such authorities were forbidden to have a family and be a member of any political party.


The leader of the "thieves" is the "godfather" - a recognized Criminal authority. If there is no such person in the zone, then a “watcher” is appointed - a prisoner who performs the functions of a leader.

"Godfather" and his entourage (that is, "thieves") have special privileges in the zone. They may not work, leaving for themselves from the “common fund” everything they see fit.

IN modern world many "thieves" in the zone interact with the administration and establish those orders that are beneficial to the leadership of the colony. Instead of "thieves" comfortable conditions of detention are created (they secretly receive alcohol, marijuana, telephones and other benefits). Although this does not correspond to thieves' concepts, market relations in our time also reign in the zone.

Who is a "man"?

"Guys" - this is perhaps the most numerous and neutral group of prisoners. It includes prisoners who received a term for committing petty crimes. As a rule, these are absolutely random people in prison: having got into the zone once, they try to free themselves as quickly as possible and return to ordinary life at will.

Among the "muzhiks" there are, of course, such prisoners who are respected by the "thieves" and even listen to their opinion.

This group of prisoners is considered neutral and quite numerous. And if we talk about who a “man” is, this is the prisoner who, at the end of his term, will forget everything like a “nightmare” and try not to return to the zone again.

"Goats" are...

If it is honorable to belong to the two suits described above, then to fall into the caste of "goats" means to put yourself against the rest of the prisoners. As a rule, those prisoners who, according to own will(and in some cases under duress) began to cooperate with the administration of the correctional facility.

So, if a prisoner agreed to take the position of a prison librarian or supply manager, then he automatically fell into the caste of "goats". Convicts belonging to this suit actively cooperate with the prison authorities, fulfilling all their instructions. In this regard, the rest of the prisoners treat them as traitors.

Such a situation deprives the "goats" of the right to participate in prison squabbles, they are not allowed to the "common fund", they do not have the right to vote. Meanwhile, you can greet representatives of this suit, you can touch them and, if you wish, you can communicate with them.

You don't wish on your enemy

The suits on the zone are unchanged. You cannot move from a lower caste to a more authoritative one. So, a "goat" will never become a "man" or "thieves". But to get into the very lower caste Can.

A suit like "rooster" is a real nightmare for a prisoner. The prisoners who fell into this caste do not live easily in the zone, to put it mildly. This group of prisoners is also called "offended", "lowered", "untouchable". This suit includes passive homosexuals and prisoners punished by having sexual contact with them. Moreover, there may not be a sexual intercourse itself: a prisoner can simply be swiped across the lips with a genital organ, and from that moment on he will be considered a “rooster”.

Representatives of this suit are outcasts: you can’t touch them, you can’t take anything from them. "Roosters" use separate dishes, have a separate sleeping place (as a rule, at the entrance to the cell). It is not customary to talk to them. "Roosters" are forbidden to approach the rest of the prisoners closer than three steps. It is they who do the dirtiest work in the prison - they clean toilets, wash the parade ground.

However, when "roosters" are "used" (that's what they say in the zone), this is not considered any kind of defiling contact.

There is also an ominous "tradition" - to make holes in plates, spoons and mugs of "roosters". In order for a convict belonging to this caste to eat or drink, it is necessary to plug the holes with your fingers. And this is the most harmless humiliation of those to which "roosters" are subjected.

Prison laws are very strict and cruel. Therefore, the slightest deviation from the established norms of behavior inevitably leads to punishment. So, having become a “rooster” once, a person is deprived of the right to human relations in prison and is subjected to humiliation until the end of his term. Not everyone can withstand this, so many prisoners who fall into the “rooster” caste commit suicide.

Sometimes it happens

The above suits are available in all zones and prisons. However, some have their own specific, so-called intermediate castes.

There are especially many such castes in the zone where juvenile delinquents are kept. On the "youngster", in addition to the already indicated castes, there are such suits as:

  • "forshmaki", which includes prisoners who have committed some minor offense in the zone due to ignorance of the rules and norms of behavior;
  • "devils" - that is, those prisoners who were convicted of stealing from their cellmates;
  • "sneakers" who act as servants;
  • "washerwomen", "butterers", "shortage" and others.

In some adult zones, peculiar podcasts are common. For example, “thieves”, which includes prisoners who make up the “retinue” of “thieves” (while they themselves are not thieves). Or the "scoundrels" caste, which includes "thieves" prisoners who have committed some heinous act.

Live by the rules

Whatever suit the prisoner belongs to, he is obliged to comply with the Zon's concepts. Concepts are the established norms of behavior of a prisoner in places of deprivation of liberty. Strict observance of these unwritten rules helps to avoid the occurrence of conflict, and sometimes life-threatening situations.

Prison laws (or concepts) are very similar to the norms of life in freedom. The paradox lies in the fact that often prisoners who violated the law in the wild (for example, by stealing) strictly adhere to the rule “do not steal” in places of deprivation of liberty.

The basic Zon concepts boil down to the following: do not “knock” and do not steal from your own (that is, from the same prisoners), do not let “words go to the wind” (if you threatened someone, you must punish; otherwise, they will punish you for chatting) .

You can’t interfere in other people’s affairs and conversations in the zone, impose your opinion, lie and swear (since the demand for any spoken word in prison is much greater than at large).

You should not be greedy in places of deprivation of liberty: it is customary to share with cellmates. And, of course, you should not put yourself above the rest, because this can lead to dire consequences.

Strange Norms

In some areas there are completely strange laws. This is especially true of colonies that contain juvenile offenders. For example, you can’t pick up anything from the floor, you can’t finish smoking a cigarette after prisoners who belong to lower prison castes.

There are prisons in which they can only be lowered for the fact that the prisoner went to the toilet and did not wash his hands or mended his socks.

There are also such colonies in which it is customary to wash in the bath with two washcloths - one to the waist, the second - for everything else. A towel, which is commonly called a “waffle”, is considered a “checkered towel” in the zone. And the prisoner who does not know this rule will not be very well.

Red zone. Zone "black"

According to suits, not only the prisoners themselves are divided, but also the places of their detention. All zones are divided into "black" and "red".

The "Reds" are those prisons in which tough "Cop" concepts prevail. In such prisons, the interaction of prisoners with the administration of the correctional institution is strongly encouraged. Life here proceeds according to the rules of the zone management.

"Black" prisons (which are the majority in Russia) are those correctional institutions in which everything is built on thieves' suits. Here, the suits in the zone are of great importance. Collaborating with the administration of such a colony is considered “zapadno”.

In the "black" zones, prisoners who "knock" the leadership are referred to the "goat" caste (they are also called "red"). "Red" in the zone will never be able to live in peace, since he will cause hatred among all other prisoners and will be considered a traitor.


For many decades, clear and strict rules and norms for the behavior of prisoners have been formed in places of deprivation of liberty. Violation of the established rules leads prisoners to punishment, which, most often, consists in transferring to the lowest prison caste.

And if for an ordinary law-abiding citizen such a punishment seems childish, then for the inhabitants of the zone it is the most severe and severe punishment. After all, a safe and calm serving of a term directly depends on what suit the prisoner belongs to.

Although modern society and worldview brought in prison life many innovations, there are things that still remain unchanged - these are prison castes (suits), thieves' laws and concepts.

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