What does it mean that good is not sought from good. “They don’t look for good from good”: is it true


Very often, even in the modern lexicon, we hear the old saying, beaten by generations, “they don’t look for good from good.” Repeatedly, many people use it in conversation, it often flashes on forums and websites. It can naturally be found in classical literature, in poetry and prose, as well as in famous commanders, rulers, artists, etc. But oddly enough, each person puts his own meaning into these words, and it turns out that they do not have a single meaning ...

First sense, more common

According to numerous dictionaries, encyclopedias and other more or less reliable sources, the meaning of the words “they don’t look for good from good” is as follows. If a person has received something in his life for free, something that has made him richer, happier, better or more successful, he should not demand more. According to these words, everyone who receives such "heavenly manna" should accept it, be grateful for this gift, and not look for anything else in this world. However, if you think about this interpretation, it becomes clear that it is still possible to achieve more with such a “free” gift, but in this case you will have to put in work and effort, since further victories will already be the result of your efforts. However, it is worth remembering that this interpretation is unofficial, and of course, along with it there are others that we will now learn about.

The second point, acceptable to many people

Now consider in a completely different light the expression "they do not seek good from good." Its meaning lies in the fact that if you once did good to another person, you should not expect a reciprocal step on his part. That is, if someone dares to do charity, then he must be prepared for the fact that he will have to work “for this”, and most often people will not appreciate this work, but will take it for granted. In support of this theory, one can also recall another quote that Omar Khayyam once wrote in one of his poems: “One will not understand what roses smell like, another will get honey from bitter herbs, give bread to one - he will remember forever, sacrifice life to another - he will not understand ". Based on this, it can be concluded that given value these words depends purely on the person to whom you are doing this very good.

The Third Meaning of Ancient Wisdom

Often people also interpret the words “they don’t seek good from good” in a slightly different way. It is believed that if a person already lives in abundance, he is happy and has everything that can provide him decent life, then he will not move to another place, look for something new, try himself in a new role. However given sense should also be interpreted ambiguously. People are different, and there are those who can be assigned to one place. And there are individuals who prefer to constantly travel, learn something new and unknown.

A book written on the basis of wise words

Writer Kira Filipova created an interesting fantasy comedy, which she called "They don't look for good from princesses." In this bestseller, of course, the meaning of the title is extremely clear and can be seen throughout all the chapters. The fact is that main character- a princess who is able to outwit and overcome werewolves, vampires, necromancers and other evil spirits just for her own amusement. Despite such "darkness", the novel is very interesting, and you can read it excitedly.

January 31st, 2011 04:19 am

Today, in the process of communicating with a colleague, it turned out that we interpret this saying differently. Genuinely surprised by this story. We are peers and compatriots. Both love to read. good literature. Well, in fact, how can one and the same phrase have various meanings? It turns out, whoever hurts, he talks about that? I thought that once you get something, you shouldn't ask for more. Valentina claims that the true meaning of the saying is that if you have done good to another, do not expect him to respond in kind.

I turned to Google "almighty" for help, as my son likes to joke.
Turns out, true value sayings - Good is not sought from good wanted to know and other Internet users. Here are some thoughts on this subject:

  • And it seems to me that one more proverb can be added to this wise proverb, "what we have we do not store, having lost by crying." So I think that you need to be able to see the good and rejoice in what you have. Don't look for something better.
  • Masha, if I'm not mistaken, then this proverb is a grammatically and logically concise, complete saying, with an instructive meaning, for example: "what you sow, you will reap." And the saying is a figurative expression that is devoid of a generalizing meaning, for example: "Seven Fridays in a week."
  • So the first thing I thought was that “they don’t look for good from good” means that if a person lives well, then he won’t look for anything better, and there’s no need to look for this new good at all. I asked my husband. He confidently answered that if you did good to someone, do not expect him to do good to you later. Here we have different opinions. Skyway, looking forward to the correct answer.
  • Wiktionary:Having received something for free, one should not expect or demand more◆ In I went three kings; the first ordered to take off my cap and scolded my nurse for me; the second did not favor me; the third, although he put me in chamber pages in my old age, but I don’t want to exchange him for a fourth; good is not sought from good. Alexander Arkhangelsky, "1962. Epistle to Timothy, 2006
Is what is written on Wikipedia always correct?

I remember that my grandfather told me, they say, what is it, thank you granddaughters, if you consider yourself obliged to commit an act in return for a good deed, then do not put it off, take it and do it.

And yet he explained to me what the meaning of the saying "from good is not sought for good."

They don’t look for it because if you did good to a specific person who has a name, then he will definitely thank you if he is a Human, and if he didn’t thank you, then there was no good, but there was a simple benefit to another due to your own stupidity. That's why good should be done specific people knowing that in return you will definitely get good. When you do good to a stranger, be sure to give your name so that gratitude does not get lost on the road ..

Therefore, the proverb “They don’t seek good from good” is actually not a proverb, but a saying, that is, part of a proverb. The second part apparently opens up to people after they understand from their mistakes that good must be done wisely. The complete proverb reads as follows:

They do not seek good from good, they give thanks for good.
To make it clear, I'll tell you a story.

The girl Masha went for mushrooms in a dense forest. On the way I saw a trapping hole in which a wolf cub fell.
Masha pulled him out and told him this:
-Go home, baby, you've been waiting for, go, but remember, my name is Masha.
The wolf cub licked the girl on the cheek and was like that, and Masha went further and came across a large clearing, which is full of berries and mushrooms. She began to put mushrooms in a basket, and pick berries in a basket.
How long does it take the sun to ride across the sky, so it set. And it began to get dark quickly in the forest. Masha lost sight of the path, got lost. She sat down on a stump and cried. And then a big bear comes out of the forest, sees Masha and says evil:
Who trampled the grass in my meadow, who picked my raspberries?
And the girl answers him:
Masha, my name is bear father, I got lost a little, help me, be kind ...
And, Masha, said the bear, is this the wolf cub that pulled out of the pit in the morning? A wolf neighbor told me, asked me to thank me if I met in the forest.
He put her on his back and took her straight to the porch of the house where the girl lived. Father and mother jumped out into the yard, hugged the girl and said to the bear:
- thank you, father bear, for saving our beloved daughter, take a barrel of honey in gratitude.
And the bear answers them:
Thank you, good people and I will tell everyone in the forest what kind of people live in this village, and I always good people I'm ready to do a good deed, My name is Mikhailo Potapych, don't forget.
And he ran into the forest to prepare his lair for the winter.
And this fairy tale would not have good ending, if the rumor about the deeds did not run ahead, a kind person or evil, and rumor is always in a hurry ahead, such is it, rumor, hasty, and if it is a bit late somewhere, then it will always catch up and overtake.

Remember this.

It is better if everything remains the same, because there is no point in changing something, because it is still unknown what you will exchange for, whether it will be better or worse than the existing one. You can pick up other proverbs and sayings, say differently. For example: Better a tit in the hand than a crane in the sky.

Many languages ​​have similar expressions. so this is common folk wisdom:

In England they say the same thing: “Let well alone” - leave good alone. In Germany - “warum in die Ferne schweifen? Sieh, das Gute liegt so nah "- why look into the distance if good near. In France, "Qui est bien ne se meuve" - ​​if it's good, let it stay that way.

But it turns out that this expression is not so simple. Initially, it sounded completely different, and from this it had a completely different meaning.

“Horses do not prowl from feed, they do not seek good from good”

Here the meaning is that kindness should be disinterested, you should not expect gratitude for a good deed, for a good deed.

This is already over time, we began to use a shortened version. And by the way, everyone interprets it in their own way. Some interpret it in such a way that if you suddenly received a certain gift of fate, something good fell on your head - grab it right there and don’t you dare say that it’s bad, moan and look for a better place. Good is in your hands.

Let's remember the synonyms for the expression:

Best the enemy of the good
Better a bird in the hand than a bird in the sky
Try on seven times, measure once
A bad peace is better than a good quarrel
Wish a lot, see no good
Okay, sit down, so sit down
Works - do not touch (modern truth)

Good is not sought from good

Horses do not prowl from food, they do not seek good from good.

Wed Good is not sought from good, answered one manager of a charitable institution when asked if he would retire with a double pension against the legal content.

*** Aphorisms.

Wed From oats, know, horses do not roam, they do not seek good from good ...

L.N. Tolstoy. The power of darkness. 1, 10.

Wed They don't look for good from good, but you have good at hand, just force yourself to work for the first time.

Melnikov. On the mountains 4, 6.

Wed When I described the immeasurability of Russia, they answered: - No, no, you can see closely at home when you go to death in other people's cramped places - good is not sought after.

Marlinsky. Koysubuli people.

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotations, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what "they don't look for good from good" in other dictionaries:

    Good, that treasure, they are looking for, but bad is at hand. See GOOD BAD…

    They do not look for bad (good) from good. See TALK BITCH... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Good is not sought from good. See WORRY OFFENSE From good, good is not sought. They don't look for bread from bread. See FAD... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Horses do not prowl from food, they do not seek good from good. See FAD... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 2 do not look a gift horse in the mouth (2) no desire to change (1) AS synonym dictionary ... Synonym dictionary

    They do not seek good from good. Horses do not prowl from feed, they do not seek good from good. Wed They don’t look for good from good, one manager of a charitable institution answered the question: would he resign with a double against the law ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Good is not sought from good. They don't look for bread from bread. See FAD... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Good is not sought from good. See SEARCH FIND... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    justification for goodness. Moral Philosophy is a philosophical and ethical work by Vladimir Solovyov, written by him in 1897. Contents 1 Contents 1.1 Part one. Welcome to human nature... Wikipedia

    Wed materially, everything good cf. property or wealth, acquisition, dobrishko, esp. movable. All goodness or goodness of mine was gone. They have an abyss of good in chests. All goodness is dust. | In the spiritual meaning. good, that is honest and useful, all that it requires ... Dictionary Dalia


  • They don't look for good from princesses, Kira Filippova. The vampire is not a friend of the princess?! That's right, the vampire princess is a competitor. And when it comes to world domination, here, excuse me, the upbringing of an already obstinate girl does not play a role. Here…
  • They don't look for good from princesses, Kira Filippova. The vampire is not a friend of the princess?! That's right, the vampire princess is a competitor. And when it comes to world domination, here, excuse me, the upbringing of an already obstinate girl does not play a role. Here…

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