Gypsy rules of life. Bright, beautiful and, at the same time, the hard life of gypsies


Since ancient times, people have believed in mystical power paintings. Suffice it to recall the primitive tribes and their rock art, depicting scenes of a successful hunt: drawing prey pierced by spears, ancient artists tried to visually show the patron spirits what they expect from the coming day.

However, there are many legends and traditions that tell about cursed paintings that bring misfortune and even death to their owners.

Demon defeated by Vrubel

Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel, one of the most famous artists Russia, he distinguished himself with two "damned" canvases at once. The first picture, a portrait of his beloved son Savva, was painted shortly before the death of the child. A bitter loss in the artist's family occurred unexpectedly: Savva fell ill and died suddenly.

In the same period, Mikhail Alexandrovich painted the painting "Demon Downtrodden". Its creation coincided with a serious deterioration in the physical and mental health artist, including - against the backdrop of the death of a young son. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, he could not tear himself away from painting the picture, each time adding more and more new strokes. Moreover, once in a dream a Demon appeared to him and demanded that the canvas be called an icon, since one should bow before a beautiful defeated evil as before other martyrs.

After the painting was sent to the exhibition, Vrubel went after her and continued to make changes to his work right in the exhibition hall. Realizing that he was becoming obsessed, Vrubel agreed to treatment in a psychiatric clinic. However, the artist's illness did not recede. By improving your state of mind and returning to former life he began to lose his sight and last years spent his life in complete darkness.

The Crying Boy Giovanni Bragolina

In 1985, a series of fires broke out in Northern England. Some of the victims claimed that only a reproduction of the painting " crying boy by Giovanni Bragolina, Italian artists XX century. AT a short time a rumor spread throughout the country that the painting was cursed. It even got to the point that one of the print media published information that all owners of reproductions of this canvas should immediately get rid of them, moreover, the purchase and storage of copies of the painting was prohibited by the authorities.

According to legend, Bragolin used his son as a sitter for this painting, and to get desired emotion, he burned matches in front of the baby's face. This was especially cruel, because the artist knew that his little son experiencing panic fear before the fire.

In the end, the exhausted child shouted to his father: “You yourself burn!”, And these words were soon fulfilled. A couple of weeks later, a boy died of pneumonia, and soon the house where his father was was burned down.

"Water Lilies" by Claude Monet

The canvas “Water Lilies” by the impressionist Claude Monet is also considered cursed: almost immediately after the painting was completed, a fire broke out in the artist’s studio. "Water lilies" survived.

In order to renovate his studio, Claude Monet sold the painting to the owner of a cabaret in Montmartre. Alas, the landscape did not adorn this entertainment establishment for long: in less than six months it turned into ashes. Has anything survived? Yes, the fire and this time spared the "Water Lilies".

Then the picture came to one of the Parisian patrons - Oscar Schmitz. And a year later, his house burned to the ground: they say that the fire started in the very room on the wall of which the picture hung. By the way, survived again.

Similar stories were repeated over and over again, and in 1955 "Water Lilies" ended up in the New York Museum. contemporary art. The picture did not please the eyes of visitors for a long time. Three years later, the second floor, on which the canvas was exhibited, was seriously damaged by a fire. This time, the ill-fated masterpiece also perished in the fire.

The Scream by Edvard Munch

The painting "The Scream" by the famous Norwegian artist Edvard Munch is one of the most recognizable and cited works of art. Its value is estimated at tens of millions of dollars, but many people would certainly refuse to hang it in their homes, even if they got it for free. The fact is that many accidents and coincidences are associated with this picture, which makes you think about the curse that this canvas carries.

Many people, whose activities were somehow connected with the picture, experienced its negative impact: the deepest depressions, sudden death and severing relationships with loved ones is just the beginning of the list.

Being located in the museum of the city of Oslo, the picture did not forgive anyone who in one way or another encroached on its safety. So, one of the museum employees once accidentally dropped a masterpiece. Soon he began to have severe headaches that drove him to suicide.

Another museum worker also accidentally dropped the painting while hanging it from one wall to another. A few days later, he was in a terrible car accident, receiving a concussion and serious fractures of the limbs.

As is known, museum exhibits cannot be touched. The violator of this rule, who touched the canvas with his fingers, burned to death in his house a couple of days after that.

Video - Cursed paintings TOP 5

Today there is so much talk about unidentified and paranormal activity that you involuntarily ask yourself the question: “Where is the lie, and where is the truth?”. Our world is so saturated scary stories about what is impossible to see and hear, but you can feel for yourself: you will soon see for yourself that the most terrible and creepy things are very close - they are hidden in works of art!

Paintings are passed down from generation to generation, they bring us a piece of history, allow us to touch the beautiful. It is believed that each artwork lives its own life and has a soul. Often museum curators, exhibition organizers, owners of rare paintings share their fears:

  • some feel that someone is watching them from the side;
  • others complain that the image of a person or animal from the canvas came to them in nightmares;
  • the third is physically felt by the negativity, pain, fear or horror emanating from the paintings.

Can pictures really hear, see, and act? Get ready following stories will make even skeptical readers wince.

Cursed painting "Mona Lisa de Gioconda"

"Mona Lisa de Gioconda" one of the most famous paintings all over the world, but her beauty is not only admired: in fact, Mona's beautiful smile can cause everyone who admired her for a long time in the future to feel panic, insane fear and aggression. More than a hundred cases have already been recorded when, at one glance at the picture, people fainted or lost their human appearance, falling into hysterics. The truth about the history preceding the creation of this portrait is not given to anyone to know. It is only known that great creator Leonardo da Vinci did not work on any painting so long and diligently - for 6 whole years, and then correct and change the details until his death. The model, Mona Lisa, left the world of the living for unknown reasons, before she even reached the age of 30.

Cursed painting "Crying boy"

Rumor has it that the painting "Crying Boy" is also cursed.

The story is this: Bragolin, spanish artist, was going to paint a portrait of a boy with tears in his eyes, he chose his own son as a sitter. But the child could not cry on order and the father began to take tough measures, forcing the boy to cry - the kid was very afraid of fire, so matches were burned in his face, tears rolled from children's eyes, and the cruel adult continued his work. After a long torment, the boy could no longer hold on and shouted, choking with tears: "Damn you, burn yourself." And soon the words came true, the boy fell ill with pneumonia and died a couple of weeks later, and his father burned alive for unknown reasons in his house.

"Melancholic Princess - Illusion Girl"

"Japanese Girl" is the most famous painting in in social networks accompanied by scary and mystical stories: a schoolgirl who decided to commit suicide before leaving this world drew this image.

If you look at this picture for about 5 minutes, the girl's eyes will turn red, she will have fangs, and her hair will change its color. Frightening, isn't it? To believe in it, to laugh or decide to check it out - decide for yourself, but we do not recommend it, because nothing is known about the consequences of this "acquaintance".

The painting "Hands resist him": a mystical story

Another "cursed" painting that gained wide popularity was the work "Hands Resist Him" ​​("Hands resist him"), painted by Californian surrealist artist Bill Stoneham. The artist wrote it in 1972 from his childhood photograph, in which he and his younger sister stand in front of the house.

The painting itself depicts a boy with vague features, next to him is a doll made in the growth of a child. They stand against the backdrop of a glass door behind which one can see dark sky and a big moon. Little children's hands are pressed against the glass of the door from the side of the street.

There are many associated with this picture. creepy stories. The first art historian who saw and appreciated the work died soon after.

Then I bought the painting American actor whose life was tragically cut short. After his death, the work disappeared from view for some time, but then one family accidentally found it in the garbage. Parents, who picked up a nightmarish masterpiece, thought of hanging it in the children's room. After that, their little daughter began to run into their bedroom in horror every night and complain that the children in the picture were fighting. My father decided to install a motion-sensing surveillance camera in the room, and it went off several times during the night.

After that, the family hurried to get rid of the painting, and soon Hands Resist Him was put up for an online auction. At the address of the organizers of the auction began to come a large number of letters complaining that when viewing this picture, people began to feel bad.

As a result, the work was bought by the owner of a private art gallery. After the purchase, numerous letters began to come to his address with threats and demands to destroy the cursed painting. Two American exorcists approached him with an offer of their services. And psychics, when looking at the picture, confidently report that evil comes from it.

Painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch

Many people who, one way or another, came into contact with the painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch, the cost of which, according to experts, is $ 70 million, fell into various unpleasant situations: fell ill, fell into depression, quarreled with loved ones, became victims of accidents, and some even died suddenly. All these cases have created a bad reputation for the picture "Scream".

Once a museum employee accidentally dropped a masterpiece. Some time passed and he began to have severe headaches. The migraine attacks became more frequent and more severe. The man could not stand such torment and committed suicide.

Several months passed and they decided to hang the painting from one wall to another. The worker who was doing this inadvertently released the masterpiece from his hands and it fell to the floor. Literally a week later he finds himself in a terrible car accident as a result of which he received numerous bruises and fractures.

One of the museum visitors touched the painting with his finger. Two days later, a fire broke out in his house, in which he was burned alive.

The life of the artist Edvard Munch himself was a series of upheavals and tragedies - illness, death of loved ones, madness.

He was born in 1863. When he was 5 years old, his mother died of tuberculosis. Nine years later, her beloved sister Sophia dies of a serious illness. A few years later, brother Andreas passes away. little sister The artist's doctors diagnosed him with schizophrenia.

In the early 90s, Edvard Munch is going through a difficult nervous breakdown, and for a long time undergoing electroshock treatment.

The artist was never married, the thought of sex horrified him. He died at the age of 81. The city of Oslo, where he lived, Munch left a huge creative heritage: 4500 sketches, 1200 paintings and 18 thousand graphic works. But most famous painting The Scream remains to this day.

Do not forget that a bad thought or a word spoken in haste can do terrible things, bring a curse or damage. Thoughts are material, and all fear can also be a part of them. Evil really exists and often hides behind a beautiful mask.

There is a superstition that painting a portrait can bring misfortune to the model. In the history of Russian painting there were several famous paintings who have developed a mystical reputation.

Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan November 16, 1581. Ilya Repin

Ilya Repin had a reputation" fatal painter": many of those whose portraits he painted died suddenly. Among them are Mussorgsky, Pisemsky, Pirogov, the Italian actor Mercy d'Argento and Fyodor Tyutchev.

The darkest picture of Repin is recognized as "Ivan the Terrible kills his son." An interesting fact: it is still unknown whether Ivan IV killed his son or whether this legend was really composed by the Vatican envoy Antonio Possevino.

The picture made a depressing impression on the visitors of the exhibition. Cases of hysteria were recorded, and in 1913 the icon painter Abram Balashov tore open the painting with a knife. He was later declared insane.

A strange coincidence: the artist Myasoedov, from whom Repin painted the image of the king, soon almost killed his son Ivan in a fit of anger, and the writer Vsevolod Garshin, who became sitter for Tsarevich Ivan, went mad and committed suicide.

"Portrait of M. I. Lopukhina". Vladimir Borovikovsky

Maria Lopukhina, descended from the Count Tolstoy family, became the artist's model at the age of 18, shortly after own wedding. amazing beautiful girl was healthy and full of strength, but died after 5 years. Years later, the poet Polonsky wrote "Borovikovsky saved her beauty ...".

There were rumors about the connection of the picture with the death of Lopukhina. was born urban legend that you can’t look at the portrait for a long time - the sad fate of the “model” will suffer.

Some claimed that the girl's father, a master Masonic Lodge, concluded the spirit of the daughter in the portrait.

After 80 years, the painting was acquired by Tretyakov, who was not afraid of the reputation of the portrait. Today the painting is in the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery.

"Unknown". Ivan Kramskoy

The painting "Unknown" (1883) aroused great interest among the Petersburg public. But Tretyakov flatly refused to buy a painting for his collection. So, "The Stranger" began its journey through private collections. Soon strange things began to happen: the first owner was abandoned by his wife, the house of the second burned down, the third went bankrupt. All misfortunes were attributed to the fatal picture.

The artist himself did not escape trouble, shortly after painting the picture, two sons of Kramskoy died.

The paintings were sold abroad, where she continued to bring only misfortunes to the owners, until the canvas returned to Russia in 1925. When the portrait ended up in the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery, the misfortunes stopped.

"Troika". Vasily Perov

Perov could not find a sitter for the central boy for a long time, until he met a woman who was traveling through Moscow on a pilgrimage with her 12-year-old son Vasya. The artist managed to persuade the woman to let Vasily pose for the picture.

A few years later, Perov met this woman again. It turned out that a year after the painting, Vasenka died, and his mother came to the artist on purpose to buy the painting with the last money.

But the canvas had already been purchased and exhibited in Tretyakov Gallery. When the woman saw the Troika, she fell to her knees and began to pray. Touched, the artist painted a portrait of her son for the woman.

"Demon Defeated" Mikhail Vrubel

Vrubel's son, Savva, died suddenly shortly after the artist completed the portrait of the boy. The death of his son was a blow to Vrubel, so he concentrated on his last picture"Demon Defeated"

The desire to finish the canvas grew into an obsession. Vrubel continued to finish the picture even when it was sent to the exhibition.

Ignoring the visitors, the artist came to the gallery, took out brushes and continued to work. Worried relatives contacted the doctor, but it was too late - dryness spinal cord brought Vrubel to the grave, despite the treatment.

"Mermaids". Ivan Kramskoy

Ivan Kramskoy decided to paint a picture based on the story by N.V. Gogol "May Night, or the Drowned Woman". At the first exhibition in the Association of the Wanderers, the painting was hung next to the pastoral "The Rooks Have Arrived" by Alexei Savrasov. On the very first night, the picture "Rooks" fell from the wall.

Soon Tretyakov bought both paintings, "Rooks Have Arrived" took a place in the office, and "Mermaids" were exhibited in the hall. From that moment on, the servants and household members of Tretyakov began to complain about the mournful singing that came from the hall at night.

Moreover, people began to notice that next to the picture they experience a breakdown.

The mysticism continued until the old nanny advised to remove the mermaids from the world to the far end of the hall. Tretyakov followed the advice, and the oddities stopped.

"On the Death of Alexander III". Ivan Aivazovsky

When the artist found out about the death of the emperor Alexander III, he was shocked and painted a picture without any order. As conceived by Aivazovsky, the painting was supposed to symbolize the triumph of life over death. But, having finished the picture, Aivazovsky hid it and did not show it to anyone. For the first time, the painting was put on public display only after 100 years.

The picture is divided into fragments, a cross is depicted on the canvas, peter and paul fortress and the figure of a woman in black.

The strange effect is that at a certain angle the female figure turns into a laughing man. Some see Nicholas II in this silhouette, while others see Pakhom Andreyushkin, one of those terrorists who failed to assassinate the emperor in 1887.

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