How to quickly deal with a nervous breakdown. Nervous breakdown symptoms and consequences


Moderate stress is a natural part of our lives. When there is an opportunity to rest or change the type of activity, stress only stimulates the body. But just as overly intense physical activity can cause injury to muscles and bones, emotional overload can cause disastrous consequences for the nervous system and psyche. One of the most unpleasant and difficult is a nervous breakdown.

Features of a nervous breakdown and the stage of its course

At its core nervous breakdown- this is a partial loss of a person's control over his feelings and actions, when the will weakens and the patient is under the strong influence of stress, anxiety, anxiety. A nervous breakdown provokes a long stay in a state of maximum emotional stress, in which he cannot switch to something else and is forced to be constantly focused. It should be noted that a nervous breakdown plays an important role, including positive role. Having reached the highest point of tension, a person spontaneously gets rid of the accumulated stress, which prevents the development of deep psychological pathologies.

However, the lack of complete self-control in a person, a decrease in his performance and the unpredictable development of a nervous breakdown make us consider this situation as a neurological and psychological problem requiring drastic measures. The patient needs a doctor's consultation: and.

Depending on the inclinations of the patient and his temperament, during a nervous breakdown, both tantrums and a state of depression can be observed.

Sometimes these opposite patterns of behavior alternate, and even some minor irritant can provoke a sharp change in mood.

A person who has a nervous breakdown may withdraw into himself, or, on the contrary, demonstrate suggestibility unusual for him. In addition, a person suffering from a nervous breakdown becomes especially vulnerable emotionally. As a defensive reaction, an instinctive tendency to violence and aggression may appear. At the same time, a change in behavior is not the only sign of a nervous breakdown. This pathological condition also affects health.

Signs of a nervous breakdown that threaten health:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • headache;
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • a sharp change in appetite;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • rapid exhaustion, chronic fatigue;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle in women.

Over time, the patient may develop tachycardia or high blood pressure syndrome. The consequences of a nervous breakdown are reflected in the digestive system.

Nervous breakdown treatment and recovery

To treat a nervous breakdown, you must first determine its specific cause.

In case of overwork at work, it is necessary to take a vacation and break out of the usual environment for a week. At the same time, it is advisable for the patient to go on vacation to places of a favorable climatic zone, since acclimatization is also stressful, and if the body is weakened, this can lead to the occurrence of infectious diseases and other manifestations of acclimatization deficiency. In the event that a nervous breakdown was provoked by some event, it is necessary to distract a person from further immersion in his experiences. Although a person prone to a nervous breakdown often shows withdrawal and aggression, the support of loved ones and their participation in an unobtrusive form will be needed.

Although a person can overcome mild forms of a nervous breakdown on their own, it is advisable to make an appointment with a psychotherapist. After consulting with him, it will be possible to determine an individual course of treatment. The course of psychotherapeutic assistance can be supplemented with medication. In the case of reactive psychoses, treatment in a specialized clinic is recommended. In this case, patients are prescribed neuroleptics and tranquilizers.

The goal of any course of treatment is not only to cope with the symptoms, but also to return the person to volitional control over their own emotional and physical state.

It is also important to undergo a course of treatment for those systems and organs that have been damaged by a nervous breakdown. In the case of frequent headaches, it is worth visiting a neurologist so that he, through diagnostic procedures (for example, MRI), studies the damage caused to the nervous system and prescribes a course of restorative therapy. If, as a result of a nervous breakdown, the patient began to experience pain in the heart, immediately sign up to prevent the development of dangerous pathologies.

Pay special attention to the prevention of a nervous breakdown: stick to healthy lifestyle life, if possible, exclude periods of prolonged nervous and emotional stress, try to social contacts, which will help to at least partially extinguish experiences from certain difficult situations. It is also important to change the type of activity, engage in outdoor activities.

Modern psychotherapists interpret the concept of a nervous breakdown in different ways. Some experts consider it an extreme degree of manifestation of neurosis, while others are convinced that it is a kind of stressful condition. In the most generally accepted version, the concept of a nervous breakdown is interpreted as an extreme degree of neurotic internal conflict, neurotic experience.

A nervous breakdown is a kind of protective reaction of the body. When a person for a long time is in some kind of stressful situation, a breakdown can be an opportunity for him to throw out the accumulated energy. It is important that this condition does not entail any negative consequences. After a person has spent psychological energy, everything should return to its place.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown and its treatment

During a nervous breakdown, a person becomes very irritable and even aggressive. Sometimes he takes out his anger on other people, which he later begins to regret.

When a nervous breakdown occurs, a person begins to experience negative feelings in relation to everyone around. It seems to him that all his acquaintances and friends wish him harm. Often he begins to blame his environment for all his failures. Self-criticism is also characteristic of this type of disorder. The patient begins to see only shortcomings in himself. It begins to seem to him that his life is failing, and everything that he did before does not make sense.

A nervous breakdown is accompanied by chronic fatigue, insomnia. In most cases, this condition is accompanied by headaches, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and other psychosomatic diseases. Some people have an increase in blood pressure, tachycardia, loss of appetite.

It is possible to suspect a nervous breakdown in a person only by the combination of symptoms. In order to get rid of this condition, you need to eliminate the cause of the nervous breakdown. For example, if this is due to a quarrel with a loved one, you can try to establish contact with him. If this is not possible, it is better to ignore the problem for a while, stop thinking about it.

If you can’t cope with your feelings on your own, you need to seek help from a psychologist. The specialist will help to understand the causes of the breakdown and help to overcome it.

Human resources are not unlimited, including patience. Unfavorable environment, economic instability, illness, chronic fatigue and other factors lead to the fact that mentally healthy person there are outbursts of anger, tantrums, aggressive manifestations, persecution mania, etc. Constant stress gradually loosens the nervous system and eventually leads to a nervous breakdown.

Nervous breakdown: signs.

You can determine the presence of a nervous breakdown by the following signs:

1. chronic fatigue;
2. severe irritability;
3. the feeling that everything around is an enemy;
4. frequent self-criticism;
5. negative reaction to other people's requests;
6. strong resentment;
7. suspicion or persecution mania;
8. problems with the gastrointestinal tract, headaches;
9. depressive state;
10. insomnia.

What to do with a nervous breakdown?

If a nervous breakdown has visited you, then remember that the primary task is to get rid of negative emotions, and not to drive them inward, as this can lead to various diseases. Get rid of negative emotions different ways: shout out, beat a pillow, tear paper, run, take a walk, cry.

If this is not the first time you have had a nervous breakdown, then remember in advance what actions calm you down, and tell your loved ones about it. After a nervous breakdown, wash your face, drink water or soothing tea (with mint or lemon balm). You can drink motherwort or valerian tincture. It is advisable to take a short walk and go to bed.

At the moment of a nervous breakdown, remember that in this state you will not decide anything, so it is better to try to calm down and not contact people.

What to do if another person has a nervous breakdown?

At the onset of aggression . You should ask everyone to leave the room and let the person shout or let off steam in other ways. Then offer the person physical activity. Show trust, create a calm environment. In no case do not enter into aggression, as a person may not control himself. Don't scold or blame.

Bring water, or motherwort. Offer to wash. Some people calm down during a nervous breakdown if they are tightly squeezed in an embrace and not released. But this can only be done if you have enough power.

With nervous trembling. Nervous trembling can appear in a stressful situation and with a nervous breakdown. Trembling helps the body to release accumulated tension, so it cannot be stopped. Interrupted nervous trembling causes muscle pain and then culminates in psychosomatic illnesses. Trembling can cover the whole body or its individual parts.

To help, try to increase the trembling. To do this, take the person by the shoulders and shake them for about 15 seconds. At the same time, you need to talk with a person so that he does not think that you are showing aggression. After that, it is better for a person to sleep.

When hysterical. The negative point of hysteria is that it can last up to several hours. Hysteria is characterized by high activity, emotional speech, theatrical poses. You can interrupt the tantrum by doing something unusual: pouring water on a person, giving a slap in the face, shouting sharply, dropping an object loudly, etc. Then, as always, you need to give water and help the person fall asleep.

Prevention of a nervous breakdown.

1. Switching attention. If you feel an increase in tension, then you should abruptly leave everyone and start doing something distracting from the irritant. It is useful to wash with cold water.

2. Getting rid of negative emotions. Try not to deal with things that make you feel negative. But if, nevertheless, the negative begins to get to you, then you can use aromatherapy, yoga, sports, hard physical work, dancing.

3. Apply protective mechanisms. Humor and creativity can save even in the most difficult situations for the psyche. You must be able to laugh at your character, fears, failures, unpleasant situations.

Creativity has helped many people not only get rid of negative emotions, but also become famous artists and poets. Your hobby can especially help you in a stressful situation.

4. Rest. often does not arise from a large number work, but from stress and improper distribution of time. It would be great at lunchtime not just to have a bite, but also to relax a bit.

It's good to make time for activities that you enjoy. In addition, he sometimes recommends changing the environment: walking in nature, visiting, traveling to other cities.

Human existence is inconceivable without nervous tension. The resulting excitement motivates to overcome difficulties, achieve goals, self-improvement and development. Moderate, episodic and manageable stresses help to keep the zest for life and give a chance to discover hidden talents. However, such gifts of fate, provoking nervous tension, should be in moderation.
Just as an unbearable physical burden can deprive us of strength and cause health problems, chronic overexcitation of the psyche can provoke an imbalance in the functioning of body systems. One of the common problems of contemporaries is a nervous breakdown, which deprives us of our usual activity and rewards us with negative experiences.

Although a nervous breakdown is not recognized as an independent psycho-emotional disorder, such a condition has clearly defined symptoms. At its core, a nervous breakdown is an acute reactive stage that informs about the development of some abnormal process in the body. A nervous breakdown is the first stage at which the harmonious interaction in the functioning of organs and systems is disrupted. This is a kind of indicator that the human nervous system is depleted, and the psyche performs functions from last strength.

A nervous breakdown is a strong sign indicating the approach:

  • depression;
  • phobic anxiety disorder;
  • neurosis;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • neurasthenia.

  • Although a nervous breakdown rewards the subject with unpleasant and painful sensations, its occurrence does positive things for the body. protective functions. In this way, an overly tense nervous system tries to throw off an unbearable burden, urging a person to take a break, relax, reconsider his lifestyle.

    The reasons
    The factors initiating the development of the reactive state of the nervous system are diverse. At the same time, it does not matter how serious, by objective standards, the traumatic situation was. The leading role in the development of the crisis is played by the interpretation of the event by the subject: if he believes that the negative phenomenon is significant, the body reacts to this with dysfunction.

    The causes of a nervous breakdown can be minor but chronically acting stressors or sudden intense stress. Among the common factors that create the ground for the start of an imbalance in the body, the following circumstances:

  • global changes in the personal life of the subject that arose unexpectedly, for example: the death of a spouse;
  • long-term unfavorable atmosphere in the family, for example: husband's alcoholism;
  • negative climate in the workforce, excessive heavy schedule work;
  • worsening financial situation eg: significant financial hardship due to job loss;
  • pathologies of the nervous and endocrine systems of organic origin;
  • congenital defects of the central nervous system;
  • failures in neurotransmitter metabolism;
  • lack of nutrients due to a poor diet;
  • the negative impact of a viral or bacterial infection that affected the structures of the nervous system;
  • wrong daily routine, lack of rest;
  • Availability bad habits: drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • forced social isolation.

  • The risk of experiencing nervous exhaustion is present in persons with a special personal constitution, when the following features have reached accentuation in the character of a person:
  • anxiety;
  • suspiciousness, vulnerability;
  • uncompromising, intolerant of the opinions of others;
  • selfishness, dominance;
  • excessive criticality and exactingness to oneself;
  • excessive responsibility, diligence;
  • striving to do everything perfectly.

  • signs
    Symptoms of a nervous breakdown can be divided into three large groups:
  • mental and psychological;
  • physical;
  • behavioral.

  • For most people, the first messengers of a nervous breakdown appear in the form of changes in psycho-emotional status. A balanced person becomes an irritable person, reacts intensively to minor stimuli. Unusual sounds, the slightest noise, bright light deprives the subject of balance.
    He is distinguished by fussiness, impatience, inconsistency of actions. His performance is deteriorating due to the fact that he cannot concentrate on doing one thing. Unpleasant signs nervous stress: absent-mindedness, "gaps" in memory, that is, the individual simply cannot remember what he intended to do, in what sequence he planned to do the work. A person with a nervous breakdown gets tired very quickly, while a night's rest does not give a surge of strength.

    New traits appear in character: indecision, low self-esteem. The person becomes suspicious, vulnerable and touchy. He is fixated on his experiences, he is overcome by irrational anxiety and anticipation of imminent troubles.
    A person with a nervous breakdown is distinguished by illogical bouts of tearfulness, which resemble a hysterical fit. Most often, a person’s mood is dreary and depressed, but periodically there are moments of “enlightenment”, when a person’s emotional background stabilizes.
    As the disorder aggravates, the subject may develop obsessive ideas of his own uselessness, worthlessness, and guilt. For some people, ideas about their own sinlessness, invincibility, greatness become dominant thoughts.

    The psycho-emotional signs of a nervous breakdown are gradually joined by symptoms felt at the somatic and vegetative level. Patients make complaints, including:

  • irresistible headache pressing, compressive character;
  • discomfort and pain in the heart area;
  • intense dizziness;
  • the appearance of "doubling", "flying flies" before the eyes;
  • drops in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • problems in the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • profuse sweating.

  • Among the mental and behavioral manifestations of a nervous breakdown, the leading role is assigned to a change in a person's eating habits, most often: a complete lack of appetite. The duration and quality of sleep undergoes changes. A person complains of persistent insomnia, frequent awakenings at night, excessively early rise, dreams with frightening content.
    The appearance of hypochondriacal inclusions can be determined in the form of an individual's excessive concern for his own health, his conviction that there is some kind of difficult to diagnose and incurable disease. Another sign of a nervous breakdown is a change in sexual behavior. The person loses or loses interest in opposite sex, the need for intimate relationships. Men find problems with potency, women lose the ability to achieve orgasm.
    A noticeable behavioral symptom of a nervous breakdown is the inability of a person to motivate himself to work. As a result, a person cannot fulfill his professional duties, which negatively affects his career.
    A nervous breakdown has an extremely negative effect on the interaction of the subject in society. A person loses the ability to control his emotions, quickly loses self-control, demonstrates anger and aggressiveness.

    Treatment Methods
    The program on how to overcome a nervous breakdown is compiled by a doctor for each patient individually, depending on the severity of his condition and the dominant symptoms. In most cases, the patient is recommended to use the possibilities of psychotherapeutic techniques, including hypnosis. In some patients, a nervous breakdown requires medical treatment. From the means of the pharmaceutical industry use:

  • antidepressants;
  • anxionalists;
  • normotimics;
  • nootropics;
  • herbal sedatives;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

  • What to do when a nervous breakdown has reached its climax? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations of psychologists that will help get rid of the painful symptoms of the disorder and will continue to prevent the development of a crisis.

    Tip 1
    If the nervous tension goes off scale, it is necessary to urgently calm the passions. We use techniques deep breathing: we perform ten slow breaths and the same number of sharp exhalations. We use a proven relaxation method: we strongly strain our muscles, hold the tension for a few seconds and completely relax.

    Tip 2
    A companion of a nervous breakdown is anger, rage, aggression. We urgently need to get rid of such negative feelings. The easiest way is energetic exercise stress. It can be a run or swim for a long distance, fitness classes or dancing. If this is not possible at home, you can desperately beat the pillows.

    Tip 3
    Instant Affordable Dust Cooler – cold water. As soon as he feels a rush of hostility, we drink a glass of chilled liquid, then take a shower with ice water.

    Tip 4
    As soon as we feel that a burst of indignation is close, our task is to shift our attention from internal experiences to external events. We choose some bright and extraordinary events, for example: attending a match of your beloved football team, a karaoke contest, watching a new blockbuster.

    Tip 5
    In the evening hours, when anxious thoughts plague us, we definitely arrange a relaxing procedure: we plunge into a warm bath, adding a few drops of lavender oil or pine extract to the water.

    Tip 6
    Without what it is impossible to overcome a nervous breakdown? Without establishing the true culprits of psycho-emotional stress. We should carefully analyze our own experiences. Establish a chain: cause - effect. If it is not possible to independently determine the factors that provoked a nervous breakdown, you should seek help from a professional psychologist.

    Tip 7
    After we managed to find the instigators of mental discord, we should “reboot” our brain, replacing the destructive components of thinking with functional elements. We must consciously relive the traumatic event in our thoughts. However, now do not act as the main actors but to be bystanders. A look from the outside will allow you to interpret the drama in a different way and reduce the urgency of the problem.

    Tip 8
    The statement of anxieties on a piece of paper can reduce the significance of stressful circumstances. We divide the page into three columns. In the first column, we try to state the tragedy as honestly as possible. In the second column, we write down our feelings and the consequences of the disaster.
    The third column is assigned to indicate emotions and behavior " perfect person". That is, we describe how, in our opinion, our perfect hero acted in such a stressful situation: what would he feel, what he said, how he acted. Then we make assumptions about what the outcome of such behavior would be. After that, we try to act as our ideal: the daily practice of new behavior will change the worldview.

    Tip 9
    Accepts as an axiom: any life event has some purpose. Even the most terrible disaster makes some acquisitions. At first, an attempt to recognize such a fact brings desperate internal resistance. Then a divine insight comes, and you begin to understand that the tragedy was not so catastrophic. The drama allowed me to discover some new qualities in myself, stimulated me to take some actions, motivated me to acquire other values.

    Tip 10
    If the benefit from the misfortune cannot be found in any way, we recognize the accomplished drama as a test sent from above. We understand that the events destined by fate, we are not able to predict and change. It is in our power to change our attitude to this phenomenon, to learn a lesson, to develop such qualities in ourselves that in the future we will bypass the evil irony of fate. The main rule: do not blame or reproach yourself, but find in yourself such character traits that will allow you to crawl out of the swamp with your head held high.

    Tip 11
    How to get rid of a nervous breakdown? You need to reduce the severity of your feelings. To do this, we become cartoonists: we draw our resentment, anger, hatred, despair and transform them into funny funny characters in the picture. Let our grief become a small roaring baby in the picture, next to which is a brave cheerful little boy. Next to the evil indignant old woman we place a kind noble old man. Thus, we will clearly prove to ourselves that grief always goes along with happiness. And it is in our power to change our perception of reality.

    Tip 12
    If we have found symptoms of nervous stress in ourselves, we should definitely have a heart-to-heart talk with the person we trust. Our silence, self-isolation, solitude will only worsen our well-being and cause depression. This does not mean that we should surround ourselves with a crowd of friends and be in public 24 hours a day. However, a friendly conversation in a cozy cafe will save our inner world from experiences. Even if it seems to us that there is no strength at all for meetings with friends, it is necessary to overpower ourselves and set aside at least an hour for communication.

    Tip 13
    If in the past there have already been severe nervous breakdowns that you could not cope with on your own, it is better to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist at the first signs of a crisis. The doctor will select the best scheme to correct the problem situation and suggest the most effective ways getting rid of the disorder.

    Tip 14
    Anyone who is prone to malfunctioning of the nervous system needs to reconsider their diet, including foods with essential vitamins and minerals in the menu. For most of us, due to high level cortisol, which is typical in a state of stress, appetite worsens. In turn, poor nutrition further impairs the functioning of the body, exacerbating stress reactions.

    Tip 15
    Most important condition to prevent nervous stress: avoid overload. Learn to relax and fully rest. Timely pay attention to the deterioration of the psycho-emotional state and eliminate problems that lead to nervous tension. One useful habit to develop is to say “no” to requests that throw us off balance. Clearly define the limits of your capabilities and consciously not cross the line that deprives you of moral stability.

    Advice at the end
    A nervous breakdown occurs suddenly, but this state does not last forever. Remember: each person can prevent a nervous breakdown and is able to cope with its unpleasant symptoms. Belief in yourself and purposeful work works wonders.

    The modern rhythm of life makes us pay more and more attention to our health. Stressful situations, difficulties at work, financial instability, traffic jams in megacities, and, as a result, a nervous breakdown with his backfire. This can be avoided if you do not put all these troubles in the foreground, devote more time to family, friends, hobbies and hobbies.

    What is a nervous breakdown?

    More and more people are faced with this concept. A nervous breakdown is a state of the body that is caused by a reaction to some irritating factor - changes in the usual rhythm of life, stress, problems. Such a diagnosis is called mental disorder or neurosis. There is an opinion that this defensive reaction on the part of the body, caused by the influence of single or prolonged loads on it. A person is not always able to control his emotions and actions during a neurosis, which can be unpleasant or dangerous for others.

    Causes of a nervous breakdown

    The reasons for this state of a person can be all sorts of life situations, for example:

    • stress at work, its absence;
    • difficulties in the family or in personal life;
    • illness;
    • unjustified expectations from something, unfulfilled dreams;
    • alcohol addiction, computer games, drugs.

    Additional factors are the lack of a work and rest regime, prolonged work at a computer, a rare stay at fresh air and decreased immunity of the biological system, physical, emotional or mental overload. Frequent nervous breakdowns indicate a serious malfunction of the central nervous system and may be a reason to go to the doctor.

    Nervous breakdown - symptoms

    A person may sometimes not notice the symptoms of such an overstrain, but it is clearly visible to others. Signs of a nervous breakdown are as follows:

    • headache, ;
    • persistent dry mouth;
    • feeling tired, sleep disturbance;
    • changes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract - loose stools, constipation;
    • decreased sexual activity;
    • lack of desire for social adaptation in society;
    • anxious thoughts, anxiety;
    • sudden mood swings, irritability and temper tantrums;
    • groundless tantrums;
    • thoughts and talk of suicide.

    Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in women can manifest themselves in menstrual irregularities, which will lead to adverse consequences. For female body sometimes characteristic of postpartum depression, which occurs due to hormonal changes in the body, increased care for the baby and increased responsibility. Often it manifests itself in the form of irritability, tearfulness, apathy, which can lead to more serious consequences. These symptoms may be a sign of a developing psychological disorder. When they appear, you should contact a specialist.

    Stages of a nervous breakdown

    Depending on the identified symptoms, some stages of this disease are distinguished:

    1. At the first stage, the manifestations of a nervous breakdown may go unnoticed. A person has an increased interest in the world around him, he is full of ideas and energy for their implementation.
    2. The second stage is characterized by fatigue, drowsiness, some agitation, sometimes irritability or indifference.
    3. In the third stage, as a rule, there is indifference to everything that happens, apathy, anger and aggression.

    How to deal with a nervous breakdown?

    Regardless of the stage of the disease, treatment of a neurological disorder should be started as soon as possible. How to cope with a nervous breakdown, a competent doctor will tell you. The first step is to identify the source of the disease and eliminate it. An experienced psychotherapist selects an individual course of treatment. If the patient is not dangerous to others, then the treatment is carried out at home, with loved ones.

    Nervous breakdown - treatment

    To begin with, you should adjust your lifestyle - adjust the diet, rest and work:

    1. How to treat a nervous breakdown - spend more time in nature, make contact with people around you. You can do exercises, choose measured courses of yoga and Pilates, breathing exercises help well.
    2. It is necessary to exclude, as well as drinks containing caffeine.
    3. You should take care of yourself, visit friends and family more often, devote more time to your hobbies.
    4. Worth avoiding stressful situations or try to change your attitude towards them.
    5. Perhaps the appointment of immunomodulatory drugs or vitamins to raise the overall tone of the body.
    6. In some cases, treatment can be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor using stronger substances.
    7. Patients can be interviewed or trained with the participation of a psychologist.
    8. As medicines, decoctions from herbs of chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort and hawthorn are sometimes recommended, which have a calming effect and stop a single nervous breakdown.

    Herbal infusion for nervous breakdown


    • thyme - 5 g;
    • chamomile - 5 g;
    • hawthorn - 5 g;
    • St. John's wort - 5 g;
    • boiling water - 400 ml.


    1. Pour boiling water over all ingredients.
    2. Let it brew for half an hour.
    3. Strain and take 50 ml before meals twice a day.

    How to strengthen the nerves after a nervous breakdown?

    After eliminating the source of the disease, it is possible to use complex therapy. Treatment after a nervous breakdown is to prevent neurological disorders. In some cases, a change of scenery, a trip to the sea and the rejection of bad habits will be useful. Helps to strengthen the nerves physical exercises, staying in the fresh air, following the daily routine, good nutrition and sleep, communication with loved ones, the use of natural vitamins - fruits or vegetables. To rule out health problems, you need to know how to avoid a nervous breakdown.

    Consequences of a nervous breakdown

    Problems with nervous system may affect further career human - it becomes difficult to concentrate, make a decision and process information. In addition to the brain, the kidneys and the cardiovascular system suffer - the risk of arrhythmia and atherosclerosis increases, and blood pressure rises. As a result of the aggression that has appeared, relations in the family can deteriorate. The consequences of a nervous breakdown in women are much more serious than in men - there are problems with the reproductive system. During pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage and premature birth.

    Nervous breakdown and depression

    A nervous breakdown can be a sign of depression, or vice versa. This condition is characterized by irritability, aggression, lack of desire to communicate and do anything. Often this syndrome is protracted. He is being treated by a psychotherapist. If necessary, he prescribes various drugs and antidepressants for a nervous breakdown. No matter how difficult life situations occur, it is important to find strength and not push yourself to the limit.

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