How to learn Irish dancing. Irish Dance Lessons for Beginners: Simple Movements


The history of national Irish dances dates back several millennia. During this time, the Irish came into contact with many peoples and cultures, and each of them to some extent influenced the formation of these unique dances.

Basic body positions in Irish dance

The position of the body during the dance is strictly fixed. The back is held straight, the head is slightly raised, the chin should never be lowered. In addition, in Irish dance it is not customary to lean forward with the whole body. If the composition of the dance requires it, you can only tilt your head forward, the body remains straight. Also in Irish dance you will not see energetic movements of the shoulders and hips - these parts of the body remain motionless.

The position of the hands in the dance

The position of the hands in Irish dance is also strictly fixed. The first step is to learn to keep your shoulders down. At first, this can cause some difficulties, the shoulders may even hurt. But in the process of training and training, the muscles will develop, and your physical capabilities will increase. As a rule, the hands are located at the sides and lightly clenched into fists. If the clothes have seams on the sides, then the position of the hands can be easily checked by them - the hands should be slightly further than the side seam.

Hand movements

The hand in Irish dance is a straight line. It is impossible to chat with wrists and brushes. From the very beginning of training, it should be remembered that the main thing in Irish dance is the legs, so the viewer's attention should be riveted on them, and the hands should not distract him. To achieve this, you can hold your partner's hands with your hands or rest on your hips.

In the following lessons, we will look at the main positions and movements of the legs, we will begin to study the movements of various areas of Irish dances, fortunately, their arsenal is very rich and varied.

Beginner Group, December

Group ADULTS (Mon and Thu 20:30-22:00)
3 hours a week
Subscription for a month 3700 rubles
Dance or athletic training required
The trial lesson is free with the purchase of a full subscription on the day of the first lesson.
One-time subscription 800 rubles

Fill out the application if you want to join the group or reserve a place for the next set

You can also leave a request via Whatsapp, Viber, SMS or call +7-962-363-5678

Our address: Dobroslobodskaya str., 5a, House of Flamenco - it's seven minutes from the Baumanskaya metro station (see the location map below)

Why do people choose Irish dancing?

  • Irish dancing is popular with both children and adults.

  • They are unusual, recognizable and bear little resemblance to other destinations.

  • They are based on morality, discipline and correct life values beyond doubt.

  • There are no age and training restrictions for studying them - your success will depend only on your desire and diligence.

  • Irish dances immerse you in culture, give you the opportunity to travel, and train your memory.

  • Create new vivid impressions and provide an excellent opportunity to practice interesting business both for yourself and the whole family.
What and how will you study

All types of solo Irish dance in soft and hard shoes: reels, jigs, hornpipes, traditional set dances and their modern versions
traditional and modern group figure dancing and keili
we teach from scratch, the learning process goes on increasing from the basic level of Beginners (beginners), to the highest - Open (world-class professionals)
and, of course, spectacular jumps, beautiful dance patterns and a rhythm that is not inferior in clarity to Lord of the Dance!

What Else Can Irish Dancing Give You?

Slim, strong legs
Beautiful posture, grace and gait
great shape and good mood
Sense of rhythm and self-confidence
Communication, new friends and impressions
Participation in competitions both in Russia and abroad

Cost of classes

The first trial lesson during the enrollment of the group is free of charge.
Subscription for a month 3700 rubles - classes 2 times a week for 1.5 hours.
Subscription for a one-time lesson after the closing of the set - 800 rubles.
When buying a full subscription * for a month on the day of the first lesson - a discount of 500 rubles.
*Subscription can be purchased from any date of the month, and its cost is calculated based on the number of remaining classes in a given month.


I'm 14 - can I study in an adult group?
Yes, you can.

I'm 35 - can I study in an adult group?
Yes, you can.

I want to enroll my child
If the child is 12 years old, feel free to enroll in an adult group. If less - leave a request, we will try to find options for classes for the child.

I have no preparation, should I start, will I succeed?
Yes, it's worth it. It will, if not immediately, then over time. The main thing is desire backed up by actions. We give the material from scratch, and physical training will grow with the process of training.

If I don't have hearing and a sense of rhythm?
Both of these skills are learned. They "turn on" in the process regular workouts, after some time.

What clothes to bring to class?
Top - T-shirts, T-shirts; bottom - trousers, shorts, breeches, leggings - whatever you feel comfortable in.

I don't have special shoes for Irish dancing yet. How to be?
Special shoes can be purchased later. Dance ballet shoes, jazz shoes or ordinary Czech shoes are suitable as shoes for the first lessons.

Are there other days for classes?
If you have not found a group suitable for the time, leave a preliminary application with wishes for the days and times of classes. We will definitely take them into account when we announce the next set.

Are private lessons possible?
Undoubtedly. You can apply for individual training- just indicate it in the comments to the application.

Didn't find an answer to your question?
Call or write to us! +7 962 363 5678

Our halls

Classes are held in three spacious, comfortable, professionally equipped halls of the Flamenco House with a special dance floor, large floor mirrors, ventilation and heating systems.

How to get there?

Nearest metro stations: Baumanskaya, Komsomolskaya, Krasnye Vorota, Krasnye Vorota
Address: Moscow, Dobroslobodskaya st., 5a, House of Flamenco
Walking distance from the Baumanskaya metro station 7-10 minutes, from the Komsomolskaya and Krasnoselskaya metro stations 15 minutes.

What else do beginners need to know?

Dance skills or physical fitness is not required. We train from scratch.

For adults, the set goes without age restrictions. Children are accepted to school from 4 or 7 years old, the last age is 11 years old - then the child can study in adult groups.
It is advisable for parents to bring to the teacher a certificate from a doctor with permission to physical activities. Age dancers with chronic diseases should notify the teacher about them and consult with the attending doctor about the existing contraindications to physical activity.
First trial lesson.
During the enrollment of the group passes without payment, after the enrollment to the group is closed, a one-time or monthly subscription is paid. The first lesson in children's groups is always free.
Payment of the subscription on a monthly basis on a prepaid system. The cost of a subscription and a one-time lesson depends on the duration of the class, the status and level of the group.
We provide discounts in the payment of the subscription in case of joint classes. couples, parents with children, children from the same family, children and parents from large families.
Clothing and footwear.
Any clothes will do sports uniforms that does not restrict movement. From shoes - any soft: ballet flats, jazz shoes, Czechs, dance sneakers.

About school

The school holds international certificates T.C.R.G. and T.M.R.F. with the right to teach solo and group Irish dance. All school instructors are certified teachers with Grade Exams certificates.

We - official school W.I.D.A.
The World Irish Dance Association (W.I.D.A.) provides our students with the opportunity to participate in international competitions. Participation in championships is not prerequisite for teaching at school.
Our awards
World & European Champion (Solo Senior 2013,2015), World & European Champion (Ceili Senior 2015), East European Champion (Solo Junior 2015), British Open Champion (Solo Senior 2014).
The school is World and European Champions in W.I.D.A. solo and team competitions, British champions and multiple winners of many W.I.D.A championships. We take part and are winners of open competitions C.L.R.G.

Our teachers

Tatiana Smirnova. Founder, solo choreographer, teacher of adult groups. Rich dancing and teaching experience. Gold of the World Championship (World Senior Champion 2015), Gold of the European Championship (European Senior Champion 2015, 2013), Gold of the World and European Championship as part of the ceili-team (World & European Senior Ceili-Team Champion 2015), Gold of the British Championship (British Senior Champion 2014 ). Certificates Grade Exams 1-7. She is currently a participant in a special training course for teachers “Colin Dunn. Teachers Course.

Natalya Tsvetkova. Certified teacher-choreographer, teacher of adult and children's groups, kaylee classes, director of stage performances and event director of the school. From the dance past - Gold of the World and European Championship as part of the ceili-team (World & European Senior Ceili-Team Champion 2015). owns international certificate Irish dance judge A.D.C.R.G., as well as teaching certificates T.C.R.G. and T.M.R.F.

Natalia Ananeva. Leading dancer of the school, instructor of adult beginner groups, certified teacher. Rich dancing and teaching experience. Participant and winner of Irish dance championships, top 5 dancer. Gold of the World and European Championship as part of the ceili-team (World & European Senior Ceili-Team Champion 2015). Grade Exams 1-3 Certificates

Why Irish Dancing: Our Students' Stories

Irish started for me with a spontaneous decision. There was a period in life when the goal was to change everything: work, appearance, home decor, etc. And dances of various kinds have always been a part of life: from childhood it was Russian folk, modern, choreography, then a short break and at a conscious age choreography again, the first pointe shoes, several strip plastic lessons and even pole dance, stretching. It followed that I needed sports. I didn’t want to return to choreography or stretching, because. there was not enough zest ... And in the middle of my thoughts, I caught myself watching the well-known Lord of the Dance on YouTube. The thought “But this is taught somewhere!”

Googled several schools, started calling. Somewhere they did not answer me. "Not fate" - I decided. And they answered one number, told everything, described the way to the hall. Then once again they patiently described the road when I got lost.

And it spun! I was invited to the cayley, I found new friends, the first fashion, the first premiership won, medals, a diploma! And that's it, then I realized that it was mine. This drive, this pride for yourself and your new teammates, for your teachers who took the stage as part of the “big” competitions.

The highlight of my four-year dance career was winning the WIDA European Championships and one day later the WIDA World Championships as part of the keley team. It inspires only because right before the exit we were all very worried, very doubtful and there was a mood “relax and just dance like in the hall, it’s not so bad.” And we just believed in ourselves, joined hands on the first bars, smiled, put a point on 7-8 and did everything that depended on us.

If history is to be used as a motto, it would be “Believe in yourself! You can do everything!

If someone else thinks and chooses between types of dance, but you want to travel, a huge number of friends from different cities, a special language that only you will understand, a new chic dress and funny curls on a wig - you are definitely welcome to us!


I attended my first class in November 2009. Actually by accident. I just wanted to go to some dances, and when I saw an advertisement for Irish dances, I thought it might be interesting. The lesson was free, you could just see if you like it or not.

At that time, all I knew about Irish dances was that they were fast and danced in some kind of shoes. Michael Flatley, Colin Dunn, Riverdance - all this was an empty phrase for me. I'm not even sure that the show could impress me enough to go Irish dancing.

But the first lesson impressed me very much, despite the fact that we only did exercises for the leg muscles and attempts to learn a couple of the simplest movements for ourselves. light dance(it didn't work out very well). But it immediately became clear that Irish dancing is much more athletic and physically harder than I imagined. But this is what makes Irish dancing so much, much more interesting than anything else!

It seems to me that everyone who is engaged in Irish dancing finds something of their own in them. I have been studying for 7 years and still continue to discover many new things for myself. Constantly appears new music, new movements, new types of competitions, new exercises, approaches to training, etc.

For me, there is nothing more exciting than the process of learning new dances (especially in hard shoes). The moment when the newly learned chorus of dance begins to fit into the music brings me into a state close to euphoria... It becomes difficult to stop, even if all the muscles already hurt and my legs are worn out. I don’t know if there is such a complete coincidence of music and movements in other dances, but for Irish, a clear rhythm is very important.

For a beginner, I think the most important thing is not to pay attention to failures, to remember that they are always temporary, everyone goes through them, and there are no exceptions.

I was introduced to Irish dance by a chance encounter with Michael Flatley on his Lord of The Dance show. Seeing this for the first time in my life, I get the feeling that I have never seen anything like it before. There are hundreds of shows where people wave their arms and legs in a dance, jump and fly under the domes of stadiums and circuses of circuses, but here no one waved or jumped high. The case when easier themes better - i.e. brilliant! Also striking is the proud and calm look of the dancers, who, as one, performed incredible things for a person who saw it for the first time. Celtic music in the inimitable arrangement of Ronan Hardiman also played its part in drawing attention to Irish dances.

The reason I'm still in dance? The reason is very simple, after watching the incredible Irish shows, I want to at least try how it all happens. And when you realize that you can do it and you succeed, you are trapped. I want to progress and improve. Also, at first, there is a feeling that you are involved and doing something very rare, as if you know a secret that others do not know.

As a person involved in various sports, including long-distance running, I can say that Irish dancing requires serious effort, and a successful dancer may well be equated in terms of physical fitness to a good athlete.
On a personal level, dancing provides an opportunity to travel around the world, meet people, and share experiences. Also, by doing and achieving results, confidence in oneself and one's abilities is strengthened. You do what you once thought was great, but incredible.
Like any sport (and these dances can give odds to many of its types), Irish dancing strengthens willpower and endurance. Combining smoking and an unhealthy lifestyle with serious training is impossible.

What can I recommend to a young person who is a beginner dancer. Definitely need to practice. This is an excellent posture, coordination and gait, an opportunity to show others the results of your training or just enjoy yourself on the dance floor. The ability to beat the rhythm of your beloved with your feet musical composition cooler than others good drummer. Pros: making friends with common interests, new interesting acquaintances, physical training, sports excitement and prospects. Is this not enough?
And the most important thing! According to statistics in dance groups 1 guy has 10-15 girls! What other arguments are needed? :)

It all started in 2012. I had to leave rhythmic gymnastics at that time, so I didn’t do anything for 4 years, and there weren’t enough loads.

And once my mother showed me one Irish show(I didn't even know it was Lord Of The Dance) and I really enjoyed it! They began to look for a school in Moscow. They chose between the 2 then existing, but because they were all far away, they decided to postpone my trip to classes for the time being. And at some point in again having searched for information on the Internet, we stumbled upon the recently opened Killarney school. And then it went off and on ... my heart remained in the hall forever :). Even a 3-hour trip to training and back did not become an obstacle!

For beginners, I advise such classes, and do not despair if something does not work out right away. Even very experienced dancers do not always do everything right away, hard work is needed. Don't give up Irish dancing without experiencing all its depth and complexity. Specifically, in our Killarney school, you will be taught to flutter over the stage in defiance of all the laws of gravity. And you will also learn from us where your "back left leg" is, what a bird is and how a butterfly is made.

Irish dances are rich in elements of varying complexity, so even an omniscient open dancer never gets bored in them.

Don't stop there! If you have a new element, repeat it again and again so that your legs remember. In dance, do not turn off your brains - this is the main mistake, you always have to think. You need to learn not to relax what needs to be strained, and not to strain what needs to be relaxed, otherwise your legs will not be able to make 100 beats per second :) Try, persevere and you will succeed!

In 2009, a friend of mine talked a lot about St. Patrick's Day, which I had never even heard of before. To my questions about what kind of holiday it is and how it is celebrated in Russia, he talked about the annual parade dedicated to this day, and even tried to depict several movements (later it became clear that these were “hop” and “jump”).

So I was interested in the direction of "Irish dances". I watched the YouTube shows "Lord of the dance" and "Riverdance", and decided that I want that too!

The search for schools began. Chose from two. I chose the one where the teacher liked the most. She didn't regret her choice for a second.

My first lesson was in a group that had been studying for a month. At first, nothing worked. But for me it was a great incentive that my colleagues already knew how to do something. And for 6 years Irish dancing has been living in my heart.

Thanks to Irish dancing, you get an excellent physical form, a good unloading after work, new friends, the opportunity to visit different countries peace, sea of ​​fun and happiness!

For those who have recently arrived at the dance or have not yet decided, I will say this: the main thing is to want and go towards the goal, never give up, and you will succeed. Try to be the best, no matter what!


It was in 2009 when I finished studying rhythmic gymnastics. And since all my childhood I was loaded with various kinds of sports loads, my mother suggested that I go to the dance center and find suitable useful leisure, there are movements, and not in pure form sport.

One day we came to the dance center, which was located next to the house. There was a flamenco class that night, and next to it was an Irish dance class. At that time, I did not know anything about these types of dance.

I looked at flamenco, honestly, it didn’t hook me. But after I saw through the eyes of a child how beautifully the girls jump, do absolutely unimaginable elements in the Irish dance class - I really liked it, there was something unusual, very cool about it, I thought then.

Most likely, then I first saw a slip jig, female solo dance, and she was good - the music was very beautiful .... Mom immediately said that it was mine and she saw me in such a dance, and that I was sure everything would work out for me!

We did not think for long, my mother signed me up for these wonderful dances! And here I am, and I wouldn't trade either our classes or my first teacher for anything. We've been together since our first joint class.

Personally, my growth was not so rapid, but that's good. I grew and matured physically and in dance. Everything was smooth and gradual. As Tatyana told me, I suddenly danced for real, having come to school after the next summer holidays. It was then that our most difficult joint work began for more high levels and continues to this day.

If you're still wondering if you should start Irish dancing, don't hesitate for a minute. To begin!

How to contact us:

Over one year old

By dancing Irish dances, you will learn to control your body with virtuosity, become more plastic, you will have a better sense of rhythm.

Today, every girl should be able to dance well. Especially if she is in great shape, modern and wants to attract the attention of everyone around her. The days of girls standing on the sidelines are long gone.

Irish dancing is just extremely fashionable right now. A dance lesson with Irish motifs will be conducted by a trainer, head of aerobics programs Elena Kolosova. She will tell you how to learn to dance Irish dances.

The dances of the Irish people became popular thanks to the famous shu-program "Riverdance", led by Michael Flatty. The show is on already 12 years old, and there are already more than six and a half million fans of Irish dances. And this number is growing. After all, new Irish dance schools are opening in all countries, and such dance trainings are included in fitness clubs.
Main character traits Irish dances are side steps (performed in a jump) and a fast pace that will help to cope with excess weight. And although only the legs work, a large load also falls on the body and back. After all, you have to keep them in a stationary position. Therefore, it is not surprising that all the cells hurt the next day. You can dance Irish dances alone, a partner is not required at all, and you can not make this request to your husband, friend or neighbor. You, dancing Irish dances, will learn to control your body with virtuosity, become more plastic. You will also have a better sense of rhythm. Thanks to these dances, each of us will become simply beautiful swan queen. And if you want to try it already, then quickly burn the incendiary Irish melodies to the disc and get ready to enjoy it to the fullest.

Let's start dancing!
Who? Anyone who wants to can do Irish dancing - age and physical fitness do not matter. But diseases of the heart, blood vessels and varicose veins affect the intensity of training. In this case, you will have to, performing the same movements, simply give up jumping.
In what? Any sportswear will do. Shorts or a short skirt will help create the right mood. Shoes are simple Czech shoes or shoes with low heels.
Where? In order for the classes to be less traumatic and for better gliding, you need to remove the carpet from the floor.
How? If you are just starting dance classes and go to the Irish Dances for Beginners group, then two half-hour classes per week will be enough. If you already have special training, then the duration of classes is longer - half an hour or an hour three, four or five times a week.

Warm up. It is necessary, by putting on calm, relaxed music, to warm up all the muscles, especially the legs, as well as shoulder joints. Make a plie, putting your socks apart, and your heels together and sit down deeply 5-10 times, trying not to tear your heels off the floor. Then go up on your toes 5-10 times. The next move is to lean forward. At the same time, stretch your hands to the floor, stretching the muscles on your back, and the back of your thighs. If discomfort occurs, you need to bend your knees. After warming up, you can begin the main part of the workout.
The main part of the lesson. All movements are learned separately, then collecting them in bundles.
Hitch. Stretch the muscles of the back and legs, sitting on a chair and skipping, leaning forward, hands under the knees. Holding your elbows, stretch your back up, and linger for half a minute.

The back during the entire lesson should be perfectly flat, the stomach tucked up, and the arms lowered along the body and clenched into a fist. In the beginning, it is better to do without jumping, but remember that it is better to do all the movements on jumps.

Put your feet together and take a wide step with your right foot to the left diagonally. Put the left foot behind the right on the toe. Do the same with the other leg on the other side. Do five to eight times on each side.

Become in the same position as for the previous exercise. Then take a step forward with your right, slightly raising your left leg, immediately lower it bent at the knee, and immediately take your right diagonally to the right, and put it on your toe. Do the same, but in mirror image. Do 8-10 repetitions.

We start from the same starting position as the previous exercise. Three steps with the right foot, then three steps with the left. In this case, you need to rise on your toes, and put the left foot on the right foot, and the right foot on the left. Move in this way different directions trying to use the whole room. Repeat the exercise six to eight times.

4. "ROPE"
Remember the sea dance "Apple", and you will understand what movement in question. The same starting position. In turn, bending at the knees either the left or the right leg, take steps back, putting your legs behind you, as far as possible closer friend to friend. If you have preparation, you can do it in jumps. It is best to do this exercise in no place, but moving backwards. Repeat six eight times.

Put your feet together and take turns moving them straight forward, with your toes touching the floor. Repeat with each leg six to eight times.

Stand in the same position and, alternately lifting your knees higher in front of you, touch the floor with your heels. Repetitions - from 8 to 16.

Put your feet together. Step forward with one foot, put the other foot, and make sure that the socks are apart. Transfer the weight of the body to the heels, lift the socks, hitting the sock with the second toe. With the same foot, take a step back, lifting your heels, and hitting your heels together twice. Repetitions - from six to eight.

Attach left leg heel to mid foot right foot and spreading socks to the sides - the third ballet position. Having shifted the weight of the body onto the right leg, bending the knee slightly, take the left leg to the side and without touching the floor with it, immediately put it on the toe, crossing behind the right one. As if swaying, on the count of two, transfer all the weight from foot to foot. Keep the body straight, pointing the crown up. Perform the exercise with each leg eight to sixteen times.

Third position. Crouching slightly, push off with both legs and jump. In flight, the legs need to change places. We return to the starting position. 6 - 8 repetitions is enough.

Third position. On "one" you need to rise on your toes and spread your heels to the sides, on "two" return to the third position. On “three”, rise again on your toes, spreading your heels, and on “four”, jump up and change legs in a jump. Repeat 6-8 times.

doing Irish dancing for one hour, you will burn at least five hundred calories. True, it is quite difficult to maintain a crazy pace. That is why the movements of Irish dances are studied as part of mixed dance lessons Dance Mix, where several dance styles are studied.

Hello, this is another post about dancing.

Today we will talk about how to really achieve something in Irish dancing.

(If you are a clear kid and you need to quickly, so that without reading and to immediately see everything, scroll to the very end, read Note 1)

Right Aim

Those few people who are seriously passionate about Irish dancing, who, in their opinion, are seriously engaged in them, and want to achieve some results, are increasingly visited by the same question every year: "How to train, perform and generally live in order to win?". The more schools, teachers and "old" dancers appear in the dance community, the wider and denser it becomes, the more accessible the exchange of information and experience becomes. Demand gives rise to supply, and even whole seminars and trainings on this topic are already being offered (in addition to, in fact, dance master classes). In fact, everything is so simple here that it’s even embarrassing for people.

Let me grumble a little, but if all your dancing aspirations are aimed at performing as efficiently as possible on feches, then, unfortunately, you are already lost. Counting medals, keeping statistics, trips to feshies, where you can easily "close" dances, that's all. The fact is that competitions are a very narrow segment of dances, with unknown rules, with incomprehensible criteria, with violations of labor standards (a judge, like, has to sit in a stuffy hall for 10-12 hours and look at fast moving objects in case of poor lighting and give a stable result?), and, most importantly, completely without providing adequate conditions for demonstrating and evaluating human skills (beats are never heard, legs often merge with the floor or wall, 3 people dance on tiny squares, colliding or trying not to collide ). And now people are trying to systematize all this hell for themselves, to find the key to it, to find patterns based on some few shabby events. Imagine that you decided to learn English and downloaded several American TV shows in the original voice acting. There, the black lads sell drugs and run from the cops, and you are actively replenishing vocabulary and come to the USA. And so, for the third time, you are lying in intensive care with multiple stab wounds and trying to understand exactly what mistakes and at what moment you made this time when you entered into a dialogue with some nigga bitch, and is it possible that you just use the interjection "yo" in the wrong place?

Just as our hero needed to be born black first of all, so you need to first learn to dance, and then think about how to most effectively apply your skill in each specific situation. This thesis is so obvious to me that I can't begin to calmly react to any thoughts people have about "closing" dances. Almost any conversation on this topic instantly forms a negative impression of the interlocutor in me. Any attempt to tell me that such and such a person has "closed" some dances, and therefore has some reason to assert something or claim something, unequivocally gives me a signal not to have business with this person.

So, the first thing you need to do if you want to achieve something is to correctly set a global goal.
You should strive to learn how to dance well, not learn how to win.

In confirmation of these words, I will cite a very, probably sad, but very case in point. In Iridan, there are from 4 to 5 admissions per year, there are hundreds of students, and every year new people are added who have entered the Open. Some of them are starting to teach and others are already trying to bring them to the open. With all this abundance, it would seem, of cool dancers, for a normal, serious dance, you can hardly find 7 people here, and all of them will be "oldies". Unfortunately, 90% of modern open players will not be able to tap not only their dance, but even a simple set of combinations in silence evenly and in accordance with their plan. And they probably don't even realize it.

Now that you may have decided that I am against fencing and championships, I hasten to tell you that this is the best thing about these dances invented in order to stimulate people to develop. Without a clear ladder of progress, it would be very difficult.

Therefore, you need to move the championships from the position of "goal" to the position of "means".

Although, of course, there are people for whom the medal is important, and it does not matter how and under what conditions it was received. This is the part of the people who go to small fashions because there is less competition, these are those who go to WIDA only because it is relatively easy to get into the top three in the world when you are already over 30, those who are proud of the second place in two rivals. Stay away from such people, I do not perceive them as dancers. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such people.

(if someone decides that I'm running into WIDA here, drink some water and re-read the paragraph again 5)

Choice of school and teacher

Today in Moscow, people are increasingly choosing a school for themselves by looking at a Yandex map and calculating which school is closer to their place of residence. Yes, my colleagues went to certain places for shawarma, and not bought at the nearest stall, but here is the school! For a long time! Second family, perhaps!

There are no clear criteria by which to determine the level of the school. And in almost all cities of these schools, there are 1, maximum 2 for the whole city. Do not believe any descriptions of victories and achievements that are discussed there: firstly, you do not understand anything about this, and secondly, the authors of these texts - PR professionals, and second place with two participants magically turns into a silver medal of the championship, several victories in local competitions for 100 participants - into numerous medals and awards from Russian and international championships, and attending a couple of open master classes for 50 people with Colin Dunn - into "learned from a 9-time world champion" .
Choose intuitively, I usually choose by the "cover". And having chosen, try not to become a victim of the "duckling syndrome".

A hatched duckling takes the first creature it sees for its mother. If you were to create yourself as a character in role play, I would suggest investing 2-3 skill points in Perception. Critical Perception. You may have come to a school and there is only one teacher. Perhaps you came to school, out of the 10 available, you got some specific one. In any case, at this stage you have no choice. Start learning, and immediately start looking for other sources of information. Watch others dance, watch others teach. Try to get to open master classes, save money right away. Listen to see if the teacher recommends anyone, who he considers his mentor. Rate.

The teacher himself dances badly and doesn’t let you go to anyone else?
Did the teacher study on his own and no one else?
The teacher forbids visiting other people's master classes once without objective reasons?

Well, you already know what to do. Remember: the teacher has the right to establish any order and prohibit anything. Do you have full right to choose. The teacher can really be very cool and you will not need anyone else. Or he can create a totalitarian sect around himself, and you will think that you don’t need anyone else.
How to understand who dances well and who does not? Compare. My world turned upside down after the first foreign fashion. I was lucky, there were very strong dancers. From European fash, I recommend fesh in Vienna in mid-October, there are always a lot of participants, good organization and very good level. I'm talking about the most senior level, but it's also true for the younger ones. From abroad, if you do not take into account the incredibly expensive World, you can go to the new fashion school Carey Academy in Birmingham (at the end of February). The same world champions are dancing right in front of your nose. Of the Russian feshes, perhaps Moscow, he will not give a full idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe current level, but it’s also not bad for a beginner, perhaps.

And generally speaking, hell knows which of the teachers is actually better or worse, just choose the one you want to be like in the end.

How to behave in class and communicate with the teacher.

It should be understood that all teachers are interested in the results of their work. No one wants to just teach other people's students who can disappear at any moment or who go to a group just for the sake of an extra load (we are talking about regular classes). Therefore, if at your school you can attend classes of different teachers, and you want a normal and serious attitude towards yourself, then you will have to fulfill all the requirements equally in all classes. Tanya teaches like this, but does Petya teach that way? Either choose one person, or do Tanya's way with Tanya, and Petya's with Petya's. Don't know who to trust? Ask the teacher individually where the differences come from and how important they are. If he is not a turkey, he himself will tell why he considers his version more correct or preferable. You must understand this too. Get to the bottom of it, don't take anything for granted. In general, follow the rule: everyone around is a charlatan and they themselves don’t know how to do a damn thing. In 80% of cases it will be true. It's better to let the teacher admit that he himself is not sure where the truth is than to tell you that "the knees should not bend, because how else, this is Irish dancing (almost a quote)", and then give you beautiful knee brace for your birthday . Despite the fact that dancing in Russia is already 15 years old, the dark ages still reign here.

Now, if you are really serious, you will have to adjust your life to your passion. You will not achieve anything by attending the standard 2 classes per week. You don't have to hurt anyone right now. 4 times a week is the minimum. 2 times you study in a group, twice you study on your own (well, or at least 1 time on your own). The number of group sessions can be as large as you like, but you should always have time for independent work. It sounds very boring and corny, I know, but, unfortunately, this is how we are arranged. No one will teach you better than yourself. Remember the combination? Practice it yourself and teach yourself how to dance it with your left foot. After that, you won't forget it.

Only in one case will your classes bring results: if you imagine your classes with a teacher as a table full of food, and your self-study- as the absorption and assimilation of food. Come to class and fill your mouth, fill your pockets, pick up pieces in your bosom, run to your lair and eat there, eat, chew, and again for a new portion. A normal teacher - like a kind grandmother, will always be happy to give you more. All you have to do is eat! If you do not devote at least half an hour a week to independent work, all this food will roll around and spoil. An entire pantry full of spoiled food. The new does not fit, the old is useless.

But here another danger lies in wait for you: you can choke. A good teacher will only give you what you can absorb and a little bit more. A good student will look everywhere for new knowledge, but should always look back and check if he has any gaps in the basic material.

The fact is that in Irish dances there are not many movements for which you need to have some incredible physical abilities. And even less in hard ones. However, without proper basic training, it is very easy to "screw up" your technique by starting to do complex movements. If only because it's very hard to go back to practicing the basics when, like, you've learned some cool tricks and can't wait to use them. Especially considering that all complex movements are based on simple ones (and they, just, still do not work out).

Damn, the penultimate paragraph is already in the style of some Paulo Coelho turned out, it is necessary to correct urgently.

A teacher is also a person, moreover, a person who is very interested in his work. big money he, most likely, does not receive for this, which means that he must receive some other satisfaction from classes. If the students fail to learn the same link lesson after lesson or do not correct the same mistakes, the desire to lead classes disappears. The teacher will get annoyed. No, he should not once again just calmly explain, understand and forgive. This is not a rehab class, not a school for the gifted, not an after-school group for adults. It is possible, of course, that there are such schools and teachers, but if I remember your goal correctly, you do not need to go to them.

And, most importantly: never behave as if you know better than the teacher what to do. They tell you to bend your knee, but you don't. You are told to jump normal jumps, and you do somersaults. Perhaps he has some reason to demand something in this form. If you are sure that the teacher is wrong, then either discuss it correctly with him (you never know, you have 15 years of experience as a fitness trainer, and he incorrectly gives aerobic warm-up), or do not go to him. There must be discipline and order in the group, otherwise the group will not move anywhere. And it depends not only on the teacher, unless you want him to become an evil tyrant over time.

What to do if you came to another school/group and don't know anything?

You need to stand on the sidelines and start trying to repeat after everyone. In any group, each dance is often repeated many times. Each time you will remember a little more and soon catch up with everyone. In 10 repetitions, you can learn almost anything. What you definitely shouldn’t do is sit down or stand up against the wall and answer any question: “I don’t know this, I’ll take a look.” Very few people can learn something with their eyes alone. You could even say no one. I usually immediately stop paying attention to such people, nothing will come of them. They no longer have the main thing - desire.

The teacher also sees very well the difference between "it's hard for me" and "I'm too lazy." The effort to change something in your technique is always visible. Even being very tired, you can always find the strength in yourself to at least start doing the next repetition at full strength. But to ignore the next "one more time entirely" from the teacher and, while the whole group is dancing, it is melancholic to go to drink water - this is also a lack of desire and self-pity (we do not consider physical limitations in health, we are talking about those who assure themselves and others that they are striving to the result).

Never make excuses for your mistakes.

This is my first time dancing!
- I'm doing it for the first time on my left foot!
- I haven't worked yet!
- Normally, everything fits into the music, I just didn’t get it now!
- Yes, I know!
- Well, a hit of sales: "I was thinking about something else!" (for example, about positions, not about hands).

Even if all this is true, just nod and once again take note. You are not told this to hear "I'm not up to it" or "I already know." Otherwise, why dance in front of a teacher at all?

Self control.

No one will teach you how to do this or that movement correctly, except for yourself. Have you already been told a hundred times that the legs should be turned out, but the turnout does not increase? Well, it won't add up. All requirements are quite simple and there are few of them: cross, eversion, half-toes. That's enough. When I was in a group, we were told the same thing. And every time we worked out some combinations, I came up with "tasks" for myself: to finish the combination with a good cross, for example. Like achievements (achievements) in games. I did an exercise with a great position - praised myself. Did you learn step? Start thinking about individual places. Draw in your head a map of the "dangerous" places in your dances - the places where the teacher most often makes remarks. Then in these places reminders will work for you: here the back is underturned, here the toe is not pulled out. This is how the material is cleaned. And if you just dance step 10 times, then the maximum that will be added is endurance.

You can help yourself - stick bright dots on your heels, which should always be visible in the mirror, put something light under your armpits so that your hands stay together. I've never used anything like this, but I don't think it will get any worse. Just do not tie your knees with scarves / laces. The knees must be free.

Much of what has been described above is 146% the same as any book or article on how to succeed in dancesport. It’s just that all these are so banal and simple truths that I even feel embarrassed for the people who read this and are like: “Oh, yes, you have to try!”, And especially for the teachers who actively quote these books, as if they don’t have their own brains . These are principles that apply throughout our lives, whether you want to learn a language, learn touch typing or become a champion in Counter Strike. This is so natural and obvious that even without any books, any normal practicing teacher will tell you this 10 times without noticing it, simply because he himself should have already reached this point and experienced it from his own experience. And if he hasn't taught himself anything, he won't teach you either.

So, let's say we figured it out, and now you are going to the competition.

How to deal with excitement on fashion?

Oh my god, what a big fashion, 700 people, they will all look at me, and I'm so bad at dancing!

If you are a beginner or primer (sometimes it applies to intermedes), then I will please you: no one cares about you.

Three stages, 10-20 people on each, 2 (or even 3) people are dancing at the same time, that is, there are already several of you dancing on the stage at the same time, and at this time in the hall half of those present are preparing for their exit, 25% of them helps, 24.99% are rooting for their own, and the judges are trying for the thousandth time to put down marks for everyone. Judges are like doctors, you can’t be shy about them at all, they have seen everyone. The bulk of the dancers entry level not remembered at all. It's just an endless mass, from which someone has to break out to the top. If you make enough effort, if you show that you are worth paying attention to, then you will go further. If not, you won't lose anything. Fesh is not a universal event, extra people there is little here, and everyone present is busy with their own affairs.

At the same time, worry before or even during a performance, especially when you have new dance, perfectly normal. Everyone is worried, I am very worried if the material is new. Unfortunately, there is only one way to deal with this - to perform more often. If a teacher sends you to fashion not for experience, but for medals, find yourself another teacher. Now this is easier. Even if there is only one teacher in your city, none is better than this one. The worst pressure is the pressure from the person who has to support. This does not mean that he should not care, and he should not worry and be interested. He just has to be able to adequately assess your level, regardless of what the sleepy grandfather condemned there at 8 am on Sunday. And you have to find a teacher whose assessment you can trust.

There is, however, one rule: "You will not take good place if you don’t feel at ease in this competition and in your place. ”If you stand in the line and think:“ What am I doing here among all these people? ”, Then you have already lost. Partly because it is, rather of everything, and you're not ready enough, and partly because, no matter how it sounds, it's not the body that wins, but the spirit.

And in general: fear nothing and no one, this is still a new territory, there is a lot of space, and new heroes are still very much needed. There is still the Wild West with all the consequences.

Note 1, for clear:

Opa-opa, handsome, did not master multi-books? Slash the chip, time is money. Right now, I’ll briefly justify everything for the Posons:

1. Learn not how to walk a horse, learn how to play in general.
2. Choose authorities, do not run after the first one, but if you have chosen - do not boil and do not bully what they say - do it. They didn’t agree on small things - according to the concepts, grind. Not your profile? Vali quietly.
3. Stick deeper, take more, throw further, while it flies - brain!
4. The first walker is always scary, then it will get used to by itself.

Note 2:

Top tip: don't ask or read dance advice in VKontakte dance communities like "Overheard". Just trust me, it's not worth it. Do not go there at all, there is no one and nothing useful there. There's a bottom.

Since Ireland was once a colony of England, this influenced the development of its culture. In the 17th century, the British forbade anything Irish to flourish, and accordingly folk dances were banned. The Irish did not violate them, but in the evenings in an agreed place, groups of people met secretly from society in order to give their soul to the dance. In the 18th century, Irish dancing began to revive en masse in villages and towns. Some masters even opened their own choreographic schools. In the 1890s, the Gaelic League was founded, which began to revive the Irish language and culture, and, accordingly, the dance found a second wind in itself.

Today there are three types of Irish dance - it's solo, kaylee and set. The solo is based on a spectacular technique - the body and arms remain motionless during its performance, but the legs perform fast and clear movements to the music.

Keili is based on the movements of the solo but is performed by a group or a couple of dancers. Due to the spectacular synchronicity of the movements performed, the keili is ideal for special occasions.

The Irish Set is a group dance with elements of French quadrilles. The set has simpler combinations of movements than the keley. The steps in it are quite simple and this is quite understandable by the fact that the set is a social Irish dance.

The best Irish dances (watch the video) are now available for viewing to many thanks to the Internet, where they get almost immediately after the competition, and where they can delight their fans with entertainment.

Irish dance lessons for beginners (video technique)

Irish dance lessons for beginners today are held in almost every dance school or studio. But if you have a desire to learn choreography at home, online videos will help with this.

To start learning the base, you need to take care of the right shoes, since in the process of its execution all attention is focused on the legs thanks to the fixed upper part of the body. Irish dance shoes can be of two types - women's and men's. And they are very different.

Women's shoes resemble soft ballerinas with lacing, thanks to which the shoes tightly wrap around the foot, providing a secure fit. In addition, for tap dance (and it is quite important in Irish dances), leather shoes with a small heel and a strap in front, which fixes the shoes, are often worn. In addition, there are plastic heels in the front and back of the steppe shoes.

Men's shoes are also soft and for tap. Stepovki for men have important difference from the female model - they do not have heels on the toes, but only on the back to create a sound - a click. Traditional Irish dance shoes are matte black, but today there are already lacquer options and white inserts on the shoes.

The Irish have three types of tunes to which all folk dances are performed. They are called reels, jigs and hornpipes. Jigs are of Celtic origin, Reels are of Scottish origin, and Hornpipes are of English origin.

Irish dance technique

The technique of performing each type of Irish dance has its own characteristics in movements. For example, keili is danced by performers standing in one line or forming a circle. The arms are tightly pressed to the body, only the legs work. Keili uses a lot of jumps.

The set is also performed according to clear rules - the conditions even spell out the number of people who can be involved in the number. As a rule, a set is performed by four couples, which are opposite to each other, forming a square. Another difference between the set and other types is that it does not use jumps at all.

Well, the solo Irish dance is not just a performance, but a whole spectacle. To perform it in front of an audience, you need to have skill and many years of experience.

Now let's look at the main steps. Each of them has its own name and principles of implementation. Moreover, teachers from different dance studios may name the basic steps differently.

The main step is called a step, it can be performed forward (step-step) and back (side-step). Another base step is called chassé and is performed by changing legs. The jump in Irish dance is referred to as the hip. It is performed mainly with leg swings.

The base rack looks like this:

  1. Stand straight, press your hands to the body.
  2. Now put your right foot forward and move it behind the left - you get the crossing of the legs. The toe of the right foot should point to the left, and the toe of the left foot to the right.

The stance can be changed in a mirror form, that is, the legs can be changed in places - instead of the right one there will be a left one, and instead of a left one - a right one. From such a stance, all the main steps in the Irish dance will be performed. If it's a hip hop, you'll just end it with a kick, but you'll still land in that starting position on the floor.

These days, Irish dances are very popular, and most of all they are loved by children. Toddlers like to make stepping movements or bouncing to the groovy music. are perceived as something unusual, and therefore attract the attention of novice dancers.

We wish you success in mastering the technique of a seemingly difficult dance, and our video lessons will help you with this!

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