Spiritual leader of the Good Fellows. How kickboxing lives in Chernihiv now


Georgy Simonyan.

Spiritual leader of "Good fellows.

(December 2014)
-What were you singing then?

"Red Rue". It was accepted with a bang. Then he performed “Take a step towards Love”, “Garden Ring”, “Burn out my torch”, “The red girls came out”, “Dunya held the transport”, “Panicles”, “Century Linden”, “What are you greedily looking at the road”, "Red Sun"...

Yes, keyboardist. He was from Rostov-on-Don. But he did not work for us for long, about six months.

- Alexei Glyzin also worked in the ensemble, didn't he?

Yes. He appeared in 1976, participated with us in the Red Carnation. He left at the end of 1977, I think, in "Gems". The fact is that he did not play the guitar very well, and he sang somehow averagely. It was only later that he sang in " funny guys”, and with us he was not in the first roles. To be honest, I was very surprised by the words of Pavel Slobodkin when he said that he was very glad that Aleksey Glyzin was working for us at Merry Fellows. He is small, does not have a special voice, and suddenly the frontman is in such an ensemble.

-Who came to the drums instead of Maimistov?

Vladimir Polonsky came. Prior to that, he worked in "Merry". He worked with us for several months and in the fall of 1975 he left for Gems. Maxim Kapitanovsky took his place. A year later, he was replaced by Danilovich, and he, in turn, was replaced by Lisenkov.

- Were you friends with Maxim Kapitanovsky?

Yes, we were friends until his death. Max is a very intelligent, educated guy. He was not only a drummer, but also wrote beautiful poetry. And in general he was a writer, wrote several books. On my 60th birthday, Maxim wrote a dedication in 60 verses:
"Time strives with a fast tape
And since the beginning of January
On all serious documents
Already we put three zeros.

Yes, dashing in combination
There were three zeros in a row,
But we celebrate another date -
Roma is sixty today!

Everyone since childhood believes sacredly in numbers
They have a great and secret meaning.
And for this glorious date,
We are gathered here today….”

-Who is Evgeny Frolov?

Zhenya did not work long, about six months. Eugene's wife worked in the Moscow City Council and she assigned him to us. A sort of soldier singer, a bass-baritone with a very strong voice, went on stage with only one song - "Wo ku, in the forge ...". In the first section. The guy was a heavy drinker. And, frankly, he had a very distant relation to the ensemble. And then we only heard about him that he sang at the liquor stores. He was poured, and he sang for it.

-Enough for a long time did Andrey Kostyuchenko work at the Good Fellows?

Yes, he came around at the end of 1976. He played bass, rhythm guitar, sang something in the band. But he remained in the memory of the fact that the girls really liked him.

- Somewhere at this time, did the recording for the film "Joke" take place?

The music for this film was written by the composer Flyarkovsky, and our Kiselev studied with him at the conservatory, was the best student. It was through an acquaintance that he invited Kiselev. And he brought his brother, who sang all the songs in this film. But the recording was some kind of courtyard, and Kiselev suggested that Flyarkovsky rewrite these songs in a different arrangement. Add a few more songs by Flyarkovsky (for example, "Sneakers") and record an album. By that time, Anatoly Kiselev's brother was no longer in the ensemble, and almost all the songs were recorded by Vladimir Kostromin. He also appeared with a new set.

- Did Kiselyov's younger brother work for a long time?

A few months. They are paternal brothers. But Kiselev Jr. is something! He drank terribly. Appeared at rehearsals with a broken nose. Somewhere he lay, somewhere he was beaten. When he came with a bloody nose, Evdokimov, seeing this picture, said:
- ABOUT! He is also a donor! (laughs).
Lived like a bum and died like a bum.

- Have you crossed paths with Andrey Kirisov, who revived the ensemble in the 90s?

They worked for three months. I left and he just showed up.

- The wind players you mentioned were replaced by a whole company - Zotov (trumpet), Kaplinsky (saxophone), Pravdin (trombone)?

Yes. They then worked for a long time. When I left in 1978, they were still working at the Good Fellows.

He also worked for a short time as a soloist in 78-79. Vladimir Salov from Kaliningrad. Then he called me from there and asked to join the Galaxy. But where is it! My guys were meter ninety, and he was meter sixty.

-What did you sing in this composition?

"Evening in the yard" - Ukrainian song, "Galina" performed sometimes. This song was created by Tukhmanov with high symphony, so to speak. He invited violinists to record. And in concerts everything was simpler, more victorious. Therefore, we rarely performed it. Even in the song "Golden Dawn" he sang in an upper voice. We sang it in every concert.

"I didn't ask about the administrators." good fellows»?

We had such an administrator Dmitry Tsvang. He was brought by Seva Novgorodtsev. Seva was persistently offered it at the Rosconcert. Zwang is known for later working with Pugacheva, got burned at left-wing concerts and went to jail. So he was engaged in extortion from musicians. Like, you get a lot of money, and I have a salary of 150 re. I constantly warned Kukushkin and Barykina not to give him money. This could not go on for a long time, and when Zwang was removed, they simply appointed me the director. That is, as appointed - they were chosen at a meeting of the team with the participation of the leadership of the Rosconcert (in particular, Evgeny Maksimovich Ivanenkov). I just took pity on Kiselyov and agreed. He complained to me all the time that slander was being written against him, that it was hard for him. Well, I took the reins of directorship, after which I was immediately nicknamed "Roman Abramych."
But then I see that Kiselev takes the laureate of some competition, Marina Smirnova, into the team, who sings in a thin operetta voice. But she was illegitimate daughter Vladislav Strzhelchik and Kiselev married her. Apparently, making some plans. And my directorship was conditional. I always knew how to negotiate, get along with people, but there was trouble with papers. Coming to the accounting department, I asked to help me with the papers, because I did not understand anything.

-How did cooperation with Fradkin begin?

"Good fellows" performed at the "Red Carnation" competition in Sochi in 1976. And Mark Fradkin was on the jury. Apparently, we liked him something. But not only he cooperated with us. Songs were brought to us by Pavel Aedonitsky, Serafim Tulikov...

-Have you performed in programs with various well-known performers?

There have been different cases. They performed with Sergei Martinson, and with Ivan Kozlovsky, and with the orchestra of Leonid Utesov. I remember once performing with Utyosov's orchestra. It's hot, Utyosov himself is sitting in the dressing room, he does not go on stage. The orchestra is conducted by Starostin. During the break, Starostin runs into the dressing room all wet with sweat. Utyosov looks at him and says:
- Starostin! I have seen many conductors. I saw Lorin Maazel and Von Karajan. But no one sweated like that! (laughs).

- Were there several vocal and instrumental ensembles at the Rosconcert?

At first it was just us. Then "Pedlars" was created, and three years later "True Friends" appeared. There were also ensembles, but they were not deposited in the memory. The same "Pedlars" in 1976 received the first prize at a competition in Sochi. And they, as laureates, went on tour. The halls were half empty. And "Good fellows", who took third place, went with a full house. Still, we were number one at the Rosconcert.

- They say that Vadim Mulerman was in great authority at the Rosconcert. Kick open any door?

He was one of the most popular artists, brought a very large profit to Rosconcert.

- Did you join artistic councils?

No, I don't remember that. But there was some influence. Yes, and his popularity was crazy. Higher than that of Kobzon. And then he lost all his authority. When he surrendered Ivanenkov. I remember everyone was saying:
- Finally, Mulerman made a name for himself!
Meaning "black" name. Many artists turned their backs on him.

-Mulerman worked for a long time with the "Guys from the Arbat" ensemble?

Yes. Of those who were in the Good Fellows, Pyotr Makienko and Sasha Timofeev worked there.

-In 1978, you leave the "Good fellows" and conceive a new project?

The first reason was that it seemed to me that the era of VIA was ending, and it was time to do something else. The second reason was ... if the ensemble had a serious level, the one that was in the early 70s, then I would have thought about it. And here - a swan, a crayfish and a pike. Someone comes, someone leaves, the composition is constantly changing. No harmony in the team. When I became a director, my head generally went around.

At the age of 25, Roman Vlasenko from Chernigov is already a master of sports of international class, a world champion in kickboxing and one of our most famous athletes.

Outwardly, he is an ordinary Chernigov guy, but his appearance does not fully reveal this smart and reasonable person, with his lofty goals and outlook on life.


We met with Roman just a few days after the return of the Chernihiv teamkickboxers from the championship of Ukraine.

Good to see you, Roman. Well, tell me, where will Chernihiv kickboxers be remembered for a long time this time?

In Dneprodzerzhinsk ( smiling). Just the other day we returned from the open kickboxing championship of Ukraine.

And how did you, the person who won the World Cup, feel at just the Ukrainian Championship?

And how did you prepare?

Not bad. He won all 5 fights and won two gold medals.

How about the team?

Unfortunately, there was no team championship, and if it had been held, we would have won it for sure. Judge for yourself, besides me, Vitaly Kravchenko and Svetlana Novopashina also took 2 gold, Sergey Shram took two silver, and Vasily Tishchenko and Viktor Kuzmenko won second and third places respectively.


Strange as it may sound, but Roman Vlasenko, glorifying Chernihiv all over the world, often faces financial problems in preparation for the next tournament. The city doesn't even pay for the champion's travel.

How does kickboxing live in Chernihiv now?

The enthusiasm of coaches with athletes and the help of a few sports lovers of people.

Embarrassing, perhaps?

And how. Indeed, in our city there are a lot of talented athletes who can successfully compete in various competitions and must perform there in order to improve their skills and glorify their native Chernihiv. However, the leaders of the city do not give them such an opportunity, and therefore the guys cannot go, because they do not have money for travel and accommodation.


As in many other sports, only by playing among professionals, you can maximize your abilities, become the best of the best and secure your future. Roman Vlasenko does not hide his plans to test himself in the professional ring in the future.

What are you looking for in sports?

Both in life and in sports, I am a maximalist, therefore I set myself and want to solve high tasks. Home in this moment- become an honored master of sports.

Are there people you would like to be like or at least learn from them?

Eat. First of all, these are my peers, guys who are already competing among professionals in the K-1 section - highest level art. They signed contracts with the Japanese and perform in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Would you like to try yourself as a pro?

Of course, my goal is professional sports. Only there you can become a great athlete and secure your future. But so far, I think, I have not grown to the pros - I need another year or two to hone my skills in an amateur school.


To achieve high results, for example, to become a world champion, you need long and hardwork. Roman Vlasenko has already achieved a lot in sports, and he never regretted that he came to the gym 15 years ago.

Roman, how long have you been in the ring?

For the first time I came to the gym as a 10-year-old kid, now I'm 25. 15 years old, it turns out. At first, I was engaged in hand-to-hand combat with my first coach Sergei Vasilyevich Kozyr. It was with him that I won my first award. I was 12 then, and I won the championship of Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat. After some time, I was noticed by the honored coach of Ukraine Andrey Vladimirovich Kuzhelny, the man who made me who I am now. He put his experience into me and brought me to the current level on his own.

Have you ever wanted to quit everything?

Never. Yes, and why? I'm happy because I'm doing what I love. Sometimes you want to take a break for a week or two.


Roman Vlasenko believes that one of the main reasons for the general passion of today's youth for alcohol and drugs is the influence of the street, which few can resist the temptations of.

Honored Artist of Russia, ex-soloist of VIA"Good fellows" and the creator of the rock group "Galaktika" Roman Vlasenko held indoor concert for vacationers after Presidential Program at the resort TENTORIUM SPA Distribution Leaders. The event became a kind of tribute to the Tentorium group of enterprises in general and its President Rail Khismatullin in particular for the newly acquired voice and excellent health.

“Roman Vlasenko, a graduate of the Kyiv School of Variety and Circus Art in the vocal class, has a beautiful, strong voice. The songs performed by him captivate with some kind of inner excitement and purity, ”wrote the magazine“ Soviet stage". Roman Vlasenko, along with the famous Vladimir Antipin, Vsevolod Novgorodtsev, Yuri Antonov, Alexander Morozov and Yevgeny Maimistov, became part of the most stellar composition of the Good Fellows. But due to high loads, by 1977 the singer's voice became, according to him own words, collapse.

I had a strange timbre, I didn’t reach the familiar notes, - says Roman Vlasenko. - Then I created a group with a harder sound - the rock group "Galaktika", in which such masters as Konstantin Nikolsky ("Sunday"), Sergey Sarychev ("Cruise"), Vyacheslav Sinchuk and Vsevolod Tatarenko ("Red Poppies") performed .

But working in the field of the legendary Russian rock is a constant stress that led to ulcers and neuralgia. And then began a long tour of the United States, performing on the same stage with Ray Charles, Nirvana, red hot chili peppers. The stress only intensified, and the once-lead soloist began to introduce himself more often as a producer or administrator.

I almost gave up singing. But one day I met a woman at the Molodyozhnaya metro station. She looked around timidly, as if she could not find the way. I know these places well and offered my help. I thought I brought her to the Tentorium office, but it turned out that she brought me here.

Roman Vlasenko started with a two-month course - and cannot stop to this day.

Just two months later, I suddenly heard my old - that is, young - voice timbre. It's like I've been reborn! I started singing again, and any tests show that everything inside me is just brilliant! - says the artist. - I am grateful to those people who took these miraculous gifts from nature, edited them and presented them to humanity.

Commentary of the apitherapist of the resort "Tentorium SPA" Artur Tselishchev:

  1. propolis extract water "" - 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon before meals;
  2. oil "" - irrigation of the pharynx (rinsing) for 10 minutes 2 times a day (morning and evening);
  3. dragee "" - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day;
  4. honey composition "" - one teaspoon 2 times a day (morning and afternoon).

Plan the program for 2 months. If necessary, it can be repeated, taking a break for 7-10 days.

Today, Roman Vlasenko sings every day, speaking to large halls and select audiences. Telling the story of his life, he always remembers Her Majesty the Bee and her gifts - the products of the Tentorium group of enterprises.

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