A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. Literary quiz game "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows


Olga Dorofeeva
Literary quiz game“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson"


Every person from the very early age should strive to become intelligent, inquisitive, quick-witted, sensitive, perhaps. Everyone strives for this, but, however, not everyone succeeds. The very first works that begin to read to a person - fairy tales. Arriving at school, moving from class to class, you constantly get acquainted with the works of oral folk art, With literary tales . Indeed, thanks to fairy tale, you become more sensitive to beauty, learn to condemn evil, admire kindness

So, friends, let's start the program.

We have a large stock!

Who are they for? For you!

We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting

Than our magic fairy tales.

The goal of our today literary quiz is to remember as much as possible fairy tales, their authors and heroes, as well as to join reading even more.

What are the terms of our quiz? We split into two teams. Questions are asked to teams in order of priority.

Our literary The quiz will consist of the following topics:

1. Magic words

2. Amazing transformations.

3. Magic remedy.

4. Friends.

1 competition. Remember who spoke at what fairy tale following words:

1 team. Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka!

Stand before me like a leaf before grass.

(Ivanushka the Fool, r. n. s. "Sivka - Burka"

Sim-sim, open the door!

(Ali Baba, Arabic fairy tale"Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves"

Krex Fex Pex!

(Pinocchio, A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio")

2 team.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led.

(Zhenya, V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower")

One, two, three, pot, cook!

(girl, Brothers Grimm "Pot of Porridge")


(Moidodyr, K. Chukovsky)

2 competition. Amazing transformations

Who did they turn into or "were bewitched fairy-tale heroes ?

1. Prince Guidon (into a mosquito, into a fly, into a bumblebee) .

Brother Ivanushka (Into a kid)

ugly duck (into a swan)

2. Monster from Aksakov's fairy tales" The Scarlet Flower" (to prince)

Eleven brothers-princes from Andersen's fairy tales"Wild Swans"

(in swans)

Vasilisa the Beautiful (into a frog)

3 Competition. What were the magic tools of the data fairytale heroes

1. A soldier from Andersen's fairy tales(Flint).

At Pinocchio (Golden Key)

At the cat (boots)

At Kashchei the Deathless (egg with needle)

2. Do little flour (shoes)

Cinderella (glass shoes)

At snow queen (magic mirror)

At Baba Yaga (broom)

Contest 4 Name your friends literary characters

1. Mowgli (Bagheera, Baloo, Kaa) .

At the Kid (Carlson)

Chippolino (Cherry and Radish)

At Bremen Town Musician (donkey, dog, rooster, cat)

2. Winnie the Pooh (Piglet, Rabbit, Eeyore)

At Gerda's (Kai)

Thumbelina (fish, moth, swallow).

At Pinocchio (Malvina and Pierrot).

A game

Small ones are scattered on the floor items: cubes, rings from the pyramid, cones, etc. Two or three children are chosen, they are blindfolded and given baskets in their hands. On signal (music on) children begin to collect toys from the floor and put them in a basket. As soon as the music has stopped, the eyes are untied and they count how much they have collected. It is clear that won that who collected more.

You will need: postcards with pictures, envelopes.

Pick up postcards with pictures of animals or fairy tale characters, a word of what children know poems or songs about. Cut each one into pieces. Each card is a future team, the number of parts is the number of children. Put each part in an envelope and distribute to the children. On command, the children open the envelopes and try as soon as possible to establish with whom they have the same parts of the postcard. When, finally, the card is collected, you can proceed to the second part of the competition. The team must perform a song, read a poem or dance. The theme should be related to the image on the postcard.

Soon fairy tale affects- it's not going to happen soon. far in fairy tale members of our fairy quiz , tired, hungry. Here I am decided: Lunch break is announced. But the break is not easy - there will be lunch fairy.

v. "Feast for the whole world"

- Our question: who, whom and in what a fairy tale treats so much? Who came up with such a dinner - a feast fairy?

“I boiled semolina porridge and spread it on a plate ..

Do not blame me, kumanek, there is nothing more to regale!

(Fox crane. Russian folk fairy tale"The Fox and the Crane").

"Eat my rye pie..

I won't eat rye pie!

My father doesn’t even eat wheat!”

(Stove, girl. Russian folk fairy tale"Swan geese").

“I baked a loaf - loose and soft,

I decorated the loaf with various intricate patterns.

On the sides of the city with palaces,

Gardens, yes towers - flying birds from above,

Below - roaring animals.

(Vasilisa the Wise for the Tsar. Russian folk fairy tale"Princess Frog").

“I kneaded flour on sour cream, cooked a bun, fried it in oil”. (The old woman - to the old man. Russian folk fairy tale"Kolobok").

“He prepared okroshka, poured it into a jug with a narrow neck, put it on the table and treats.” (Crane - fox. Russian folk fairy tale"The Fox and the Crane").

Here we have visited fabulous dinner, and, as expected, in fairy tale, we have “It flowed down the mustache, but it didn’t get into the mouth”, but still no one, probably, will say, he left the feast without salty slurping!

And our quiz continues

1. What words does the queen refer to the magic mirror?

(“My light, mirror! Tell me,

Yes tell the whole truth:

Am I sweeter than everyone in the world, All rouge and whiter?)

2. What did the cockerel shout while sitting on the knitting needle?

(“Kiri-ku-ku. Reign lying on your side!”)

3. Paying with Balda, the priest turned his forehead. What did Balda say reproachfully?

(“You wouldn’t chase, pop, for cheapness.”)

4. What did the third sister say?

(“I would give birth to a hero for the father of the king.”)

5. What did you say gold fish when the old man caught her?

(“Let me go, old man, into the sea,

Dear for myself, I will give a ransom

I'll pay off whatever you want.")

6. What words does it begin with « The Tale of Tsar Saltan» ?

("Three maidens by the window

We spun late in the evening.")

7. What words does the old man refer to the Goldfish?

("Have mercy, empress, fish!")

8. What words does it begin with « The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish» ?

("There lived an old man with his old woman

By the very blue sea.")

9. What words ends « The Tale of Tsar Saltan» ?

(“I was there, honey, I drank beer - And I just wet my mustache.”)

10. Name the words with which Pushkin ends « Tale of the Golden Cockerel» .

fairy tale lies yes in it hint!

Good fellows lesson.»)

"From what fairy tale excerpt

1. Three girls under the window,

Were spinning late in the evening.

« The Tale of Tsar Saltan.)

2. “Oh, you vile glass,

You're lying to spite me."

« Fairy tale O dead princess and about the seven heroes".

3. “A year, another passes peacefully;

The cockerel is sitting still.”

« The Tale of the Golden Cockerel» .

4. “His old woman is sitting on the threshold,

And in front of her is a broken trough.

« The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish»

5. "Once upon a time there was a pop, oatmeal forehead".

« Fairy tale about the priest and his worker Balda"

6. “Goes to the right - the song starts,

Left - tells a fairy tale»

"Poem "Ruslan and Ludmila".

Leading. And now, guys, we have musical pause. Bye plays a melody, you must remember and portray a hero from any fairy tales, the melody will end, you should freeze, and I will try to guess which character you portrayed.

Fourth competition "Find out who the telegram came from"

1. I can’t come to you, I’m very busy, because I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope and wrinkle the damned tribe! (Balda) .

2. The wind rustles merrily, the ship merrily runs past Buyana Island. Wait

wait, we're in a hurry. (shipmen).

3. Thank you for the invitation, I see that people are here the good live, I will not know It's a shame! (young princess) .

4. I will come with gifts, since I alone wove canvases for the whole world.

(second sister)

5. It's a pity not to come Can:

"Woe is me! Caught in the net

Both of our falcons!

Woe! My death has come. (King Dodon).

"Give me a word"

1. An old man lived with his old woman

At the very blue (seas)

2. The queen gave birth in the night to either a son or a daughter;

Not a mouse, not a frog, but unknown. . (animal)

3. Day and night the cat is a scientist

everything goes in chains (around)

4. Squirrel sings songs, yes nuts are all (nibbles)

5. I need an employee: cook, groom and (a carpenter)

6. Oh, you vile glass! You are lying to me (out of spite)

7. Here the wise man stood in front of Dadon and took out of the bag (Golden Cockerel)

8. Month, month my friend, gilded. (horn)

joke questions for literary quiz according to fairy tales

1. Which of the Russian folk heroes fairy tales was a bakery product?


2. Name the heroine of the Russian folk fairy tales which was a vegetable.


3. What are Russian folk fairy tales tell about the problem of a separate "living space? ( "Teremok", "Fox and Hare")

4. What type of energy did Baba Yaga use while flying in a mortar? (Unclean

5. What fairytale hero sowed money thinking that money will grow

tree and all that's left is to harvest? (Pinocchio.)

6. What Domestic bird engaged in the production of precious metals for their owners? (Hen Ryaba.)

After all, here we are even more friends with fairy tale. And she again calls and beckons us to Our journey to the fairy tale is over, But fairy tale always stays with us, one has only to open the book and read: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, they lived, they were ..”

Song Where Wizards Are

feed the rabbit

On the cardboard you need to draw a muzzle of a rabbit. The rabbit's mouth is open - there should be a hole cut out for the carrot. Each player (from a distance (6-8 steps) must go blindfolded to the rabbit and put a candy carrot in his mouth.

When I was little, my mother and I walked through the cemetery, where, in addition to photographs of old people, there were young and very children on tombstones. Then I asked my mother why people die. She replied that they die only if they themselves feel ready, only if they have completed all their affairs and their relatives are ready to let them go. Then I calmed down, but how I cried a few years later, when my grandmother and aunt died in a car accident. I was not ready to let them go, they clearly did not want to leave, my aunt lay in the hospital for a long time and fought for her life, and yet they died. I have never felt more alone and defenseless.

Despite such deception, I was never convinced that Santa Claus is some kind of real living wizard who gives gifts to all children. I knew for sure that spring was coming not because we burned Shrovetide in the garden: year after year it was stuck either in the remnants of snow, or in the already opened ground. Yes, and I definitely didn’t really hope to find a fern flower on Ivan Kupala. And all the same, the feeling of a fairy tale was with me, I sincerely experienced every moment of any holiday, holding my breath from the bewitching anticipation, laughed, worried, sometimes squealed with delight, even though I perceived all the attributes just as rituals, traditions. I perceived the parental “stay in the kitchen, Santa Claus should bring gifts to the kitchen” as coquetry and gladly joined the game.

You can give a fairy tale to a child without deceiving him. Otherwise, with the same success, I can tell my daughter that if she does the dishes all year, then she will grow angel wings. Or that if she always cleans up toys, then a unicorn will jump to her. Yes, she will spend a year waiting for a miracle, but a miracle will not happen, and she will cry and hold a grudge against me. This is what every child and adult should understand: miracles are in loved ones, in warm relations and in ourselves, and not in other people's wizards. Miracles will not fall from the sky, and the disappointment that they will not be is much stronger than the joy of their anticipation.

I won’t climb to someone else’s child to tell that Santa Claus does not exist, it’s up to you how to educate him. But I am bitter to see how other children poison him: “Are you a fool, or what? Santa Claus doesn't exist! And it is bitter to see how he sobs, realizing that his parents lied to him. Be adults, parents from the stories "Let's do without surprises" and "So that life does not seem like a fairy tale." Even if you raise a child locked up in a pillow castle with the promise that only ponies and clouds await him outside, the world around him will not change. Sooner or later you will leave the child, and he will face a reality that is not at all so terrible, but terrible in comparison with fairy world which you promised him. Completely maladjusted, your child will not be able to continue to enjoy life as successfully as the children around him, who always knew that Santa Claus was such a game, not the truth.

Aristarkhov Ivan

Target: to follow how the Russian people through fairy tales taught children to treat their elders.
study Russian folk tales;
to identify situations in which fairy tale characters found themselves due to the fact that they did not follow the rules of good manners;
to trace what methods the compilers of fairy tales used in order to teach the heroes a respectful attitude towards elders;
draw the attention of classmates to this problem.




"Bushevets secondary school-kindergarten"

research project

subject: « Fairy tale is a lie Yes, there is a hint in it ... "

Completed by: 3rd grade student

Aristarkhov Ivan


Guselnikova V.I.

year 2012.

1. Introduction, relevance, field of study,

Subject of research……………………………………………………3

2. Hypothesis, goal, objectives, practical research……..4

3.Practical part…………………………………………………………5

4.Conclusions on the results of the study…………………………6

5. General conclusion, list of references…………………………….7

6. Creative work of children (drawings for fairy tales)……………..8,9,10

Project “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ...”

  • All the children in our class love fairy tales. Previously, parents and a teacher read them to us, but now we have learned to read and we ourselves can get acquainted with folk wisdom.

The ancient traditions of our people are embedded in Russian folk tales. No wonder they say: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows."

Every story teaches us something. You just have to look and listen to her.


When we came to the first grade, many of my classmates did not know how to follow the rules of conduct and treat elders with respect. But when the teacher asked a question, everyone answered correctly about the rules of conduct and good manners. It turns out that everyone gave the right answers, but they did not always do the right thing. If we discussed a fairy tale, everyone was interested in working. I decided to turn to fairy tales and study them.

Field of study: literature.

Subject of study: Russian folk tales.

Adults often ask us to follow the rules of conduct, to treat elders with respect, not to be rude to adults and to each other. They are especially upset by the way we behave towards our parents, grandparents, teachers. But these people care about us and try to give all the best.


I suggested that it was probably not in vain that adults asked us to follow the rules of behavior, to treat elders with respect, not to be rude to adults and to each other, and Russian folk tales can teach me and my classmates how to treat elders.

Target : trace how the Russian people through fairy tales taught children to treat their elders.


  • study Russian folk tales;
  • to identify situations in which fairy tale characters found themselves due to the fact that they did not follow the rules of good manners;
  • to trace what methods the compilers of fairy tales used in order to teach the heroes a respectful attitude towards elders;
  • draw the attention of classmates to this problem.
  • 2 . I did practical researchbased on Russian folk tales. A fairy tale is a work of oral folk art that tells about fictitious events. Fairy talesthere are magic, household, about animals.Literary tales were also created on the model of folk tales. A fairy tale is a work in which the wonderful, unusual is depicted. It used to be passed down by word of mouth. The fairy tale hasbeginning, saying and ending. Folk tales are the oldest of the forms of oral folk art of a particular region, present among all peoples, such a tale reflects beliefs, worldviews, main features national character, denounces class relations, at the same time exposing ancient life, which is often reflected in individual works - everyday fairy tales. But not every fiction becomes a fairy tale. From generation to generation, only what was important for people is transmitted. Fairy tales expressed the wisdom of their people, their aspirations and dreams.
  • 3. Practical part.During my research, I worked on Russian folk tales. In the Russian folk tale Geese-Swans, the girl did not listen to the fact that her father and mother were punishing her, and her brother was in trouble. But the girl was not taken aback and ran to look for her brother. On the way, she meets an apple tree, a stove, a river with jelly banks. When the girl addressed these characters without respect, no one wanted to help her. And when she began to treat affectionately and respectfully: stove - mother, river - motherEveryone helped the girl. The girl calls her parents father and mother. He even addresses the evil Baba Yaga politely. In this fairy tale, the girl was helped by perseverance, diligence and polite treatment. In the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" the hero ran away from the woman and grandfather, not knowing that great dangers awaited him. The whole story of Kolobok ended up being eaten by a cunning fox. The disobedience of the bun led him to death. Masha from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" also fell into danger when she did not listen to her elders and fell behind her girlfriends. In this tale, Mashenka also very affectionately and politely calls her relatives grandparents. The girl was helped out of difficult situation ingenuity and hard work. In the fairy tale sea ​​king and Vasilisa the Wise” Ivan Tsarevich first scolded the old woman who met him along the way. And then he thought: “Why did I scold the old woman? Let me turn her back; old people are cunning and quick-witted! Perhaps he will say something good. After that, Ivan the Tsarevich is already addressing the old woman in a different way. After all, I said out of annoyance. ” This behavior helped the Tsarevich in his search. In the fairy tale "Porridge from an ax" a soldier refers to old woman"Hello, old lady!" Although the old woman was mischievous, the soldier did not be rude to her, because she was older than him and deserved respect. In the fairy tale "Frost", a girl who was patient and polite with Frost received a fur coat, gold, silver and a box with rich gifts as a reward for sable. Five times he asked Morozko the Red maiden, grandfather's daughter: - Are you warm, maiden? Are you warm, red?
  • 4. And although the girl was very cold, she even began to ossify. Moves his tongue a little. And he answers politely and affectionately: - Warmly, Morozushko, warmly, father. - Oh, warmly, my dear, Morozushko! Here we see how the meekness and respectful attitude of any, even the most difficult, situation was rewarded in fairy tales. In the fairy tale "Snegurushka and the Fox" Snegurushka turns to the bear and says to him: - How can I, father-bear, not cry? And the fox is called by the fox - Olisava. In the fairy tale "Finist the Clear Falcon", when the father asks his daughters: - What can you buy your daughters, what to please? The older daughters answer: - Buy a half-shawl ... And the youngest daughter addresses in a different way: - Buy me, father, a feather ... And the peasant himself, when talking with an old old man, addresses him politely and with respect. - Hello, grandfather! Youngest daughter was the most beloved of the priest for her meekness and obedient character.

5. As a result of the study, I found out:

  • in most Russian folk tales there are situations from which good fellows, that is, we, the readers, can learn a lesson;
  • in Russian folk tales, disobedience to parents or adults was punished, and patience and obedience were rewarded;
  • the hero received help only when he politely asked for it, and many heroes had to go through whole tests to understand this;
  • the appeal to parents and older people was respectful and affectionate: father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, God's old woman, old old man, to relatives - sister, brother;
  • the main thing in fairy tales was labor, with the help of which the heroes got out of difficult situations.


Still, my assumption was confirmed: adults are not in vain worried about us and do not allow us to be rude, mischievous and lazy. They want to teach us the mind-reason. After all, those who do not learn in childhood will suffer later. And fairy tales written many, many years ago help us understand this.

In class, I introduced the guys to my research and continue to study Russian folk tales.

  • 6. Literature: 1. Russian folk tales: "Geese-swans", "Kolobok", "Masha and the Bear", "The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise", "Porridge from an ax", "Frost", "Finist-Clear Falcon" Interactive resource. Dictionary Wikipedia.http://ru.wikipedia 3. Interactive resource. Russian writers and poets. Dictionary of literary terms.

“Lie” among the Slavs was called incomplete, superficial Truth. For example, you can say: “Here is a whole puddle of gasoline”, or you can say that this is a puddle dirty water, covered with a film of gasoline on top. In the second statement - Truth, in the first one it is not quite True, i.e. Lie. “Lie” and “lodge”, “lodge” have the same root origin. Those. something that lies on the surface, or on the surface of which one can lie, or - a superficial judgment about the subject.

And yet, why is the word “lie” applied to the Tales, in the sense of superficial truth, incomplete truth? The fact is that the Fairy Tale is really a Lie, but only for the Explicit, manifested World, in which our consciousness now resides. For other Worlds: Navi, Glory, Rule, the same fairy tale characters, their interaction, are true Truth. Thus, we can say that a Fairy Tale is still a True Story, but for a certain World, for a certain Reality. If the Fairy Tale conjures up some Images in your imagination, then these Images came from somewhere before your imagination gave them to you. There is no such thing as fantasy out of reality. Every fantasy is as real as ours sheer life. Our subconscious, reacting to signals of the second signal system(in a word), “pull out” Images from the collective field — one of the billions of realities among which we live. In the imagination there is not only one, around which so many are twisted fairy tales: "Go There, I don't know Where, Bring That, I don't know What." Can your imagination imagine something like that? - For the time being, no. Although, our Wise Ancestors had a quite adequate answer to this question.

“Lesson” among the Slavs means something that stands at Rock, i.e. some fatality of Existence, Fate, Mission, which any person incarnated on Earth has. A lesson is something that needs to be learned before your evolutionary Path continues further and higher. Thus, the Fairy Tale is a Lie, but there is always a Hint to the Lesson that each of the people will have to learn during their Life.


He asked Ras Deva: - Bake me a Gingerbread Man. The maiden swept through the barns of Svarozh, scraped along the barns of the Devil and baked Kolobok. The Gingerbread Man rolled along the Path. Rolling, rolling, and towards him - Swan: - Kolobok-Kolobok, I'll eat you! And he plucked a piece from Kolobok with his beak. Kolobok rolls on. Towards him - Raven: - Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you! Kolobok pecked at the barrel and ate another piece. Gingerbread Man rolled further along the Path. Then the Bear met him: - Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you! He grabbed Kolobok across his stomach, and crushed his sides, forcibly Kolobok took his legs away from the Bear. Gingerbread man roll, roll along the Svarog Way, and then the Wolf meets him: - Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you! He grabbed Kolobok with his teeth, so Gingerbread Man barely rolled away from the Wolf. But his path is not over yet. He rolls on: a very small piece of Kolobok is left. And then, towards Kolobok, the Fox comes out: - Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you! “Don’t eat me, Lisonka,” only Kolobok managed to say, and his Fox - “am”, and ate it whole.
A fairy tale familiar to everyone since childhood takes on a completely different meaning and a much deeper essence when we discover the Wisdom of the Ancestors. The Slavic gingerbread man was never a pie, or a bun, or “almost a cheesecake,” as they sing in modern fairy tales and cartoons the most diverse bakery products who are given to us as Kolobok. The thought of the people is much more figurative and sacred than they try to present it. Kolobok is a metaphor, like almost all the images of the heroes of Russian fairy tales. It is not for nothing that the Russian people were everywhere famous for their imaginative thinking.
The Tale of Kolobok is an astronomical observation of the Ancestors over the movement of the Month across the sky: from the full moon (in the Hall of the Race) to the new moon (the Hall of the Fox). "Kneading" Kolobok - the full moon, in this tale, occurs in the Hall of the Virgin and the Race (approximately corresponds modern constellations Virgo and Leo). Further, starting from the Hall of the Boar, the Moon is waning, i.e. each of the meeting Halls (Swan, Raven, Bear, Wolf) “eat up” a part of the Moon. There is nothing left from Kolobok to the Hall of the Fox - Midgard-Earth (in modern terms - the planet Earth) completely closes the Moon from the Sun.
We find confirmation of just such an interpretation of Kolobok in Russian folk riddles(from the collection of V. Dahl): A blue scarf, a red bun: rolls on a scarf, smiles at people. - This is about Heaven and Yarilo-Sun. I wonder how modern fairy-tale remakes would portray the red Kolobok? Did you mix rouge into the dough?
For the kids, a couple more puzzles: The white-headed cow looks into the gateway. (Month) He was young - he looked good, he was tired in old age - he began to fade, a new one was born - he rejoiced again. (Month) A spinner is spinning, a golden bobbin, no one will get it: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden. (Sun) Who is the richest in the world? (Earth)
It should be borne in mind that the Slavic constellations do not correspond exactly to modern constellations. There are 16 Halls (constellations) in the Slavic Krugolet, and they had other configurations than the modern 12 Zodiac Signs. The Hall of the Race (the Cat family) can roughly be correlated with
zodiac sign Leo.


Everyone remembers the text of the fairy tale from childhood. Let's analyze the esoteric of the fairy tale and those gross distortions of imagery and logic that were imposed on us.
Reading this, like most other allegedly “folk” (i.e. pagan: “language” - “people”) fairy tales, we pay attention to the obsessive absence of parents. That is, completely incomplete families appear before children, which instills the idea from childhood that incomplete family- it's normal, "everyone lives like that." Children are raised only by grandparents. Even in complete family it has become a tradition to “surrender” the child to the upbringing of the old people. Perhaps this tradition was established in the days of serfdom, as a necessity. Many will tell me that even now times are no better. democracy is the same slave-owning system. “Demos”, in Greek, is not just a “people”, but a prosperous people, the “top” of society, “kratos” - “power”. So it turns out that democracy is the power of the ruling elite, i.e. the same slaveholding, only having in modern political system faded manifestation. In addition, religion is also the power of the elite for the people, and is also actively involved in the education of the flock (in other words: herds), for its own and the state elite. What do we bring up in children, telling them fairy tales to someone else's tune? We continue to “prepare” more and more serfs for the demos? Or servants of God?
From an esoteric point of view, what picture appears in the modern "Turnip"? - The line of generations is interrupted, joint good work is violated, there is a total destruction of the harmony of the Kin, Family,
well-being and joy of family relationships. What kind of people grow up in dysfunctional families?.. And this is what newly-minted fairy tales teach us.
Specifically, according to "REPKA". The two most important heroes for the child, father and mother, are absent. Let's consider what Images make up the essence of the fairy tale, and what exactly was removed from the fairy tale on the symbolic plane. So, characters: 1) Turnip - symbolizes the Roots of the Family. She is planted
Ancestor, the most ancient and wise. Without him, there would be no Turnip, and joint, joyful work for the Benefit of the Family. 2) Grandfather - symbolizes Ancient Wisdom 3) Grandmother - Tradition, Home 4) Father - protection and support of the Family - removed from the fairy tale along with figurative meaning 5) Mother - Love and Care - removed from the fairy tale 6) Granddaughter (daughter) - Offspring, continuation of the Family 7) Bug - protection of wealth in the Family 8) Cat - a favorable atmosphere at the House 9) Mouse - symbolizes the welfare of the House. Mice start only where there is an excess, where every crumb is not counted. These figurative meanings are interconnected like a nesting doll - one without the other has no meaning and completeness.
So think later, knowingly or unknown, Russian fairy tales were changed, and for whom they “work” now.


It seems - well, what nonsense: they beat, they beat, and then a mouse, bang - and the fairy tale is over. What is this all for? Indeed, only unintelligent children to tell ...
This tale is about Wisdom, about the Image of the Universal Wisdom, enclosed in the Golden Egg. Not everyone and not at every time is given to know this Wisdom. Not everyone is “too tough”. Sometimes you have to settle for the simple wisdom contained in the Simple Egg.
When you tell this or that fairy tale to your child, knowing its hidden meaning, Ancient WISDOM, concluded in this fairy tale, is absorbed “with mother's milk”, on a subtle plane, on a subconscious level. Such a child will understand many things and correlations without unnecessary explanations and logical confirmations, figuratively, with the right hemisphere, as modern psychologists say.


In the book written according to the lectures of P.P. Globa, we find interesting information O classic heroes Russian fairy tales: “The name “Koshchei” comes from the name of the sacred books of the ancient Slavs “blasphemer”. These were wooden bound tablets with the words written on them. unique knowledge. The keeper of this immortal inheritance was called “koshchei”. His books were passed down from generation to generation, but it is unlikely that he was truly immortal, as in a fairy tale. (...) And into a terrible villain, a sorcerer, heartless, cruel, but powerful, ... Koschey turned relatively recently - during the introduction of Orthodoxy, when all positive characters the Slavic pantheon was turned into negative ones. At the same time, the word “blasphemy” arose, that is, following ancient, non-Christian customs. (...) And Baba Yaga is a popular person with us ... But they could not completely denigrate her in fairy tales. Not just anywhere, but it was to her that they came to Hard time all Ivans-tsarevichs and Ivans-fools. And she fed them, watered them, heated a bathhouse for them and laid them down to sleep on the stove in order to show the right path in the morning, helped to unravel their most difficult problems, gave a magic ball that itself leads to the desired goal. The role of the “Russian Ariadne” makes our grandmother surprisingly similar to one Avestan deity, ... Pure. This woman-purifier, sweeping the road with her hair, driving away evil spirits and all evil spirits from it, clearing the road of fate from stones and debris, was depicted with a broom in one hand and a ball in the other. ... It is clear that with such a position, it cannot be tattered and dirty. Moreover, there is a bathhouse.” (Man is the Tree of Life. Avestan tradition. Mn.: Arktida, 1996)

This knowledge partly confirms the Slavic idea of ​​Kashchei and Baba Yaga. But let us draw the reader's attention to a significant difference in the spelling of the names "Kashchei" and "Kashchei". These are two fundamental different heroes. That negative character that is used in fairy tales, with which all the characters fight, led by Baba Yaga, and whose Death is “in the egg”, this is KASHCHEY. The first rune in the writing of this ancient Slavic word-image is “Ka”, meaning “gathering into oneself, union, unification”. For example, the runic word-image “KARA” does not mean punishment as such, but means something that does not radiate, has ceased to shine, blackened, because it has collected all the radiance (“RA”) inside itself. Hence the word KARAKUM - “KUM” - a relative or a set of something related (grains of sand, for example), and “KARA” - those who gathered radiance: “a collection of shining particles”. This is already a slightly different meaning than the previous word “punishment”.

Slavic runic images are unusually deep and capacious, ambiguous and difficult for the average reader. Only the Priests owned these images in integrity, because. writing and reading a runic image is a serious and very responsible matter, it requires great accuracy, absolute purity of thought and heart.
Baba Yoga (Yogini-Mother) - Eternally Beautiful, Loving, Kind-hearted Goddess-Patron of orphans and children in general. She wandered around Midgard-Earth either on a Fiery Heavenly Chariot, or on horseback through the lands where the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan lived, gathering homeless orphans in towns and villages. In every Slavic-Aryan Vesi, even in every populous city or settlement, the Patron Goddess was recognized by her radiant kindness, tenderness, meekness, love and her elegant boots, decorated with gold patterns, and they showed Her where orphans live. Ordinary people called the Goddess in different ways, but always with tenderness. Who is the Grandmother Yoga Golden Foot, and who is quite simply - the Yogini-Mother.

Swan geese

Yoginya delivered orphans to her foothill Skete, which was located in the very thicket of the forest, at the foot of the Iriysky mountains (Altai). She did this in order to save the last representatives of the most ancient Slavic and Aryan Clans from inevitable death. In the foothill Skete, where the Yogin-Mother led the children through the Fiery rite of initiation to the Ancient Higher Gods, there was a Temple of the God of the Family, carved inside the mountain. Near the mountain Temple of Rod, there was a special depression in the rock, which the Priests called the Cave of Ra. A stone platform was put forward from it, divided by a ledge into two equal recesses, called Lapata. In one recess, which was closer to the Cave of Ra, the Yogini-Mother laid the sleeping children in white robes. Dry brushwood was put into the second recess, after which LapatA moved back into the Cave of Ra, and the Yogini set fire to the brushwood. For all those present at the Fiery Rite, this meant that orphans were dedicated to the Ancient Higher Gods and no one else would see them in the worldly life of the Clans. Foreigners, who sometimes attended the Fire Rites, very colorfully told in their area that they watched with their own eyes how small children were sacrificed to the Ancient Gods, thrown alive into the Fiery Furnace, and Baba Yoga did this. The strangers were unaware that when the shovel platform moved into the Cave of Ra, a special mechanism lowered the stone slab onto the shovel ledge and separated the recess with the children from the Fire. When the Fire lit up in the Cave of Ra, the Priests of the Family carried the children from the paw to the premises of the Temple of the Family. Subsequently, Priests and Priestesses were raised from orphans, and when they became adults, young men and women created families and continued their lineage. The strangers did not know any of this and continued to spread tales that the wild Priests of the Slavic and Aryan peoples, and in particular the bloodthirsty Baba Yoga, orphans are sacrificed to the Gods. These foreign tales influenced the Image of the Yogini-Mother, especially after the Christianization of Rus', when the Image of a beautiful young Goddess was replaced by the Image of an old, evil and hunchbacked old woman with matted hair who steals children. roasts them in an oven in a forest hut, and then eats them. Even the Name of the Yogini-Mother was distorted and they began to frighten all the children with the Goddess.

Very interesting, from an esoteric point of view, is the fabulous Instruction-Lesson that accompanies more than one Russian folk tale:
Go There, I don't know Where, Bring That, I don't know What.

It turns out that not only fabulous fellows were given such a Lesson. This instruction was received by each descendant from the Clans of the Holy Race, who ascended the Golden Path Spiritual Development(in particular, mastering the Steps of Faith - “the science of imagery”). A person begins the Second Lesson of the First Degree of Faith by looking inside himself in order to see all the variety of colors and sounds inside himself, as well as to taste the Ancient Ancestral Wisdom that he received at his birth on Midgard-Earth. The key to this great storehouse of Wisdom is known to every person from the Clans of the Great Race, it is contained in the ancient instruction: Go There, not knowing Where, Know That, you do not know What.

This Slavic Lesson is echoed by more than one folk wisdom mira: To seek wisdom outside oneself is the height of stupidity. (Chan saying) Look inside yourself and you will open the whole world. (Indian wisdom)
Russian fairy tales have undergone many distortions, but, nevertheless, in many of them the Essence of the Lesson, embedded in the fable, remains. It is a fiction in our reality, but a reality in a different reality, no less real than the one in which we live. For a child, the concept of reality is expanded. Children see and feel much more energy fields and flows than adults. It is necessary to respect each other's realities. What is fiction for us is reality for the baby. That is why it is so important to initiate a child into the “correct” fairy tales, with truthful, original Images, without layers of politics and history.

The most truthful, relatively free from distortions, in my opinion, are some of Bazhov's tales, the tales of Pushkin's nanny - Arina Rodionovna, recorded by the poet almost verbatim, the tales of Ershov, Aristov, Ivanov, Lomonosov, Afanasyev ... The purest, in their original fullness of Images, I Tales seem, from book 4 Slavic-Aryan Vedas: “The Tale of Ratibor”, “The Tale of the Bright Falcon”, given with comments and explanations on words that have gone out of Russian everyday use, but have remained unchanged in fairy tales.
From the Internet

"The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! A lesson for good fellows" A.S. Pushkin
"What a delight these fairy tales are!" A.S. Pushkin

Show me a fairy tale where at Russian folk tale pop hero===.S.V.S.

I never thought that the question of faith in GOD for an adult could depend on the heroes of a children's fairy tale. This is already the ultimate primitivism, the pagan perception of religion and the complete absence of a hint of spirituality.

Well, well, let's discuss the fact that in a few fairy tales (I found 5 Russian fairy tales that talk about priests), they are most often caricatured - stupid and greedy. Note that in almost all fairy tales, kings and courtiers, and all the rich are also caricatured as stupid and greedy. Yes, and among ordinary people There are practically no "smart" in Russian fairy tales, with the exception of the Beautiful and Wise Maidens who save fools and help them overcome difficulties. Occasionally there are images of smart heroes, good fellows, cripples and wise elders, as well as cunning and dexterous soldiers, and, of course, “smart” animals, birds and fish, trees, etc., which are sometimes “wiser and more powerful” than people.

Stupidity and greed are most often opposed not by intelligence and generosity, but by luck and miracle. And the luckiest, of course, is the well-known round fool. For "fools are lucky." They are - main character Russian folk tales. Others, for example, heroes, princes, and experienced soldiers were less fortunate. And there is no need to talk about others.

Matches the tale real life? It's hard to imagine. In a Russian fairy tale, everything is paradoxical, caricatured, as if turned upside down, unusual and wonderful. A fairy tale, to put it simply, is a fiction, a fiction, but there is something in them that makes billions of children listen to them a hundred times over. open mouth, and that sometimes makes an adult think.

We all remember: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson. (A.S. Pushkin).
Yes - a lie, yes - a fiction, yes - a fiction. Yes, you can not transfer fairy-tale situations to life, as well as the characteristics of common heroes. Not all kings and priests are stupid and greedy, and not all frogs are wise and beautiful. This is true.

But what is the hint? A hint is an implicit, indirect indication of some facts or circumstances. If the fairy tale directly says that the priest and the king are stupid and greedy, then there is no hint here. And complete insanity - to perceive this as an indisputable fact. You are dealing with fiction, a caricature sketch. And to build your life on this fiction is utter stupidity.

There is a hint in the tale, but it is not in the obvious and definitely said. That is why the fairy tale is good, that in it, the edge of poetry and miracle, each one has its own hint, its own unsolved riddle.

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