Where is the monument to the Bronze Horseman. Who is depicted on the monument Bronze Horseman


27.05.2014 - 12:23

Rapidly developing events of this year: a magnificent winter Olympics, an unconditional victory in it Russian athletes, the return of Crimea to Russia, the victory of our hockey players in the world championship, made many people both in our country and abroad take a different look at one sixth of the land. It's interesting that famous soothsayers the past have long been told about the future of Russia, which will change the whole world - and their forecasts are simply amazing ...

Great Hyperboreans

Even the Roman physician and astrologer Paracelsus in his Oracles said: “There is one people that Herodotus called the Hyperboreans - the progenitors of all peoples and all earthly civilizations. The current name of the ancestral land of this ancient people- Muscovy.

Hyperborea in its stormy future history they will know a lot - both a terrible decline with a great variety of various disasters and a powerful great flourishing with a great variety of all kinds of blessings, which will come already at the beginning of the 21st century.

The famous American clairvoyant of the 20th century, Jane Dixon, said: “Natural cataclysms of the beginning of the 21st century and all the global disasters they caused will affect Russia least of all, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less. Russia will have the opportunity for a stormy and powerful development. The hopes of the world and its revival will come precisely from Russia.”

At the end of the 20th century, the Italian sorceress Mavis stated:

“Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia. It is the Russians who will initiate the rebirth of the whole world. And no one imagines how deep these changes will be in everything wide world caused by Russia. In Russia, even the deepest province will come to life, a lot of new cities will appear and grow on the very periphery ...

Russia will achieve such a unique high level development, which does not exist now and even by that time will not be in even the most developed state in the world. Then all other countries will follow Russia. The former current Western path of development of earthly civilization will very soon replace the new one, and precisely the Russian path.

Here is such a rare unanimity among the forecasters from different countries and times ... And this is only a part of such predictions!

Russia is the savior of the world

We already wrote about the forecasts of the famous American predictor Edgar Cayce in the article "". But let us briefly recall some of them:

Casey argued that the US and Europe are facing major changes:

“The earth will be split in the western part of America. Most of Japan must sink into the sea. The upper part of Europe will be changed in the blink of an eye. There will be changes in the Arctic and in the Antarctic, which will lead to volcanic eruptions in hot areas, and there will be a pole shift - such that the cold or subtropical climate will become more tropical, and moss and ferns will grow there.

In addition to natural disasters, Casey also predicted spiritual catastrophes, the destruction of the old world order.

However, according to Casey’s forecasts, it is Russia that is destined to be the savior of the new world: “The mission Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, to free them from egoism and gross material passions, to restore them to new basis- on love, trust and wisdom.

“From Russia will come hope for the world; but not from communism or Bolshevism, no, but from a free Russia. Each person will then live for his brother.”

Casey argued that it was Russia that would lead new civilization, the center of which will be Siberia and Far East. Note that he was not alone in saying that Siberia and the East would be the center of the new world.

It is interesting that, indeed, the development of these Russian regions is now proceeding at a high speed, significant funds are being invested there. IN Amur region even the construction of a new grandiose cosmodrome "Vostochny" has begun, from which it is supposed to carry out launches into near and far space.

Vanga about Russia

The most famous soothsayer Vanga, of course, also did not ignore the future of Russia. In 1979, the Soviet writer Valentin Sidorov visited Bulgaria, where he talked a lot with Vanga, about which he later wrote the book “Lyudmila and Vangelia”. Lyudmila is Lyudmila Zhivkova, daughter of Todor Zhivkov, who translated for Soviet writer Vanga's words and she herself was fond of unusual and mystical practices.

In this book, Sidorov cited many of Vanga's statements. Here is what the soothsayer said, for example, about our astronauts. She claimed that they were on a mission of the utmost importance. The missiles they fly clear the space above Russia and sanctify it. Baba Vanga considered Yuri Gagarin a saint. “After he took a fiery death, he became an initiate,” she said. - He is now in his celestial body. His soul is alive and shines like a star over Russia.”

Vanga, according to Sidorov, argued that the main protector and patron of Russia was Saint Sergei (Radonezh). "He is a great prophet and not just a saint, but the main Russian saint." The Bulgarian clairvoyant said that she "hears" his words.

So, Saint Sergei once told her: “There is no such force that could break Russia. Russia will develop, grow, and become stronger.”

Ruler of the whole world

Once Vanga described in great detail the upcoming events that await our country. “Everything will melt like ice; only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia.

Two points are interesting here - a surprisingly mild and snowless winter this year in many regions, which is the result of a scientifically confirmed global warming- "everything melts."

And the fact that in 1979 Valentin Sidorov in his book argued that under Vladimir Vanga means Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus'. It was only after Vladimir Putin became president of Russia that this prediction took on a new meaning.

Vanga developed her idea: “Too many sacrifices have been made. No one can stop Russia already. Everything will be swept away from its path and will not only be preserved, but will also become the ruler of the whole world.

Vanga put into the word "lord" not political, but spiritual meaning. She claimed that she would return old Russia". However, by the word "old" Vanga did not mean a return to the pre-revolutionary order. For example, she spoke unflatteringly about Nicholas II:

"Bad person. He destroyed people, and because of him a great many people were destroyed.

The concept of "old Russia" meant for her a return to spiritual principles. “Now you are called the Union, and then you will be called, as under St. Sergei, Rus.” This is Rus', which is destined to undergo a fiery baptism, and should become, in the words of Vanga, "the ruler of the whole world."

“As an eagle, Russia will soar above the earth and will overshadow the whole earth with its wings. Its spiritual primacy is recognized by everyone, including America.”

But this will happen far from immediately - in sixty years (from 1979). This, according to Vanga, will be preceded by the rapprochement of the three countries. At one point, she said, China, India and Moscow would converge.

It is interesting that just the other day a landmark contract was signed between China and Russia, which implies long-term cooperation in various industries between our countries.

Less well known is the fact that Russia and India are also negotiating close cooperation - for example, Russia intends to take part in the construction of a gas pipeline to India and other major projects Moreover, the visa regime between our countries is being simplified. So, perhaps, the prosperity of Russia, which various predictors talked about, is just around the corner.


Predictions of the future are always interesting - they tell us what will happen in the future, and not always turn out to be a lie. Moreover, some of the most incredible predictions of the future, made decades, if not centuries ago, ended up being true!

Back in the 17th century, a certain Robert Boyle predicted that in the future, diseases would be treated with transplantation - and indeed, hundreds of years later, this prediction came true, and organ transplantation became a common surgical operation.

Dmitri Mendeleev back in 1863 predicted the properties and masses of more than 40 elements in his periodic table - elements that at that time were not yet known to mankind!

More than a hundred years before Apollo 11 landed on the surface of the moon, famous writer Jules Verne wrote in his book From the Earth to the Moon that a rocket would be sent from Florida to the Moon. He predicted the name spaceship(Apollo), the number of astronauts on board and even accurately described the feeling of weightlessness on the surface of a celestial body.

In 1898, a certain Morgan Robertson wrote a short story in which he described how the most big ship in human history collides with an iceberg and sinks. Just 14 years later, the Titanic set sail - and sank under exactly the same circumstances.

Nikola Tesla back in 1909, in an interview with The New York Times, predicted the emergence of some "personal devices" with which people of the future would exchange messages. Today it is impossible to imagine a person without a mobile phone.

In his novel The World Liberated, the legendary science fiction H. G. Wells predicted the appearance atomic bombs that will destroy entire cities. Eighteen years after Wells published his book, the first atomic bombs were tested as part of the Manhattan Project.

At one time, Nostradamus predicted that "fire will burn the blood of all things in London in the year 66." The prophet's prediction came true on September 5, 1966, when a fire broke out in the British capital, killing thousands of people.

In addition, Nostradamus predicted that in France the people would rise up and protest against princes and lords. And so it happened - in 1799, when the French revolution that changed the face of France.

One of the most incredible predictions made by Nostradamus concerned a certain "pastor" who would be "praised as a demigod." Centuries after Nostradamus made his prediction, French microbiologist and chemist Louis Pastor made some revolutionary scientific discoveries which made him one of the greatest scientists of all time.

IN short story"The Bad Solution" Robert Heinlein describes how the United States was the first to create nuclear weapon and turned into a "superpower", not allowing other nations to engage in the creation of the same weapons. This is exactly what happened a few decades later with the start of the Cold War and the arms race. And your story famous science fiction wrote back in the forties - before the very idea of ​​developing nuclear weapons appeared.

Heinlein - not only wonderful writer, but also an excellent predictor of the future: for example, he predicted not only cold war, but also the appearance of water mattresses. In his 1961 novel Stranger in a Strange Land, he described the waterbed in such detail that its inventor had to work hard to get a patent.

Writer Edward Bellamy predicted the advent of credit cards back in 1887 - exactly 63 years before they were invented.

In Gulliver's Travels, published in 1726, Jonathan Swift claimed that Mars had two moons - exactly 142 years before scientists found out that this was indeed the case.

Also known as the "sleeping prophet," Edgar Cayce made remarkably accurate, frighteningly realistic predictions of the future, such as predicting the start and end dates of World Wars I and II, as well as the end of the Great Depression in the United States.

The writer Mark Twain was not a predictor, but he managed to accurately predict the date own death. In one of his books, Twain wrote that he was born in 1835, when Halley's comet flew near the Earth - and predicted that he would die when this comet reappeared. And so it happened: Mark Twain died in 1910, when Halley's Comet reappeared in the night sky.

A person may believe or be skeptical about the forecasts of such people, but every time an event occurs that was mentioned earlier, a slight chill creeps into the heart.
Among the famous soothsayers, whose visions surprised the world, there are many interesting characters. Let's try to choose the ten most famous prophets.


Of course, one cannot help but recall the legendary Cassandra, the daughter of King Priam, who tried her best to warn the Trojans about the death of the legendary city, but it was easier for the latter to consider the girl crazy than to believe in what they did not want.

2 Bakid(Bakis)

Bakid - resident Ancient Greece, the first person to compile a collection of prophecies. Bakid was inspired by nymphs who told him about the future campaign of the Persians against Hellas and other significant events for that time. The name of Bakid is often called all people with the gift of a seer.


Vasily Nemchin is a Russian soothsayer who lived in the XIV century, he predicted the coming to power of Peter I (Titan), who would make Russia a strong power. In the picture, Prince Vladimir, who believed in the super abilities of Vasily Nemchin.


Nostradamus is a French seer, astrologer and physician of the 16th century. Nostradamus compiled 10 centuries containing 942 quatrains with predictions and prophecies. The persecution of the prophet forced him to encrypt records of future events, all the secrets of Nostradamus have not yet been disclosed.


Monk Abel (Vasily Vasiliev) is a Russian peasant who lived in 1757-1841. He gave his contemporaries the date of the death of Catherine II and Paul I, as well as the war between Russia and the French.


Grigory Rasputin - a peasant, a Russian doctor of the heir to the Russian throne Alexei Romanov (beginning of the 20th century). He predicted the overthrow of the tsarist regime, the death of the crowned Romanov family, the coming to power of the "Reds".


Wolf Messing is a Jew Polish origin predicting the fall of the Third Reich.


Edgar Cayce is an American soothsayer who lived from 1877 to 1945, who predicted the invention of the laser, the fall of the communist regime in the USSR in the early 90s.


Vanga - Bulgarian clairvoyant, outstanding personality XX century. She predicted the defeat of Hitler in World War II, the arrival of the "red" regime in Bulgaria, the death of Stalin, the assassination of Kennedy, the election victory of Richard Nixon, etc. Vanga stated that Yuri Gagarin did not die, but was taken by someone (researchers believe that we are talking about aliens).


Sheikh Sharifu is unique muslim boy, born at the end of the 20th century in Tanzania. Has the ability to predict the future, made the whole Muslim world talk about your gift.

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