Predictions of Lev Fedotov diary history of the future. Diary of Leva Fedotov


The name of Lev Fedotov became famous thanks to his diaries, which were discovered after the war. The diaries consisted of 15 common numbered notebooks in which Lev Fedotov wrote down yard and school events, as well as his thoughts and considerations. The diary was kept from 1935 (notebook I) to July 23, 1941 (notebook XV).

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Lev Fedorovich Fedotov (January 10, 1923, Moscow - June 25, 1943, Tula region) - a Soviet schoolboy who became famous thanks to the forecasts of political and military events he made in his diary. The prototype of Anton Ovchinnikov from Y. Trifonov's novel "The House on the Embankment" (1976).


Born in the family of a famous communist, professional revolutionary, Fyodor Kallistratovich Fedotov. Having emigrated from Russia, Fedor worked as a sailor, then settled in the United States, where he organized strikes. Lev Fedotov's mother, Roza Lazarevna Markus (d. 1987), was born in a poor Jewish family and from the age of 12 she worked in the workshop of ladies' hats. In 1911 she went to Paris and became a fashion model there. Then she moved to the USA, where she met Fyodor Fedotov in a workers' club.

In 1920, the newlyweds returned to Moscow, where Fedor Fedotov worked as a member of the editorial board of the Novy Mir magazine.

Until 1932, the Fedotov family lived in the National Hotel, then in the famous House on the Embankment in apartment No. 262. Lev studied at high school No. 19 im. Belinsky on Sofiyskaya embankment.

In August 1933, Lev Fedotov's father drowned in a shallow river in Altai under strange circumstances (due to an epileptic seizure, according to doctors).
Fyodor Fedotov was sent to Altai as an instructor of the People's Commissariat for Central Asia.

Lev Fedotov stood out among his peers. Here is what his childhood friend, who later became a famous writer, wrote about him:

As a child, I was struck by a boy. He was an amazingly versatile personality. Several times I mentioned him either in a newspaper article, or in a story or story, for Lyova captivated the imagination forever. He was so different from everyone! From his boyhood years, he rapidly and passionately developed his personality in all directions, he hastily absorbed all the sciences, all the arts, all books, all music, the whole world, as if he was afraid of being late somewhere. At the age of twelve, he lived with the feeling that he had very little time, and there was an incredible amount to be done. Time was short, but he did not know about it. He was especially fond of mineralogy, paleontology, oceanography, he drew beautifully, his watercolors were at the exhibition, he was in love with symphonic music, wrote novels in thick general notebooks in calico bindings. I got addicted to this tedious business - writing novels - thanks to Lyova. In addition, he was tempered physically - in winter
went without a coat, in short pants, mastered the techniques of jiu-jitsu and, despite congenital shortcomings - myopia, some deafness and flat feet, prepared himself for long journeys and geographical discoveries. The girls were afraid of him. The boys looked at him as if he were a miracle and called him affectionately: Fedotik.

Yuri Trifonov, 19??.

In 1941, Lev Fedotov graduated from the 9th grade, and in December 1941, together with his mother, he left for evacuation to the city of Zelenodolsk, Tatar ASSR.

Despite poor health (nearsightedness and a weak heart), Leo persistently asked to volunteer for the front. In 1943, Lev Fedotov was drafted into the army.
On April 22, 1943, he was among 12 convicted by a military tribunal and three convicted people's court, with sentences on parole, was sent from the Kazan military transit point to 31 reserve rifle brigades (Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Suslonger station) - to replenish individual penal companies. On June 25, 1943, Lev Fedotov died in battle as part of a penal company attached to the 415th rifle division near the village of Ozersky in the Belevsky district of the Tula region (the only one in the Tula region that was completely liberated only in 1943). He was buried 300 m east of the village of Ozersky, Tula Region. Based on the analysis of TsAMO data on the losses in June 1943 of the personnel of the 3rd penal company of the 415th rifle division, in particular, from the date of the death of the platoon commander of the 3rd penal company, Lieutenant Panov Ivan Alekseevich, it can be seen that the battles for the village of Ozerskoye lasted more than two weeks - from June 13, 1943.

Diaries with forecasts
Fedotov's diary, notebook XIV p. 82.

The name of Lev Fedotov became famous thanks to his diaries, which were discovered after the war. The diaries consisted of 15 common numbered notebooks in which Lev Fedotov wrote down yard and school events, as well as his thoughts and considerations. The diary was kept from 1935 (notebook I) to July 23, 1941, notebook XV).

The dates and authenticity of some of the events described in Fedotov's diary were confirmed by Lyova's school friends (two of whom became famous writers).
Fedotov's childhood friends were famous writers Yuri Trifonov (who kept his diary), Mikhail Korshunov and Victoria Romanovna Terekhova.

In 1980, Yu. V. Trifonov came to the mother of his childhood friend Rosa Lazarevna Markus and asked her for Leo's diaries for a while - the writer wanted to use these records to stage the play House on the Embankment for the Taganka Theater. Many people knew that Leva kept some kind of diaries. It turned out that in his analytical calculations and forecasts set out in his diaries, Lev Fedotov quite accurately predicted not only the date of the start of the Great Patriotic War, but also its general course, as well as other events after its completion.

Fedotov himself in his diary explained why he believes that events will develop in this way and not otherwise:

True, I am not going to be a prophet, but all these thoughts arose in me in connection with the international situation, and they helped me to connect them, to supplement them. logical reasoning and guesswork. In short, the future will show.

Classmates remember that Fedotov had a quirk - to scribble everything in his diary. There were days when he filled out up to 100 pages in small handwriting! So, on December 27, 1940, Fedotov described his dispute with classmates about space flights. Fedotov then jokingly announced that the Americans would fly to Mars in 1969.
He was a little mistaken: in 1969, the Americans flew not to Mars, but to the Moon.

On June 5, 1941, Leva wrote in his diary: "I think that the war will begin either in the second half of this month, or at the beginning of July, but not later, because it is clear that the Germans will strive to end the war before frost."

On June 21, he elaborated: “Now, with the beginning of the end of this month, I am already waiting for ... troubles for our entire country - war ...”

Further, an ordinary Soviet schoolboy outlined in his notes the details of Hitler's top-secret plan "Barbarossa", wrote which cities the Nazis would occupy, predicted that Leningrad would be under siege, but would not surrender. He foresaw which countries would join the anti-Hitler coalition, predicted the storming of Berlin.

Truth Diary
OPTIMIST > Diary of the Soviet schoolchild-prophet Leva Fedotov
? 21 December 2016>dnevnik…shkolnika-proroka…fedotova.html

Predictions were recorded in 15 common school notebooks. The records end in 1943, when Lyova Fedotov tragically died under very strange circumstances.

- Lyova was not subject to conscription - he had a "white ticket". His mother took him with her to dig potatoes. He did not have any documents with him. And then there was a general mobilization, everywhere they were looking for deviationists. Fedotov was shaved into the army on the spot. But he didn’t even reach his destination - their truck was bombed along the way, Anna Dmitrieva recalled. “He died at the age of 20.

By official version, Fedotov for some reason was in a truck with penal battalions. How and why he got there - there is no explanation.

“Perhaps the fault was the difficult and quick-tempered nature of Lyova, and the times were dangerous then - they could be sent to penal wards for any careless word or disobedience,” suggested Leonid Ovsyannikov.

According to another, more conspiratorial version, Fedotov, with his “guessing” and “insights”, could be of interest to certain structures that, in Soviet time actively searched for and attracted such unusual people.

His death, according to Fedotov's fans, could become part of the legend and the beginning of his new, secret life. Some researchers believe that the student had the gift of the so-called automatic writing - when a person writes as if from someone's dictation, and sometimes he does not even remember it.

They recall that Fedotov, who himself wrote about the beginning of the war, was very surprised by its onset, as if he had not expected anything like this: “War? Why did it happen?!"

After reading the diary of the Moscow schoolboy Lyova Fedotov, many will most likely answer the question of whether it is possible to look into the future in the affirmative.
Indeed, this diary, written by an 18-year-old youth shortly before the start of the Great Patriotic War, not only contains a fairly accurate date for the start of the war, but also reveals the main meaning and content of the Barbarossa predatory plan, gives a brilliant detailed forecast of the future, shows the inferiority and the futility of this plan, the inevitability of the collapse of German military aspirations. The records containing these forecasts were made 17 days before the start of the war.
"The Question Mark" has already addressed the topic of foreseeing the future - this is Yu. V. Roscius's pamphlet "The Last Book of the Sibyl?", published in 1989. It dealt, so to speak, with individual forecasting of the future - the fate of an individual. Lyova Fedotov's diary is a striking example of a confirmed prediction of the fate of not individuals, but entire states.

Watch in advance "Logicology - about the fate of man".

Consider the FULL NAME code tables. \If there is a shift in numbers and letters on your screen, adjust the image scale\.

21 27 32 47 66 81 84 96 102 105 126 133 138 153 170 185 188 198 222
222 201 195 190 175 156 141 138 126 120 117 96 89 84 69 52 37 34 24

12 18 21 42 49 54 69 86 101 104 114 138 159 165 170 185 204 219 222
222 210 204 201 180 173 168 153 136 121 118 108 84 63 57 52 37 18 3



222 \u003d 69-END + 153-BOM EXPLODED \ ba \.

105 \u003d 102-DEATH + 3-B \ explosion ... \

261 = BLAST HIT.

Number code full YEARS LIVES: TWENTY = 86 = 69-END + 17-R

Look at the column in the table below:

153 = EXPLODED BOMB \ ba \

153 - 86 = 67 = DIE \ t \.

July 15th, 2018 , 07:00 pm

An ordinary Soviet schoolboy Lyova Fedotov had a completely ordinary hobby - he kept a diary in which he wrote down all the events and his thoughts. But when, years later, these diaries were read, they caused a real shock.
Back in the 1930s, a tenth grader predicted the entire course of the Great Patriotic War, the invention of the hadron collider, the election of Barack Obama, and even his finale. political career. Who was this unique person and what else did he prophesy for us?

The first to tell the world about the unique boy Lyova Fedotov was his classmate, who later became a Soviet classic writer, Yuri Trifonov. The boys not only studied together, but also lived next door - in the famous House on the embankment, where the entire party elite of the country lived.
“As a child, I was struck by one boy ... He was so different from everyone! .. At the age of twelve, he lived with the feeling that he had very little time, and there was an incredibly lot to do ... He was known at school as a local Humboldt, like Leonardo from the 7th "B", - Yuri Trifonov wrote in his book "The House on the Embankment".

Childhood of the prophet

Lev Fedotov was born in 1923 in the family of a responsible party worker and costume designer in one of the Moscow theaters. They recall that the family of the party member Fedotov was closely acquainted with Ordzhonikidze, Trotsky, Lunacharsky. But Fedotov's father died early under strange circumstances. According to the official version, he drowned in a stream during one of his business trips.

- We always believed that Fedotov Sr. was killed - in the 20-30s there were cruel showdowns in the party. And Lyova was in general an ordinary schoolboy, very painful, by the way. But sometimes he just amazed everyone around him. For example, he somehow recorded the entire opera Aida from memory, which surprised everyone, because he was self-taught! He played the piano, although he never studied it, he drew beautifully, although he did not go to art school, - said Anna Dmitrieva, Lev Fedotov's niece. He read a lot, was interested in history.

“From his boyhood, he rapidly, passionately developed his personality in all directions, hastily absorbed all the sciences, all the arts, all books, all music, the whole world, as if he was afraid of being late somewhere ... His watercolors were at an exhibition, he was in love with symphonic music, wrote novels in thick calico-bound notebooks. Thanks to Leva, I became addicted to writing novels, ”said Trifonov.

- Of course, in childhood he was not considered a genius or a prophet. Well, you never know what the boys are discussing among themselves! Maybe they fantasize. No one took his predictions seriously. Even his mother,” Fedotov’s nephew Leonid Ovsyannikov told Interlocutor. - Surprising coincidences were discovered much later ...
Truth Diary

Classmates remember that Fedotov had a quirk - to scribble everything in his diary. There were days when he filled out up to 100 pages in small handwriting! So, on December 27, 1940, Fedotov described his dispute with classmates about space flights. Fedotov then jokingly announced that the Americans would fly to Mars in 1969. He was a little mistaken: in 1969, the Americans flew not to Mars, but to the Moon.

On June 5, 1941, Leva wrote in his diary: "I think that the war will begin either in the second half of this month, or at the beginning of July, but not later, because it is clear that the Germans will strive to end the war before frost."

On June 21, he elaborated: “Now, with the beginning of the end of this month, I am already waiting for ... troubles for our entire country - war ...”

Further, an ordinary Soviet schoolboy outlined in his notes the details of Hitler's top-secret plan "Barbarossa", wrote which cities the Nazis would occupy, predicted that Leningrad would be under siege, but would not surrender. He foresaw which countries would join the anti-Hitler coalition and predicted the storming of Berlin.

Predictions were recorded in 15 common school notebooks. The entries end in 1943, when Lyova Fedotov tragically died under very strange circumstances.

Question Mark 1990 #4

Yuri Vladimirovich Roscius

Prophet's diary?

To the reader

After reviewing the diary of Moscow schoolboy Leva Fedotov, many will most likely answer the question of whether it is possible to look into the future in the affirmative. Indeed, this diary, written by an 18-year-old youth shortly before the start of the Great Patriotic War, not only contains a fairly accurate date for the start of the war, but also reveals the main meaning and content of the Barbarossa predatory plan, gives a brilliant detailed forecast of the future, shows the inferiority and the futility of this plan, the inevitability of the collapse of German military aspirations. The records containing these forecasts were made 17 days before the start of the war. "The question mark" has already addressed the topic of foreseeing the future - this is the 1989 pamphlet by Yu. V. Roscius "The Last Book of the Sibyl?". It dealt, so to speak, with individual forecasting of the future - the fate of an individual. The diary of Lyova Fedotov is a striking example of a confirmed prediction of the fate of not individuals, but entire states.

Considering the bulk of the readership to be sufficiently prepared for independent analysis and evaluation of Lev Fedotov’s statements, in the proposed work the text of the diary is quoted in large chunks without editing, which makes it possible to convey to the reader without distortion the entire bouquet of information about those unforgettable years, characterize Lev Fedotov as a person and establish the correspondence of his amazing forecasts to real events, facts, documents, statements, assessments, which later became known thanks to publicity.

Of course, reading the diary, one cannot but note the naivety of some of the arguments and ideas of the then schoolboy. But it should be remembered that today every reader has a disproportionately large amount of information that corrects the attitude to the past, in particular, to the previously widespread enthusiasm for our strength, righteousness and humanism, partially reflected in Leva's diary.

Nevertheless, the diary is the most interesting document of those anxious and terrible years, and the publication of material about it in connection with the 45th anniversary of the Victory and in connection with the unconditional grateful interest of people living today, for those days seems to be very appropriate and justified.

Prophet's diary?

A strange fate has fallen to the lot of the human mind in one of the areas of its knowledge: it is besieged by questions that it cannot get rid of, since they are set to it by its own nature, but at the same time it cannot answer them, since they surpass his strength.

Immanuel Kant. Preface to the first edition of the Critique of Pure Reason

Everyone is worth as much as what he cares about is worth!

Marcus Aurelius

It is very likely that the present work would not have been written if its author, with a strange sense of embarrassment, had not felt in late 1940 - early 1941 the need or passion for the unrestrained and inexplicable acquisition of goods, at that time far from being in short supply: laundry soap, matches, simple pencils, castor oil and ... fish oil.

A strange set for a sixteen-year-old boy who was fond of amateur radio and constantly felt hungry, because the long illness of his father, who died on November 7, 1940, exhausted all the resources of the family, which survived on a modest salary of his mother and more than a modest pension of his father.

Having no sources of income like all boys, I wandered around all sorts of "hot spots", collecting bottles, old galoshes, black and non-ferrous metal. By handing over the recyclable materials collected in the tents, I received the necessary working capital and bought the above.

Such activities did not fit well into the small-sized communal life and soon ceased to be a secret for my relatives - my grandmother, mother and brother. I can't say that my passion was favorably accepted in a family that was constrained both financially and territorially. Imagine plywood crates containing hundreds of packs of matches, bars of laundry soap, dozens of boxes of pencils (250 each), fish oil and castor oil that I poured from vials into large bottles, and so on. Looking back, I marvel at the patience of my grandmother, mother, and brother, who continued to live in such a flammable and fragrant room.

Later, during the war, my intuitively formed warehouse, not without benefit, was realized for the benefit of the family.

What was happening now, I can not connect with anything other than subconscious awareness that the objects of passion, strange for a boy, will suddenly, like stocks, sharply increase in price and help to survive the difficult years of the war.

Decades passed, and the strangeness of my behavior of those years began to be forgotten. Today, perhaps, there are no living witnesses of my pathological passion.

Probably, it was the memories of this that served as the basis for the appearance in me later close attention to facts similar to those above. Such facts were initially collected in memory, grouped, then, after recording and sorting, they began to push me to think about the causes of the observed.

The amazing sensations and behavior of some individuals who anticipate certain events, as if signaling, warning about the future, have been known for a long time. It is possible that readers experienced something similar. Those who have not experienced similar sensations have obviously heard of them or met them in the literature of past years.

Undoubtedly, the reliability of known evidence varies over a very wide range - from absolutely groundless fabrications to immutably documented facts.

The existence of the latter gives us a reason and the right to look at and expend energy on the study of facts of this kind in the hope of revealing the patterns of what is happening, comprehending the mechanism, causal relationships, building hypotheses, organizing experimental checks or statistical processing of facts, searching for, identifying and examination of sensitive natures of this kind.

There are many different terms in the language that reflect the presence of a wide range of such sensations and properties, ranging from premonition, through foresight, foreknowledge, prediction, foresight, etc.

A number of my works published in magazines and books of past years have been devoted to consideration of some of these manifestations. In 1989, the book The Last Book of the Sibyl? (Question mark. - 1989. - No. 11).

The proposed brochure attempts to analyze a curious document - the diary of a Moscow schoolboy Leva Fedotov, which is quite remarkable from the above positions.

Nibelungs of the 20th century

Few now remember June 21, 1941. The last pre-war evening. Fascist Germany prepared for a rush to the East. waited dawn June 22 - the time of the beginning of the implementation of the plan "Barbarossa". The army of Germany, having swallowed up 17 countries of Europe, equipped with excellent offensive weapons, and becoming adept at robbery and robbery, raised a soldier's boot over our border. It was quiet.

The hour of war has not yet begun. The cannons were still silent, ready to receive “first strike” shells into their steel bosoms. The engines of the planes, filled to capacity with bombs for the peaceful cities of Soviet Russia, had not yet roared. 170 divisions of selected thugs, descendants of the legendary blond Nibelungs, convinced of their superiority and the right to decide the fate of peoples, were ready for any cruelty, atrocity, lawlessness.

Calling the Lord God himself their ally, they without false modesty wrote about this on the buckles of soldiers' belts. God is with them - why should they be afraid? They were ready for battle and victory, internally preparing for the parade on Red Square, it seemed to them that they had already begun to win.

History has not yet made its judgment. Still alive were 12 of Hitler's apostles, later sentenced by the Nuremberg Tribunal for crimes against humanity to death by hanging. And they, and those who looked that evening through the glasses of Zeiss binoculars at our loaf, were doomed, without even taking the first step, without having yet unsealed the sealing wax of secret packages. In a small apartment in the center of Moscow, not far from the Kremlin, an unappealable verdict on their criminal undertaking was already written, the last point was put in it. The decision was made and recorded in the usual school notebook of the diary of eighteen-year-old Lyova Fedotov.

This sickly Moscow schoolboy had already measured, weighed and… predetermined the fate of fascist Germany 17 days before the start of the war, which became the eternal shame of fascism and the triumph of humanism and life.

It was on this stuffy pre-war evening that Lyova, with an anxiously beating heart, thought that, perhaps, the first volleys had already thundered new war and made this entry in his diary. She survived. We will bring it up later. In the meantime, let's reverently touch the old notebook of the Svetoch factory in cardboard binding, on the cover of which XIV is inscribed in Roman numerals. On pages dated June 5, 1941, among other entries, the following prophetic wise words, which can be considered as.

Libretto of the Great Patriotic War

Part I (Book XIV)

“Although now Germany is on friendly terms with us, I am firmly convinced (and this is also known to everyone) that this is only an appearance. I think that by doing this she is thinking of lulling our vigilance so that at the right moment she will stab us with a poisoned knife in the back. These my guesses are confirmed by the fact that the German troops occupied Bulgaria and Romania with particular intensity, sending their divisions there. When the Germans landed in Finland in May, I firmly gained confidence that the Germans were secretly preparing an attack on our country from not only the former Poland, but also from Romania, Bulgaria and Finland, because Bulgaria does not border us by land, and therefore it may not immediately, together with Germany, come out against us. And if Germany goes against us, then there is no doubt about the simple logical truth that she, having put pressure on all the occupied countries, especially those that lie not far from our borders, like Hungary, Slovakia, Yugoslavia, and maybe even Greece and, most likely, Italy, will force them to also come against us with a war.

Careless rumors leaking in the newspapers about the concentration of strong German troops in these countries, which the Germans clearly pass off as simple assistance to the occupying authorities, confirmed my conviction in the correctness of my anxious thoughts. The fact that Germany planned to use the territories of Finland and Romania as a springboard for an attack on the USSR is very clever and expedient - on her part, unfortunately, of course, it must be added, owning a strong military machine, she has every opportunity to stretch the eastern front from the ice of the Arctic ocean to the Black Sea waves.

Discussing that Germany would not wait long by stationing her troops near our frontier, I gained confidence that the summer of this year would be turbulent in our country. Germany really has nothing to wait long, because, having lost relatively few troops and weapons in the occupied countries, she still has an unweakened military machine, which for many years, and especially since the coming to power of fascism, has been replenished and strengthened from hard work for her almost all branches of industry in Germany and which is always in full readiness. Therefore, as soon as the Germans deploy their troops in our neighboring countries, she has every opportunity to attack us without delay, having a mechanism always ready for action. Thus, the matter is only in the longitude of the concentration of troops. It is clear that by the summer the concentration will end and, obviously afraid to oppose us in the winter, in order to avoid meeting Russian frosts, the Nazis will try to drag us into the war in the summer ... I think that the war will begin or in the second half of this month (i.e. June) , or at the beginning of July, but not later, for it is clear that the Germans will strive to end the war before frost.

I am personally firmly convinced that this will be the last impudent step of the German despots, since they will not defeat us before winter, and our winter will completely finish them off, as was the case in 1812 with Bonaparte. The fact that the Germans are afraid of our winter - I know this just as well as the fact that victory will be ours! I just don’t know which side England will then take, but I can flatter myself with the hope that, in order to avoid the unrest of the proletariat and for the sake of revenge on the Germans for the exhausting raids on the English Isles, she will not change her attitude towards Germany and will not go along with her.

Victory is victory, but what we can lose in the first half of the war is a lot of territory, it is possible. This heavy thought comes from extremely simple sources. We are like socialist country which puts human life above all else, in order to avoid great human losses, retreating, we will be able to give the Germans some part of our territory, knowing that it is better to sacrifice parts of the land than people, (after all, that) land, in the end, maybe will be recaptured and returned by us, but the lives of our dead soldiers cannot be returned to us. Germany, on the contrary, in an effort to seize more land, will throw troops into the offensive recklessly, regardless of anything. But fascism does not want to save the lives of its soldiers, but new lands, because the very basis of Nazi thoughts is the conquest of new territories and hostility to human lives.

Fragment with. 79, book XIV

The capture by the Germans of some of our territory is still possible because Germany will only resort to meanness when it announces the beginning of a campaign against us. Honestly, the Nazis will never do! Knowing that we represent a strong enemy for them, they will probably not declare war on us or send any warnings, but will attack suddenly and unexpectedly in order to seize more of our lands by a sudden invasion, while we still distribute and collect our forces to rapprochement with the German troops. It is clear that the honesty of the Germans will soon destroy, and by means of meanness they will be able to hold out for quite a long time.

There are no words - German fascism is quite strong and although it has already been a little battered during the occupation of a number of countries, although it has scattered its troops throughout Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, it still, leaving only on its damn accurate military machine, will be able to rush at us . For this he still has enough strength and unreasonableness.

I just can’t figure out why he is preparing an attack on us? Here, the rooted natural hostility of fascism to the Soviet system cannot be the main guiding star! After all, it would still be wise for him to end the war with the British, heal his wounds and rush to the East with fresh forces, and here, having not yet recovered, having not finished with the English front in the west, he is already going to climb on us. Either he has in reserve, which means, some secret new methods of waging war, in the strength of which he is sure, or he simply climbs foolishly, from turning his head from numerous easy victories over small countries.

Well, if I write everything here frankly, then I will say that, bearing in mind the Germans' powerful war machine, fed for many years by all industries, I am firmly convinced of the territorial success of the Germans on our front in the first half of the war. Then, when they are already weakened, we will be able to drive them out of the occupied areas, and, proceeding to an offensive war, fight already on enemy territory.

Such temporary successes of the Germans are still possible because we, probably, as a country subjected to a sudden and treacherous attack from around the corner, will at first be able only to respond to the onslaught of enemy hordes with nothing more than a defensive war ...

I am ready to give myself up to be hung up on the gallows, but I am ready to assure anyone that the Germans will certainly capture all these new areas of ours and approach our old border, since, of course, we have not had time to strengthen the new borders and are not able to strengthen. Obviously, they will linger at the old border, but then they will again go on the offensive, and we will be forced to adhere to the tactics of retreat, sacrificing land for the sake of the lives of our fighters. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Germans will also enter our old borders and will advance until they run out of steam. Only then will a turning point come, and we will go on the offensive.

No matter how hard it is, it is quite possible that we will leave to the Germans, in all likelihood, even such centers as Zhitomir, Vinnitsa, Vitebsk, Pskov, Gomel, and some others. As for the capitals of our old republics, we will obviously surrender Minsk; The Germans can also capture Kyiv, but with prohibitive difficulties.

I am afraid to talk about the fate of Leningrad, Novgorod, Kalinin, Smolensk, Bryansk, Gomel, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev and Odessa - cities that lie relatively close to the border. True, the Germans, of course, are so strong that the possibility of losses in these cities, with the exception of only Leningrad, is not ruled out.

The fact that the Germans will not see Leningrad, I am firmly convinced. Leningraders are the people of eagles! If the enemy does take it, it will only be when the last Leningrader falls. As long as the people of Leningrad are on their feet, the city of Lenin will be ours! I still believe that we can surrender Kyiv, because we will defend it not as a vital center, but as the capital of Ukraine, but Leningrad is unreasonably more important and valuable for our state.

It is possible that the Germans will take ours especially big cities by detour and encirclement, but I believe in this only within the borders of Ukraine, because, obviously, the main blows of the enemy will fall on our south in order to deprive us of the deposits of Krivoy Rog iron and Donets coal that are closest to the border. Moreover, the Germans can especially press on the Ukraine, so as not to feel the fortress of Russian frosts so strongly, because the war will turn into a protracted struggle, which I personally have no doubt at all. And it is known that severe frosts are rare in Ukraine.

Bypassing, for example, Kyiv, German troops can capture even Poltava and Dnepropetrovsk along the way, and even more so Kremenchug and Chernigov. For Odessa, as a major port, we must, in my opinion, fight more intensively than even for Kiev, because Odessa is more valuable than the latter, and I think the Odessa sailors will worthyly pour out the Germans for an invasion of their city area.

If, however, we surrender Odessa by force, then with great reluctance and much later than Kyiv, since the sea will greatly help Odessa. It is clear that the Germans will dream of encircling Moscow and Leningrad, but I think they will not cope with this; this is not Ukraine for them, where such tactics are quite possible. Here the matter concerns the life of our two main cities - Moscow as the capital and Leningrad as a vital industrial and cultural center.

Allowing the surrender of these centers to the Germans is simply madness. The capture of our capital will only discourage our people and inspire our enemies. Losing the capital is no joke!

The Nazis will still be able to surround Leningrad, but not to take it, because it is still a neighbor of the border; even if they were able to surround Moscow, they simply would not be able to do it in the time domain, because they would not have time to close the ring by winter - the distance here is too great. In winter, for them, the districts of Moscow will continue to be just a grave!

Thus, no matter how hard it is, but the temporary successes of the Germans in the territory are unavoidable. They will not be saved from one thing even during these successes: they, like an advancing army that does not care about a person, will lose their living and material forces, certainly on a large scale compared to our losses. An advancing army is always capable of meeting more difficulties and capable of suffering more losses than a retreating army - this is the law! I'm really not going to be a prophet, I could be wrong in all these my assumptions and conclusions , but all these thoughts arose in me in connection with the international situation, and logical reasoning and conjectures helped me to connect and supplement them. In short, the future will tell."

In the excerpt from the diary cited without cuts (by the way, published for the first time!) there is not a single statement that would not be fulfilled during the next four years of the war predicted by Lev Fedotov. His lines are amazingly capacious and accurate, in which the main meaning, content, essence of the Barbarossa plan of conquest is revealed and a brilliant detailed forecast of the future is given, the inferiority and futility of this plan, drawn up by the largest military specialists of the Reich, is shown, the inevitability of the collapse of German military aspirations.

Talking about the inevitable coming war, Lyova Fedotov takes into account the possibility of her interference in the daily affairs of a boy.

Having conceived at the end of the school year with his friend Dima a hiking trip along the route Moscow - Leningrad, which they intended to carry out after passing the exams, he writes:

“05.6.41 ... We agreed to leave at the end of this month, because according to the reports this summer there should almost always be good weather. Moving a day at a normal pace, making 40–50 km each, we could reach Leningrad in 12–15 days.

Having carefully worked out everything, we saw that there was no madness and boldness in the enterprise conceived by us.

But at home anxiety seized me: I remembered my reasoning about the possibility of a war with Germany, because it did not smile at me to find myself somewhere on the road during hostilities, because then we would meet completely different difficulties for which we would not be ready. There is no point in risking for the sake of risk: it will not benefit anyone much. But then I calmed down on this score, since Dimka and I decided to set off on the road on the verge of June and July, and the war, most likely, would have to break out on the twentieth of June or in the first days of July, therefore, she would warn us, if only it will start of course. And for some reason, my confidence in the imminent war was greatly strengthened.

Well, I finally got to this day. I took my geography this morning, as I mentioned, and found myself in complete freedom. Georgy Vladimirovich (our Camel) was in a good mood. I wrote at the beginning of the school year that our geographer had changed and became very a good man not like last school year.

I was lucky: I fished out a ticket, which included some part of Italy, which I have known for a long time because of my written report on it. I blabbed what I knew, and they left me alone.

Dimka informed me immediately after the exams that he had already sent a letter to his uncle in Leningrad, where he informed him of a possible meeting that summer. At home, after returning from school, I wrote the post-examination letter I had promised to Ray and Monet, where I also informed the addressees about my enterprise, conceived together with a friend. Wanting to get an answer as soon as possible in order to find out the opinions of my Leningraders, I begged them to at least reply with a postcard on the day they received my letter. Thus, after four or five days, I can already expect an answer.

I seemed to casually remark in the letter that my desire to get interesting way to Leningrad is very large, and if not some out of the ordinary event, then I can already safely speak of this summer as spent in the city of Lenin. I did not explain this thought of mine in the letter, but by this "event" I had in mind the war of Germany against us!

“Maybe Mishka (Mikhail Korshunov, Lyova’s bosom friend – now a children’s writer. – Yu. R.) won’t have to stay in the Crimea for a long time!” – I thought, returning home from the post office, when I fused the letter to Mailbox. After all, if war breaks out, then there is no doubt that he will return to Moscow.

This is how Lyova usually, casually talks about the coming war, as something natural, obvious, possible, as a real factor, whose intervention in everyday life very likely. Leva takes into account his influence in almost all his daily activities and thoughts about the summer vacation of friends. It is worth paying attention to one more detail. Leva does not advertise her thoughts about the inevitability of an imminent war, does not share them with anyone.

Part II (Book XV)

“June 21, 1941. Now, with the beginning of the end of this month, I am already waiting not only nice letter from Leningrad (from relatives, reply to a letter dated 5.6.41. - Yu.R.), but also troubles for our entire country - wars. After all, now, according to my calculations, if only I was really right in my reasoning, i.e. if Germany really is preparing to attack us, the war must break out precisely on these dates of this month, or in the first days of July. That the Germans will want to attack us as soon as possible, I am sure: after all, they are afraid of our winter and therefore wish to end the war before the cold weather.

I feel an alarming heartbeat when I think that the news of the outbreak of a new Hitlerian adventure is about to arrive. Frankly, now last days Waking up in the morning, I ask myself: “maybe at that moment the first volleys were already fired at the border?” Now we need to expect the start of the war from day to day. If the first half of July passes, then one can flatter oneself with the hope that there will be no more war this year.

Oh, we will lose a lot of territory! Although it will still be taken back by us later, but this is not a consolation. The temporary successes of the Germans, of course, depend not only on the accuracy and strength of their war machine, but also on ourselves. I allow these successes because I know that we are not too prepared for war. If we were properly armed, then no force of the German military mechanism would frighten us, and the war would therefore immediately take on an offensive character for us, or at least stand firmly on the spot and not allow a single German soldier to cross our border.

But we, with our territory, with our people, with their enthusiasm, with our truly unlimited resources and natural wealth, could arm ourselves so much that we would even spit on the world campaign of capitalism and fascism against us. After all, Germany is so small compared to us, so that it is only necessary to delve a little to understand how we could get stronger if we paid attention to military industry just like the Germans.

I'll say this: after all, we underestimate the capitalist encirclement. While pursuing a peaceful policy, we would have to arm and arm at the same time, strengthening our defenses, since capitalism is not a reliable neighbor. Almost all eighty percent of our possibilities in strengthening all industries should be given to the defense. And having done away with the capitalist encirclement, in the battles imposed on us by enemies, we would then boldly indulge ourselves in luxury.

We have spent a lot of capital on palaces, awards to artists and art historians, while this could be taken care of after the last threat of war has been removed. And all these millions could help the state in this way.

Although I am now expressing myself too frankly and harshly, but believe me, I speak purely patriotically, worrying about the tranquility of the life of our state. If war breaks out, and when we, for lack of sufficient forces, are forced to retreat, then it will be possible to regret the millions spent on enterprises that would not have done anything bad if they had even waited.

But how wonderful it would be if we were so powerful and superior to any enemy that we could immediately wage a fight on enemy territory, freeing the fraternal peoples groaning there from the yoke of executioners.

The time will soon come - we will repent of overestimating our strength and underestimating the capitalist encirclement, and even more so in underestimating the fact that in the world there is an ever-accumulating military force and forever hating us!

Now, almost half a century later, when everything has happened, we can, day by day, with a calendar and a map, check Lyova's statements for coincidence with the reality that he so amazingly predicted.

Leva himself was inclined to consider what was stated in the diary as the result of an analysis of the international situation, logical reasoning and conjectures. However, this is his opinion, his personal assessments and impressions, which it would be desirable for the reader to feel and understand. After all, logical analysis had to be based on a real information base, it should be based on information that, as one can imagine now, Lyova Fedotov could not have had at all. Much of the above records is striking. I would like to draw the reader's attention to the bewilderment of Leva himself, expressed by him in the phrase: “And for some reason, confidence in the imminent war has become much stronger ...”

So, what are the main thoughts that can be identified after reading the above passages from the diary?

2. Remarkably accurate determination of the date of the beginning of the invasion.

3. Conviction in Germany's intention to end the war in one summer campaign, before frost.

4. Confidence in our victory.

5. The conviction that the Germans will not defeat us before winter, they will not be able to physically complete the encirclement of Moscow before the frost, the resulting collapse of Germany's military plans.

6. Dangerous (for those times) statement about the possibility of losses Soviet Union a large territory in the first half of the (defensive!) war, which predicts the inevitability of its second phase, with the offensive of the Red Army, its entry into German territory, and victory over it!

7. Confidence in the sudden, unannounced, start of the war, indicating the motivating reason - the possibly faster advance of the German troops, as if confirming the acquaintance of the author of the diary with the Barbarossa plan.

8. Confidence in the loss of Zhitomir, Vinnitsa, Vitebsk, Pskov, Gomel, Minsk.

9. Assumption of the probability of the surrender of Novgorod, Kalinin, Smolensk, Bryansk, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev, Odessa, Poltava, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Kremenchug, Chernigov.

10. Confidence in the resilience of Leningrad, which will remain Soviet, despite the reality of its environment.

11. Comparative intensity and duration of the battles for Kyiv and Odessa.

12. Confidence that Odessa will fall much later than Kyiv.

13. The idea of ​​the unreality of completing the encirclement of Moscow before frost. In fact - a prediction of the defeat of the Germans near Moscow, the turning point of the war, the transition to the offensive of the Red Army.

14. Determining the length of the front line from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea.

15. The intensity of the capture of our territory and depth for the German invasion of Russia has been drawn.

16. The plan "Barbarossa" is drawn in detail.

17. It is harshly and farsightedly stated that the described future events, if the army and the state were prepared in advance, could cause less damage to the country and people, allow realizing the undoubted superiority of the country of socialism with fewer losses.

18. Capturing major cities through encirclement.

19. The direction of the main blow is determined - Ukraine.

20. The statement that England, apparently, will be with us.

21. All states that have entered into an alliance with Germany have been identified.

22. Statement that the war will be protracted.

23. An indication of our underestimation of the capitalist encirclement.

24. Conviction in the liberation of our brotherly peoples at the end of the war.

Assuming that the diary is the result of a logical analysis, we will try to imagine and review Leva’s likely information base, the sources that he could use, the incredible complexity of reconstructing the truth based on fragmentary information, the enormity of the volume of logical operations, the need for truly inhuman labor, which led to a far-sighted forecast, brilliantly proven by life.

Analysis... of what?

The possibility of Leva's contacts with "informed circles" should be rejected, since Leva's father, Fedor Kallistratovich Fedotov, died tragically in Altai long before the war. Lyova's mother, a simple woman, worked in the dressing room of one of the Moscow theaters and, of course, could not help in obtaining the necessary information. It is also absurd to assume the receipt of information from the parents of classmates. And the assumption of his access to sources of classified information is absolutely unbelievable. Thus, periodicals, film magazines, radio and broadcasting were available to him. The black plate of the Record loudspeaker, although it hung in Fedotov's apartment, did not justify its name, according to Lyova's school friends, working very badly.

It should be especially noted that the information capacity of all these channels was very limited.

In the multi-volume "History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941-1945" (T. 2.–M., 1983.–S. 10) we read:

“When it became known that the Hitlerite military command was deploying its army along our western border, the USSR Government, the People's Commissariat of Defense and the General Staff took certain measures to reinforce the troops of the western border districts.

However, these measures, despite the growing threat of a military attack, did not provide for the concentration of the necessary forces near the western borders to repel a possible attack by the fascist German army on the Soviet Union.

One of the reasons for the situation that had arisen was that I.V. Stalin, who single-handedly made decisions on the most important state issues, believed that Germany would not dare to violate the non-aggression pact concluded with the USSR in the near future. Therefore, he considered the incoming information about the preparation of the Nazi troops for an attack on the Soviet country as provocative, with the goal of forcing the government of the USSR to take such retaliatory measures that would allow the Hitlerite clique to accuse the Soviet Union of violating the non-aggression pact and attack our country. The requests of some commanders of the border military districts to allow them to advance troops to defensive lines near the German border in advance and put them on alert were rejected for the same reasons ...

I. V. Stalin's miscalculation in assessing the situation that had developed immediately before the start of the war, and his assumption that Hitler would not dare to violate the non-aggression pact in the near future in the absence of any reasons for this from the USSR, were reflected in a TASS report from June 14, 1941".

What was in this TASS message? Its content reflected in a peculiar way, as is now obvious, the point of view of I. V. Stalin. It appeared in the newspapers Pravda and Izvestiya on June 14. It said that upon the return of the British Ambassador to the USSR, Mr. Cripps, to London, rumors began to be circulated there about "the proximity of war between the USSR and Germany."

It was reported that the responsible circles in Moscow, despite "the obvious nonsense of these rumors", authorized TASS to declare that these rumors are clumsily concocted propaganda by hostile forces interested in starting a war. Rumors about Germany's intention to break the pact and attack the USSR are without any basis.

And there was only one week left before the war ...

What did the Soviet newspapers write about in the first half of 1941?

“The millionth GAZ engine was produced…”

"A German submarine sank a British steamer..."

“In order to study the era of Alisher Navoi, the jubilee committee was allowed to open the mausoleum of Timur…”

Reading the last message, I shuddered, remembering the ancient legend that when the bones of the "Great Lame" are disturbed, the bloodiest of wars on Earth will begin!

For the information of mystics: the last message was published in the Pravda newspaper dated June 10, 1941, No. 159 (8567). The note ends with the words: "... the mausoleum is supposed to be opened on June 15 ...".

In the newspaper "Izvestia" dated June 22, 1941: "The excavations of the mausoleum of the Timurids continue ... Remains of hair were found on Timur's skull ...".

In this Sunday issue of the newspaper there is still no report of the outbreak of war.

Only the next issue of Izvestia, dated June 24, 1941, contains Molotov’s statement, a large portrait of I. V. Stalin, under which Vasily Lebedev-Kumach’s poems “The Holy War” are printed, later set to music by A. V. Aleksandrov, which became a hymn of hatred , struggles and victories, and still cause a feeling of frost on the skin.

So the press reflected the beginning of the war, about which Lyova Fedotov wrote with such conviction as early as June 5, 1941. Where did he get the information from? His school friends Vika Terekhova, Misha Korshunov, Oleg Salkovsky argue that Leva's awareness was ordinary, he used information limited by the framework determined by the opinion of I.V. Stalin.

In the newspapers of past years, a letter flashed from Leningrad, which was interested in the “kitchen” of the emerging war, the detailed and thoughtful Leva could hardly pass by the book of the well-known international journalist Ernst Henry “Hitler against the USSR”, which was published before the war in 1936 and 1938. It provides a detailed historical analysis of the issue, Hitler's aspirations, the political situation, the military-industrial and human potential, and the geographical features of the parties. Henry considered the possible goals and directions of the main German attacks in future war, predicted the victory of the USSR, spoke about the encirclement of Leningrad by the Germans and an attempt to capture Moscow.

But he also has significant inaccuracies, errors, inconsistencies with subsequent reality. Thus, Henry wrote:

“Theoretically, under certain circumstances, the German army, after a huge and extremely risky effort, can break through the Soviet front in one place or another (we are not talking about the reverse possibility here), but. this is only possible with limited time and space results. Moscow's distance from the border ensures its security for at least years. And Hitler will not be able to hold out for years, he is unlikely to be able to hold out even for months ”(Henry Ernst. Hitler against the USSR. - M., 1938. - P. 245).

Recall that Henry took into account the borders of the USSR as of 1935-1936. But in September 1939, the western border of the USSR was moved hundreds of kilometers to the west. And yet the German army was near Moscow in October 1941 - less than four months after the start of the invasion!

Assuming the surprise of the German attack to be a necessary factor, Henry believed that the German army would not be able to overcome the distance from East Prussia to the Soviet border in advance, which would allow the USSR to take appropriate defensive measures. He thought that the German troops would be forced to make an armed campaign through Czechoslovakia, which, he believed, would be a difficult task due to the resistance of the strong army of Czechoslovakia.

Henry called the following stages of the coming war:

a) Hitler's attack

b) defense and crushing counterattack of the USSR;

c) the Great Anti-Fascist Revolution in Germany;

d) the flight and death of Hitler.

We now know that things were "somewhat different." In Fedotov's forecast, there are no such errors, unfulfilled assumptions. Of course, Leva did not avoid some minor inaccuracies, not all of his reasoning is deep enough and correct, but, in my opinion, all fundamental conclusions and conclusions are impeccable! We can safely say that his diary is a kind of libretto predicted by him in the details of the war, a small book, summary plans (!) and miscalculations (!!) of Germany, four years of heroic aspirations of the Soviet people and their brilliant victory over the embodiment of universal evil - fascism!

However, as Lyova's schoolmates and friends, whom I inquisitively asked not only about this, unanimously assert, he did not read this book and did not see it! She was not only in the modest library of Fedotov, in a family that survived on the meager earnings of her mother. Vika Terekhova, Misha Korshunov and Oleg Salkovsky declare that this book was not in the incomparably more complete libraries of their wealthy parents, who held high positions at that time. Moreover, Roza Yakovlevna Smushkevich, who lived in the same house and knew Leva well, claims that even in the library of her father, Lieutenant General Smushkevich, a professional military man, whose collection numbered several thousand volumes, this book was not!

Friends also state that Leva did not use the services of the city libraries, therefore, Henry could not get acquainted with the book there either. So, Leva did not read this work, apparently, therefore, his forecast does not contain errors inherent in the work of Ernst Henry.

Let's see how and since when Hitler's ideas about the advisability of attacking Russia were formed?

Seeding dragon teeth

The roots of aggression go very far. We will not plow through the entire cultural layer of human history. We will only look back in time at a period of one human life.

In 1923, Hitler wrote in his book Mein Kampf:

“Thus, we National Socialists consciously cross out everything that concerns the political trend of foreign policy before the war period. We pick up where we left off 600 years ago. We stop the endless German advance to the South and West and turn our gaze to the territories of the East.

... If we are talking about territory in Europe today, then we first of all mean only Russia and its vassal states bordering on it ”(The Nuremberg Trials. - T. 2. - M., 1958. - P. 556).

So, the vast expanses of Russia, which for a long time aroused the desire of many invaders different eras and peoples, even then fascinated the Fuhrer.

This idea, like a nail in a boot, haunts Hitler later. So, on February 3, 1933, a few days after coming to power, at a dinner with the Commander-in-Chief of the Reichswehr, he declared intolerance towards pacifism, the need to exterminate Marxism with fire and sword.

He said that the creation of the Wehrmacht was the most important prerequisite for achieving the goal of restoring political power, which could best be used to conquer living space in the East and ruthlessly Germanize it. He clearly showed that he had not forgotten the 1923 statement!

As you know, on August 24, 1939, a Soviet-German non-aggression pact was signed for a period of ten years. And already on November 23 of the same year in the Imperial Chancellery, Hitler declared:

“For a long time I doubted where to start, in the west or in the east ...” and finishes: “We will be able to oppose Russia only when our hands are free in the West.” (Bezymensky L. Special folder "Barbarossa". - M., 1972. - P. 197).

On July 31, 1940, Hitler spoke with the high command of the ground forces and gave the following instructions:

"Conclusion; on the basis of this conclusion, Russia must be liquidated ...

The beginning of the campaign - May 1941. The term for the operation is five months ...

Purpose: the destruction of the life force of Russia. The operation breaks up into the first blow: Kyiv, access to the Dnieper, aviation destroys the crossings. Odessa.

Second strike: Baltic states, Belarus - direction to Moscow, after that: bilateral coverage from the north and south, later - a private operation to capture the Baku region.

Relentless thoughts about the attack take the form, and on December 18, 1940, the German High Command completes the development of a plan for an attack on the USSR called "Directive No. 21, Barbarossa option", the essence of which was that the German armed forces to be ready to smash the USSR in the course of a short-term campaign even before the end of the war against England. Preparations for this must be completed by 15.5.41,

Crucial importance was attached to the fact that the intentions to attack were not recognized. Ground troops The USSR was supposed to be destroyed by the rapid advance of tank wedges. It was ordered to prevent the retreat of Russian combat-ready troops.

Through rapid pursuit, it was planned to push the Russian troops back to the line from which the Russians (Air Force) would not be able to raid Germany.

The ultimate goal is to create a barrier against Asian Russia along the Volga-Arkhangelsk line,

The effective actions of the Russian air force must be prevented by our powerful strikes at the very beginning of the operation.

Since the success of the Barbarossa plan depended on the surprise of the attack, which required maximum secrecy, a number of measures were taken. So, the plan itself was executed in only nine copies, three of which were in the possession of the commanders of the Air Force, Navy, SV, and six were stored in the super safes of the Reich.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Colonel M. I. Semiryaga, in the book “The Crime of the Century” (M., 1971. - P. 9) writes about preparations for the invasion:

“A characteristic moment at this preparatory stage was the exceptional secrecy of the measures taken by the Nazis, to which special attention was paid in the “Directive on disinformation of the enemy” in February 1941. Not a single war of the past was prepared so secretly as Hitler's aggression against our country.

The "Directive ...", for example, recommended masking the concentration of German troops on the border of the USSR by preparing for a landing on the coast of Britain (according to the "Sea Lion" plan) and the capture of Greece (Operation "Marita"). Germany did not even inform its allies about its intentions to attack the USSR. An exception was made only for Ion Antonescu.

Therefore, stories about “almost open preparation of Germany for war with the USSR” should apparently be classified as hypertrophied rumors.

When examining the reports of the foreign press and radio, one should apparently divide them according to their belonging to the camp of supporters or opponents of Germany. The first, depending on her, blew the same tune, working for the "owner", served him not only faithfully, but also ... not true.

As for the opponents, the assessment of their statements is, if not sometimes impossible, then extremely difficult due to the non-obviousness of the reasons prompting one or another statement, sympathies, antipathies, interests, goals pursued by them in this case, etc.


Judge for yourself. How, for example, to regard the statement recorded in the diary of Goebbels, found by Soviet soldiers in 1945 in Berlin? (Rzhevskaya Elena. Berlin, May 1945. - M., 1975. - P. 58):

“June 13 (1941 - Yu. R.). Big sensation. English radio stations say that our action against Russia is just a bluff, behind which we are trying to hide our preparations for the invasion of England.

How to react to this statement? After all, the “Enemy Disinformation Directive” mentioned above proposed, in particular, to mask the concentration of troops on the border in the USSR by preparing for the implementation of the “Sea Lion” plan, that is, for landing on the coast of Britain! Take disinformation for success?

But to this, apparently, another message should be added (History of the Second World War 1939-1945. - M., 1974. - T. 3. - P. 352).

“Counting on help from the Soviet Union, Foreign Minister A. Eden invited the Soviet Plenipotentiary I. Maisky to his place on June 13 (pay attention - the 13th! - Yu. R.) and, on behalf of the Prime Minister, stated that if in the near future a war will begin between the USSR and Germany, then the British government is ready to render full assistance to the Soviet Union ... "

How now, in the light of the second message, to consider the first? His perception changes when comparing texts, dates, motifs. Well, if we recall the TASS message of June 14, 1941, we will get a complete “confusion”, in the language of children-word-creators.

By the way, Goebbels in his diary (Rzhevskaya, op. cit. - p. 67) repeatedly refers to the issue of disguising the true state of affairs. So, on June 18 of the same year, he writes:

“The question of Russia is becoming more and more impenetrable. Our rumor spreaders are doing a great job. With all this confusion, it's like a squirrel that camouflaged its nest so well that in the end it can't find it!"

What kind of “almost open training” is that? By the way, if this was the case, if Germany, relying on force and impunity, did everything openly, without hiding, why was the intelligence apparatus needed? Why the death of such bright and devoted to the idea and Motherland people like Lev Manevich (Etienne), Richard Sorge (Ramsay)? We are not talking about spending on exploration.

The unknown then has become known now. Intelligence did not doze off. Intelligence data, often obtained at the cost of human life, immediately went to the leadership of the country, whose attitude towards them is difficult to characterize and describe. Here is how he described the details of the conversation with I.V. Stalin at the beginning of June 1941, which took place in the presence of the Chief of the General Staff, Army General G.K. Zhukov, Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko, from May 1940 to July 1941, the former People's Commissar of Defense .

Speaking very dismissively about the documents shown to him, indicating a real threat and the date of the invasion, Stalin said, referring to Richard Sorge:

“Moreover, one of ours was found ... (here the “owner” used an obscene word), which in Japan has already acquired factories and brothels and even deigned to announce the date of the German attack - June 22. Would you like to trust him too?"

Poor Ramsay! And could something similar have been foreseen by the sorcerer - Leva Fedotov? Who would like this? In what delirium?

Moreover, Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan told the doctor of historical sciences G. Kumanev:

“When, shortly before the war, our ambassador Dekanozov arrived in Moscow from Berlin for a few days, the German ambassador F. Schulenburg invited him to dinner at the embassy ... At the dinner, besides them, were present personally devoted to Schulenburg, the adviser to the embassy, ​​Hilger, and the translator of the Foreign Ministry Pavlov.

During dinner, addressing Dekanozov, Schulenburg said:

- Mr. Ambassador, maybe this has not happened in the history of diplomacy, since I am going to tell you state secret number one: tell Mr. Molotov, and he, I hope, will inform Mr. Stalin that Hitler decided on June 22 to start a war against the USSR. Why am I doing this, you ask? I was brought up in the spirit of Bismarck, and he was always opposed to the war with Russia ...

Dinner was cancelled. Dekanozov hastened to Molotov. On the same day, Stalin gathered the members of the Politburo and, having told us about Schulenburg's message, said: "We will assume that disinformation has already begun at the level of ambassadors."

Thus, this very unusual warning was also left without any attention ... "(The Pravda newspaper, June 22, 1989 No. 173/25891," On the 22nd at dawn ... ". G. Kumanev. Doctor of Historical Sciences) .

The disbelief of the "Master" (or, if you like, his unwavering confidence in his own infallibility) is well reflected in the obsequious eyes of his hangers-on of various ranks. They loyally flatteringly violate one of the main Christian commandments - "Do not testify falsely!". Let us quote Beria's memorandum to Stalin:

“06/21/1941 ... the head of the intelligence department, where the Berzin gang had recently operated, Lieutenant General Golikov complains ... about his lieutenant colonel Rookie, who lies that Hitler concentrated 170 divisions on our western border ... But I and my people, Iosif Vissarionovich, firmly we remember your wise plan: in 1941 Hitler will not attack us!..”

Pay attention to the language, the "informative" nature of the report - its annoying, like a mosquito squeak, the leitmotif "what would you like?". Neither Stalin nor Beria have long been gone, but we also remember this wise plan of the "Master" that cost dearly to the peoples of Russia. We remember, we cannot, we have no right to ever forget!

Only on the night of June 22, under the pressure of new threatening information, did Stalin finally allow the People's Commissariat of Defense to issue a directive to the districts about a possible German attack on June 22-23 and to bring all units to full combat readiness, while not succumbing to "any provocative actions that could cause major complications.

However, the directive came directly to the troops with a great delay, in fact, already after the enemy had invaded our territory. Thus, in Leva's reasoning (analytical or having the character of a "natural gift"), life made terrible, irreplaceable and unforgettable adjustments.

One way or another, but the reorganization and rearmament of the army, which began in 1940, were not completed by the beginning of the war. There was a lack of small arms, guns, tanks, and there was no clear military doctrine. We famously sang that we should not be touched, that we would not let go! We thought that we would wage war on foreign territory, with little bloodshed, etc. In preparing for a war on foreign territory, we “prudently” stockpiled our stocks - weapons, ammunition, uniforms, equipment, fuel on the edge of our territory - closer to the places of the alleged fights. Well ... paid for it!

By the end of the first day of the invasion, powerful enemy tank groupings had penetrated 25-50 kilometers deep into Soviet territory in many sectors of the front, and by July 10 in decisive directions from 300 to 600 kilometers !!

Until mid-July 1941, human losses amounted to about a million soldiers and officers, of which 724,000 were captured. The enemy got 6.5 thousand tanks (mostly old ones), 7 thousand guns and mortars, fuel, ammunition placed under side by the Germans.

Aviation suffered heavy damage - airfields were destroyed on the very first day of the war. 1200 aircraft - the vast majority on the ground

It's hard to talk about it. And if data on losses for other types of weapons are not given here, it is only because the figures given are enough to understand that the forecast of the lone Lyova Fedotov, a boy, a beardless youth, a schoolboy, was much more accurate, far-sighted, was closer to reality, than the estimates of the "Great Pilot"!

Intelligence amateur paradox

The power of the Levi's mind is amazing. What was the cost of the work, all the experience of the secret services of Germany, if a Moscow schoolboy without interruption from his studies, without leaving, in fact, from his apartment, without access to information, penetrates with amazing ease into the "holy of holies" of the German high command? How, on the basis of carefully separated and sterilized, scanty - shorter than a sparrow's nose information leaked in the periodical press, radio, he was able to give such a brilliant forecast? After all, he emerged victorious from the duel with the German General Staff and two of its intelligence services. Where is the “kol pack” that was supposed to prevent the leakage of information from Germany? And was it, this leak? After all, it is known that even the ambassador to Japan, Ott, did not know, for example, about the date of the performance in mid-June! Absurd... fact...

The authenticity of the diary is not in doubt. Leva's school friends are alive, unanimously testifying that they have been familiar with the diary since the thirties, confirming that the entries in it correspond to the dates stamped. The diary was kept from about 1935 (notebook I) to July 23, 1941 (notebook XV).

The currently known diary notebooks with numbers V, XIII, XIV and XV are identified by them as seen before the war. I was interested in the report of Olga Kuchkina (correspondent of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper) that Lyova's friends only recently got acquainted with the amazing records concerning the coming war, and before the war they had not been seen and had not known about them.

Mikhail Pavlovich Korshunov explained that the reason for this was the vacation time, when friends parted in all directions. So, Misha, for example, was in the Crimea, Oleg was in Kratov, Vika also left Moscow. And then the war began and made its own adjustments to communication, the heads were busy with other things. Recalling those years, Korshunov notes the extreme purity, purity of their relationship, absolute mutual youthful gullibility, and believes that the only reason is the summer vacation period.

And yet it is possible that Leva simply did not popularize these recordings, which were very dangerous at that time, which could lead to repressions, the destruction of the entire family. Here one can recall the behavior of Lyova in preparation for a hiking trip to Leningrad, when he did not advertise his thoughts about the war, concealed them from his friend Dimka, with whom he intended to go on a journey, from his relatives in Leningrad.

Or maybe the reason was completely different. Here, attention is drawn to the fact that the fifteenth notebook is only half written. It breaks off at the notes dated July 23, 1941. Treating paper as the greatest value, using every square centimeter of the page, Lyova, who wrote in small handwriting, no longer touched the diary, although the paper remained. Why?

Lyova, who had never parted with a notebook before, recording every conversation, every remark, every childish idea, here, when the war rumbled on the fields of Russia, blood flowed, the enemy trampled the land of the Motherland ... in the diary - silence ... Why?

Leva's friends believe that the reason for this is the paradoxical coincidence of Leva's pre-war thoughts with the course of the Great Patriotic War, as if developing according to the libretto placed in his diary! It is believed that this struck him, caused some kind of fright, dumbfounded, as if he was inciting this disaster ... He no longer touched the diary - the entries in it abruptly break off. Perhaps he did not want to show it?

So, the diary is reliable, the entries in it correspond to the dates, and the amazingly insightful lines we have cited above undoubtedly belong to Leva Fedotov.

How could he predict future events so successfully in conditions of a terrible information deficit? Indeed, for logical conclusions of this kind, apparently, one initial information is not enough. Extensive experience, a stock of professional knowledge, some preliminary preparation, a certain information base are needed. But how accurate are the ideas of a civilian boy in military affairs? Indeed, for a comparative analysis, weighing the chances of the parties, their spatial and resource parameters, it is clearly not enough to know the number of divisions on each side, although it was impossible to know at that time!

It is also unlikely that he could know the number of personnel of divisions of different countries and different types of troops, weapons, firepower, mobility, degree of preparedness, stamina, morale of the troops, etc., etc. ...

How, for example, he could say so confidently that the Germans could encircle Leningrad, but they would not be able to take it. Although, as it has now become known, the idea of ​​surrendering Leningrad was still there. So, in an interview with Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov, the latter, describing a conversation with Stalin that took place on September 13, 1941 at Headquarters, testifies:

“I found an unusual situation. No stranger in the office. More than usual polite conversation.

- Have you met Zhukov?

No, Comrade Stalin.

So you missed him on the way. He flew to Leningrad yesterday. You know that we filmed Voroshilov. Did they release him?

- No, I do not know.

- Yes, we freed Voroshilov, and Zhukov flew there.

But I felt that this was not the main conversation. And then Stalin says:

- You know, we may have to leave Peter (he often called Leningrad Peter).

I convey it exactly.

- Your task is to mine the ships, to mine them so that, in case of such a need, not a single ship falls into the hands of the enemy. Prepare an appropriate telegram.

I got out:

“I can’t prepare such a telegram!” I will not sign.

- He was surprised:

- Why?

“This is such a big and serious decision that I can’t do it. And besides, the Baltic Fleet is not subordinate to me, but to the Leningrad District.

He considered. Then he said:

- You will go to Marshal Shaposhnikov and make a telegram with him and close up two signatures.

I went to see Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov, Chief of the General Staff. I gave him the order. And he told me:

“Darling, why are you dragging me into this dirty business!” Naval affairs are your business. I have nothing to do with them.

- This is Stalin's order!

He considered. And then he suggested: "Let's write a telegram with three signatures: Stalin, Shaposhnikov and Kuznetsov and go to Stalin."

We did just that. Let's go to Stalin. He hesitated. Then he took the telegram and put it aside. And he says go.

That was such a tough moment." (Interview with Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov. The victory cost us dearly ... // Soviet Russia. - 1988. - July 29. - P. 4).

Of course, Lev could not have foreseen such a turn. Well, how to imagine the course of his thoughts, the information base on the basis of which Fedotov came to the conclusion that the Germans would not be able to close the ring around Moscow before the frost?

Let's go back to those days when all the forces of the peoples of the Soviet Union were overstrained.

"Moscow! How much in this sound ... "

The beginning of the war is well known to everyone. However, it makes sense to recall the individual details of some subsequent events. So, in September 1941, Hitler gives the order to begin preparations for an attack on Moscow (Operation Typhoon). At the end of October, German troops reach Kalinin, named Leva, and on October 30, Guderian's tanks are four kilometers from Tula.

On October 2, Hitler addresses the army with an appeal, arguing that this is the last battle, and Moscow must fall on October 16. On this day, the German offensive begins. In the north they reach the Moscow Sea. On October 27, General Hoth's tanks are only 25 kilometers from the Kremlin! Goebbels instructs the newspapers to leave space on the front page to report on ... the capture of Moscow. However, Moscow is not surrounded yet! It's the fifth month of the war, the last of Hitler's "allotted" for the destruction of Soviet Russia, but the encirclement of Moscow has not been completed... Why? How else on June 5 could Leva figure this out? What is this? Accident?

On December 6, with a 38-degree frost and a strong blizzard, the Red Army goes on the offensive near Moscow. And 40 days after that, the Nazis were driven back from Moscow by 400 kilometers! Thus ended the first part of the war! Leo is right again! Coincidence? But how many of them can be in a row? Coincidence system or ... system coincidence? As Suvorov used to say, “one luck, two luck! God have mercy, when is skill?

By the way, by the way, at the end of July (?! - Yu. R.), Army Commander von Brauchitsch begins to deal with the problem of winter equipment for the army, although Hitler insists that the eastern campaign will end this year! Therefore, it is hardly possible to attribute everything to the early and severe frosts of the winter of 1941, to attribute the victory to General "Moroz"?!

And if the coincidence is acceptable in that the named Levoy Kalinin is located on the front line of early December 1941, is the extreme point reached by the Nazis in this direction, then how can one explain Leva's confidence that Odessa will fall much later than Kiev, as he wrote? Indeed, Kyiv fell on September 19, and Odessa only on October 16 - 27 days later! On the scale allotted by Hitler for the entire war, 27 days is a huge time! Of course, one could imagine the intensity of the fighting for Kyiv and Odessa, given their geographical position, strategic value, but...

It was possible to determine the length of the front from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea by the concentration of German troops in neighboring countries, but the details mentioned above are simply incomprehensible!

Let's stop at one more moment. How and on the basis of what did Leva determine the time of the start of the implementation of the Barbarossa plan?

If Leva had been guided by elementary considerations about the simplest and easiest implementation by the Germans of their intention to complete the capture of Moscow before frost, then the most natural thing would be to assign the start of hostilities to May (as the Germans originally intended!), since April threatens with spring thaw. And then the entry in Fedotov's diary should have been made earlier, say, at the end of April, beginning of May. But he didn't do that. Why? Just late? If we assume that on June 5 the entry was made purely by chance (there was just time!), Then he could not, naturally, attribute the date of the beginning of the coming war to the past. What remains is the future.

How did he feel, understand, think that this, contrary to reason, would not be the first half of June? Why does he, with such amazing confidence inherent in him, call "the second half of June, the beginning of July ..."? After all, as we found out, there is no information and could not be? After all, he did not see at such a distance what was happening on our border? An absurd thought? Why not? After all, such cases are known! And Leva's figurative thinking was extremely developed. He is a good artist. Having visited the opera, he, having come home, made a musical notation of the exit march from the opera Hades. Experts say - unmistakably!

Hitler did not know - Lev knew!

The strangeness of the diary does not end there. How, for example, could Leva know something that even Hitler did not know at that time, at the service of which, at the very least, the German intelligence service was? Thus, Western researchers tend to believe that countries Western Europe absorbed by Germany without much prior preparation.

However, this time the enemy was serious, and Germany prepared more carefully for the capture of Russia. And yet, the actual knowledge of Germany about the coming enemy, according to Western researchers, was insufficient. So, in negotiations with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of fascist Italy, Galeazzo Ciano, on October 25, 1941, Hitler admitted that he might not have launched an invasion at all if he had known in advance everything that the Germans had to meet in Russia! (information from the book of an employee of the Amsterdam state institute military documentation of L. De Jong "The German Fifth Column in World War II". - M., 1958. - S. 361). Four months of war brought down the arrogance of even the demon-possessed Fuhrer!

So, starting the war, the Germans believed that the Russians had no more than 200 divisions, and by the end of the sixth week of the war there were ... 360! Similarly, the power of the USSR Air Force was underestimated. The same was true for tanks. Hitler was forced to admit: “When we entered Russia, I expected that not more than 4,000 tanks would be put up against us, but there were 12,000 of them!” True, in 1937 Guderian spoke of 10,000 Russian tanks, but they did not believe him!

Undoubtedly, Germany had a powerful and extensive intelligence apparatus and its capabilities are incommensurably higher than the capabilities of any civilian, even a genius, loner, who relied in collecting information even about his country only on own forces, the case and mercy of the official bodies of the country, no doubt interested in keeping secrets. In addition, if Lev had started collecting information about the USSR on his own through his own channels, it would have ended sadly, to put it mildly!

So, obtaining the forecast necessary for the brilliantly presented in Lyova's diary, based on a logical analysis of the situation, an assessment of the potential of the opposing sides, is difficult and dangerous for a number of reasons. The ease with which Lev Fedotov uncovers German secret plans, hidden in the super-safes of the German Reich, shrouded in the wires of signaling devices, is striking.

After all, the sorcerer Lyova Fedotov, at the age of eighteen, with amazing ease, accurately assesses the military power of the opposing states, gives preference to the Motherland, foreseeing future difficulties, refutes the possibility of realizing the secret military plans of Germany that incomprehensibly became known to him.

But if, excuse me, it is completely unimaginable, incomprehensible ways for him to obtain information about military power Germany, it is a thousand times more difficult, on the basis of the scanty information that he could have, coming from no one knows where, to draw a conclusion ideally confirmed by subsequent events about the failure of these plans, their inferiority, disastrous for their creators. Paradoxically!

We add to this that already during the war, on July 3, 1941, the chief of the general staff of the German army, Halder, writes in his diary:

“It will not be an exaggeration if I say that the campaign against Russia was won within 14 days!”

The German professional high-ranking military man, as we see, was cruelly mistaken in assessing the situation already during the war, on July 3, 1941, while Leva painted everything clearly before that - on June 5, 1941 and ... was not mistaken in anything! Unfathomable!

Of course, one can say that what was said above only confirms the thesis that “to err is human”! But how did it happen that the professional military, the leaders of large states made mistakes over and over again, obviously not having the right to make such expensive mistakes, and the beardless schoolboy Leva was impeccably right in almost everything ahead of time !?

So, having carried out a scrupulous and pedantic analysis of the diary, the circumstances and time of its writing, and an analysis of the information channels available to Lev Fedotov, we again come to the discouraging conclusion that it is impossible to give an unequivocal affirmative answer to the question of the reality of an analytical solution under the given conditions of the problem of forecasting exclusively an important situation in the life of every nation - wars, invasions of foreign invaders.

However, one thing is irrefutably clear that the short and capacious message of the diary coincided amazingly in all details with the pattern, pace and sequence of subsequent serious events that took almost four years of the life of the people and cost them 20 million human lives! 20,000,000 graves, each of which is 2 meters long, will encircle the globe at the equator!

War! Why is it suddenly?

The astounding entries in the diary are innumerable. So, with the entries cited earlier, the entry in Notebook XV is somehow absurdly discordant:

June 22, 1941. Today, as usual, I got up early. My mother soon left for work, and I began to look through the diary in order to hunt for its shortcomings and errors in it.

An unexpected phone call interrupted my activities. It was Buba calling.

- Leva! Have you heard the radio now? she asked.

- No! It's off.

So turn it on! So you didn't hear anything?

- There is nothing.

- War with Germany! my aunt replied.

At first I somehow did not delve into these words and asked in surprise:

- And what is it all of a sudden?

“I don't know,” she replied. So you turn on the radio!

When I turned on the radio network and heard streams of stormy marches that sounded one after another, this extraordinary alternation of patriotic-good works alone told me a lot.

I was amazed at the coincidence of my thoughts with reality. I no longer tried to pull myself together in order to continue fiddling with the diary: everything just flew out of my head. I was very excited! My thoughts were now turned to the sinister west!

After all, only last night I wrote in my diary again about the war I was predicting; because I was waiting for her day after day, and now it happened.

This monstrous truth, the validity of my assumptions was clearly not for me. I wish I was better off being wrong!

Various decrees, orders around the city, broadcasts about the mandatory camouflage of the entire capital immediately fluttered on the radio, and I learned from all this that Moscow with its region and a number of other regions of the European part of the USSR were declared in a “threatened state of war”. A general mobilization of all men born in the period 1902-1918 was announced, which extended to the entire European part of the RSFSR, Ukraine, Belarus, the Karelian-Finnish Republic, the Baltic states, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Siberia. The Far East was bypassed. I immediately thought that he, obviously, would not be touched for the guests of Japan, if she, following the example of Hitler, wishes to receive our gifts.

Thus, discouragingly unexpectedly, even for Lyova, the war he had predicted began. The originality of his character is also seen in the ending of the above passage in part of the Far East and Japan. This detail did not pass by his inquisitive analytical mind, which could well have been “clogged” (obscured) by the horror of the news about the beginning of the war.

And yet, his reaction to the aunt’s message is striking:

- "Why is it SUDDENLY?"

Isn't it strange ... For more than one month he relentlessly thought about the inevitable (according to his ideas) war, better than specialists imagined the date of its beginning, even, the day before, with an anxiously beating heart, he thought that, perhaps, now somewhere the first volleys of a new war rumble. And here on you - the message about the beginning of the war surprised him, was unexpected for him ... as if he had been in a state of sleep before, under hypnosis, with a switched off consciousness, when he pondered the situation for years, when he wrote down his conclusions. Strange reaction to say the least!

But one way or another, the outbreak of war was a fact, and everyone, young and old, took part in what was happening. Leva did not remain indifferent either. Which Muscovites of that time were not on duty during the hours of darkness, monitoring observance of blackout and curfew, not disabling incendiary bombs?

Leva thinks a lot about what happened and what happened. His thoughts are very bright, original, well organized, formulated, deeply patriotic. But he does not live in the present. He looks to the future again. And again, his penetration beyond the present is striking in terms of the degree of coincidence with the subsequent reality.

Thus, he writes in Notebook XV, page 20:

Libretto of the Great Patriotic War

"July, 12. The New York Post demands US entry into the war. I read this proposal in the newspaper today. In general, the Americans are good at building tanks and ships, they know how to spend time considering the law on neutrality than to fight, so the US entry into the war against Germany, I think, will happen only when Germany itself forces them to do so. I mean the active actions of the fascists against American States, i.e., the declaration of war by the fascist government on America.

Mishka called me in the afternoon. We went out with him to walk around the yard and started a conversation with him about the current moment. I immediately noticed a shadow of anxiety on Mishka's face and already expected information from him, far from pleasant.

“The Nazis have broken through our front,” he said dejectedly. - Many of the army commanders were arrested. Maybe we will have to surrender Moscow.

– Moscow? I was surprised. - To whom? Germans?!

The mouse was silent.

“It's still a long way off,” I said. - I would shoot these bastards who are already talking about the surrender of Moscow! If even a small danger threatens it, then you need to strengthen it, and not whine about surrender. We must generally think only about victories, not about defeats!

- Well, those who will do this will be fools, - said Stichius (Stichius is the school nickname of Misha Korshunov. - Yu. R.). “They will blind themselves with thoughts of victory and forget that there can be failures. This will destroy them.

“An astute and full of reason person, be calm, will not forget about the danger of defeat if he still thinks about success and strives for them,” I objected. - The easiest thing is to surrender the city, but we need to defend it, because, having surrendered Moscow or Leningrad, we will never get them back.

- How so? Mishka asked. - After all, we will knock out the Germans someday!

“I have no doubt about that,” I replied. - But, going on the offensive, we will win back from the Germans only the territories on which these cities were located, but we will no longer see the cities themselves. I am sure that the fascist monsters will try to destroy such cities. Thus, one should think better of resistance rather than surrender.

“But capital cities are usually not destroyed by the enemy,” Mishka said.

“Do not forget that this time we are not dealing with people, but with barbarians who spit on all laws,” I objected.

And again, this quotation, entered in the diary less than a month after the German invasion, coincides brilliantly with what happened afterwards. Again Leva was right!

(07/11/1941 ... about the Victory and ... the assault ... of Berlin ...)

The third week of the war is coming to an end. The army is exhausted. Our troops have been driven back 300-600 kilometers, the situation is by no means conducive to a rosy mood. But the July 11 entry in Levin's diary clearly indicates his amazing confidence in the success of the Motherland. He's writing:

“Yesterday I learned from the newspapers the original news: in Germany there have already been cases when the highest security political bodies of the fascists, i.e. members of the SS, known to everyone for their cruelty and selective bloodthirstiness, carried out arrests in assault squads. The fact is that world opinion is full of rumors about the disagreements of the fascist party on the account of the war with Russia, considering it a crazy step, and it is known that the attack aircraft are the younger brothers in the position of the members of the "SS" themselves and, like the latter, consist of selected fascist elements. Thus, the arrests of stormtroopers speak of the fragility and precariousness of the fascist clique.

I think that when the fascists are suffocating in the fight against us, things will eventually come to the commanding staff of the army. The dumb-headed ones, of course, will still yell about the victory over the USSR, but the more reasonable ones will start talking about this war as fatal mistake Germany.

I think that in the end, only the psychopath Hitler will remain for the continuation of the war, who is clearly not capable now and is not capable in the future with his limited corporal mind to understand the futility of a war with the Soviet Union; with him, obviously, will be Himmler, who drowned the minds in the blood of the peoples of Germany and all countries enslaved by the Nazis, and the monkey Goebbels, who, like a half-witted slave, will still bawl like a servile in the newspapers about the conquest of Russia even when our troops, let's say, will be storm Berlin.

Today the report from the front was not bad: it was clear that the Germans seemed to have stopped; but I have no doubts about their further advancement. They can consolidate their positions and go on the offensive again. From my reasoning, which I set out in my diary on June 5 - at the beginning of this summer - I am not going to renounce yet.

We have already said that the diary ends with entries dated July 23, 1941. And Leva in it reflects on ... the storming of Berlin and the behavior of the Nazi entourage in this case. Again, the forecast is largely accurate, so much so that it can be considered a perfect match with real life. Of course, the identification of real events in this case can only be approximate. However, judge for yourself.

But much of what is described in the diary, in my opinion, cannot be the result of an analysis of the situation in mid-1941 ...

Match again? Well, you know!..

“Violation of the schedule for the defeat of Russia”, already noted by us in July 1941, Brauchitsch’s order regarding winter equipment, huge losses: for example, from June 22, 1941 to February 28, 1942, the losses of the Wehrmacht, according to official German data, reached 210,572 killed; 747,761 wounded, 43,303 missing; 112,672 frostbitten, cooled the ardor, acted like a tub of cold water (Karshai Elek. From the lair in Berchtesgaden to the bunker in Berlin. - M., 1968. - P. 188). Many thought.

It comes to the point that Colonel Stauffenberg, who lost his right hand, two fingers of his left, his left eye, in Vinnitsa in August 1942, during a horseback ride, exclaimed with anger:

“Is there really not a single officer at the Fuhrer’s headquarters who will kill this pig with a shot from a pistol?” (Finker Kurt. The conspiracy of July 20, 1944. The case of Colonel Stauffenberg. - M., 1976. - P. 134).

Even the resilient Goebbels could not stand it, and on April 11, 1943, he wrote in his diary: “It’s hard to even imagine how the war will end and how we can achieve victory” (Gus Mikhail. Madness of the swastika. - M., 1973. - P. 117) . But these were "thoughts to myself." The Minister of Propaganda could not afford to repeat this publicly.

The dissatisfaction is growing. In February 1944, in the area of ​​the Korsun-Shevchenkovsky encirclement, 55,000 German soldiers found their deaths in a cauldron as a result of a criminal order to “keep to the last”.

General Walther von Seidlitz wrote:

“It is necessary to fight with all our might against the clouding of the mind to which Hitler brought the Germans. To do this, we will follow in the footsteps of every lie of Hitler, open and destroy it. And we will overcome this clouding of the mind. It is also necessary to physically destroy those who commit a crime against the German people - Hitler and his henchmen. We will not stop before this!” (Finker Kurt. Conspiracy of July 20, 1944. - P. 159).

A conspiracy is brewing. The ideological leader of the conspirators was General Stulpnagel, who commanded the occupying forces in France, which is why the headquarters of the conspiracy was in Paris. It should be noted that the participants in the conspiracy were by no means united by a single opinion. In addition to the already named Colonel Stauffenberg, undoubtedly the patriotic von Seidlitz, among the conspirators were people like Speidel, who had been so diligently engaged in turning Ukraine into a “scorched earth”, who understood at that time, as he himself wrote, that the days of his adored Fuhrer , whom he served eleven years, are numbered. And he decided in advance to "jump off the bandwagon." Being an enemy of the communists, he considered it expedient to make contact with the American imperialists and their generals, with whom, after the conclusion of peace, he wanted to rush east again (“Operation Teutonic Sword”. Thorndike Anneli and Andrew, Ruddau Karl. - M., 1960 . - S. 12 et seq.).

On July 20, 1944, the conspirators organized a bomb explosion at the Fuhrer's headquarters. The charge in his briefcase was brought by Colonel Stauffenberg. However, the Fuhrer escaped with only a shell shock.

By the way, Schulenburg, already mentioned by us in 1941, the German ambassador to the USSR, who warned Dekanozov that the war would begin on June 22, also took part in the conspiracy - he showed himself to be orthodox.

The conspirators were captured, subjected to the most severe torture and interrogation, and then hanged. After the assassination attempt, all the leaders of the Wehrmacht tried to outdo each other in expressions of devotion to the Fuhrer, trying to ward off his wrath.

Thus, among the conspirators there really were, as Leva wrote, top military officers who for various reasons were not happy with the Fuhrer, both patriotic, ready to do anything for the people of Germany, and those who were more worried about "their shirt." So, already in 1941, a gradual sobering up began in the army and at the top of the Reich. It continued until the last days of Nazi Germany.

Already at the end of April 1945, after the Soviet troops had broken through the German defenses and occupied Frankfurt and Oranienburg, Hermann Goering, previously appointed as Hitler's successor, sent him an ultimatum, declaring his intention to negotiate with General Eisenhower. Goering warned the Fuhrer that, without receiving an answer, he would take power and leadership of the Reich into his own hands. Hitler removes Goering from all posts, orders him to be arrested and executed. The SS men arrest Goering, but the Luftwaffe units release their boss (Karshai Elek. From the lair in Berchtesgaden to the bunker in Berlin. - P. 247).

A leaflet that appeared on the walls of the Reichstag a week before the surrender: “Everything is possible in this war, except our surrender. Dr. Goebbels"

Almost simultaneously with the actions of Goering, Himmler, the commander-in-chief of the SS and police, showed himself, shedding the blood of millions, and also trying to seize power. He makes contact with the Americans and the British, offering them the surrender of the German army.

In his dying will, Hitler expels Himmler from the party and removes him from all posts. But until April 29, Himmler was next to the Fuhrer.

The forecast related to the "monkey-Goebbels" absolutely coincided. Not only did he, it turns out, was called in Germany "the Fuhrer's faithful dog" (Rzhevskaya Elena. Berlin, May 1945. - M., 1975. - P. 154), that the statement used by Leva "in a servile", "slavish" very accurate regarding Goebbels. But Goebbels really dog-like, slavishly followed the Fuhrer literally until the hour of his death, to the grave in the funnel of an air bomb stinking from gasoline in the courtyard of the imperial office.

So, on April 23, 1945, Hitler, surrounding himself devoted people, called Goebbels and ordered him, along with his wife and children, to move into his bunker. Goebbels' wife, Magda, begged Hitler to leave Berlin, which would give her the opportunity to leave the capital with her children. But the Fuhrer was relentless. Let us recall what follows.

Hitler's death was described many times, everyone remembers or knows. Not far from the Reichstag, near the corpses of Hitler and his wife Eva Braun, the charred bodies of Goebbels and his wife Magda, poisoned by cyanide compounds, were also found.

And before that, the doctor Helmut Kunz, at the request of Magda, introduced the Goebbels' children (5 girls and 1 boy) under the guise of vaccination with 0.5 cm 3 of morphine. Then Magda, together with Hitler's doctor Stumpfegger, opened the mouths of the sleeping children, put ampoules of poison into their mouths and ... squeezed their jaws until glass crunched ... It was all over ... Then the Goebbels' spouses committed suicide. Goebbels, as Loew had foreseen, was with the Fuhrer to the end! and 153). (Rzhevskaya Elena. Berlin, May 1945.– P. 79

But on April 21, when Soviet shells were exploding next to the building of the Propaganda Ministry headed by Goebbels, Goebbels held his last conference. He was deathly pale. His tension boiled over into a screaming fit of hatred:

“The German people,” he shouted, “the German people! What can be done with such a people if they do not want to fight. All the plans of National Socialism, its ideas and goals were too lofty, too noble for this people. He was too cowardly to carry them out ... the German people deserved the fate that now awaits them!

And he shouted at the conference participants: “Now they will cut your throats!” (Bezymensky Lev. Unraveled secrets of a third of his Reich. - M., 1981. - P. 124). What happened next is well known.

Working with the diary, reading and pondering the meaning of his lines, written without preparation, as a rule, without cross-outs and other traces of editing, which the reader, I hope, will note on the attached photocopies of individual pages of this document, I was amazed at the breadth and depth of Levin's thinking, multidimensionality ( not multifaceted, but multidimensionality) of his statements, because they contain not only a terrible, bloody, cruel, tragic future, but also an unshakable confidence in the triumph of the Motherland, only sometimes overshadowed by individual notes of the diary's author's doubts about his personal participation in these affairs. It seems that he foresaw this circumstance one way or another, because in the text of the diary this note of regret, the impossibility of personal participation, is constant. 37

“The thought of a war with Germany worried me back in 1939, when a significant pact was signed on the so-called friendship of Russia with the German despots and when our units entered Poland, playing the role of liberators and defenders of the Polish poor.

This war disturbed me to such an extent that I thought of it as a terrible disaster for our country. It worried me more than, say, a war with America, England, Japan, or a war with some other capitalist power in the world. The fact is that I was sure and now I am sure that skirmishes between “class units” that are average and close in some way never reach catastrophic magnitudes, but if there are units that represent complete opposites in their structure, then fights unfold furious, ferocious and cruel. The same system is applicable in war between different countries the globe. The center of this system can be capitalism, which is divided into two close units - capitalism with democratic inclinations and capitalism with aggressive aspirations. The first is able to give rise to a socialist society, and the second, in turn, the opposite - the society of imperialists, that is, the separation of units according to their ideas and moods. Finally, these two quantities give rise to completely opposite structures: socialism is turning into communism, built on truth, honesty, equality, freedom, and imperialism is able to move into its acute phase - fascism, which glorifies slavery, flows of human blood and tears, destruction entire nations, and so on, barbaric crimes, before which the horrors of the Inquisition pale.

If, for example, the capitalist countries or some capitalist country began to fight among themselves with our state, then these wars would not take on an overly violent cruel character, but here the matter concerns countries whose administrative divisions are complete opposites in their ideas: our socialist power began to participate in the war, protecting the interests of communism, therefore, in this war it is possible to expect any deviations from military laws, since this fight will be the most monstrous that mankind has not yet known, because this is a meeting of antipodes. Perhaps, after the victory over fascism, we will still have the chance to meet with the last enemy - capitalism

America and England, after which absolute communism will triumph over the whole earth, but this fight should not and still cannot be as fierce as our current fight with fascist Germany, because it will be a meeting of closer units.

I always thought with a gloomy mood about our inevitable clash with fascism, because I knew that in the course of the war its usual so-called physical phase would certainly pass into ferocious, inhuman forms - the phases of "chemical" war and "bacteriological" war.

As proof of this, I can recall the Geneva Conference of 1919 (numbers omitted in the text. - Yu. R.) at which all countries of the world even such illegal stages of a person’s life as war, and they decided to insert them into the framework of laws, where they were rejected in the war the use of chemistry and torture of prisoners of war.

Fighting among themselves or against us, the capitalist countries, I think, would adhere to these laws, but the fact that the fascist state in the fight against us, as a socialist or, rather, a communist state, will circumvent these rules - I am sure of this.

In short, our country (who knows? - maybe me personally) will have to experience the effects of toxic substances and epidemics of plague or cholera ... (again a strange motive - HE, LEVO, MAYBE, WILL NOT HAVE TO EXPERIENCE WHAT OTHERS WILL HAVE TO EXPERIENCE. - Yu. R.).

In general, it can be said that if the Germans have heads, then they should not use these cruel two forms of warfare at all, as chemical and bacteriological, because these are double-edged swords, especially the last one, because both poisonous substances and epidemics of acutely contagious diseases are quite easy can capture those who set them in motion. So diabolical caution is required here, especially when applying bacteriology.

It is very sad to see that at this time the forces of science are working to destroy man, and not to win victories over nature.

But when the last reactionary den on Earth is broken, then I can imagine how humanity will begin to live! I would like, damn it, to live up to these times (again doubt - WILL I SURVIVE? - Yu. R.). Communism is a great word! How wonderful it sounds next to the name of Lenin! And when you put next to the image of Ilyich the executioner of Hitler ... God! Is a comparison possible?

These are boundless opposites: the bright mind of Lenin and some pathetic evil scum, reminiscent of ... but how can Hitler remind you of anything? The most contemptible creature on Earth is able to seem like an angel, being next to this offspring of human society.

How I would like Lenin to be resurrected now!.. Eh! If only he lived! How I would like these fascist beasts in the war with us to feel on their skins the bright genius of our Ilyich. Then they would fully feel what the Russian people are capable of.”

In the above passage of the diary, one should, apparently, comment on only some of the most interesting, vivid, remarkable statements of Leva, which have a predictive or strange character of foreboding. Here, perhaps, the key ones are such. a rather ironic mention of the “Pact of Friendship between Russia and the German Despots…”. Explanation of the irreconcilability of the position of Germany and the USSR by their ideological confrontation, anti-ideology, leading to the irreconcilable nature of the war not for life, but for death.

The next key point is the absolute conviction in the only possible outcome of the war - the victory of the USSR. Also interesting is the indication of the possibility of a clash between the USSR and America after the war, which, however, is still not inevitable. There are serious concerns about the transition of the war that has begun from the "physical" phase to the chemical or bacteriological phase. Also curious is the moment of doubt that came true, unfortunately, justified in life, which sounded twice in the above passage, about Lyova’s personal ability to survive some moments in the history of the Motherland, or rather, to live to see them!

Another note is the mournful lamentation that “at this time the forces of science are working to destroy man ...”, which the world was convinced four years after this entry was made in the diary. Although here, of course, a coincidence is possible. But remember Leva's statement that the Germans seem to have some new means of warfare that promise them a lot ...

Well, Leva's last wish that came true, so that the "fascist beasts" in the war with us would feel what the Russian people are capable of! This is his passionate desire, the peoples of Soviet Russia have realized!


Levy's doubts were justified. He did not live to see the days he so passionately desired to see. He was killed near Tula on June 25, 1943. To this day, Misha Korshunov recalls with embarrassment and pain how he wrote to Leva about his voluntary departure for the army. He believes that it was this letter that decided the matter and prompted the sickly Leva, with poor hearing and eyesight, to also look for ways to join the army.

This painful thought is unrelenting. Especially because Leva was an exceptional, outstanding person, whose attractive power is fully known only to those who knew him closely. Now we can judge this only indirectly, from several notebooks of his diary that have come down to us, writing amazing, mysterious, enchanting and attracting everyone who read at least a few lines from it.

The exclusivity of Leva is also evidenced by the passionate conviction of his friends that acquaintance with him contributed to the formation of their characters, interests, talents, habits, the manifestation of inclinations, honing them to high skill. Leva was a universal unattainable idol, a model, a standard, an ideal, to which, not without benefit for themselves, they all aspired, including the late Yuri Valentinovich Trifonov.

The same can be seen in the reverent attitude of Mikhail Korshunov and his wife, Vika, to what they have from Leva: a colorful postcard on the day of elections to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR - June 26, 1938, addressed to his mother in the city of Stalino on demand from Zvenigorod near Moscow with a strange inscription, not yet deciphered in meaning - a request-reminder: "Carefully save this postcard!" Although it is by no means a masterpiece of printing art and represents the standard "art" of those years. What is special about her? Performance - nothing. Lyova's text is banal. In painting, Leva understood, he wrote not badly, had artistic taste and the dubious merits of a postcard, it was difficult to seduce him. Why should it be kept? The only oddity can be seen in the almost exact coincidence of the dates - the election day is June 26, 1938. - The day of the death of Leva - June 25, 1943. In five years without one day (according to the certificate of the military registration and enlistment office). But who can guarantee that the date of death is correct? On the other hand, all this is unproven... Perhaps a pure coincidence... Who knows...

Leva with her father - Fedor Kalistratovich Fedotov

Leva's mom

Keep the relics of the heroic past!

Among the relics associated with the name or life of Lyova, there is a small photograph with an inscription on the back: “To Dear Mishka from Lyova. August 19, 1942” is the last known photograph of this brilliant young man. We present this photograph, kindly provided to us by Mikhail Pavlovich Korshunov - perhaps one of the fellow soldiers will recognize Leva? After all, the place of his burial, the details of his army life, his last days are still unknown ...

This collection of rarities by Mikhail Korshunov and a small-format photograph of Lyova and Misha at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition. In Leva's hand, as usual, a notebook folded into a tube for notes and sketches of what he saw. It must be said that Lyova was an excellent painter - a number of his paintings were recently taken from the USSR to Australia. In addition, as we have already written, he was extremely musical - the number of his talents is simply limitless.

The attention of the spouses - Mikhail Korshunov and Victoria Terekhova to a small envelope with a blue lining, already worn on the folds, speaks of the reverent attitude towards everything related to Leva. It was opened in front of me, with bated breath, by two gray-haired people who knew Leva as a pioneer. In the envelope is a curl of blond hair - the hair of not a relative, but a school friend who burned in the flames of the war that he so brilliantly predicted. This is what Leva is like - almost half a century has passed since the day of his death, and everything he touched has become a relic of a high rank!

Such, apparently, is the property of exceptional personalities - to saturate with an attractive force everything around them, involved in them.

The last photo of Leva with the inscription on the back: “To Dear Mishka from Leva. August 19, 1942."

There's just one thing that worries me. Several years have passed since my first meeting with Lyova Fedotov's diary. Recently, I happened to see him again... I was shocked by his appearance... During the time the diary was in the hands of a number of people, he, unfortunately, underwent an unacceptable barbaric procedure, which can be called "cosmetic treatment" in the spirit of the times - , the poorly preserved words were outlined in black ink over the text (quite diligently) and now stand out significantly on the attached copies of its pages!

Thus, the unique document is corrupted, depreciated, it certainly suffered significant harm. And therefore, since in the house on the embankment where Leva lived, it is now planned to create a memorial museum-apartment, if I may say so, of the integral memory of all people of difficult fate who lived there, then, undoubtedly, in the absence of direct heirs of the mentioned document, it should be transferred to storage in this memorial museum and there, after appropriate copying, exhibited in a copy, while the original is subject to careful restoration, study and storage in proper conditions. The diary of Leva Fedotov is sacred! His place is in the state archive, and not in the hands of private individuals, where he remains after the death in 1987 of Lyova's mother!

In addition to the above diary lines, there are others that I also want to bring and consider. It should be said that not everything in it is equivalent in terms of the degree of correspondence to the real subsequent future. But you can’t erase the words from the song, and bringing these places, I hope, will allow you to better appreciate Lyova’s talent.

Misha Korshunov is Lyova's school friend, now a children's writer. But books and stories are his favorite, but work. His thoughts and dreams are full of the Left. When mother Roza, Lyova’s mother, who was so called by his sons by his friends, was dying, Misha promised her to write about her son, especially since, after watching a documentary about Lev Fedotov, Trumpet Solo, she said with a sad sigh: “This is the film is about me, not about Leva!”

And Misha writes about Lev, about his taciturn and reserved friend, deep in thought about music, the life that it decorates and reflects, about peace and war.

The fate of part of Levin's writings - the missing notebooks of the diary, fantasy novel Mars is unknown. They disappeared from an old sofa in a Moscow apartment when the family was evacuated in Zelenodolsk.

Diary, December 1940 ... About space flights ...

And the diary continues to amaze ... Another entry from it, made at the end of 1940, which has nothing to do with the war, is preserved in the notebook under number XIII.

"27th of December. Today we gathered again after school in the Komsomol little room, and while I was doing the headline of the second issue of the newspaper, Sukhareva wrote Short text I. We fussed until five o'clock. Azarov was doing something sacred at the table, while Borka was loafing and inspiring us with verses.

– We have wound up such a bagpipe here, – I said, looking at the 1st newspaper, – that we could just as well promise the guys of a flight to Mars organized by us by the New Year!

- Exactly! Exactly! – agreed Azarov, – you are right! We just "twisted"!

- What's a bad idea? - said Borka, - if there was space left, we could write about it ...

“...Only then add,” I continued, “that due to the lack of overpasses and explosive powder, this flight is canceled and is expected in 1969 in America!”

It is unlikely that any of the readers had any doubts about the absolute and unconditional patriotism of Lyova Fedotov. Ignoring some inaccuracies in the text and reality, since the diary mentions a flight to Mars, as well as the flyovers mentioned in it, which appeared, obviously, because in those years it was believed that the launch of space devices would be carried out at small angles to the horizon from starting devices, reminiscent of lattice trusses of bridges (“flyovers”), as well as “explosive gunpowder”, which, of course, means rocket fuel, we note otherwise.

In life, everything was a little different. The American spacecraft "Apollo" for the first time in the history of the Earth reached another planet - the Moon (not Mars!) In the year called Leva 1969!

America… 1969… Coincidence? Well, of course, a coincidence, what kind of awareness could Lyova have in 1940 about the development of space programs of leading countries? And there was, in fact, no trace of these programs! So...a coincidence...

But why is there a double coincidence? Country name and dates? But besides, a third coincidence is also visible ... Talking in 1940 about the reality of a flight in 1969 to another planet solar system with indication of the country and date ... Amazing!

Indeed, over and over again in all her statements, Leva "hit the bull's-eye."

What is it? What if this is not an accident at all, not a manifestation of amazing analytical abilities, but a manifestation of the gift of foresight of the future, foreknowledge, which we have already talked about, or what is called clairvoyance?

Who was Lev Fedotov, burned in the flames of the holy war? A brilliant scout, capable of obtaining, extracting, crystallizing reliable information under the most difficult conditions, abstracting it from the chaff? Or an amazing analyst, capable, like Cuvier, who recreated the appearance of an animal from one bone, to think about the future situation in one detail in all its subtleties? A statesman who, on the basis of the incomplete information he has, Intuitively draws the right conclusion? Or a wonderful unique congenital prognostic, a seer like the Bulgarian seer Vanga Dimitrova?!

Lev Fedotov is known to all lovers of secrets and mysteries as a Soviet boy predictor. In his diary, he almost completely predicted the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Thanks to this, he became famous, but much later, in the 1980s. Yuri Trifonov contributed to the cult of Fedotov and his diaries - famous master"urban prose" and Fedotov's classmate. Now programs are being filmed about Fedotov and written to become, in them he appears as a psychic and "Moscow Nostradamus". Is it fair?

Lev Fedotov was born in 1923 to a professional revolutionary and party worker, Fyodor Fedotov, and a costume designer at the Moscow theater, Rosa Markus. Until 1932, the Fedotov family lived in the National Hotel, then - in the famous "House on the Embankment" in apartment No. 262. Lev studied at secondary school No. 19 named after. Belinsky on Sofiyskaya embankment. According to the recollections of classmates, Leo was an unusual boy, he was interested in absolutely everything, absorbed a huge pile of information every day. At the same time, despite poor health, he tempered himself and went in for physical education - he prepared himself for travel. In general, he made a rather strange impression, since he was not like anyone else. However, we can judge this from the descriptions of the same Trifonov, who probably somewhat romanticized his friend. Or maybe Lev Fedotov really was unusual from childhood.

Be that as it may, Leo kept a diary from an early age. Sometimes in a day he could fill out just an incredible number of pages. This diary brought him fame thanks to, in fact, just a few entries. Leo himself died at the age of 20 during the Great Patriotic War. In 1980, Yuri Trifonov asked Lev's mother for his diary entries to use them for staging a play. There were 15 notebooks in total. The diary was kept from 1935 (notebook No. 1) to July 23, 1941 (notebook No. 15).

Here are three predictions that made Leo famous.

Forecast of the landing of Americans in 1969 on an extraterrestrial object. December 27, 1940.

Today we gathered again after school in the Komsomol little room, and while I was doing the headline of the second issue of the newspaper, Sukhareva wrote a short text of I. We fussed until five o'clock. Azarov was doing something sacred at the table, while Borka was loafing and inspiring us with verses.

- Exactly! Exactly! - agreed Azarov, - you're right! We just "twisted"!

- What's a bad idea? - said Borka, - if there was space left, we could write about it ...

- ... Only then add, - I continued, - that due to the lack of overpasses and explosive powder, this flight is canceled and is expected in 1969 in America!

So, Leo really "hit" the date. But it is already in the back of what is called the mind that people connected Mars with the Moon, and considered this a correct prediction. Of course, if we assume that Leo basically meant any extraterrestrial object, then yes - this is a cool and accurate prediction.

Discourses on the events of the summer and autumn campaigns of 1941 of the war between the USSR and Germany. June 5, 1941.

Although Germany is now on friendly terms with us, I am firmly convinced that all this is only an appearance. Thus, she thinks to lull our vigilance, so that at the right moment she will stab us with a poisoned knife in the back ...

Thinking that, having stationed her troops near our border, Germany would not wait long, I gained confidence that the summer of this year in our country would be turbulent. I think that the war will begin either in the second half of this month, or at the beginning of July, but not later, because Germany will strive to end the war before frost. I am personally firmly convinced that this will be the last brazen step of the German despots, since they will not defeat us before winter. Victory is victory, but what we can lose in the first half of the war is a lot of territory, it is possible.

Honestly, the Nazis will never do. They certainly won't declare war on us. And they will attack suddenly and unexpectedly, in order to seize more of our lands through a sudden invasion. No matter how hard it is, we will leave to the Germans such centers as Zhitomir, Vinnitsa, Pskov, Gomel and some others. Of course, we will surrender Minsk, the Germans can also capture Kyiv, but with exorbitant difficulties ...

I am afraid to talk about the fate of Leningrad, Novgorod, Kalinin, Smolensk, Bryansk, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev and Odessa. True, the Germans are so strong that the possibility of losing even these cities, with the exception of only Leningrad, is not ruled out. I am firmly convinced that the Germans will not see Leningrad. If the enemy takes him too, it will be only when the last Leningrader falls. As long as the people of Leningrad are on their feet, the city of Lenin will be ours!

Surround Leningrad, but the Nazis still can not take it. They will not be able to surround Moscow in the realm of time, because they will not have time to close the ring by winter. In winter, for them, the districts of Moscow will continue to be just a grave ...

Indeed, Leo predicted everything very accurately. However, many already in the spring of 1941 understood that war was inevitable. And the point here is not at all in extrasensory perception, but in logical conclusions. But the accuracy of forecasts about cities, and especially Leningrad and Moscow, is amazing. If Leo was not a psychic, then he was an excellent military strategist - for sure.

Forecast of a change in the attitude of the German generals towards the war as a fatal mistake. July 11, 1941.

I think that in the end, only the psychopath Hitler will remain for the continuation of the war, who is clearly not capable now and is not capable in the future with his limited corporal mind to understand the futility of a war with the Soviet Union; with him, obviously, will be Himmler, who drowned the minds in the blood of the peoples of Germany and all countries enslaved by the Nazis, and the monkey Goebbels, who, like a half-witted slave, will still bawl like a servile in the newspapers about the conquest of Russia even when our troops, let's say, will be storm Berlin.

Everything is accurate here, but again, many people made such predictions before the start of the war. Hitler's campaign against the vast Union and the war on several fronts seemed crazy not only to Leo.

Actually, thanks to these three forecasts, Lev Fedotov became famous. Probably, calling him a psychic is not entirely correct. Still, there were few predictions. On the other hand, he died very early. Maybe he would open up much more with age. Lev himself did not consider himself a prophet, here is what he wrote in his diary on June 5, 1941:

True, I am not going to be a prophet, but all these thoughts arose in me in connection with the international situation, and logical reasoning and conjectures helped me to connect them, supplement them. In short, the future will show.

So all the same, Lev Fedotov is more of a logician, and not a psychic.

Once I watched a program about Lev Fedotov. It seems to me that his prophecies can also be attributed to mysticism.

Lev Fedotov was born on January 10, 1923 in Moscow into a family of well-known communists and lived in the “House on the Embankment”, which was designed and built by the architect B. M. Iofan.

Leva Fedotov became famous thanks to his diaries, which were discovered after the war. This is a total of 15 common numbered notebooks in which the boy wrote down interesting facts from his life and the lives of friends. And in them, among the described turbulent yard and school events on December 27, 1940, an interesting entry appears, which, perhaps, should be called the first prediction. It was made by a young man who had not even received a matriculation certificate.

“Today we gathered again after lessons in the Komsomol room to make a newspaper ... We wound up such a bagpipe here,” I said, looking at the newspaper, “that we could just as well promise the guys that we would organize a flight to Mars by the New Year! What's a bad idea? Borka said. - If there was space left, we could write about it ...
Only then add, - I continued, - that due to the lack of overpasses and explosive powder, this flight is cancelled. And expected in 1969 in America!”

So, jokingly, Leva predicted the launch in 1969 of the American manned spacecraft Apollo 11. He made a mistake only in the definition of the planet: Of course, one can refer to a banal coincidence, and even with such an error, but subsequent records indicate that what Fedotov wrote has the ability to come true. It is impossible to talk about coincidences here. After all, when the majority of Soviet citizens believed in the inviolability of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact, and the government urged “not to succumb to provocations,” Fedotov made an entry in his diary that “smelled” of espionage, anti-Sovietism and threatened, at least, with a camp.

“Although Germany is now on friendly terms with us, I am firmly convinced that all this is only an appearance. In this way, she thinks to lull our vigilance so that at the right moment she will plunge a poisoned knife into our backs ... Since the Germans landed in Finland in May, I have been firmly convinced that there is a secret preparation for an attack on our country from from the side not only of the former Poland, but also from the side of Romania, Bulgaria and Finland ...
Thinking that, having stationed her troops near our border, Germany would not wait long, I gained confidence that the summer of this year in our country would be turbulent. I think that the war will begin either in the second half of this month, or at the beginning of July, but not later, because Germany will strive to end the war before frost. I am personally firmly convinced that this will be the last impudent step of the German despots, since they will not defeat us before winter. Victory is victory, but what we can lose in the first half of the war is a lot of territory, it is possible.
Honestly, the Nazis will never do. They will certainly not declare war on us, but will attack unexpectedly in order to seize more of our lands by a surprise invasion. No matter how hard it is, we will leave to the Germans such centers as Zhitomir, Vinnitsa, Pskov, Gomel and some others. Of course, we will surrender Minsk, the Germans can also capture Kyiv, but with prohibitive difficulties. I am afraid to talk about the fate of Leningrad, Novgorod, Kalinin, Smolensk, Bryansk, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev and Odessa. True, the Germans are so strong that the possibility of losing even these cities, with the exception of only Leningrad, is not ruled out. I am firmly convinced that the Germans will not see Leningrad. If the enemy takes him too, then it will be only when the last Leningrader falls. As long as the people of Leningrad are on their feet, the city of Lenin will be ours!..
For Odessa as a major port, we must, in my opinion, fight more intensively than even for Kyiv*. And I think that the Odessa sailors will adequately pour out the Germans for the invasion of the region of their city. If, however, we surrender Odessa by force, then much later than Kyiv, since the sea will greatly help Odessa. It is clear that the Germans will dream of encircling Moscow and Leningrad, but I think that they will not cope with this.
The Nazis will still be able to surround Leningrad, but they won’t be able to take it! They will not be able to surround Moscow at all, because they will not have time to close the ring by winter. In winter, for them, the regions of Moscow and its environs will be just a grave ...
True, I am not going to be a prophet, but all these thoughts arose in me in connection with the international situation, and reasoning and conjectures helped me to put them in a logical series and supplement them. In short, the future will tell."
But what entry did Leva make in his diary in the evening

June 21, 1941:
“Now I am already waiting for trouble for our entire country - war. According to my calculations, if I was really right in my reasoning, that is, if Germany is preparing to attack us, the war should break out in the next days of this month or in the first days of July ... Frankly, now, in the last days, waking up in the mornings, I ask myself: maybe at that moment the first volleys were already fired at the border? Now we can expect the start of the war any day ...
... I feel an alarming heartbeat when I think that the news about the outbreak of a new Hitlerite adventure is about to come. ...We will lose a lot of territory! But then it will still be taken away from the Germans by us ... How could we get stronger if we paid as much attention to the military industry as the Germans did.

It is easy to see that these lines of a high school student outline not only Hitler's top-secret Barbarossa plan, but also all the stages of its real failure. Not only that: young Fedotov predicted which countries would enter the anti-Hitler coalition! Leva also wrote in his Diary when the Red Army would launch a counteroffensive. The young man listed all the allies of Germany, indicated the length of the front from Black to northern seas, predicted the conspiracy of fascist generals in 1944, the reasons for the US entry into the war, the inevitable collapse of the Nazi Reich, the behavior of Hitler's "twelve apostles" during the collapse of Germany, and even the subsequent Cold War. He foresaw that the USSR would have to fight with Japan.

According to most experts on Fedotov, he was either clairvoyant or wrote his diary (especially his part relating to the Great Patriotic War) in automatic writing mode. The latter option is more likely. The fact is that Leva answered his aunt, who called him on the morning of June 22, 1941 and informed him about the German attack: “War?! Why is this all of a sudden?!” As if it were not him who wrote his amazing prophecies in small handwriting! On the same day, the young man wrote: “... I was amazed at the coincidence of my thoughts with reality! Everything just flew out of my head! After all, only last night I wrote in my Diary again about the war I was predicting, and now it has happened. It's monstrous, really. But the justice of my predictions is clearly not to my liking. I'd rather be wrong!" The phenomenon of forgetting is inherent in many people who have experienced this kind of insight. Later, they describe this state as if someone or something “forces” them to take up a pen and write a certain text, as if dictated from “above”. Often they only vaguely remember how they did it, and sometimes the period of time when the “dictation” was made completely disappears from memory. Some of them see vivid images hear voices. At first glance, this looks like a symptom of some kind mental illness. However, in such cases, almost all people are completely healthy, they do not need medical attention. And the state of "prophecy", which some doctors are quick to call "suddenly occurring spontaneous insanity", is actually something else.
Most likely, Lev Fedotov had very good analytical skills, which, as a rule, people who have the gift of foresight of the future are deprived of. This explains why Leva himself was surprised by his extremely accurate predictions.

July 1941: “Yesterday I learned the original news from the newspapers. Members of the SS made arrests in the assault squads. I think that when the Nazis will suffocate in the fight against us, in the end, it will reach the commanding staff of the army. The dumb-headed ones, of course, will still yell about the victory over the USSR, but the more sensible ones will start talking about this war as a fatal mistake by Germany. I think that, in the end, only the psychopath Hitler will remain for the continuation of the war, who is not able both now and in the future to understand with his corporal mind the futility of the war with the Soviet Union. Solidarity with him, obviously, will be Himmler, who drowned his mind in the blood of the peoples of Germany, and the monkey Goebbels, who, like a crazy slave, will still bawl servilely about the conquest of Russia even when our troops, suppose, will storm Berlin.

In the early 90s of the XX century, one of the deputies of the German Bundestag tried to ridicule the predictions of Lev Fedotov, and the very fact of his existence.
In particular, he said: “You invented a legend that an ordinary Moscow schoolboy in his diary outlined the Barbarossa plan in detail and predicted Hitler’s defeat!” A Russian journalist present at the conversation objected and gave convincing arguments that this was not a legend - Lev Fedotov really predicted many facts of the Second World War and his Diary was preserved.
After the war began, the number of entries dropped sharply.

... America will enter the war only when it is forced, because "Americans love to make weapons, spend time considering laws, than to fight."
He stopped working on Lev's Diary on July 27, 1941. He did it deliberately - the truth that he prophesied turned out to be too terrible.
About the post-war period, Fedotov wrote the following in his Diary:
"We will regret overestimating our strength and underestimating the capitalist encirclement."

How accurate the last prediction was, we learned only after 1991...
The journalists of the Ren-TV channel, within the framework of the Secret Stories project, prepared for the air the release of the program, in which they considered some new facts related to the name of Lev Fedotov. This project was called "Year 2009. Breakthrough into the abyss." The creators of the series claim that in the fall of 2008, a pair of diggers, while exploring the dungeons of the "house on the embankment", found a leather briefcase with a thick notebook entitled "Lev Fedotov - History of the Future." The found manuscript was the legacy of a previously unknown work by Lev Fedotov, in which he predicted many interesting things about our era.

As a child, Lev Fedotov and his friends often explored the dungeons of Moscow, either in search of the mystical library of Ivan the Terrible, or in search of a secret passage to the Kremlin.
Be that as it may, young Fedotov knew the dungeons more than well. It was in one of the caves that he hid his work The History of the Future. Why he hid it - yes, because in the notebook he predicted a far from communist future for Russia and bitter results in miscalculations in governing the country.
In his work, Lev Fedotov predicts the appearance of a nuclear bomb, flights into space, the creation of a machine capable of thinking.

As a rule, the “Moscow prophet”, as Fedotov is often called, did not mark his predictions with dates. The exception is the year 2009. It is he who is given a large share of Fedotov's descriptions.

Lyova Fedotov marked 2009 with a strange epithet - "the year of a breakthrough into the abyss." It means the negative or positive meaning of the expression is difficult to understand. One thing is clearly stated - this year humanity is waiting for serious trials, which, on the one hand, can lead humanity to an unprecedented breakthrough in its development, or they can provoke Armageddon.

According to Fedotov, the first signs of coming changes will appear in the sky on the eve of 2009, when people will be able to contemplate the "Black Sun".
Since the prediction clearly indicates astronomical signs, it is not difficult to calculate the "black sun" - with a high degree of probability Fedotov points to solar eclipse August 1, 2009 (the best place to watch the eclipse was in Novosibirsk). The connection with the earlier eclipse of 1999 is extremely remarkable, during which, according to Nostradamus, the "king of horror" will come to earth. Looking ahead, it should be noted that Nostradamus predicted both the birth of the “prince” in 1999 and his first manifestation 9 years later, that is, in 2008.
Astronomers provide interesting data in this regard. According to them, 2008 will mark the beginning of a period of low solar activity, despite the fact that such periods occur every 11 years, the current lowest in almost the entire history of the Earth. And, this has always been accompanied by a crisis in politics, economics and other spheres of life.

Leva also predicted more specific data for 2009, namely the presidency of Barack Obama.

From the manuscript "History of the Future"

“I know that blacks who are oppressed in America will get the same rights as whites, and a black American will become president of the United States.
Unfortunately, the fate of this president will be tragic, he will have the same story as Abraham Lincoln, he will be mortally wounded during the assassination attempt. After the death of this president, chaos and anarchy await America ... "

In his Istria of the Future, Lev Fedotov describes a very powerful research laboratory that will be built at the beginning of the 21st century in the mountains of Switzerland. According to the “Moscow Prophet”, scientists from all over the world will work in this laboratory trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe and significantly advance scientific research. But scientists will become just pawns in the game of a secret corporation of bankers and military men who use scientific discoveries to create superweapons.

Fedotov makes a more than clear prediction that this laboratory will be launched at the beginning of the 21st century, but soon its work will be suspended due to an accident. After that, a decision will be made to move the laboratory to the territory of Russia.

From "History of the Future"
“... the construction of a laboratory near Moscow may begin as early as 2009, but this landmark construction will go unnoticed, so humanity will be busy fighting a new disaster. The epidemic will cover the entire planet.”

According to Fedotov, the epidemic will surpass the scale of the Spanish flu in 1918, which is considered the most destructive in the history of mankind. It seems to me that it was the swine flu that raged that winter.
But this was not what the “Moscow prophet” considered the most terrible test for people. The most terrible prophecy, in his opinion, was this:

“On the eve of 2009, scientists will discover a way to control human memory. The public will gladly accept this message, because with the help of a special pill it will be possible to erase bad memories. But in fact, the purpose of these experiments is one, to turn a person into an obedient robot. With the help of such a tablet, any task can be put into the human brain, and the person will complete it in favor of his master.

Sick of tuberculosis, with poor eyesight, Fedotov volunteered for the front and did not live to see the Victory predicted by him. On July 25, 1943, he died in a battle near Tula. Whether Leva knew about his imminent death is unknown. The diaries of Leva Fedotov, as well as his personality - a man of mystery - are still waiting for their researcher. In the explanations of Leva himself, given earlier, there is one key word - “guesses”. It was the word "guesses" that he designated the phenomenon of obtaining inexplicable knowledge. In other words. Leva received knowledge that no one possessed at that time (with the exception of the German generals and several intelligence officers). If Leva's arguments were indeed made on the basis of an analysis of the situation, then for this he would need a lot of military-political information, to which he did not have access. According to friends, he, like everyone else, listened to the radio and read newspapers, and, as you know, at that time they were not distinguished by truthfulness.

From where Fedotov drew this knowledge, he himself could not understand, and therefore introduced the concept of "guess". The following fact is interesting and incomprehensible: why did this schoolboy receive such revelations?! After all, he, by virtue of his position, could neither apply them in practice nor take them into account in the military-political situation. He could not even report his “guesses” “upstairs”, because he would immediately be recognized as an enemy of the people, an alarmist and shot. This means that the realization of the prophecies was not supposed to be even, initially. Why? There is no answer ... In the book of Yuri Roscius, a researcher of various prophetic paranormal activity- indicates the special state in which the boy was when he wrote. He was able to fill 100 pages in small handwriting in one night!

At the moment, there are rumors and assumptions on the Internet that the diaries were bought by a special person who wished to remain anonymous, other people claim that they saw photocopies of the diaries “on some site” with their own eyes, there are also suggestions that the diaries are currently in the museum " House on the Embankment”, there are many assumptions that the data on the visionary talent of Lev Fedotov is nothing more than a post-war falsification. But the events that took place in the winter of 2009 refute these speculations, since I read these diaries much earlier. Perhaps a coincidence, someone will object ,Maybe.

However, there is a clear reference to the original text of the diaries that were published in the journal "Friendship of Peoples" somewhere in the 70s. So if you rummage through the archives, the primary sources can still be found or not found.

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