6 word stories. Hemingway's shortest story


The genius of literature

Prose is an amazing lady, able to amaze a person with a combination of words, letters and phrases. And sometimes literary stories are very short, but at the same time touching, cute.

At one time, Ernest Hemingway, being a recognized literary genius of his time, argued with his friends that he could create a story that would consist of only six words, but would amaze everyone present with its tragedy and intensity of passions.

The whole range of human emotions in 6 words

Of course, many of Hemingway's friends, knowing about his talent and literary abilities, immediately believed the author. However, someone doubted that it was possible to convey the whole range of human emotions, grief and despair in just a couple of literary lines, which would contain only 6 words.

In the end, the bet was made. At the same time, Ernest Hemingway still managed to create a story consisting of six words. Touching and dramatic enough to amaze the whole world with its intensity of feelings.

Most short story Hemingway consisted of the following few words:

"Sold children's shoes, not worn."

In fact, this one-sentence story is a true work of art. The thing is that the author in it managed to convey all the intensity of passions that literature is capable of, all the sorrow of the mother's soul and the bitterness of loss.

Start with small works

By the way, your dispute great author won. Of course, many fans now consider such a joke, created by Hemingway, at one time, incomparable with his greatest works. However, can the author be considered true genius of his generation, if he is able to create, only monumental works, which in several hundred pages tell about the fate of the heroes.

In fact, any person who dreams of being a writer should at least once in his life try to write short work, and at the same time, it reflects the mood, realism, tragedy, drama and even the characters of the characters. If all this can be packed into at least a few pages, then you can think about literary career. Still, the development of characters is one thing, but the story, in fact, without water, is quite another. Creation of capacious works literary genre succeeds not for everyone.

Story depth

By the way, Hemingway wrote a short story just for fun. At one time, Frederick Brown set out to create the scariest short story ever. In fact, he succeeded. His literary work looked like this:

« Last Man on Earth sat in his house alone. Suddenly, someone rang the doorbell." In fact, the author in these sentences expressed the essence of the thriller and horror genre: suspense, supernaturalness, mystery. It creates exactly the atmosphere that is necessary for the works this genre. In fact, the author managed to scare even the most demanding and well-read connoisseurs of literature.

The shortest stories are not the way to go down in history or get literary prize. In fact, this is just an opportunity to additionally declare one's talent, which is capable of such a vivid expression of thought.

Peter Miller in Publish! Graduate! Advice from a literary agent on how to sell what you have written Get Published! Get Produced!: A Literary Agent's Tips on How to Sell Your Writing, 1991) recalls when Ernest Hemingway first composed a 6-word story:

Ernest Hemingway claimed he could write a short story in just 6 words while dining at Luchow's with other writers. Others, of course, doubted. Hemingway told each of them to put $10 in the middle of the table. He said he would double the amount if he was wrong. If he is right, he will get all the money. Hemingway quickly wrote down a few words on a napkin and passed it around. He won the bet. The words were: “Children's shoes for sale. Unworn." Introduction, main body and conclusion!

Translation. Original website http://quoteinvestigator.com/2013/01/28/baby-shoes/

After that, in 2007, an American magazine Smith Magazine published several books of 6-word memoirs (Six-Word Memoir books), which became very popular in America.

A few of the most famous stories of six words.

masterpiece. Forgotten. Died. Remembered. Celebrated. Worshiped.

Masterpiece. Forgotten. Died. Remembered. Famous. We honor

Strangers. friends. best friends. Lovers. Strangers.

Strangers. Friends. Best friends. Lovers. Strangers.

"Wrong number," says a familiar voice

“You have the wrong number,” a familiar voice replied.

Sorry soldier, shoes sold in pairs.

Sorry soldier. Boots are only sold in pairs.

Brought roses home. Keys didn't fit.

I brought roses home. The keys didn't fit.

He bottle-feeds his wife's killer.

He bottle feeds his wife's killer.

Disputes between nations. Sorrow among families.

discord between countries. Grief in families

She was lovely. Then things changed.

She was wonderful. Then everything changed.

More stories of 6 words in English can be read

One day, Ernest Hemingway, the master of the telegram syllable, made a bet that he could write a six-word story that would move anyone. great writer won the bet! Here it is short story:

"For sale: baby shoes, never worn" - "Children's shoes for sale. New."

Since then, many have been trying to repeat the Master's experience, trying to amaze, surprise, shock or puzzle readers in a few words. We have collected for you some successful statements from Internet users. But, we warn you: in the Russian interpretation, there may be a little more / less words in these phrases.

  • Strangers. Friends. Best friends. Lovers. Strangers.
  • "You've got the wrong number," a familiar voice replied.
  • Passengers, this is not the captain speaking to you.
  • I met a kindred spirit. And she is not.
  • Parachute for sale: never opened, slightly stained.
  • Selling a motorboat. The motor is slightly off.
  • This is our golden wedding. Table for one.
  • Today I introduced myself to my mother again.
  • The traveler was still signaling. Earth is not.
  • I brought roses home. The keys didn't fit.
  • I came home. Pray that this muck is washed off - said the Wife.
  • My mom taught me how to shave.
  • The shattered windshield had "We Got Married" written on it.
  • I jumped. And then he changed his mind.
  • My reflection just winked at me.
  • Go home! For what? Do you want to eat.
  • Sorry soldier, we sell boots in pairs.
  • He bottle feeds his wife's killer.
  • I imagined myself as an adult. Became an adult. Lost my imagination.
  • Our bedroom. Two voices. I knock.
  • The surgeon saves the patient. The patient thanks God.

Compilation from famous writers peace

Well-known writers and journalists of the world also did not stay away from such an exciting activity. Not so long ago, Wired magazine held a competition: “Write a story from 6 words”, in which masters took part artistic genre. We present the most interesting of their statements.

  • The man burned the skyscrapers behind him and grew wings. — Gregory Maguire
  • "Basement"? "Gate in, uh... hell, really." – Ronald D. Moore
  • It's too expensive to be human... - Bruce Sterling
  • Computer, did we forget the batteries? Hey Computer? — Eileen Gunn
  • We kissed. She melted. Garson! Mop, please! — James Patrick Kelly
  • Perfection Points: Lie Detector: Civilization is collapsing. — Richard Powers
  • To save humanity, he died again. - Ben Bova
  • I won't marry her, but I'd rather buy a house. SO cheaper! — Stephen R. Donaldson
  • I went to the future, and there ... no one there. — Harry Harrison

The winner of the competition for the shortest story that has a plot, a climax and a denouement. (O.Henry)

"The driver lit a cigarette and bent over the gas tank to see how much gasoline was left. The deceased was twenty-three years old."

Frederick Brown:

"The last person on Earth was sitting in the room. There was a knock on the door."

In England, a competition has been announced for the shortest story, but there are four mandatory conditions:
- The queen should be mentioned.
- God is mentioned.
- Some sex.
- Must be a secret.
First place:

"Oh, God," the queen exclaimed, "I'm pregnant and I don't know from whom!"

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