What thoughts and feelings aroused spruce cones. Music in the story


Answers to school textbooks

Grieg “wrote and saw a girl with green shining eyes running towards him. She hugs him by the neck and presses her hot cheek against his gray unshaven cheek. “You are like the sun,” Grieg tells her. - Like a gentle wind and early morning. bloomed in your heart White flower and filled your whole being with the fragrance of spring. I have seen life... it is amazing and beautiful. I am an old man, but I gave the youth my life, work, talent. Therefore, I may be even happier than you, Dagny ... "
He was heard, each in his own way, by the tits in the tree, the sailors from the port, the washerwoman from the next house, the cricket, the snow, and Cinderella. “The tits were worried ... The sailors who had gone on a spree sat on the steps of the house and listened, sobbing. The washerwoman wiped her reddened face with her palm and shook her head. The cricket crawled out of a crack in the tiled stove and peeped at Grieg through the crack.
The falling snow hung in the air to listen to the zeon streaming from the house. And Cinderella looked, smiling, at the floor. Crystal shoes shuddered at her feet in response to the chords.

2. Why did Dagny leave home? Where did she end up? How does the heroine characterize her attitude to the theater?

At the age of eighteen, Dagny graduated from high school, and her father sent her to stay with his sister Magda, a theater dressmaker. Magda and her husband Niels lived in a little room under the roof of the theatre.
“Dagny often went to the theater. It was an exciting activity. But after the performances, Dagny did not fall asleep for a long time and sometimes even cried in her bed. In the theater, Dagny believed everything. She remained as sensitive, sweet, impressionable as in childhood.

3. What surprised and shocked Dagny at the concert? How did she guess that Grieg's famous play was dedicated to her? Is it just because her name was called?

Dagny went to the concert with Magda and Nils. "Dagny listened for the first time symphonic music. She had a strange effect on her. The overflows and thunders of the orchestra caused Dagny to have pictures that looked like dreams. Then it seemed to her that the host of the concert called her name. And he repeated that piece of music dedicated to her on the occasion of her 18th birthday.

4. Could the heroine understand what Grieg wanted to tell her? What did she regret?

Dagny could not hold back her tears and covered her face with her hands. At first she did not hear anything, because inside her a storm was roaring. Then (? I heard how the shepherd's horn sings in the early morning, and in response to him string orchestra. “This was her forest, her homeland! Her mountains, the songs of the horns, the sound of her sea! .. Dagny wept with tears of gratitude. She regretted that Edvard Grieg had already died, and she would not be able to thank him for the wonderful gift.

5. Would you agree that everything that happened at the concert can be called the most intense moment of the story? Explain.

What happened at the concert can be called the most intense moment of the story. Dagny realized that the person who helped her carry the basket of cones was Edvard Grieg. And the play is the gift he promised her ten years ago.
“Music filled all the space between the earth and the clouds hanging over the city ... The music no longer sang. She called for her to the country where the sun burns like a crown in the hair of a fairy-tale kind sorceress... In the influx of sounds, a familiar voice suddenly appeared. “You are happiness,” he said. “You are the brilliance of the dawn.”

6. Come up with a title for each part of the story. Why did Paustovsky divide the text in such a way? How are the parts of the story related to each other?

1) Grieg's meeting with Dagny in the forest and his promise to write music.
2) Grieg writes music for Dagny.
3) Dagny comes to visit in her aunt Magda. Magda's room.
4) Symphony Concert white night in the city park.

7. Determine the main idea of ​​Paustovsky's work. What is it?

This story is about the beauty of the world and man, about how beautiful art reflects life. Dagny imagined that she would thank Grieg "for having discovered for me that beautiful thing that a person should live with."

8. Make a plan and retell the text.

Retelling plan
1) The composer Edvard Grieg liked to spend autumn in the woods near Bergen.
2) One day Grieg met the forester's daughter in the forest, but he didn't have anything to give her.
3) Grieg walked Dagny home and decided to dedicate musical composition, which he will write for her eighteenth birthday.
4) Grieg's house is completely empty and looks like a lumberjack's dwelling.
5) More than a month Grieg wrote music for Dagny Pedersen.
6) Grieg, while working, imagined Dagny, pictures of Scandinavian nature, real people and fairy tale characters.
7) When Dagny turned eighteen, she came to visit Aunt Magda.
8) Dagny often went to the theater, but she was very worried about what she saw, then her aunt suggested attending a concert for a change.
9) During the concert, Dagny suddenly heard her name sounded from the stage.
10) Everyone learned that Grieg dedicated his essay to Dagny - it was a gift that he promised her ten years later.
11) Dagny will no longer be able to say “thank you!” to Grieg.

9. Talk to a friend about "I love listening to music." The questions in the Workbook will help you.

I like to listen to music both with friends and alone. With friends, I like to listen to fast, cheerful and loud music, and when alone I prefer to listen to a calm, quiet melody without words. I also love to listen different music in public transport, through headphones, so as not to disturb anyone. At the same time, I like to look out the window and find in the player a melody that would correspond to the movement vehicle: or bravura, if we are driving fast, or slow, if we are in a traffic jam.

Lesson goals.

Educational Purpose:

learn to highlight the main idea of ​​the work through different types work; broaden the horizons of students, enrich lexicon; to form the ability to express their thoughts orally.

educational goal:

to cultivate a sense of beauty through the connection of literature and music; contribute to the formation cognitive interest to reading the works of K.G. Paustovsky; cultivate kindness, responsiveness, the ability to empathize.

Development goal:

develop students' reading skills; creative imagination through the ability to imagine pictures based on a piece of music; develop the ability to analyze what is read; develop speech, logical and creative thinking the creative abilities of students.

Pedagogical technologies:

  • explanatory and illustrative education;
  • verbal productive and creative activity;
  • pedagogy of cooperation (educational dialogue, educational discussion);
  • health-saving technology;
  • information and communication technology.

1. Organizational moment.

Reading teacher:

Good afternoon, children! Good afternoon, dear adults! We are glad to see you.

Music teacher: May this lesson bring us the joy of communication, fill our hearts with noble feelings.

2. Setting the goal of the lesson.

On the desk: Magician and great musician!

Reading in chorus of the words on the board.

Music teacher:

These words will be the topic of today's lesson. To whom they refer, you will answer later.

3. Message about the writer.

Reading teacher:

Guys, look at the exhibition of books and tell me the works of which writer are presented here?

Showing a portrait of K.G. Paustovsky.

All the works of this writer are filled with a surprisingly warm and reverent feeling of love for nature. native land teach to see beauty. For the rest of his life, the writer remembered the words of his father: “You will experience many significant and interesting things in life if you yourself are significant and interesting.” He became like that.

The children prepared small messages about the writer's life.

K.G. Paustovsky traveled a lot. He visited England, Italy, France and other countries. He admired the people of these countries, museums, architecture, music. He also wrote a lot about composers, artists, and writers.

Have you read the works of this writer? I propose to conduct a quiz and remember where the lines are taken from.

4. Quiz: “Where did these lines come from?”. (Students read excerpts from the works)

1. “...Varyusha gasped and began to rake the snow with her hands. But there was no ring. Varyusha's fingers turned blue. They were so brought down from the frost that they no longer bent ... ”.("Steel Ring")

2. “The hare brought grandfather out of the fire. When they ran out of the forest to the lake, the hare and grandfather both fell down from fatigue. Grandfather picked up the hare and carried it home. The hare's hind legs and belly were scorched." ("Hare paws")

3. “Lenka tied a small roach to the fishing line by the tail and threw it through the hole into the underground. The cat sank its teeth into the fish's head in a stranglehold. Lyonka pulled him out.” (Cat-thief)

4. “After half an hour, the beast stuck out a wet black nose from the grass, similar to a pig's snout. The nose sniffed the air for a long time and trembled with greed. Then a sharp muzzle with black piercing eyes appeared from the grass. ("Badger nose")

5. “Once Grig met in the forest a little girl with two pigtails - the daughter of a forester. She was collecting fir cones in a basket.” (“Basket with fir cones”)

About what famous person narrates K. Paustovsky in his story? (About the composer E. Grieg).

Music teacher: Edvard Hagerup Grieg is a Norwegian composer, pianist and conductor. Born June 15, 1843 in Bergen. The composer's mother was a pianist, so Edward, his brother and three sisters were taught music from childhood. For the first time, the future composer sat down at the piano at the age of four. In 1862 he graduated from the Leipzig Conservatory with excellent marks. His destiny now and forever was music.

Grieg's work was formed under the influence of Norwegian folk culture. The composer showed an interest in Scandinavian literature, and in particular in the literature of his native language. Fairy tales, paintings come to life in his music folk life, images of the nature of Norway - the gloomy grandeur of coniferous forests, the surf of the northern sea.

His most famous works are: Music for Ibsen's play "Peer Gynt", Norwegian Dances, Piano Concerto in A minor and others.

6. Short message about Norway, about E. Grieg.

Music teacher:

What country did the composer live in? (In Norway)

Slides 5-9

E. Grieg was very fond of the nature of his native Norway. The guys will tell us about it. (E. Grieg's music sounds - “Norwegian dance No. 2”)

Student: The majestic harsh Norway is a country of impregnable rocks, dense forests, narrow winding sea bays. In autumn, the nature of Norway shines with all shades of colors. Norway is rich in traditions, legends, fairy tales. She is also rich in music. Without exaggeration, this is a fantastic country where you want to stay forever.

Music teacher:

Guys, in what city was E. Grieg born?

Slides 10–16

Student: Bergen ... One of the oldest cities in western Norway, washed by the waves of the sea, crowned with rocky mountain peaks. This city is considered cultural capital Norway is famous for its national creative traditions, especially in the field of theater. It was here, among the fabulous beauty, that Edvard Grieg was born, spent his youth, and lived, in fact, his entire life.

Setting the goal of the lesson.

Reading teacher: Today in the lesson we will continue the conversation about the heroes of the story “Basket with fir cones. I want you to be able to showcase your creativity in class. Classical music by Edvard Grieg will be played during the lesson.

Display basket with cones.

But a basket with spruce cones will help you find out the wonderful story of an unexpected meeting.

2. Working with text.

I part of the story. Reading teacher:

1. - How does the story begin? Let's read the first sentence.

2. - Find the passage where Paustovsky describes the nature of the autumn mountain forest. Let's read it.

What colors are used to paint the forest? (Green strands of moss, gold and copper leaves)

What sounds filled it? (Echoes, rustle of leaves, sound of the surf) What about smells? (mushroom air)

What mood does this description create? (Slide 17) Dictionary of moods: sublime, sad, fabulous, mysterious, restless. (Sublime, fabulous, mysterious. Autumn is a poetic season, it gives inspiration, sets you up for creativity)

Do you think the writer accidentally included a description of nature in the story?

What do you guys think, is it possible to depict these sounds, colors, smells in music?

3. Among this fabulous beauty, the composer and the little girl Dagny met. And how this meeting happened, we will now hear.

Slide 18


(music plays)

What is the most important thing in a conversation? (Grig decided to make a present.)

How do you think , Why did Grieg want to give the girl a present?

Children's guesses are heard.

What did Dagny hope to receive as a gift?

Why did Grieg postpone the gift, because you always look forward to gifts? Read a quote from the text. (Material gifts - things, toys - are easier to give. Grieg, on the other hand, conceived a very complex spiritual gift - music. Small children do not always understand complex music. Therefore, the composer promises to give his gift later.)

What character traits of Grieg are revealed? (Kind - looking for a gift for an unfamiliar girl, the child was not afraid - Grieg's eyes laughed ... helped (offered himself) to carry the basket. Sociable, simple - finds mutual language with a simple girl. Dagny is the daughter of a forester, E. Grieg is a famous composer, not arrogant, attentive, generous).

II part of the story. Music teacher:

In what city did Grieg write music for Dagny?

Fast forward to the composer's house ( Read what did he look like? What does the description of the composer's house tell about? (I did not surround myself with luxury).

What does Paustovsky write about the piano? What does he compare it to? (With a human voice: "The piano could sing about everything - about the impulse of the human spirit to the great and about love.")

Who did Grieg represent when he wrote the music? Read out.

Find in the text and read the thoughts of Grieg, who wrote music (1. Life is amazing and beautiful. 2. Happy because he gave everything. Grieg was inspired and happy because he wrote and saw a girl running towards him, choking with joy with green shining eyes. She hugs him by the neck and presses against his gray, unshaven cheek. He devoted himself entirely to work, he did and did great things.)

Slide 19(proverb)

On the desk: It is not the one who lives longer who lives longer.

Reading teacher:

Read the proverb.

Can this proverb be related to the life and work of Edvard Grieg? Why?

III-IV part of the story.

Let's return to our heroine. The little girl has grown up.

What did she become?

Try to make a portrait of Dagny.

Where did Dagny go after graduation?

Where did Auntie Magda insist to go one day?

In what unusual setting did the concert take place?

What are "white nights"?

In the north, at the beginning of summer, one can observe such a picture - it is almost light at night, there are light twilights, because. the sun briefly hides behind the horizon.

A.S. Pushkin said so beautifully about the white nights of St. Petersburg:

... And, not letting the darkness of the night
To golden skies
One dawn to replace another
Hurry, giving the night half an hour.

Music teacher:

What did Dagny listen to for the first time at a concert? (symphonic music)

What is a symphony. Read the meaning of this word in the explanatory dictionary.

And now you will hear an excerpt from a piece of music called “Morning”. But first, let's talk about what is morning? What is sunrise? The sun? (Writing on the board). Children's answers. (Dawn, big flaming ball)

Music teacher:

You can close your eyes. (Children listen with their eyes closed)

Music sounded. What kind of music is this? (She is now gentle, calm, then suddenly impetuous, agitated, the music sounds either loud or quiet).

What sounds, intonations, shades did Grieg express the awakening of nature? (Are they rough or gentle?). You gradually open your eyes after sleep.

Quiet or loud? (Where is it louder - the sun appears, and where is it quiet?)

Smooth, slow sounds or fast melody?

Sad or happy? A new day is always a joy, (a bright, kind, interesting, good event) and we expect only good things from a new day, we hope only for pleasant impressions.

What other sounds are fashionable to express the morning, the awakening of nature, the sunrise? (Writing on the board: melodic, affectionate, magical, wonderful, exciting, friendly, calm, transparent, cheerful, charming, majestic).

Primary school teacher:

And now let's read about what Dagny heard in the piece of music dedicated to her. (Reading from “She didn’t hear anything at first” to “The music stopped.” Students watch.)

What pictures appear before Dagny's mind's eye?

Why was she able to hear and see all this? (Music, like painting and poetry, is capable of evoking spatial pictures in the mind of a person endowed, like Dagny, with a rich imagination, the ability to feel, to dream)

Why did Dagny cry while listening to Grieg's music? (People cry not only from grief, but also from great, good feelings. These were tears of gratitude. In addition, Dagny was sorry that Grieg died and she would not thank him for the gift.)

So what was Dagny grateful to Grieg for? Read. (For your generosity, for the fact that you opened before me that beautiful thing that a person should live by.)

How should a person live? (A person must see the beauty of the world around him, make noble deeds)

Edvard Grieg is not with us, but we cannot consider him irretrievably gone from us. Grieg was made eternal, alive and after death his music, talent, love for life, for people, the desire to give himself, his soul. The music of such people is performed even after their death, films are made about them, books are written, as Paustovsky did.

7. The result of the lesson.

I propose to return to our topic.

Who are these words about? (We should be grateful to the writer K. Paustovsky for giving us such wonderful story about the great composer E. Grieg - about this kind magician and musician. Both of them are great masters: one with words, the other with music awakens pure and kind feelings in us.)

Do you think the composer was a happy person?

Probably, you guys, in your life, met people who willingly gave, gave not only things, but also a good mood, a smile.

And now each of you will write your word about kindness on the petals of our flowers. Write on it briefly what good deed you have done, from which you and those around you became joyful.

(Children work to calm music)

We will not read them. It is not worth shouting about your good deeds.

Slide 19

“He who is truly good does good in silence” - English proverb.

Look, kindness is like a fabulous flower that can bloom in everyone's soul.

In conclusion of our meeting, I want to thank you for your work, for your creativity and wish you to grow up to be kind and reliable people.

Learner by heart:

Don't pity your heart, don't hide
Your kindness and tenderness,
Nor their insights and discoveries
Keep it secret from people...
Hurry up to give everything in life
So that, having gone to non-existence in power,
Warm downpour, whether fluffy snow
Fall back to the dear homeland.

Reading teacher: Know that each person must leave his mark on the earth. This is how the people to whom this reading lesson was dedicated lived their lives. These are Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky and Edvard Grieg.


Slide 21-22

In the last lesson, you made syncwines about Paustovsky and Grieg. We chose your most successful phrases and this is what we got: (students read from the slide)

Music teacher: And now you have to do creative work (composition-impression to music). So how do you get started writing? (parsing).

And here is an essay that you can get:

“Imagine everything is asleep. The forest is sleeping, the river is sleeping, a thin stream is quietly murmuring between the pebbles, as if afraid to break the silence. Little green leaves have little green dreams. Animals and birds sleep. In the hollow of an old tree, the mother squirrel has covered the baby squirrels with its fluffy tail and is sleeping comfortably. And the sky is blue. And the stars are big, I'm big, bright stars, there's a big moon in the sky, and on the river from it lunar path. And on the horizon, where it seems the sky converges with the earth, a bright strip appeared. It grows, expands, and the stars begin to fade and fade one by one. Dawn breaks in the east, and the water appears pink. Under the singing of countless birds, the sun rises above the earth. A cobweb stretched in the forest sparkles with many sparkles. And behind the trunks of old lindens, a huge flaming ball rises above the ground. It increases, shines with a joyful light, plays and smiles. A new day begins."

How can you finish an essay? (parsing). Listening to music again. Slide show to the end. creative work. Reading essays.

Music teacher: Did you have a desire to get acquainted with other works of art by Paustovsky and Grieg?

Reading teacher: Guys, I want to thank you for good reading, for the frankness of your answers, for the work of the soul. The lesson is over.


“... Varyusha gasped and began to rake the snow with her hands. But there was no ring. Varyusha's fingers turned blue. They were so cramped from the cold that they could no longer bend…”.

“The hare brought grandfather out of the fire. When they ran out of the forest to the lake, the hare and grandfather both fell down from fatigue. Grandfather picked up the hare and carried it home. The hare's hind legs and belly were scorched."

“Once Grig met in the forest a little girl with two pigtails - the daughter of a forester. She was collecting fir cones in a basket.”

“Lenka tied a small roach to the fishing line by the tail and threw it through the hole into the underground. The cat sank its teeth into the fish's head in a stranglehold. Lyonka pulled him out.”

“After half an hour, the beast stuck out a wet black nose from the grass, similar to a pig's snout. The nose sniffed the air for a long time and trembled with greed. Then a sharp muzzle with black piercing eyes appeared from the grass.

From childhood, Paustovsky wanted to see and experience everything that a person can see and experience.

The writer was born in 1892. The family was large and inclined towards the arts. The family sang a lot, played the piano, loved the theater. And the writer himself went to the theater all his life as if for a holiday. He studied in Kyiv in a classical gymnasium, knew and loved literature and spent a lot of time reading books. In the last class of the gymnasium, he wrote his first story, which was published in the Kiev magazine Ogni. Since then, the decision to become a writer took possession of him so firmly that he began to subordinate his life to this one goal.

Paustovsky traveled a lot around the country. He wanted to “know everything, feel everything, understand everything.” So I met different people. He changed many occupations: he was a tram driver, a conductor, an orderly on a military train that transported the wounded to the cities. Then he learned and with all his heart fell in love with the middle zone of Russia (Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Simbirsk, Samara, Tambov). Heard a lot of great stories different people. Later he worked at a metallurgical plant, in a fishing artel, as a reporter for Moscow newspapers. The writer said: "My every trip is a book."

Ustimirova Zhanna Kulbaevna

primary school teacher

State institution "Pereleskinskaya secondary school"

Denisovsky district

Kostanay region

Integrated reading and music lesson in grade 3 "A" on the topic: K.G. Paustovsky "Basket with fir cones" (generalizing lesson)

The purpose of the lesson

  1. to create conditions for the emotional perception of the story by K. Paustovsky and the music of E. Grieg, understanding the main idea of ​​the story, to teach the ability to formulate the main idea of ​​the text;
  2. develop students' speech and the ability to form the idea of ​​​​a work;
  3. cultivate kindness, instill a desire to do good selfless deeds.

Equipment: a book for reading, pictures depicting fir cones, an audio CD with music by E. Grieg, portraits of the writer and composer, music for physical minutes.

Lesson summary

  1. Organizing time.

- Who do you think is the most important, necessary person in today's lesson?

(children's answers)

- I have one fabulous item: this magic box. Each of you, looking into it, will be able to see the most important and right person in our lesson. Well, for now, it's a secret.

I hope that at the end of the lesson you will discover this secret.

  1. Diction exercises:

I - E - A - O - U - S

We pronounce it slowly, smoothly, chanting, in one breath.

  1. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

- Today at the lesson we are finishing the work with the text. We will expand our horizons, talk about the lives of wonderful people.

  1. Call stage. Writer's note.

... Composer E. Grieg spent autumn in the forests near Bergen. All forests are good with their mushroom air and the rustle of leaves, but mountain forests near the sea are especially good.

- Can you guess what this passage is from? K. Paustovsky "Basket with fir cones").

Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

- What do you think we are going to do at the lesson today? (Analysis of the work)

Tasks: to understand the content of the work, to determine the main idea of ​​the text.

- Who wrote this story?

(Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky)

– Groups 1 and 2 prepared a report about the writer. Tell me.

(children's story)

Group 1: Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892–1968).

From childhood, Kostya dreamed of beautiful distant lands. When the boy told his mother about this, she was frightened and said: “You are a dreamer, you will not find a place for yourself in life and will die under the fence.” Kostya did not take offense at his mother. He, short-sighted and fragile from birth, was firmly convinced that he would become a captain, bathing in the waters of all warm seas, will reach the farthest islands.

When his father left the Paustovsky family, Kostya, in order to graduate from the gymnasium, had to earn his living. Tutoring took everything free time, but could not interfere with his favorite pastime - writing. Paustovsky tried to write poetry and stories. He, a ninth-grade student, even managed to publish one of them in an adult literary magazine. Konstantin Georgievich changed many professions: he was a tram leader and conductor, a sailor, a factory worker, an orderly in the army, a literature teacher, and a journalist.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky grew up in Ukraine. The writer devoted several books to memories of childhood and youth.

The writer participated in the battles civil war. At times Patriotic War was a war correspondent.

Childhood dreams came true: Konstantin Georgievich traveled a lot, traveled all over the country. The impressions received on these trips found a place in many of his works. Paustovsky wrote about human feelings about nature, about creativity.

Group 2: Konstantin Paustovsky teaches us to be kind and sincerely generous.

Adults and children come to his grave, everyone who loves his works, which he gave to people. From spring to late autumn, bouquets of flowers lie on his grave, and fir branches turn green in winter.

Let's finish the story about the writer with his wish to us:

“Read, read and read!

- About what wonderful person K.G. Paustovsky wrote in his story?

(about the composer Edvard Grieg)

- In order to understand and feel more deeply the story of Paustovsky, it is necessary to know Grieg's work and his life well. What is the work of Grieg, will tell next group children.

- I give the floor to the guys of 3, 4 groups.

(children's story about Grieg)

Group 3: Edvard Grieg was born in the city of Bergen. From the age of six, the boy began to learn to play the piano from his mother, a talented pianist. She introduced her son to the works of Mozart, Chopin, Mendelssohn.

The game of young Grieg once heard famous violinist and advised to send the boy to study in Germany. Fifteen-year-old Edward entered the conservatory and four years later successfully graduated from it in composition and piano classes.

Group 4: Grieg's talent as a composer quickly gained recognition from his compatriots, and soon his name became known to the whole world. Grieg traveled a lot, gave concerts in different countries. But each time he tried to return to his homeland as soon as possible, to his modest house on the seashore. Legends and fairy tales, colorful pictures of folk life, images of Norwegian nature come to life in his music. It sounds like the surf of the northern sea.

The day Grieg died was declared a day of national mourning. The composer was buried in a rock above the ever-wavering sea.

- The writer Konstantin Paustovsky and the composer Edvard Grieg are two great masters: one with words, the other with music, they awaken in us good feelings.

  1. Work on the work.

We will work according to the plan.

  1. A meeting.
  2. At the composer's house.
  3. Dagny is visiting.
  4. At the concert.

Checking homework. Role reading.

- Now Luda and Sasha will remind us of the episode of the meeting between the composer and the girl.

Let's remember how the composer and Dagny met, listen carefully to their conversation and try to determine what is most important in the conversation.

What's your name, girl?


Here's the trouble! I have nothing to give you. I don't carry dolls or ribbons or velvet hares in my pocket.

I have an old mother's doll. Once she closed her eyes. Like this! And now she sleeps with her eyes open.

“Listen, Dagny, I made up my mind. I will give you one interesting thing. But not now, but ten years from now.

Oh, how long!

You know, I need to do more.

And what is it?

You'll find out later.

Can you only make five or six toys in your entire life?

No, it's not. I'll do it, maybe in a few days. But such things are not given to small children. I make gifts for adults.

I won't break. And I won't break it. Here you will see.

You are still young and do not understand much. Learn patience. I'll take you and we'll talk about something else.

How did Dagny appear before the composer and before us? ( She is small, but hardworking, dragging home a heavy basket of cones. She is trusting: she immediately told the stranger about the house and toys. She is sweet, beautiful: she has big, like a doll's green eyes, a quiet voice from embarrassment. She is sensitive: she thinks tenderly of the old grandfather and sympathizes with him. And most importantly, she Kind heart, knows how to think and grieve about others.)

Conclusion: What is the most important thing in a conversation?

Grieg decided: “I will write music, On the title page I will order to print: “Dagni Pedersen - the daughter of the forester Hagerup Pedersen when she is eighteen years old.”

- Why do you think Grieg wanted to give the girl a present?

K. Paustovsky does not directly tell us about this, but perhaps you have already guessed?

Children's guesses are heard.

(1. This girl lives in the forest - for Grieg she is the embodiment of nature, she has greenish pupils. 2. Dagni is a girl from the people. And Grig drew from the people.

  1. And, finally, the girl for Grieg is the personification of youth, the new generation, to whom he would like to leave his music.)

- But why did Grieg postpone the gift, because you always look forward to gifts? (... I make gifts for adults, you are still small and do not understand much, learn patience ...)

- Of course, material gifts - dolls, toys - are easier to give. Grieg, on the other hand, conceived a very complex - spiritual gift - music, so the composer promises it in 10 years.

– And why in 10 years? (because then Dagny will grow up and be able to understand the gift)

We are working on the second part. How did we name it? (at the composer's house)

Fast forward to the composer's house. Tell me what was he like?

Why did Grieg remove everything from the house? (interfered, muffled sounds, lived with music, creativity)

How long did Grieg write music for Dagny? ( whole month winter has begun)

- Mark in the text the words that tell about the listeners of music. (group work)

– What is the mood of the composer at the moment of creation? (Grig was inspired and happy, because he wrote and saw a girl with green shining eyes running towards him, choking with joy. She hugs him by the neck and presses against his gray unshaven cheek. He devoted himself entirely to work, he created and did great things.)

Do you think Edvard Grieg was happy man? Find words in the text that confirm this.(“ I am an old man, but I gave the youth my life, work, talent. I gave everything away without a refund. Therefore, I may even be happier than you, Dagny.”

  1. Physical education minute
    To the dance tune, the children warm up.

Working on part 3.

- Time has passed and Dagny leaves the house. And for what reason does she do it?

(let the world see how people live and have some fun).

  1. group work

In part 3 of the story, the writer again prepared a meeting with Dagny for us.

Tell us what has changed in Dagny's life?

What is Dagny like? Read from the text.

Why did Dagny cry after theater performances?

(Dagny remained the same sweet, sensitive, impressionable,

Tell me, has this happened to you after watching movies, plays?

Work on the final part.

a) vocabulary work

Symphonic music - translated from Greek as "symphony" - a great piece of music for the orchestra

How did Dagny behave?

What did she hear in music? (how the snow melts ...) Yes! This was her forest, her homeland! Her mountains, the songs of her horns, the sound of her sea!

What happened when the music stopped? (applause thundered)

What was Dagny thinking about as she left the park? (he died! Why?…)

Today we are finishing up the story.

What is this story about? (about the beauty of the world and music that reflects life; about the ability to see the beautiful in the most ordinary)

- Why was Dagny crying now, listening to Grieg's music? (These were tears of gratitude. Dagny is sorry that Grieg has already died, and she will not be able to thank him for this wonderful music)
8.Listening to music

Listen to the music that Grieg wrote.

Did you like her?

Who liked the most? Why?

Conclusion: We got acquainted with the works of two masters. K. Paustovsky in words, E. Grieg in music

What is the main thing in the story?

(one must live by bringing joy to other people)

  1. The stage of comprehension. Writing the syncwine "Music" The music of E. Grieg “Morning” sounds
    reference record
    (children's answers)
    Final word from the teacher:
    - Art (painting, theater, literature, music, "the union of magical sounds, feelings and thoughts"), sings the beauty of the world, makes our life more beautiful, nobler, sublime. People, joining art, are transformed. In Paustovsky's story, this happened to Dagni Pedersen, who became the one to whom the Maestro gave a meeting with the Beautiful.
  2. Summary of the lesson.

What beauty have we discovered in the story of K. G. Paustovsky? ( We talked about the beauty of nature, oh beautiful people. They have a nice appearance, noble deeds, we talked about the inner and external beauty person. About a good life (we must believe that it is amazing and beautiful. About spiritual gifts. About music, literature, theater, about art forms that teach you to see beauty.)

We should be grateful to K. G. Paustovsky for giving us such a wonderful story about E. Grieg - this kind magician and great musician. Both of them are masters of their craft. One with words, the other with feelings awakens pure and kind feelings in us. And people of all times are grateful to them for this.

- Many years have passed since wonderful writer Konstantin Paustovsky and the talented composer Edvard Grieg, and we continue to read stories, listen to music, because the works created by these people are immortal.

- Now we can look inside the box and see who was the most important and necessary in our lesson.

(there is a mirror in the box, everyone sees himself)

- Are you surprised? Without each of you, our lesson today would not have taken place. Do you agree that each of you was important and necessary?

  1. Homework:

do a little test

  1. How long did the composer write music for Dagny Pedersen?

A) more than a year

b) more than a month

  1. Who listened to the composer when he was composing music?

A) tits, sailors, laundress, cricket, snow, Cinderella

B) sparrows, soldiers, cook, mouse, rain, Snow White

C) elves and gnomes

  1. Why did the father send Dagny to Aunt Magda?

A) see the light and have fun

B) continue studying

B) work

  1. Where did Aunt Magda and Uncle Niels live?

A) in a room in the basement of the theater

B) in the room behind the stage

C) in a room under the roof of the theater

  1. Where did the girl go at Aunt Magda's insistence?

A) to the historical museum

b) to the opera

Sound writing - a phonetic technique for creating text expressiveness
- Guys, I counted the number of vowel sounds - there are 149 of them. Voiced consonants - 87, deaf consonants - 56. Do you think this is a coincidence?
(The author uses these expressive techniques to make music sound in the story)
Task 3
- Have any of you been given music? Me too, unfortunately. And Dagny received such a gift! Why did Grieg decide to give her such a gift for her 18th birthday?
(She is beautiful. She is kind. She knows how to admire beauty. She loves the theater, etc.)
- Find in our passage the means of expression with which the image of Dagny is created
Group 1 - epithets
Group 2 - metafares
Group 3 - comparisons
Children's answers (comparisons: like the sun, like a gentle wind, like early morning, you- White Night, you are the sparkle of the dawn, a metaphor - a white flower bloomed in the heart)
- Was the composer's belief justified that Dagny is exactly the way he sees her?
- Listen, musical passage from the first piano concerto with orchestra. It is believed that it was this music that Grieg gave to a girl he accidentally met, the daughter of a forester (slide No. 22)
- Follow along the text what Dagny hears. Do our ideas match the author's?
- What fate awaited Dagny?
- What did the composer want to say to the girl, the person entering into life?
(Life is Beautiful.)
- “Dagny clenched her hands and groaned from a sense of the beauty of this world that was still unclear to her, but embracing her whole being. "Listen, life, I love you!" Dagny said softly.

Why does the story end this way? What do you think the main idea story?
(A person becomes truly happy only by discovering the beauty of the world around him!)
So what is the meaning of the title of the story?
(children's answers)
(The world around us is huge, amazing, extraordinarily beautiful. It is a great happiness to be able to see beauty in the most ordinary, for example, in a basket of fir cones.)
- What changed the life of the heroine? What helped you realize this truth?
Composing a syncwine for the word "Music"
Reference record (slide number 24)
(children's answers)
Final word from the teacher:
Words and sounds, sounds and words.
In them life, full of life reflection,
Everything that contains the heart, head
And the human chest - all manifestations ...
They have a crown of wisdom and beauty,
The eternal key of hearts is in words and sounds!
- Art (painting, theater, literature, music, "the union of magical sounds, feelings and thoughts"), sings the beauty of the world, makes our life more beautiful, nobler, sublime. People, joining art, are transformed. In Paustovsky's story, this happened to Dagny Pedersen, who became the one to whom the Maestro gave a meeting with the Beautiful.
-Has there been such a meeting in your life?
Homework: write a mini-essay at home "My meeting with the Beautiful"

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