Long jump history. Participation of Belarusian athletes in the Olympics of the peoples of the USSR. The history of the development of track and field jumps


If long jumps and triple jumps have been known since ancient times, then athletes began to jump high relatively recently. At the 1st Olympiad, the American Ellery Clark became the champion, having overcome the bar at a height of 1 m 81 cm. Now this milestone has become common for women, and the leading jumpers have long

mastered heights between 2 m 30 cm and 2 m 40 cm. Progress in this type of athletics is largely due to the invention of new, more advanced methods for overcoming the bar.

High jump training

He made his debut at the first meeting held in Helsinki, Finland and is the triumph of Poland's Tadeusz Slussarski with 55 meters, followed by Brazil's Thomas Hintnaus and France's Patrick Abada, both with 50 meters. This is the time it takes to fall from the top of the Tekendama Falls - a natural waterfall 156 meters high - to the bottom. Into this body of water full of whirlpools where the waterfall dies, they call it the Lake of the Dead, because from the 1930s and for several decades it was a favorite place for suicide bombers in Bogotá.

Over the course of a little over 100 years, the technique of the high jump has undergone significant changes. There was a constant search for more rational forms using the physical qualities of athletes to overcome vertical obstacles. The least rational was the high jump with legs crossed. The jump was performed from a straight run at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the bar. In the flight phase, in order to economically overcome the height, the jumper was grouped, and then straightened out for landing. In this method, the bar could be located 35-40 cm below the upper flight path of the general center of gravity (GCT) of the body of the jumper.

The windows of what was originally a train station, then a luxury hotel, and then a restaurant, had their stained glass windows broken as well. The day we visited, the place has been standing for over 20 years. Today, and since the end of last year, the building has reopened its doors, turned into a museum.

Upon its rediscovery, the palace recalls the opulence that characterized it decades ago, but on the morning we visited it, its worn structure and exposed paint inspired that nostalgia, typical of places that were and no longer exist. This imposing waterfall, located 30 kilometers southwest of Bogota, represents the temptations of God and is the last tomb of many desperate until January 22.

A significant step forward was the emergence of the method of "stepping over"

High jump by way of "stepping over"

Taking a straight run at an angle of 30-40 degrees to the bar, the jumper got the opportunity not to simultaneously raise all parts of the body above the bar, successively transferring and lowering the fly and push leg beyond the bar. Application way? “Stepping over” made it possible to bring the bar closer by 20-25 cm to the general center of gravity of the athlete’s body. This method has gained wide popularity. The first official recorded record (R. Meichl, England - 167, 6 cm, 1864) was set by "stepping over".

Those responsible for changing history were the drivers of the Red Taxi, one of the first fleets in the country, who, after a nine-day adventure, managed to recover the body of their colleague, Eduardo Umaña. On the first attempt, they reached only 20 meters from the falls, but "turbulent waters turned into foam rose in the midst of a deafening roar, and it was impossible to take a step forward," tells the story of the El Tiempo event from.

When they returned, having given up before this first failure, Jorge Bejarano, companion and one of the suicide's best friends, tried to jump six times. His colleagues had to stop him and put him in the hands of the police. It turned out that Bejarano had a death pact with Umaña: they would both be killed for the same day.

The invention of a new way of high jump "wave" is associated with the name of M. Sweeney (USA), who overcame 197 cm in 1895.

High jump in the "wave" way

jump fosbury flop endurance

In this method, the athlete ran at a right angle or somewhat to the side (60-75 degrees) in relation to the bar. In contrast to the "step over", the jumper landed on the jogging leg. Such a jump scheme made it possible to change the orientation of the body in the jump, bringing the body closer to the horizontal position at the top point above the bar. This determined the greater efficiency of the method of jumping "wave" before "jumping over".

On the second try, they were much closer. In this, they had to go naked, because "the bathing clothes were in tatters when they had only traveled about one hundred and twenty meters," the journalist of the said chronicle said. With ropes they reached lakes of the dead where a strong vortex has formed. On this moment, according to the newspaper, was "absolute loneliness, inhabited only by the tumultuous noise of the washed water and the constant smell of the awning in its decay."

Despite the fog, the drivers managed to see the bulge appear and disappear as it wallowed in the water. One of them decided to come. After a few seconds, he had to ask his comrades for help, because "breathing became impossible, and suffocation overwhelmed him, and his eyes were closed." Taxi drivers thought they would get used to the smell of carrion, but that was not the case. Again they had to return empty-handed, but with the certainty that it was the body of his colleague, because they came to the conclusion that the waitress Teotilde Acevedo, suicide just before Umania, would already be very broken.

In 1912, D. Horain (USA) for the first time overcame a two-meter barrier with a new way of jumping by "rolling".

High jump in the "roll" way

The run in this jumping method is performed from the side of the push leg at an angle of 30-40 degrees relative to the bar. In flight, the jumper is positioned horizontally above the bar, as if lying sideways above it. The “roll” jump method becomes the main way to long years. However, in the 1930s, the "roll" had a serious rival - the "flip" way of jumping.

The forehead wound gave the key to the final blow. Both the suicide bomber and the expedition were accepted as heroes in the capital. Applause deserves, because this is a feat that even today would be difficult. When the sun rose and we imagined that hundreds of suicides lived there, the waterfall began to emit a disgusting smell. Despite the cold and the stench, we slept until nine in the morning when a man arrived to let us enter the old building. Some time ago at this time, the policeman who guarded Salto was arriving for the golden years of suicide.

High jump in the "cross over" way

The record of D. Albriton (USA) - 207.6 cm, set in 1936 by the "flip" method, unconditionally surpassed all previous methods with a more economical transition over the bar. This method allowed the jumpers to overcome the height when the BCT was raised 1 cm above the bar (according to L.I. Dursenev’s research).

History of the development of jumps

His task was not only to scare the hopeless who wanted to jump, but also the tourists who came to take pictures of them. Therefore, suicide began to prefer the night for the final nail. The most frequent hours were from five o'clock until nine the next day.

Today, instead, people commit suicide in private. Most of the five suicides that occur every day in Colombia are carried out by men between the ages of 15 and 25. The step when you take your life in public to opt for more discreet methods comes from years ago. Felipe Gonzalez Toledo, the famous red chronicler of the last century, argued that the guarantee of the complete disappearance of the body was canceled, people who wanted to go to eternity saved their journey and began to prefer other means.

Olympic champions - prominent representatives"flip" method:

R. Shavlakadze - 216 cm, USSR, 1960

V. Brumel - 218 cm, USSR, 1964

Y. Tarmak - 223 cm, USSR, 1972

An important historical milestone in the development of the high jump was the XIX Olympic Games in 1968 in Mexico City. The winner of the competition R. Fosbury (USA, 224 cm) demonstrated to the whole world a new way of jumping, which was named after the winner.

With the disappearance of the divers of Tekendama and the death of the chroniclers who were responsible for the death of the unfortunate life, stories of suicide began to disappear from the media. mass media and public interests. At nine o'clock in the morning, Joanna, our guide at the old hotel, where they say many ghosts still walk today, told us a story young man who killed himself about a month ago. Meanwhile, he marked the "Suicide Rock", the unfortunate divers' official site. After finishing our tour, we went there.

Two old men, Miguel and Maximiliano, showed us the way. It's been a while since we got back, so he gave us today to come here, says Miguel. Miguel always releases the first sentence and Maximiliano is in charge of continuity. He was little understood because he spoke low and without vocalization. When they touched on the issue of suicide, both were ecstatic, like witnesses who experienced this special place.

Fosbury flop high jump

The emergence of a new way of jumping caused a great controversy about this or that way of jumping. The dispute between these two styles was resolved in the high jump sector, in wrestling in favor of the "fosbury flop". In terms of economic transition, both methods are equivalent in this indicator. The main advantage of the Fosbury flop is a more efficient way to prepare for the take-off.

We asked them why they thought it was the place chosen by the suicide bombers. Along the way, through long grass and slippery slopes, Miguel and Maximiliano never stopped telling stories. The second is a memorial plaque for a suicide bomber. It is in this place where you hear the roar of gray water and where the rotting smells begin to cloud over, it is where people have left their Last messages before death. After a pause, the man kissed the woman, climbed a rock, took off the hat he was wearing, put paper in it and threw it into the meadow.

Immediately, and in front of the eyes of hundreds of tourists, he jumped into the void, "losing himself instantly amidst the huge downdraft," wrote a reporter from El Tiempo to Isabel Vargas, who managed only to yell at him not to, and before that, Run to rush too. However, Agent Victor Reyna, who was guarding the place, managed to stop her and save her life.

In all pre-existing methods of jumping, a straight-line take-off was used. In order to lower the BCV of the body of the jumper, before repulsion, it was necessary to run on “half-bent legs”, which made increased demands on the strength training of the jumpers and did not allow the jumpers to show the maximum speed capabilities. In the Fosbury Flop jump, the jumper changes the direction of movement on the last steps of the run, which is impossible without tilting the whole body in the direction of the turn. It is these actions that cause the lowering of the jumper's BCT before repulsion. At the same time, despite the increase in the load on the musculoskeletal system (the reaction force of the support increases due to the occurrence of centrifugal forces), preparation for repulsion occurs with a less pronounced squat at the last steps of the run. It was this circumstance that made it possible to perform a faster and more powerful repulsion when by this moment the jumper had reached a higher take-off speed than in the "overlapping" way of jumping.

On the other side of the river, right in front of the suicide stone, is the Suicide Maiden. A few days before the incident with agent José Suarez, and at the same time as the taxi drivers were trying to save the body of their colleague, a stranger, about 23 years old, blond, with a scar on his cheek, dressed in a striped green cloth and who never knew his identity, arrived by bus to the hotel in the morning. El Tiempo reported that witnesses who worked at the site said after the young man said, speaking of the jump, that "fortunately, whoever falls there against his will or his will never got out again."

Take a close look at the pictures below. For all jumpers, it is characteristic that the center of gravity of the body is fixed at the same height. But due to the different position above the bar, the lowest parts of the body are removed from the center of gravity in different ways. So, with the method of bending the legs, the minimum height is achieved, while with the methods, the take-off height is better used, especially when jumping using the "flip" and "fosbury flop" methods.

Leaving the hotel, he went to the waterfall, climbed the stone, from where he took out a book, which he began to read to the Virgin. It was not yet nine o'clock and the duty officer had not arrived; but the passengers of the bus who were passing by saw the scene and lowered themselves and ran towards the place. The young man, realizing that people were shouting and approaching him, threw himself into the void.

The history of unsuccessful suicides is long. She was dark and rugged and preferred to dress in mourning for her flight to eternity. However, he did not take into account the schedules of the policeman in charge, who immediately realized what was happening and stopped her. As they took her to the police station, Quintero attempted to throw himself into the traffic to die, but she too was unsuccessful. Despite his failure, he decreed that sooner or later he would kill himself. The police also found that he had some broken photos of himself and some kind of caplas that he made sure to leave before the launch.

But the progress of the results in high jumps was connected not only with the innovation in the technique of jumping, but also with those that the jumpers became higher. First official world record; belonged to W. Page. Back in 1887, he overcame the bar at around 1 m 93 cm. The athlete’s own height was 1 m 11 cm. The next record holder was already taller - 1 m 78 cm. He raised; the “ceiling” of the world record by 4 cm. D. Horine was the first to overcome the height of 2 m in 1912, having a height of 1 m 80 cm. D. Stones, who brought the record to 2 m 32 cm, did not “grow” to 2 m only 4 cm. Vladimir Yashchenko also had an excellent growth of 1 m 92 cm.

Oh, eternal and treacherous life, uncomfortable and vile torments of absence! Wait hours after hours and always lose your presence! The mouth of the cruel abyss, Gondura from a huge cataract! Why live without it? Accept the modest offer of this apartment. The same thing happened to Irina Lovera. After the feat of taxi drivers, ordinary adventurers began to look for rescue bodies in search of glory. At the same time, Irene Lovera photographed on location. With pretense, the woman approached the abyss and left the papers on the stone.

One of the young men saw what was happening and ran to stop her. Between screams, she confessed her intentions, and in one of the articles she read: “Forever,” as El Tiempo said. Beyond the disappointed, there are stories of those who seem to have been drawn to this black hole. When he thought he had identified him, he immediately reported it for news coverage. When he roamed the area so much, Noita was a friend of Carlina Garibello, famous for the black pudding he sold at a post set in a jump.

So, better technique combined with good physique of athletes helps them to win! height attack. Of course, each new frontier is not given a run: a struggle, but it is impossible to stop this process ...

And so that you don’t get the impression that high jumps are only available to giants, I’ll tell you about another athlete. Although he didn’t put his name on the list of record holders, perform a kind of sports feat in order to achieve the goal. Rust? Akhmetov was one of the most inconspicuous guys in the group of jumpers who trained with Viktor Alekseevich Donskoy. This well-known specialist in the 70s worked in the small Ukrainian city of Berdichev. Under his leadership, many high-class athletes have grown. I dreamed of becoming a good jumper and Akhmetov. He loved sports very much, he would be stubborn in training, but his results grew extremely slowly. The reason was simple: the boy did not have enough height. So what - quit the sport, put up with it? No, Rustam decided firmly. "I have to grow up." To do this, he himself came up with a complex special exercises. For example, he hung on the crossbar for a long time with a load on his legs. Thus, he stretched the spine and joints. He got his way, although not immediately. In a couple of years, Akhmetov added 10 cm in height and later showed international class results, joined the national team of the country.

Both embodied the fight between two newspapers to get the scoop. One day a visitor arrived who, asking for food, began to give unnecessary explanations for his presence at the place. Both "reporters" looked at him carefully, not to stop him, but to wait for the goat. Suddenly, the young man threw the envelope on the ground, took a couple of jumps and jumped. Fritanguera and the portrait painter rushed for the role: she was strong and he was a little old, "the forces were balanced," wrote Felipe González Toledo in a note compiled in the book "20 Police Chronicles", and the struggle for ended only when both bodies , still united by rage, turned to the bottom of Tekendama.

And how many cases are known when hard training helped people overcome the consequences of diseases that seemed incurable, according to experts. When we talk about records, they are admirable. But are those little “miracles” that sports do with unremarkable guys, turning them into real athletes, not worthy of admiration?

The rotten smell that accompanied us throughout the tour was the same as the famous journalist of the 40s, José Joaquin Jimenez. Such was his affinity for this story that he himself became a legend, because he is accused of writing little poems written by him in the pockets of corpses to enrich the mystery of his stories. The devotion of this red kronista came before the last consequences in February. In order to cover the story of the taxi driver who fell with everything and the car to the void, Simenez sank as close as possible to the bottom of the abyss.

Running long jump

He then wrote a story in El Tiempo. The news was known, Lopez and Tenho were torn to pieces and killed, deep in Tequendama. Their corpses, mixed with the wreckage of a taxi, were consumed by greedy and huge crabs. Is someone going to save them and bury them Christian?

High jumps with a run - a type of athletics, characterized by short-term muscular efforts of an "explosive" nature, which has many varieties (methods). The main ones are "stepping", "wave", "roll", "flip" and "fosbury flop". Most effective ways jumps are "flip" and "fosbury flop".

Compared to some other types of athletics, the history of the development of the high jump is short. The Olympic Games of antiquity did not know this sport. Only in early XIX V. in Europe, a gymnastic jump appeared, which was performed from a straight run. In the book English author D. Walker's "Male Exercises", published in 1843, it is mentioned that a good high jumper can jump 5 feet (1.52 m), a first-class one - 5.5 feet (1.67 m), and exceptional - at 6 feet (1.83 m). However, the first high jump result officially registered in 1864 in England by R. Michl was only 1.67 m.

The first period in the history of jumping is characterized by the use of irrational technique. Athletes overcame the bar either from a straight run, squeezing their legs, or running up at an acute angle and making scissor-like movements with their legs. The latter method is called "scissors" or "stepping over". Using it, the British T. Little and D. Rownell managed to overcome a height of 1.82 m, which was significant at that time, and in 1887 the American W. Page set a world record (1.93 m).

American athletes began the second period in the development of the high jump - a period of improving the technique of crossing the bar by positioning as low as possible
BCT of the body at the time of the jump. There is a new way to cross the bar - East American ("wave"). Using this method, M. Swinney in 1896 set a world record
(1.97 m), which lasted for 17 years.

However, a two-meter height was destined to be overcome by an athlete who used a different way of jumping. This was done in 1912 by Stanford University student D. Horain. He ran under acute angle to the bar, as in “stepping over”, but he pushed off with the foot closest to the bar and crossed it sideways in a horizontal position. New way the jump is now called the "roll". Jumping with a slightly modified "roll", G. Osborne in 1924 improved the world record to 2.04 w, and the winner Olympic Games 1936 K-Johnson to 2.07 f. A new way of jumping ("flip") in the 30s was demonstrated by the Soviet athlete B. Vzorov. However, at that time it was not widespread in our country. This method was adopted by the Americans. L. Steers (USA), using the "cross over", in 1941 raised the ceiling of the world record to 2.11 fl, and the winner of the XVI Olympic Games in Melbourne Ch. Dumas to 2.15 f. By true masters changeover method were Soviet athletes. It was they who started new period the history of high jumps, which is characterized by the improvement of both the run-up, and repulsion, and the transition over the bar. American jumpers preferred a slow run-up, as if sneaking up to the bar and quickly completing only the last 3 steps. Soviet jumpers significantly improved not only the takeoff, but also its combination with repulsion, as well as the transition of the bar. The first defeat to the US jumpers was inflicted by Yu. Stepanov, who set a new world record in 1957 - 2.16 m. For some time, the Negro athlete D. Thomas fought the Soviet athletes, whose record of 2.22 m seemed unattainable. However, at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, Thomas was defeated by R. Shavlakadze, and then the record for many years passed into the possession of the remarkable Soviet athlete V. Brumel, who managed to overcome the bar at a height of 2.28 liters. The traditions of V. Brumel were continued by the Soviet jumpers V. Bolshov (2.20 w), V. Skvortsov (2.21 m), V. Gavrilov (2.24 w), R. Akhmetov (2.23 w) and others. At the Olympic Games in Mexico City, the American athlete D. Fosbury won the high jump. He jumped in a new and peculiar way, turning his back to the bar as he took off. He managed to overcome in this way, called the "fosbury flop", a height of 2.24 meters. The flop seemed to be the future. However, the American athlete P. Matzdorf in 1971, jumping "cross over", improved Brumel's record by 1 cm (2.29 f). In 1973, a new world record was set by an American athlete who jumped using the Fosbury flop method, D. Stones (2.30).

A new generation of Soviet jumpers managed to once again take first place in the world. This is convincingly evidenced by the successes of the 1971 European champion K. Shapka and Yu. Tarmak, who showed the best result of the 1972 season (2.25 w) and became the winner of the Olympic Games in Munich (2.23 w).

Soviet school high jump deservedly received recognition around the world. Soviet coaches V. Dyachkov, Yu. Chistyakov, P. Goykhman, V. Lonsky did a lot to create this school.

The first officially registered world record in women's high jump was set by American athletes D. Shiley and M. Didrikson in 1932 (1.65 w). After that, the record belonged to representatives of a number of countries, including Soviet Union(A. Chudina - 1.73 f in 1954). long time the record was owned by the Romanian athlete I. Balas, who in 1961 raised the record to 1.91 f.

IN last years the strongest in Europe was the Austrian athlete I. Gusenbauer, who won the title of champion of the continent in 1971, and then set a world record (1.92 w). On the eve of the Olympic Games in Munich, jumpers from the GDR R. Schmidt (1.90 m), R. Hildemeister (1.87 w), Romanian I. Popescu (1.87 w) also successfully competed. However, at the Olympics, the 16-year-old schoolgirl from Germany U. Meyfart (1.92 f) unexpectedly became the winner of the competition, and in September 1972 the world record was improved by another two centimeters (1.94 f) by the silver medalist of the Olympic Games, the Bulgarian athlete I Blagoev.

Unfortunately, in recent years, Soviet athletes have somewhat lagged behind their foreign rivals. A. Lazareva, who owns the USSR record (1.88 w), in Munich could not even make it to the final competition.

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