How to translate an image from paper. Transferring an image to a tree - technology features


Pharynx- this is a channel with muscular walls that connects the mouth and sinuses with the larynx and esophagus; the pharynx is also an organ digestive system. Larynx- a canal with cartilaginous walls connecting the pharynx with the trachea; air passes through the larynx into and out of the lungs, and this organ also acts as a voice resonator.

It is a funnel-shaped channel 12 to 14 cm long and 35 mm wide at the top and 15 mm at the bottom. The pharynx is located behind the nasal sinuses and oral cavity, it goes deep into the neck, and then goes into the larynx and esophagus. It is an integral part of both the respiratory system and the digestive system: the air we breathe, as well as food, passes through the pharynx.
Three segments are distinguished in the pharynx: the upper pharynx, or nasopharynx, connected by its anterior wall with the nasal sinuses, on the upper wall of which there is a formation of lymphatic tissue called the tonsil of the pharynx; the middle pharynx, or oropharynx, which communicates with the upper part of the oral cavity and on the side walls has formations of lymphatic tissue called palatine tonsils; and the lower part of the pharynx, or laryngo-pharyngeal space, which connects anteriorly to the larynx and posteriorly to the esophagus.

The implementation of the dual function that the pharynx performs is possible thanks to the epiglottis - a tennis racket-shaped formation located on the upper wall of the larynx; normally, the epiglottis remains open, allowing air to pass from the larynx to the nose and vice versa, however, during swallowing, the epiglottis closes and blocks the entrance to the larynx - this forces the food bolus to move towards the esophagus.

It is a truncated cone-shaped canal, consisting of many articular cartilages connected by various muscles, membranes and ligaments. The larynx is located between the pharynx and the trachea, its size changes with age: in an adult, the larynx reaches 3.5-4.5 cm in length, 4 cm in transverse and 2.5-3.5 cm in anterior-posterior section.

In the upper part of the larynx is the epiglottis - cartilage, the movements of which direct air into the trachea during breathing and limit its flow during swallowing. In addition to supplying air to the lungs and removing it, the larynx performs another equally important function: it forms the sounds of the human voice. On the inner surface of the larynx on each side there are two folds: fibrous - false vocal cords and fibromuscular - true vocal cords, separated by a V-shaped slit called the glottis, which is responsible for the formation of sounds (more details about the structures larynx can be read in the following articles: muscles of the larynx , cartilage and joints of the larynx , laryngeal cavity , vocal folds of the larynx And functions of the larynx).

From the ligamentous apparatus of the larynx, it is worth remembering the following: the larynx is attached to the hyoid bone on the thyroid-hyoid membrane, and a strong elastic cricothyroid ligament is stretched between the cricoid arch and the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage.

Small ligaments strengthen both joints of the larynx and fix the epiglottis to the hyoid bone and angle of the thyroid cartilage. The most famous is the vocal cord, it is located between the thyroid cartilage and the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilage of the corresponding side. Parallel to it and a little higher, there is a not pronounced vestibular fold. Both are paired.

The vocal cords form the glottis. How the voice changes depends on its width and the degree of tension of the ligaments themselves. Both are determined by the contraction of one or another striated muscle. Therefore, having considered the cartilaginous, articular and ligamentous apparatus, it is logical to pay attention to the muscles of the larynx. To understand the principle underlying the movement of the larynx.

The sounds that a person makes are due to the vibration of the vocal cords at the moment when air passes from the lungs back into the oral cavity; man forms words from sounds. When inhaling, as well as when exhaling, when a person is not talking, his vocal cords are relaxed and lean against the walls of the larynx so that the air passes without any resistance. Conversely, when a person speaks, during exhalation, thanks to the muscles that contract the laryngeal cartilages, the vocal cords tighten, approach the midline of the larynx and vibrate before the air from the lungs is released. So, according to the degree of tension and the form that the vocal cords take at a certain moment, sounds of different heights are formed.

It can hardly be argued that human voice along with appearance and manners, it is able to create the first impression of a person. With the help of voice they control the crowd or sing a lullaby to a child, shout or declare their love. The pitch, timbre, loudness of the voice can cause sympathy or, conversely, hostility among listeners. This effect is helped to achieve by the vocal cords, sometimes called "pearl cords". So what is this magical organ? Where is it located and what can it do?

What it is

The vocal cords are a paired organ, which is a small cluster of muscles attached to the laryngeal cartilages. Along with the larynx, lungs, nasal and oral cavities, abdominal muscles, etc., they participate in the formation of sounds and voices, and, together with other organs, make up the human vocal apparatus.

It is worth considering that the vocal cords are only sound generators, that is, mechanical vibrations. The frequency and amplitude parameters of sound vibrations determine the corresponding centers of the brain, the command from which goes to the muscles of the larynx through the movable processes of the vagus nerve.

Functions and structure

So, essential role performed by mother-of-pearl ligaments - voicing. Since the voice consists of vowels and consonants of normal volume, as well as a whisper, it is possible to distinguish three functions, depending on their state.

  1. The formation of voiceless consonants. When pronouncing them, the folds are in a relaxed state and moved apart. In this case, the glottis takes a triangular shape.
  2. Voiced, sonorous consonants and vowels are formed when the folds approach each other and their significant tension. At the same time, a vibration effect is created.
  3. Whispers and epiglotto-pharyngeal consonants are formed when the glottis is closed, when the ligaments are relaxed and close to each other.

Where are they located and what do they look like?

The ligaments are located in the center of the larynx and they are covered with a mucous membrane, which has the form of folds and, in turn, is covered with stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium. The folds are arranged in such a way that a space is preserved between them, called the glottis.

When the muscle tissue begins to move, the size of the gap changes its shape and size, depending on how the amplitude of the muscle work has passed. The size of the gap directly affects the sonority and height of the resulting sounds.

Also interesting is the fact that the size of the gaps in men and women is significantly different. For example, the largest gap in the female larynx will be in comparison equal in size to the smallest glottis in the male larynx. It turns out that in men the larynx has a sharp and elongated shape that protrudes outward, forming with outside Adam's apple. This shape of the larynx determines the height of the male voice.

The larynx in its upper part has an oval opening - the epiglottis, formed by the laryngeal movable cartilage. During swallowing, the free edge of this opening deviates backward, closing the superior laryngeal opening, and during breathing, the opening remains open. This process is extremely important for singing practices.

In the human larynx there are two kinds, two pairs of ligaments. They look like a pair of symmetrically arranged protrusions, located one above the other, and between them there are small recesses. These projections are called true and false vocal folds.

  • True. They are two symmetrically located formations from the mucous laryngeal layer. They contain muscle clusters located in different directions, which gives them the opportunity to move not synchronously, but with different intensity and any of their parts. Such a variety of muscle movements also determines the diversity of the world of sounds that a person is capable of making. In addition to the voice-forming function, true folds also play a protective role - closing completely, they create a barrier that prevents foreign objects from getting further into the trachea.
  • False. They got their name due to their not clearly expressed work. They move rather lazily, due to the fact that their muscle tissue is poorly expressed. However, they also participate in the process of sound formation, although they do not have the ability to merge completely. Their work is most noticeable during guttural singing.

False formations contain glands that help humidify iron-free true vapors. The entire surface of the folds is sufficiently elastic and mobile. Inside the folds, both on the outside and on the inside, are the thyroid-arytenoid muscles. Muscles that have an internal position are directly responsible for vocal characteristics and, therefore, are called vocal muscles.

It is thanks to such a complex structure that the mother-of-pearl ligament is able to move with any of its parts, change its width and length, and also produce oscillatory movements with different intensity, in different directions and in any of its segments.

Such a complex muscular structure of the ligaments, larynx and vocal apparatus as a whole makes it possible for a person to give sounds a huge range of intonations, tones, semitones and sounds.

The vocal cords are important anatomical structures for humans that are responsible for functions such as voice and protection of the lungs and bronchi from water, food or other foreign objects entering them. Ligaments are located in the middle part of the pharynx on its left and right sides, stretched in the center.

Anatomical features

  • the true vocal cords are two symmetrical folds of the mucous membrane of the larynx containing the vocal muscle and ligament. They have an individual structure that differs from other muscles;
  • false vocal cords are also called vestibular folds, as they are located in this area. They cover the submucosal tissue and the muscle bundle. They take some part in closing and opening the glottis. But their true functions are manifested only in guttural singing and in the development of a false-ligamentous voice.

Mystery of the Voice

The larynx, and accordingly the vocal folds, are organs and anatomical structures that depend on the level of hormones. Hence there is a difference in voice between men and women. In childhood, the voices of girls and boys sound about the same, but with the advent of adolescence, the voice mutates, this feature is associated with a change in hormonal levels. Under the influence of male hormones, the larynx expands and lengthens, and the ligaments thicken. Due to such changes, the voice becomes rougher and lower. After the onset of adolescence, in girls, the larynx undergoes completely minor changes, due to which the voice remains high and sonorous.

In some cases, there are atypical voices for sounding in men or women. Such phenomenal exceptions occur due to a genetic mutation or as a consequence of an imbalance of hormones.

With the advent of old age, changes in the voice are also noted, it becomes rattling and weak, this is all due to the fact that the ligaments stop closing to the end, as they become thinner and weaker. The deterioration of their function is also associated with insufficient production of hormones, which are practically not produced after the onset of the aging period.

  • hypothermia;
  • professions that require constant speech (teachers, actors, etc.);
  • diseases of the larynx, the treatment of which was not made in a timely manner.

Interesting fact! Speakers who speak continuously for 2-3 hours must rest their vocal cords for the next 8-9 hours, this is how long it takes for them to recover, otherwise hoarseness or hoarseness of the voice threatens.


Unfortunately, like any other organ, the vocal cords are subject to various pathologies under the influence of various causes. Pathologies can be different nature, for the treatment of some, it is enough to carry out simple manipulations and rest the voice, for other diseases, surgical intervention and long-term rehabilitation will be required.

  • A granuloma is a benign growth that can result from trauma.
    larynx or with systematic irritation of the ligaments. The manifestations of granulomas include hoarseness of the voice, the feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the larynx, the desire to expectorate it. Also granuloma, a formation that can cause pain, as a result of her constant irritation when talking. Pain can occur not only in the larynx, but also give to the ear on the side of the lesion. Outwardly, the granuloma is a pale pink formation, it can be located both on a wide footboard and on a thin one. The formation tends to grow as long as it is irritated, and in the case of the vocal cords, this action is irreversible. Regarding treatment, surgical intervention is carried out only after all conservative methods have not been effective. For conservative treatment, it is important to exclude the cause of the irritating factor, to create complete voice rest. If the granuloma is not irritated over time, it will resolve itself;
  • vocal cord nodules are benign growths that occur as a result of constant overload of the vocal cords. Most often formed in middle-aged women, as well as in people whose profession is related to singing or oratory. After frequent overloads, seals form on the folds that resemble calluses; with continued loads, they continue to increase in size. The pathology has no special symptoms, only painless hoarseness of the voice can appear, which disappears after a short rest. The basis of treatment is voice therapy, with the use of steroid drugs to reduce swelling of the larynx folds. But after another overload of the ligaments, the nodules may reappear, the disease is chronic. In some cases, it is proposed to remove the nodules with a laser or cryosurgical methods;
  • polyps are benign formations that are localized, as a rule, in the middle of the vocal folds. Signs of polyps are hoarseness, sometimes a feeling of having a foreign body in the throat. Polyps have clear edges, mostly red, the structure of the growth can be lobular or have a smooth surface, the sizes can be different. The cause of polyps is mainly trauma to the larynx and ligaments. As well as nodules, the treatment of polyps is based on voice therapy, if it is not effective, they resort to surgical intervention;
  • spastic dysphonia is manifested in involuntary movements of the vocal folds. The causes of such disorders are most often mental disorders, severe stress or overload connections. The disease is inherited, more often affects people 30-40 years old. Spasmodic dysphonia is characterized by tightness and unnaturalness of the voice. Pathology consists in limiting the motor function of the vocal cords. The most commonly used treatment is injections. special preparations in the area of ​​ligaments. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely cure the pathology, but only to improve the patient's condition. If after the injections the proper result is not obtained, surgery may be prescribed;
  • phonasthenia, pathology, expressed in a weak closure of the folds. Occurs due to overload of the vocal cords or fatigue nervous system. The main treatment for phonasthenia is silence. In the chronic course of the disease, without treatment, complete aphonia, that is, loss of voice, may develop;
  • Cancer of the vocal cords is perhaps the most difficult disease that requires immediate treatment. The exact causes of its development have not been established, but it is known that factors affecting the occurrence of atypical cells are smoking and alcoholic beverages. Also, a malignant tumor can be reborn as a result of the lack of treatment of precancerous diseases, for example, after polyposis. Treatment is prescribed individually, as a rule, it is surgical in nature, tumor removal is required, as well as radiation exposure.

As you can see, the vocal cords are the main instrument that allows us to speak. But, not only the ability to speak, but also the protection of the respiratory tract depends on their work, since the folds block the path for accidentally falling crumbs or water to enter the lungs or bronchi. Most often, people who have to talk a lot and loudly, singers, actors, teachers, face violations of the functionality of these anatomical structures. They are more susceptible to the risk factor for the formation of diseases of the ligaments, to prevent them, you should observe the voice mode and give proper rest to the ligaments. In this case, they will reward you with uninterrupted voice work without hoarseness.

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