What is the name of Boba Fett's dad. Boba fett's volatile past


The film company Lucasfilm has finally closed the project about the character of the Star Wars universe Boba Fett. Instead, it was decided to focus on the production of The Mandalorian series. Executive Producer show has become .

The studio has been working on the spin-off since 2013. Initially, the project was supposed to lead ( "Fantastic Four"), but due to a conflict with the producers, he left the post of director of the picture. In May 2018, it became known that he would take up the tape ( "Logan"), who subsequently denied this information. Despite everything, Star Wars fans kept waiting for the movie that was supposed to be new part anthology that began with Rogue One in 2016.

According to sources, the plot of the spin-off was supposed to tell not only about Boba Fett, but also about other bounty hunters operating in the vastness of a galaxy far, far away. The film expected the appearance of characters that viewers had previously seen in fifth episode of Star Wars.

Movie Han Solo: Star Wars. Stories" showed unsatisfactory performance, the tape collected only $ 392 million at the box office with a declared budget of $ 275 million. Largely because of this, Lucasfilm decided to revise its Star Wars policy and slow down the production of new films based on the well-known franchise.

The Mandalorian will take place after the fall of the Galactic Empire, but before the advent of the First Order. The project will tell about the adventures of a lone mercenary who is forced to survive on the outskirts of a habitable galaxy, where laws do not apply New Republic.

The Mandalorians - warlike people, which turned out to be almost completely destroyed at the time of the events of the original trilogy. Like the traditions of the ancient Greek Spartans, their culture is built on the veneration of war as a source of glory and pride. Members of this race are considered the best warriors far, far away galaxy.

IN different time in history, the Mandalorians acted as a third force - a factor that upset the balance of power between the two main political players in the galaxy. As mercenaries, they could act both on the side of the Sith and cooperate with the Jedi. The main thing is the right price.

The budget of the series is estimated at around $ 800 million - $ 100 million per episode. Disney has yet to announce a release date, but The Mandalorian is set to appear on the studio's own streaming service, which will launch in late 2019.

The Mandalorian Executive Producer Jon Favreau loves sharing footage from the set. On his birthday, October 19, he posted a picture of himself with George. “Birthday Surprise,” reads the caption.

Lucas did not come empty-handed: a bottle of 2014 Skywalker Pinot Noir flaunts on the table. It is known that Lucas, under the influence of his friend Coppola, in 1991 acquired his own vineyard in Marin County, California.

Lucas' visit to the set of the series - good sign, considering the fact that the director and producer reacted very coolly to "The Force Awakens" And "To the Last Jedi", after the head of Lucasfilm and the director rejected his ideas. Nevertheless, the creator of "Star Wars" came to shoot spin-offs "Rogue One" and Han Solo.

On October 25, the Manhattan Beach police received a call about the robbery of the premises where, among other things, the headquarters of film crew TV series The Mandalorian. It is not known what exactly the attackers stole, but sources confirmed that it was the Star Wars series that was robbed.

The address where the call came from is MBS Media Campus, where there are film sets and offices of film companies, including Lightstorm Entertainment, where sequels are currently being worked on. "Avatar". Representatives of Lucasfilm did not comment on the situation.

This is not the first high-profile robbery in 2018. In May, the criminals stole the armor iron man, breaking into a warehouse in the Los Angeles area of ​​Pacoima. The cost of the suit is estimated at six figures.

Star Wars. Boba Fett: 2



Is there anyone?!

No answer. It was quiet in the hallway outside the door.

Boba Fett was alone.

Everything is fine. Boba is used to being alone.

Ever since he buried his father, he's been on his own - a ten-year-old boy against the galaxy. He missed his father, but didn't mind being alone. Sometimes.

Movement! Boba ran down the corridor, around the corner.

It was just a droid. A small house cleaner droid busy cleaning up the dust. Other creatures also bustled about in the Count's dungeons, but only extra droids came into this corridor.

This explains why Boba felt lonely. But it does not explain why he was brought here and what happened to him. Only the Count can explain everything.

The Count is tall, thin and strong man with a chilling smile. He was called differently. One is Tyranus, the other is Dooku. Boba's father, Jango Fett, ordered that the Count be found if anything happened to him.

And this “something” happened. Boba's father was killed in battle with the Jedi. Boba buried him on Geonosis. But when he returned to his home planet Kamino, he realized that it was no longer his home. There was no father - there was no defender. There was no father - there was no more security. There was only one thing left - to leave.

His father left him a book. When Boba finds Tyranus, she will help him repay what he owes his father and gain independence.

Boba wanted to do just that. He wanted to become as great a mercenary as his father was. First you had to get debts, and then earn more.

But Boba did not have time to find the count. The Count found him first. He sent a mercenary named Aurra Sing to capture him on Coruscant and take him to the Count's dungeon on Raxus Prime. As payment for the work done, she took his ship - "Slave I". But she didn't explain why the Count wanted Bob.

Only the Count could explain everything, but Boba had not yet met him. We can say that the count in his dungeon greeted him hospitably, gave him a room with a table, a chair and a bed, on which the exhausted Boba immediately collapsed to sleep.

Now he woke up, but the count still did not show himself in any way.

Is there anyone?

No answer.

Walking a little, Boba saw rooms half filled with some strange equipment, some of which was packed in boxes.

There was something going on. But what exactly?

I wanted to think so.

The room Boba was placed in was painted in White color and illuminated by luminous panels on the ceiling. Like all the others he had seen so far, the room was derelict and decrepit. Obviously, having entered here, the count did not intend to stay for a long time.

Boba knew he was underground. After being dropped off by Aurra Sing, he came here through the hillside. That's all he knew about where he was. He was far from the outside world, and even further from any place he knew before. Now he was in isolation, under the control of the count.

Boba knew that he would not stay in the room all day. What he had learned in those terrible days after his father's death was to act without hesitation. Boba continued to walk deeper into the corridor, which led him to another corridor. The voices got closer.

Find a way back to your room later, Boba thought. His bag was left in the room where he slept. It was the only thing that was inherited from his father.

Okay, we'll take care of that later. First things first, what my father taught, you need to find the count and find out what's going on.

Another empty room. But… This room is different from the others.

It has a window.

And this window overlooks the lake, surrounded by forest. Blue sky with white clouds. But how is this possible?

Raxus Prime is one of the most poisonous and toxic planets in the galaxy. Boba saw her sky, covered in a thick layer of smoke. All slopes are covered with debris and various debris. The banks of oily rivers are littered with waste. Everything on this planet was muddy and dirty. So what is this lake outside the window? Had it all been cleared away while he slept? Or was he transported to another planet?

Boba crossed the room and went to the window. He was about to open it when he heard a stern and authoritative voice behind him.

Boba turned around. Someone or something stood in the doorway, filling all its space. He was huge, his bald reptilian head surmounted by a crest of claws. He wore a jumpsuit with gold fasteners and buttons. His wide mouth was filled with a huge number of large teeth, and his tiny eyes radiated coldness.

You can't, - the giant repeated, stamping his heavy boot. The ground trembled under his footsteps.

Goosebumps ran down Boba's back, but he remembered his father's words: "Take fear as a friend, but do not show it to anyone."

What is impossible?

Forbidden, he replied. “Now follow us, young sir.

Behind us? But there was no one else here, there was only this one giant. Anyway.

Follow where? Boba asked.

The Count is ready to meet you. Please follow us.

Boba knew he had no choice. The creature won't move until Boba does what it wants.

Boba followed the giant past many closed doors, to an ornately carved door at the end of a long corridor.

The giant knocked, and after a signal that Boba did not hear, he entered. Inside, the room was larger than the others and furnished. A holographic projector stood on a table with ornate legs. In the corner stood a holographic transmitter ready for use.

Behind the table was a large viewing window. The window faced the other side, not the one in the previous room, but it had the same landscape with the same forest.

What's happening? Boba was surprised.

Near the window, looking out, stood a man in a long raincoat. He turned as Boba entered. A smile, thin and sharp as a dagger, cut through his beard, on his long and narrow face. At first glance, Boba felt the power emanating from him. dark side. Even more than power. It was the Force.

Yes, sir. Boba nodded, touching the coarse tunic.

Are you satisfied with everything here?

Boba nodded again. But the breakfast was not too big, only one shuura. But he wasn't about to complain.

Excellent, said the Count. - I hope you get along with Saidon Prax. He helps me in everything.

The hideous giant bowed, and Boba bowed back. His father taught him to recognize a murderer at a glance. And from everything it was clear that Prax would kill anyone who did something wrong. Boba felt a little annoyed that Prax now occupied the place with the Count that his father had occupied.

Prax will look after and take care of you,” the count said. Let him know if you need anything. Anything.

Boba nodded.

Yes, sir. Thank you sir.

He wanted to appear obedient and unquestioning. He wanted Prax to think of him as obedient. small child. So neither Prax nor the count would guess what was really in his head.

Trunk, director of Chronicle and Fantastic Four, was supposed to direct the second spin-off from the so-called Star Wars anthology. The first such project was led by Gareth Edwards. His tape is called Rogue One, leading role will play Felicity Jones, and he will talk about the events associated with the theft of blueprints "Death Stars".

Rumors about the plot of the second spin-off were quite different. However, The Wrap claims that the film is about the rise of one of the original trilogy's most enigmatic and fan-favorite characters, the Mandalorian mercenary. Boba Fette.

Boba's father, Jango Fett, was also a famous bounty hunter. According to the events of the new trilogy, Boba is a clone of Django. Boba worked for the Empire, collaborated with Darth Vader and carried out the tasks of such space bandits as Jabba the Hutt. For the last Boba Fett caught Hana Solo.

Joshua Trank's exit from the project, according to insiders, is due to his behavior on the set of The Four, whose producer Simon Kinberg is working on the second Star Wars spin-off. Lucasfilm considered the participation of an unreliable director impossible and said goodbye to him. Then there were rumors that even the Chronicle was not Trunk's brainchild. Say, the final version was trimmed by the producers. If Fantastic Four does poorly at the box office, later career the director will be in question.

Meanwhile, it became known that the filming of the eighth episode of the franchise will take place in London, at the studio Pinewood. For the UK, this will be a very profitable alliance: the studio will attract capital in the amount of $ 152 million to the country and create 3,000 jobs.

Episode 8 will be directed by Rian Johnson. Filming is scheduled for 2016 with a release in May 2017.

In honor of May 4, when International Star Wars Day is celebrated (the phrases “May the Force be with you” with “May The 4th be with you” are similar in English, but in Russian “May the force be with you” and “May the force be with you” with you on May 4" is incomparable), Vanity Fair published pictures of photographer Annie Leibovitz taken on the set of the painting "Star Wars: The Force Awakens". Some facts have become known.

Adam Driver really plays the villain. His name is Kylo Ren, and the cross-shaped lightsaber from the first teaser is his. Of course, fans have already identified the actor for a long time, but official confirmation appeared only yesterday.

Lupita Nyong'o will not be seen in the film: the actress plays a computer-generated character, a pirate named Maz Kanata. Which side of the Resistance Maz is on has not yet been revealed, but note that the Rebel Alliance is now known as the Resistance.

In this article you will learn:

Boba Fett is a ruthless bounty hunter clone Mandalore from the Star Wars universe. First famous hero appeared in the movie "Attack of the Clones" as a little boy clone. His story is filled with Legends and only a small part of the Canon (original story).

Boba was created on the planet Kamino around 32 BBY, at the request of Jango Fett ten years before the Clone Wars. Django wanted an heir, which he received in the form little boy clone, unlike other clones, which were made exclusively as adults.

The boy grew up under the care of Fett, who took care of him as own son. In addition to Django, Boba was looked after by the hunter Zam Wesell and the Kaminoan Ton Vee, who was considered the boy's adoptive mother.

Boba didn't go to school and got most of his knowledge from travel and books. He gained combat skills by training with adult clones.

Little Fett almost everywhere followed his father, who carried out dangerous missions, hired by Darth Tyranus known as.

Attack of the Clones (Canon)

In Attack of the Clones, we first see Boba, played by Daniel Logan.

Boba was about 10 years old when a Jedi flew to Kamino to investigate the assassination attempt on Naboo senator Django. Then Kenobi and the Jedi Council learned about the creation of a clone army for the Republic.

Django and Boba rushed off the planet in the Slave 1. There was also a small battle with the Jedi, which ended in a draw.

Boba and his father went to Geonosis, to their employer Dooku., trying to shake off the stubborn Kenobi from the tail. On the planet, a mercenary and a son witnessed the start of the Clone Wars. When the anti-Republic Separatists attempted to execute the captured Jedi, Kenobi and Senator Amidala, Geonosis was invaded by clone troops.

Boba watched his father from afar and saw how the bounty hunter, having fought with the master, was defeated and lost his head. After the fight between the Separatists and Republic clones left the Arena, Boba was finally able to come out of hiding and retrieve his father's helmet. He swore revenge on Windu.

"Maybe I would have grown up to be a nice guy if the Jedi hadn't cut off my father's head right in front of me!"

Becoming a bounty hunter (Legends)

The death of his father was a shock to the young Fett. The fact that he was left alone, the boy blamed the Jedi Order, especially Master Windu. The desire to get even with the Jedi led Boba to team up with the bounty hunters Bossk, Aurra Sing, and Castas.

To begin with, Boba was introduced into a brigade of young clones who worked alongside Anakin Skywalker and Windu, but nothing came of it. All attempts to kill the master ended in failure.

Along with Aurra, Bob was shot down by the Steadfast Star Destroyer., taking hostages and demanding Windu's appearance. When Sing killed Kastas' companion, Boba finally saw how cruel she was and repented of her deed, however, it was too late, since the Jedi Plo Koon and the Padawans sat on Fett's trail.

After Fett's arrest, Kun found out from him the whereabouts of the hostages that Tano had freed. Along with Bossk, Boba was sent to prison on Coruscant. There, the boy met Windu personally, to whom he told about his hatred for the master and regret for what he had done.

In 21 BBY, Boba managed to escape from prison. He traveled to Tatooine, where he was recruited by Jabba the Hutt in return for a debt to his father.

In 19 BBY, the hero learned that Windu had died. At the same time, the Republic was reorganized into the Galactic Empire.

In 15 BBY, Fett decided to start a "normal life", whereupon he married the bounty hunter Sintas Vel. The girl gave birth to a daughter from Boba whom she named - Eileen. Unfortunately, Fett had to leave his family.

In 5 BBY, Boba received an order for Han Solo. but he managed to get away.

At this time, the mercenary also performed some tasks from. Among the orders from the Sith Lord was an investigation into the death of Padmé Amidala.

The Empire Strikes Back (Canon)

An adult Boba's subsequent hunt was to capture the elusive Han Solo. Fett followed him everywhere until Darth Vader gathered mercenaries who could track his ship's movement. Boba was the only one who succeeded and along with Vader, he set a trap for the Falcon on Bespin.

Solo was frozen in carbonite and, by agreement, given to a mercenary. Finally, the smuggler was caught and Boba went to Tatooine to Jabba.

For Solo, Fett received 250,000 credits instead of 100,000.

“This little sculpture is Han Solo? No. What I brought back is art, art created by the Dark Lord who used Solo as a material."

The Hutt asked Fett to stay at the palace in case the captain's friends came for him.

Return of the Jedi (Canon)

Boba appeared in the 6th film, where his role was quite small.

As Jabba expected, his friends came to save Khan, and who were also captured. Princess Leia was given to Boba as a concubine, but Fett refused her due to moral reasons.

Boba was left behind for the execution of his friends in the Carkoon Gap, trying to convince Jabba to hand over Skywalker to him. After the refusal of the Hutt, the mercenary decided to save Luke, and then deliver to Vader.

During the execution, the captives managed to free themselves and virtually destroy all of Jabba's apprentices, including himself. Himself, Boba, in a fight with Solo, fell into a sarlacc pit and was presumed dead.

Afterlife (Legends)

After killing the sarlacc with a missile, Boba was saved.

He for a long time was in the shadows, as everyone thought he was dead, but when an impostor appeared, Boba was forced to appear in order to deal with the villain who appropriated his name and achievements.

Soon, Fett replaced as head of the Mandalore— Fenna Shisu, on the planet Mandalore.

In 24 ABY, Boba made a deal with Nom Anor (the Yuuzhan Vong), not realizing who he really was.

When, in 25 ABY, the bloody war with the Yuuzhan Vong, a previously unknown race, Boba decided not to terminate the contract and ingratiate himself with the invaders in order to get to know them weak sides. Fett secretly passed on information to the New Republic, however, his efforts were not appreciated.

The Mandalorians managed to work for the enemy for a long time, sending intelligence to the Republic, until they were figured out in 29 ABY. Boba, along with his people, managed to inhabit such planets as Ord Mantell, Tolatin and Gyndin. As a result, the war was ended with a victory by common efforts.

In 40 ABY, at the age of 73, Boba learned that he was seriously ill and had only two years left to live. Before Fett died, he decided to find his daughter Eileen and pick a new leader to take his place.

Looking for a daughter Boba was sad to learn that she had been killed by Han Solo's son -. Now this Jedi has become the number one target for the mercenary. Despite the sad news Boba found out that he has a granddaughter Mitra Gev, who herself found him and tried to kill him, because he abandoned her grandmother and mother. The grandfather and granddaughter, who became a bounty hunter, reconciled, after which they reburied the body of Jango Fett and Eileen on Mandalore.

Soon, Fett was cured with a bone marrow transplant. Upon learning what was happening to Jacen Solo, who had become a Sith Lord, Fett sent Khan a sympathetic gift, alluding to his son.

Together with his granddaughter, Boba found out that his wife Sintas was still alive and brought her back to Mandalore. In return lost years, Fett gave his wife a pendant that contained all the codes for the hunter's vast property.

After a while, Khan's daughter flew to the planet, who wanted to learn from Fett how to kill the Jedi, because she wanted to kill her brother Sith.

"Fett, you can teach me how to destroy the Jedi. You did it quite often."

Jaina became very good friends with Meetra and helped Fett's Mandalorians in several military operations, becoming their friend in arms. Although Jaina became friends with the people of Boba, he treated her strictly and rudely, as he did not see the difference between the Jedi and the Sith.

After Solo's victory over her brother, Fett witnessed the wedding of Meetra, who married the Mandalorian Gas Orade.

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