So far, the film crew is all at home. “Channel One” refused “So far, everyone is at home” because of the scandal with orphans


On Channel One, the exodus of TV presenters who have worked there for almost decades continues.

On Tuesday, the news came that the TV company would no longer buy the program "So far, everyone is at home."

This is due to the scandal that began last year. The charitable part of Kizyakov's program - the heading "You will have a child" - critics accused of additional funding.

On Channel One, they then expressed bewilderment about this.

“We are buying the program “So far, everyone is at home” from the company “Dom” (formerly “TMK” and “So far, everyone is at home”). Since we are not involved in the creation of the project, we do not know the details of the relationship between the authors and government organizations, including financial ones. We have always considered charitable projects to be an important matter, and, of course, the section on orphans was welcomed by the channel. The information you provide is news to us. We will figure it out, ”the website quoted the response of the TV company’s press service in December 2016.

Timur Kizyakov himself, in an interview with the Moskva Speaks radio station, indignantly rejected claims in this regard. Moreover, according to him, it was he and his team who stopped working with Channel One, and back in May.

Meanwhile, since July, the television company has been broadcasting a program by Yuri Nikolaev, who hosted the First Program Central Television"Morning mail"

Apparently, this is the replacement for “So far, everyone is at home” by Kizyakov.

"The thought will warm me that" Honestly» with Yuri Nikolaev will charge the audience good mood. I always said: I work for the viewer, it is important for me to be on the same wavelength with him, ”said the 69-year-old TV presenter.

Malakhov's departure

Timur Kizyakov is not the only presenter who leaves Channel One.

In July, the media reported on the departure of Andrei Malakhov - talk show host"Let them talk".

Recently, the version with maternity leave was finally confirmed - the TV presenter leaves his position in order to take up the upbringing of the unborn child.

“The producer of Channel One, Natalia Nikonova, gave him a choice: either he stays with the company or becomes a babysitter. The journalist preferred to pay attention to the family, ”the StatHit publication, whose editor-in-chief is Malakhov, reported earlier.

The same information was published in glossy magazine Elle, where Malakhov's wife works as a brand director and publisher. Skeptics, however, are far from convinced by this version and insist on other versions: a conflict with a new producer who wants to make the show more political in content or the TV company’s unwillingness to allow Malakhov to have his own production, which would sell Let them talk to the broadcaster.

However, the personnel changes of Channel One do not end there.

The fate of Oleshko

On August 8, it became known that the channel decided not to renew the contract with Alexander Oleshko, who was the host popular show"Exactly the same". Representatives of the TV channel said that this was due to the lack of suitable projects for it. There, the press service of the First specified that Oleshko had not been working on the TV channel for six months.

“Alexander Oleshko has not been working on Channel One for about six months. Since there were no suitable projects for the presenter, they decided to part with him and did not renew the contract for 2017, ”the press service quoted RIA Novosti as saying.

Soon it became known that Oleshko would become the host of the show “You are super! Dances" on the NTV channel.

“Happy work with children and for children in the most different projects, films and TV programs has been accompanying me for a long time. "You are super! Dancing" - unique project NTV, to which you want to be involved! For many years, being the host of popular television shows of various formats, I have always tried to become a protector, support, comrade and friend for the participants. Especially for children, - quotes Oleshko site NTV.Ru. - As a child, I myself, dreaming of becoming an artist, studied in a variety of studios, circles, including dancing. And for some time he was part of the children's group of the legendary dance ensemble"JOK". Therefore, I know firsthand how important good word and support. I would like our young dancers to open up, show everything they are capable of. Each of them is great!”

The average Russian TV viewer, turning on the TV on Sunday morning, will no longer see a positive person, drinking tea. According to RIA Novosti, citing a source familiar with the situation, Channel One will no longer purchase the entertainment program "", which has been running for many years.

According to the source, this decision is connected with the results of the audit, during which it became clear how the program was financed.

The program, from which the country "crazy"

"While everyone is at home" - real symbol era. The first issue aired on November 8, 1992, during the period of traumatic shock from the collapse of the USSR. There was very little positive on TV at that time. Therefore, Sunday gatherings with tea were a real outlet for the audience, and the presenter Timur Kizyakov quickly became a star no less than those to whom he came.

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For the beggars of the 1990s, the heading “Crazy Hands” became a godsend, in which the inventor Andrei Bakhmetyev, together with Kizyakov, created simple crafts from improvised materials. The most popular of these were, of course, plastic bottles, of which Bakhmetiev, it seems, was ready to assemble anything - up to the space station.

In 1996 and 2006, "So far, everyone is at home" won the TEFI award in the nomination "Best Educational Program".

Over a quarter of a century of existence, the program has become so recognizable that, perhaps, there were no major humorous projects where they would not joke about it, ranging from parodies in "" and ending with hurricane numbers in.

"While everyone is at home" spoiled the "children's question"?

Television critics frowned, believing that the transmission format was outdated, just as Timur Kizyakov himself was outdated over 25 years of continuous tea drinking. And yet, at first glance, nothing foreshadowed the current turn of events.

However, back in December 2016, at a seminar-meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva drew the attention of the regions to the unscrupulous work of foundations for placing children in families. Vasilyeva also mentioned the program “So far, everyone is at home”, in which since 2006 there has been a heading “You will have a child”, which deals with assistance in the adoption of children left without parental care. The program prepared the so-called video passports of children, and the minister noted that filming video passports of orphans for adoption funds is a big problem. According to Vasilyeva, it is precisely because of such funds in the regions that there is a high return of children.

At the same time, information surfaced that the heading “You will have a child” allegedly receives additional funding from the funds that Minister Vasilyeva spoke about.

Timur Kizyakov: the methods of Channel One are unacceptable for us

Sources on Channel One claim that the decision to terminate cooperation with Timur Kizyakov was made back in the spring. The "hole" in the Sunday broadcasting grid is called upon to close the new show "".

Entertainment"While everyone is at home" - an old-timer on domestic television. She has been on the air since November 8, 1992. Author and presenter Timur Kizyakov came to visit famous artists, musicians, athletes and over a cup of tea asked about life. But in the new season, the program will not be on the air - Channel One decided to close it due to ethical and financial problems.


The scandal erupted because of the heading "You will have a child", which has been published since 2006. Timur Kizyakov's wife Elena talked about children from Russian orphanages, promoted foster and foster families and helped with adoption.

According to the State Procurement website, in 2011, companies owned by the creators of the program "So far, everyone is at home" received a lot of money at tenders from the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as regional authorities to create videos about orphans. The amount is really huge - 110 million rubles. They spent them, according to the Vedomosti newspaper, on the creation of so-called video passports about orphans: 100 thousand for each.

At the same time, Channel One, on commercial terms, bought a license from the manufacturer for the entire program, including the heading "You will have a child." The channel was not aware that videos about orphans were produced at the expense of the state, the leadership of the First assures.

Everything was revealed at a meeting at the Ministry of Education and Science. According to TASS and the newspaper " TVNZ", an employee of the department, Yevgeny Silyanov, said that Kizyakov receives money from the budget to create videos about orphans and is suing other charitable foundations if they try to use the term "video passport".

As a result, Channel One terminated the contract with the manufacturing company "So far, everyone is at home." “We closed it because of a damaged reputation, they were hardly held out until the end of the season, but since April they have been preparing new program", sources on the First told the site.

Timur Kizyakov, host of “So far, everyone is at home,” told RBC that he was not aware of the termination of the contract: “I don’t have such information - I’m away.” Alexander Mitroshenkov, co-owner of the Dom company, noted that he could not comment on anything, since he "had no information."

» Timur Kizyakov, directors Yulia Kosareva and Tatyana Batalova, and screenwriters Lyudmila Zaitseva, Alexander Shakhnazarov and Natalia Chichko - the idea of ​​a Sunday morning entertainment program to replace the Morning Post, which was closed at that time, the main actors which were to become families of famous Russian leaders culture. Timur Kizyakov came up with the name “So far, everyone is at home” for the program and immediately became its host.

The creators of the program immediately set a rule: since the program is intended for family viewing, it should not contain profanity and what children should not watch in the presence of their parents. Since Yulia Kosareva and Alexander Shakhnazarov are directly related to the theater, on their initiative, the very first guests of the program were the family of Oleg Tabakov.

The program had regular headings:

Some celebrities have participated in the program more than once. Despite the fundamental refusal of the creators of the program from several guest professions, there were cases when its heroes were TV presenters (Andrey Karaulov, Svetlana Sorokina, Alexander Nevzorov, Ekaterina Andreeva, Viktor Gusev, Ivan Urgant, Dmitry Dibrov, Leonid Parfenov, Leonid Yakubovich, Maxim Sharafutdinov, Alexander Gordon, Vitaly Eliseev, Alexey Lysenkov, Yuri Nikolaev and others), businessmen (Mikhail Kusnirovich) and politicians(Dmitry Rogozin, Sergey Neverov, Anatoly Wasserman) along with their families. Until September 2001, Channel One's broadcasting schedule also featured repetitions of the program in the morning or afternoon on weekdays.

In the early years, there were much more headings in the program. Its early releases almost completely consisted of headings (“Teatrali Vali”, “You Can’t Please Everyone”, “Klipolub Corner”). The conversation at the tea table at the home of celebrities was also a heading and was called "Family Scenes". Very soon this section became the main content of the program, the rest appeared from time to time. For several years, a column of legal content “In all respects” with Taras Naumenko was regularly published. The longest, until the end of 2010, only "Crazy Hands" lasted. Since 2011, only one section has remained in the program - "You will have a child."

In 2014, 2015 and 2017 the program went on summer vacation. Released May 4, 2015 latest release program, equipped with closing credits indicating the film crew.

The most recent guests of the program on Channel One were Anastasia and Zakhar Zavolokins.

Video Pass Incident

In December 2016, information appeared in a number of print and online media that the hosts and producers of the program "So far, everyone is at home" earn money by producing video passports for orphans. According to TASS correspondent Tatyana Vinogradova, all this time Kizyakov was making video passports for orphans at the expense of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, one video passport cost 100 thousand rubles. Tender per year - 10 million rubles. In parallel, Kizyakov began to initiate lawsuits against charities making the same video passports for children from other orphanages, but on their own and with the involvement of their volunteers. The indignation on the part of the heads of charitable foundations and the media was caused by the fact that Kizyakov’s company and the Videopassport brand registered by him tried to eliminate competitors and became the actual owners of the exclusive right to produce videos with orphans and receive state subsidies for them.

Channel One began checking the information received by the media. According to RBC's source in the management of Channel One, it turned out that Timur Kizyakov's company Dom LLC, which had been producing the program since 2016, received money for this heading from three sources: from the broadcaster (for the production of the program on outsourcing), the state (for the production of video passports) and from sponsors (ceramic tile manufacturer).

In total, according to media reports, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science allocated 110 million rubles for the production of videos of video passports about orphans. On August 30, 2017, the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia began an investigation into the fact of publications about possible violations during the development budget funds.

Departure from Channel One

In August 2017, information appeared that back in May, Channel One terminated the contract with the producer of the program represented by Dom LLC. According to some reports, the reason for termination is confirmation of the fact financial fraud from the hosts of the program Timur and Elena Kizyakov: they really took money from three sources for the production of video passports for orphans for the heading “You will have a child” .

After the first reports of the closure, Kizyakov criticized Channel One, accusing it of delays in funding, and said that Poka Vse Dom has an advantage over other companies that also make videos about orphans. What specific projects in question, he did not elaborate. Funding for the production of video passports for children, in his opinion, has always come from state structures: either from the Ministry of Education and Science, or from the Russian regional authorities. Sponsors, as Kizyakov noted, did not transfer money to transfer accounts, but sent them to guardianship authorities. He called reports of fraud and sources of funding "slander" ":" The ratings of the program have been falling for several years, while the producers did not want to change anything. The scandal with the so-called video passports of orphans for the heading “You will have a child” put an end to this issue. After that, the audience's confidence in the show fell.» » . Since September 10, 2017, the program has been broadcast on this TV channel under the name "When everyone is at home with Timur Kizyakov." The first hero of the updated program was Boris Korchevnikov with his mother Irina.

The average Russian TV viewer, turning on the TV on Sunday morning, will no longer see a positive person drinking tea while visiting the stars.

According to the source, this decision is connected with the results of the audit, during which it became clear how the program was financed.

The program, from which the country "crazy"

“So far, everyone is at home” is a real symbol of the era. The first issue aired on November 8, 1992, during the period of traumatic shock from the collapse of the USSR. At that time, there was very little positive on TV, and Sunday tea gatherings became a real outlet for the audience, and the presenter Timur Kizyakov quickly became a star no less than those to whom he came.

For the beggars of the 1990s, the heading “Crazy Hands” became a godsend, in which inventor Andrey Bakhmetiev Together with Kizyakov, they created simple crafts from improvised materials. The most popular of them were, of course, plastic bottles, from which, it seems, Bakhmetiev was ready to collect anything, up to the space station.

In 1996 and 2006, "So far, everyone is at home" won the TEFI award in the "Best educational program" nomination.

Over a quarter of a century of existence, the program has become so recognizable that, perhaps, there were no major humorous projects where they would not joke about it, starting from parodies in " big difference” and ending with hurricane numbers at the Comedy Club.

"While everyone is at home" spoiled the "children's question"?

Television critics frowned, believing that the transmission format was outdated, just as Timur Kizyakov himself was outdated over 25 years of continuous tea drinking.

And yet, at first glance, nothing foreshadowed the current turn of events.

However, back in December 2016, at a seminar-meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets Head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva drew the attention of the regions to the unscrupulous work of funds for the placement of children in families. Vasilyeva also mentioned the program “So far, everyone is at home”, in which since 2006 there has been a heading “You will have a child”, which deals with assistance in the adoption of children left without parental care. The program prepared the so-called video passports of the child, and the minister noted that filming video passports of orphans for adoption funds is a big problem. According to Vasilyeva, it is precisely because of such funds in the regions that there is a high return of children.

At the same time, information surfaced that the heading “You will have a child” allegedly receives additional funding from the funds that Minister Vasilyeva spoke about.

Timur Kizyakov: the methods of Channel One are unacceptable for us

Sources on Channel One claim that the decision to terminate cooperation with Timur Kizyakov was made back in the spring. "Hole" in the grid of Sunday broadcasting is intended to close the new show Yuri Nikolaev"Honestly".

In turn, Timur Kizyakov, in an interview with RBC, confirmed the fact of the termination of cooperation with Channel One, but at the same time stated that this was done at the initiative of the team creating So far, everyone is at home.

On May 28, the TV company Dom, which produces the program, sent an official letter on the termination of cooperation to Channel One.

Earlier it also became known that in the new season on Channel One and Alexander Oleshko. Malakhov goes to maternity leave, ah, and he moved to NTV.

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