Abstract of the lesson on compiling a coherent text from these paragraphs. Story B


Checking reading skills to work with a literary text

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Grade 2

Read the text "Brother" by V. Veresaev.


At the corner of my dacha stood a tub full of water. Nearby is an elderberry bush. On an elder tree sat side by side two young sparrows, still very young, with fluff showing through their feathers, with bright yellow sinuses at the edges of their beaks. One briskly and confidently fluttered to the edge of the tub and began to drink. He drank - and kept looking at the other, calling to him in his ringing language. Another - a little smaller - was sitting on a branch with a serious look and cautiously squinting at the tub. And apparently he wanted to drink - his beak was gaping from the heat.
And suddenly I saw clearly: that one, the first one, had already been drunk for a long time and was simply encouraging the other by his example, showing that there was nothing terrible here. He continuously jumped along the edge of the tub, lowered his beak, grabbed water and immediately dropped it from his beak and looked at his brother - he called him. The brother on the branch made up his mind, flew to the tub. But he only touched the damp green edge with his paws - and immediately frightened fluttered back onto the elderberry. And he began to call him again.

And finally got it. The brother flew over to the tub, sat down uncertainly, fluttering his wings all the time, and got drunk. Both flew away.

(V. Veresaev)

*Kadushka is a small cylindrical wooden vessel made of boards tied with hoops.

Complete the tasks.

1. Mark the statements corresponding to the content of the read text.

1. Where do the events described in the text take place?

a) city; b) in the park; V) in the country.

2. On which bush were two young sparrows sitting?

a) on lilac; b) on elderberry; V) on jasmine.

3. What was the weather like?

a) warm; b) cool; c) hot.

4. Mark the phrase from the text that determined your choice of weather characteristics.

a) the beak was open from the heat;

B) the sparrow wanted to get drunk; V)The sun shone brightly.

5. Choose phrases close in meaning to the phrase “encourages by example”:

a) provides a role model;
b) gives you confidence own forces; V)boasts of his skill.

6. Restore the sequence of actions of the sparrow, encouraging his brother with his example.

a) captured water; b) lowered his beak; V) jumped; d) dropped it.

7. Think about the meaning of the word brother in the text.

Younger brother;
Older brother.

8. Mark the sentence expressing main idea text.


Variants of the word: BROTHER, BROTHER

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Sample text on the first pages found

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Part of the text:"At the corner of my dacha..." At the corner of my dacha stood a tub full of water. Nearby is an elderberry bush. Two young sparrows sat side by side on an elder tree, still very young, with down showing through their feathers, with bright yellow sinuses at the edges of their beaks. One briskly and confidently fluttered to the edge of the tub and began to drink. He drank - and kept looking at the other, and called to each other in his ringing language. Another, a little smaller, was sitting on a branch with a serious look and cautiously squinting at the tub. And apparently he wanted to drink - his beak was gaping from the heat. And suddenly I saw clearly: that one, the first one, had been drunk for a long time and was simply encouraging the other by his example, showing that there was nothing terrible here. He continuously jumped along the edge of the tub, lowered his beak, grabbed water and immediately dropped it from his beak, and looked at his brother, and called him. The brother on the branch made up his mind, flew to the tub. But he only touched the damp, green edge with his paws - and immediately frightened fluttered back onto the elderberry. And he began to call him again. And finally got it. The brother flew over to the tub, sat down uncertainly, fluttering his wings all the time, and got drunk. Both flew away.

Entry: 2. Size: 183kb.

Part of the text: house. Alyosha was very haggard, but he completely recovered from the beatings. He is always silent, does not look into the eyes and shyly accepts my worries about him. I have a lot of running and hassle around the area, I rarely have to be at home. Alexei does not ask me about anything, he regards the mysterious things that I do with a ridiculous, respectful reverence; with fussy courtesy meets those who come to me. There is something strangely childish about him, even though he is my age. When I go somewhere where there is even the slightest risk, he silently accompanies me with loving, restless eyes. Very we different people Oh, and I love him terribly. Many comrades were also released. Released, they say, and Irinarch. Caught in the net, like a frog among crucian carp, and stayed for three months. It always seems strange and funny to me when I have to go to Katra. Each time in a different dress, unusual, which no one wears, as if in a masquerade, but meanwhile strangely goes to her. And the hair and everything. And you think: “Hey! What a beauty you are!” And you think: “God! How much work is put into this! Here, too, is a hard worker! Irinarkh was sitting with her for coffee. Kissed him. He absentmindedly helped himself to a pile of biscuits and continued to say: “Yes, so… It was terribly interesting in prison. I really regretted it when they released it. These men with a perplexed thought in their eyes. Workers like stretched strings. The Greatest Book of Life. I saw Evgrafova, it's interesting. Pale, with burning eyes, a real Christian martyr, with a huge tragic life in the shower. And he will speak, - my God! Love for people, delivering them from suffering, the socialist system ... And how would she live in this future splendor! .. It's amazing how people don't ...

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Entry: 1. Size: 57kb.

Part of the text: Vitya Smidovich, I have nothing to be proud of his virtues, nothing to be ashamed of his vices. And it is not out of a vain desire to leave a description of my life to "descendants" that I am writing this autobiography. I was simply interested in the soul of the boy, which I had the opportunity to observe more closely than anyone else; I was interested in the not quite average and not quite ordinary environment in which he grew up, the peculiar imprint that this environment left on his soul. I will strive for only one thing: to convey absolutely sincerely everything that I once experienced - and as accurately as it all remained in my memory. There will be many contradictions. If I wrote piece of art, they should be eliminated or reconciled. But here, let them stay! I remember the way I describe it, but I don't want to add it. I said: for me this boy is now almost a complete stranger. Perhaps this is not entirely true. I don’t know if others experience something similar, but it’s like this for me: deep down in my soul, in a very ...

Entry: 1. Size: 58kb.

Part of the text: it was not enough, as if some very bright part of it had been taken out of it and taken far away. It was sweet and sad. In August, the Pleshcheevs arrived in Tula. On Sunday we visited them. The meeting with Masha was awkward and ceremonial. I bowed respectfully, and she gave me her hand coldly. They forgot about "you" and said "you" to each other. Over the summer, Masha's hair grew back, she began to braid it into a thick and short braid. The view was unusual, and I liked the way it was more. Volodya took Misha and me to his room. By the way, he said with a laugh that yesterday he went into the girls' room and found a quarter of paper on the table; on it, in Masha's hand, it was written several times: "Dear Vitechka, I will see you soon." Misha and Volodya laughed, I also pretended to be funny, but there was joy and pride in my soul. And while drinking tea, Masha did not look at me, she talked animatedly with others, but it was as if I were not there. I was shy too. More guests have arrived. After tea there were dances. We learned to dance at home, we knew how to dance a square dance, a polka, and a waltz. However, we have never had to dance at a party. But everything went well. Only one thing surprised me: the very first girl with whom I ...

Julia Seliverstova
Summary of the lesson on compiling a coherent text from these paragraphs. The story of V. V. Veresaev "Brother"

Subject: The story of V. V. Veresaev "Brother" (compilation of a coherent text from these paragraphs)

Target: to learn to compose a single whole from parts of the text.


1. Educational:

Learn to analyze each part of the text and highlight the main thing in it;

Learn to find the beginning, middle and end of the text;

Learn to answer questions in full sentences.

2. Educational:

Bring up careful attitude to all living things;

Cultivate care and attention.

3. Correction-developing:

Vocabulary development;

Correction and development of thinking (synthesis);

The development of coherent speech (retelling based on a picture).

Development of the intonation side of speech (stress, speech rate, intonation)

Equipment: Andryukhova L. L. “Didactic material for the development and correction of oral speech (for students in grades 1-4)”, cards with paragraphs, presentation (displaying the content of the text).

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment

W: Hello kids! Sit down!

We write down the number and “class work”.

2. Posting the topic of the lesson

U: Today we will get to know you with the story of V.V. Veresaev “Brother”. Do you know anything about VV Veresaev? (slide number 1)

Look at the photo. This is Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev (slide number 2)

The teacher briefly outlines the biography of the writer.

3. Lexical analysis of words

T: Look at the screen (slide number 3) Read (students read)

Do you know what a tub is?

The students answer.

The teacher displays the image of the tub on the screen (slide No. 4) and explains its purpose.

Reading the next word (students read) Does anyone know what elderberry is?

The students answer.

The teacher displays the image of the elderberry on the screen (slide No. 6, No. 7) and explains the purpose.

4. Primary reading

The teacher reads the text. The students are listening. (Annex 1)

T: Did you understand what I read? (No)

Why? (not connected, everything is confused)

Right! Our task is to restore the text so that everything is clear. But first, look at the screen (slide No. 8, No. 9) We read the words in a chain.

Cheer, to the tub, fluttered, looked.

The students are reading.

5. Compiling a coherent text

The teacher distributes a card with a "1" paragraph. One of the students is reading. (Annex 1)

W: Do you think this paragraph can be the beginning of our text? (No)

Why? (student answers)

What word does the paragraph start with? (Brother)

Can we understand what a brother is when we start reading the text? This is a person or an animal, for example. Will we understand? (No)

So (this is not the beginning). What did we learn from this paragraph? Emphasize the heroes (brother, he, the first sparrow, brother)

How many heroes do we understand? (No)

The teacher distributes the "2" paragraph. One of the students is reading. (Annex 1)

U: Can this paragraph be the beginning of our text? (Yes)

Why? (student answers)

Do we know the location? (Yes)

Which? (at the corner of the cottage)

What was around us known? (yes, elderberry)

Who sat on the elder? (two young sparrows)

Do we now know how many heroes? (Yes, two)

What will we learn about? (one sparrow flew to drink water from a tub, and the second did not)

So this is (the beginning of the text) We put the number 1 in the corner on the card. Put it aside.

The teacher distributes the "3" paragraph. One of the students is reading. (Annex 1)

What have we learned from this paragraph? (the first sparrow called his brother, and the second overcame fear and also flew to drink from the tub)

Do you think it's the middle or the end? (end)

Why? (student answers)

Do we know the connection? How did it all end? (Yes)

So (this is the end) We put the number 3. And, therefore, the remaining card will be the number ... (2) That is, the middle.

Now arrange the paragraphs in the correct order. We've got the text.

The teacher reads the resulting text and displays its content on the screen. Pupils carefully watch and listen (slide number 10)

W: Did you like the story? (Yes)

So which of the sparrows is a brother? (black sparrow)


The teacher displays the image of "brother" on the screen (slide number 11)

T: Now we read the text to ourselves again, remember. And we will retell on our own.

The students are reading.

6. Independent retelling of the text

The teacher calls each student to the computer. They retell the text "Brother" based on pictures (animations). The rest are watching and listening.

7. Homework.

Pupils write down homework in a diary.

8. Summary of the lesson

Q: Did you like today's story? (Yes)

Who was he talking about? (about sparrows)

What they were doing? (student answers)

Brother overcame his fear at the end of the story? (Yes)

How does this characterize him? (student answers)


Annex 1

Paragraphs for compiling a coherent text.


1. Brother cautiously looked sideways at the tub. He was clearly afraid to fly. The first sparrow got drunk and began to cheer up another, to call him. The brother on the branch decided to fly to the tub. He touched its edge with his paws, got scared and flew back to the elder.

2. There was a tub at the corner of our dacha. She was full of water. An elderberry bush grew nearby. Two young sparrows sat on an elder tree. One briskly and confidently fluttered to the edge of the tub and began to drink. He drank and looked at his brother.

3. The first sparrow called his brother again. Overcoming fear, he flew up to the tub and sat down uncertainly. He opened his beak and began to drink.

Related publications:

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Subject: V. Veresaeva "Brother".

Target: form conscious, correct reading; ability to explain the title of the text; the ability to answer questions from the teacher on the content of the reading; the ability to distinguish between types of stories and poems.

Lesson stages

During the classes

Formation of UUD, TOUU

Ι. Knowledge update.



What do we learn in literature lessons? Where can it be useful?

Show with the help of clouds and the sun with what mood you start work in the lesson.

Making a lesson plan.

Warm-up (patter work).

Why do we do this work? What is "expression"?

Reading tongue twisters, highlighting sounds, working on spelling.

Repetition. 3 1 7 2

Today we are going on a trip to the Literary Town and will be visiting.

1.Aibolit's house.

What is this hero? He loves to learn something new. What books would you recommend him to read? (Cognitive, examples.)

2. House Dunno.

What is this hero? He doesn't know how to behave. What books would you recommend him to read? (Instructive, examples.)

3. Matroskin's house.

What is this hero? He loves fun. What books would you recommend him to read? (Humorous, examples.)

4. Leopold's house.

What is this hero? He loves to listen to poetry. What can you offer him? (Read the poemYu Moritz "Crow". 1 7 1 2 2 1 )

Questions after reading:

What is this poem about?

Why did Mitya stroke the crow's legs? How did the crow react to this? Did Mitya offend the crow?

In the park, Mitya meets a cat and a dog. What does the cat ask Mitya for? Why?

Do you think the cat understands that Mitya is not looking for her? (Yes, she understands, and she agrees to help Mitya find the crow. But at the same time, the cat's paw will be in Mitya's hand!)

Will Mitya and the cat be able to climb the cloud?

To better understand this poem, let's read it again.

How does the poetess Yunna Moritz feel about the characters in her poem?

Why did she want Mitya to stroke the paws of a shy crow? (Mitya walked alone, and the crow was alone ...)

Why didn't the two characters get along? (They were too different and did not understand each other.)

Who understood Mitino's condition? (The cat, she offered Mitya her paw, affectionately called him "baby", consoled him as best she could.)

The teacher's reasoning. Guys, we can only guess what made Yunna Moritz write this poem. Maybe one day she was walking in the park and saw a boy sitting alone on a bench, and next to him - a crow. There was an impression - and the poet's fantasy began to work. She wanted to make friends two lonely creatures - a boy and a crow. But her wish was not enough...

There are many important thoughts in this poem. You won’t see them right away when reading the lines, because these thoughts are hidden somewhere behind the lines. But we can understand them if we read carefully and think about what we read. In adults, this is called "be able to read between the lines." Let's try to read this poem between the lines.

How did you feel when you read this poem?

How does the boy make you feel? And the crow? And the cat?

What do you think is the most important line in this poem? (“The path is more fun together.” This poem is about loneliness.)

And now it's time to return.


Cognitive UUD:

1) develop ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, texts;

2) present information in the form of a diagram;

3 ) identify the essence, features of objects;

4) draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;

5) generalize and classify according to features;

6) focus on the spread of the textbook;

7) find answers to questions in the illustration.

Regulatory UUD:

1) we develop the ability to express our assumption based on work with the material of the textbook;

2) evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task;

3 ) predict future work (make a plan);

4) to carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

Communicative UUD:

1) develop the ability to listen and understand others;

2) build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks;

3 ) organize your thoughts into oral;

4) ability to work in pairs and in groups.

ΙΙ. Co-discovery of knowledge.


- Today we will get acquainted with one more, in my opinion, a very meaningful work.

Independent work by reading a biography.

Work in pairs - retelling with the addition of each other. (Check 1 pair, listen.)

V. Veresaev "Brother". 1 7 1 2 2 1

Work with text before reading.

Consider the illustration (p. 161).

Does the illustration correspond to the title of the story - "Brother"?

Why do you think so?

Of course, to answer this question, one must read the entire work, and we will see how accurate our assumptions were.

What genre does this piece belong to? (story)

Listening to the text (audio recording).

Did you like it? Why?

What do you think, what attracted the writer V. Veresaev to two common sparrows?

Why did he decide to write a story about them?

Brotherly love is thicker than stone walls.

Discuss with the children the meaning of this proverb.

Vocabulary work in progress

1 part.

(Elderberry, side by side, tubule, through, sinus.)

Where does the event take place?

Part 2 (briskly, ringing language, cautiously looked askance)

What did you learn about our heroes?

Why do you think that the smaller sparrow wanted to drink, but did not sit down on the edge of the tub?

part 3 (encourages)

Why did the first sparrow behave like this?

Part 4 (fluttered, fluttering wings)

Why did the little brother frightened flutter on the elder tree?

What was he afraid of?

Did the elder sparrow manage to persuade the little brother to drink water from the tub?

What do you think, what attracted the writer V. Veresaev to two common sparrows? Why did he decide to write about them?

What can you tell about the elder sparrow? What is he? What is his brother?

senior junior

caring fearful

attentive indecisive




Discussion of the main idea.

Now you understand why the story is called "Brother"? Explain.

Is it possible to tell from this description how the writer relates to wildlife?

“There is a hut in the forest…”

Personal results:

1) we develop the ability to show our attitude to the characters, to express our emotions;

2) evaluate actions in accordance with a certain situation;

3) formmotivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.

Spiritual and moral development and education:

1) education of moral feeling, ethical consciousness and readiness to perform positive actions, including speech;

2) civic-patriotic education;

3) education of diligence, ability to knowledge;

4) education healthy lifestyle life;

5) environmental education;

6) aesthetic education.

ΙΙΙ. Application of new knowledge.

Group work. Distribute pictures in correct sequence according to the plot, read sentences to them.

Work in pairs. Part headings.

Ι V. Outcome.

Show how you end the lesson.

Complete the given phrases.

Our lesson has come to an end. I thank you for Good work, complete answers.

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