Drawing up a story about winter fun based on a plot picture. Synopsis of GCD. Development of speech "Teaching storytelling based on the painting" Winter Entertainment "


Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the senior group on the topic:

Painting storytelling training Winter fun».

Target: to develop the ability of children to make simple common sentences in the picture.


1. Educational:

Expand and enrich children's knowledge of the features winter nature;

Learn to talk about the content of the plot picture;

stimulate creative activity children, to form the ability to develop the plot of the image in the picture.

2. Developing:

Continue to develop speech as a means of communication;

To activate in the speech of children the words related to the theme "Winter";

Enrich speech with adjectives;

Improve the dialogic form of speech.

3. Educational:

Form friendly relations between children, joint interaction;

Bring up careful attitude to nature.

Materials and equipment: painting "Winter Fun", White paper size 1/2 landscape sheet, colored pencils, colored wax crayons

Preliminary work:

winter poetry reading

viewing illustrations,

discussions on the topic;

observing the weather while walking.

Lesson progress

Introductory part:

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to the guests.

Teacher: Guess the riddle:

Through forests and fields

I was in a hurry to visit you.

Over the mountains and along the paths

I laid the paths

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows

Gave joy to children

And ride on a sled

Who am I?

D. Winter is winter.

IN. What time of year is it now? (Winter.)

IN. Name the winter months. (December January February.)

IN. Right. Today we will talk about winter. What happens in nature in winter?

( Getting cold. The sun heats up a little. On the street hard frost. snow around.)

IN. Well done. What are the trees? (White.)

IN. What lies on the roofs of houses and on the street? (Snow.)

IN. What do people wear in winter? (Hat, coat, warm boots.)

IN. How do animals and birds live in winter? (Difficult.)

IN. Why? How can you help them? (Make feeders, give them food.)

IN. Right. We must take care of the wintering birds.

IN. What do you know winter Games? (You can play snowballs, build a snowman, sled, ski, slide.)

IN. Well done! Now guess the riddles.

- There are guys, I have
two silver horses
I drive both
What kind of horses do I have (skates)

-Run along the path
Boards and legs (skis)

- Oh, it's snowing.
I'm taking my horse out.
For a rope
Through the yard I lead the horse
From the hill down on it I fly
And I'm taking it back. (sled)

-What a stupid person
Sneaked into the 21st century
Carrot nose. Broom in hand
Afraid of the sun and heat. (snowman)

- Beat bolder with this stick,

So that the blow was like from a cannon,

This is a hockey stick

And she is called ... .. (stick)

Come on, my friend, be bold, my friend,

They go in circles, depicting

Roll your snowball in the snow.

It's like they're rolling a com.

It will turn into a thick ball,

Draw a circle with your hands.

And it will become a snowman.

Draw a snowman.

His smile is so bright!

They smile.

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.

Showing eyes

Cover your head with your palm

Touch the nose, hold the broom.

But the sun will bake a little -


Alas! - and no snowman.

shrug their hands

IN. Right. Winter is a wonderful time of the year to play. When I was little, I also loved to sled down the hill and play snowballs. I still want to play snowballs with you. I'll throw a snowball at you and ask you a question. And you have to catch him and answer the question.

IN. So, let's begin.

What is winter? (Snowy, cold, harsh, frosty,)

What snow? (White, fluffy, cold, creaky, hard, crumbly, soft, sticky, light)

What is the mood? (happy, joyful, beautiful)

IN. Awant to see how other children spend their time in winter? (Yes.)

(the teacher shows the picture "Winter entertainment").

Main part:

Consider the picture, what season is shown in the picture?

Why do you think it's winter?

Tell us what you see on it (children are sledding down a hill, skiing, skating on ice, several children are making a snowman).

What was the snow like on the day when the children were walking? (white, clean, sticky).

Why do you think snow is sticky? (because they make a snowman).

What are the children's faces like? (cheerful, joyful, smiling).

Did the children freeze when they walked? (no, everyone's cheeks are red, the children move a lot, they are dressed in warm, winter clothes)


Ak kuyankay utyrgan,

Kolaklaryn selket.

Mena shulai,mena shulaibash өstenә kuep,

Kolaklaryn selket.kullaryn selketәlәr

Kuyan, tuya hood,

Ayaklaryn җylyta.

Mena shulai, mena shulaiAle Ber, Ale Ikenche Kullary

Ayaklaryn җylyta.belan kul arkalaryn syipylar

kuyanhamanyes tuya,

Sikergәlәp tә kuya.

Mena shulai, mena shulaikuyannar kebek

Sikergәlәp tә kuya.seeker

IN. So, listen to my story.
Winter came. The children went for a walk. Sveta and Tanya are skating. Kolya and Vasya play hockey. Masha and Petya are skiing down the hill. Natasha, Vika and Timur are sledding down the mountain. Vera and Dima are making a snowman. Everyone was good and having fun. All the children were in a happy mood.

IN. Now you guys try to tell me your story. (The teacher listens to the story of 4-5 children, helps if difficulties arise, achieves a complete and detailed answer, monitors the correct construction of sentences). Well done.Task "Finish the sentence."Children must complete the sentence and then repeat it in full. :

In winter it snows, and in autumn ....leaf fall.
It snows in winter, and in summer...
Snow falls in winter, but in spring...
- In winter they go sledding, and in summer ...
on a bike.
- In winter, the forest sleeps, and in spring ...
wakes up.
- In winter they go skating, and in summer ...
on rollerskates.
It's cold in winter, but in summer...
Trees are white in winter, but in autumn...
- In winter, snowdrifts grow, and in summer they grow ... c
- In winter, they make a snowman, and in summer ...
sand pies.
- In winter, insects hide, and in spring ...
crawl out.

V. - Guys, you did a good job in the lesson, and now I propose to become artists and draw how you like to have fun in the winter.

- Outcome. So, our lesson has come to an end. Today we remembered what a fun time of the year - winter. How many games and fun she has prepared for us. Guys, what did you like about the lesson? Do you remember?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

general developmental type "Kindergarten No. 2 "Altynchech"

Menzelinsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the senior group

Tatyana Afonina
Synopsis of a lesson on the development of speech “Compiling a story on plot picture"Winter fun"

Program tasks:

1. Keep learning make up descriptive story according to the plot.

2. To consolidate the ability, in detail and logically, to present the content paintings. Independently invent events preceding and following those depicted in picture.

3. Exercise in compiling sentences with words of a synonymous series (words quickly, instantly, famously, like a bullet, like the wind, swiftly, at full speed, etc.) and the inclusion of these words in a coherent statement.

4. Enrich the vocabulary of children with words, definitions, comparative turns.

5. Exercise in agreeing nouns in gender (male, wed, female).

6. To form the skills of joint learning activities.

Dictionary: n.: children, sleds, skis, skates, fortress, entertainment, fun, snowballs, mood, slides, hats, fur coats, felt boots, ice rink.

Adj.: snowy, harsh, frosty, cheerful, beautiful, elegant, cold, blizzard, fluffy, white, light, soft, cold, prickly, sticky, sparkling, crumbly, crispy, silvery, wet, cheerful, joyful, festive, New Year's, sad, playful, good, beautiful, bad.

Verbs: ride, sculpt, build, go down, go down, jump, go down, rush, slide, have fun, laugh, laugh, blush.

Adverbs: quickly, swiftly, dashingly, at full speed, headlong, with an arrow, in an instant, immediately, far away.

Material: paintings"March Day", "Sasha and the snowman", "Winter walk", « Winter fun» , flannelograph, planar "snowballs", planar sleigh, book preparation, paper, marker.

preliminary work; talking to children about winter winter activities, selection of definitions, selection of synonyms for the word.

Course of the lesson:

1. Educator:

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows

Gave joy to children

And rode on a sled.

Short talk on questions:

Guys what is this riddle about? (about winter)

Who among you loves winter? What can you do in winter? (Sledding, skiing, skating, building fortresses, making snowmen)

caregiver: When I was little, I also loved sledding and skiing. We made slides from snow. You know, after all, a slide can be built from anything, even from words. Do you want to try building a slide out of words? I suggest you build a slide of words.

We will name the words-signs, and put the lump-word on the board. Let's see how high the slide will turn out. Begin:

WINTER what? (Snowy, Severe Frosty Cheerful Beautiful Elegant Cold Blizzard)

SNOW what (Fluffy White Light Mild Cold Prickly Sticky Sparkling Crumbly Crispy Silver Wet)

What is the MOOD? (Merry Joyful Festive New Year's Sad Playful Good Fine Bad)

What good fellows you are, you named a lot different words, we got a high hill.

caregiver: And for riding on this hill you need sleds. But the sled will go when you say how fast you can roll down the mountain.

I will go down from the mountain in full spirit, and you ...

(I’ll go down the mountain quickly. I’ll jump off the mountain quickly. I’ll go down the mountain in a whirlwind. I’ll go down the hill with an arrow. I’ll jump dashingly from the mountain.)

You picked the right words, even the wind whistled in my ears, how fast we rolled down.

caregiver: We talked about sledding, and I remembered quatrain:

Rushing like the wind on a sleigh

Along the forest edge.

Mittens on hands

Cap on top. (Sasha Cherny)

caregiver: Many poets, writers and artists depicted winter in their works. And in our picture The gallery has several works about winter.

(V-l draws the attention of children to paintings: "March Day", "Sasha and the snowman", "Winter walk", « Winter fun» )

I really like one of paintings, and what, you try to guess.

I will call clue words, and you try to guess which the picture will be discussed.

Listen: Frosty day, Joyful mood, Winter fun The children fell off the sled.

That's right, you listened carefully and quickly guessed

Educator. Children, winter is a wonderful time of the year! Let's be careful together look at this picture. demonstrating picture« Winter fun» .

What season is shown in picture?

Pay attention to nature, what day, weather?

Who do we see on picture?

What else can you call them?

How are the children dressed?

Where did the children go?

What is shown in the foreground paintings?

What are the children doing?

What is the mood of the children?

Why do you think they laugh?

And what happened to the children who had already rolled down the hill?

Isn't it offensive to the boys that they are laughed at?

If you get closer, what can you hear?

What is shown in the background, in the distance?

What are the children doing?

What would you call picture?

Di "Finish the sentence".

One day, winter day when the weather was fine (the guys came to the hill.)

Children dress warmly: (V winter hats, fur coats, felt boots).

Frosty air and games flushed (children's cheeks).

There were a lot of guys on the hill. Everyone wanted to roll, but (a funny incident happened on the way).

Two comrades decided to famously sled down the mountain, (but halfway turned right into the snow). They are having fun, laughing and waving to their friends.

And in the distance, on the rink, (boys skating on ice).

All the gathered guys have cheerful faces (good, happy mood).

They love winter (for wonderful entertainment) .

Educator. Let's try together write a story about this picture.

In order to story turned out to be interesting, forget:

At first, tell about it what a day it was...

In the middle, why did the children come to the hill, and what happened there ...

At the end tell a story what was the mood of the guys, why did you decide so ...

Remember the words that will decorate your story and make it interesting. What time of the year, part of the day, what happens on the hill, near the hill. Think of an interesting way to end your story. Who wants story start…continue…finish. Who tell the whole story. Heard 2-3 story.

You tried hard today amounted to different interesting stories. I suggest that you create a book in which all your stories. It seems to me that this story will be interesting to listen to at home and your moms and dads.

Related publications:

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teacher Gusarova Zhanna Sergeevna.

Subject: Drawing up a story based on the painting "Winter Fun".

Lesson Objectives:Compilation by students of a story based on a composite picture based on a deformed text perceived by ear, learning to compose plot story according to the picture: mastering the norms of construction creative expression. Continue work on the formation of intoned speech using elements of phonetic rhythm. Consolidation and expansion of knowledge about winter fun. The development of coherent grammatically correct speech, vocabulary, speech-thinking activity, visual perception. Nurturing the desire to use “ winter fun” on a walk, replenish lexicon students.

Formation of the ability to perform logical actions: analysis, comparison, generalization.

Planned results:

Universal learning activities

cognitive: conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form.

Regulatory: Learn to put learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and mastered by the student, and what is still unknown. Formation social role student. Formation positive attitude to teaching.

Communicative: The need to communicate with the teacher. Ability to listen and engage in dialogue.

Personal results: Volitional self-regulation, with a given reference.

Type of lesson: lesson of discovery of new knowledge.

Methods: verbal, game, visual, search, method free choice and free conversation, a method of interaction and self-control.

Techniques: reasoning

Forms of organization: group, collective, work in pairs, individual.

Technologies: developing, health-saving, differentiated learning

Equipment: pictures of children playing different time of the year; painting “Winter. Games on fresh air” (Winter fun); plan for storytelling; sheet for work; pencil pen, interactive board.

Lesson stages

Student activities

Teacher activity

UUD ( metasubject results)

1 Organizing time Motivational.

Hello guys! Children stand near the desks. And what is it? How do they fall? Let's sit like snowflakes, quietly, slowly and beautifully. Sit down girls. Sit down, boys. Guys, what time of year is it? Or maybe summer? Do you love winter?

Motivation for the lesson. Preparing students for work, emotional mood.

RUUD Formation of the student's social role. Formation of a positive attitude towards learning

2 Updating knowledge, phonetic exercises.

Guys, what date is today? What's the lesson? Which lesson? Today in the lesson we will listen and speak well. What is the emergency sound? Phonetic charging: (work on the bare ear)

Sa, sta, sa sta, make up

Ace, aska, story

make up a story

Carry out the task. Self-esteem.

Offers assignments. Learn the correct pronunciation of sounds, words, the rules of orthoepy.

control in the form of a comparison of the method of action and its result

3 Goal setting. Statement of the learning task

What do you think it is? (blue paper on the board). Why is there a blue-and-white canvas on the board? What time of year is it? Because winter, snow, ice.

Offers assignments. It teaches to set a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned and what is still unknown.

RUUD Conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral.

Set a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned and what is still unknown. To carry out step-by-step control.

Knowledge update. Repetition of the past.

And let us become artists and draw a picture, and then make up a story based on the picture. Who will help me? Who do you think paints the pictures?

Unit of speech Lexical meaning.

Offers tasks

vocabulary work

Artist, concept.


Offers tasks

control in the form of a comparison of the method of action and its result


We run with you on skis,
Snow cold skis licks.

And then on skates.
But we fell. Oh!

And then the snowballs were made,

And then the snowballs rolled

And then they fell down

And we ran home.

Rest, tune in to the upcoming work.

Wellness, to give children the opportunity to relax, tune in to the upcoming work.

Using knowledge in new conditions

Pair work

educational moment

What is the weather like in our picture?

The sun is shining. Blue sky.

The sun (what is it doing?) is shining. The sky (what?) is blue, bright, clear.

Observes the work of groups, organizes a class discussion, helps to notice the boundary between knowledge and ignorance.

Self-determination to activity.

What do you like to play in winter?

The boy is skiing. The girl is skating. The children are making a snowman. The boys are playing in the snow.

And what is the mood of the children? (joyful, cheerful).

Let's remember how we compose a story:


Main part.


What else is there in the story? There is a name.

Accepts answers and leads to feature extraction related words

To carry out the analysis of objects with the allocation of essential and non-essential features.

Communicative: The need to communicate with the teacher. Ability to listen and engage in dialogue

To carry out synthesis as a compilation of a whole from parts.

Independent work. Selective writing

Take the leaves. Read the titles, what title would you choose for your story? We write down. And what is fun? How to say differently? Games, entertainment.

Winter. Winter fun. First snow.

Include students in the control and evaluation activities. Offers tasks, helps to draw a conclusion.

L control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result. Communicative: The need to communicate with the teacher. Ability to listen and engage in dialogue

Individual work

What do you think we will write in the first part, the introduction? What is the weather today.

Read on the sheets:


It was a clear frosty day. The first snow fell at night. It's very cold outside. A wonderful winter day.

What do you think is the best sentence to start the story with?

Boys and girls went out for a walk.

On the board: (cards with words) the guys went out into the yard

Can they be called a proposal? Why?

The beginning of the sentence is not written with capital letter, not worth it at the end desired sign, the words are in the wrong order) What needs to be done to make a sentence? (Change the words). Swap the words. We write down the answers of the children, Each part is written from the red line.

Include students in the control and evaluation activities.

Offers tasks, helps to draw a conclusion.

Control your partner's actions.

Collective work.

What's the next part? Main.

What will we write in it?

On the board, the proposals of the main part, the children line up.

What do you think is wrong with us, the words RIDE are repeated, what can we do, how can we compose words differently?

What do we have left? Write a conclusion.

Which offer do you think is right?

Fun for kids in winter.

Do you guys have fun in winter?

Have fun guys in the winter!

Carry out the task

Include students in the control and evaluation activities.

Control your partner's actions.

Lesson summary, reflection

Lesson summary

What new did you learn in the lesson?

- Who was interested?

What can you praise yourself for? (Helped a friend!) evaluation of work (emoticons).

Summing up

Include students in the control and evaluation activities.

Control actions

Guys, write the conclusion of our story at home.

Gives the house a task

It includes students in the control and evaluation activities of their capabilities, instilling a desire to cope with a more difficult task.

Control actions

Abstract direct educational activities, Fathullina Alfiya Mukhamadeevna, educator of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool educational institution kindergarten 18 "Mishutka", the city of Surgut.

development of speech, communication. Senior preschool age 5-6 years.




Expand and enrich children's knowledge about the features of winter nature;

Learn to talk about the content of the plot picture;

To stimulate the creative activity of children, to form the ability to develop the plot of the image in the picture.


Continue to develop speech as a means of communication;

To activate in the speech of children the words related to the theme "Winter";

Enrich speech with adjectives;

Improve the dialogic form of speech.


Form friendly relations between children, joint interaction;

Cultivate respect for nature.

Improve and activate speech;

Develop free communication with adults and children.

To develop the ability to observe natural phenomena, to notice their changes;

Raise interest in the knowledge of the world around;

Fix the signs of winter.

Cultivate friendly relationships between children;

Form the habit of listening to the interlocutor and not interrupting him unnecessarily;

Develop the implementation of rules and norms of behavior.

Create simple compositions;

Build skills teamwork.

Activities: cognitive, communicative, motor, visual.

: subgroup.

Methods and techniques: reproductive and search issues, didactic game"Let's build a hill", a conversation, drawing up a story from a picture, a mnemotable diagram, finger gymnastics, collective application - collage.

harsh, windy, snowy, blizzard.

: easel, mnemonic table “Winter”, painting “Winter Entertainment”, drawing paper, blanks of human figures, Christmas trees, paper napkins, glue, glue brushes, oilcloth, wet wipes.

Preliminary work:

Reading poems about winter

looking at illustrations

Discussions on this topic

Observation of the weather on a walk;

· Apply blue gouache on the Whatman by spraying.

Enriched vocabulary of the child;

· Ability to compose a story based on a plot picture.

Lesson progress

Children together with the teacher are included in the group.

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to the guests.

Children: Hello.

IN. Well done.

IN. Guess the riddle:

Snow on the fields

Ice on the waters

The blizzard is walking

When does it happen?

D. In winter.

IN. Right. Today we will talk about winter. What happens in nature in winter?

D. Getting cold. The sun heats up a little. It's very cold outside.

IN. Well done. What are the trees?

D. White.

IN. What lies on the roofs of houses and on the street?

D. Snow.

IN. We answer with a full offer.

IN. What do people wear in winter?

D. Hat, coat, warm boots.

IN. How do animals and birds live in winter?

D. Difficult.

IN. Why? How can you help them?

D. Make feeders, feed them.

IN. Right. We must take care of the wintering birds.

IN. What winter games do you know?

D. You can play snowballs, build a snowman, sled, ski, slide.

IN. Right. Winter is a wonderful time of the year to play. When I was little, I also loved to sled down the hill. And the slides, we poured out of the snow. And you know, after all, a slide can be built even from words. Do you want to try building a slide out of words?

D. Yes.

IN. We will invent, name words and build a slide. Let's see how high the slide you get. / Attaches snowballs from cotton wool to the board /.

IN. Begin:

What is winter?




What snow?




IN. What good fellows you are, you named many different words about winter, you got a high hill!

IN. We sit on chairs. / In front of the children is an easel on which the painting “Winter Entertainment” /. Guys, look carefully at the picture and tell me what season is captured? Why do you think so?

D. / call their answers / It is winter in the picture, because the snow lies on the ground, trees and bushes.

IN. What was the weather like that winter day? One warm winter day the children went for a walk. Everyone found something to their liking. What were the children doing?

D. The children went for a walk, skiing, sledding.

IN. Well done, right. / listens and evaluates the answers of the children /.

One child immediately ran up the hill .. Arseny, continue what he was doing on the hill. / The teacher passes the word to the child /.

D. / child's story /.

IN. Well done Arseny. Guys, look at the snowman. What are the girls doing?

D. The girl attaches a broom to him, and the boy puts a bucket on his head.

IN. Guys, what kind of snowman did you get?

D. Beautiful. In a bright scarf, a nose made of carrots.

IN. What does the child's mother do?

D. Mom is lucky small child sledging.

IN. And who is running nearby, squealing joyfully?

D. A dog is running nearby.

IN. Where are the older kids going?

D. They were about to go skiing.

IN. Right. What kind of birds do you see in the picture?

D. With a red breast - bullfinches.

IN. Guys, now we need to write a story about the picture as a whole. Will try to tell Rasul.

D. / tells /

IN. Well done Rasul. Elvira wants to add something interesting to the story. / The word is given to Elvira / ... Well done, guys.

IN. What is the mood of the children? Why do you think so?

D. Children have fun, they have joyful faces, they smile.

IN. Guys, whose story was more interesting?

IN. / If the children told well, do not give a sample /.

Guys, did you like the picture that the artist painted?

D. Yes.

IN. What is another name for the painting? Which title is best suited: “Winter has come”, “Winter entertainment”?

D. / offer their answers.

Physical break:

Like snow on a hill, snow,

And under the hill snow, snow.

And on the tree snow, snow,

And under the tree snow, snow,

And under the tree sleeps a bear

Quiet, quiet, don't make noise.

/At the end of the work, the educator offers to stick the cut out figures on whatman paper./

IN. Well done boys! lovely picture we got it. What season is shown? What is the name of this painting? /children's answers/.

IN. Guys, let's remember what we did today for class?

D./children's answers/.

IN. They learned to compose a story based on the painting "Winter Entertainment". Yes, winter is a magical time of the year, on the street the snow is clean, fluffy, it is easy to breathe, the frosty air infuses us with vigor and we are happy with the pranks of mother winter.

Well done, smart guys! The lesson is over.




direct-educational activity, Fathullina Alfiya Mukhamadeevna, educator of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 18 "Mishutka", the city of Surgut.

Topic: "Teaching storytelling from the painting "Winter Entertainment"

Type of direct educational activity:development of speech, communication. Senior preschool age 5-6 years.

Target: To teach children purposeful viewing of the picture (targeted perception, sequential examination of individual independent episodes, evaluation of the depicted); develop the ability to compose a logical, emotional and meaningful story.



Expand and enrich children's knowledge about the features of winter nature;

Learn to talk about the content of the plot picture;

To stimulate the creative activity of children, to form the ability to develop the plot of the image in the picture.


Continue to develop speech as a means of communication;

To activate in the speech of children the words related to the theme "Winter";

Enrich speech with adjectives;

Improve the dialogic form of speech.


Form friendly relations between children, joint interaction;

Cultivate respect for nature.

Integration of educational areas.

Educational area "Communication":

Improve and activate speech;

Develop free communication with adults and children.

Educational area "Cognition":

To develop the ability to observe natural phenomena, to notice their changes;

Raise interest in the knowledge of the world around;

Fix the signs of winter.

Educational area "Socialization"

Cultivate friendly relationships between children;

Form the habit of listening to the interlocutor and not interrupting him unnecessarily;

Develop the implementation of rules and norms of behavior.

Educational area "Artistic creativity":

Create simple compositions;

Build teamwork skills.

Activities: cognitive, communicative, motor, visual.

Forms of organization joint activities : subgroup.

Methods and techniques: reproductive and search questions, the didactic game "Let's build a hill", a conversation, drawing up a story from a picture, a mnemotable scheme, finger gymnastics, a collective collage application.

Activation and enrichment of the dictionary:harsh, windy, snowy, blizzard.

Materials and equipment for GCD: easel, mnemonic table “Winter”, painting “Winter Entertainment”, drawing paper, blanks of human figures, Christmas trees, paper napkins, glue, glue brushes, oilcloth, wet wipes.

Preliminary work:

  • winter poetry reading
  • viewing illustrations,
  • discussions on the topic;
  • observing the weather while walking;
  • apply blue gouache on whatman paper by spraying.

End result per child (planned results)

  • Enriched vocabulary of the child;
  • The ability to compose a story based on a plot picture.

Lesson progress

Children together with the teacher are included in the group.

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to the guests.

Children: Hello.

V. Well done.

IN. Guess the riddle:

Snow on the fields

Ice on the waters

The blizzard is walking

When does it happen?

D. In winter.

IN. Right. Today we will talk about winter. What happens in nature in winter?

D. Getting cold. The sun heats up a little. It's very cold outside.

IN. Well done. What are the trees?

D. White.

IN. What lies on the roofs of houses and on the street?

D . Snow.

IN. We answer with a full offer.

IN. What do people wear in winter?

D. Hat, coat, warm boots.

IN. How do animals and birds live in winter?

D. Difficult.

IN. Why? How can you help them?

D. Make feeders, feed them.

IN. Right. We must take care of the wintering birds.

IN. What winter games do you know?

D. You can play snowballs, build a snowman, sled, ski, slide.

IN. Right. Winter is a wonderful time of the year to play. When I was little, I also loved to sled down the hill. And the slides, we poured out of the snow. And you know, after all, a slide can be built even from words. Do you want to try building a slide out of words?

D. Yes.

IN. We will invent, name words and build a slide. Let's see how high the slide you get. / Attaches snowballs from cotton wool to the board /.

B. Getting Started:

What is winter?







What snow?








IN. What good fellows you are, you named many different words about winter, you got a high hill!

Conversation on the painting "Winter Entertainment".

IN. We sit on chairs. / In front of the children is an easel on which the painting “Winter Entertainment” /. Guys, look carefully at the picture and tell me what season is captured? Why do you think so?

D. / call their answers / It is winter in the picture, because the snow lies on the ground, trees and bushes.

IN. What was the weather like that winter day? One warm winter day the children went for a walk. Everyone found something to their liking. What were the children doing?

D. The children went for a walk, skiing, sledding.

IN. Well done, right. / listens and evaluates the answers of the children /.

One child immediately ran up the hill .. Arseny, continue what he was doing on the hill. / The teacher passes the word to the child /.

D. / child's story /.

IN. Well done Arseny. Guys, look at the snowman. What are the girls doing?

D. The girl attaches a broom to him, and the boy puts a bucket on his head.

IN. Guys, what kind of snowman did you get?

D. Beautiful. In a bright scarf, a nose made of carrots.

IN. What does the child's mother do?

D. Mom carries a small child on a sled.

IN. And who is running nearby, squealing joyfully?

D. A dog is running nearby.

IN. Where are the older kids going?

D. They were about to go skiing.

IN. Right. What kind of birds do you see in the picture?

D. With a red breast - bullfinches.

IN. Guys, now we need to write a story about the picture as a whole. Will try to tell Rasul.

D. / tells /

IN. Well done Rasul. Elvira wants to add something interesting to the story. / The word is given to Elvira / ... Well done, guys.

IN. What is the mood of the children? Why do you think so?

D. Children have fun, they have joyful faces, they smile.

IN. Guys, whose story was more interesting?

IN. / If the children told well, do not give a sample /.

Guys, did you like the picture that the artist painted?

D. Yes.

IN. What is another name for the painting? Which title is best suited: “Winter has come”, “Winter entertainment”?

D. / offer their answers.

Physical break:

Like snow on a hill, snow,

And under the hill snow, snow.

And on the tree snow, snow,

And under the tree snow, snow,

And under the tree sleeps a bear

Quiet, quiet, don't make noise.

Refinement of the dictionary on the topic "Winter" according to the mnemonic table, finger gymnastics:

IN. Well done boys! And now, we will be artists, we need to write " winter picture» on this empty paper / on the paper is applied by spraying blue paint/. And we will write in an unusual way using collage. / Distributes tasks between children: Arseny, Ragim, Elvira cut out a snowman from blanks, Katya, Vova, Lera cut out figures of “children”, Ilyas, Sasha, Arthur cut out Christmas trees, Dasha, Rasul make snowballs from paper napkins. / During collective work, remember to talk with children, remember poems about winter /.
/At the end of the work, the educator offers to stick the cut out figures on whatman paper./

IN. Well done boys! We got a great picture. What season is shown? What is the name of this painting? /children's answers/.

IN. Guys, let's remember what we did today for class?

D. /children's answers/.

IN. They learned to compose a story based on the painting "Winter Entertainment". Yes, winter is a magical time of the year, on the street the snow is clean, fluffy, it is easy to breathe, the frosty air infuses us with vigor and we are happy with the pranks of mother winter.

Well done, smart guys! The lesson is over.

Tatyana Rodionova

Topic: "Teaching storytelling from the painting "Winter Entertainment"

Type of direct educational activity: speech development, communication.

Target: To teach children purposeful viewing of the picture (targeted perception, sequential examination of individual independent episodes, assessment of the depicted); develop the ability to compose a logical, emotional and meaningful story.


1. Educational:

Expand and enrich children's knowledge about the features of winter nature;

Learn to talk about the content of the plot picture;

To stimulate the creative activity of children, to form the ability to develop the plot of the image in the picture.

2. Developing:

Continue to develop speech as a means of communication;

To activate in the speech of children the words related to the theme "Winter";

Enrich speech with adjectives;

Improve the dialogic form of speech.

3. Educational:

Form friendly relations between children, joint interaction;

Cultivate respect for nature.

Integration of educational area Educational area "Communication":

Improve and activate speech;

Develop free communication with adults and children.

Educational area "Cognition":

To develop the ability to observe natural phenomena, to notice their changes;

Raise interest in the knowledge of the world around;

Fix the signs of winter.

Educational area "Socialization"

Cultivate friendly relationships between children;

Form the habit of listening to the interlocutor and not interrupting him unnecessarily;

Develop the implementation of rules and norms of behavior.

Educational area "Artistic creativity":

Create simple compositions;

Build teamwork skills.

Types of activity: cognitive, communicative, motor, visual.

Methods and techniques: reproductive and search questions, didactic game "Let's build a hill" conversation, drawing up a story from a picture, finger gymnastics, collective collage application.

Activation and enrichment of the dictionary: harsh, windy, snowy, blizzard.

Materials and equipment for GCD: easel, painting "Winter Entertainment", drawing paper, blanks of human figures, Christmas trees, paper napkins, glue, glue brushes, oilcloth, wet wipes.

Preliminary work:

Reading poems about winter

looking at illustrations,

Conversations on the topic;

Observation of the weather on a walk;

Apply blue gouache on whatman paper by spraying.

End result per child (planned results)

Enriched vocabulary of the child;

The ability to compose a story based on a plot picture.

Introductory part:

B. Guess the riddle:

Snow on the fields

Ice on the waters

The blizzard is walking

When does it happen?

Q. What do you think we will talk about today? Right. Today we will talk about winter. What happens in nature in winter?

D. It's getting cold. The sun heats up a little. It's very cold outside.

V. Well done. What are the trees?

Q. What lies on the roofs of houses and on the street?

B. We answer with a full sentence.

Q. What do people wear in winter?

D. A hat, a fur coat, warm boots.

Q. How do animals and birds live in winter?

D. Difficult.

Q. Why? How can you help them?

D. Make feeders, give them food.

V. Right. We must take care of the wintering birds.

D. You can play snowballs, build a snowman, sled, ski, slide.

V. Right. Winter is a wonderful time of the year to play. Children do not want to go home from a walk, because the street is interesting.

Q. Guys, name the winter fun.

D. Skating, skiing, sledding, making a snowman, riding from a snowy mountain.

Q. And you know, you can even build a slide out of words. Do you want to try building a slide out of words?

B. We will invent and name words and build a hill out of them. Let's see how high the slide you get. (attaches snowballs from cotton wool to the board /.

Q. Let's start: What is winter? (Snowy, Cold, Harsh, Frosty, Windy, Blizzard) What kind of snow? (White, Fluffy, Cold, Prickly, Hard, Crumbly, Soft)

Q. What good fellows you are, you named many different words about winter, you got a high hill!

Conversation on the painting "Winter Entertainment"

B. We sit on the chairs. There is an easel in front of the children, on which is the painting "Winter Entertainment". Guys. look at the picture carefully and tell me what season is captured? Why do you think so?

D. Name their answers. (It is winter in the picture because snow lies on the ground, trees and bushes, etc.)

Q. What can you say about the day? What is he? (clear, sunny)

C. One warm winter day the children went for a walk. One child immediately ran up the hill .... " Nikita continues. (Listens to the children one by one.)

B. Everyone found something to their liking.

C. Guys, pay attention to whether the children have forgotten about their feathered friends.

Children talk about what birds are shown in the picture, who feeds them.

V. Well done, right. /listens and evaluates the answers of children/.

Q. Guys, now we need to write a story about the picture as a whole. Will try to tell Nastya

V. Well done, ... Well done, guys.

Q. How are the children feeling? Why do you think so?

D. Children have fun, they have joyful faces, they smile.

Q. Guys, whose story was more interesting?

If the children told well, do not give a sample.

Q. Guys, did you like the picture that the artist painted?

Q. What is another name for the painting? Which title is best suited: “Winter has come”, “Winter entertainment”?

D. Offer their answers.

Physical education minute

Winter fun

We run skiing with you

Snow cold skis licks.

And then on skates

But we fell. Oh!

And then the snowballs were made,

And then the snowballs rolled

And then they fell down

And we ran home.

V. Well done guys! And now, we will be artists, we need to write “Winter Picture” on this empty paper / blue paint is sprayed onto the paper /. And we will write in an unusual way, using a collage. / Distributes tasks between children: one group cuts out snowman blanks, the second cuts out figures of “children”, the third group cuts out Christmas trees, then we make snowballs from paper napkins. / During collective work, remember to talk with children, remember poems about winter /.

At the end of the work, the teacher offers to stick the cut-out figures on whatman paper.

V. Well done guys! We got a great picture. What season is shown? What is the name of this painting? /children's answers/.

Q. Guys, who will tell me what we learned today? /children's answers/. Masha, what do you remember about the lesson?

V. Well done! They learned to compose a story based on the painting "Winter Entertainment". Yes, winter is a magical time of the year, on the street the snow is clean, fluffy, it is easy to breathe, the frosty air infuses us with vigor, and we are happy with the pranks of mother winter.

V. Well done guys! The lesson is over.

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