Who played John Locke. Jin Kwon and Sung Kwon

John Locke
John Locke

Terry O'Quinn as John Locke
First screen appearance
Last screen appearance
Central Series

Senior regional inspector in a packaging company

List of characters

In an alternate reality

While exiting the plane in an alternate reality, John Locke meets surgeon Jack Shepard. Locke also, as in classical reality, in wheelchair and cannot walk. Jack gives Locke his business card and they part ways. In this reality, Locke still works at the office, but his boss Randy fires him, and at the exit, John meets with Hugo Reyes, who turned out to be the owner of this company. Hugo sends Locke to a recruitment agency also owned by him. At Rose Nadler's agency, he sends him to school to work as a teacher. There, Locke meets Benjamin Linus, a teacher of European history. Also in this reality, John has a fiancee, Helen Norwood. John is soon hit by Desmond Hume, who remembered his real life from the classic timeline. At the hospital, when Locke was being transported by orderlies, Sung Kwon was being transported alongside. Seeing him, she began to shout “It's him! It is he!" Locke was operated on by Jack Shepard. After the operation, Jack said he could get John back on his feet, but Locke refused. Trying to find the reason for Locke's refusal, Jack finds Locke's father, Anthony Cooper, who is paralyzed. Locke later said that he and his father were on a plane piloted by John, and the plane crashed, causing Locke himself to wheelchair and his father was paralyzed.

  • 24D is Locke's seat on the plane.
  • The phone number for the company where John Locke works is 714-555-0116. (indicated on his car door) ("Locked Up")
  • In "The Man from Tallahassee", Locke says, "What if I was in the Navy." Actor Terry O'Quinn played the role of the commander of the US Navy aircraft carrier air group in the television series Military Legal Service. His character's name was Admiral Thomas Boone.
  • John Locke is an English philosopher, a representative of empiricism and liberalism.
  • John has one kidney.

Sayings of John Locke

- My name is John Locke, and I am responsible for the safety of the island.

- It's a sign!

- The island will give a sign!

- Do not confuse coincidence with fate.

- We are not alone on this island, and we know it.

Only I know what I can do!

- (To Sun's question: “how did you find it?”) Just like everyone else, when he stopped looking.

- I'm sorry…

- It's not an island. This is the place where miracles happen.

- One more step, and trouble.

We didn't end up on this island for nothing.

- There is a reason for everything!

“This island can give you what you want, but you have to give it something in return…”

- This is our destiny!

- Struggle - natural way Forces.

- I looked into the eyes of this island and what I saw was beautiful!

- The island demanded a sacrifice...

- (IN suicide note) It's a pity you didn't believe me, Jack...

- (to Jack) You are a man of science, and I am a man of faith.

- (to Desmond) It's a trick!

- (to Jack) A leader isn't a leader if he doesn't know where he's going.

Note. Citations from other characters at Wikiquote

Terry O'Quinn on his character John Locke

From an Associated Press interview at the end of the third season:

Associated Press: What can we expect from John Locke?

O'Quinn: He will try to understand who these newcomers are, what their mission is, since John clearly knows that they are not rescuers, and, remembering Ben's words about the spy on the ship, he will try to understand who it is and what is happening. He believes that his destiny is to protect the island. And he will do everything to protect.

Associated Press: And how will this affect the character and his development?

O'Quinn: John has his own philosophy. When you are convinced that you are doing the right thing, you have the confidence that you can really do absolutely everything, only on the basis of this confidence in your own rightness. You feel like a boss, you become dangerous. You can be cruel. Even a tyrant. Future will tell.

Associated Press: Isn't it starting to get a little crazy?

O'Quinn: The question is not whether he is “on the edge”, but where this very edge is, and how far he is ready to go, what he is wrong about, and what is 100 percent right, where to stop, and where - go ahead. I don't know for sure.

Associated Press: You said that Locke pushing a button is a depressing sight. What can you say about the current character?

O'Quinn: I like the current alignment. Although when watching the next few episodes, it may seem that he is confused, does not know what to do. But that's his demeanor. He finds something, it makes him move on, he seems to be facing some kind of obstacle, he is waiting for what will happen next, waiting annoys him, he loses his patience, but then something happens - and he moves on. It's interesting to watch - although in places it may not be, sometimes it's frustrating, but that's exactly what is happening with his character now.

Associated Press: Is there a disagreement between you and the writers?

O'Quinn: Yes, at the end of the third season, when Locke threw a knife at Naomi's back, then I said: "This hurts me, this is not a typical act for Locke, this is so unlike him, this is absurd" I then had a serious conversation with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, they told me, 'Look, Locke believes he's doing the right thing. His life is out of danger, but in return he receives instructions for action. He believes that Naomi is the most a dangerous person located in this moment on the island and he does what he does. Just do it". In response, I asked: “Well, if I throw a knife at Naomi’s back, can I also shoot Jack in the knee .. or somewhere else?”

1956. Mother - Emily Locke. Father - Anthony Cooper. Locke was placed under the care of the state. He was born prematurely after his mother was hit by a car while six months pregnant. He grew up in numerous foster families. Richard came to him and did a test, which John failed because he chose a knife. In one of them, he survived the death of his sister, Jenny. Her mother started mental disorder, which stopped only when a dog came to their house, who began to live with them and sleep in Jenny's bed.

Much later, a woman came to the already adult Locke, who worked in a toy store, who claimed that she was his mother. Interested in the identity of his parents, Locke hires a private detective who finds Locke's real father, Anthony Cooper. Cooper warmly welcomes John, they hunt together. Cooper says he needs a kidney transplant. Locke becomes his donor, but after the operation, Cooper immediately leaves the hospital without saying anything to John and no longer wanting to know him. Emily told John that it was all set up by Cooper to get Locke's kidney. (“What the jungle is melting”, 19th episode of the 1st season)

Upset that his father had deceived and used him, Locke visits the group psychological support where he meets a woman named Helen. Helen helps him get rid of painful memories of his father. Locke settles for new job. John and Helen start dating and then move in together. Locke wants to marry Helen when he learns that his father has died. At the funeral, Locke says he forgives his father. Later, two people come to Locke's house and question him about Cooper; they are sure he staged own death. When John checks on Nadia's house for work, he meets Cooper, who says he scammed the two people out of the $700,000 they now have in a savings account, and asks Locke to withdraw the money. He reluctantly agrees and does so in secret from Helen. When handing over the money, Helen sees him with her father and leaves Locke.

To escape from the past, Locke joins a community that grew marijuana. One day he picks up a fellow traveler on the road and brings him to the commune. After 6 weeks, he learns that the man is an undercover police officer. By order of the commune, John takes him into the forest to kill him, but lets him go.

Then he leaves the commune and lives alone. One day, a young man comes to him and asks him about a man named Adam Seward who wants to marry his wealthy mother, and this is probably the same person to whom Locke donated his kidney. Locke, who is unfamiliar with this name, understands that we are talking about Cooper, who is turning another scam. He finds his father, who is already shopping for the wedding in the store, and insistently demands that he cancel his marriage and leave the city. Cooper promises this, and the next day two detectives come to Locke and say that the guy who came to Locke was killed, and a piece of paper with Locke's address was found in the pocket of his clothes. John comes to Cooper, and he says that a rich woman after the death of her son is completely broken and decided to call off the wedding. Locke wants to call the woman to make sure, and then Cooper lunges at him and throws him out of the window from a height of 80 feet. After the fall, a strange man approaches Locke and asks for forgiveness for John having to go through this. Locke survived, but suffered a spinal injury that left him in a wheelchair.

After Locke finds a job at a packaging company owned by Hurley, where he is constantly ridiculed by Randy's boss. Locke goes on a tour to Australia, but is turned down there, seeing that he is disabled. He has to return to the USA, he buys tickets for flight 815.

On the island

Season 1

After the crash, Locke is miraculously cured. Locke's survival skills draw Walt to him, which Michael doesn't like. During a boar hunt, Locke encounters black smoke for the first time, but does not tell anyone about it. He goes with Jack, Kate and Charlie to the caves, where he learns about Charlie's drug addiction. He helps him overcome his heroin cravings. When Sayid tries to detect Russo's signal, Locke stuns him, breaks the receiver and tells Sayid that the one who does not want to leave the island is to blame, thus making Sawyer suspicious. After Claire is kidnapped, John goes on a search with Jack, Kate and Boone.

One day, Boone and John find a hatch they are trying to open. After following the instructions from his dream, Locke takes Boone to the jungle and finds a plane there. Locke's legs give out, so Boone boards the plane. As he falls to the ground, Locke manages to get to his feet and drag Boone back to camp. He does not tell Jack about the reasons for what happened, but runs to the hatch and knocks on it until a light comes on inside. Locke returns to the beach for Boone's funeral. He tells Sayid and Jack about the hatch. When Russo arrives at the beach and reports the Others are approaching, he goes with her, Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Artst to the Black Rock to get some dynamite. On the way back, he sees the monster for the second time, who tries to drag Locke away, but Jack and Kate save him. After returning to the hatch, Locke blows it up with dynamite, despite Hurley's pleas not to do so.

Season 2

Locke and Kate are the first to go down to the bunker. Descending into the hatch, Locke finds himself at gunpoint for Desmond. He watches the instructional video with Jack. When Desmond escapes and Sayid manages to repair the computer, Locke insists on entering numbers. He gives shooting lessons to Michael, who then escapes after trapping Locke and Jack in the armory. When Sawyer finds them, the three of them go on a chase, but meet others and turn back in exchange for Kate's safety. John suspects that Charlie is using drugs again, and after he tries to baptize Aaron, he beats him up. After attacking Sun, Locke and Jack fight over weapons and Sawyer kidnaps him.

After the arrival of "Henry Gale", Locke keeps him in an empty armory. Before Locke presses the button, he sees a map with a question mark painted on the door of the computer room with special paint. When it turns out that "Henry" is not who he claims to be and that he didn't enter the numbers, Locke loses faith in the island. After killing Anna Lucia, he and Eko go to the jungle and look for the question mark. Together they find the station "Pearl"; after watching the briefing, Eco continues entering numbers despite protests from Locke, who is kicked out of the bunker by Eco.

When Desmond returns to the island, Locke uses him to cut off Eko from the computer and wait for the timer to reach zero. When the timer reaches zero and everything in the bunker starts shaking, Locke realizes he was wrong. He is in the bunker when Desmond turns the key and the hatch collapses.

Season 3

The next day, Locke regains consciousness in the jungle, speechless. He builds a bathhouse, inside which, having taken hallucinogens, he sees Boone, who asks him to save Eko. Locke and Charlie go to the jungle, where they rescue Eko from the lair. polar bear and are taken back to the camp, where John announces that he will go rescue Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. The next day, he takes Desmond, Sayid, Nikki and Paulo to the Zhemchuzhina station, where through one of the security cameras he sees Mikhail Bakunin at the Flame station. Hearing a noise upstairs, he goes upstairs where he sees a dying Eco. At Mr. Eco's funeral, Locke sees an inscription on a stick that points him north. When Kate and Sawyer return to the beach, Locke takes her and Sayid into the jungle to retrieve Russo. Together they find Flame Station. Having beaten the station's computer in chess, he undermines it. Before breaking the sound barrier, he pushes Mikhail at him. When the group arrives at the others' barracks, he sees Jack talking to Tom. That same night, Locke breaks into Ben's house and goes to the submarine with Alex at gunpoint. Using C4 from Flame Station, Locke blows up the submarine. Others catch him and take him to the room where Anthony Cooper is sitting.

Locke is offered to join the Others, and he accepts. Among the Others, he meets Cindy Chandler, who says that everyone is very excited about his appearance. That same night, Ben Linus orders Locke to kill Cooper in order to finally join the others. Locke is unable to do this and the others leave him; Ben says that he can only return to them with his father's corpse on his back. Before leaving, Richard reports that among the crashed there is an excellent candidate for the role of Cooper's killer. John returns to the beach and takes Sawyer with him to the Black Rock, where he locks him in the same room as Cooper. When Sawyer kills him, Locke gives him the recorder with Juliet's voice and tells him that she is a spy. He takes Cooper's corpse to the others' new parking lot, where he forces Ben to take himself to Jacob. Ben agrees and takes John to an abandoned cabin. Despite Ben's warnings, not finding anyone in the hut, Locke turns on the flashlight, which sets everything inside in motion. As he leaves, he hears a voice that says "Help me." On the way back, Ben leads Locke along a different path, past a pit with skeletons of DHARMA employees. Realizing Ben's intentions, Locke draws a knife, but Ben shoots him. Waking up in a hole, Locke wants to commit suicide, but Walt appears before him, who says that John has unfinished business. Locke goes to the radio tower, where he stabs Naomi. He tries to talk Jack out of using her phone, but fails and leaves.

Season 4

John assures that the people from the ship want to kill them, and as a result, half of the camp goes with Jack, and half with Locke. Locke decides to go where the Others lived, but Charles Widmore's men come there. Locke tells Jack not to leave the Island, but Jack doesn't listen. In the final episode of the fourth season, in a flashforward, we learn that Locke will die approximately three years after the Oceanic Six got off the island.

After the Island

Locke moves from the Island to Tunisia. There Charles Widmore visits him and sets up a driver for him - Matthew Abbadon. They travel the world and Locke visits all of the Oceanic Six and Walt Lloyd, asking them to return to the Island. Everyone refuses to listen to him.


IN last episode The third season showed how Jack Shepard found out about someone's death. In the last episode of the next, fourth, season, it was shown that the body of John Locke was in the coffin. In the fifth season, the authors of the series revealed the secret of Locke's death. Having failed to complete the mission, John wanted to commit suicide, but Ben appears and first tries to dissuade John from committing suicide, and then, having received important information from Locke (that Jean is alive, and that Eloise Hawking should help the Oceanic Six return to the Island), kills him, framing everything as a suicide. (“Life and death Jeremy Bentham”, 7th episode of the 5th season)

Return to the Island

Ilana and the rest of the Flight 316 survivors bring the closed iron box to the Others; Richard meets them and is shown that the iron box contains the corpse of John Locke. It becomes clear that the Locke who went to kill Jacob is Jacob's competitor, who was sitting with him on the beach (presumably in 1845, shortly before the crash Black Rock ), and the real John Locke is dead. ("Incident", 16th and 17th episodes of the 5th season) In the 6th season, Locke was buried. Ben said he was sorry he killed Locke. ("The Substitute")

In an alternate reality

While exiting the plane in an alternate reality, John Locke meets surgeon Jack Shepard. Locke is also, as in classical reality, in a wheelchair and cannot walk. Jack gives Locke his business card and they part ways. In this reality, Locke still works at the office, but his boss Randy fires him, and at the exit, John meets with Hugo Reyes, who turned out to be the owner of this company. Hugo sends Locke to a recruitment agency also owned by him. At Rose's agency, Nadler sends him to school to work as a teacher. There, Locke meets Benjamin Linus, a teacher of European history. Also in this reality, John has a fiancee, Helen Norwood. John is soon run over by Desmond Home, who has remembered his real life from the classic timeline. In the hospital, when the orderlies transported Locke, Sung Kwon was transported alongside. Seeing him, she began to shout “It's him! It is he!" Locke was operated on by Jack Shepard. After the operation, Jack said he could get John back on his feet, but Locke refused. Trying to find the reason for Locke's refusal, Jack finds Locke's father, Anthony Cooper, who is paralyzed. Locke later revealed that he and his father were on a plane piloted by John, and the plane crashed, leaving Locke himself in a wheelchair and his father paralyzed.

Terry O'Quinn on his character John Locke

From an Associated Press interview at the end of the third season:

Associated Press: What can we expect from John Locke?

O'Quinn: He will try to understand who these newcomers are, what their mission is, since John clearly knows that they are not rescuers, and, remembering Ben's words about the spy on the ship, he will try to understand who it is and what is happening. He believes that his destiny is to protect the island. And he will do everything to protect.

Associated Press: And how will this affect the character and his development?

O'Quinn: John has his own philosophy. When you are convinced that you are doing the right thing, you have the confidence that you can really do absolutely everything, only on the basis of this confidence in your own rightness. You feel like a boss, you become dangerous. You can be cruel. Even a tyrant. Future will tell.

Associated Press: Isn't it starting to get a little crazy?

O'Quinn: The question is not whether he is “on the edge”, but where this very edge is, and how far he is ready to go, what he is wrong about, and what is 100 percent right, where to stop, and where - go ahead. I don't know for sure.

Associated Press: You said that Locke pushing a button is a depressing sight. What can you say about the current character?

O'Quinn: I like the current alignment. Although when watching the next few episodes, it may seem that he is confused, does not know what to do. But that's his demeanor. He finds something, it makes him move on, he seems to be facing some kind of obstacle, he is waiting for what will happen next, waiting annoys him, he loses his patience, but then something happens - and he moves on. It's interesting to watch - although in places it may not be, sometimes it's frustrating, but that's exactly what is happening with his character now.

Associated Press: Is there a disagreement between you and the writers?

O'Quinn: Yes, at the end of the third season, when Locke threw a knife at Naomi's back, then I said: "This hurts me, this is not a typical act for Locke, this is so unlike him, this is absurd" I then had a serious conversation with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, they told me, 'Look, Locke believes he's doing the right thing. His life is out of danger, but in return he receives instructions for action. He believes that Naomi is the most dangerous person currently on the island and he does what he does. Just do it". In response, I asked: “Well, if I throw a knife at Naomi’s back, can I also shoot Jack in the knee .. or somewhere else?”

From an interview with "Hunting Season" (Paul Terry, Lost Magazine):

“I like to believe in the mystical. Like Locke, I want to believe in magic. He's looking for an explanation, and I hope we don't miss him. We've been there long enough that sometimes - and some of us need to be reminded - it's dangerous here. You know, you never know what can happen in the jungle. It can happen all the time and it can happen instantly, so you should stand on your toes. In Locke, I like the expectation of a miracle. I would like to believe that there are things around us that cannot be explained, that if we open our eyes in a certain direction, we could see or feel. I believe that it should be asked for and constantly developed. You need to remind yourself that everyone you meet could be a sign, something significant.»

From an interview with Valery Rukobratsky, correspondent Komsomolskaya Pravda» - 06.02.2010:

“I certainly miss that guy who could give people wise advice. But even before his death, John was not the most common man so that everyone will like it. He’s not a dollar to please everyone?”

The first season of the series "Lost" ( original name"Lost", that is, literally "missing") was released back in 2004 and gathered about 16 million people on TV screens in the USA alone. Filming of the series ended in 2010, a total of six seasons were released on the screens. It was an unconditional success for American cinematography, which was awarded with all kinds of awards at various international film festivals: the Emmy for Best Drama Series in 2005, the British Academy Television Awards for Best American Series in 2005, the Golden Globe as best drama 2006 Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Ensemble Cast in a Drama Series.

In the Russian segment, the series was broadcast on, on TV-3, on and on AXN Sci-Fi and had pretty good ratings. "Lost" was moving forward using marketing technologies that were unprecedented at that time both in Russia and in the world. The creators of the series have invested huge amounts of money in maintaining the popularity of the film:

  • in Russia, the premiere of the second season was accompanied by exclusive promotional videos in which the actors spoke a phrase in Russian. In addition to the hero, the First Channel logo was always present in the frame.
  • In January 2008, before the premiere of the third season, billboards for the fictional company Oceanic Airlines, which appears in the plot of the series, appeared in nine cities around the world.
  • before the premiere of the fourth season, Channel One showed exclusive commercials, stylized as ads on an Oceanic Airlines plane.
  • Before the premiere of the fifth season, DharmaWantsYou.com was launched on the Internet, offering users from all over the world to be tested to join the ranks of the revival of the Dharma project. During the existence of the site (about nine weeks), over 147 thousand people registered on it.

In addition, comics, books, games were released based on the film. Thus, there is not only a large-scale media product (and the series really turned out to be bright in terms of character development, non-linearity, sharpness and well-thought-out plot), but also a competent advertising campaign that turned Lost into a real flagship of a multi-part movie. Therefore, it is very interesting to look at this creation from the point of view, in the light of which its content will be considered. It is important to note that the series was broadcast on Channel One in prime time, that is, it was available for viewing by both adults and children.

About the plot

The plot is based on the crash of Oceanic Airlines Flight 815, heading from Sydney (Australia) to Los Angeles (USA). The plane crashes as a result of an explosion on board. Some of the passengers end up on the shore of an unknown island, where they have to learn how to survive in the jungle and solve many mysteries of this mysterious piece of land.

The series is built in such a way that the main plot is often interrupted by the so-called flashbacks (flashbacks of the past), from which we learn about past life heroes, about their life before the island. And it is this life that is the most revealing.

Let's now look at the heroes of the series and what image of the family they carry ... All this information was gradually revealed to the viewer over the course of 6 seasons.

Jack Shepard

In life before the island, Jack Shepard is a doctor, a spinal surgeon. Initially, he worked with his father at the St. Sebastian clinic, his father was the chief physician there. Jack's father, Christian Shepard, despite all his achievements in his career, had an addiction to alcohol, for which Jack despised him. The show does not say anything about Christian Shepard and Jack's mother Margo Shepard living together. After the father, being drunk, during the operation admits medical error- accidentally cuts the patient's hepatic artery, as a result of which she dies - Christian Shepard is deprived of his medical license, as he operated while intoxicated. It is noteworthy that his son Jack reports this fact to the medical commission.

Christian leaves for Australia after the incident. Mother persuades Jack to go and find his father there, but Jack does not really want to go, he still despises his father and cannot forgive him for his mistakes. As you can see, the relationship between Jack and his father is very bad. Eventually, Christian dies of a heart attack brought on by his drinking.

Now let's turn our attention to Jack's personal life. He treats a patient named Sarah. Sarah injured her spine and is now bedridden, it is not certain that she will be able to walk again. But Jack spends days and nights in the hospital, monitoring Sarah's condition, thinking about how to help her. As a result, he manages to do the impossible, and Sarah recovers. Mutual sympathy is established between her and Jack, which eventually develops into love. Jack and Sarah are getting married.

But what happens to their marriage then? Jack constantly disappears at work, trying to save another serious patient named Angelo. Meanwhile, the daughter of this patient, Gabrielle, begins to show signs of sympathy for Jack, at one appropriate moment she kisses him. At home, Jack breathes a sigh of relief when Sarah reports a negative pregnancy test. Jack and Sarah gradually begin to move away from each other. When Jack reveals that Gabrielle kissed him, Sarah reveals that she has another. They end up getting divorced.

Kate Austin

Kate was married to Kevin Killis, to whom she told the truth about herself and then slipped sleeping pills into his tea to escape and thus keep him out of trouble.

Kate killed her biological father, Wayne, by putting him to bed drunk and turning on the gas in the house. Wayne died in a fire. Thus, she took revenge on him for the fact that he constantly beat Diana, Kate's mother, made drunken brawls and scandals. However, Diana cannot forgive her daughter, and testified against her herself, reporting Wayne's death to the police. At a personal meeting with Kate, after the deed, Diana said that she still loves Wayne, despite the fact that he treated her like that.

On the island, Kate also behaves a little strange: she is torn between two men, Jack and Sawyer, who are both dear to her. At the same time, she sleeps with one, and loves the other.

John Locke

John's mother was fifteen years old when she gave birth to him and immediately abandoned him. John grew up in a foster family. One day, as an adult, he accidentally meets his mother, decides to follow her and eventually finds his father - Anthony Cooper.

John meets his father. His father treats him kindly, takes him hunting with him, they spend a lot of time together - this is what John lacked so much. But soon, when John has already become attached to Anthony, he reports that he will die soon. He needs a kidney transplant to live. Since John is Anthony's son, he is the perfect donor for his father. John decides to donate a kidney to his father. But then it turns out that his father is a professional swindler, and he specially sent his mother to John, he counted on the fact that Locke would start looking for something and, as it were, accidentally contact his father. In other words, the father wanted to lure a kidney from his own son for free.

After the operation, Anthony disappears. Then their lives intersect again, and it turns out that the father is trying to seduce one rich lady, again for the purpose of profit. Anthony goes on a crime: he kills the son of this lady. Locke finds out about this and comes to his father to stop him, threatening that he will report everything to the police. A father pushes his son out of the window of a high-rise hotel, and he ends up in a wheelchair with completely paralyzed legs.


Real name is James Ford. His mother Mary Ford had an affair with a man named Sawyer. This man turned out to be a fraudster who fraudulently took over all the savings of the Ford family. The enraged father, having learned about this, came home and began to break on the door. James hid under the bed. The enraged father shot Mary first, and then himself. After these tragic events, the boy writes a letter to this swindler. He wants to give this letter to the fraudster in person. Having matured, he himself becomes the same fraudster and takes the same name for himself - Sawyer. As a result of its criminal activity Sawyer ends up in jail, and his partner in scams and lover gives birth to a daughter.

Claire Littleton

Claire grew up without a father. First, when Claire was born, her father periodically visited her, then disappeared. Claire herself believed that he was dead.

At the age of twenty-two, Claire became involved with an artist named Thomas. They began to live together. Claire got pregnant. At first, Thomas was glad that he would become a father. Then, as events unfolded and the deadline approached, seeing how children's things, a cradle, toys appeared in the house, Thomas became more and more nervous and gloomy. Ultimately, he told Claire that he was not ready for fatherhood, accused her of getting pregnant, and left, slamming the door, leaving his beloved and his future child to their fate.

Claire decided to give up the baby after the birth. When signing the necessary papers, there was a hitch: the pen stopped writing. Claire considered this a "sign from above" and did not give up her child. But then the psychic she was visiting offered her a family where her child would be fine, handing her plane tickets. This was Flight 815, which ended in a plane crash.

Jin Kwon and Sung Kwon

Husband and wife. Sung Kwon is the daughter of a South Korean magnate. Jin Kwon is the son of a fisherman who was also supposed to be a fisherman. But Jin marries Sun and her father offers him a job. The work turns out to be not so clean, and Sun's father is a real mafioso. Jin does all the dirty errands for his wife's father, which takes a toll on them. family life. Jin becomes more aggressive, often blaming Sun for having to deal with such things. To make matters worse, Jin is infertile, so they can't have children.

Sun, meanwhile, begins dating Jay Lee and has sexual intercourse with him. Her father decides to remove Jay Lee and entrusts this task to Sun's husband, that is, Jin. Everything was set up like a suicide.

Later, on Sun Island, she suddenly becomes pregnant. She will swear to Gene that she had no men but him, and secretly from her husband to find out whose child it is.

Michael Dawson and his son Walt

Michael Dawson dreamed of becoming an artist. But while he did not succeed in self-realization in his talent, he worked at a construction site. Michael lived with a girlfriend, Susan, who was in law school at the time. When Susan became pregnant, Michael was overjoyed, but Susan refused to marry him, because Michael did not earn enough and irregularly, and her money issue was very disturbing.

As a result, Susan leaves for Amsterdam, where she is offered a stable and well-paid job. There she marries Brian. Brian wants to adopt a child.

Then, when Michael and his son Walt are back together, they for a long time can't find mutual language. Walt constantly accuses Michael of something, says that he is not his father.

Benjamin Linus

Or just Ben. Ben's mother died at his birth. Relations between Ben and his father Roger Linus did not work out. Roger even beat Ben once. James and Ben end up on the island as their father gets a job as a janitor at the Dharma Project. They are not passengers on Flight 815.

When Ben grows up and gets a job, on one of his birthdays he will poison his father and most Dharma Project staff in a so-called purge.


These are not all the characters, but only the most basic ones. The stories of other heroes, if they are revealed, are approximately in the same context. Such a long scrupulous enumeration of the main actors and facts from their lives, it took only one single conclusion:

There is not a single person in the series whose family would be normal.

This applies to both the characters of Flight 815 and the characters living on the island. Moreover, often the conflict between fathers and children leads to real reprisals, murders. I would like to repeat and emphasize once again that the series was broadcast on Channel One in prime time, that is, it was available for viewing by children and adolescents. What image of the family will they take out of the Lost series, besides the fact that the family is evil?!

The situation is aggravated by another plot twist: all the girls who are going to give birth to a child on the island die after giving birth. And only some experimental vaccine, which is being worked on by Dr. Juliet Burke, can save the life of a woman in labor. But the probability is extremely small. Only Claire manages to survive, but her child was not conceived on the island. Because of this, Ben separates his daughter from her boyfriend, the guy is brainwashed, arranging demonstrations of special videos in a closed hangar and pumping him with psychotropic substances. Yes, and Ben's mother herself, as mentioned earlier, dies as a result of childbirth.

This moment very eloquently complements the anti-family message of the film. How will the demonstration of numerous episodes with the death of women in childbirth affect the psyche of a young girl who saw this on TV in popular series? Perhaps she will miss this "past her ears", she will not pay attention, but perhaps the subconscious fear of death during childbirth will take root in her brain so much that the girl, having matured, will begin to feel discomfort at the thought of motherhood, regarding pregnancy as something undesirable. or even dangerous.

Of course, someone will say that it all takes place somewhere in the background, and the central story line dedicated to other events. But the fact of the matter is that this anti-family message is not obligatory and could be of the opposite nature. But instead, the film has no alternative and in bright colors forms a negative image of the family, as something dangerous and bringing only misfortunes.

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John Locke
John Locke

Terry O'Quinn as John Locke
First screen appearance
Central Series

Senior regional inspector in a packaging company

List of characters

After Locke finds a job at a packaging company owned by Hurley, where he is constantly ridiculed by Randy's boss. Locke goes on a tour to Australia, but is turned down there, seeing that he is disabled. He has to return to the USA, he buys tickets for flight 815.

On the island

Season 1

After the crash, Locke is miraculously cured. Locke's survival skills draw Walt to him, which Michael doesn't like. During a boar hunt, Locke encounters black smoke for the first time, but does not tell anyone about it. He goes with Jack, Kate and Charlie to the caves, where he learns about Charlie's drug addiction. He helps him overcome his heroin cravings. When Sayid tries to pick up Russo's signal, Locke stuns him, smashes the receiver, and puts the blame on Sawyer. After Claire is kidnapped, John goes on a search with Jack, Kate, and Boone. He and Boone find a hatch they are trying to open.

One day, following the directions from his dream, Locke takes Boone to the jungle and finds a plane there. Locke's legs give out, so Boone gets on the plane. As he falls to the ground, Locke manages to get to his feet and drag Boone back to camp. He does not tell Jack about the reasons for what happened, but runs to the hatch and knocks on it until a light comes on inside. Locke returns to the beach for Boone's funeral. He talks about the hatch to Sayid and Jack. When Russo arrives at the beach and reports others are approaching, he goes with her, Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Artzt to the Black Rock for dynamite. On the way back, he sees the monster for the second time, who tries to kill Locke, but Jack and Kate save him. After returning to the hatch, Locke blows it up with dynamite, despite Hurley's pleas not to do so.

Season 2

Locke and Kate are the first to go down to the bunker. Going down the hatch, Locke finds himself at gunpoint at Desmond. He watches the instructional video with Jack. When Desmond escapes and Sayid manages to restore the computer, Locke insists on entering numbers. He gives shooting lessons to Michael, who then escapes after locking Locke and Jack in the armory. When Sawyer finds them, the three of them go on a chase, but meet others and turn back in exchange for Kate's safety. John suspects that Charlie is using drugs again, and after he tries to baptize Aaron, he beats him up. After attacking Sun, Locke and Jack fight over weapons and Sawyer kidnaps him.

After the arrival of "Henry Gale", Locke keeps him in an empty armory. Before Locke presses the button, he sees a map with a question mark painted on the door of the computer room with special paint. When it turns out that "Henry" is not who he claims to be and that he didn't enter the numbers, Locke loses faith in the island. After killing Ana Lucia, he and Eko go to the jungle and look for the question mark. Together they find the station "Pearl"; after watching the briefing, Eco continues entering numbers despite protests from Locke, who is eventually kicked out of the bunker.

When Desmond returns to the island, Locke, with his help, cuts off Eco from the computer and waits for the timer to reach zero. When the timer reaches zero and everything in the bunker starts shaking, Locke realizes he was wrong. He is in the bunker when Desmond turns the key and the hatch collapses.

Season 3

The next day, Locke regains consciousness in the jungle, speechless. He builds a bathhouse, inside which, having taken hallucinogens, he sees Boone, who asks him to save Eko. Locke and Charlie travel to the jungle, where they rescue Eko from the polar bear's lair and return to the camp, where John announces that he will go to rescue Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. The next day, he takes Desmond, Sayid, Nikki and Paulo to the Zhemchuzhina station, where through one of the security cameras he sees Mikhail Bakunin at the Flame station. Hearing a noise upstairs, he goes upstairs where he sees a dying Eco. He sees an inscription on a stick, which directs him north. When Kate and Sawyer return to the beach, Locke, along with her and Sayid, go into the jungle after Rousseau. Together they find Flame Station. Having beaten the station's computer in chess, he undermines it. Before breaking the sound barrier, he pushes Mikhail at him. When the group arrives at the others' barracks, he sees Jack talking to Tom. That same night, Locke breaks into Ben's house and goes to the submarine with Alex at gunpoint. Using C4 from Flame Station, Locke blows up the submarine. Others catch him and take him to the room where Anthony Cooper is sitting.

Locke is offered to join the Others, and he accepts. Among the Others, he meets Cindy Chandler, who says that everyone is very excited about his appearance. That same night, Ben Linus orders Locke to kill Cooper in order to finally join the others. Locke is unable to do this and the others leave him; Ben says that he can only return to them with his father's corpse on his back. Before leaving, Richard reports that among the crashed there is an excellent candidate for the role of Cooper's killer. John returns to the beach and takes Sawyer with him to Black Rock, where he locks him in the same room as Cooper. When Sawyer kills him, Locke gives him the recorder with Juliet's voice and tells him that she is a spy. He takes Cooper's corpse to the others' new parking lot, where he forces Ben to take himself to Jacob. Ben agrees and takes John to an abandoned cabin. Despite Ben's warnings, not finding anyone in the hut, Locke turns on the flashlight, which sets everything inside in motion. As he leaves, he hears a voice that says "Help me." On the way back, Ben leads Locke along a different path, past a pit with skeletons of DHARMA employees. Realizing Ben's intentions, Locke draws a knife, but Ben shoots him. Waking up in a hole, Locke wants to commit suicide, but Walt appears before him, who says that John has unfinished business. Locke goes to the radio tower, where he stabs Naomi. He tries to talk Jack out of using her phone, but fails and leaves.

Season 4

John assures that the people from the ship want to kill them, and as a result, half of the camp goes with Jack, and half with Locke. Locke decides to go where the Others lived, but Charles Widmore's men come there. Locke tells Jack not to leave the Island, but Jack doesn't listen. In the final episode of the fourth season, in a flashforward, we learn that Locke will die approximately three years after the Oceanic Six got off the island.

After the Island

Locke moves from the Island to Tunisia. There, Charles Widmore visits him and sets up a driver for him - Matthew Abbadon. They travel the world and Locke visits all of the Oceanic Six and Walt Lloyd, asking them to return to the Island. Everyone refuses to listen to him. He wants to hang himself, but Ben appears and at first tries to dissuade John from committing suicide, but then, having learned important information from Locke (that Jean is alive and that Eloise Hawking should help the Oceanic Six return to the Island), he kills him himself making it look like suicide. ("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham", 7th episode of the 5th season)

Return to the Island

Ilana and the rest of the Flight 316 survivors bring the closed iron box to the Others; Richard meets them and is shown that the iron box contains the corpse of John Locke. It becomes clear that the Locke who went to kill Jacob is Jacob's competitor, who was sitting with him on the beach (presumably in 1845, shortly before the crash Black Rock), and the real John Locke is dead. ("Incident", 16th and 17th episodes of the 5th season) In the 6th season, Locke's body is buried in the grave, and Ben says that he regrets that he killed him.

alternative reality

While exiting the plane in an alternate reality, John Locke meets surgeon Jack Shepard. Locke is also like in the classics in a wheelchair and cannot walk. Jack gives Locke his business card and they part ways. In this universe, Locke still works in the office, but his boss Randy fires him and on the way out, John meets with Hugo Race, who turned out to be the owner of this company. Hugo sends Locke to a recruitment agency also owned by him. At Rose Nadler's agency, he sends him to school to work as a teacher. There, Locke meets Benjamin Linus, a teacher of European history. Also in this reality, John has a fiancee, Helen Norwood.

  • 24D is Locke's seat on the plane.
  • John(?) Locke Jon Locke) - that was the name of the actor who played the role of the leader of the lists (eng. Sleestak Leader) in the third season of the popular television series in the 70s of the XX century "Land of the Lost".
  • His actions led to the destruction of two Dharma stations on the island - "Swan" and "Flame".
  • The phone number for the company where John Locke works is 714-555-0116. (indicated on his car door) ("Locked Up")
  • In "The Man from Tallahassee", Locke says, "What if I was in the Navy." Actor Terry O'Quinn played the role of a US Navy aircraft carrier air group commander in the television series JAG. His character's name was Admiral Thomas Boone.
  • The scar on Locke's face is similar to what we can see on the character Disney cartoon"The Lion King".
  • John Locke is an English philosopher, a representative of empiricism and liberalism.


  • About the character at Lostwiki.abc.com (English) and Lostpedia.com (English)
  • Character photos at Lost-media.com

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