Left-hander is a typical "fantastic" hero. Composition Characteristics and image of Alexander Pavlovich


It didn't take much observation to see a man who had seen a lot and "experienced".

N. Leskov

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov is an original Russian writer, whose popularity is growing year by year. The more and more often there is talk about the mysterious Russian soul, the more willingly they remember Leskov, who fully, peculiarly and realistically showed the Russian man without embellishment, with all his contradictions. His works are paradoxical, popular at first glance, they are not as unambiguous as they might seem at first.

The patriotic story "Lefty" turns out to be much more complicated when considered seriously and in detail. Yes, the story tells about the skill of Tula gunsmiths who managed to forge a tiny metal flea. “On each horseshoe, the master’s name is displayed: which Russian master made that horseshoe ... my only name is not there ... I worked smaller than these horseshoes: I forged carnations ... no small scope can pick up there ...” - says about Left-handed to his work. - And the poor work without a “fine scope”, and our eyes are so shot ... ”But as a result of this amazing, almost fantastic work the flea stopped dancing, “doing variations”. This is probably not the fault of the Tula masters, whose golden hands are able to work miracles, but their masters, who force the serfs to fulfill their every whim, even the most absurd. This is not a hymn to labor and the Russian craftsman, but rather a dramatic depiction of his plight. Leskov's language is also very peculiar. Especially in the story "Lefty". Folk etymology plays a special role here. Although the author speaks in the first person, vernacular, a specific dialect allows him to hide behind “foreign” words, without giving an assessment to events. He is only a writer of everyday life, a third-party, but very interested storyteller. The theme of native Russian talent is developed by Leskov in the stories "Dumb Artist" and "The Enchanted Wanderer". Leskov eternal questions. Lord, what is a man capable of? On the greatest rise and the greatest fall.

In The Enchanted Wanderer, his character looks like Ilya of Muromets. Ilya Flyagin is a direct connection with Ivanushka from a fairy tale. Two Ivanushki: the fool and good fellow. Ivan Flyagin combines the characters of both Ivans, that is, his character is dual. As always with Leskov, speaking name. A flask is a vessel, whatever you pour, it will carry in itself. Ivan Flyagin - a huge force, but in a cassock. All his life he died, but did not die, is still full of strength, with surprise and admiration looks at the world. He breaks out of the rut that was laid out for him by fate: “After all, I happened a lot, I happened to be on horses, and under horses, and I was a prisoner, and fought, and I myself beat people, and I was maimed, so maybe not everyone would have endured ...

When did you go to the monastery? - It's recently...

Did you also feel called to it? “Mmmm, I don’t know how to explain it, however, one must assume that he had.”

He passed all his tests. And then what? First-person narration allows you to create trust, almost intimacy. A special trust is realized through the composition. This whole thing is not built traditionally, but as a chain of short stories: a serf postilion - a nanny - a captivity Tatar - love- no name; and a feat - a monastery. The hero goes through various "tests": love, attitude towards a woman, towards a child. He breaks out from under the spell of fate, rushes about. Stupid blind power seething, killed a nun for nothing. And here he is in the finale of the story, the prayed son. Why does he need a monastery? For murder. A hero who defended his native land, and a murderer ... And in the monastery his strength is walking, passions are boiling. There is a man in the power of the predicted spell and he wanders; hero, hero, martyr and murderer at the same time. A simple Russian man, thirsting for a feat, humbles himself in the name of God or people? - Absolutely, sir: I really want to die for the people.

Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich is one of the minor characters in Leskov's story "Lefty". Nikolai Pavlovich is the complete opposite of his brother, Tsar Alexander Pavlovich. Alexander Pavlovich treated his people ironically, he was an ardent supporter and supporter of everything foreign. The sovereign always admired Western masters and underestimated his own artisans. Unlike his brother, Nikolai Pavlovich was a true patriot of his fatherland. Great Emperor never recognized the superiority of foreign countries, he was firmly convinced that Russian artisans were more talented and inventive than foreign masters in everything. He was confident in the Russian people, and was not used to yielding to foreigners at least in some way.

When Nikolai Pavlovich came to power, he did not pay attention to the flea left to him by his brother special attention, considering it for some trifle. But when the courtiers wanted to throw her away, he resisted, thinking that since she was dear to her brother, it meant something. The emperor ordered to find out what this thing was. Platov heard about this commotion. He came to the sovereign, and explained the origin of this flea. When the flea was brought in, and she began to make knees, Platov told the sovereign that she should be shown to Russian craftsmen, and they would already be able to outdo the English, whom Alexander Pavlovich praised so much. Such an opinion pleased the sovereign. He ordered Platov to take the box with the flea to the Russian craftsmen, with firm hope for their skill.

When the Tula masters returned the same flea to Platov, he doubted their work, and conveyed to the sovereign with the words that the craftsmen had done nothing against the British. But, unlike him, Nikolai Pavlovich was sure that the Tula people had not let him down. After it turned out that the masters had managed to shoe the English flea, the sovereign believed even more in the superiority and inventive talent of the Russian people. He ordered to deliver a savvy flea to England so that they would be convinced of the power of the Russians. Sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich was proud of his great country, where simple artisans, without any tools, are able to perform a real miracle, and wipe the nose of the arrogant English.

In Leskov's story, the ruler of the fatherland is shown as a firm and resolute autocrat who loves his land and his people, and fights for Russia's superiority over foreign states.

Composition Nikolai Pavlovich in the story Levsha

Nikolai Pavlovich is a minor character in the story "Lefty" ("The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea") by the Russian writer Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov. Nikolai Pavlovich is the brother of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich and heir to the throne.

He was the complete opposite of his brother. The emperor was oriented to the west, especially to the achievements of England. Nikolai Pavlovich believed that in Russia it was possible to create an invention that would surpass the achievements of the West. He was an example of patriotism and faith in Russian masters. Its goal is to create something that can prove that Russia has the best specialists, mechanics, designers and technicians. The main character traits: patriotism, pride, self-confidence and faith in their people, vanity. He was a proud emperor.

Platov had to find craftsmen who could fulfill the wishes of the emperor and create something that could surprise. He was similar to the emperor in that he believed in Russian masters and that “ours” could, only they lacked teaching. Nikolai Pavlovich was sure that something new and previously unknown could be created from an English flea.

The left-hander led a team of three Tula masters and set to work. Nikolai Pavlovich, when he looked at the result of the robot, did not notice anything unusual. Platov was already ready to punish the master and his team. But when they looked through the small scope, they were horrified with delight. Bloch was not only shod, but each horseshoe had the name of the master. The Tula masters justified themselves against the English nymphosoria. Nikolai Pavlovich was pleased that his wish came true. It is in this situation that his true goal is revealed - to satisfy vanity. Then he sent Lefty with his work to England. Surprise and prove the ingenuity of the Russian people.

Nikolai Leskov with the help of a live colloquial speech was able to reveal minor hero Nikolai Pavlovich and show the Russian nation. And the story "Lefty" is a hymn to the Russian savvy spirit and perseverance of the people. Acts in the story historical figure Nikolai Pavlovich, but it is difficult to talk about historicism. He is a satirical character in the story.

Option 3

Even fairy tales are sometimes filled with many historical real events and names. The fairy tale "Lefty" serves as such an example. To consider the image of Tsar Nicholas I, it is necessary to mention his predecessor, Alexander I, in the context. The main difference between these two kings was that Alexander did not hesitate to praise foreign products, craftsmen and industries, while Nikolai Pavlovich always love the Russian people , Russian products and believed that our masters would surpass all foreign ones.

The plot of the tale concerns Nicholas just when Alexander dies. After the death of one king, the English metal flea passes to another, which Nikolai does not immediately pay attention to, because according to history, the Decembrist uprising happened at that time, and there was no time for such trifles. This flea is the whole point of the tale.

Nikolai Pavlovich himself serves rather as a secondary, but very important hero. What is known about him is what I said earlier - his love for everything Russian, his patriotism. But does he really want to forge something handicraft out of patriotism and love for the motherland that would surpass the English flea? No, I don't think so at all. Great love to the people or big faith in their masters. I think that this love was fake. Perhaps the tsar himself believed that he was a true patriot, unlike his predecessor, but from his deeds it can be said that patriotism for him was rather a cover for his pride, selfishness and love of victories. He does not want to surpass the British for the sake of the Russian people, not in order to show the whole world how good Russia is, but only in order to satisfy his desire to be a winner, to be the best. Nikolai Pavlovich was a very narcissistic tsar.

Moving along the plot, you can see that the king has special feature- he never forgets anything, remembers everyone who owes him something. He also remembers perfectly well about the flea, which he sent along with the Cossack Platov to Tula, so that the local craftsmen, who are famous all over the world, could surpass the English product. While waiting for a response from Platov about the work done, Nikolai Pavlovich does not doubt for a second that the Tula masters are capable of a miracle in the craft field, but again, does he really believe in Russian craftsmen or just eagerly wants to believe that will win the title of country of honorary craftsmen from the British?

Of course, it is not given to us to know this for sure, but I can safely say that there was nothing in the motives of Nicholas I associated with the shoeing of an English flea that would really correspond to the patriotism that is prescribed for him. He did all this just to feed his ego with another victory, to please his vanity. He sees this victory not as a miracle of the Tula masters, but as a miracle of his faith that it was he who created something that surpassed the British.

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One of the main characters of the work is Russian emperor Alexander Pavlovich, who is a caricature prototype of the Russian Tsar Alexander the First.

The image of Alexander Pavlovich is presented by the writer in the form of a caricature of people who love everything foreign, Western, do not notice similar and even superior capabilities of their homeland in the development of the latest inventions.

By the will of circumstances, after the Council was held in Vienna, Alexander Pavlovich, accompanied by the Cossack ataman Platov, ends up in England, where the proud Englishmen present to him the works and creative products of local masters, which the Russian sovereign sincerely admires and touches. Platov does not approve of the admiration of his emperor and believes that craftsmen in Rus' are superior in skill to overseas manufacturers.

As a gift from the British, Alexander Pavlovich brings home a skillfully made flea that performs dance moves.

After the death of Alexander Pavlovich, his brother Nikolai ascends the throne, who discovers an outlandish little thing, but cannot start it. He invites Platov to the palace to explain the principle of the exquisite insect. The chieftain, who supports Russian artists, complains to the tsar about the indifference to the works of talented Russian masters. Being an admirer of Russian talents, he orders Platov to find craftsmen capable of making a thing that surpasses a dancing flea.

Platov meets the Tula craftsman Lefty, who for Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich makes a small flea with shod paws, which wildly delighted not only the emperor and his retinue, but also Western representatives. Lefty is invited to visit England and persuaded to work in this country, but the master resolutely refuses the offer.

Narrating unusual events, the writer describes Alexander Pavlovich as literate, well-mannered and smart politician seeking to avoid international conflicts and controversial situations With neighboring countries, but at the same time a naive and cowardly person who completely lacks a sense of pride in his country. His image is contrasted with the images of his brother Nikolai Pavlovich, depicted by the author as a true patriot who loves his state and Ataman Platov, who is painfully experiencing every kind of humiliation of the Russian people.

Composition The image and characteristics of Alexander Pavlovich in the story Levsha

Alexander Pavlovich - the hero of the story Levsha. It is very similar to the image of Alexander 1, the emperor who ruled at that time. Many critics consider this image caricatured. The author of the story is not very positive about Alexander. After all, a man is an ardent supporter of everything that is produced in the West. All the time that he spent in England, he did nothing but praise everything around and admire. The British, in turn, did everything to charm and impress Alexander Pavlovich.

Among the things that caused the most admiration and approval is the flea, which was made of steel. Alexander was under indescribable delight. This flea was so unusual that everyone was surprised. She was very small, but she knew how to dance. Unimaginable! Naturally, it was a mechanical toy that was admired by everyone - from the emperor to common man. Alexander Petrovich, surprised by such a curiosity, spent a fortune on this toy, bringing the flea home to the capital.

After Alexander died, Russian empire under his arm took his brother, Nikolai. While sorting through the things that were left after his brother, he stumbled upon this miracle - a flea. For a long time he could not understand what it is and how it works. Inviting Platov in himself, with his help, with grief in half, he nevertheless figured out the mechanism.

Leskov describes the emperor as a literate man, with an excellent upbringing. He, like a good emperor, tried to maintain peace in his country, avoiding wars with neighboring powers. But there is a negative in all this. The author described Alexander 1 on the other hand, as a cowardly person who is not proud of his country. Alexander in the story is compared with his brother, Nikolai. Nicholas, according to Leskov, is much better as a person and a monarch. With all his heart he loves his state, the people who live and is proud that he is the emperor of such a wonderful country.

Nikolai sincerely believed that Russian masters were not a bit worse than foreign ones. He ordered Platov to go to Tula and take away the best craftsmen weapons business. Among them was Lefty. Lefty is a real patriot who is proud of his country and does not aspire to the West. He did not even like England, and he wanted to return to his homeland as soon as possible. This simple man is truly Russian, because he has more patriotism than Emperor Alexander himself.

Option 3

Alexander Pavlovich - Emperor Russian state. Representing himself as the head of Russia, he is still not her patriot. The emperor is an ardent admirer of foreign achievements in the field of art and technology. The monarch travels around Europe, and is delighted with the inventions of foreign powers. He likes various trinkets created by the hands of strangers. Russian craftsmen, he does not put a penny, assuring that the Russians will not be able to invent and do something worthwhile that can overshadow the glory of foreign craftsmen.

In this work by Leskov, Alexander Pavlovich looks weak and soft, unable to stand up for domestic masters. It is easier for him to express his admiration for the heads of other states than to argue with them. Alexander Pavlovich believes that this is how politics should be conducted, softly and loyally.

After the Vienna Council, the Russian emperor went to England. He was amazed by them the latest achievements. Especially the emperor Alexander Pavlovich was amazed by the steel flea, inside of which the mechanism was embedded. Separately from the flea there was a key, by means of which the flea set in motion and began to dance. This little thing led the emperor to such delight that he, without thinking, laid out a whole million for it, and separately for the key.

After acquiring a flea, Alexander Pavlovich completely lost faith in the talents of his compatriots. Only Platov, a Cossack who accompanied the emperor on trips, like a true patriot, was sure of the unsurpassedness of Russian craftsmen. When, after the death of the emperor, the trifle passed into the hands of Nikolai Pavlovich, the new monarch, Platov was ordered to find such masters so that they could outdo foreign upstarts. Platov found masters who managed to shoe an English flea, and completely shamed the British, proving once again that Russia cannot be surpassed.

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For 10 years (1879-1889), Nikolai Semenovich Leskov wrote the cycle "The Righteous", consisting of 10 stories, where the writer puts gospel questions at the center of the works .. Leskov says that the church is not distinguished by vitality, and ideals have fallen in society.
His heroes are different in their social status, education, and faith. Each of them is given different spiritual powers. But to the best of their ability and ability, they give everything they have to their neighbor. Those who have been granted more are examples of resilience worthy of admiration. Alexander Afanasyevich Ryzhov (Odnodum), Golovan, educators cadet corps(M. S. Persky, A. P. Bobrov, Dr. Zelensky, "the last archimandrite" Irenaeus), Brianchaninov and Chikhachev are firm in their faith, and are able to adapt and implement their intentions in practice.
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So Odnodum made a remark to the governor in the temple. He fearlessly answered Lansky's questions about his way of thinking. Knowledge from the Bible became the basis of his life. he "didn't care what people thought of him: he served everyone honestly and didn't particularly please anyone." Alexander Afanasyevich Ryzhov received the nickname Odnodum for the special "aspiration of a person who professes the living spirit of faith."
The non-lethal Golovan is the second type of righteous man. telling sacred stories, he helped people find the right solution. He is a man of action, he saved others by putting himself in danger. He brought water to the sick, from whom he could become infected, and died in a fire, saving "someone's life." His nickname is due to the fearlessness of the hero. He "was in full swing from morning until late at night", being a shepherd, a supplier, and a cheese maker.
The Leskovsky righteous man is always fearless, the heroes know that the will of God is over them. They accept the world as it is, and at the same time, as active natures, intervene in life, opposing injustices. They are spiritually highly educated people. They are often misunderstood by others. They turn to Odnodum: "such - some - such." By living aloof from social battles, righteous heroes make history. Their the main objective- to live for others. The heroes of Leskov are sinful people, but the love they radiate characterizes them as true righteous people. Nikolai Semyonovich seeks to "educate the human soul, awaken compassion for people, arouse the desire for truth and goodness."
Although Alexander Afanasyevich (Odnodum) practically occupies the third place in the country (after the emperor and the governor), he wears a striped teak beshmet with hooks (salted and darned), yellow nanke pants and a simple peasant hat, and in winter a sheepskin coat. Alexander Afanasyevich did not take bribes, and with the money that the hero received, it was impossible to buy a new sheepskin coat.
And the Leskovsky righteous people have the idea of ​​order in life and active goodness. These people are fighters, living according to the commandments of Christ, worthily serving their people.
Ivan Flyagin, the son of a coachman from the courtyard of Count Kamensky, always chooses difficult road and remains in harmony with conscience and duty. At the end of the story, the image of the Russian wanderer grows into a monumental figure. And the heroic beginning promises unexplored horizons in the very fate of the people.
The hero is “righteous” because he is with people in difficult times.
Golovan - in Leskov's story - a free Christian, a heretic. He was a righteous man, but he was far from the church, he was, as it were, a "people's" righteous man.
Leskov's story "The Man on the Watch" tells about ordinary Postnikov, a simple Russian hero who was punished "on the body" because he saved a drowning man in the Neva.
in almost every work of Leskov we will find a righteous person. In his book about his father, in the chapter “Artistic Sermon,” Andrei Nikolaevich Leskov wrote: “All of them, in the order of appearance in print, are arranged approximately like this: the truth-loving Musk Ox (“Musk Ox”, 1863), the irreconcilably revolutionary Rainer, Liza Bakhareva and Pomade ("Nowhere", 1865), the infantile and all-perceptive Pizonsky, Kotin Doilec and the all-forgiving Platonida ("Kotin Doilec and Platonida"), the explorer Ivan Severyanych Flyagin, full of patriotism ("The Enchanted Wanderer", 1873), the rebellious archpriest Savely Tuberozov ("Soboryane", 1873), the jealous and angerless Pamva and the wonderful youth Levontius ("The Sealed Angel", 1873), pure soul Ryzhov ("Odnodum", 1879), the courageous Golovan ("Non-lethal Golovan", 1879), the selfless private Postnikov ("The Man on the Clock", 1887), etc. ". As you can see, the range of the righteous is huge, and they are all very different, not much resembling each other in terms of social status and worldview, but in the main, deep, surprisingly similar.
For his heroes, the main thing is active and self-sacrificing kindness, serving his people, living in harmony with his conscience and biblical commandments. But they do not strive for their nobility to be noticed, they do not expect awards and other gifts. And they do not grumble at fate, but humbly accept everything that is prepared for them. often they are lonely, persecuted and not understood by the people around them. "Weird" are the mildest of their characteristics.

Lecture, abstract. Images of the righteous in the works of N.S. Leskov - concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

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The image of Lefty in Leskov's work is quite interesting and unusual. There are very few people like him, and even more so in our time. He goes with the flow, practically does not change anything, fate develops tragically, but he still enjoys life.

Lefty - a talented Tula gunsmith

When Nikolai Pavlovich, the Russian emperor, ordered to improve a flea brought from England by the previous emperor Alexander Pavlovich, Lefty did the hardest work.

He forged the smallest detail that even human eye not to see. From three masters who performed the operation to improve the flea, he was the most assiduous, resourceful, and talented.

Modest, inconspicuous and ugly

Despite all the work of Lefty, many underestimated him. Usually this was due to appearance.

He was inconspicuous, ugly face, oblique, and even left-handed. Almost no one guessed what a huge potential is hidden in this seemingly most ordinary peasant.

But, as I said, people like our hero are not often met.

Dear readers! We bring to your attention which was written by N. Leskov.

In his place, many would certainly have demanded monetary compensation for moral damage, or a personal workshop, or some other reward for the great quality work done.

But Lefty was not like that. He floated calmly with the flow. Didn't go anywhere. Perhaps even underestimated himself. He did not demand anything at all, although he lived not so luxuriously.

Even on the paws of a flea, he did not begin to sign, but simply made the work twice as difficult as the other masters who forged the flea with him. So none of those who saw the creation joint activities Russian and English masters did not learn that not two masters worked on a work of art, but three. And the name of the third remained unknown to the world.

Special Patriotism Lefty

Despite all the difficulties that Lefty went through, he never betrayed his homeland. No matter how much he was underestimated, he always remained true to his beloved country. When he went to England, it can be assumed that he really liked it there. He was offered to stay, promising all the vital and comfortable conditions.

He knew that his work would be appreciated there. But Lefty remembered that it was closer than motherland, for him there is practically nothing, and it doesn’t matter what kind of people there will be. The main thing is that at home. I had to refuse. For some, this may be routine, but for Lefty, it was a huge choice.

Dear readers! We offer in the story of Nikolai Leskov “ old genius

Just imagine: a homeland where no one needs you, and then you are invited to another, more progressive country, where you will be appreciated ...

Lefty dies

Upon arrival in Russia, a terrible thing happens. Our hero is very ill. Dat is so strong that you have to go to the hospital. His name has already been forgotten. What he did is also forgotten. Yes, who he is, everyone has already forgotten. Lefty was taken to a hospital for the poor. In the meantime, they carried it on a stretcher, dropped it, and the guy broke his head. So he died in the hospital. None of those who saw him, none of those who surrounded him, or carried him in a stretcher, suspected that a great master gunsmith was dying before their eyes, with whom practically no one can compare. But he is still happy with what he has. This is how the life of Lefty ends tragically.

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