Why gogol gives the image of plushkin in development. The image of Plyushkin in the poem "Dead Souls": description of appearance and character in quotes


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The image of Plyushkin from Gogol's poem " Dead Souls”is described in an unusual manner for the author - basically, Gogol widely uses elements of humor to characterize his heroes. For Plyushkin, there was no humor left - a realistic description of the stingy landowner and the consequences of his activities - that's what Nikolai Vasilyevich offers.

The symbolism of the surname

Gogol did not neglect symbolism in his works. Very often the names and surnames of the heroes of his works are symbolic. With the help of opposition to the characteristics of the hero or synonymy, they contribute to the disclosure of certain characteristics of the character.

Basically, the disclosure of symbolism does not require certain knowledge - the answer always lies on the surface. The same trend is observed in the case of Plyushkin.

The word "plyushkin" means a person who is distinguished by extraordinary stinginess and greed. The purpose of his life becomes the accumulation of a certain state (both in the form of finance, and in the form of products or raw materials) without a specific goal.

In other words, he saves in order to save. The accumulated good, as a rule, does not come true anywhere and is used with minimal expense.

This designation is fully consistent with the description of Plushkin.

Appearance and condition of the costume

Plyushkin is endowed with effeminate features in the poem. He has an elongated and unnecessarily thin face. Plyushkin did not have distinctive facial features. Nikolai Vasilievich claims that his face was not much different from the faces of other old people with emaciated faces.

hallmark Plyushkin's appearance had an exorbitantly long chin. The landowner had to cover him with a handkerchief so as not to spit. The image was complemented by small eyes. They had not yet lost their liveliness and looked like small animals. Plyushkin never shaved, his overgrown beard did not look the most attractive way and resembled a comb for horses.

Plyushkin had not a single tooth.

Plushkin's costume wants to look better. To be honest, it’s impossible to call his clothes a suit - they look so worn and strange that they resemble the rags of a tramp. Usually Plyushkin is dressed in an incomprehensible dress, similar to a woman's hood. His hat was also borrowed from the women's wardrobe - it was a classic cap of yard women.

The costume was in terrible condition. When Chichikov saw Plyushkin for the first time, he could not determine his gender for a long time - Plyushkin by his behavior and appearance very much like a housekeeper. After the identity of the strange housekeeper was established, Chichikov came to the conclusion that Plyushkin did not look like a landowner at all - if he were near the church, he could easily be mistaken for a beggar.

Plushkin's family and his past

Plyushkin was not always such a person when he was young, his appearance and character were absolutely different from the current ones.

A few years ago Plyushkin was not alone. He was a man quite happily married. His wife definitely had a positive influence on the landowner. After the birth of the children, Plyushkin's life also pleasantly changed, but this did not last long - soon his wife died, leaving Plyushkin three children - two girls and a boy.

Plyushkin hardly survived the loss of his wife, it was difficult for him to cope with the blues, so he moved more and more away from his usual rhythm of life.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the poem by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Dead Souls".

A picky and quarrelsome character contributed to the final discord - eldest daughter and the son, without the blessing of the father, left the father's house. Youngest daughter died some time later. Eldest daughter, despite the difficult nature of his father, tries to maintain relations with him and even brings him children to visit. I lost contact with my son a long time ago. How his fate turned out and whether he is alive - the old man does not know.

Personality characteristic

Plushkin is a man difficult nature. It is likely that certain inclinations for the development of certain qualities were laid in him earlier, but under the influence of family life and personal well-being, they did not acquire such a characteristic appearance.

Plyushkin was seized with anxiety - his concern and anxiety had long passed an acceptable measure and became a certain obsessive thought. After the death of his wife and daughter, he finally became callous in soul - the concepts of sympathy and love for others are alien to him.

This trend is observed not only in relation to strangers in the related plan of people, but also to the closest relatives.

The landowner leads a solitary life, he hardly communicates with his neighbors, he has no friends. Plyushkin likes to spend time alone, he is attracted by the ascetic way of life, the arrival of guests is associated with something unpleasant for him. He does not understand why people visit each other and considers it a waste of time - many useful things can be done during this time period.

It is impossible to find those who want to make friends with Plyushkin - everyone eschews the eccentric old man.

Plyushkin lives without a definite purpose in life. Due to his stinginess and pettiness, he was able to accumulate significant capital, but he does not plan to somehow use the accumulated money and raw materials - Plyushkin likes the accumulation process itself.

Despite significant financial reserves, Plyushkin lives very poorly - he is sorry to spend money not only on his relatives and friends, but also on himself - his clothes have long turned into rags, the house is leaky, but Plyushkin sees no point in improving something - his and so everything suits.

Plyushkin likes to complain and show off. It seems to him that he has only little - and he does not have enough food, and there is too little land, and even an extra tuft of hay cannot be found on the farm. In fact, everything is different - its food supplies are so large that they become unusable right in storage.

The second thing in life that brings pleasure in Plyushkin's life is quarrels and scandals - he is always dissatisfied with something and likes to express his dissatisfaction in the most unattractive form. Plyushkin is too picky person, it is impossible to please him.

Plyushkin himself does not notice his shortcomings, he believes that in fact everyone treats him with prejudice and cannot appreciate his kindness and care.

Plushkin's estate

No matter how Plyushkin complained about his employment with the estate, it is worth recognizing that as a landowner Plyushkin was not the best and most talented.

His large estate not much different from an abandoned place. The gates and the fence along the garden were utterly worn out - in some places the fence collapsed, and no one was in a hurry to close up the holes that had formed.

On the territory of his village there used to be two churches, but now they are in disrepair.
Plyushkin's house is in a terrible state - probably it has not been repaired for many years. From the street, the house looks like a non-residential one - the windows in the estate were boarded up, only a few were opened. In some places, mold appeared, the tree was overgrown with moss.

Inside the house does not look better - the house is always dark and cold. The only room in which natural light penetrates is Plyushkin's room.

The whole house is like a garbage dump - Plyushkin never throws anything away. He thinks that these things can still be useful to him.

Plyushkin's office is also in chaos and disorder. Here is a broken chair that can no longer be repaired, a clock that does not work. In the corner of the room is a dump - what lies in a pile is difficult to make out. From the general heap stands out the sole from old shoes and a broken shovel handle.

It seems that the rooms were never cleaned - there was cobwebs and dust everywhere. Plyushkin's desk was also out of order - there were papers mixed with rubbish.

Attitude towards serfs

Plyushkin owns a large number of serfs - about 1000 people. Of course, caring for and correcting the work of so many people require certain strengths and skills. However, there is no need to talk about the positive achievements of Plyushkin's activities.

Plyushkin treats his peasants uncomfortably and cruelly. They differ little in appearance from their master - their clothes are torn, their houses are dilapidated, and the people themselves are immensely thin and hungry. From time to time, one of Plyushkin's serfs decides to escape, because the life of a fugitive becomes more attractive than that of Plyushkin's serf. Plyushkin sells Chichikov about 200 " dead souls”is the number of people who died and serfs who escaped from him over several years. Compared with " dead souls The rest of the landlords, the number of peasants sold to Chichikov looks terrifying.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "The Overcoat".

Peasant houses look even worse than the estate of the landowner. In the village it is impossible to find a single house with a whole roof - rain and snow freely penetrate into the dwelling. There are no windows in the houses either - the holes in the windows are patched up with rags or old clothes.

Plyushkin speaks extremely disapprovingly of his serfs - in his eyes they are lazy and loafers, but in fact this is slander - Plyushkin's serfs work hard and honestly. They sow grain, grind flour, dry fish, make fabrics, make various household items from wood, in particular dishes.

According to Plyushkin, his serfs are the most thieving and inept - they do everything somehow, without diligence, besides, they constantly rob their master. In fact, everything is not so: Plyushkin so intimidated his peasants that they are ready to die of cold and hunger, but they will not take anything from their landowner's warehouse.

Thus, in the image of Plyushkin, the qualities of a greedy and stingy person were embodied. Plyushkin is not capable of feeling affection for people, or at least sympathy - he is hostile to absolutely everyone. He considers himself a good owner, but in fact this is self-deception. Plyushkin does not care about his serfs, he starves them, undeservedly accuses them of theft and laziness.

Characteristics of Plyushkin in the poem "Dead Souls": description of appearance and character

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Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol is a talented satirist writer. His gift was especially bright and original in the poem "Dead Souls" when creating images of landowners. The characteristics of the heroes are full of remarks, ridicule, when Gogol describes the most useless little people, but vested with the right to dispose of the peasants.

There are writers who easily and freely invent the plots of their writings. Gogol is not one of them. He was agonizingly inventive with plots. He was always tender external push to "inspire fantasy." As is well known, Gogol owed the plot of Dead Souls to Pushkin, who had long inspired him with the idea of ​​writing a large epic work. The plot suggested by Pushkin was attractive to Gogol, as it gave him the opportunity, together with their hero, the future Chichikov, to “ride” all over Russia and show “all of Russia”

The sixth chapter of Dead Souls describes Plyushkin's estate. The image of Plyushkin fully corresponds to the picture of his estate, which appears before us. The same decay and decay, absolute loss human image: master noble estate looks like an old housekeeper. It starts with digression about travel. Here the author uses his favorite artistic technique- characterization of the character through the detail.
Consider how the writer uses this technique using the example of the landowner Plyushkin.
Plyushkin is a landowner who has completely lost his human appearance, and in essence - his mind. Having entered Plyushkin's estate, the author does not recognize him. The windows in the huts were without glass, some were plugged with a rag or zipun. The manor's house looks like a huge grave crypt, where a person is buried alive. many roofs blew through like a sieve; on others there was only a horse at the top, and poles on the sides in the form of ribs. ”Only a lushly growing garden reminds of life, of beauty, sharply contrasted with the ugly life of the landowner. It symbolizes the soul of Plyushkin. “The old, vast garden stretching behind the house, overlooking the village and then disappearing into the field, overgrown and decayed, it seemed that alone refreshed this vast village and alone was quite picturesque in its picturesque desolation.” Chichikov for a long time cannot understand who is in front of him, "a woman or a man." Finally, he concluded that it was true, housekeeper. “He noticed a particular dilapidation on all village buildings: the log on the huts was dark and old; many roofs blew through like a sieve; on others, there was only a ridge at the top, and poles on the sides in the form of ribs. The master's house appeared before Chichikov's gaze. “This strange castle, long, looked like some kind of decrepit invalid. Long beyond measure. In some places it was one storey, in some places it was two: on a dark roof ... "" The walls of the house slitted in places a bare plaster sieve.

Plyushkin's house struck Chichikov with a mess: “It seemed as if the floors were being washed in the house and all the furniture had been piled up here for a while. On one table there was even a broken chair, and next to it was a clock with a stopped penny, to which the spider had already attached its web. Right there stood a cupboard with antique silver leaning sideways against the wall. Everything is ramshackle, dirty, and miserable. His room is littered with rubbish: leaky buckets, old soles, rusty carnations. Saving an old sole, a clay shard, a carnation or a horseshoe, he turns all his wealth into dust and dust: bread rots in thousands of pounds, many canvases, cloths, sheepskins, wood, dishes disappear.

The once rich landowner Stepan Plyushkin was an economical owner, to whom a neighbor stopped by to learn from him the economy and wise stinginess. “But there was a time when he was only a thrifty owner!” During this period of its history, it seems to combine the most character traits other landowners: he was an exemplary family man, like Manilov, troublesome, like Korobochka. But already at this stage of his life, Plyushkin is compared with a spider: "... everywhere, everything included the keen look of the owner and, like an industrious spider, ran ... at all ends of his economic web." Entangled in the networks of the "economic web", Plyushkin completely forgets about his own soul and that of others.

The image of Plyushkin completes the gallery of provincial landowners. It is the last stage of moral decline. Why not Manilov, not Sobakevich, not Korobochka are called by the terrible Gogol word "tear in humanity", namely Plyushkin? On the one hand, Gogol considers Plyushkin as a unique, exceptional phenomenon in Russian life. On the other hand, he is related to the heroes of the poem by lack of spirituality, pettiness of interests, lack of deep feelings and sublimity of thoughts.

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Gogol calls his character a hole in all of humanity, and having become acquainted with the image of Plyushkin, the reader understands this characteristic. The landowner, his philosophy, lifestyle, moral portrait cannot leave a person indifferent. Everything revolts in him - refusal to take care of his children, narrow-mindedness, moral deformity, vulgar, humiliating habits.


For the first time we meet Plyushkin when he quarrels with the driver in the yard own house. Chichikov takes this man for a “woman”, only an old housekeeper can look like this. After learning that the creature in long, holey, greasy clothes is the owner of the estate, Chichikov freezes for a while, trying to recover and find the right tone. The landowner lost human species, lost the remnants of a man's appearance - the “dress”, which looked out from under his outer garment, was clearly feminine, some piece of clothing was wrapped around his neck, and a cap was on his head.

Gogol describes the eyes of our character in an extremely allegorical way: they, like two mice, were visible from under the eyebrows, watching the interlocutor vigilantly and inseparably. In a painful struggle with everyone around, Plyushkin was used to not relaxing for a second: courtyards, neighbors, guests - everyone, in his opinion, tried to take something away, “steal”, rob the master's yard. It was this conviction that made his look unpleasantly suspicious, repulsive. Greed in relation to himself affected the figure, appearance, health of the landowner: a thin, even dry, round-shouldered, untidy, toothless old man, who in his thrift reached an unhealthy extreme. He does not cause pity, only disgust and understanding of boundless human stupidity, terrifying madness.

Life and habits

Plyushkin is not famous for his hospitality, it is extremely important for him that the guest leaves the house as soon as possible. Having huge stocks of food, fabrics, leather, furs, utensils and much more, the landowner brings his house to the extreme degree of desolation, sinks himself and forces his peasants to vegetate in poverty. He is a master at slander, slander and deceit. Every day, humiliating his courtyards with suspicion of theft and embezzlement, he humiliates himself, emphasizing his own tyranny and stupidity.

The speech and mannerisms of the character speak of his unwillingness to put up with the presence of other people in his environment, perhaps a complete recluse would be a salvation for this type. The heavy temper and the inability to live with such a master is confirmed by the fact that the peasants at Plyushkin not only die like flies, but also run away from the landowner.

More than seventy runaway souls (in addition to the dead) he sold to Chichikov. Even the skillful swindler and chameleon Pavel Ivanovich cannot find the right manner in communication, since in front of him is a man who has clearly descended (when meeting at the church, he would definitely give alms to such a creature), with a sharp absurd character. What was the value of Plyushkin's offer to treat the guest to a stale gingerbread or an old tincture in which insects swam. Complementing the picture is the disgusting habit of the landowner to collect all sorts of garbage and things forgotten by the peasants around the village. "The fisherman went hunting" - so they said in the village when he moved along the street in search of "profit".

This quote suggests that the peasants were accustomed to the disgusting manner of "gathering" the landowner, mocked him and openly despised him. The habit of bringing into your home what others have thrown away, lost (garbage, rubbish, rags) characterizes the character as a person who has achieved the highest degree degradation, defying understanding, justification. Is it an attempt to fill an inner void or a mental illness - is there a difference if other people suffer from this ?!

Plushkin's past

Oddly enough, just a few years ago, Plyushkin was a completely adequate person: the father of three children, a husband, an economical and competent owner. Neighbors came to visit him, learned the art of managing the estate, respected the authority of the owner. The landowner's wife was hospitable and intelligent, helped run a huge household, kept the house in order, and was respected by the peasants. After the death of his wife, the widower became a stingy man, quarreled with everyone in the district, merchants stopped visiting him. One of the daughters died, the other ran away with an officer, and the son, in defiance of his father, went to the city not for civil service, but for the regiment. These events have become an occasion to deny children any financial assistance, their father became a miser, a liar and a misanthrope.

In our article, the image of Plyushkin in the poem “Dead Souls” is briefly given, the characteristic is revealed appearance character and his inner world. The material can be useful when writing an essay on this topic.

Artwork test

The image of Plyushkin is the final in a series of images of landowners. N.V. Gogol left this landowner to the very end for a reason. The landlords are presented in the sequence "one more vulgar than the other", from which we can conclude that Plyushkin is the most vulgar, base and greedy person.

If we recall what this character used to be, it becomes clear that he was a good landowner who know how to run a business. Neighbors came to him to learn his wise stinginess. His economy prospered, and Plyushkin himself was an excellent family man. His stinginess gained significant momentum over the years, and as a result, he became a terrible miser that even his entire household was in a ruined state. He spared money for absolutely everything. Perhaps, in this way, the death of his wife was reflected in him.

When Chichikov came to Plyushkin, he was shocked by what he saw. All the buildings were in an insignificant state, no one followed them and had not done repairs for a long time. The peasants on Plyushkin's farm were dying like flies, he didn't think about anyone at all. His soul died, and his thoughts were occupied with hoarding. One thing is not clear - why does he need so much money? To whom will he leave all his savings? He cursed his son, and he does not want to help his daughter, who needs help. Plyushkin sank to such an extent that he did not even need his own children.

He is lonely, no one cares about him, and he does not need anyone. He drags all sorts of junk into the house and Chichikov sees that Plyushkin's house is littered with unnecessary and useless rubbish. Plyushkin lived a worthless life. His stinginess drove him to the extreme. His mind seems to be clouded, he does not even realize why he saves money and why he saves so much on everything. The character does not even look like a landowner, but like a beggar. Plyushkin is sincerely sorry, but he himself is to blame for the life to which he brought himself.

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Among all the landlords, the image of Plyushkin is the most unassuming and repulsive. This is perhaps the only one of all the landowners in whose personality one can find at least one small positive quality seems like a feat.

Personality characteristics of Plushkin

The reader gets acquainted with Stepan Plyushkin during his advanced age. Unfortunately, nothing is known about his character in his youth and the reasons for the formation of certain qualities, so readers and researchers have no choice but to take the traits of his personality for granted, without particularly going into the details of the formation of his character.

A distinctive feature of Plyushkin is his extraordinary greed and stinginess. This characterization of him applies not only to the peasants, but also to his closest relatives and even himself personally.

Plyushkin is a very rich man, but he lives as if he has nothing but what he is wearing.

Dear readers! On our website you can view the table, which is described in Gogol's poem "Dead Souls"

Such an opinion about Plyushkin is not only Chichikov, who visited this landowner, but also everyone around him. Sobakevich speaks extremely disapprovingly of this landowner and does not even try to hide his irritation and disapproval of his personality: “I don’t even advise you to know the way to this dog! Sobakevich said. “It’s more excusable to go to some obscene place than to him.”

Plyushkin is biased towards officers - he believes that they are all dishonest people who spend all their money at the card table and live on lies and deceit. The older, the more restless and suspicious Plyushkin becomes: he is looking for a catch and deceit in everything, which greatly complicates communication with him.

Plyushkin's life is meaningless - he does most of his deeds and actions "because it is necessary", he has no purpose in life, as a result, his life becomes more and more like existence and expectation of death.

Stepan Plyushkin is an extremely inhospitable person, he does not like to communicate with other people, and guests annoy him, even if they come on business. He does not hide such an attitude and directly speaks about this to Chichikov, who has arrived at his estate, as if arguing that he is not happy with his arrival.

Plushkin's appearance

Plushkin has an unusual repulsive appearance. This state of affairs is not connected with his physical data, as, for example, in the case of Sobakevich. His unpleasant appearance has led to ignorance of certain hygiene procedures and a general indifference to his appearance. When Chichikov first saw Plyushkin, for a long time was perplexed after what he saw, because "he had never seen such a thing." Outwardly, Plyushkin resembled something between a man and a woman. He was very thin, his face had no distinctive features - it was as thin as his body.

We invite readers to familiarize themselves with the poem by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Dead Souls"

The chin stood out especially on the face - it was very pointed and wrapped up so much that from time to time I had to wipe it, because during the conversation Plyushkin spat on his chin. His eyebrows were set high on his face, and his eyes were unreasonably small, like hunted animals. Plyushkin shaved very rarely - his chin "with the lower part of his cheek looked like a comb made of iron wire, which is used to clean horses in the stable."

Plushkin's clothes also want to be better. First of all, she does not correspond to his gender aspect - it is difficult to determine whether she is male or female by her appearance. The condition of these clothes is simply horrendous - they look like tatters of a uniformly dirty color.

In general, Plyushkin's costume is difficult to divide into elements - it seems like a solid piece of rags: “no means and efforts could have got to the bottom of what his dressing gown was concocted from: the sleeves and upper floors were so greasy and glossy that they looked like yuft*, which goes on boots; behind, instead of two, four floors dangled, from which cotton paper climbed in flakes. He also had something tied around his neck that could not be made out: whether it was a stocking, a garter, or an underbelly, but not a tie.

Family and tragic changes in personal life

The image of Plyushkin is one of those images about whose family and past we know the most (we can only guess about the past of other landowners and their families from hints). Apparently, Plyushkin was never particularly humane and cheerful, but family life unusually transformed this man. Most likely, Plyushkin's wife had a great influence on him and kept him within limits. However, this state of affairs did not last forever - after the death of his wife, the negative qualities of Plyushkin's character began to develop rapidly - and he became an absolutely negative person. After the death of his wife, Plyushkin left three children - a son and two daughters. Youngest daughter dies very young. Plyushkin's relationship with other children did not work out - soon both children leave parental home. Daughter - Alexandra - marries without the blessing of her father, and the son runs away to the army. Plyushkin loses all connection with his son, perhaps he is no longer alive.

Plyushkin periodically communicates with his daughter Alexandra, but it is impossible to call this full-fledged communication - Plyushkin hostilely and inhospitably accepts his daughter and her children, although he forgave her for such an impious act. On the whole, " human feelings which were already not deep in it, shallowed every minute, and every day something was lost in this worn-out ruin ”and he remained in proud solitude not only in his big house, but also in society as a whole.

Plushkin's estate

Based on such a description of Plyushkin's appearance and character, waiting for a well-equipped estate is an empty business. And in practice, this is proven once again. Plyushkin feels sorry for the material for the repair of buildings and the construction of peasant houses, so all his buildings look like dull ruins.

In general, Plyushkin's estate is vast and large - many serfs live in the village, but their life cannot be called full-fledged. At the time when Plyushkin's farm was flourishing, there were two churches in the village, but at the time of the story, both of them are inactive and are in disrepair.

When Plyushkin's wife was alive, Plyushkin's farm prospered - the peasants worked hard and brought significant income. After the death of his wife, everything stopped - the peasants, out of habit, are engaged in the cultivation of various crops, but they do not come true anywhere and therefore rot.

Plushkin's house

Plyushkin's house is in the same dismal state as everything else on the landowner's estate. His house used to be bright and beautiful. There used to be frequent guests here, and the house was full of fun, but over time the house became more and more dilapidated and desolated. “This strange castle looked like some kind of decrepit invalid, long, unreasonably long. In some places it was one story, in other places it was two; on the dark roof, which did not reliably protect his old age everywhere, two belvederes * stuck out, one against the other, both already shaky, devoid of the paint that once covered them.

The house has not been renovated for a long time - natural phenomena and time have significantly destroyed its structure and noticeably worsened general state.

All the windows in Plyushkin's house are closed and the light penetrates only two windows - the study and the bedroom of Plyushkin himself.

The condition inside the house is not much different from the external appearance - due to darkness, Chichikov was not able to see the details in detail, but general impression it was not rosy - Plyushkin's house resembled an uninhabited house.

Plyushkin's office is in disarray, all things are mixed with garbage. Old things, even if they were faulty and could hardly be repaired, are still not thrown away, but are stored in the corners of the room.

The garden and its meaning in the poem

The only cheerful place in Plyushkin's estate is the garden. Located behind the house, it personifies the greatness and power of nature. Like all things in Plyushkin's estate, no one takes care of the garden and it gradually fell into disrepair, but it still looks majestic and beautiful: “green clouds and irregular quivering domes lay on the sky horizon connected tops of trees that had grown in freedom. A colossal white birch trunk, devoid of a top broken off by a storm or a thunderstorm, rose from this green thicket and rounded in the air, like a regular marble sparkling column; its oblique pointed break, with which it ended upward instead of a capital, darkened on its snowy whiteness, like a hat or a black bird.

Attitude towards peasants and the state of peasant houses

At Plushkin largest number serfs, in comparison with all other landowners - about a thousand. Plyushkin has an extremely negative attitude towards the peasants, regardless of their attitude and the quality of their work. Plyushkin believes that the serfs constantly rob him and therefore he is very skeptical and picky about all his savings. He so intimidated his peasants that they are afraid to take anything without asking, even if these are things necessary for life: “After all, my people are either a thief or a swindler: they will rob me in such a way that there will be nothing to hang a caftan on.” In Plyushkin's warehouses, most of the food is lost and then simply thrown away: "hay and bread rotted, stacks and stacks turned into clean manure, flour in the cellars turned into stone, it was terrible to touch the cloth, canvas and household materials: they turned into dust", but peasants cannot use even slightly spoiled products.

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