Bianchi owl summary for the reader. Synopsis of the joint activities of the educator with the children "Reading a literary tale B


Everything in this world to the smallest detail is known to the writer. Everything is striking in its intricacy. However, true to the properties of a fairy tale as an art, Bianchi not only brings knowledge to his readers. He is always an artist. From here fun game intonations, well-aimed expressions and, in general, the whole warehouse of “scientific speech - the speech of the narrator - poet and artist. So it is said about the Owl that she is a “widow”, that “from a hollow with eyes of loops, loops, legs of stupid-tui. This word game, as in jokes, as in children's playing. The little fairy tale "The Fox and the Mouse" became more attractive from one unusual word in last phrase: "reel". The fox said that he would lie in wait for the Mouse in the hole. And the Mouse replies: there is, they say, I have a bedroom, there is also a treasure chest - you can sit it out. But the Fox does not back down - he says that he will open the mink. Then the Mouse said: “And I’m away from you, and that was it!” Everything in Bianchi's fairy tales is conducive to love for the world of wildlife - high, ennobling love, the one without which there is no real person.

Russian writers have always willingly turned to the development of themes, motifs and images of the fabulous folklore of other peoples and nationalities. In our time, the passage of fairy tales from people to people is one of the most powerful and fruitful sources of mutual enrichment of cultures. fraternal peoples multinational Soviet Union. An outstanding success came to the Far East writer Dmitry Dmitrievich Nagishkin, when he decided to recreate the folklore legends and myths of the Nanai, Ulchi, Nivkhs, Orochs and other small peoples of the Amur and Primorye in fairy tales. Nagishkin found here everything that attracts genuine artistic creativity - deep vitality, romantic heroics, bold fiction and the uniqueness of such a view of the world, which combined the ancient traditions of myth and realism.

The hero of the writer's fairy tale, the brave, brave Azmun, went down to the bottom of the sea to save his people from starvation. He went down and saw: old Tayrnadz, the lord of the sea, was lying on the bunk, sleeping, he forgot about the Nivkhs - he stopped sending them fish. A young man woke up Tayrnadz: “I am Azmun, a man of the Nivkh people,” the hero called himself. “Father, help the Nivkhs - send fish to the Nivkhs. Father, the Nivkhs are dying of hunger.” This is the speech of a man who is mindful of his duty. And Tayrnadzu felt ashamed. In the interpretation of the fabulous feat, Nagishkin's manner as the author of the novel about the Komsomol hero Vitaly Bonivur ("The Heart of Bonivur") is palpable. In the story of the young man Azmun, the feat in the name of the happiness and well-being of the people is recreated in full accordance with the heroic pathos of the Nivkh legends. In the folklore of peoples Far East The writer has found something close to himself.

Teacher: Prozorova E.A.

Lesson type: learning new material.


1. Educational:

a) to form an attentive attitude to the language of the work; ability to understand figurative expressions; express their attitude to what they read, analyze the text.

b) to improve the skills of conscious and thoughtful reading to oneself and aloud.

c) to teach the skills of working on expressiveness: the choice of intonation, tone, tempo, volume.

d) to teach younger schoolchildren the methods of learning about their native land.

e) show inseparable bond man and nature.

2. Educational:

a) to cultivate love for the word, nature, for all life on earth.

b) positive motivation through interest in the reading process itself.

c) aesthetic, moral and practical attitude to the environment of human life, the ability to behave in it.

G) teach children to decide environmental problems close and available junior schoolchild:

Protection and preservation of species diversity of plants and animals and their habitats as a natural environment for humans;

Protection for the preservation and strengthening of their health and the health of those around them;

Security natural environment from destruction and exhaustion;

3. Developing:

a) to develop the oral language of students, creative thinking, outlook.

b) develop reading skills: listening and speaking

c) teach children to trace interdisciplinary connections.

D) teach children skills independent decision problems, research and analysis of situations .

Equipment: portraits of V.V. Bianki; illustrations of meadows, owls, clover, bumblebees; crossword, sheets with tests.

During the classes.

1. Org.moment.

2. Checking d.z.

3. Motivation for the lesson:

We go to a wonderful summer meadow. But remember how they behave at a party, the rules of behavior in nature ( do not litter, do not tear flowers, do not break branches of trees, do not ruin bird nests, do not scare the animals).

- Close your eyes. Try to imagine something very pleasant for you, close, beautiful, something that surrounds us everywhere. Can anyone smell, hear sounds?

(green leaves, birdsong, flower scent).

- How did you feel when you listened to the voices of birds?

(very gently, I wanted to go to the forest, to the meadow and look at the birds

How do you think man is related to nature?

  • (he himself is a part of nature, affects its beauty, protects nature
  • Close your eyes ( a poem sounds):
  • The path runs through the meadow

dives left, right.

Wherever you look flowers around,

yes knee-deep grass.

  • Open your eyes, we are in a wonderful meadow. But we will not just walk, but also ... ( read, observe, remember, think)

4 Preparatory work.

Today at the lesson we will go on an amazing journey, visit nature. But for this we need to prepare.

  1. Disc listening
  2. Crossword
  3. Conversation about the writer

When V.V. Bianchi was the same age as you, he often walked through the forest with his father, who taught the boy to recognize every blade of grass, every bird and little animal. Animals and birds even lived at V.V. Bianchi at home. The writer had an aquarium with fish, and a terrarium with turtles, lizards and snakes.

VV Bianchi wrote down all his observations in nature. He also wrote while traveling around the country, folk songs, fairy tales, jokes, sayings. All these hobbies came together, so more than three dozen fairy tales were born.

Books by VV Bianchi are answers to your constant "Why" and "Why?"

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi grew up in the family of a famous

scientist. Studied at Petersburg University. He traveled a lot along the Volga, the Urals, Altai. He created many works about nature for young readers. Their heroes are animals, birds, plants. He wrote approximately 300 works. Bianchi the master literary fairy tale. Almost all of his fairy tales are scientific, they tell about the living world of nature, teach children to take care of it, to love it.

- Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with another story by V.V. Bianchi "Owl".

  1. Owl Conversation

The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey. Lives more often in mixed and coniferous forests. Hunts at night, mainly for mouse-like rodents. They nest in abandoned nests; other birds such as crows. In autumn, owls fly west, and northern guests take their place.

There are about 130 species of owls in the world. On the territory of Russia there are 16.

5. Learning new material

1. Vocabulary work.

ho-ro-nish-sya - bury

hundred-ro-nish-sya - stay away

ras-ser-di-las - angry

from-cha-yan-naya - desperate

re-re-cli-ka-yut-sya - call to each other

for-look-dy-va-yut - drop in

old - old man - old man

bumblebee - bumblebee

feed - forage

eyes - eyes

climbed out

wear - carry

2. Primary reading.

Reading teacher

Reading a fairy tale in a chain.

Work by parts, work by content.

1 part- to the words "Night has come"

- How did the Owl address the old man?

What did the old man say to her?

Why didn't the Old Man consider the Owl his friend?

How did he respond to her warning?

part 2 - to the words "There is a clover in the meadow ..."

Why are mice so brave?

What are they doing in the meadow?

- How does the Owl of the Old Man warn of a possible trouble?

- Did he listen to the advice of the Owl?

- Think how the answer of the Old Man characterizes him?

(frivolous, unobservant)

Part 3 - before the words "The old man scolds ..."

Vocabulary work:

Forage clover - clover intended for livestock feed.

Bloom is pollen.

- Why won't clover be born in the meadow?

- What happened to the cow?

- Find three Owl warnings.

What is she warning the Old Man about?

- Does his behavior change?

(The hero began to think about the correctness of his behavior).

part 4- to the words "Forgive Owl ..."

- What has changed in the Old Man?

(The old man did not consider the Owl his friend, he was dismissive. He even treated her arrogantly: “Look, what a fright you thought of! Run away while you are whole.” Then he began to be silent and finally scolded, as everything went wrong with him.)

- When did the Old Man realize his mistake?

(So ​​the old man had nothing to whiten tea with)

- Was Owl right? Did the old man have to bow?

- Find a proverb. What does she mean?

(It’s not heavy together, but at least drop it apart).

part 5.- until the end of the tale.

- How did the Old Man fix the mistake? What did he understand?

(In nature, everything is connected to each other

What proverb contains the main idea fairy tales?)

- Did the writer convince us that man is closely connected with nature, and that in nature all phenomena and living beings depend on each other?

You can write a scientific article about the connection of all living things, but V. Bianchi wrote piece of art. Why?

- Prove that this is really a fairy tale.

(The work "Owl" is a fairy tale: animals are endowed human features, act, think like people; proverb used:

Mice are not wolves, heifers will not be slaughtered, proverb: It’s not heavy together, but at least drop it apart; the author's words sound like poems - folded"

When reading, there will be words How do you understand them?

  • stern - clover intended for livestock feed. Clover can be found in meadows, forest clearings. Its flowers can be seen from late May until autumn. They have a lot of sweet nectar. Clover is specially sown on collective farm fields, because. provides nutritious hay for livestock. And the flowers of the plant are used in medicine.
  • pollen - pollen, the smallest yellow grains. Many of you have seen bees, bumblebees, butterflies on the flowers of plants. Here they feed on flower juice - nectar. But they not only feed, they also perform work, without which fruits and seeds cannot form. This job is the pollination of flowers. In flowers, in addition to nectar, there is pollen - the smallest yellow grains. When a bumblebee sits on a flower, the pollen remains on the hairy body. Flying from flower to flower, the bumblebee involuntarily transfers pollen to it - it pollinates this flower. From a pollinated flower, a fruit with seeds begins to develop. And if pollination does not occur, the plant will not have fruits and seeds. Bees, bumblebees, butterflies are insects - pollinators.
  • swill - nutritious drink for livestock
  • You have read parts 1 and 2. What are the main points? We remember. ( student answers: The old man is shown frivolous, unobservant, rude in communication. He drove the owl out of the meadow, did not consider it his friend, did not listen to advice, because she warned him many times about a possible disaster).
  • And what's the trouble? ( from such a rude attitude, the owl stopped catching mice, she flew away, climbed into the oak; mice began to dig the ground, look for bumblebee nests).
  • The old man is reckless. And the owl? ( wise, understands everything).
  • What kind of person is called wise? ( which gives advice, warns of errors).
  • Owl is wise. What else? ( bold).
  • Choose words that are close in meaning ... ( courageous, courageous, courageous, resolute).
  • What tricks did you see? ( comparison: crochet nose, mice are not wolves)
  • Explain, are we reading a fairy tale or a story? ( the work "Owl" is a fairy tale: animals are endowed with human features; act, think like people; there are proverbs, sayings).
  • Okay, I agree with you. This is a fairytale. And V. Bianchi is considered the creator of a new genre - “Tales - non-tales” ( slide number 1). They are born as an answer to children's "why?". Hence the titles of the works: “Why does a magpie have such a tail?”, “Whose legs are these?”. These works are associated with a fairy tale fabulous tricks: beginnings, sayings, repetitions, animals talk, some adventures happen to them. And along the way, readers learn about the habits of animals, natural phenomena.
  • I hope that today you yourself will answer your “why”? and make many discoveries. Trouble loomed over the meadow. What happened next?

5. Work on the content of the following parts of the work.

1) part 3

  • We read part 3 expressively in a chain according to the sentence, we will observe the author's language. When reading, we choose correctly: tempo, volume, tone ( On the desk)

b) Target setting.

  • When reading, you need to find the following 3 owl warnings ( On the desk).

in) reading

d) perception test

  • What is the owl warning about now? Prove with words from the text. ( 1. Bumblebees fly from the meadow. 2. There is no one to transfer pollen from flower to flower. 3. Clover will not be born in the meadow.
  • What happened to the cow? Read out.
  • Does the old man's behavior change? ( the old man “scratches in the back of his head”, is silent, does not say anything to the warnings of the owl; began to think about the correctness of his behavior).
  • Compare how, in what tone the old man spoke at the beginning, how he now answered the owl's warnings? ( rudely, condescendingly, and now he is silent, does not say anything).
  • What tricks does Bianchi use here? ( personification - wind walks; comparison - herbs with porridge).
  • Grass without clover is like porridge without butter. How do you understand it? ( clover has juicy soft stems, comes from flowers nice smell, and the animals are happy to eat the grass where the clover grows. Well, porridge with butter is tasty and nutritious).


  • The old man changes, begins to think about his behavior, listens to the words of the owl.
  • How would you read the words of an owl that contain warnings, select desired card. Read with voice on the card board): strictly, with a plea, with mockery, joyfully, with indignation, with annoyance.
  • Pollen does not fall from flower to flower, clover is not born in the meadow, the cow began to emaciate. The old man is silent, says nothing.

2) Part 4 - combined reading ( teacher - learn in chorus).

a) Target setting.

  • Notice how we see the old man here, what has changed in him?

b) reading

c) perception test

  • How do we see the old man here, what has changed in him? ( became kinder, went to bow to the owl, i.e. ask for help).
  • When did the old man realize his mistake? ( there is nothing to whiten tea with).
  • How would you read the words of the old man, choose the right intonation
  • Was the owl right?
  • Read 1 sentence of this part. How do you understand it? ( words are of little use, it is necessary to do business, correct the situation)
  • When an old man asks for help, how does the owl react? ( already forgave him, with the eyes of a loop-loop, i.e. I’m glad she doesn’t have mice - they are food for her).
  • What did the owl want to say with the proverb: “It’s not heavy together, but at least drop it apart”? ( student answers).
  • Bianchi uses techniques such as ... ( personification and comparison).

Lesson of literary reading in the 2nd grade on the topic "V. Bianchi. "Owl""

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson Objectives:

    To acquaint students with the work of V.V. Bianchi: with the content of the text "Owl"; to give the concept of a new literary genre "fairy tales-non-tales - cognitive fairy tale”, to consolidate knowledge about the features of fairy tales.

    To develop students' speech, thinking, expressive and conscious reading skills.

    To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the desire to live in commonwealth with nature.



    cards for building a "Chain of interconnection" (illustrations depicting an owl, a cow, a mouse, a clover);

    cards with a deformed plan;

    audio recording of the cry of an owl

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Creation of a psychological environment. Slide 1.

It's a new day. I smiled at you and you smiled at me. A smile costs nothing, but gives a lot. It enriches those who receive it without impoverishing those who bestow it. When does a person want to smile?(When he is doing well, he is in a good mood.) If a person has good mood, then work is more interesting. I wish you always have a good mood.

2. Speech warm-up.

Why are we doing it? For what purpose?(The voice must be well developed and obedient, for the development of reading fluency, correctness and expressiveness.)

Working with shorthand. Slide number 2.

Reading quiet syllable by syllable, pronouncing each syllable clearly.
Reading louder whole words.
Reading faster .
Reading fast .

The bear growled in the den,
The groundhog in the hole was silent.
They growled, remained silent -
And woke up at dawn.

3. Actualization of knowledge. Slide #3 .

The story of students about the biography of the writer V.V. Bianchi:

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi was born in St. Petersburg in the family of an ornithologist, he wrote poetry from childhood.

In the summer, the Bianchi family left for the village of Lebyazhye. Here he first went to the present forest journey. He was then five or six years old. Since then, the forest has become for him magical land, paradise. For four years, Bianchi participated in scientific expeditions along the Volga, the Urals, Altai and Kazakhstan.

main topic his works are the forest and its inhabitants. Everything written by Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi - from the first fairy tale "The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow" to the last - "Gogolyonok" - is a fascinating journey into the forest world of nature, where the writer becomes a magician and poet, naturalist and scientist, guide and translator.

most famous book Bianchi became the Forest Newspaper. There was simply no other like it. The stories from the "Forest Newspaper" were heard on the radio, printed, along with other works by Bianchi, on the pages of magazines and newspapers.

Slide number 4. For 35 years creative work Bianchi created more than 300 stories, fairy tales, novellas, essays and articles. All his life he kept diaries and naturalistic notes, answered many letters from readers. His works were published with a total circulation of more than 40 million copies, translated into many languages ​​of the world.

His stories do not magic wands or walking boots, but there are no less miracles. Bianchi could tell about the most unsightly sparrow in such a way that we are only surprised: it turns out that he is not at all simple. The writer managed to find the magic words that "disenchanted" the mysterious forest world.

Shortly before his death, Bianchi wrote in the preface to one of his books: “I have always tried to write my fairy tales and stories in such a way that they are also accessible to adults. And now I realized that all my life I have been writing for adults who have kept a child in their souls.

Bianchi writes about nature, studies it, reveals its secrets to readers. You need to read his fairy tales and stories in the same way as you peer into nature in order to see the unusual in the ordinary. In nature, everything is interconnected, no one has the right to disturb this balance.

This relationship between nature and man was shown in his next work by V.V. Bianchi.

What is the name of this work, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

"Who is it?"

5. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson. Slide number 5.

So, what book will you read today? Who is the author?

    The theme of our lesson is “V.V. Bianchi “Owl”. What kind of work do we have to do?

    We will read the work, answer questions to the text, learn to analyze the text, express our attitude to what we read, work on thoughtful and conscious reading aloud and to yourself, retell.

6. Guys, what do you know about the owl? Slide number 6.

6.1. Owls are nocturnal: they sleep during the day and hunt at night.

Who are they hunting?(On mice, frogs, voles, insects.)

What helps them to hunt?

a) Acute hearing.
b) Soft, dense plumage (they fly silently).
c) Claws (grab prey, hold it).
d) beak.

6.2. What are the benefits of owls?

6.4. Owl notes. (For each group)

    If there are a lot of owls, the harvest will be good.

    The owl calls at night before rain and cold.

    Owl screams at the thaw.

    An owl in a hollow - to the wind, in a dry land - to the rain.

    The owl screams - in the cold.

6.5. "Do you know?"

For a long time, the owl has been considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Among the ancient Greeks, she was the sacred bird of the goddess of wisdom, Athena. Slide number 7.

Our owls were treated kindly. In fairy tales, she was called "the owl-widow", a blond, sensible little head.

In J. Rowling's Harry Potter books, owls are used as a means of communication between wizards (owl mail). Slide number 8. Owls are also called people who are used to getting up late.

7. Preparation for the perception of new material.

What words do you not understand?

"Vocabulary work" (group work)

How can words and expressions be replaced? Slide number 9.

flowing away

runs away.


clover for livestock feed.


pollen, tiny yellow grains.

be buried

hide, hide.


a lot of space.

No matter how bad it gets

no matter how bad it was.

white tea

add milk to tea.


nutritious drink for livestock.

8. Initial acquaintance with the text.

8.1. Reading the text by the teacher.

Did you like this piece? In what mood did you listen to it?

Name the main characters.

Guys, why is the text called "Owl"?

Can it be given a different name? Which?

8.2. Independent work with text, checking reading skills. Slide number 10.

(Children read the text for 1 minute, then count the words and signs, write down their results.)

    Chain reading ( to words night has come)

Did the old man consider Owl his friend?

About what wise Owl did you warn the old man?

Did he take her advice?

    Reading in parts ( to words Mice roam the field)

What happened when the Owl stopped flying to the meadow?

What did the mice do?

    Reading "Catcher" ( to words Owl Forgave the Old Man)

Why does the meadow need bumblebees?

What happened to the clover in the meadow?

Who needed clover?

What happened to the cow?

What did the old man have to do?

    Reading "Teacher-student" ( until the end of the work )

Did the owl forgive the old man?

How did everything recover in nature?

9. Acquaintance with the new literary genre "cognitive fairy tale". Problem statement. Selective reading of fairy tales by children, text analysis.

Tell me, are we reading a fairy tale or a story?

What type of fairy tale would you classify this story as?(Fairy tale about animals.)

you know what happens folk tales. And what is this fairy tale?(Literary, author's.)

Yes, it's a fairy tale. And V. Bianchi called his stories “fairy tales - non-tales”. Why do you think? (There is fabulous and non-fabulous in it.)

Conclusion: right, fairy tales-non-tales are born as an answer to children's "why?". Hence the following titles of the works: “Why does the magpie have such a tail?”, “Whose legs are these?”.

Let's clarify what fabulous tricks the author used? Prove with an example from the text (selective reading).

Conclusion: fairy tales connect these works with a fairy tale: beginnings, sayings, repetitions, animals talk, some adventures happen to them, but they also contain a lot of reliable and truthful, cognitive material about nature, therefore they are called - fairy tales. After all, along the way, readers learn about the habits of animals, natural phenomena. Such material from which we obtain some useful information is called cognitive. Thus, Vitaliy Bianchi came up with the new kind literary fairy tale - cognitive fairy tale.

10. Consolidation of the assimilation of the content of a fairy tale.

Find the answers in the text of the fairy tale.

Why is the owl angry with the old man? Phrase"You bury yourself from the sun, avoid people" Is it fabulous or is it like that in nature?(So ​​it is in nature: the owl hunts at night.)

What happened when the owl stopped flying to the meadow?

What did the mice do?(“Mice roam the meadow, looking for bumblebee nests, digging the ground, catching bumblebees.”)

Can this offer be called fabulous?(Not.)

What do we learn about nature from this sentence?

Whom do mice prey on?(On bumblebees.) How? (Looking for their nests.) Where are bumblebees nesting?(In the ground.)

Why does the meadow need bumblebees? And what cognitive do we learn from the phrase “What is the use of them: no honey, no wax, only blisters”?(That bumblebees don't make honey like bees, and they don't have wax.) What benefit do they provide?(The pollen is transferred from flower to flower.)

What happened to the clover in the meadow?

What else will we learn useful, informative? What does a cow need to make her milk rich and tasty?(Nutritional clover.) What technique is Bianchi using here?(Comparison - herbs with porridge).

What did the old man have to do?

Did the owl forgive the old man?(Yes, she also feels bad without his mice.)

What phrase is repeated throughout the story? ("Ho-ho-ho, Old Man!")

Why do you think Owl says this way?(Similar to the cry of an owl.)

Listening to the audio recording "Cry of an owl" ( ).

11. Physical education minute "Owl".

The birds have arrived." If the children hear the names of birds, then they wave their hands, and if they hear insects, they stamp their feet.)

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Flies and swifts...

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

storks, crows,

Mosquitoes, eagles.

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Chibis, siskins,

Butterflies, swifts.

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Orioles, cuckoos,

Even owls are squishy.

12. Work on the assimilation of the meaning of what was read.

On the desk: Slide number 11.

    Owl - a desperate head, ears up, hooked nose.

    Friendly is not heavy, but at least drop it apart.

    She was healthy, began to emaciate, began to reduce milk.

Which of these sentences can be called a proverb? ( Slide #12 )

Explain its meaning.

What do you think, can this proverb be called the main idea of ​​the text?

Which of the characters do you think Bianchi himself likes more and why: the Owl or the Old Man?(Owl, she understands the connections in nature, understands that she and the Old Man are friends.)

13. Building a "Chain of Interrelation" and explaining the meaning of each link in this chain.

What is the relationship between milk tea and an owl? (Students' answers are heard.) At first glance, none. But this is only at first glance. Through the fairy tale, V. Bianchi showed how everything in nature is interconnected. From careful attitude The future of our planet, and therefore of all mankind, depends on nature. Let's try to restore this chain. Work on cards in groups. Slide check. ( Slide #13 )

owl - mice - bumblebees - clover - cow - milk - tea

15. Independent work with mutual verification. Preparation for the retelling of the tale according to the plan. Restoration of the deformed plan.

(Cards with a deformed plan for each group)

    The owl got angry.

    The cow has little milk.

    Bumblebees walk in other people's meadows.

    The Owl forgave the Old Man and flew to the meadow to catch mice.

    Mice roam the meadow, looking for bumblebee nests.

    The Old Man went to the Owl to bow.

Mutual verification. (Slide number 14)

16. Summing up.

What piece were they working on?

What genre? What is the main idea of ​​the tale?

How can you children help nature?

17. Evaluation for the work in the lesson.

18. Homework Slide #15 .

Choose yours homework:

    Prepare a retelling of a fairy tale on behalf of a grandfather or an owl of your choice.

    Role reading.

    Try yourself as an artist: draw an illustration for a fairy tale.

19. Reflection Slide #16 .

Complete the sentences:

    “Today I found out….”

    "It was interesting …."

    “The lesson gave me for life ...

Subject: "V. Bianchi "Owl"

Lesson type: learning new material.

Target: acquaintance with the cognitive tale of V. Bianchi "Owl".



1) to acquaint students with the work and pages of the life of V. Bianchi;

2) to give the concept of a new literary genre "cognitive fairy tale", to consolidate knowledge about the features of fairy tales;

3) continue to work on improving reading skills, developing students' speech, enriching their vocabulary, expanding horizons;


4) consolidate bibliographic knowledge;

5) develop the ability to analyze the text, search for the necessary information in the text, find and formulate the main idea;

6) develop thinking, memory, logic (the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions);

7) develop the ability to work with a diagram, use a dictionary;


8) development of interest in reading;

9) fostering a caring attitude towards nature, developing the ability to evaluate people's actions.


  • exhibition of books by V. Bianki;
  • presentation ( Application );
  • cards for building a "Chain of interconnection" (illustrations depicting an owl, a cow, a mouse, a clover);
  • cards for vocabulary work and with a deformed plan;
  • audio recording "Cry of an owl" (Music file ).

During the classes

1. Organizing time. Creation of a psychological environment.

The bell rang and fell silent. He took us all to class.
Everyone at the desk stood up straight, smiled, trimmed,
We sat quietly at our table and started talking.

ΙΙ. Checking homework.

What section are we studying?

What piece did you learn in the last lesson?

What do you remember about VV Bianchi from the last lesson?

- Retelling of the story by V. Bianchi "Musician" on questions in the textbook (p. 145, task 6)

Completing task 7 on p. 145

What is a musician? Have you looked in the encyclopedia?

Musician - an artist who plays musical instrument. And also in general the person involved in such a game.

ΙΙΙ. Knowledge update.

What unites all the works of VV Bianchi? Bianchi writes about nature, studies it, reveals its secrets to readers. You need to read his fairy tales and stories in the same way as you peer into nature in order to see the unusual in the ordinary. In nature, everything is interconnected, no one has the right to disturb this balance.

This relationship between nature and man was shown in his next work by V.V. Bianchi.

What is the name of this work, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

  • He flies all night - he gets mice,
  • and it becomes light - it flies into a hollow to sleep. (Painting on the board)

What do you know about this bird?

(Student's message).

Owl - nocturnal bird of prey. Lives more often in mixed and coniferous forests. Hunts at night, mainly for mouse-like rodents. It nests in abandoned nests of other birds, such as crows. In autumn, owls fly west, and northern guests take their place.

ΙV. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

So, what book will you read today? Who is the author?

  • The theme of our lesson is “V.V. Bianchi “Owl”. What kind of work do we have to do?

U. Using key words set the goal of the lesson.

On the desk:

Let's find out…….

Let's learn….

V. Preparation for acceptance of new material.

1. Meaningful forecasting.

What do you think this piece is about?

Let's check our assumptions.

VI. Initial acquaintance with the text.

1) Reading the text by the teacher and students.

Did you like this piece? In what mood did you listen to it?

2) Vocabulary work.

How can words and expressions be replaced? (Work in pairs with cards)

flowing away

runs away.


clover for livestock feed.


pollen, tiny yellow grains.

be buried

hide, hide.


a lot of space.

No matter how bad it gets

no matter how bad it was.

white tea

add milk to tea.


nutritious drink for livestock.


Fizminutka for the eyes (Slide 4)

VΙΙ. Getting to know new literary genre"cognitive story" staging problematic issue.

What genre is the work you read? Show with signal circles. (Signal circles on children's desks literary genres ). (Slide 5)

On the desk:

Why do you think so?

What type of fairy tale would you classify this story as?(Fairy tale about animals.)

You know that there are folk tales. And what is this fairy tale?(Literary, author's.)

Yes, it's a fairy tale. And V. Bianchi called his stories “fairy tales - non-tales”. Why do you think?(There is fabulous and non-fabulous in it.)

Conclusion: right, fairy tales-non-tales are born as an answer to children's "why?". Hence the following titles of the works: “Why does the magpie have such a tail?”, “Whose legs are these?”. You can see some of them at the exhibition.

All these books are from our library. At recess, look at them, look through them and, if you want to read them, take them from the library.

VΙΙΙ. Consolidation of the assimilation of content fairy tales.

Find the answers in the text of the fairy tale.

- Why is the owl angry with the old man? Phrase "You bury yourself from the sun, avoid people"Is it fabulous or is it like that in nature?(So ​​it is in nature: the owl hunts at night.)

- What happened when the owl stopped flying to the meadow?

- What did the mice do?(“Mice roam the meadow, looking for bumblebee nests, digging the ground, catching bumblebees.”)

Can this offer be called fabulous?(Not.)

What do we learn about nature from this sentence?

- Whom do mice prey on?(To bumblebees.) How? (Looking for their nests.) Where are bumblebees nesting?(In the ground.)

- Why does the meadow need bumblebees?And what cognitive do we learn from the phrase “What is the use of them: no honey, no wax, only blisters”?(That bumblebees don't make honey like bees, and they don't have wax.)What benefit do they provide?(The pollen is transferred from flower to flower.)

- What happened to the clover in the meadow?

What else will we learn useful, informative? What does a cow need to make her milk rich and tasty?(Nutritional clover.)What technique is Bianchi using here?(Comparison - herbs with porridge).

- What did the old man have to do?

- Did the owl forgive the old man?(Yes, she also feels bad without his mice.)

What phrase is repeated throughout the story?("Ho-ho-ho, Old Man!")

Why do you think Owl says this way?(Similar to the cry of an owl.)

Listening to the audio recording "Cry of an owl" (Music file ).

Physical education minute "Owl".

It's dark in the forest
Everyone has been sleeping for a long time. (Children pretend to be sleeping.)
All birds sleep...
One owl does not sleep
Flying, screaming. (
Children wave their hands.)
Owl Owl,
Big head. (
portray big circle hands.)
Sitting on a bitch, (Sit down.)
turns his head,
(Make head turns to the right, to the left.)
Looking in all directions
Yes, suddenly how to fly. (
Stand up, wave your arms, run in place.)

ΙX. Work on the assimilation of the meaning of what is read.

1. Building a “Chain of Interrelation” and explaining the meaning of each link in this chain.

Name the main characters. (Pictures depicting heroes are placed on the board)

What is the relationship between milk tea and an owl? (Students' responses are heard.) At first glance, no. But this is only at first glance. Through the fairy tale, V. Bianchi showed how everything in nature is interconnected. The future of our planet, and therefore of all mankind, depends on a careful attitude to nature. Let's try to restore this chain.Work on cards in pairs. Slide check. (Slide number 6)

2. Independent work withmutual verification. Restoration of the deformed plan.

(Cards with a deformed plan.)

  • The owl got angry.
  • The cow has little milk.
  • Bumblebees walk in other people's meadows.
  • The Owl forgave the Old Man and flew to the meadow to catch mice.
  • Mice roam the meadow, looking for bumblebee nests.
  • The Old Man went to the Owl to bow.

Mutual verification. (Slide number 8)

X. Homework.

Choose your homework (Slide 8):

  1. Prepare a retelling of a fairy tale on behalf of a grandfather or an owl of your choice according to the plan.

2. Reading by role

XI. Reflection.

Complete the sentences (Slide 9):

  • “Today I found out….”
  • "It was interesting …."
  • “The lesson gave me for life ...

XII. Summarizing.

What piece were they working on?

What genre? What does the work of V. Bianchi teach us?

How can you children help nature?

Sources used:

  1. Klimanova L. F., Goretsky V. G., Golovanova M. V. Native speech. Textbook for grade 2 elementary school in two parts. Part 1. M.: Education, 2012.
  2. Kutyavina S.V., Gostimskaya E.S., Baikova M.I. literary reading: 2nd grade. M.: VAKO, 2015

Kirillova Tamara
Abstract joint activities teacher with children "Reading the literary tale of V. Bianchi" Owl "in preparatory group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of the combined type No. 3, Dankov


joint activities of the educator with children:

« Reading a literary tale. bianchi« Owl»

in preparatory group of children with mental retardation


educator: Kirillova T. N.


1. Introduce children to literary fairy tale. bianchi« Owl» .

2. Expand and clarify children's ideas about nature.

3. Continue to explain to children that everything in nature interconnected: Animals are related to each other and to plants in the food chain.

Equipment: presentation.

vocabulary work: empty tea, expanse, blisters, pollen, milk is thinner and thinner.

The course of joint activities.

1. opening speech educator.

Today we are introduced to literary fairy tale. bianchi« Owl» . We again find ourselves in a meadow, and we observe what events take place there. The author reminds us that everything in nature interconnected: Animals are related to each other and to plants in the food chain. Consider, for example, this chain nutrition: cabbage - slugs - toad.

You know, if a person exterminates some animals, this can disrupt the food chain and bring great harm to nature and to man himself. In our fairy tale the man did not exterminate the animal, it is alive and well, the man only greatly offended the owl, and we will find out what came of it.

2. Reading a literary tale« Owl» .

An old man is sitting, drinking tea. He doesn’t drink empty - he whitens with milk. flies by Owl.

Hello, my friend says!

And the old man to her:

You, Owl, - a desperate head, ears up, hooked nose. You bury yourself from the sun, avoid people - what a friend I am to you!

got angry Owl.

All right, - says, - old! I won’t fly to your meadow at night, catch mice, catch them yourself.

A old man:

Look, what a fright you thought! Run while you're whole.

flew away Owl, climbed into the oak, does not fly anywhere from the hollow.

The night has come. In the old man's meadow, mice whistle in holes echo each other:

Look, godfather, is it flying Owl - desperate head, ears up, hooked nose?

Mouse Mice in response:

Do not see the Owl, do not hear the Owl. Today we have expanse in the meadow, now we have freedom in the meadow.

Mice jumped out of holes, mice ran across the meadow.

BUT Owl from the hollow:

Ho-ho-ho, old man! Look, no matter how bad came out: the mice, they say, went hunting.

And let them go, - says the Old Man - Tea, mice are not wolves, heifers will not be slaughtered.

Mice roam the meadow, looking for bumblebee nests, digging the ground, catching bumblebees.

BUT Owl from the hollow:

came out: all your bumblebees scattered.

And let them fly, - says the Old Man - What from them sense: no honey, no wax - only blisters.

There is a fodder clover in the meadow, hanging with its head to the ground, and the bumblebees are buzzing, flying away from the meadow, they don’t look at the clover, they don’t carry pollen from flower to flower.

BUT Owl from the hollow:

Ho-ho-ho, old man! Look, no matter how bad came out: you wouldn’t have to spread pollen from flower to flower yourself.

And the wind will blow it away, - says the Old Man, and he scratches in the back of his head.

The wind is blowing across the meadow, the pollen is pouring to the ground. Pollen does not fall from flower to flower - clover will not be born in the meadow; This is not to the liking of the Old Man.

BUT Owl from the hollow:

Ho-ho-ho, old man! Your cow lows, asks for clover - grass, listen, without clover is like porridge without butter.

The old man is silent, says nothing.

The Cow was healthy from the clover, the Cow began to grow thin, she began to slow down her milk; licks swill, and milk is thinner and thinner.

BUT Owl from the hollow:

Ho-ho-ho, old man! I spoke you: come to me to bow.

The old man scolds, but things are not going well. An owl sits in an oak tree does not catch mice. Mice roam the meadow, looking for bumblebee nests. Bumblebees walk in other people's meadows, but they don't even look at the old people's meadow. Clover will not be born in the meadow. A cow without clover is emaciated. The cow has little milk. So the old man had nothing to whiten tea.

There was nothing for the Old Man to whiten tea, the Old Man Owl went bow:

Oh, you, Owl - a widow, me out of trouble help out: there was nothing for me, the old one, to whiten tea.

BUT Owl from a hollow with eyes loop-loops, knives blunt-blunt.

Something, - says - old. Friendly is not heavy, but at least drop it apart. Do you think it's easy for me without your mice?

forgave Owl Old Man, crawled out of the hollow, flew to the meadow to scare mice.

Owl flew to catch mice.

Mice with fear hid in holes.

Bumblebees buzzed over the meadow, began to fly from flower to flower.

Red clover began to pour in the meadow.

The cow went to the meadow to chew clover.

The cow has a lot of milk.

The Old Man began to whiten tea with milk, whiten tea - Praise the owl, invite him to visit, respect.

3. Physical education « Owl» .

It's dark in the forest, (Children fold their hands under their bowed heads - "sleep", eyes closed)

Everyone is sleeping for a long time

All the birds are sleeping

One the owl doesn't sleep,

Flying, screaming.

Owl- owl, (Arms bent at the elbows at chest level - « owl» sitting on a branch)

Big head,

Sitting on a bitch

turns his head, (Head turns left and right)

Looking in all directions

Yes, suddenly - how to fly. (Hands to the sides - flapping wings)

4. Conversation by content fairy tales.

What kind of tea does the Old Man drink? (Answers children: not empty - whitens with milk).

Why Owl mad at the old man? (Answers children: The old man spoke to the Owl impolitely).

What she promised not to do Owl? (Answers children: I will not fly to your meadow at night and catch mice).

Was the Old Man afraid of the Owl's promise not to fly to the meadow? (Answers children: no, not scared, he didn't know how to help him Owl).

For whom did expanse happen on the very first night without the Owl? (Answers children: for mice, they ran to the meadow).

How did Old Man Owl respond to the warning that the mice were hunting? (Answers children: let them go).

What is happening in the meadow at this time? (Answers children: mice look for bumblebee nests, dig the ground, catch bumblebees).

What did you warn about again? Owl Old Man? (Answers children: all the bumblebees scattered).

The Old Man thought about what benefits bumblebees bring to the meadow? (Answers children: he believes that only blisters from bumblebees).

What is happening in the meadow at this time? (Answers children: clover hangs with its head to the ground, and bumblebees do not carry pollen from flower to flower).

What happens if the pollen does not fall from flower to flower? (Answers children: clover will not be born in the meadow).

What happens to a cow without clover? (Answers children: the cow is losing weight, it gives less milk, the milk is getting thinner and thinner, the Old Man has nothing to whiten tea with).

Do you think the Old Man did the right thing when he went to bow to the Owl? (Answers children: right).

What did you answer Owl to the Old Man? (Answers children: she also had a hard time without mice).

Tell me what happened in the meadow when The owl forgave the old man? (Answers children: Owl went to catch mice. Bumblebees buzzed over the meadow. Clover is pouring. The cow has a lot of milk. The old man whitens tea with milk).

What was broken in nature when Owl stopped flying at night to hunt mice? (Answers children: broken food chain).

5. Didactic game "Create a food chain".

one). Wolf, oak, boar.

2). Pine, woodpecker, bark beetle.

3). Wood mouse, acorn, owl.

6. Didactic game "Tell me how they are connected"

one). Hazel, voles, weasels.

2). Rye, mice, snakes, eagle.

Literary tale B. Bianchi told us about what will happen in the meadow if no one arrives there owl because animals are related to each other and to plants in the food chain.

Walking in the forest, park, visiting the meadow, remember that by breaking the food chain, you will harm nature and man.

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