Love is not mutual. How to survive unrequited love? Non-reciprocal love: how to deal with unhealthy attachment.


Love is not mutual - an unpleasant feeling from which no one is immune. It is not for nothing that the saying “you won’t be forced to be nice” has appeared in our everyday life since ancient times. No one wants to be in the role of a person whose love was rejected. But still, this situation occurs quite often in life. How to deal with this tragedy minimal losses for yourself, how to stop worrying and getting upset - read in this article.

Children get their parents and parents to their children. At the same time, they are separate and independent from each other. But imagine what will happen in their hearts if children say to their parents: “First of all, what you gave me was wrong, and secondly, it was not enough, you still owe me.” What can children get from their parents when they feel it? And what can parents get from their children? Such children cannot be separated from their parents. Their accusations and claims are related to their parents, therefore, although they do not have parents related to them.

Love or Addiction

Is it not mutual love? The answer to this question is unequivocal: of course! And there are plenty of examples of that. Most of the poems, songs, novels and films are devoted to the topic. It is interesting to see how the heroes cope with the problem. popular works. But what to do if you find yourself in a similar situation?

He feels empty, necessary and weak. Children accept what their parents give besides life when they happen. In addition to the life that parents give to their children, they can also give what they have made on their own. For example, mother talented artist drawing beautiful pictures. If her children are frustrated when they can't paint such beautiful pictures even though they don't have the talent or job they have, then they are breaking the laws of love. The same goes for material goods.

Children who feel entitled to inherit their parents' wealth and are disappointed if they don't, destroy love. If they inherit this wealth, then love will serve as a gift. This is important because it also concerns the personal guilt of our parents. Personal guilt belongs only to our parents. It often happens that children who love their parents take the blame and want to bear it for them. But this is against the laws of love. Such children dare to do what they have no right to do.

Mutual love heals the most terrible spiritual wounds, inspires and gives a person a complete sense of happiness. However, love is often not reciprocated. Sad statistics show that almost every second person faces a situation in his life when feelings do not match.

Some people know how to switch, they easily endure this tragedy. Others may be stuck in a state of suffering for a long time.

For example, when a child tries to sue their parents' mistakes, they stand up to their parents and ask their parents about how the children should take care of them as if they were their parents. Recently, she was a woman whose father was blind and whose mother was deaf. They got on well with each other. But the woman felt the need to take care of them, and when we built the constellation, her representative acted as if she was big and her parents were small. In the constellation, her mother said, "I can take care of my father alone."

Psychologists share feeling and love addiction. True love It's a free feeling. loving person able to calmly accept the refusal, because he accepts the object of his adoration as it is, without expecting anything in return. It's a pity, but this is very rare.

In most cases, non-reciprocal love causes very contradictory and unpleasant sensations. Suffering in case of rejection of a loved one means that a person becomes addicted to morally from the object of his adoration. In this case, you need to take certain actions in order to feel the joy of life again, open up to new feelings and avoid the problems associated with constant being in a state of depression.

And her father said to her: "We live well with your mother, you don't need us." But the woman, rather than feeling relieved, felt disappointed. He shrunk down to the size of a child again. In fact, she had long-term sleep problems. He watched his dead brother day and night so the rats couldn't come to him.

Although he was completely exhausted, he was convinced that he should remain on patrol. He walked around the man and said to him, "Rats sleep at night." Then the boy fell asleep. The third law of love between parents and children is that we respect general attitude our parents and let them do what they can and should.

To begin with, it is important to figure out what you have: a real feeling or If your feeling gives you only pleasant emotions - you are lucky, you are able to love with unrequited love. Feeling uncomfortable means that you are dependent on the person you have feelings for.

Psychologists have been sounding the alarm for a long time: non-reciprocal love entails depressive disorders, which do not have the most favorable effect on human health.

Rejection and Rejection The fourth law of love between parents and children is that parents are great and children are small. It is right that children take and parents give. Since children take in so much, they need to balance account. We are not comfortable taking from those we love without giving anything in return.

Some children avoid the pressure of reciprocity, commitment, or guilt. They then say, "I'd rather take nothing and feel free without guilt and commitment." Such children close their parents and feel empty and exhausted. Love would be more useful if they said, "I accept everything you have given me with love." Then they could look at their parents with love, and their parents could see their children happy. It is a way of accepting while maintaining balance because parents feel grateful for their children.

What Not to Do

How to get rid of non-reciprocal love? First of all, you need to try to avoid common mistakes that can only aggravate the situation.

Try to pull yourself together. Tears won't change anything. You will only get a swollen face, red eyes and tired general form. In addition, such a reaction to the situation will not bring anything but negativity, you will not be able to tune in and make the right decision.

When a child asks, "You have to give me more," then the hearts of the parents close. Because children are demanding, parents cannot voluntarily flood them with love. This is all you can do to prevent natural flow. Love. And the child who demands it, even if he gets it, does not like it.

The relationship of parental rights is achieved between parents and children, giving what is received. Children do not look back, they look to the future. It's the same thing that parents did, they took their parents and gave their children away. Because they get a lot, they feel pressured to give and they are capable. Extended family We are not only for our parents, but for our larger family, for the larger system. Our family system behaves as if it is run more high function in which all its members participate.

Loneliness during this period is not for you! Try to be among friends: chat, walk together, borrow common affairs all my free time.

Don't eat your depression. Except extra pounds and food addiction, gluttony will no longer bring any results.

We can compare it to a flock of birds. All of a sudden, all the birds turn and fly in a new direction, as if individual birds are being guided by a flock decision. In the family system, the higher order of the group functions as a common family consciousness. This general consciousness is primarily unconscious, and we can recognize its laws of what happens when we listen or when we violate its requirements.

We can tell who belongs to the family system through observation, who is affected by this common consciousness and who is not. As a rule, these people belong to the family system. The basic principle applied to the family system is that all members have the same right to belong to it. In many families and clans, some members are excluded. For example, an uncle is a black shepherd or an illegitimate child that no one should talk about.

How to start healing

The very first thing to do is to understand that only you can help yourself. No one else but yourself can overcome the sadness, pain, and disappointment associated with being rejected.

Psychologists recommend: start living a full life. Make every effort to ensure that every moment of life is not wasted. Try to "switch" from your bitter thoughts to something new and unknown to you before. For example, join a fitness club, start painting, learn languages, go dancing...

Or a member may say, "I am a Catholic and you are a Protestant, and as a Catholic I have more right to belong to you than you." You are less loyal than I am, so you have less right to belong here. Religion is not as important today as it used to be, but other things are still like profession, nation, skin color, gender. Or, when a child dies sometimes, the parents give the other child the same name. They say dead child: "You no longer belong, we will replace you." At dead child no more own name. In many families, such a child is not considered for children, he is not even remembered.

Make a rule: every day before going to bed, sum up your new achievements. Over time, you will learn to enjoy your successes, and this is essential Be sure that your changes in better side will not go unnoticed, and soon a person with whom you will have mutual feelings will appear in your environment.

His basic right to belong to the family system is affected, he is revoked. For example, if a member believes that he is better than others and is so elevated. Actually, the message is: "I have more right to belong than you." Or, when we talk badly about other members and think they are wrong, we are actually telling them, "You have less right to belong than I do." In such situations, "good" only means that we have more right to belong, and bad means that someone else has even less right.

The excluded members of the family system are still present. The basic dynamic of the family system, that all members have the same right to belong to it, cannot be violated. Whenever someone is excluded from the family system, there needs to be a settlement in the system. This compensatory dynamic results in the excluded or despised member being represented as a younger member of the family who is ignorant and helpless about this identification.

Burn your bridges

How to survive unrequited love? The best way defeat her - forget the person who rejected your feelings. This is easy to do if you follow certain rules.

  1. Remove from your field of vision gifts, photographs, sweet trinkets that you received while communicating with this person.
  2. Forbid people from your environment to feel sorry for you. Stop discussing and resenting unaccepted feelings. Stop any stories you know about the person you're trying to forget.
  3. If any music causes you painful associations associated with an unrequited feeling, remove it and do not listen.
  4. Avoid places that can bring back memories and bitter thoughts related to this situation.

Non-reciprocal love will quickly fade into the background if you take these tips responsibly and protect yourself from everything that can remind you of what happened.

For example, a married man falls in love with another woman and tells his wife that she wants nothing to do with her. He will think of superficial and frivolous reasons to condemn his actions and justify the injustice he did to her. He later has children with his new partner, but his daughter struggles with nails for no apparent reason. It turned out that he unconsciously represented his first wife and felt the same hatred towards his father that her first wife did. But she did not even know about the existence of this first woman.

Here we see the hidden compensation of the system in action, the revenge of an injustice committed by an earlier member of an unconsciously younger member. Many serious family problems- behavioral disorders in children, as well as illness, accidents and suicidal behavior - occur when children unconsciously represent excluded members and seek redress, which these members must compensate. This shows the second characteristic of the consciousness of the family system. It ensures fairness for former members and injustice for younger members.

Pamper yourself

A person who gets rid of the disappointment associated with needs bright, positive emotions. Do not be afraid to pamper yourself, give yourself what you like, what can bring a smile to your face, give joy.

Make time for yourself. Visit a beauty salon, do a trendy manicure, new hairstyle. You can limit yourself to a bubble bath and a face mask at home. The main thing is to enjoy the process, to become better and more confident in yourself.

Junior members of the family system may be exempted from such participation if the basic laws of the family system are restored, if excluded members are returned to the family and with due respect. If it's true to say when it's so honest to name what happened and the first woman to get the respect that it belongs to, then the constellation is often seen as the person the first woman softens and she makes friends because she is respected.

Her reaction shows that she also belongs to the family system. The decision also requires the child representing the first woman to tell her: This belongs only to my father and my mother. Everything that happened between them was none of my business. These sentences also actually confirm the basic order. A father can look at his daughter and not see her first wife in her, and she can't face the hate she should feel. She can look at her and love her like a daughter.

Go shopping and make yourself a gift, buy what you have long dreamed of.

Such actions significantly increase self-esteem. If you want to be loved, love yourself first. Treat yourself as the most precious and beloved person. This approach works wonders: radiating joy and self-confidence, you will attract many positive emotions into your life.

A daughter is free to be daughter and father to father. And she can tell her mother, "I'm not related to this woman." While she is representing the first woman, her mother may unconsciously see the first woman's husband, and they may have conflicts between them as rivals.

I have no connection with this woman, please look at me as your child, this will restore basic order. Violation of the law is the cause of many serious problems. For example, when a child dies young, other children tend to feel guilty that they are still alive when their sister or brother died. It's like they think it's good for them to live and their brothers and sisters are bad because they're dead. They are then tempted to offset this benefit with an unconscious armed accident, bad luck or illness, or even a desire to die alone, though they don't know why.

Fight fire with fire

Remember: non-reciprocal love is a temporary nuisance. Take a closer look - you are surrounded by many people who want to communicate with you. Let new people into your life, show interest in them, because who knows, maybe your destiny is among them.

Try to avoid falling into psychological dependence on unrequited love.

If you see that the person you have feelings for does not reciprocate, do not pull, immediately begin to act. The sooner you take control of your destiny, the sooner you will “recover” and begin to enjoy life again.

Recall the recent example of the singer Adele. She became not only famous, but also incredibly rich, thanks to the fact that she turned her defeat on the love front into a victory. When her boyfriend left her, instead of starting to feel sorry for herself, she transformed her pain and bitterness into creativity. And all why? Because she took matters into her own hands. And when a woman does this, there is a desire to prove to a man what beautiful woman he lost.

It is interesting in this aspect to understand the reason why some women often fall in love with men unrequitedly. This is due to the negative attitudes that many of us have. The logical question is: “What negative attitudes provoke non-reciprocal love?”

There are many of them. For example: “I’m not good enough for love”, “Why love me?” A woman who has such a negative attitude provokes non-reciprocal love. This attitude “There is nothing to love me for”, “I am ordinary and not attractive in any way” suggests that a woman does not love herself. Therefore, men will reflect her attitude towards themselves, like a mirror. After all, if a woman does not love herself, how can she expect this from a stranger? So with her dislike for herself, she forms the fact that a man cannot truly fall in love with her.

In addition to this setting, there is another one that interferes with most women. This is the "All good men already taken apart." Such women will automatically fall for married men. And, not because they are better, but because they gave themselves such an attitude. At the same time, good, unmarried men simply will not be noticed. There are also other attitudes, such as "All men are goats", "They only need one thing from women" and so on. Thus, as you can see, the reason for non-reciprocal love lies in a negative attitude, or several negative attitudes.

What to do with it? To get rid of non-reciprocal love, you need to find out what negative attitudes are hindering you. To do this, remember that you most often talk about men, for example, in communication with girlfriends.

What is your relationship with men?

Do you believe that there are worthy, single men?

Do you consider yourself worthy of a real man?

When you decide on the negative attitudes that interfere with you, you can get rid of them with the help of positive affirmations.

After that, you will notice how your life will change. And right now, find the good in your unrequited love. Think about what good not mutual love can give you personally. What can you do to get better? For example, go in for sports (start running in the morning, play tennis, get involved in martial arts, fitness), study foreign language, change the image? The choice is yours.


Love inevitably enriches the one who loves. And if so, there can be no such thing as “unrequited, unhappy love. Viktor Frankl


I actually love cherry pies. Of course, they don’t reciprocate me, but they don’t behave like a schmuck either.

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