Love of life. The purpose of life - love for life - love - catalog of articles - love without conditions



Every soul in due time asks itself: Why am I here?” This question is posed in different ways according to the development of the human mind.
One person will say, "I'm here to eat, drink and be merry." But even animals do this, so one might ask what else he did as a human.
Another may argue that it is important to achieve power and position, but he should know that both are transient. For power of any kind there comes a moment of fall as well as a moment of rise. Everything we own is taken from others, and someone in turn is waiting, hands outstretched, to seize it.
Some may say, “We are here to gain honor.” In this case, in order to gain the honor he seeks, he will have to humiliate someone, but he himself, in turn, may be humiliated. some even more zealous seeker of honor.

You might think that the most important thing is to be loved, but we must know that the beauty that is present in us and arouses love in another person is transient. Moreover, the beauty we possess may one day pale in comparison to the beauty of another. When we seek the love of another person, we become not only dependent on his love, but we ourselves lose love. If we think that it is best to love someone who is worthy of our love, then we are mistaken, because we can always be disappointed in the object of love, which in the end may turn out to be very far from our ideal.
Man tends to assume and believe that virtue is the only significant thing in life, but it turns out that a huge number of people suffering from moral hallucination are found precisely among saints.

Then the only purpose, if there is one at all, of our life here on earth is successful fulfillment of the requirements that life presents us with. Strange as it may seem at first glance, all the demands that life makes of us must be acceptable and worthy of achievement, but upon a careful examination of life, we will see that the needs of our outer self are all that we know, and that we are ignorant of the needs of our true self, our inner self.

For example, we want to eat well and dress nicely, live comfortably and travel comfortably, we want honors, property ownership and all the necessary means to satisfy our vanity - all these needs at the moment seem to be the only needs of our life, but neither they nor joy from their realization do not stay with us permanently. Then we come to the conclusion that what we have is not enough, and in order to be satisfied, we may need more; but it is not. Even if the entire universe were in our hands, it would be impossible to fully satisfy our vital needs. This shows that the needs of our true nature are completely different from those we are familiar with.

She does not need the joy that her personal self will experience, she wants joy from everywhere. She does not want a short-term peace, but an eternal one. She does not want to love her beloved in the arms of mortality. She needs a beloved who will always be with her. She does not wants to be loved today and maybe unloved tomorrow.She wants to swim in the ocean of love.That is why the Sufi seeks God as his love, as his lover and beloved, as his treasure, as his wealth, his honor, his joy, his world, and this alone, in its perfection, fulfills all needs, both here and in the life to come.

There is a goal above every goal, and there is also a goal below every goal, and yet there is no goal beyond both the highest and the lowest of all goals. Creation exists because it exists. Life is a journey from one pole to another, and the perfection of conscious life is the ultimate destination of imperfect life. In other words, every aspect of life in this world of diversity gradually evolves from imperfection to perfection, and if the evolution of life were not such by nature, there would be no difference between life and death, for life on the surface is nothing but contrast phenomena. Therefore, this is just another way of expressing what the purpose of life is.

Life in this world

One can try to look at any question from another person's point of view as from one's own, and thereby give freedom of thought to every person, because we ourselves demand this freedom for ourselves. You can try to appreciate what is good in the other person, and close your eyes to what is bad. If someone is acting selfishly towards you, try to take it as a natural phenomenon, because human nature it is natural to be selfish, so you will not be disappointed; but if you yourself seem to be an egoist, then you should set yourself the task of correcting yourself. There is nothing that a person should not be ready to endure, there is no one whom a person should not forgive. Never doubt those you trust, never hate those you love, never belittle those whom you once exalted with your respect. Wish to be friends with everyone you meet, make an effort to make friends with those whom you find difficult to communicate, become indifferent to them, but this is only if you fail in your attempt. Never want to end a friendship you have.

If someone harms you, try to think that it happened because you deserved it for some reason, or that the person who harmed you could not do better. Remember that every soul that carries its mission high in life encounters strong opposition from the world. This has been the case with all the prophets, saints and sages, so you should not be expected to be an exception. This is the law of nature, and also the plan of God working and preparing something desirable.

No one is higher or lower than another. In all sources that give us what we need, one can see one source - God, the only source; and in admiration, and in admiration, and in love for anyone, it can be considered that you are directing all this to God. In your sorrow you can turn to God, and in your joy you can thank Him.

Don't complain about the past, don't worry about the future, try to make the present better.. You will not be defeated, because even in the fall there will always be a pebble, leaning on which you can climb. One should not repent of what has been done, for everything a person thinks, says, and does is what he means. Do not be afraid of the consequences of the fulfillment of desire in life, for what will be, will be.


Every being has its calling, and its vocation is the light that illuminates his life. A person who neglects his vocation is like an unlit lamp. The one who sincerely seeks his own true purpose in life, itself is the object of search on the part of this destination. As he concentrates on the search, the light begins to clear his confusion - call it revelation, call it inspiration, call it what you will. Distrust leads to the side. Sincerity leads straight to the goal.

Everyone has his own circle of influence, large or small, in his sphere many souls and minds are involved: with his rise they rise, with his fall they fall. The size of a person's sphere corresponds to the size of his sympathy, or, let's say, the size of his heart. His sympathy keeps the sphere intact. With the growth of his heart, the sphere grows, but as soon as sympathy leaves or decreases, the sphere collapses, scatters into different sides. If he harms those who live and act in his sphere, those who depend on him or his attachment, he will inevitably harm himself. His house, or palace, or cottage, his satisfaction or repulsion in his environment, are the creations of his own thought. The thoughts of those who are close to him affect his thoughts, being part of his own thoughts, they sometimes upset, destroy, sometimes encourage and support him, in direct proportion to whether he repels his neighbors with his coldness or attracts sympathy.

Each person composes the music of his life. If he harms another, he will bring disharmony. When his sphere is disturbed, he himself is upset, there is dissonance in the melody of his life. If he can get another person to feel joy or appreciation, he will add that much joy to his life, he will become just as much more alive. Consciously or not, but his thought is subject to the good influence of joy or gratitude shown by another person, his strength and Vital energy from this increase, and the music of life increases harmony.

© Hazrat Inayat Khan. Path of Illumination.

That our life is a Metaphor of the Poet,
Unfolded by lightning from heaven,
Game of imagination and light
Illusion of misfortunes and miracles.

The whole world is theater. We change dresses, roles,
We change minds, souls and hearts.
We in the role grow up to such pain,
That we forget the viewer-Creator!

What we forget initially kind
Scenario: no illnesses in it, no troubles!
That after us there will be only an image -
Metaphor unfolded into the light...

Love… This is what all living beings strive for, what they want to gain more than anything in the world, something that is no less important than air and water, without which our body cannot live. After all, we cannot live without love. As a result, life turns into torment, brings great suffering. When there is no love, we feel fear and pain, the world seems aggressive to us, and everyone in it becomes our enemy.

It is amazing that we are so eager to give our love to our neighbor, following the commandment of Jesus, but we are not enough for long. We cannot live like this every day and every moment. At some point, we break down and instead of love, we hurt people close and dear to us. Then we repent, but it is already too late: some of them have already left this world and their bodies.

It also happens that we give love, stay in goodness, in an exalted state of mind, but in response we hear insults. It hurts us, we stop, and after frequent such clashes, sometimes we close. We close our hearts so that we no longer feel this pain and resentment.

Gradually our hearts become harder. The world is becoming more aggressive, more and more pain and suffering in it.

What's the reason our love doesn't last:

  1. We have no love for ourselves. We are ready to embrace the whole world with love, to give everyone our care, but we do not do this in relation to ourselves, we do not understand the importance of this. How then can we give to others what we do not have? It looks like absurdity. We have developed a sense of guilt and shame for wanting happiness for ourselves, calling us selfish. But after all, we ourselves are the same particles of one God, like the rest, and therefore we also deserve love and care. And only we ourselves know how much and when we need it.
  2. In principle, we have no love, because we didn't get it in childhood. The husband brings up children, leads them along the path of Truth, and the mother gives her love at the same time, she teaches love. When women were sent to work, they were deprived of the opportunity to follow their destiny. Their children, not receiving maternal love in childhood, their children were given even less of it. As a result, now everyone knows what lust is, but few understand what it is. Love.
  3. Our love is conditional. We often give love, expecting gratitude, praise in our address. Or maybe at least not offended. But this is also an expectation. We love, expecting reciprocal love. And we expect to receive it in the form that we give ourselves. But after all, we are all different, and therefore everyone gives love the way he knows how.
  4. We have no love for God. Our love is directed to anything, but not to God. But He is the Source of all things, including love. We cannot give love to everyone without hurting someone. There will always be someone dissatisfied. And we will be hurt again. God is pleased with even our tiny particle of love for Him. We can give our love to God, who will then spread it throughout the world to all of us. This does not mean that we should forget about others. This means that we must remember others as part of Him and love them as God.

God is the source of everything, but at the same time, many religious trends divide the world, divide people into groups, often sowing enmity, inciting wars. After all all wars have a religious background. Srila Prabhupada wrote in his book Journey Into Yourself that true religion should teach people to love God. But today, almost all preachers claim that it is their God that is right. But He is one. He is the same love. He pours it on us every moment, destroying our ignorance, our pain, our bitterness, filling our hearts again with love.

Those who manage to get into this stream unconditional love feel no more suffering. They are in peace, peace, giving their love to everyone and everything. They see everything as a blessing that comes to us from God. They cannot be insulted or humiliated, because there is nothing else in their hearts but love.

Next to them, people find peace and warmth. They are drawn to them because they also want to learn how to live this way. Some of them they proclaim as their teachers, mentors, guides. People follow them, but they themselves do not consider themselves great. They do not even consider that they have understood what love is, that they have learned it. This is because they are very humble. For in the heart proud man no love. And these are humble, tolerant of everything, they always express their respect and do not expect anything in return. Their life becomes truly successful because they were able to achieve perfection. purifying their hearts, filling them with prema (unconditional love for God). They feel their oneness with Him. After all Love without unity is impossible, as well as in unity there is only love.

Jesus, when he came to Earth, did not give any religion, he asked us to love each other as ourselves. He asked us to become one. Krishna, coming 5000 years ago in the Bhagavad Gita, addressing Arjuna, asked him to leave all religions and simply surrender to Him. The entire Quran is filled with love. It speaks of a caring and respectful attitude towards each other and God.

Our hearts are outside of religions, and it is in them that the answers to all questions are found and love lives. It is important to learn to live in accordance with what the heart says, to learn to listen to it. Not the mind, but the heart. Some call it instinct. Let it be so, but how can an organ of the body think, give advice, love? It is very simple, because in the heart of every living being, God resides in the form of the Supersoul. Not a different God, but one, one. No wonder many spiritual practices call us to see God in our hearts. This also explains why different people the same ideas and thoughts come to mind.

We must try to fill our hearts with love. And you need to start yourself. Need to understand that each of us is equally worthy of love to understand that we are all one. By giving love to ourselves, realizing who we are, we will be able to give love to our relatives and friends. Having given love to relatives, we will be able to give love to everyone who lives with us in the house, and then to the whole city, the whole country, the whole world, the whole Universe.

One of the subtle Laws of the Universe - The Law of Energy Exchange says that we can receive only by giving something first.. Having given our love to others, we fill them with love at that moment. As a result, they already have something to give, including us. As a result, the whole world is in the flow of unconditional love.

After all, love is not an emotion or a feeling. All emotions and feelings are temporary, constantly replacing each other. Therefore, often in people love is replaced by hatred. But this is not love, this is lust in this case, the desire to possess the object of love. True love is the desire to give, the desire to do something for another without expecting anything in return. And at the same time, not even be happy for others, but seeing that you managed to help someone, be inspired to continue doing it. This is pure unconditional love—selfless service.

How to develop love in ourselves, if we were not given it from childhood, but were given a feeling of guilt and shame? There are several tools for this.:

  1. Psychology. To some extent, it helps to remove the programs laid down in us in childhood. Thanks to her, access to the knowledge that is needed to reveal love in oneself will be facilitated. But she plays in this process not big role and only good for initial stage. These can be constellations, art therapy, dance movement therapy, affirmations, gestalt therapy and much more.
  2. Meditative and spiritual practices. They play a big role in this process and can be used in parallel with psychotechniques. Thanks to them, a person begins to better understand himself and the surrounding space. His mind comes to calmness, which contributes to the fact that a person begins to listen to his heart. The acquired knowledge contributes to a better understanding of what is happening. Contentment and gratitude appear in a person. Gradually, his heart opens up.
  3. Service to God and all living beings (bhakti yoga). Exactly this important condition to develop unconditional love. Without it, the heart will never fully open. After all, in order to settle in the heart pure love, the heart must be pure. The process of service contributes to this purification. Pride, envy, greed go away forever. The person becomes humble, patient. The understanding comes to him that other living beings are as dear to God as he is. He does not strive to receive, it becomes important for him to give and not to be the first, but simply to serve out of love. This is what Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad did. Krishna taught this to Arjuna, saying that of all practices, it is bhakti yoga that is considered the best.

Why is love needed at all? Only in order not to experience suffering, to abide in goodness? The fact is that love has one amazing property: cleansing our hearts, she gives us awareness of ourselves, this world and our place in this world. It is she who gives us Enlightenment and Awakening. It is love that binds us with strong ties to God.. It is she who opens the door to true happiness for us. After all, happiness is not a destination, but a route. This is the main purpose of love..

Composition on the theme "Love for life"

Life is given to us only one and this is already a weighty reason to love it. Living is wonderful, the main thing is to find an occupation that you will like, and you also need to try to surround yourself with only good people and then life will be really interesting.

It is very important to find your place in life, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds, because due to the fact that there is not enough money to fulfill their dreams, they have to work where there is absolutely no desire to be. Therefore, quite often people waste precious minutes not what they wanted, and for this reason, many people say that they do not love their life, because they understand that their dreams will never be realized.

An excellent work by Jack London, which has the title "Love of Life", tells us about one completely fearless man who managed to overcome even the most terrible trials. Reading this story, we understand how important is the strength of the spirit, because it is she who helps us survive even the most cruel and terrible circumstances. The author shows that everyone has a love for life, you just need to realize it and never renounce this feeling.

The main character of this work is a gold digger, who was not only betrayed best friend, but he also abandoned it in the harsh polar climate. Is that what friends do? Just next to the main character was a man who was completely unworthy of friendship, because he left his comrade to the mercy of fate, who sprained his leg, only to save himself.

The abandoned hero had to forget about the incredible sensation of pain and overcome the feeling of hunger in order to move on, because he understood that in order to be saved, he should, no matter what, go only forward. But still, this man, somewhere in the depths of his soul, hoped that his comrade had not left and he was waiting for him next to their joint hiding place, where they had once hidden important supplies for life. There was fishing line, and cartridges and other items with which you can get food for yourself. Thanks to this hope, the hero felt strength within himself. Therefore, he did not look back, because he knew that there was death.

In order for the reader to understand how hard it was for the hero, D. London describes almost every second of his life, since it is given to him with great difficulty. Here we see a real struggle to survive in difficult conditions. However, the feeling of pain, hunger and incredible fatigue, which exhausted him with every second, prevented him from going through the path. He was in complete despair, which is why so often tears appeared in his eyes. But still this man was so strong in spirit that he did not give up and went only forward.

However, all the fears that tormented him for hard way, made him look like some kind of living creature, which had a resemblance to a living skeleton. It was very difficult to call him a man. This creature practically did not understand or hear anything.
Despite this, he still managed to get to the intended goal and stay alive at the same time. After he came to his senses and again became ordinary person. But still, some of the fears that he felt during the difficult journey remained with him forever. First of all, it is the fear of hunger. However, this hero managed to return to a full life.

It is impossible not to admire this character, because he has a very a strong character. It seems to me that a person who has gone through such difficult trials simply cannot but love life. Now he will appreciate every second lived, which was once given to him with such difficulty.

After all, you can just live, mind your own business, build relationships based on mutual trust, work without thoughts about another person, which are constantly distracting. Sooner or later, everyone thinks about why love is needed at all, and comes to the conclusion that life would be much easier without this feeling. In fact, everything in the world is harmonious and harmonious. If there is love in the world, our existence without it would be doomed. Let's see why this happens.

Why do we need love in the family

Love is different. This feeling can arise in relation to parents, children, husband, friends and girlfriends, sisters and brothers, favorite characters from films and books. But love for loved ones with whom we are in daily contact is very important. Imagine that every day you accumulate resentment and hostility towards your husband, because you do not like that in his character not everything is arranged the way you need. Then the answer to the question of why love is needed suggests itself. This feeling helps us come to terms with the small shortcomings of loved ones, look at them with understanding, accept them as they are, let go of grievances and continue to live in mutual respect.

Mutual love

Many people, especially teenagers, wonder why love is needed if it is not mutual. The answer is very simple. If so, it is not love. It can be anything, such as affection, interest, or the desire to conquer a person. Love as such is manifested in the fact that people want the best for each other, plan together future life ready to help each other, listen to each other. There is no feeling of hostility between them, there are no constant major quarrels or thoughts about a possible break. It concerns

It is unlikely that someone, during a quarrel with their mother, thought that he needed to look for new parents. The same principle works with the second half. A person does not love his chosen one if he thinks about leaving him.

How to learn to love

In order to be loved, you yourself must be able to express this feeling. It is not always possible to be tolerant and gentle towards loved ones, but this does not mean that you are cold towards them. Usually, we do not feel any emotions towards people whom we do not like, even if they are negative. So don't get mad if your mom asks you to wear a hat you don't like and your loved one insists you come home early. This is the usual care in which love is manifested.

A person by nature is able to manifest this bright feeling. The problem is that he may not realize his potential if there is no object of love next to him. When someone worthy of his attention appears in a person’s life, then there is no longer any thought about why a person needs love and how to learn to experience this feeling.

Love as a way to realize yourself

The question, and love, is not asked by people who are happy with their soulmate, and also inspired by this sense of identity. It is difficult to imagine how many poems, songs were written thanks to him, pictures were drawn, musical masterpieces, accomplished feats, discovered new phenomena. It is love that pushes people to realize themselves, to become better, to work on their knowledge and skills. When there is a person next to you who is ready to support you in case of failure, who believes in you with all his heart, you will definitely find a way to achieve success in any area of ​​life. Love inspires, pushes to bold and spontaneous actions.

"Wrong" love, or How to recognize its absence

Often people mistake ordinary affection or the desire to possess someone for love. If you have warm feelings for a person, and he is not ready to answer you in the same way, this is not love, this is the usual desire to experience it. It has nothing to do with the topic of our conversation. The basic rule of love is that it does not bring suffering.

Negative emotions can only show up in what you feel about close person, you want to save him from all adversity and suffering, you try to help him at the moment of difficulties and failures. In this case, the object of your love should also understand what is yours and try to calm you down, not only with words, but also with actions. This is a kind of compromise, which should lead to harmonious coexistence. If you managed to achieve it, and at the same time you feel comfortable, then most likely you have found your love, because for the sake of a loved one it is not a pity to make small concessions.

How to find love

If you think that you can find love, then you are very mistaken. She will find you when she needs you. will show up when you don't expect it. You will simply make a conclusion for yourself after a while that you love. And this is good, because the expectation of love is the expectation of a dirty trick. You will always doubt whether you opened your soul to that person. Therefore, stop waiting for the time to come, you will definitely feel that your time has come and that you have found a person who can become the meaning of life for you.

Thus, love is a bright feeling that cannot bring suffering. If you seek to experience it, then know that you need to run from the person who hurts you. It has nothing to do with love.

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