Museum of literary heroes "In the world of Belkin's stories" in Lvovka. Museum of Literary Heroes "Tales of Belkin" (Lvovka, Nizhny Novgorod region)


The village of Lvovka, which has been part of the Pushkin family estate since the seventeenth century, is located eight kilometers from the estate of the great poet and today is part of the Boldino Museum Reserve. The village has preserved a manor with a park, which belonged to the son of the poet - A.A. Pushkin, where the poet's favorite characters settled in a restored small two-story manor house.

In September 2005, in a picturesque place of the Boldino patrimony, where Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin once loved to ride horses, the Belkin Tales museum was opened. Knowing that the best works great poet (" Bronze Horseman», « Queen of Spades”, “Little Tragedies”, “Belkin’s Tales”, etc.) were created in the Boldino autumn of 1830, it is not difficult to assume that wonderful nature Luchinnik groves and the adjoining village of Lvovka played a role in Pushkin's work. The interior of the museum, recreated from the pages of works, conveys the atmosphere and life of loved ones. literary heroes talking about their characters inner world and passions. The objects and furniture included in the museum exposition are authentic, related to Pushkin's time, restored in the workshops of Saransk and Nizhny Novgorod.

On the first floor of the house there is a living room and a room of the mythical author Ivan Petrovich Belkin with exhibits from the story "The Shot". The second floor is occupied by literary characters: Countess B ***, Liza Muromskaya from The Young Lady Peasant Woman, Maria Gavrilovna from The Snowstorm and other beloved Pushkin's heroes. The interior of all rooms in the museum combines the style of the nineteenth century.

The Museum of Literary Heroes is a new direction for Russia in the literary and museum business, which has become popular for a short time not only among domestic travelers, but also tourists from different countries.

We learned even before the trip that 8 kilometers from Boldino in the village of Lvovka there is a museum "In the world of Belkin's stories", consisting of rooms in XIX style centuries in which Pushkin's heroes could live. Here you can see the living room of the same Belkin))), the room of the young peasant lady Liza Muromskaya and much more. Recreated interiors convey the atmosphere of that time. The village of Lvovka was founded by Pushkin's grandfather in the 18th century. In the second half of the 19th century, it was owned by the son of the poet Alexander Alexandrovich, under him the house was built, which now houses the exposition.

These picturesque places were well known to the poet from frequent horse rides. The village itself then consisted of several huts, only in 1837 some of the peasants from Boldin were resettled here in order to improve the economic situation of the estate. A little later, in the late 1840s - early 1850s. a manor estate appeared. Now the Lviv estate belongs to the Pushkin reserve.

The Museum of Literary Heroes received its first visitors in January 2006. Still a very young museum.

How to get to Lvovka? I will explain at the end.)) I will only say that we barely found this museum)))

Here's where you need to...

Do not think that if you have not read or re-read the work of A.S. Pushkin's "Tales of Belkin", then you will not understand anything and you will not be interested.))) The guide will unobtrusively remind you of everything and tell you. Approximately the same as I will continue.))) The plots are brief, in the process of demonstrating the exhibits.

Climb up the wooden stairs to the second floor.

Here it is, the first edition of the book "Belkin's Tales" ..

I remind you that "The Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin" is a cycle of stories by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, consisting of 5 stories and released by him without indicating the name of the real author, that is, Pushkin himself.

The book consists of a foreword by the publisher and five stories:

« Stationmaster»
"Young lady-peasant"

Belkin's room

"Ivan Petrovich Belkin was born from honest and noble parents in 1798 in the village of Goryukhino. His late father, Second Major Pyotr Ivanovich Belkin, was married to the girl Pelageya Gavrilovna from the Trafilin family. He was not a rich man, but moderate, and in part very intelligent farmer. Their son received his initial education from a village deacon. To this venerable husband, he seems to be indebted for his passion for reading and studies in Russian literature. In 1815 he entered the service in an infantry chasseur regiment (I don’t remember the number), in which he was until 1823. The death of his parents, which happened almost at the same time, forced him to resign and come to the village of Goryukhino, his fatherland.

Here he is, in person

“Being a friend of Ivan Petrovich’s late parent, I considered it my duty to offer my son my advice, and repeatedly called to restore the former order he had missed. The young master at first began to follow me with every possible attention and diligence, but as it turned out from the accounts that in the last two years the number of peasants had multiplied, while the number of yard birds and livestock had deliberately decreased, Ivan Petrovich was content with this first information and he did not listen to me further, and at the very moment when, by my searches and strict interrogations of the rogue, I led the elder into extreme confusion, and forced me to complete silence, with my great annoyance I heard Ivan Petrovich snoring soundly in his chair. to interfere in his economic orders and transferred his affairs (like himself) to the order of the Almighty.

Probably, on the exact same chair Belkin snored)))

In the same living room, the heroes of the story "The Young Lady - a Peasant Woman" could gather ...

“Returning to the living room, the three of them sat down: the old people remembered the old time and the anecdotes of their service, and Alexei thought about what role he should play in the presence of Lisa. opened, he turned his head with such indifference, with such proud negligence, that the heart of the most inveterate coquette would certainly have shuddered.

And this room could belong to Lisa .. On the chair is a peasant's clothes, in which she changed clothes.

But she usually wore elegant dresses and hats of a young lady)))

Such cute curtains

This room is dedicated to the events of the story "The Shot".

"The count approached me with an open and friendly look; I tried to cheer myself up and began to recommend myself, but he warned me. We sat down. His conversation, free and amiable, soon dispelled my wild shyness; I was already beginning to enter into my usual position, when suddenly the countess came in, and embarrassment took possession of me more than ever. In fact, she was a beauty. The count introduced me; I wanted to appear cheeky, but the more I tried to assume an air of ease, the more awkward I felt.

“They, in order to give me time to recover and get used to a new acquaintance, began to talk among themselves, treating me like a good neighbor and without ceremony. Meanwhile, I began to walk up and down, examining books and pictures. I am not an expert in pictures, but one caught my attention, it depicted a view from Switzerland, but it was not painting that struck me, but the fact that the picture was shot through by two bullets, planted one on top of the other.

Here it is, the picture)))
Obviously on the chair - an item belonging to the count's wife)))

Wasn't that the gun that Silvio fired from?

Another room is dedicated to the events of the story "The Snowstorm"...

"Marya Gavrilovna hesitated for a long time; many escape plans were rejected. Finally, she agreed: on the appointed day, she had to not have dinner and retire to her room under the pretext of a headache. Her girlfriend was in a conspiracy; both of them had to go out into the garden through the back porch , find a ready-made sleigh behind the garden, get into them and drive five miles from Nenaradovo to the village of Zhadrino, straight to the church, where Vladimir was supposed to expect them.

Marya Gavrilovna could live in such a room, the chest has already been assembled. The young lady is preparing to run away with her lover..

Pay attention to the windows .. Winter, after all, according to the plot))) On the glass - snow patterns.

Near the house there are such alleys ..

Nearby is the building of the parochial school. It was closed for us. But on the plate (the main building of the museum) its opening hours are indicated. We looked inside. Some exhibits are covered with cloth.

They write that in 2008 the building of the parochial school in Lvovka, preserved since 1904 and built at the expense of the son of the poet A.A., was restored. Pushkin. In the process of restoration, the foundation and basement of the building were restored, and the dilapidated lower oak crowns were replaced. According to archival documents, historical porches were restored, filling in window and door openings, rafters and roofing were replaced, a blind area and landscaping of the adjacent territory were completed.

Here the atmosphere of the class of the parochial school of the beginning of the 20th century is recreated. The exposition will allow the visitor to imagine how the students of this school got acquainted with the work of A.S. Pushkin. Here you can see children's editions of the poet's works of that time, old copybooks with the texts of his poems, etc. Come take a look..

Ducks)) Family. Close and friendly))

You can walk there. Quiet and beautiful.

The main thing is to be able to get there)) Good luck!

How to get to Lvovka?

Everywhere they write that there are signs from Boldin)) It's hard to find them.))) I can only say that if you turn your back on the Pushkin Museum, you have to go right, then turn again at the intersection (also to the right). For peace of mind, we asked the one walking along the road local resident about where to turn))) You need to drive past the very famous Luchinnik grove (there is definitely a sign there - it will be on the right), and as soon as the turn is after it to the right, turn.

Grove Luchinnik - Exposition object of the museum-reserve "Boldino"; a place known since the time of the poet A.S. Pushkin.

When a "pocket" of the parking lot appears on the right next to another small grove (it's not clear why, right with the letter P on the sign), know that you have almost arrived. Almost immediately then turn right and after 100 meters you will see the Museum building behind the trees.)) But don't even be afraid that you will pass this building if you don't see it. There will be a parking lot and a dead end. Nearby are several ordinary wooden houses and a wooden toilet.)))

The museum is open from 10 am to 4 pm.
On some sites it is written that on Monday - Tuesday - days off. I don't know, I didn't see it on the label. Maybe it's better to call them before you go there. Not passing light in any situation.)))

But around very beautiful nature. You won't find it, so breathe fresh air and take a walk.)))

Museum of Literary Heroes "In the World of Belkin's Tales" in Lvovka

The village of Lvovka, which has been part of the Pushkin family estate since the seventeenth century, is located eight kilometers from the estate of the great poet and today is part of the Boldino Museum Reserve. The village has preserved a manor with a park, which belonged to the son of the poet - A.A. Pushkin, where the poet's favorite characters settled in a restored small two-story manor house. In September 2005, in a picturesque place of the Boldino patrimony, where Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin once loved to ride horses, the Belkin Tales museum was opened. Knowing that the best works of the great poet ("The Bronze Horseman", "The Queen of Spades", "Little Tragedies", "Belkin's Tales", etc.) were created in the Boldino autumn of 1830, it is not difficult to assume that the amazing nature of the Luchinnik grove and the adjoining the village of Lvovka played a role in the work of Pushkin. The interior of the museum, recreated from the pages of works, conveys the atmosphere and life of your favorite literary heroes, talking about their characters, inner world and passions. The items and furniture included in the museum's exposition are authentic, dating back to Pushkin's time, restored in the workshops of Saransk and Nizhny Novgorod. On the first floor of the house there is a living room and a room of the mythical author Ivan Petrovich Belkin with exhibits from the story "The Shot". The second floor is occupied by literary characters: Countess B ***, Liza Muromskaya from The Young Lady Peasant Woman, Maria Gavrilovna from The Snowstorm and other beloved Pushkin characters. The interior of all rooms in the museum combines the style of the nineteenth century. The Museum of Literary Heroes is a new direction for Russia in the literary and museum business, which has become popular in a short time not only among domestic travelers, but also tourists from different countries.

The museum is located on the territory of the Lvovka estate, which was in the possession of the Pushkin family. The poet himself (1799-1837) had never been here. The manor's house was built in 1853 - 1856. Pushkin's mission - A.A. - repeatedly stopped here. Pushkin.

Today, only a few residents remain in Lvovka. In addition to the museum, there is practically nothing else here. An asphalt road leads to Lvovka, which ends here. Lvovka has a large free parking lot.

Nearby (a few kilometers) there is another Pushkin's place- . According to legend, it was the poet's favorite walking place. In the grove there is an equipped spring with spring water, open to the public all year round.


The museum is dedicated to the literary heroes of Belkin's Tales. Literary interiors are recreated here based on the pages of stories, the action of which takes place in the atmosphere of provincial noble estates. This is "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman", "Snowstorm", the second part of the story "Shot". One of the rooms is dedicated to the character that unites the whole cycle - Ivan Petrovich Belkin, the "dummy" author of the stories.

The museum is located in the mansion estates XIX in.

Belkin's office

A park

There is a small park near the building of the manor house. The park is not very well maintained (few regular paths), but it's nice to spend time here. The old trees have been preserved.

Behind the house is a flower garden with benches and a small gazebo.

Church School

Located within the park. The building of the parochial school in Lvovka was built on the initiative of Pushkin's son, A. A. Pushkin.

The wooden house was built in 1904 by Lviv peasants. The first teacher at the school was Praskovya Gerasimovna Pogodina.

During the USSR, this building also for a long time the school was located.

In 2008 the building was restored. Here the atmosphere of the class where peasant children studied was recreated.

In the room of the teacher Pogodina, an exhibition on the history of the restoration of the Lvov estate of the Pushkins was arranged.

What unites Dr. Faust, Baron Munchausen, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, Uncle Tom, Popeye the sailor and little prince? The fact is that all these characters have their own museums. For fictional creature and for its creator is a great honor. Because the museum of the character is the highest proof of its authenticity and a sign of unconditional popular worship of the author.

World museum practice includes several dozen museums of literary, folklore and film characters. Idol worshipers and curious people from all over the world flock to some museums, while others still bear the burden of "municipal" glory.

Every year, the number of these unusual museums is replenished by Russian apartments, houses, estates and even entire villages dedicated to the life and adventures of heroes, in the existence of which we unconditionally believe the whole country.

The first museum of a fictional character in our country was opened in October 1972, 45 years ago, in the village of Vyra near Leningrad. For reasons of literary political correctness, the proud right of the first swallow was given to a character born under Pushkin's quill pen with hazelnut ink - Samson Vyrin.

The place was not chosen by chance - having waved 70 miles, the messengers stopped for the night or changed horses at the third station of the Belarusian tract - Vyra. According to archival documents and descriptions from the story “The Stationmaster”, the atmosphere of the road station of the era of Nicholas I is carefully recreated in the house. an elderly father and daughter left and are about to return to continue unwinding and unraveling their eternal sad story.

No. 2. Museum of Literary Heroes "Belkin's Tales"

The village of Lvovka, located in the Bolsheboldinsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, has been the patrimony of the Pushkins since the 17th century and was named after the poet's grandfather, Lev Alexandrovich. In 2005 in manor estate behind the Luchinnik grove, a museum of the heroes of Belkin's Tales was opened.

Ivan Petrovich Belkin's room

One of the rooms of the mansion is dedicated to Ivan Petrovich Belkin - a fictional author of stories - his portrait hangs here, there is a bent chair, reclining on which the narrator snored in his sleep - try not to believe in the reality of this character! The rest of the rooms are ideal scenery for the five stories of the cycle. In Liza Muromskaya's room, a peasant dress hangs casually on a chair; further we find the collected chest of Marya Gavrilovna; then we go into the room where Silvio left a shot through red hat on the table an inch from the forehead ...

The house itself, with its charming old provinciality, and all its landscape surroundings are perceived as genuine illustrations of the Belkin cycle. Everything here is authentic, honest, real.

Number 3. Museum of the poem "Anna Snegina"

Manor Kashina. Photo:

In 1995, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yesenin, the Anna Snegina Museum was opened in Konstantinov. The last Konstantinovsky landowner Lydia Kashina, who had been friends with the poet for many years, became the prototype main character- a young noblewoman, youthful love of the protagonist Sergusha. It was in the estate of Kashina that the exposition of the museum was located.

Thanks to the many photographs and authentic gizmos that once belonged to Kashina-Snegina, and dozens of letters written by her legendary fellow villager, reality here is so intertwined with fiction that cannot be separated real story from beautiful writing.

No. 4. Museum "Two Captains"

Museum of V. A. Kaverin

Remember "Fight and seek, find and never give up"? AT hometown Veniamin Kaverin - Pskov since 2002, the museum of the novel "Two Captains" has been operating. In the very center of the museum, a flag with the famous motto flutters on the mast, and the exhibits tell about the prototypes of the main characters, about the idea of ​​the novel and, of course, about the development of the Far North.

"Two Captains" difficult fate. The book that fulfilled the dream of all post-war boys, served as the basis for one of the best adventure books. Soviet films, in our memory is inextricably linked with terrible tragedy late twentieth century- musical Nord-Ost. Therefore, the Museum of "Two Captains" is also a place of memory.

On the huge maps The routes of Brusilov, Sedov, Tatarinov were laid in the north. Young visitors who love museums where everything is allowed to touch will navigate legendary routes on magnetic ships using a real ship's compass. Here, in this unusual museum, the spirit of heroic adventures hovers. It is worth going here for your childhood dreams and then to have something to dream about.

No. 5. "Bad apartment"

The Bulgakov State Museum on Sadovaya-Spasskaya, 10 in Moscow today is better known as Woland's apartment or "Bad apartment". According to the text of the legendary novel, Woland, having sent Stepa Likhodeev to Yalta, settled right here, in apartment No. 50, in a real communal hell. In fact, the writer himself lived in this apartment from 1921 to 1924. By the way, according to legend, a certain Anna Goryacheva lived in this same Annushka.

Bad apartment number 50 is located on the fifth floor of a five-story building. The window overlooks the opposite wing of the house and another "bad apartment" associated with the "Master and Margarita" - apartment number 34, which also served as a prototype of a place with bad energy.

Interesting fact - in St. Petersburg, too, there is a "bad apartment." Only not Bulgakovskaya, but Tolstovskaya. Its number is 60 and it is located on the sixth floor of a six-story building on the embankment of the Fontanka River.

No. 6. Museum of Ostap Bender

Museum of Ostap Bender Kozmodemyansk. Photo:

Dearly loved by housewives, widows and even a woman - a dental technician, the romantic adventurer Mr. O. Bender was awarded two museums - in St. Petersburg and in Kozmodemyansk.

Once a year, during the days of the Benderiada festival, Kozmodemyansk is renamed New Vasyuki and turns into a carnival of humor. Fans of Ilf and Petrov come here for the "interplanetary" chess tournament and auction, where you can buy a chair with diamonds. When the city takes a break from the holiday, Benderomaniacs can visit the museum - an old merchant's mansion, appointed as a place of military glory of the legendary literary hero.

In 1995, the Bender Museum opened in St. Petersburg. Following inimitable style the main character, the museum was closed several times. However, he always received a new birth, the last of which happened quite recently - in the summer of 2016.

The museum exposition presents authentic items, copies of those that appear in the novel - the famous tea strainer, Kisa Vorobyaninov's pince-nez, a table from the Horns and Hooves office and, of course, a weight that you can even try to cut. To the bewildered question “Why, all of a sudden, Petersburg?”, The creators of the museum answer this way: according to one version, the prototype of Bender was Osip Shor, a bright, adventurous gentleman who lived here when he was a student. Subsequently, Osip Shor was seen as an imaginary promising groom, a great chess player and great artist… A recognizable character, in a word.

No. 7. Museum of the Snow Maiden

Terem Snegurochka in Kostroma, photo:

Museum of this literary character was opened in 2008 in Kostroma. It was here in 1873 that Ostrovsky, inspired by Afanasiev's fairy tales, composed a play about a pale, fair-haired girl, the daughter (!) of Father Frost and Spring-Red. The play remained unnoticed by the public for almost ten years, until he wrote an opera of the same name based on it.

In addition to the Snow Maiden, other representatives of folklore “live” in the museum, from brownies to Bayun the cat. In the museum you can see the sleigh on which the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus deliver gifts to children, visit the Ice Room and even try a snow cocktail.

No. 8. Cheburashka Museum

Museum in the school - all right, and the museum in kindergarten- is it conceivable? It turns out yes. In Moscow, not far from the Vykhino metro station, in kindergarten and school No. 2031, there are two exhibition sites dedicated to Cheburashka. In front of entrance - phone booth in which the beloved lived children's hero, inside - the history of the creation of a touching and strange creature and many of its incarnations - "Cheburashka" crafts.

By the way, he himself initiated the creation of the museum, he was looking for like-minded people in publishing houses for a long time, but found them only ... in a kindergarten. Today, according to Uspensky, Cheburashka has surpassed the author himself in popularity.

No. 9. Village Prostokvashino

- a master of the embodiment of literary heroes. Heroes of tales from the life of Prostokvashino, as well as Cheburashka, should soon acquire an address and a museum. In the Tonkinsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region there is a village called Prostokvashino. It has 17 houses and 10 inhabitants.

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