In what genre is Eugene Onegin written. Reflection of the Pushkin era


Eugene Onegin reflected the whole life of Russian society at the beginning of the 19th century. However, two centuries later, this work is interesting not only in historical and literary plan, but also in terms of the relevance of the questions that Pushkin posed to the reading public. Everyone, opening the novel, found something of their own in it, empathized with the characters, noted the lightness and mastery of style. And quotes from this work have long become aphorisms, they are pronounced even by those who have not read the book itself.

A.S. Pushkin created this work for about 8 years (1823-1831). The history of the creation of "Eugene Onegin" began in Chisinau in 1823. It reflected the experience of "Ruslan and Lyudmila", but the subject of the image was not historical and folklore characters, A modern heroes and the author himself. The poet also begins to work in line with realism, gradually abandoning romanticism. During the period of Mikhailovsky exile, he continued to work on the book, and completed it already during the forced imprisonment in the village of Boldino (Pushkin was detained by cholera). Thus, creative history works absorbed the most "fertile" years of the creator, when his skill evolved at a frantic pace. So his novel reflected everything that he had learned during this time, everything that he knew and felt. Perhaps this circumstance owes its depth to the work.

The author himself calls his novel "a collection of colorful chapters”, Each of the 8 chapters has relative independence, because the writing of “Eugene Onegin” lasted a long time, and each episode opened a certain stage in Pushkin’s life. In parts, the book came out, the release of each became an event in the world of literature. The complete edition was published only in 1837.

Genre and composition

A.S. Pushkin defined his work as a novel in verse, emphasizing that it is lyrical-epic: the storyline, expressed by the love story of the characters (epic beginning), is adjacent to digressions and author's reflections (lyrical beginning). That is why the genre of "Eugene Onegin" is called "novel".

"Eugene Onegin" consists of 8 chapters. In the first chapters, readers are introduced to central character Eugene, move with him to the village and meet a future friend - Vladimir Lensky. Further, the drama of the narration increases due to the appearance of the Larin family, especially Tatyana. The sixth chapter is the culmination of the relationship between Lensky and Onegin and the flight of the protagonist. And at the end of the work, the storyline of Eugene and Tatiana is unraveled.

Lyrical digressions are connected with the narration, but this is also a dialogue with the reader, they emphasize the “free” form, proximity to a heart-to-heart conversation. The same factor can explain the incompleteness, openness of the finale of each chapter and the novel as a whole.

About what?

A young, but already disillusioned with life, nobleman inherits an estate in the village, goes there, hoping to dispel his blues. begins with the fact that he was forced to sit with a sick uncle, who left his nephew family nest. However, the village life soon bores the hero, his existence would become unbearable if it were not for his acquaintance with the poet Vladimir Lensky. Friends are "ice and fire", but the differences did not interfere with friendly relations. will help figure this out.

Lensky introduces a friend to the Larin family: an old mother, sisters Olga and Tatyana. The poet has long been in love with Olga, a windy coquette. The character of Tatyana, who herself falls in love with Eugene, is much more serious and whole. Her imagination has been drawing a hero for a long time, it remains only for someone to appear. The girl is suffering, tormented, writing a romantic letter. Onegin is flattered, but understands that he cannot respond to such a passionate feeling, therefore he gives a harsh rebuke to the heroine. This circumstance plunges her into depression, she anticipates trouble. And the trouble really came. Onegin decides to take revenge on Lensky because of an accidental quarrel, but chooses a terrible means: he flirts with Olga. The poet is offended, challenges his yesterday's friend to a duel. But the culprit kills the "slave of honor" and leaves forever. The essence of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is not even to show all this. The main thing worth paying attention to is the description of Russian life and the psychologism of the characters, which develops under the influence of the depicted atmosphere.

However, the relationship between Tatiana and Eugene is not over. They meet at a secular evening, where the hero sees not a naive girl, but a mature woman in full splendor. And he falls in love. Also tormented and writes a message. And meets the same rebuff. Yes, the beauty has not forgotten anything, but it’s too late, she is “given to another”:. A failed lover is left with nothing.

Main characters and their characteristics

The images of the heroes of "Eugene Onegin" are not random selection actors. This is a miniature Russian society of that time, where all known types are scrupulously listed noble people: the poor landowner Larin, his secular but degraded wife in the village, the exalted and bankrupt poet Lensky, his windy and frivolous passion, etc. They all represent Imperial Russia times of its heyday. No less interesting and original. Below is a description of the main characters:

  1. Eugene Onegin is the main character of the novel. It carries dissatisfaction with life, fatigue from it. Pushkin tells in detail about the environment in which the young man grew up, about how the environment shaped his character. Onegin's upbringing is typical for the nobles of those years: a superficial education aimed at being successful in a decent society. He was prepared not for a real business, but exclusively for secular entertainment. Therefore, from a young age I was tired of the empty brilliance of balls. He has a "soul direct nobility" (feels friendly affection for Lensky, does not seduce Tatyana, taking advantage of her love). The hero is capable of a deep feeling, but is afraid of losing his freedom. But, despite the nobility, he is an egoist, and narcissism underlies all his feelings. The essay contains the most detailed description character.
  2. Very different from Tatyana Larina, this image appears ideal: a whole, wise, devoted nature, ready for anything for the sake of love. She grew up in a healthy environment, in nature, and not in the world, so real feelings are strong in her: kindness, faith, dignity. The girl loves to read, and in the books she drew an image of a special, romantic, shrouded in mystery. It was this image that was embodied in Eugene. And Tatyana, with all her passion, truthfulness and purity, gave herself up to this feeling. She did not seduce, did not flirt, but took the liberty of confessing. This brave and honest act did not find a response in Onegin's heart. He fell in love with her seven years later, when she shone in the light. Fame and wealth did not bring happiness to the woman, she married the unloved, but Eugene's courtship is impossible, family oaths are sacred to her. More about this in the essay.
  3. Tatyana's sister Olga does not represent great interest, there is not a single sharp corner in it, everything is round, it is not for nothing that Onegin compares it with the moon. The girl accepts Lensky's courtship. And any other person, because, why not accept, she is flirtatious and empty. Between the Larin sisters, there is immediately an enormous difference. The youngest daughter went to her mother, a windy socialite who was forcibly imprisoned in the village.
  4. However, the poet Vladimir Lensky fell in love with the coquettish Olga. Probably because it is easy to fill the void with your own content in dreams. The hero was still burning with hidden fire, he felt subtly and analyzed little. It has high moral concepts, therefore it is alien to the light and not poisoned by it. If Onegin talked and danced with Olga only out of boredom, then Lensky saw this as a betrayal, former friend became an insidious tempter of a sinless girl. In the maximalist perception of Vladimir, this is immediately a break in relations and a duel. In it, the poet lost. The author raises the question, what could await the character with a favorable outcome? The conclusion is disappointing: Lensky would have married Olga, become an ordinary landowner and become vulgar in a routine vegetative existence. You may also need .
  5. Themes

  • The main theme of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is extensive - it is Russian life. The book shows life and upbringing in the world, in the capital, village life, customs and occupations, typical and at the same time unique portraits of characters are drawn. Almost two centuries later, the characters contain features that are inherent in modern people, these images are deeply national.
  • The theme of friendship is also reflected in "Eugene Onegin". The main character and Vladimir Lensky were in close friendship. But can it be considered real? They met on occasion, out of boredom. Eugene sincerely became attached to Vladimir, who warmed the cold heart of the hero with his spiritual fire. However, just as quickly, he is ready to offend a friend, flirting with his beloved, who is happy about this. Eugene thinks only about himself, he is absolutely unimportant to the feelings of other people, so he could not save his comrade.
  • Love is also an important theme of the work. Almost all writers talk about it. Pushkin was no exception. In the image of Tatiana is expressed true love. It can develop in spite of everything and stay for life. Onegin no one loved and will not love like main character. Missing this, you remain unhappy for life. Unlike the sacrificial, all-forgiving feelings of a girl, Onegin's emotions are pride. He was frightened by a timid girl who fell in love for the first time, for whose sake it would be necessary to abandon the disgusting, but familiar light. But Eugene was subdued by a cold secular beauty, with whom to visit is already an honor, not like loving her.
  • Subject extra person. The trend of realism appears in the work of Pushkin. It was the environment that brought Onegin up so disappointed. It was it that preferred to see superficiality in the nobles, the focus of all their efforts on creating secular brilliance. And nothing else is needed. On the contrary, education folk traditions, the society of ordinary people made the soul healthy, and the nature whole, like Tatiana's.
  • The theme of devotion. Faithful to her first and most strong love Tatyana, and frivolous, changeable and ordinary Olga. Larina's sisters are completely opposite. Olga reflects a typical secular girl, for whom the main thing is herself, her attitude towards her, and therefore it is possible to change if there is a better option. As soon as Onegin said a couple of pleasant words, she forgot about Lensky, whose affection is much stronger. Tatyana's heart is true to Eugene all his life. Even when he trampled on her feelings, she waited a long time and could not find another (again, unlike Olga, who quickly consoled herself after Lensky's death). The heroine had to get married, but in her heart she continued to be faithful to Onegin even though love is no longer possible.


The problems in the novel "Eugene Onegin" are very indicative. It reveals not only psychological and social, but also political shortcomings and even whole tragedies of the system. For example, the outdated, but no less terrible, drama of Tatyana's mother is shocking. The woman was forced to marry, and she broke down under the onslaught of circumstances, becoming an evil and despotic mistress of a hated estate. But what actual problems raised

  • The main problem that is raised in all realism in general, and Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin" in particular, is the destructive influence of secular society on the human soul. A hypocritical and greedy environment poisons the personality. It makes outward demands of decency: the young man must know a little French, read a little fashion literature, to be decently and expensively dressed, that is, to impress, to seem, and not to be. And all the feelings here are also false, they only seem. That is why secular society takes away the best from people, it cools the brightest flame with its cold deceit.
  • Khandra Evgenia is another problematic issue. Why does the main character get depressed? Not only because society has corrupted him. main reason- he does not find the answer to the question: why all this? Why does he live? To go to theaters, to balls and receptions? The absence of a vector, direction of movement, awareness of the meaninglessness of existence - these are the feelings that embrace Onegin. Here before us rises from eternal problem the meaning of life, which is so hard to find.
  • The problem of selfishness is reflected in the image of the protagonist. Realizing that no one would love him in a cold and indifferent world, Eugene began to love himself more than anyone in the world. Therefore, he does not care about Lensky (he only blows boredom), Tatyana (she can take away her freedom), he thinks only of himself, but he is punished for this: he remains completely alone and is rejected by Tatyana.


The main idea of ​​the novel "Eugene Onegin" is to criticize the existing order of life, which dooms more or less outstanding natures to loneliness and death. After all, there is so much potential in Eugene, but there is no business, only secular intrigues. How much spiritual fire is in Vladimir, and besides death, only vulgarization in a feudal, suffocating environment can await him. How many spiritual beauty and mind in Tatyana, and she can only be the hostess of secular evenings, dress up and carry on empty conversations.

People who do not think, do not reflect, do not suffer - these are the ones who are existing reality. This is a consumer society that lives at the expense of others, which shines while those "others" vegetate in poverty and filth. The thoughts that Pushkin thought about deserve attention to this day, remain important and urgent.

Another meaning of "Eugene Onegin", which Pushkin laid down in his work, is to show how important it is to preserve individuality and virtue when temptations and fashions rage around, which subjugate more than one generation of people. While Eugene was chasing new trends, playing the cold and disappointed hero of Byron, Tatyana listened to the voice of her heart and remained true to herself. Therefore, she finds happiness in love, albeit unrequited, and he finds only boredom in everything and everyone.

Features of the novel

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is a fundamentally new phenomenon in the literature of the early 19th century. He has a special composition - this is a "novel in verse", a lyrical-epic work of great volume. IN digressions looms the image of the author, his thoughts, feelings and ideas that he wants to convey to readers.

Pushkin strikes with the lightness and melodiousness of his language. His literary style is devoid of heaviness, didacticity, the author is able to talk about complex and important things simple and clear. Of course, much needs to be read between the lines, since severe censorship was ruthless to geniuses, but the poet is also not sewn with a bastard, so he managed to tell about the socio-political problems of his state in the elegance of the verse, which were successfully hushed up in the press. It is important to understand that before Alexander Sergeevich, Russian poetry was different, he made a kind of “revolution of the game”.

The feature is also contained in the system of images. Eugene Onegin is the first in the gallery of "superfluous people", who contain a huge potential that cannot be realized. Tatyana Larina "raised" female images from the place "the main character needs someone to love" to an independent and integral portrait of a Russian woman. Tatyana is one of the first heroines who looks stronger and more significant than the main character, and does not hide in his shadow. This is how the direction of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is manifested - realism, which more than once will open the topic of an extra person and affect a difficult woman's destiny. By the way, we also described this feature in the essay "".

Realism in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

"Eugene Onegin" marks Pushkin's transition to realism. In this novel, the author for the first time raises the theme of man and society. Personality is not perceived separately, it is part of the society that educates, leaves a certain imprint or completely forms people.

The main characters are typical yet unique. Eugene is an authentic secular nobleman: disappointed, superficially educated, but at the same time not like those around him - noble, intelligent, observant. Tatyana is an ordinary provincial young lady: she was brought up on French novels, filled with the sweet dreams of these works, but at the same time she is a “Russian soul”, a wise, virtuous, loving, harmonious nature.

It is in the fact that readers for two centuries see themselves, their acquaintances in the characters, it is in the inescapable relevance of the novel that its realistic orientation is expressed.


The novel "Eugene Onegin" evoked a great response from readers and critics. According to E.A. Baratynsky: "Everyone talks about them in his own way: some praise, others scold and everyone reads." Contemporaries scolded Pushkin for the "labyrinth of digressions", for the insufficiently written character of the protagonist, for the negligence of the language. The reviewer Thaddeus Bulgarin, who supported the government and conservative literature, especially distinguished himself.

However, the novel was best understood by V.G. Belinsky, who called it "an encyclopedia of Russian life", a historical work, despite the absence of historical characters. Indeed, the modern belles-lettres lover can study "Eugene Onegin" from this point of view as well, in order to learn more about noble society beginning of the 19th century.

And a century later, the comprehension of the novel in verse continued. Yu.M.Lotman saw complexity, paradoxicality in the work. This is not just a collection of quotes familiar from childhood, it is an “organic world”. All this proves the relevance of the work and its significance for Russian national culture.

What does it teach?

Pushkin showed the life of young people, how their fate can be. Of course, fate depends not only on the environment, but also on the characters themselves, but the influence of society is undeniable. The poet showed the main enemy that strikes the young nobles: idleness, the aimlessness of existence. The conclusion of Alexander Sergeevich is simple: the creator calls not to limit himself to secular conventions, stupid rules, but to live full life guided by moral and spiritual components.

These ideas remain relevant to this day. modern people often there is a choice: live in harmony with yourself or break yourself for the sake of some benefits or public recognition. Choosing the second path, chasing illusory dreams, you can lose yourself and find with horror that life is over, and nothing has been done. This is what you need to fear the most.

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It's no secret that literary works belong to certain genres and types of literature. And if they are limited to three categories: epic, lyrics, drama, then there are a lot more genres.

"Eugene Onegin": genre

The famous work of art "Eugene Onegin", feathered great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, has long been under close attention philologists and literary critics. Not only is this work filled with deep semantic content, its genre characteristics are also very ambiguous. So, why is the definition of the genre of "Eugene Onegin" so unusual?

Genera and genres of literature

To begin with, it should be noted that the work is written in poetic form, which means that to which it belongs is lyrical. However, despite the fact that the story is described in verse, it is absolutely impossible to call it a simple poem. The detailed plot, the dynamics of the development of events, psychologism and the works within the work rightfully allow us to attribute "Eugene Onegin" to the genre of the novel. According to the definition from the explanatory dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, a novel is a prose epic literary work with multiple characters and complex plot structure. Based on it, we can say that in terms of meaning and content, "Eugene Onegin" refers, rather, to the epic genre and the novel genre of literature.

Brief description of the plot

According to the plot, a spoiled and selfish young man from the capital, Eugene Onegin, tired of endless balls and secular receptions, decides to retire to live in the village in order to somehow add variety to his identical everyday life. However, life in the village turns out to be more boring than in St. Petersburg, Eugene is again attacked by the blues. He meets the young inhabitants of the village: the eighteen-year-old talented poet Vladimir Lensky, the Larin sisters - the beautiful and cheerful Olga, thoughtful and dreamy Tatyana.

They also become the main characters in the plot. Lensky is engaged to Olga, while Tatyana has fallen in love with Yevgeny. However, he does not reciprocate the feelings of the girl, and having received a letter with an ardent and tender declaration of love, he tries to set her on the right path, advising her not to express her feelings to unfamiliar people in the future. Tatyana is embarrassed and offended. And Lensky, meanwhile, challenges Onegin to a duel for repeatedly inviting his fiancee Olga to dance. Just before the duel, Tatyana has a dream in which Yevgeny kills Vladimir, but the girl does not know about the intention of the young people to shoot themselves, otherwise she would have prevented the duel. Onegin kills Lensky, afraid to cancel the duel and be known as secular society a coward. Olga does not mourn her lover for long and soon marries another. After some time, Tatyana also gets married, for some time she still continues to love Yevgeny, but then the veil falls from her eyes.

Once, at a secular ball, these two met: the still bored and moping Onegin and the inaccessible noble wife of the general Tatyana. And in this meeting, the heroes switched roles, Eugene realized that he had fallen in love with a beautiful princess, Tatyana answered him with a phrase that later became famous: “But I am given to another and I will be faithful to him for a century.”

Analysis of the genre specifics of the text

So, how, in fact, to determine the genre in the work "Eugene Onegin"? We can say about the plot that it is really rich in events, and the dialogues and monologues of the characters are full of sensuality and psychologism. These features make it possible to classify the work as a genre of the novel. However, the poetic form of Pushkin's famous creation leaves the question open. Experts tend to argue that the genre of "Eugene Onegin" is a novel in verse. However, according to some literary critics, including Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky, this is not so. They argue that the genre of "Eugene Onegin" is a poem, since the work fully and almost with historical accuracy reproduces the life of the Russian public in the capital and beyond. V. G. Belinsky, without stint, called "Eugene Onegin" "an encyclopedia of Russian life." But for a poem, the work still has too much large volume, the amount of text is closer to the novel. This is the first contradiction.

The second contradiction is related to the content of the novel. Again, critics call "Eugene Onegin" not only a "novel about a novel", but also a "novel within a novel." And if the first definition is directly influenced by the genre of "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin A.S., as well as the love line - the central theme of the plot, then the second characteristic is directly related to the inside of the work.

"A novel about a novel"

So, as it was already clarified earlier, in terms of its genre, the work belongs more to the novel, despite the presentation in verse. And this is the first component of the definition of "a novel about a novel." The second, of course, reflects the presence of love events in the plot. As the action develops, the reader can observe how the relationship between two couples develops: Olga Larina and Vladimir Lensky and her sister Tatiana and Eugene Onegin. However, the relations of the latter come to the fore. It is around this couple that the plot revolves. Thus, the expression "a novel about a novel" indicates not only the presence of a love line in the text, but also in Once again emphasizes that in the work "Eugene Onegin" the genre is characterized as a novel.

"Romance within a novel"

This feature also contains a reference to the genre. Pushkin's creation. However, now that the question “Eugene Onegin” no longer arises - what genre? ”, deciphering the second part of the phrase is not required. Of course, we are talking about the attitude to the genre. But the first part of the definition recalls the presence in the text of another novel - Tatyana Larina’s letter , almost artwork. Confessing her love to Onegin, Tatyana told in writing about her feelings. And Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin fully reflected her impulse. It is about this novel as a genre characteristic within another novel - the work itself - that is being discussed. Tatyana Larina, pouring out her love for Eugene, gave birth to her own novel in verse, displaying it in a letter.

So, even after analyzing the work "Eugene Onegin", its genre is still problematic to establish. In form it is a poem, in content it is a novel. Perhaps only such a talented and great poet as Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is allowed to invent his own genre - a novel in verse - and demonstrate it with the best example.

Pushkin's original intention with Eugene Onegin was to create a comedy similar to Griboedov's Woe from Wit. In the poet's letters, one can find sketches for a comedy in which the protagonist was portrayed as a satirical character. In the course of work on the novel, which lasted more than seven years, the author's intentions changed significantly, as did his worldview as a whole.

By genre nature The novel is very complex and original. This is a "novel in verse". Works of this genre are also found in other authors, for example, Byron's novel in verse "Childe Harold". The first half of the 19th century was the era of romanticism, and Byron was a favorite poet for many Russian word artists. It is no coincidence that the image of Childe Harold is repeatedly mentioned in Pushkin's novel, Eugene Onegin is compared with him. By definition, a verse novel is a major lyric-epic narrative. In Pushkin's novel, a lot of space is given to the author's digressions, reflections, feelings. This makes the work lyrical. At the same time, the events in the country and society are widely depicted in the novel, the image is multifaceted, life path Onegin. Such features are inherent in the prose, epic novel. Pushkin himself wrote that a prose novel and a novel in verse are "a diabolical difference", and defined the genre of "Eugene Onegin" as a "free novel".

Compositionally, "Eugene Onegin" is built as a "novel within a novel." This served the purposes of the author. His novel is lyrical-epic. Epic is the inner plane of the story. It includes a main fictional plot. In it, Pushkin reproduces the fate of Onegin as a representative younger generation Russian nobility, "an extra person" in a conservative society, where it is impossible to use one's strength. How epic the image of Tatiana Larina was created. It was the first strong and deep female Russian character. After him, a tradition of depicting female types in Russian literature developed. TO epic genre also applies to the image of the two capitals of Russia - St. Petersburg and Moscow, the Russian village with its local way of life. The fates of the heroes are shown against a broad background of the history and culture of the country.

Lyrical is the "external" plan of the narrative, which consists of author's digressions. They are very broad in scope of topics and problems. Lyrical are landscape digressions. The beauty and grandeur of nature are given through the perception of the author and his characters. In the first chapter, Pushkin depicts the sea in a romantic way. There are many landscapes in the novel and memories, for example, about youth, rural scenery. The author pays attention to all seasons, describing the state of nature in each of them. wonderful picture Russian winter is shown through the eyes of Tatyana.

Critical and journalistic digressions are a conversation between the author and the reader about literary styles, techniques, genres. Pushkin writes about the intention to objectively depict reality, talks about the books that Tatyana reads, about why love letter she writes in French.

There are many digressions in the novel, in which we are talking about family, marriage, love, fashion, friendship, education. In each of them, Pushkin appears in some new guise, expresses his point of view.

In his remarkable work, Pushkin used the features of all the genre varieties of the novel known at that time in literature: the novel-education, the novel-biography, the novel-journey, love story, adventure novel, historical novel. In "Eugene Onegin" there is a description of the hero's life, his childhood and early youth. The hero travels around the country, then abroad and back, vividly shown love story, duel, historical paintings life of Russia. Pushkin sharply poses the problem of upbringing and education of noble youth. The author focuses on the process of growing up a person, the development of his personality.

At complex composition and the variety of genre components, Pushkin managed to create a complete, integral and unique work for Russian literature.

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    • It was no coincidence that the great Russian critic V. G. Belinsky called the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" "an encyclopedia of Russian life." This is, of course, connected with the fact that not a single work of Russian literature can be compared with the immortal novel in terms of breadth of coverage. modern writer reality. Pushkin describes his time, noting everything that was essential for the life of that generation: the life and customs of people, the state of their souls, popular philosophical, political and economic trends, literary tastes, fashion and […]
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    • "Eugene Onegin" is a well-known work of A.S. Pushkin. Here the writer realized the main idea and desire - to give the image of the hero of the time, a portrait of his contemporary - human XIX centuries. Onegin's portrait is an ambiguous and complex combination of many positive qualities and big flaws. The image of Tatyana is the most significant and important female image in the novel. basic romantic storyline Pushkin's novel in verse they make up the relationship between Onegin and Tatyana. Tatyana fell in love with Eugene […]
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    • The famous Pushkin novel in verse not only fascinated lovers Russian literature high poetic skill, but also caused controversy about the ideas that the author wanted to express here. These disputes did not bypass the main character - Eugene Onegin. The definition of “extra person” has long been attached to it. However, even today it is interpreted differently. And this image is so multifaceted that it provides material for a variety of readings. Let's try to answer the question: in what sense can Onegin be considered "extra […]
    • Creating the image of his time and the man of the era, Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin" conveyed a personal idea of ​​the ideal of a Russian woman. The ideal of the poet is Tatyana. Pushkin says so about her: "Dear ideal." Of course, Tatyana Larina is a dream, a poet's idea of ​​what a woman should be like to be admired and loved. When we first meet the heroine, we see that the poet distinguishes her from other representatives of the nobility. Pushkin emphasizes that Tatyana loves nature, winter, sledding. Exactly […]
    • Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky The age of the hero More mature, at the beginning of the novel in verse and during the acquaintance and duel with Lensky he is 26 years old. Lensky is young, he is not yet 18 years old. Upbringing and education home education, which was typical for most nobles in Russia. The educators “did not bother with strict morality”, “slightly scolded for pranks”, but, more simply, spoiled the barchonka. He studied at the University of Göttingen in Germany, the birthplace of romanticism. In his intellectual baggage […]
    • Let's start with Catherine. In the play "Thunderstorm" this lady is the main character. What is the problem this work? The issue is main question, which is set by the author in his creation. So the question here is who will win? dark kingdom, which is represented by the bureaucrats of the county town, or the bright beginning, which is represented by our heroine. Katerina is pure in soul, she has a gentle, sensitive, loving heart. The heroine herself is deeply hostile to this dark swamp, but is not fully aware of it. Katerina was born […]
    • Roman A.S. Pushkin introduces readers to the life of the intelligentsia in early XIX century. The noble intelligentsia is represented in the work by the images of Lensky, Tatyana Larina and Onegin. By the title of the novel, the author emphasizes the central position of the protagonist among other characters. Onegin was born in a once rich noble family. As a child, he was away from everything national, apart from the people, and as an educator, Eugene had a Frenchman. The upbringing of Eugene Onegin, like education, had a very […]
    • Eugene Onegin - the main character novel of the same name in the verses of A. S. Pushkin. He and his best friend Vladimir Lensky appear as typical representatives noble youth, who challenged the reality around them and made friends, as if united in the struggle against it. Gradually, the rejection of the traditional ossified noble foundations resulted in nihilism, which is most clearly seen in the character of another literary hero- Evgenia Bazarova. When you start reading the novel "Eugene Onegin", then […]
    • Themes and Problems (Mozart and Salieri). "Little Tragedies" - a cycle of P-on's plays, including four tragedies: " Miserly knight"," Mozart and Salieri "," Stone guest "," Feast during the plague ". All these works were written during the Boldin autumn (1830 This text intended for private use only - 2005). "Little tragedies" is not Pushkin's name, it arose during publication and was based on P-n's phrase, where the phrase "little tragedies" was used in a literal sense. Author's titles […]
    • Masha Mironova - daughter of the commandant Belogorsk fortress. This is an ordinary Russian girl, "chubby, ruddy, with light blond hair." By nature, she was cowardly: she was afraid even of a rifle shot. Masha lived rather closed, lonely; there were no suitors in their village. Her mother, Vasilisa Yegorovna, said about her: “Masha, a girl of marriageable age, and what kind of dowry does she have? - a frequent comb, yes a broom, and an altyn of money, with which to go to the bathhouse. Well, if there is a kind person, otherwise sit yourself in the girls of the age-old […]
    • A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov outstanding poets the first half of the 19th century. The main type of creativity for both poets is lyrics. In his poems, each of them described many topics, for example, the theme of love of freedom, the theme of the Motherland, nature, love and friendship, the poet and poetry. All Pushkin's poems are filled with optimism, faith in the existence of beauty on earth, bright colors in the image of nature, and in Mikhail Yurievich the theme of loneliness is everywhere traced. Lermontov's hero is lonely, he is trying to find something in a foreign land. What […]
    • Introduction Love lyrics occupies one of the main places in the work of poets, but the degree of its study is small. There are no monographic works on this topic; it is partially disclosed in the works of V. Sakharov, Yu.N. Tynyanov, D.E. Maksimov, they talk about it as a necessary component of creativity. Some authors (D.D. Blagoy and others) compare love theme in the work of several poets at once, describing some common features. A. Lukyanov considers the love theme in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin through the prism of […]
    • A. S. Pushkin - the great Russian national poet, the founder of realism in Russian literature and Russian literary language. In his work, he gave great attention the theme of freedom. In the poems “Liberty”, “To Chaadaev”, “Village”, “In the depths of Siberian ores”, “Arion”, “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ...” and a number of others reflected his understanding of such categories as “freedom”, "freedom". In the first period of his work - the period of graduating from the lyceum and living in St. Petersburg - until 1820 - […]
  • Pushkin's original intention with Eugene Onegin was to create a comedy similar to Griboedov's Woe from Wit. In the poet's letters, one can find sketches for a comedy in which the protagonist was portrayed as a satirical character. In the course of work on the novel, which lasted more than seven years, the author's intentions changed significantly, as did his worldview as a whole.

    By genre nature, the novel is very complex and original. This is a "novel in verse". Works of this genre are also found in other authors, for example, Byron's novel in verse "Childe Harold". The first half of the 19th century was the era of romanticism, and Byron was a favorite poet for many Russian word artists. It is no coincidence that the image of Childe Harold is repeatedly mentioned in Pushkin's novel, Eugene Onegin is compared with him. By definition, a verse novel is a major lyric-epic narrative. In Pushkin's novel, a lot of space is given to the author's digressions, reflections, feelings. This makes the work lyrical. At the same time, events in the country and society are widely depicted in the novel, the image is multifaceted, Onegin's life path is shown. Such features are inherent in the prose, epic novel. Pushkin himself wrote that a prose novel and a novel in verse are "a diabolical difference", and defined the genre of "Eugene Onegin" as a "free novel".

    Compositionally, "Eugene Onegin" is built as a "novel within a novel." This served the purposes of the author. His novel is lyrical-epic. Epic is the inner plane of the story. It includes a main fictional plot. In it, Pushkin reproduces the fate of Onegin as a representative of the young generation of the Russian nobility, "an extra person" in a conservative society where it is impossible to use one's strength. How epic the image of Tatiana Larina was created. It was the first strong and deep female Russian character. After him, a tradition of depicting female types in Russian literature developed. The epic genre also includes the image of the two capitals of Russia - St. Petersburg and Moscow, the Russian village with its local way of life. The fates of the heroes are shown against a broad background of the history and culture of the country.

    Lyrical is the "external" plan of the narrative, which consists of author's digressions. They are very broad in scope of topics and problems. Lyrical are landscape digressions. The beauty and grandeur of nature are given through the perception of the author and his characters. In the first chapter, Pushkin depicts the sea in a romantic way. There are many landscapes-memories in the novel, for example, about youth, rural landscapes. The author pays attention to all seasons, describing the state of nature in each of them. A wonderful picture of the Russian winter is shown through the eyes of Tatyana.

    Critical-journalistic digressions are a conversation between the author and the reader about literary styles, techniques, and genres. Pushkin writes about the intention to objectively portray reality, talks about the books that Tatyana reads, about why she writes a love letter in French.

    There are many digressions in the novel, in which we are talking about family, marriage, love, fashion, friendship, education. In each of them, Pushkin appears in some new guise, expresses his point of view. material from the site

    In his remarkable work, Pushkin used the features of all the genre varieties of the novel known at that time in literature: the novel-education, the novel-biography, the novel-journey, the love novel, the adventure novel, the historical novel. In "Eugene Onegin" there is a description of the life of the hero, his childhood and early youth. The hero travels around the country, then abroad and back, a love story, a duel, historical pictures of the life of Russia are vividly shown. Pushkin sharply poses the problem of upbringing and education of noble youth. The author focuses on the process of growing up a person, the development of his personality.

    With a complex composition and a variety of genre components, Pushkin managed to create a complete, integral and unique work for Russian literature.

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    • what genre is eugene onegin
    • genre and composition of the novel Eugene Onegin
    • reflections on love in the novel eugene onegin pictures

    History of creation

    Pushkin began work on Onegin in 1823, during his southern exile. The author abandoned romanticism as a leading creative method and began to write a realistic novel in verse, although the influence of romanticism is still noticeable in the first chapters. Initially, it was assumed that the novel in verse would consist of 9 chapters, but later Pushkin reworked its structure, leaving only 8 chapters. He excluded from the work the chapter "Onegin's Journey", which he included as an appendix. After that, the tenth chapter of the novel was written, which is an encrypted chronicle from the life of future Decembrists.

    The novel was published in verse in separate chapters, and the release of each chapter became a big event in contemporary literature. In 1831 the novel in verse was finished and in 1833 it was published. It covers events from 1819 to 1825: from the foreign campaigns of the Russian army after the defeat of Napoleon to the Decembrist uprising. These were the years of the development of Russian society, during the reign of Tsar Alexander I. The plot of the novel is simple and well known. At the center of the novel love affair. A main problem is the eternal problem of feeling and duty. The novel "Eugene Onegin" reflected the events of the first quarter of the 19th century, that is, the time of creation and the time of the novel approximately coincide. Reading the book, we (readers) understand that the novel is unique, because earlier in the world literature there was not a single novel in verse. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin created a novel in verse like Byron's poem Don Juan. Defining the novel as a “collection of motley chapters”, Pushkin emphasizes one of the features of this work: the novel is, as it were, “opened” in time, each chapter could be the last, but it can also have a continuation. And thus the reader draws attention to the independence of each chapter of the novel. The novel has become an encyclopedia of Russian life in the 20s of the century before last, since the breadth of the novel shows readers the whole reality of Russian life, as well as the multi-plot and description different eras. This is what gave grounds to V. G. Belinsky in his article "Eugene Onegin" to conclude:

    “Onegin can be called an encyclopedia of Russian life and in the highest degree folk art."

    In the novel, as in the encyclopedia, you can learn everything about the era: about how they dressed, and what was in fashion, what people valued most, what they talked about, what interests they lived. "Eugene Onegin" reflected the whole of Russian life. Briefly, but quite clearly, the author showed the serf village, lordly Moscow, secular Petersburg. Pushkin truthfully portrayed the environment in which the main characters of his novel live - Tatyana Larina and Eugene Onegin. The author reproduced the atmosphere of the city noble salons, in which Onegin spent his youth.


    The novel begins with a squeamish speech by the young nobleman Eugene Onegin, dedicated to the illness of his uncle, which forced him to leave St. Petersburg and go to the patient's bed in the hope of becoming the heir to the dying. The narrative itself is conducted on behalf of the nameless author, who introduced himself as a good friend of Onegin. Having marked the plot in this way, the author devotes the first chapter to the story of the origin, family, life of his hero before receiving news of the illness of a relative.


    "Eugene Onegin" is a difficult work. The very lightness of the verse, the familiarity of the content, familiar to the reader from childhood and emphatically simple, paradoxically create additional difficulties in understanding Pushkin's novel in verse. The illusory idea of ​​the "comprehensibility" of the work hides from consciousness modern reader a huge number of words, expressions, phraseological units, hints, quotes that he does not understand. Thinking about a verse that you know from childhood seems to be unjustified pedantry. However, it is worth overcoming this naive optimism of an inexperienced reader in order to make it obvious how far we are even from a simple textual understanding of the novel. Specific Structure Pushkin's novel in verse, in which any positive statement the author can immediately imperceptibly be turned into ironic, and the verbal fabric, as it were, slips, passing from one speaker to another, making the method of forcible extraction of quotations especially dangerous. In order to avoid this threat, the novel should be viewed not as a mechanical sum of the author's statements on various issues, a kind of anthology of quotations, but as an organic art world, parts of which live and receive meaning only in relation to the whole. A simple list of problems that Pushkin "poses" in his work will not introduce us into the world of Onegin. artistic idea implies a special type of transformation of life in art. It is known that for Pushkin there was a "devilish difference" between poetic and prosaic modeling of the same reality, even while maintaining the same themes and issues.

    Comments on the novel

    One of the first comments on the novel was a small book by A. Volsky, published in 1877. Comments by Vladimir Nabokov, Nikolai Brodsky, Yuri Lotman, S. M. Bondi became classics.

    Psychologists about the work

    Influence on other works

    • The type of "superfluous person", introduced by Pushkin in the image of Onegin, influenced all subsequent Russian literature. From the closest illustrative examples - surname "Pechorin" in Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time", as well as the name of Onegin is formed from the name of the Russian river. Many psychological characteristics are also close.
    • In the modern Russian novel "The Onegin Code" written under a pseudonym Brain Down, we are talking about the search for the missing chapter of Pushkin's manuscript.
    • In Yesenin's poem "Anna Snegina".



    • Pushkin A. S. Eugene Onegin: A novel in verse // Pushkin A. S. Complete works: In 10 volumes - L .: Science. Leningrad. department, 1977-1979. (FEB)
    • "Eugene Onegin" with full commentary by Nabokov, Lotman and Tomashevsky on the website "Secrets of the Craft"
    • Lotman Yu. M. The novel in Pushkin's verse "Eugene Onegin": Special course. Introductory lectures in the study of the text // Lotman Yu. M. Pushkin: Biography of the writer; Articles and notes, 1960-1990; "Eugene Onegin": Commentary. - St. Petersburg: Art-SPB, 1995. - S. 393-462. (FEB)
    • Lotman Yu. M. Roman A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin": Commentary: A guide for the teacher // Lotman Yu. M. Pushkin: Biography of the writer; Articles and notes, 1960-1990; "Eugene Onegin": Commentary. - St. Petersburg: Art-SPB, 1995. - S. 472-762. (FEB)
    • Onegin Encyclopedia: In 2 volumes - M .: Russian way, 1999-2004.
    • Zakharov N.V. Onegin Encyclopedia: thesaurus of the novel (Onegin Encyclopedia. Vol. 2. / Edited by N. I. Mikhailova. M., 2004) // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2005. - No. 4. - S. 180-188.
    • Fomichev S. A. "Eugene Onegin": The movement of the idea. - M.: Russian way, 2005.
    • Bely A.A. "Génie ou neige" Literature Issues No. 1, . P.115.

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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