Bar estate. Quarrel of the landowners


“The Young Lady-Peasant Woman” is a story from the cycle “Tales of I.P. Belkin”. in it, the author managed to express his dream of high morality, of love that knows no social barriers.

Let's try to analyze the story by answering a series of questions:

1. When and where was the story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" written?
"The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" was written in the autumn of 1830 in Boldin. More precisely, September 20, 1830. It was this date that Pushkin put at the end of the work.

2. Explain the title of the story.
Liza was a young lady, the daughter of a landowner, and after disguising herself, she pretended to be a peasant woman.

3. Why did Lisa do this?
She wanted to meet Alexei Berestov: their fathers were in a quarrel.

4. What caused the quarrel of the landowners?
The reason for the quarrel of the fathers is not very clear to the children. They say that Berestov was thrifty, and Muromtsev was wasteful. One tripled his income, while Muromtsev went into debt. Students must feel Pushkin's irony in the image of both landowners. The teacher explains it. Berestov's self-conceit was expressed in the fact that he himself "considered himself the smartest person in the whole neighborhood, which is in no way a sign of really smart person". Neighbors only “did not rebuke him on this. His cultural interests were very narrow: he did not read anything, except for the Senate Gazette. Along the way, we pay attention to the features of the old noble life, familiar to them from Dubrovsky. As with Troekurov in Pokrovskoye, Berestov's neighbors "... came to visit him with their families and dogs." One can also dwell on the Anglomania of Muromsky, which speaks of the admiration of Russian landowners for foreigners, already familiar to students from Dubrovsky.

5. What did Miss Jackson do in her host country?
She did almost nothing. Read twice a year English novel, received two thousand rubles for this, a lot of money for that time, and “died” of boredom in this “barbaric Russia”.

6. How does Pushkin portray Alexei Berestov? The author talks about him with sympathy, but at the same time with mockery. Aleksey "was a good fellow", rode a horse well, wanted to go military service. He was young and cheerful person, but spoke of "lost joys and faded youth" and wore a black ring with the image of the dead heads.

7. And how does Alexey feel about Akulina?
Alexey sincerely fell in love with Akulina, teaches her to read and write. He, contrary to the wishes of his father, who threatened to deprive him of his inheritance, decided to marry Akulina and live by his work.

8. Remember how the quarrel between the two landowners ended and what are the general plans
made them friends. We recall how the landlords reconciled and how they decided to marry their children. And it was this common venture that made them friends.

9. What attracts us to Lisa?
Lisa is "brave", "easy to deal with Nastya", "playful". She is resourceful: she found what to do when Alexei was supposed to come to them.

10. What is the originality of the composition of the story "The young lady is a peasant woman"? After Liza, in the guise of Akulina, meets with Alexei, we keep an eye on Alexei's behavior all the time. We know who Lisa is, but he doesn't. When the fathers reconcile, Lisa finds herself in a difficult situation. We do not know how she will come out of it, and we look forward to her appearance among the guests with interest. IN last scene Alexei learned what the reader had long known: Akulina is Lisa. On this stage, you can show children the technique of "indirect
inner speech. The author speaks about the joy of Alexei, who recognized Akulina in Liza, but says
just as Alex would say.

There are no traces of romantic poetics in The Young Lady-Peasant Woman, there is nothing mysterious, unexpected in it, everything is simple in it: love, heroes, and atmosphere village life. Here sounds a joke, mischief, cunning. Pushkin jokes directly, jokes without looking back. "Young lady-peasant" is light story, built on a real-life basis with a simple plot and with happy ending. Some critics, Pushkin's contemporaries, considered the story unworthy of Pushkin's talent, condemned it as frivolity. "But they did not notice a positive, artistic and creative beginning in the ironic pathos of the story."

Proposed methodical development will allow students of the 6th grade to enter the world of the work gradually, to acquaint them with the history of creation, to identify the cause of the conflict of the main characters, to understand the motives of their actions. Dialogue technology and technology of cooperation are used, which develop the ability to work with text, analyze episodes, students' speech.



Subject: Roman A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". Quarrel between Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky and Troekurov.

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Acquaintance with the history of the creation of the novel
  2. Finding out the reasons for the conflict between Dubrovsky and Troekurov
  3. The development of students' speech


  1. Know genre features novel
  2. Tell about the history of the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky"
  3. Identify the motivations for the actions of the characters
  4. Learn to analyze text

Technology: technology of a collective way of learning, dialogue technology, technology of cooperation, health-saving technologies.

Means of health-saving technologies: fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic requirements regulated by SanPiNs.

Methods: analytical conversation, work with the book, analysis of the episode, expressive reading, vocabulary work, teacher's story.

During the classes:

1. Genre features of the novel "Dubrovsky" (the teacher's word)

IN 19th century the genre of adventure novel became very popular. Numerous works appeared where honesty was opposed to meanness, generosity to greed, love to hate. In order to make the work entertaining, writers often used the “dressing up” of the characters and the violation of the chronology of the narrative. Main character such a story was invariably handsome, noble, honest and bold. The adventurous romance ended with the victory of the protagonist. A.S. Pushkin made an attempt to write a similar work, but the depth of the problems revealed in his novel real life did not allow him to finish the work. Pushkin could not fit living heroes into rigid schemes.

2. Vocabulary work.

Adventure - a risky, dubious in honesty case, undertaken in the expectation of an accidental success.

Adventure - an incident unexpected event in life, in adventures.

Popular - 1. public, quite understandable in terms of simplicity, clarity of presentation;

2. widely known.

Novel (from French - narration) - big narrative work, usually characterized by a variety of characters and branching of the plot.

Plot - the sequence and connection of events in a work of art.

3.Implementation of customized homework(the prepared student answers).

History of the novel.

Over the novel "Dubrovsky" by A.S. Pushkin worked from 1832 to 1833. The novel was not completed and was not published during the lifetime of the poet. The publishers themselves named the manuscript after the name of the protagonist. The novel was based on the message of P.V. Nashchokin, who was a friend of the poet, “about a poor nobleman named Ostrovsky, who had a process with a neighbor on the ground. He was ousted from the estate and, left with some peasants, began to rob. It is also known that before starting work on the novel, Pushkin visited Boldin and Pskov, where similar cases of the Nizhny Novgorod landowners Dubrovsky, Kryukov, Muratov were considered. Thus, the basis of the novel by A.S. Pushkin laid down life circumstances. The novel takes place in the 1820s and develops over a year and a half.

4. Exchange of impressions about the heroes of the novel.

A) Reading an excerpt from the novel (from the words "A few years ago, an old Russian gentleman lived in one of his estates. to words "No one dared to refuse his invitation..").

B) Conversation on the 1st chapter:

What gave Troekurov "great weight in the province"?

How did the neighboring landowners, provincial officials treat him? And how did Troekurov treat them?

What kind of person was Kirila Petrovich at home?

Why did Troekurov respect Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky?(“..they were somewhat similar both in characters and inclinations”).

What was this similarity?

5. Analysis of the first event - Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky's quarrel with Troekurov.

What is the reason for the quarrel between Dubrovsky and Troekurov? (in order to deepen the understanding of this event, which is the beginning of the action, it is necessary to draw the attention of students to the circumstances under which the quarrel occurred, how they behave in this case characters what caused their actions).

1) Reading by the teacher from the first chapter of the scene in the kennel (“Once, at the beginning of autumn ..”) and commenting on it.

Guys, pay attention to the innermost thoughts and feelings of Dubrovsky, who was a passionate hunter and"could not resist a little envy at the sight of this magnificent institution."Dubrovsky involuntarily compares the kennel with peasant huts and cannot but tell Troekurov about his impressions, especially since he always openly expressed his opinion. And this time he remains true to himself, saying to Troekurov:".. the kennel is wonderful - it is unlikely that your people live the same as your dogs."

Is Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky right when he made such a remark, and if he is right, then why did the dog-keeper Paramoshka disagree with him, although he probably lived worse than his wards?

What offended Dubrovsky and why did he leave the kennel?

2) Independent reading students of Andrey Gavrilovich's letters and preparation short story how the landowners' quarrel deepened.

Questions for independent work (distributed to each desk).

1. What can be said about Dubrovsky on the basis of his letter?

2. Why did Dubrovsky's letter anger Troekurov and how much did it influence the quarrel? (it is important to draw students' attention to the content and tone of the letter).

(student answers: Andrey Gavrilovich is not at all like Troekurov. He is softer and fairer than his neighbor. He is an honest and courageous person. But he is also the owner of serfs, a gentleman and a landowner. Every word of the letter speaks of this. Dubrovsky is a nobleman and is proud of it. He offended, offended not only noble honor, but also his human dignity and he demands satisfaction. Not trusting Kirila Petrovich, Dubrovsky asks to send him the dog keeper who offended him in order to pardon him or punish him. He is no different, judging by the letter, from an ordinary gentleman and serf-owner).

Conclusion: The letter deepened the quarrel. Troekurov is offended and is waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on Dubrovsky.

3) The work on the first chapter is completed by examining the illustrations by B. Kustodiev and A. Pakhomov or the drawing by the artist V. Ermolov “On the kennel” (this work will help students better imagine the manor house, garden, estate, characters, their environment, better understand the content of the novel ).

When considering the picture “On the kennel”, students need to pay attention to central figures drawing, to find out what moment of the inspection of the kennel was depicted by the artist and how he showed it in the drawing.

To what extent (in your opinion) are Troekurov, Dubrovsky, the guests and the kennel correctly portrayed?

On what do you agree with the artist, and on what do you disagree?

6. Lesson summary

Subject: Roman A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". Court.


2. Cultivate moral purity, creative awareness of life

3. Development of students' speech.


2. Find out how the wrong judgment happened

Technology: technology of a collective way of learning, dialogue technology, cooperation technology.

Methods: analytical conversation, work with a book, episode analysis, expressive reading, teacher's additions.

Forms: collective, partially individual.

During the classes:

Guys, as a homework task, you were asked to think about the answer to the question “How did the court case about Kistenevka arise and how did the wrong court happen?”

(Children's answers: The idea of ​​the trial as revenge on Dubrovsky came to Troekurov unexpectedly. It became a reality when Shabashkin appeared in Pokrovsky).

Reading by the teacher of the scene of the meeting and conversation between Troekurov and Shabashkin (because he will be able to convey, with the help of the necessary intonation, the arrogance of Troekurov and the servility of Shabashkin, who is not touched by the fate of Dubrovsky).

How do the characters behave in this situation? (Children's answers: Troekurov is unfamiliar with remorse, hesitations and doubts. Officials like him help him create a lawsuit about Kistenevka, take the estate from Dubrovsky, knowing that the documents for ownership were burned during a fire).

2. Reading the second chapter (court) by children in the lesson.

How is it necessary to convey Dubrovsky's condition, Troekurov's self-confidence and the baseness of judicial officials in reading?

3. Conversation (goal: to find out what shocked Dubrovsky the most and how the wrong judgment happened).

How can one explain the madness of Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky?

(children's answers: the reason for Dubrovsky's insanity was the betrayal and meanness of Troekurov; the injustice of the trial; Dubrovsky's powerlessness before this court; he lost his estate, he is threatened with poverty).

Pay attention to the complexity of Andrey Gavrilovich's experiences. At the trial, Dubrovsky's honor was insulted, his human dignity was humiliated. After all, if for many years he illegally owned Kistenevka, it means that he lived out of mercy with a rich landowner, and then appropriated his estate.

Conclusion: both were unbearably humiliating for the proud Dubrovsky. Unable to bear the bullying, Dubrovsky goes crazy.

4. The result of the lesson.

Teacher's word.

Dubrovsky did not sign the court's decision, but his trial had already taken place to please Troekurov. So Troekurov took revenge on his ex friend. An unexpected quarrel ended tragically for Dubrovsky. Injustice and lawlessness triumphed, honest people were defeated.

Subject: Roman A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". Fire in Kistenevka.


1. Continued work on the novel.

3. Development of students' speech.


1. Continue learning to analyze a work of art

2. Find out how the fire in Kistenevka is connected with the incident in court

3. Tell about the history of popular uprisings

During the classes:

1. Implementation of homework.

Why is the fire in Kistenevka closely connected with the dramatic events in court?

(children answer the question, give examples from the text, but it is difficult for them to understand why Vladimir Dubrovsky became a robber and united with the peasants, opposed himself to his class).

2. The teacher's story about popular uprisings.

The history of popular uprisings, the fate of the opposition-minded nobles deeply worried Pushkin. His thoughts on popular unrest are reflected in the novel. Vladimir Dubrovsky, a nobleman and officer, relies on the peasants in his protest. Only they support him. After the fire and the death of the clerks, Vladimir becomes a renegade, so he joins the peasants.

3. Work on the episodes “Arrival of the clerks in Kistenevka”, “Riot of the peasants”, “Fire”, “Death of the clerks” (this work is necessary to show the sixth graders how Pushkin portrays the protest of the peasants and Vladimir’s protest against arbitrariness and injustice).

What happened in Kistenevka and how did the clerks, the clergy, Vladimir Dubrovsky and his peasants react to the decision of the district court? (work with the text of chapters 5,6 and 7, reading fragments that talk about clerks who arrived in Kistenevka).

Task this analysis is to trace how the clerks behavebefore the indignation of the peasants and during the revolt.In this comparison, Pushkin's attitude to the clerks is especially clearly revealed. (Students' attention is drawn to how boldly and self-confidently Shabashkin keeps himself, how rude he is with the peasants and Vladimir:"Shabashkin, with a cap on his head, stood on his hips and proudly looked beside him ..".He looked at Vladimir with a daring look , referring to him on you:"And who are you?"

Did Shabashkin recognize Vladimir? (Yes, he immediately guessed that Vladimir was the son of Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, but he seeks to humiliate him, show his power, deliberately insults Vladimir:".. the former landowner Andrey Gavrilov son Dubrovsky, by the will of God, will die - we do not know you, and we do not want to know."

Approximately the same conversation took place between Vladimir and"intricate official"who also did not want to recognize Dubrovsky in him. He brazenly and rudely offers"clean up the hell out of it."

How do peasants behave in such a situation? (The intoxication with power does not last long. When a crowd of indignant peasants moved on them, they became cowardly and began to humbly ask Dubrovsky to shelter them for the night. There was not a trace of impudence and arrogance. Vladimir for them now is the only defender from the rage and anger of the peasants.“..Finally, Shabashkin quietly unlocked the door and went out onto the porch and with humiliated bows began to thank Dubrovsky for his gracious intercession.

Vladimir listened to him from contempt and did not answer

We decided, - continued the assessor, -with your permissionstay here overnight; otherwise it's dark, and yourmen can attackon us on the way.Do such a favor: order us to lay at least hay in the living room; than light, we will go home.

Conclusion: before Vladimir stood pathetic people who have lost their conscience, shame, honor. The behavior and appearance of the clerks arouse anger and contempt in the reader. Shabashkin, when the talk about Kistenevka first came up, said to Troekurov:“How, Your Excellency, his papers were burned! What is better for you - in this case, please act according to the laws, and without any doubt you will receive your perfect pleasure.That is, in an effort to please a rich and noble landowner, the clerks committed a crime. Therefore, they were so frightened when they felt that the hour of reckoning had come.

How are the clergy doing? Whose side is it on? (A little is said about this in the novel, but it is enough to turn to Yegorovna’s dialogue with the sexton, who is surprised at the courage of Grisha, who drove Troekurov out of the court:“..I would rather agree, it seems, to bark at the lord than to look askance at Kirila Petrovich. As soon as you see him, fear and trembling and prostrate, and the back itself bends and bends .. "

Conclusion: the deacon is a coward, and the priest is not braver than him. (Chapter 5 (excerpt about the priest and the priest). The main thing is the fear of Troekurov and indifference to the fate of the peasants And Vladimir Dubrovsky. Vladimir hears the priest, turning to the priest, says: “We don't need to stay here. It's not your problem, no matter how it ends."Thus, officials create lawlessness, they want to cash in on the misfortune of the Dubrovskys and please Troekurov, and the clergy flee at the first danger, leaving their parishioners to the mercy of fate.

How do Vladimir Dubrovsky and his peasants feel about the decision of the court? (Students collectively draw up a table, displaying their observations in it. This type work will help focus on the nature of the protest of the peasants and Vladimir, will provide an opportunity to see how they acted differently under the same conditions, to understand which of them turned out to be bolder, more consistent and more decisive. The facts are compared, therefore, this will help students better understand the author's intention, his attitude towards the rebellious nobleman and the rebellious peasants).

Vladimir Dubrovsky

Peasants of Dubrovsky

Thoughts about the future "The future for him was covered with menacing clouds"

Thoughts about the future “Into the possession of Kirila Petrovich! Lord forbid and deliver: - he has a bad time there, and his own, but strangers will get it, so he will not only skin them, but even tear off the meat ”

Vladimir's indignation "Vladimir seethed with indignation"

Indignation at the injustice ".. we will deal with the court, we will die, and we will not extradite .."

Vladimir saves the clerks “Stop,” Dubrovsky shouted, “fools! What are you? You are destroying yourself and me. Step into the yards .. "

Rebellion of the peasants “.. guys! down with them! And the whole crowd moved."

The thought of revenge "..let him not get the sad house from which he kicks me out"

The terrible intentions of Arkhip ".. all at once, and ends in the water."

Arson of the house "Dubrovsky brought the torch closer, the hay broke out, the flame soared .."

Fire in Kistenevka "...Tea, it's nice to watch from Pokrovsky!"

The death of the clerks "Wait," he said to Arkhip, "it seems that in a hurry I locked the doors to the front, go open them as soon as possible."

The death of the clerks “Arkhip locked them with a key, saying in an undertone: “How not to unlock it! .. How not to do it,” said Arkhip. With an evil smile looking at the fire "

Ataman of robbers "The head of the gang was famous for his intelligence, courage and some kind of generosity"

The robbers "stopped travelers and mail, came to villages, robbed the landlords' houses and set them on fire"

Conclusion: the peasants are full of anger and determination. They were outraged by the impudent behavior of officials, they are also led by the fear of Troekurov, who "and his own is bad." They were deeply indignant at the wrong judgment, in which there was no last role orders played. The revolt of the peasants reflected the age-old hatred of the tsarist officials and gentlemen. And if not for Vladimir, they would have dealt with the clerks much earlier and no less decisively. Vladimir is overwhelmed with grief, but the thought of resisting the authorities does not occur to him. He was indignant, shocked by what had happened, but did not share the feelings of his serfs. The thought of setting fire is a desire to save your family from mockery. He finally confirmed his decision to set fire to the house only after meeting with the blacksmith Arkhip. But Vladimir and Arkhip have different views on the fire. For Vladimir, a house is a symbol of family happiness and well-being, a fire is death family nest. For Arkhip, the master's house is a symbol of slavery. He looks at the fire "with an evil smile": enemies were burning, people hated by him, the master's house, which already belonged to Troekurov. He cannot hide his joy.

Why didn't Arkhip obey Yegorovna and save the clerks, at the same time risking his life to save the cat? (he is resolute, courageous, hates orders, expresses a spontaneous protest against oppression and at the same time kind, soft-hearted, seeks to help an innocent and defenseless being - these features attracted Pushkin most of all in the participants in popular unrest).

Conclusion: this is Arkhip, who is more active and uncompromising than everyone else. He has many similarities with other peasants, they are united by hatred for the oppressors. All of them are more determined than their young master.

Why does Vladimir take the path of robbery? (he understood that neither the clergy nor the clerks would help and the nobles would not support because of fear of Troekurov, just as they did not help Andrei Gavrilovich. Vladimir had only peasants left. But from the moment the house was set on fire, he was outlawed. Now he has no choice: either immediately leave these places, or continue the work begun by Arkhip, i.e. oppose the law and society (Vladimir becomes a robber).

4. The result of the lesson.

Homework: review chapters 8 to 18, questions.

Subject: Roman A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". Vladimir Dubrovsky in Troekurov's house


1. Continued work on the novel.

2. Education moral purity, creative awareness of life

3. Development of students' speech.


1. Continue learning to analyze a work of art

2. Understand why Vladimir Dubrovsky refused to take revenge on Troekurov and Prince Vereisky.

3. Learn to write creative work

During the classes:

1. Statement of a problem question.

Why did Vladimir Dubrovsky refuse to take revenge on Troekurov? This is the question we are going to deal with today in class. What is your attitude towards the characters in the novel? (Children tend to admire Vladimir and blame Masha for not following him.)

Note: the question arises, to what extent in the 6th grade can the problem of personal relationships be touched upon? It would be correct to carefully read the pages of the novel dedicated to Vladimir and Masha. Practice has shown that children consider this period of the hero's life to be heroic. The fact that they sharply condemn Masha (and most of the boys in my class) suggests that they thought about love as strong feeling which must be preserved. But sixth graders, in order to understand the heroine, must imagine her life, environment, family. Therefore, we need to understand complex events, which we conditionally called "Vladimir Dubrovsky in the Troekurov's house."

2. Conversation

For what purpose and under what circumstances did Vladimir Dubrovsky enter Troekurov's house? Why did he refuse to take revenge on Troekurov and Prince Vereisky?

To find the most correct answer, let's turn to chapters eight and twelfth (reading those places that talk about Masha and Vladimir). "In your careless walks, I followed you, sneaking from bush to bush, happy at the thought that I was guarding you, that there was no danger for you where I was secretly present. Finally the opportunity presented itself. I settled in your house .. ”(ch. 12).

What case does Vladimir mean? (Ch. 11 - a retelling of Vladimir's meeting with Deforge at the post station).

Conclusion: Love for Masha forced Vladimir to risk himself; only because of her did he decide to settle in Troekurov's house. And this, of course, is the main thing in his act. But staying in the house made it possible to learn about Spitsyn and take revenge on him, to hear about the actions of the police officer and Troekurov's decision to go with his serfs to the robbers.

Vladimir nevertheless took revenge on Spitsyn (took away the money) and harmed Troekurov (killed the bear) - the sixth graders believe in goodness and believe that the villain should be punished.

3. Teacher's word

Vladimir Dubrovsky refused to take revenge on Troekurov and Vereisky. He noble man, deeply loves Masha, true to her word. Therefore, we cannot blame him for refusing revenge.

How does Masha feel about Vladimir? (to answer this question, you need to understand her lifestyle (occupations, interests), her relationship with her father and brother, Deforge, and then Vladimir Dubrovsky and Prince Vereisky. (She is the daughter of Troekurov, a noblewoman and an aristocrat. It is difficult for her to break with her family and the world in which she lives. The fate of the robber's wife really frightens her. She understood that everyone would be against her. Therefore, she decided to use Vladimir's protection only when the situation was hopeless. And she waited for Vladimir until the last minute. A tragedy happened, he was late. Masha could not leave the prince after the wedding, after the church ceremony. If this happened, she would treat her act as a crime. The children say that she could resist, not give consent, but she said nothing:".. the priest, without waiting for her answer, uttered irrevocable words."And she says to Vladimir that she agreed to the marriage, although she did not give it: “I agreed, I swore an oath, - she objected with firmness, - the prince is my husband .. "These reflections suggest that Masha was only carried away by Vladimir. Therefore, she did nothing, hoping for his help.

4. Independent work(carried out on last step study of the novel).

Composition of a creative nature "Spitsyn in the bear room."

Note: to do this work, it is necessary to present what Pushkin only hinted at, relying on the reader's imagination, leaving room for his imagination. Let us recall Troekurov's words about Spitsyn's behavior in the bear room, reread the description of Anton Pafnutevich's appearance, pay attention to his conversation with Deforge and the strange awakening. You also need to re-read the description of the bear room.

Compare Spitsyn with Deforge and write about how Anton Pafnutevich behaved in the bear room. (Children write about Spitsyn as a cowardly person, a toady and a hypocrite, they talk about their contempt for him. In this work, it is positive that the image is understood and revealed by the children correctly.

5. Reading in the faces of chapter 17 will allow children to imagine the characters in action, to imagine the whole scene and the change of episodes.

6. Lesson summary

Subject: Roman A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". Last Stand


1. Completion of work on the novel

2. Development of students' speech


1. Continue learning to analyze a work of art

2. Find out what made Vladimir Dubrovsky become the leader of the peasants, and then leave them and hide abroad

3. learn to write an essay about a hero

During the classes:

1. Teacher's word

To find out what made Vladimir Dubrovsky become the leader of the peasants, and then leave them and hide abroad, it is necessary to say about the limited nature of the protest of Vladimir Dubrovsky, all the misfortunes of which are explained by the tyranny of Troekurov. ... his protest is much more limited than the growing peasant anger. (M.N. Saltykova. Studying the story of A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky").

2. Reading and commenting on chapter 19 (attention should be paid to the living conditions of Vladimir and his peasants). Even in the forest they lived differently. At that time it could not be otherwise. Vladimir, although he became the ataman of the robbers, still remained a nobleman and master, and his peasants still consider themselves serfs of the Dubrovskys.

Egorovna’s conversation with Stepan (ch. 19), who, sitting on a cannon, sang an old song at the top of his voice, also testifies to patriarchal relations:“Enough for you, Styopka,” she said angrily, “the master is resting, and you know you bawl - you have neither conscience nor pity.

I'm sorry, Yegorovna, - answered Styopka. “Okay, I won’t do it again, let him, our father, rest and get better.”

3.Analysis final episode novel.

How does Vladimir Dubrovsky behave and how does this characterize him? (At the moment of parting, Vladimir remained true to himself. Despite joint actions with the peasants, he remained a gentleman, albeit a caring one: they got rich under his command and each of them received a “look” to spend the rest of his life in some province.

Conclusion: It became dangerous for Vladimir to stay in Russia. Having set a fire in Kistenevka, dealt with the orders, and then faced with the government troops, Vladimir opposed himself not only to his class, but, together with the peasants, became outlaws. And at the most critical moment, when they collided with the troops, Vladimir stops the fight. He no longer had a goal: there was no home, no estate, Masha got married, he refused revenge.

But what will happen to the peasants? How Pushkin portrayed these complicated relationship? Vladimir and the peasants were first united common interests. When Vladimir refused to take revenge on Troekurov, their interests diverged. The peasants rebelled against social injustice, courts, landlords, in the protest of Dubrovsky, personal interests prevail. Therefore, only for a while the rebellious nobleman unites with the peasants.

Unlike his peasants, Vladimir Dubrovsky cannot rise above his personal interests, his requests are limited. And most importantly, his interests do not coincide with the interests and aspirations of the peasants. Therefore, he dissolves the gang and leaves Russia.

4. Final written work

Topics "Life of Vladimir Dubrovsky" and "Kirila Petrovich Troekurov".


1. Lakhostsky K.P., Frolova V.F. Pushkin at school. Uchpedgiz, Leningrad, 1966

2. Shadrina V.P. Lesson Plans Literature Grade 6 according to the textbook by V.P. Polukhina, Volgograd, 2006

The basis of the novel "Dubrovsky" by Pushkin was a case very characteristic of the relationship between the landowners that existed at that time. The more influential the landowner was, the more he was able to oppress his weaker, poorer neighbor, not to mention taking away his estate from him. Alexander Sergeevich was very concerned about the credibility of his novel.

All the characters in the novel "Dubrovsky" are divided as if into social classes, each with its own characteristics. For example, the landowner Troekurov at first seems to be a rich "villain" and his role is "villainous". But after all, his nature is not at all so bad, there are in his soul the makings of nobility, a generous attitude towards people. He sincerely respects and loves his poor old comrade - Dubrovsky, even intends to marry his daughter Maria to Dubrovsky's son - Vladimir.

However, all the makings of generosity are "killed" by the environment of the landowner, who indulges all his antics and whims. Troyekurov is almost a household name, it is typical representative breeds of people growing up in conditions of their own boundless arbitrariness with the utter lack of rights of those around them.

But in old friend Troekurova - in Dubrovsky, the noble breed also affects, but in completely different forms. His poverty (rather relative, to tell the truth) is not able to pacify noble pride, on the contrary, it only exacerbates it. In essence, it is Dubrovsky who is responsible for the clash with Troekurov, it is the “poor” landowner who turns out to be the attacking side, he is the first to offend an old friend. His hunting nature spoke in him: when he saw the brilliant condition of Troekurov's kennel, Dubrovsky could not restrain envy and sharply expressed his opinion on this matter. At first, Troekurov does not pay attention to this causticity. The quarrel flares up a little later, after the refusal to send the kennel, who had taunted the nobleman, for punishment. Moreover, the response to this requirement was quite sharp. In a word, out of an ordinary trifle, the most real war two landowners.

This war leads to serious consequences for all the main characters of the novel, including Vladimir and Maria, who were going to be married. The author managed to show how enmity gradually flared up, all events are natural in their logical sequence and are depicted with the greatest skill of a true artist of the pen.

The novel "Dubrovsky" was never completed, remaining only in a handwritten version. It has a somewhat "robber" romantic coloring of the events taking place. And at the same time, the deep realism of the description allows you to look at the existing social picture of that time. The images of the main characters are quite typical, ranging from the unceremonious tyrant Troyekurov to the old man Dubrovsky, an honest and principled person. Well shown in the novel and the opposition between " the mighty of the world this" and the lower strata of society. All these representatives of different social groups depicted with extraordinary artistic precision.

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  • K. Troekurov and A. Dubrovsky What was Troekurov famous for? Troekurov's classes. How did Andrey Dubrovsky differ from Troekurov? Why didn't he want his son to marry Masha? What does the author emphasize in Troekurov, and what in Dubrovsky? Are they retreating human feelings before social conditioning their relationship? Friendship of fathers --- Love children. Wealth and poverty.

    Kirila Petrovits Troekurov - landowner - serf-owner, general - chief Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky - poor nobleman Vladimir Dubrovsky Masha Troekurova Arrogant, wayward, impractical, imprudent; poor, but upright and independent, noble. ... "I'm not a jester, but an old nobleman." To which character do these words belong? Explain their meaning. Make a conclusion about the characters and foundations of the noble society.

    A quarrel between two landowners (p. 76,77) Read and explain who, in your opinion, is guilty of a quarrel. Why did the friendship between the two landowners turn out to be fragile? The conflict of social law and human will. How can you explain the meaning of this phrase? Honesty is poverty; love - hate; restraint - revelry. Compare these words in relation to each of the landowners.

    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

    Reasons for the quarrel between Dubrovsky and Troekurov.

    Materials for literature lessons in the 6th grade

    Questions session.

    • What does it mean - Troekurov had "great weight in the provinces where his estate was located"?

    2) What gave him such power?

    3) How did neighbors and provincial officials treat Troekurov?

    4) Why was Troekurov so rude and capricious? What did Troekurov do, how did he spend his time?

    5) Why did Troekurov, "arrogant in dealings with people of the highest rank", respect Dubrovsky?

    6) How does the case in the kennel characterize Dubrovsky?

    7) How did Troekurov react to the disappearance of Dubrovsky? Did Troekurov want to offend his friend?

    8) What circumstance made reconciliation impossible?

    9) What method of revenge does Troekurov choose?

    10) How does Troekurov treat Shabashkin? How does Shabashkin act in fulfilling Troekurov's wish?

    11) How does Dubrovsky behave when he receives a letter from the court?

    Characteristics of Troekurov

    Kirila Petrovich Troekurov had power over people, he could do as he pleases. Such power was given to him by "wealth, a noble family and connections."

    Neighbors and provincial officials treated him flatteringly, obsequiously, "were glad to cater to his slightest whims"; "Provincial officials trembled at his name."

    Amusements of a possessive master

    Troekurov enjoyed all the rights of a possessive gentleman who did not know anything from refusal. He was "uneducated", spoiled, self-willed, with a "rather limited mind." He spent his time in noisy and sometimes violent amusements, feasted, “suffered from gluttony”, drank, daily invented “pranks”, the victims of which were his acquaintances - he essentially mocked them.

    Respect for Dubrovsky

    "Once they were comrades in the service"; “Being the same age, born in the same class, brought up in the same way, they partly resembled in characters and inclinations. In some respects, their fate was the same: both married for love, both were soon widowed.

    Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky was proud and independent, although he was poor, "directly expressed his opinion"; Dubrovsky was "an experienced and subtle connoisseur of canine virtues", "an ardent hunter" - all this commanded the respect of Troekurov.

    Case in the kennel...

    Dubrovsky "could not resist some envy" at the sight of the rich neighbor's magnificent kennel. The daring trick of the kennel, who felt his impunity, drove Dubrovsky out of himself - he “turned pale” and soon “hid” unnoticed: he was deeply offended and could not endure humiliation.

    Actions and deeds of Troekurov:

    “He ordered to immediately catch up with him and bring him back by all means”, “sent a second time” for a neighbor. Having received a letter from the offended Dubrovsky: “I am not a jester, but an old nobleman”, Troekurov “thundered”, “jumped up”, then “discussed the guests”, “deliberately went through the fields of Dubrovsky”, “missed him”. Conclusion: Troekurov did not want to offend Dubrovsky.

    Reconciliation is impossible...

    Dubrovsky punished Troekurov’s men who stole the forest from him - “well-known robbers”. Troekurov “lost his temper”, “he wanted to attack Kistenevka with all his yards, ruin it to the ground and besiege the landowner himself in his estate. Such feats were not unusual for him ”- a thirst for revenge flares up in Troekurov.

    To Kistenevka!..

    Way of revenge

    Troekurov chose the meanest way of revenge - he decided to illegally take away the estate from his former comrade: "That's the strength, to take away the estate without any right." And to do it under the guise of legality, by proxy.


    Shabashkin's characteristic

    This man's name speaks for itself. Appearance: " Small man in a leather cap and frieze overcoat. Behavior: he gives “bow after bow”, “reverently awaiting” Troekurov’s orders, “bow to the ground” - he is ready with zeal to fulfill Troekurov’s illegal plans, that is, to violate the law, of which he himself was a representative.

    Communication with Troekurov

    Shabashkin worked for Troekurov, "acting on his behalf, intimidating and bribing judges and interpreting all sorts of decrees at random."

    Kirila Petrovich communicates with Shabashkin with disdain - he knows that everyone obeys him, including the crime bosses: “What is your name? Why did you complain? Drink some vodka and listen." Refers to the assessor on "you".

    Letter from court...

    Dubrovsky is "amazed", he does not allow the thought that someone can encroach on his lawful property. Shabashkin understands "that Dubrovsky knows little about business" and "that a person so ardent and imprudent will not be difficult to put in the most disadvantageous position."

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