Set in the choir. Makeup in Bling Blings


Dear parents and legal representatives of children!

The large children's choir announces an additional enrollment in the senior (concert) group of the choir of girls aged 13-16, who have vocal abilities and are proficient in musical notation. Priority for low voices. Listening is carried out after prior agreement. The choir is located about the address: Degtyarny per. 7, school №2054, 2nd floor, class 22.

The next audition for admission to the main choir in other groups will be in the spring. Follow the announcements on the site!

As an experiment, this year groups are open to prepare for auditions for the main cast. Classes are held at the Millennium Family Development Center on Nastasinsky Lane. Two paid groups work for children from 4 to 9 years old. Twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays. If you are interested, fill out the application at the bottom of the page and we will answer what requirements and what you need to do to enter these groups.

You can learn about the requirements for children from the film. Click the link below to have it.

Folk team

choir "Russian song"

Age group from 18 years old

Classes are free

Supervisor folk group choir "Russian song"

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Khodyakova Lidia Vasilievna, soloist of the radio and television choir under the direction of N.V. Kutuzov.

Manager's phone: 8-916-277-41-77

Accompanist-accordionist Kleynos Evgeniy Nikolaevich.

Education - Moscow state institute culture

The folk group choir "Russian Song" was created in September 1987. Currently, more than 30 people are engaged in the choir, of which 14 people are oldest members singing in the choir for over 10 years. These are people who love Russian song,devoted to her for many years.

The team is replenished every year with new members. The team also has male group, which performs with solo numbers.

The basis of the choir's repertoire is folk songs, as well as Ukrainian, Cossack, ditties, dances, folk songs.

The members of the choir comprehend the manner of performance, work on the sound, stage image, which help to reveal the content of the song. They also use elements of movement in their work.

The bright, colorful costumes of the choir members give a special beauty to the performances of the choir. There is a winter kit for outdoor performances in winter. Melodiousness folk songs, bright costumes in folk style, soulful performance - all this resonates in the hearts of the inhabitants of Nekrasovka.

The team prepared holiday programs: Shrovetide, Christmas, dedicated to the day Great Victory. Big individual work with members of the choir allows the leader of the collective L.V. Khodyakova to present to the viewer and solo numbers performed by members of the choir, and duets and trios.

No concert is complete without a group performance. This team is greeted and seen off with applause, both in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Choristers also know how to relax: we celebrate all holidays: March 8, February 23, New Year, birthdays fun and friendly.

All lovers folk song We invite you to our choir "Russian Song". If you want and love to sing, do not be shy, you just come, and we will gladly meet you and teach you everything that we can ourselves.

Choral singing can act both as a pre-professional general educational preparation of children and characterize special kind musical activity. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal described choral singing as "friendly and joint". It's hard to argue with him: it can be said teamwork where everyone should feel responsible. Of course, the choir can mask the minor vocal flaws of one or another soloist, but the main thing is to maintain harmony and commonality, a single sound pattern.

in the studios music schools, creative associations our city children can learn choral singing in a friendly company and under the guidance of experienced mentors. Often the choir unites children attending church parishes, spiritual institutions - in this case, boys and girls will increase their religious culture learn more about the history and traditions of their country.

Benefit choral singing is undeniable and proven by many scientists: firstly, the soloist improves the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, increases the tone of the brain. Secondly, vocals have a beneficial effect if the guys have problems with joints or posture. Thirdly, choral singing has a powerful psychotherapeutic effect, reducing stress and nullifying complexes.

Singing is freedom: therefore it is in no way associated with tension. You need to sing in a clear and clear voice, pronounce the words in the same way - clearly and clearly. It should be remembered that the power of sound is not achieved by shouting. You should not try to “shout out” those with whom you sing in the choir: it is important to listen to them and make sure that your voice joins the “general flow”. Breathing cannot be taken in the middle of a word and a singing phrase - this spoils the impression and inevitably introduces dissonance. You can not sing through your teeth: the mouth should open easily and freely. Regardless of whether you are sitting or standing, you need not to bend and keep your back straight: this is how the lungs can freely take in the air necessary for singing.

Singing in the choir

Singing in a choir involves the joint singing of a large group of 10 to 100 people. Choristers (musicians of the choir) are united by the joint learning and performance of a single repertoire for all, most often written specifically for the choir. Contemporary examples choral singing - Chamber choir Moscow Conservatory" under the direction of B. Tevlin, the choir of the State Academic Symphony Capella of Russia under the direction of V. Polyansky, etc.

Choral groups are different: male choir, female choir, mixed choir, children's choir, etc. The repertoire performed by the choir is varied: classical works, folk songs.

We are recruiting choral groups for different age categories and levels of training. If you have never sung or studied with us before, then you need to sign up for a trial lesson, according to the results of which you will be assigned to a group for singing lessons: First level(vocal group), advanced level, adult choir or children's choir.

We recruit choir groups for various age categories and levels of training. If you have never sung or studied with us before, then you need to sign up for a trial lesson, according to the results of which you will be assigned to a singing group: beginner level (vocal solfeggio group), advanced level, adult choir or children's choir.

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