Nadya Savchenko: "To compromise me is like painting the sky." The man who paints the sky


About how the gnomes went to paint the sky

Once upon a time there were three little gnomes. Their names were... No, according to their passports, they had decent and respectable gnome names. But since our heroes were tiny, they were called, respectively, not Balin and Dvalin, but Balinchik and Dvalinchik. The third dwarf, which is characteristic, was called Jormungadik.
Once, after a hard shift in the uranium drift of their favorite work, they sat in a clearing, drank kefir beer and stupidly fftykali poetically looked at starry sky.
- Beautiful, - said Balinchik.
“Beautiful,” Dvalinchik confirmed. - It's just dark. With black color is a clear bust.
- And indeed, - picked up Yormungadik. - Listen, brothers, let's paint the sky!
- How? asked Dvalinchik.
- Paints!
- Do you have them?
Jormungadik thought:
- I recently saw a human artist here. He rested in the bushes.
- So what? asked Dvalinchik.
- He's an artist! Maybe after him the paint remained!
And Yormungadik resolutely climbed into the bushes.
“I know that after the people it remains in the bushes,” Balinchik remarked gloomily. - Look, don't get caught.
- Ah-ah-ah-ah! came the cry of Jörmungadiq.
- I told you - he gets into trouble, - Balinchik commented.
- I shouted joyfully, - explained Yormungadik, dragging three tubes out of the bushes oil paint. - Take it.
How will we get to heaven? asked Dvalinchik.
- So here it is! - said Jormungadik and pointed to a huge oak tree growing in a clearing.
The gnomes were very small. Therefore, it seemed to them that the oak was simply gigantic. And if you climb on it, then reaching out to the sky is like sawing off two fingers.
And they took the brushes, fastened the tubes behind their backs in the manner of backpacks, and climbed up the oak tree.
The spectacle was something else, I will report to you. Most of all, the gnomes resembled a procession of Nepalese Sherpas, dragging equipment for white man, who then proudly announces that he single-handedly conquered Everest.
Approximately so they called their squirrel, who lived in a hollow in the very middle of the oak. And she started giggling.
Balinchik frowned and hit her with a pickaxe.
I assure you, getting hit on the head with a pickaxe even from a Very Small Dwarf is below average pleasure. So the squirrel instantly became very polite.
She simply shut up and crawled into the hollow to treat her head.
And the gnomes climbed higher, and higher, and higher ...
And we got to the very top. The black cosmic sky was very close - just reach out your hand.
- A little bit more! panted Balinchik.
- I can't get it! croaked Dvalinchik.
We are building a pyramid! - commanded Jormungadik.
And Balinchik offered his wide (but very small) back to Dvalinchik, and Dvalinchik firmly stood on his shoulders, and Yormungadik, dipping his brush into the paint, climbed onto Dvalinchik’s shoulders…
But a thin oak twig could not withstand three (albeit very small) gnomes. She sadly said: "Crunch!" and broke.
And the dwarfs relished themselves on the ground from the height of a giant oak that grew in a clearing, from which one could see the black night sky strewn with stars.
They welled up along with pre-opened tubes. If some surrealist artist had seen the pile of mala formed at the foot of the oak, he would have howled with admiration. Three scratched gnomes, covered in paint up to their ears, simply asked for the painting “Escape of Maniac Painters from crazy house". But, unfortunately, there was no surrealist nearby ...
The gnomes got up, tried to shake themselves off, realized that it was useless and went to the first-aid post.
When the gnome healer saw this scratched and paint-smeared company in front of him, he began to laugh indecently. And then he asked:
- Why are you so beautiful?
- We painted the sky! - proudly said the gnomes.
- Have you fallen from an oak tree? – the healer was amazed.
- Shaman, however! - respectfully said the gnomes. – How did you know?
The healer waved his hand and carefully smeared the whole company with green.
Balinchik, Dvalinchik and Jormungandik were colored for another whole week, causing general unhealthy laughter, but then the paint slowly faded.
And about the healer went the glory of the sorcerer and seer.

Nadia herself, agrees to an interview but does not tell anything, they say " a military secret"," did not read / did not hear "," I will only say on the polygraph ", etc.
But there are still answers to some questions (from an interview with Strana).

Over the past three days, your awareness has skyrocketed. A number of experts either jokingly or seriously say that the authorities are working for your PR. Do you intend to somehow use the bonuses that fell on your head for politics?

If I thought about the political future, maybe so. Not all people think so. There are people who have nothing to eat, and they don't think about it at all. And for some, politics is bread, and they create such a picture. Unfortunately, this is a negligibly narrow world compared to the problems of Ukraine. I heard a lot of similar thoughts when I was in a Russian prison. Sometimes people there look at you as already dead, as revived, and sometimes - as resurrected. And when they begin to look at you as if you were resurrected, you understand that you have won. Me in Russian Federation they often said that everything would be fine, that I would be a politician. Once Ella Pamfilova came to me. She told me what a great political future I have. And that she wanted Ukraine to look not only towards Europe, but also towards Russia.

And you?

I told her that she would definitely look towards Russia when she looked together with Europe. It was funny for me to listen to these people. I didn't know if they were right or wrong at the time. At that moment, every day and every second was the last for me, and I know what I'm talking about and what I'm responsible for.

Let's get back to today's story.

Ever since I entered political life, every second, as in prison, as in war, as in captivity, is practically the last. And you will not envy a person who lives and knows that he can be killed, imprisoned, blown up or something else. I traced my political life. It is quite short - only two years. There are spikes once or twice a year. Then I went to Moscow for the trial of Nikolai Karpyuk and Stanislav Klykh. Then I went to Minsk for negotiations with Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky. Then I went to a pre-trial detention center in the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Probably, what is happening to you today can be compared with the period of the Russian prison. Or what will happen soon.

Yes, very close. And I don't know which is worse. If you look at things cynically, then sooner or later all those sitting in our country become either the prime minister, like Tymoshenko, or the president, like Yanukovych, or the prosecutor general, like Lutsenko. For these reasons, I have a very big political future. On the other hand, it happens when you're not just a cheap hack politician like we all have in the Rada. And when you are like the leader of the nation, like Chornovil, Kuzma Scriabin. People who could lift. Their fate is much sadder. Comparing with Joan of Arc, Jesus Christ, with whom else to compare them, I don’t know. This worthy people. I do not know who they were, but I know that they disappeared when it was necessary. Therefore, I cannot predict what my fate will be. If you understood that now you are sitting and the sniper's light is flashing on you, I don't know if you would have so much fun asking such questions. And I understand it.

Do you even realize that you can be imprisoned?

First, this scenario is no longer new. Even during this term, there are deputies who came out from behind bars. Let's talk about what is scarier and whether I realize the whole horror of the situation.

How did you interfere with them so much in parliament, if not with weapons? Why did you need to be accompanied?

They approached me out of curiosity. Find out if what Lutsenko said is true. That's all. These were the people with whom we had communicated since the Maidan, and they approached me first, because they were not afraid to do so.

What do you think, on the tapes of Lutsenko, which he has already announced, there may be something that will harm your reputation?

Nothing but what I let them. My reputation has always bothered me in last turn. It has always been quite scandalous for me in any structure, wherever I am. In the theater, journalism, when I worked as a waitress, when I also worked in the Sex on the Phone service. In politics or in prison, I always have a scandalous reputation. Compromising me is like painting the sky.

In mid-September, Anton flew to Armenia and was invited to put emblems on combat aircraft. Russian base at Yerevan Erebuni Airport. Anton told Sputnik Armenia about his love for aviation, his work and, of course, his long-term hobby. Interviewed by David Galstyan.

Anton, start with your profession.

- It is far from aviation, but it is as beautiful as flying. I am engaged in architecture, I work in a bureau where we are trying to make our cities, our world a little more attractive, cozier and socially more comfortable.

Is painting airplanes a hobby? How long have you been doing this?

- My life has always been connected to aviation to one degree or another, my father was closely connected with it, I studied in the aviation class as a child. It was in my DNA, although for some time I was far from aviation. But since 2005, DNA made itself felt, I began to be interested in the history of aviation, to study aircraft, people who serve in aviation different countries. All of them are devoted both to their countries and to the sky.

© Sputnik / David Galstyan

Have you thought about becoming a pilot?

- I'm aiming for this this moment I am a private pilot, I have my own aircraft of the L-29 brand, the former "aviation desk" Soviet Union. Almost all cadets who entered military schools flew these aircraft. I had the good fortune to find a good plane, buy it, and now I fly on it.

Is he painted too?

— (Laughs) Yes, he is also painted, but so far he has less vivid drawings.

Do you draw with other media?

- I have a car, I also decorated it a little, but again on an aviation theme. I have friends in the Swifts aviation group, and as a gift for their 25th anniversary, I painted my plane in their colors, in the colors of the Swifts.

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© Sputnik / Aram Nersesyan

What do these emblems mean to you?

– When I was offered to put emblems on the planes, which were previously given the names of saints, I, of course, first of all, began to study the history of each saint, to study what he did for Orthodoxy, for which he was canonized. For me, of course, this meant expanding my horizons, studying the past, my land, my faith. Applying the face, I know who it is, what he became famous for. I am also partly engaged in educational work. Everyone who serves on airplanes comes up and asks who this saint is, what he is famous for, why we should remember him.

You are familiar with many pilots, after applying the drawings, something changes for them?

— You know, aviation is a rather superstitious profession. I never put on an emblem without getting a "blessing" from a technician or pilot. Yesterday, for example, I made an emblem for one of the helicopters, after the shift I went up to the technician and asked: "Well, how?". He replied: "Everything is fine."

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