Draw a drawing of the theme my land. How to draw the earth against the background of the starry sky? Detailed job description


Most accurately, the shape of the Earth and the location of various objects on it conveys globe- reduced spherical model of the planet. The earth's surface on the globe is lined with lines - parallels and meridians. The so-called zero meridian passes through the Greenwich Observatory in England, this line conditionally divides the Earth into Western and Eastern Hemisphere. The longest parallel is the equator. All points on the equator are at an equal distance from the Earth's poles. Using a grid formed by parallels and meridians, you can determine the coordinates of any point the globe.

A large globe is too bulky a device to take with you on long journeys. Therefore, globes were universally preferred flat cards: on stones, papyrus, parchment and finally on paper. Looking at old maps, you can see how ideas about the Earth have changed over time. Often they drew not only the outlines of the seas and land, but also everything that could be interesting and useful to the traveler: mountains, forests, cities and inhabitants of different countries.

According to legend, the first globe was made by the mythical African king Atlas - it was a ball with the image of stars. The first geographical globe was made only in 1492. A few years after the discovery of America, it became obsolete.

During the rapid development of navigation, special nautical charts were distributed - portolans on which one could see coastline, as well as lines diverging from imaginary compasses, by which sailors determined the direction of navigation. These maps already used the scale - the exact ratio of the sizes of real objects and their images on the map.

Next milestone in the development of cartography became navigational charts and atlases of the Dutch "king of cartographers" Gerard Mercator. He proposed a map projection that made his maps the most accurate at the time.

State-of-the-art maps produced using the latest information technologies, reflect all the accumulated knowledge about the Earth and, in accordance with this, are divided into general geographical And thematic. General geographic Maps with the help of conventional signs depict what is visible on the ground: relief, vegetation, settlements, roads, borders. Thematic maps reflect air currents in the atmosphere and benthic fauna in the ocean, cargo transportation and population growth, and much, much more.

Let's draw the planet Earth. For us, it is an endless and not fully explored land, with its natural expanses, the blue of the oceans and seas, the interweaving of rivers, and the heap of harsh mountains and ridges. And far from space, just the globe looks at us, one of the countless number of the same planets, each revolving around its own star. How to draw the planet Earth will be explained in this step by step lesson. Let's remember how beautiful and diverse our planet is - and let's start drawing.

  1. Draw the vertical and horizontal axes with a cross. Let's frame them with a square. In it we will enter the globe.

  1. And now we will enter the Earth itself into our coordinate system - do not give up, this is the most difficult stage of all, it will be much easier further on! Better remember the lessons of geometry, and tricks with compasses.

Advice: drawing in four sectors, make the sides of the Earth more rounded - this will bring its shape closer to the real one. Compare adjacent sectors to each other for symmetry.

  1. Let's remove the auxiliary lines and depict the continents - without going into too much detail and without complicating our task.

To do this, we divide the globe into sectors with an approximate area of ​​1/3 and 2/3 and draw the outlines of the continents, looking at the photograph.

  1. Let's shade the continents and remove the auxiliary tangent line. The drawing becomes similar to the original!

  1. And like the great creators, let's place our globe in space, because it does not hang by itself in empty space (at least I would like to believe so). Let's draw stars and the moon around the Earth. Blend the continents on the globe soft pencil(to do this, you can roll up a piece of paper napkin and rub it with a pencil lead in the figure).

The drawing of the planet Earth is ready!


Create a new document 1000x1000 pixels and fill it with black. So far, everything is simple.


Grab the Elliptical Marquee tool and hold down the Shift key (which will help you achieve perfect shape circle), set the shape of the planet desired size. Then fill the resulting shape with the color you want your planet to be.


Now duplicate this layer two times to make 3 circles and fill them with black. Name them like mine.


So turn off the shadow layer (as in the picture above). Now go to the ATM layer and set the following settings. Then change the layer blending mode to Screen (Screen)!

This is the result you should get if you did everything right. Next, we move on to the shadows.


Make the shadow layer visible again, and go to the menu Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur – 100 (Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur – 100). Move this shadow to where it will be on your planet. In this case, I wanted the shadow to be at the bottom of the planet, so I just moved it a little lower.


Now we will add texture. Create a new layer below the ATM layer. Merge it with the base by holding the Alt key while switching between layers. Here is the texture I used (use Clone brush to make it brighter).

After making the texture the size of my planet, I make a duplicate of this layer. I make a selection for the base. I select the duplicated layer and apply Filter – Distortion – Spherical (Filter – Distort – Spherical), leaving the default settings. Then I erase the middle and this is the result:


Now I just apply a blue photo filter. I make the colors brighter using the Brightness / Contrast (Brightness / Contrast) and Tone / Saturation (Hue / Saturation) functions (I also duplicated the ATM layer again).

Larisa Ashikhmina
Drawing in preparatory group"Our Planet Earth"

Drawing in the preparatory group.

Subject: « Our planet Earth»


Continue draw on the background thinking about the content of their work.

To fix the ability to apply the contour with a simple pencil and paint over with paints.

To educate in children a sense of beauty, love for nature, for native land.

Cultivate independence, accuracy.

Help create a positive emotional mood V group

materials: a letter from the inhabitants of the fabulous Yellow planets. toned sheets of paper, simple pencils, paints, brushes, napkins.

GCD progress:

1 The teacher finds in group yellow envelope. Asks the children who dropped this envelope. Invites everyone to him. They read that the letter is addressed to them.

Do you want to know who this letter is from? (everyone sits on the carpet and reads)

"Hi guys from planet Earth» Residents of the starry Yellow are writing to you planets. We want to tell you about our planet. our planet all yellow and very beautiful. We have yellow houses, yellow men. On our there are no animals on the planet. birds, no flowers, no trees. But we still love our the planet and save it. We heard that on your planet there are flowers and trees, animals, birds and more. Draw us, please, pictures of what is on your planet. We will be waiting for a letter from you with drawings! Respectfully yours, yellow men."

We talked a lot about space, about other planets. And what is the name our planet? (children's answers)

Here on yellow the planet is all yellow, and what colors can be found on our planet Earth? (children's answers)

Yes, our planet is bright, multicolored.

Do you agree to tell the yellow men about our Earth?

And we will talk about our bright drawings of the planet.

2 (children go to tables)

Let's stretch our fingers first.

I took paper, pencil,

drew the road.

Turn the palm of the left hand towards you, fingers together ( "paper"). Forefinger right hand - "pencil". Draw a line along the left palm with your finger - "road".

On it he depicted a bull,

And next to him is a cow.

Hands clenched into fists thumb and the little finger of each of them sticks out slightly to the sides, showing the horns of a bull and a cow. Children pronounce: "Moo."

right house,

Fingers fold into a house.

Garden to the left.

The hands are crossed at the wrists "trees", wiggle fingers apart ( "the wind shakes the branches").

There are twelve tussocks in the forest.

With the index finger of the right hand, draw dots on the left

Apples hang on branches

And the rain wets them.

Shaking brushes - imitation of raindrops.

Then he put a chair on the table

The left hand is clenched into a fist and placed on the raised palm of the right.

I'm reaching as high as I can.

The left fist is slowly unclenched, fingers with tension

stretch up.

Phew! Pinned your drawing -

Came out quite well!

3 Discounts for children. (in the course of work I help, encourage, ask what they have in mind)

4 Outcome:

From whom did you receive the letter?

What we painted? (ask 1-2 children about what they painted)

"There is one garden planet,

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy

Birds calling migratory.

Only on it one bloom

Lilies of the valley in the green grass.

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other like it!”

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Unfortunately, only cosmonauts are destined to observe “live” through the porthole a bewitching picture, in which our blue Earth flaunts among the dark infinity of starry space. And ordinary inhabitants get acquainted with the images of the planet only from photographs. Therefore, many people ask themselves: “How to draw the earth so that it is most similar to the real one?” This can only be done by copying photos. Consider step by step instructions recreating the image of the native blue planet.

Features of the drawing without additional devices

Perhaps everyone knows that real artists, unlike technical specialists blueprinters use nothing but pencils and brushes. All sketches are made by hand. This also applies to the image of any circles. Therefore, when following the instructions described below, how to draw the earth with a pencil, compasses or other devices (in the form of rulers, curly templates, etc.) will not be needed. Try using your eye to most accurately draw the rounded contours of the future drawing. If you follow all the steps of the proposed instructions, this is quite simple to do.


Consider how to draw the earth with a pencil in stages. At the same time, it is not so important to observe exact guidelines and have a good eye. It is enough scrupulously and diligently to carry out all stages of work.

  1. On leaf light use lines to outline the future bounding contours of the globe in the form of a square.
  2. Draw a dot in its middle.
  3. Divide the resulting figure into four equal parts using two perpendicular lines passing through the center of the image.
  4. "Cut off" the corners of the square, cutting off lines passing at an angle of 45 ° to the sides of the figure approximately through their middle.
  5. Mark arcs slightly touching the diagonal cuts.
  6. Decorate the circle with clearer lines, trying to recreate the real image.

Draw the outlines of the continents

So, the layout is created, and you can begin to "revive" the picture. From space, our planet looks in white and blue color scheme. In fact, the upper layer of the atmosphere, consisting of clouds, can distort the outlines of the continents. And far from always the image coincides with the globe pattern. But how to draw the earth more realistically? To still make the image believable, it is possible to use geographical maps of the hemispheres for copying. At the same time, shift the contours of the white continents slightly down so that the equator line is an arc, slightly curved in the form of a “boat” in the same direction. This nuance will allow you to recreate the volume and bulge of the globe. Make the outlines of the continents slightly blurry, turning into a bluish-blue ocean color.

Making the background

Having received the image in all its glory, go to final stage. After completing the proposed instructions on how to draw the earth, be sure to pay special attention to the design of the background of the picture. Taking a black palette as a basis, you can slightly refresh the drawing with a small whitish "haze" surrounding the planet. Lightly blend a light coating over the star blotches. And make glowing yellow lights surrounding the ground in different sizes and shapes. Some of them will look like tiny dots, while others will look like angular radiant shapes. Surely, all the described recommendations on how to draw the earth will allow you to create a drawing easily and quickly. And how realistic it will turn out will depend on patience when toning and coloring both the globe and the background surrounding it.

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