Natalia Volkova. Poems - BiblioGuide


The white rhinoceros is the largest of its kind. It belongs to the order "Odd-hoofed" and the family "Rhino". It ranks second in size after the elephant among the savannah animals on Earth.

This mammalian animal is very rare, because. subjected to mass extermination. Unfortunately, now it can be found more often in the territory of special reserves and parks.


The color of this type of animal is not light, but has the following color scheme: Light gray to dark straw, or slightly lighter than black. And all because the British distorted the Boer word, in translation (wide, wide-nosed), which sounded very much like “bright”.

From them fiction passed into other languages. The weight of the animal reaches 4-4.7 tons, in rare cases up to 5, and on average 2-2.6 tons, and is 4.3 meters long. The height at the shoulders is 1.6-2 m. The skin has almost no hair, it is smooth and very thick. On the head there are two horns of different sizes. The front horn of the white rhinoceros is always longer than the rear and has a size of 150 cm.

Thanks to the first horn, he defends himself and easily gets his own food in hard-to-reach thickets, pushing them away. The legs are well developed, thanks to them it can quickly develop speed. There are no teeth on the upper jaw, but there is a twenty-centimeter wide and flat lip, with which he cuts the low grass growing near the ground.

Range and habitat

He lives in South and North Africa. From this and two different species: the southern and northern rhinoceros. The range of the southern rhinoceros is the southern part of the African continent:

  1. Namibia;
  2. Zimbabwe;

The second one lives in such countries as:

  1. Congo;
  2. South Sudan;

There are almost no northern rhinos left; they have been subjected to the most severe extermination by poachers. Whereas southern rhinos live in loyal conditions and have a large number of individuals. In the year 2015, there were 3 representatives left on the planet of northern white rhinos: 2 females and a male living in the parks of Kenya. Not a single individual was left in the wild. White rhinos are extinct.

Thus, they hope that this offspring, or part of them, during the mating period will become the bloodline of the eggs and seed of the northern white rhinoceros, and it will allow the restoration of the endangered subspecies. But while it is not clear whether this will work, it may well be that in the current years we may hear that the northern subspecies of rhinoceros has finally disappeared.

You can also say about the white rhino that he is dirty, because his favorite pastime is taking mud baths. In the mud or swamp, he cools himself, well, and gets rid of annoying insects. The animal lives in open areas, where there is a lot of grass and there are ponds nearby.


Rhinos do not like a large number of their relatives, so they do not live big families. The family includes a male, a female with cubs and already grown babies.

Alien males are not allowed, as they can harm children who have not yet grown up. Sometimes in their family the main female, which can drive the male out of the family, in the event that the male did not please her with anything. Or worse, stab with your big horn during a skirmish.

In general, the female is not very good-natured, she accepts the male only during mating games and mating, and then his care and courtship only annoy her.

But there are exceptions when these families grow up to 20 individuals. They are mostly females with children and old rhinoceroses that have nailed down, but they are tolerated until they try to happen, in which case they are expelled from the herd.

Sound, the voice of a rhinoceros

During the rut, males become aggressive towards the cubs of the female with whom they want to mate and are at enmity with each other. These fierce fights very often end with the death of one of the opponents.

When this happens, the remaining group defends itself against more aggressive congeners. They become in a circle with their snouts outward, thereby covering the babies who have not yet been able to fend for themselves.

Older males mark the areas where they eat with odorous marks, spraying urine on bushes and pastures. The sense of smell is what the rhinoceros is primarily guided by. The organs of vision and hearing are poorly developed.

Therefore, in order to get closer to him, you need right direction wind. By nature, the white rhinoceros is not aggressive, since the black one, on the contrary, can attack first, sensing danger.

White, in this case, will only run away. The speed of his leisurely run is 25-30 km / h. Very rarely, he can exceed the speed of up to 40 km / h, running a short distance. Animals do not like hot weather, so at such a time they most often hide in the shade or in ponds.

They go out to graze only when the heat subsides and it becomes cooler, if they do not eat enough, they can spend the whole night in the pasture. In the swamp, where animals live, they also live, which feed on the drunk ticks of giants, pulling them out of their skin.


The rhinoceros feeds on very small grass growing in the savannah. small stature and mobile lower lip with a rough surface, helps to a short time eat large amounts of this herb. Shrubs may also be included in their diet, but this happens extremely rarely. What can not be said about other animals of this subspecies.


The female enters full puberty at 6, and the male at 11 years. After that, it can bring offspring 1 time in 3 years. The litter consists of one cub. It takes 18 months to bear a fetus. After childbirth, the offspring quickly rises to the limbs and after 24 hours can move after the mother, and after a week eat grass on their own, and do not stop sucking milk for up to a year. The weight of the baby is about 50 kg.

The peak of mating games falls in the middle of summer and the beginning of autumn. During this period, the male finds a female for himself and begins to actively care for her for several weeks and, without letting anyone near her. The mating games of white rhinos are playful and fun. They butt heads, run after each other, making characteristic sounds.

The white rhinoceros, in comparison with other individuals of this species, does not like to change its position. And they do not change the territory they have chosen.


Under natural conditions, they live a little less than in captivity. On average, this is about forty years, while in captivity this age reaches fifty years.

Red Book

Right now, as I write these lines, this animal has the status of an endangered taxon. It's all to blame mass extermination animal by the local population and poachers.

  • This animal can use its ears independently. On the example of a chameleon: when his eyes are able to look in different directions.
  • In the wild, thanks to humanity, not a single white rhinoceros remained, since man exterminated it.
  • Can breed all year round.
  • Its horns are made of keratin, which is what makes poachers commit crimes against the animal.



The rhinoceros is a large herbivore that distinctive feature are huge horns protruding from the top of the head. Some species, such as black and white rhinos, have two horns, while other members of this family, such as Javan rhinos, have only one. Interestingly, rhino cubs are born without horns at all.

Rhinos can have different dimensions depending on the species: the largest is the white rhinoceros, which weighs from 1800 to 2700 kilograms! The Javan rhinoceros is the smallest - from 650 to 1000 kilograms.

Due to its size, strength and aggressiveness during attacks in the wild, none of the predators threatens the rhinoceros, except perhaps for humans, although rhino cubs or sick animals can become victims of lions or crocodiles.

The rhinoceros has very thick skin - up to 1.5 centimeters thick. Although the skin is very thick, it is quite sensitive to sunlight and insect bites. Rhinos often roll in the mud to protect themselves from the scorching sun and annoying insects.

Rhinos feed on grass, leaves, young branches of bushes and trees. Different types rhinos have a different diet, they have poor eyesight, however great feeling smell and hearing.

Rhinoceros females carry offspring for 15-16 months, so they can breed every 2-3 years. Male rhinos are mostly solitary, while both females and young offspring are quite social, but each species has developed its own habits.

Depending on the species, as well as the environment in which rhinos live in the wild or in captivity, they can live from 35 to 50 years.

Where do they live?

The rhinoceros is native to Africa and parts of Asia.

The largest population of white rhinos lives in South Africa, small populations can also be found in Zimbabwe, Namibia and Botswana, as well as neighboring countries. Black rhinos live in the south and west of the African continent, mainly in Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

In Asia, the Indian rhinoceros lives, whose populations can be found in the northeast of the Indian subcontinent and in Nepal. Borneo and Sumatra are home to the Sumatran rhinoceros, while the Javan rhinoceros currently lives only in Indonesian National Park Ujung Pendant. Previously, this species of rhinoceros also lived in Vietnam, but it is believed that not a single representative of the Javan rhinoceros was left there due to the hands of poachers.

Rhinos are grazing animals, so savannahs and grasslands are their habitats.

Guard status:

Near Threatened: White rhinos ( C. simum simum)

Vulnerable: Indian rhinos ( Rhinoceros unicornis)

Critically Endangered: Black Rhinos ( Diceros bicornis), northern white rhinos ( C. simum cottoni), Javan rhinos ( Rhinoceros sondaicus), Sumatran rhinos ( Dicerorhinus sumatrensis).

Rhinos are hunted down by poachers for their valuable horns. By the end of the 20th century, the black rhinoceros suffered the most at the hands of illegal hunters, although the measures taken to protect it helped to slightly improve the situation, according to the International Rhinoceros Organization.

An estimated 4,240 black rhinos, 20,150 white rhinos, 2,800 to 2,850 Indian rhinos, 200 Sumatran rhinos and a total of 27 to 44 Javan rhinos remain in the wild today. The Javan rhinoceros is the rarest land mammal on the planet.

Sumatran rhinos are sometimes referred to as hairy rhinos because they have long, shaggy hair, while the rest of the rhinos are bald. This species is the last surviving species of woolly rhinoceros that lived on the planet from about 350 to 10 thousand years ago.

Black rhinos have a peculiar, adapted for grasping upper lip which helps them easily grasp leaves and twigs.

The names "white" and "black" do not mean the real color of rhinos. "White" (English) "white") is just a misunderstanding of the African word "wait", which means "wide" in translation and describes the wide mouth of this rhinoceros. Another species of rhinoceros was called "black" to somehow distinguish it from white, or perhaps because this rhinoceros likes to roll in dark mud to protect its skin and appear darker.

Rhinos are considered slow and clumsy animals, but they can reach speeds when running from 48 to 64 kilometers per hour.

Small wolfbirds have a symbiotic relationship with rhinos. They remove mites from the surface of their skin and also warn rhinos of danger with loud cries. In the language of the peoples of East Africa, Swahili, these birds are called "askari wa kifaru", which means "defenders of the rhinoceros".

Rhinos leave behind manure with a unique smell for each individual as a "message" to other rhinos that this territory is occupied.

The extinct species of rhinoceros Indricotherium is considered the largest mammal that once lived on the planet (reached up to 8 meters in height and weighed up to 20 tons).

Rhino horns are made of keratin, just like human nails.

Rhinoceros horns are used in folk oriental medicine as a cure for fever and rheumatism. They are also used to make decorative items such as dagger handles.

The closest relatives of rhinos are tapirs, horses and zebras.

What is prayer for Orthodox Christian? First of all, it is a sincere conversation with God, purified by love and faith, a meeting with him. Each of us, no matter where we are, no matter what life conditions we find ourselves in, can turn to the Creator and find spiritual happiness and harmony. But prayer will be effective only if the soul of a person is pure from sinful thoughts.

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In order to avoid possible misunderstandings, I would like to immediately warn not only readers, but also representatives of the competent authorities, whose information departments carefully analyze fiction in an attempt to discover among the writers' fabrications facts and data indicating a leak of classified information or the suspicious knowledge of the authors in cases that they are not supposed to know about by the state, that set forth in ...

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Oh no!

Natalia Gennadievna Volkova was born on August 16, 1977 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical University, after which she taught at her native university for ten years English language. Now she works in a developmental center, she works with children and teenagers from 4 to 16 years old. Participant of VI and VII seminars of young writers of Russia writing for children (Staraya Russa, 2009; Melikhovo, 2010), IX forum of young writers under the guidance of V.M. Voskoboinikov and E.N. Uspensky (Lipki, 2009), festival "Young writers around Detgiz” (November 2009, poetic seminar by M.D. Yasnov). Golden diploma winner of the competition "Golden Pen of Rus' - 2008", laureate of the competition "Golden Pen of Rus' - 2009". And Natalia Gennadievna has two sons.

Natalia Volkova about herself:
Still, there are more miracles in life than in fairy tales! Recently, my first book of poems, “Open Doors Day,” was published, and after it another one was released, published by Apriori-Press, called “I have a secret island.”
When I graduated from the institute, entered graduate school, I wrote a dissertation on a very complex and interesting topic about semantics English verbs, but every time I brought another part to my supervisor, he said that it was necessary to write on land, but I still get some kind of poetry.
Poems really turned out, and now they turned out children's poetry. And then the first miracle happened, and I got to a seminar for children's authors, met amazing children's writers and poets - Valery Voskoboinikov, Eduard Uspensky, Mikhail Yasnov, Sergei Makhotin, who very wisely and accurately suggested to us, young writers, the right direction.
Another miracle happened when I met an amazing illustrator Diana Lapshina on the Internet. When I first came to her website, I realized that I really want her to illustrate my poems, because we are on the same wavelength, we look at life the same way. It is very important that there is understanding between the author and the artist. True, when we became friends, three years ago, there was no talk of any book yet. And then she suddenly a few days before book fair At the All-Russian Exhibition Center I drew illustrations for three of my poems, and I decided to try my luck and show them to the publisher. And again a miracle - the publisher agreed to print!

Volkova N. Day of open doors / Natalia Volkova. - Moscow: Foma, 2010. - 24 p. : ill.
Volkova N. I have a secret island / Natalia Volkova. - Moscow: Apriori-press, 2010. - 80 p. : ill.
Poems were also published in the collective collection “How Good” (St. Petersburg: DETGIZ, 2010), the magazines “Kukumber”, “ Funny pictures", the newspaper" Pioneer Truth" and etc.
An audio CD with fairy tales is being prepared for publication by the Maestro-Pro publishing house.






I have known for a long time
With one old man.
But would I be
Ringing about
When it wasn't for him
Haven't seen longer

He shaved her off
Only in the morning again
had a beard
One hundred twenty five!
The old man gave up.
And in a few days
his beard
The rivers got longer.

Then a beard
Grew up to the pond
Entangled in the city
All wires.
Walk on the rails
Trains couldn't
The cars didn't run!
That's the trouble!
Borders violated
She is cheeky.
A little more -
And there was a war!

But fortunately,
Found one barber -
Wizard cut fast
People and animals.
Wielded with a razor
Hither and thither
And shaved off the old man's beard

Made from a beard
And even knitted some socks!
Who doesn't believe me
So by December
I'm the sweater from that beard
I will give!








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