The most beautiful places in the world that will take your breath away. National Park of Brazil


There are hundreds of breathtaking places in Russia: majestic lakes, impregnable fortresses, gentle plains and pointed peaks.

"Dead Road"

This is one of the largest projects of the Gulag: Railway Chum - Salekhard - Igarka was built in the permafrost zone, just 200 kilometers south of the North polar circle, in record time. The first site was commissioned in 1947.

Construction " dead road"was frozen in 1953 - after the death of Joseph Stalin.

Infrastructure has been preserved on many sections of the Transpolar Highway. In particular, camp barracks, spoked wheelsets, covered German wagons, and even rusty steam locomotives are found among the forests and swamps of the West Siberian Lowland every few kilometers.


Monuments preserved in the national park "Kenozerye" wooden architecture, in particular - churches with painted ceilings - "heavens".

It is included in the list of specially protected natural areas Arkhangelsk region. Ecological routes are laid along the reserve. The most popular of them is the 36-kilometer trail that runs through the Porzhensky churchyard from Kenozero to Lekshmozero.

Filming of a fantasy film on the theme of the Russian village by Andrei Konchalovsky “White Nights of the Postman Alexei Tryapitsyn” took place in Kenozerye.


The city of Mologa - the same age as Moscow - was flooded in 1947 during the construction of the Rybinsk hydroelectric power station. It was located 32 kilometers from Rybinsk, in the Yaroslavl region. Ten years before the flood, in 1937, resettlement began: stone houses were blown up, and wooden houses were dismantled and melted down the river to another place. In just ten years, 130 thousand people were resettled. In addition to Mologa, more than seven hundred surrounding villages and villages were flooded.

When the water level in the reservoir drops, the foundations of houses and temples, stove tiles, broken dishes and bones from former graves. Get acquainted with sad story Mologa can be found in the Museum of the Mologa Region, founded in 1995 in Rybinsk.

"Kingdom of Permafrost"

Inside a non-melting glacier, on the site of an abandoned adit, not far from Yakutia, there is a tourist complex "The Kingdom of Permafrost". IN Soviet years there was a cellar for food storage.

Even in the warm season, the air temperature does not rise above -4 °C. The exposition contains ice sculptures, which are illuminated by multi-colored lights, bones of mammoths, woolly rhinos, bison and other animals of the Ice Age.


The first champagne produced at the legendary plant in Abrau-Dyurso, founded in the 1870s by decree of Alexander II, went on sale in 1898. In the 20th century, "Soviet Champagne" was produced here: about three million bottles were produced per year. Today, there are guided tours with tastings, during which you will be offered five varieties of champagne. Here you can visit ancient cellars and tunnels built in the 19th century and witness the unique process of making champagne wines.

visiting different countries, most tourists are quite satisfied with walking around the hotel and the surrounding area, the useful and not very mumbling of the guide and enjoying the quiet wallowing on the beach and the surrounding landscape. But if you are not one of these tourists and you want to tickle your nerves, then our extreme list is especially for you.

Death Path, Huashan Sacred Mountain, China

Huashan, which is translated from Chinese as Flower Mountain, is a rather cute name, but I hasten to dissuade you, everything is not as charming as it seems. On top of this sacred mountain the views are impressive and breathtaking, but to get to the panoramic platform, you have to make a choice - safely and rather boringly climb the funicular or crawl on foot with sweaty palms. If your choice fell on the second option, then you will have to climb along the "Path of Death". The trail is putting it mildly, wooden planks laid out along sheer cliffs and no semblance of a railing.

Despite the fact that tourists who decide to take such a brave step are insured with the necessary equipment, many do not have the courage to go through the most dangerous section. Fear literally fetters the whole body, which is not surprising, because the trail is located at an altitude of 2 km. But trust me, it's worth it..

Hussaini Suspension Bridge, Pakistan

It is considered to be the most dangerous bridge in the world. I don’t know what should make a tourist go through such an unreliable structure, but apparently there is something in it. The incessant soul-chilling wind swaying the boards tied with a rope does not add optimism.

However, this is already the second bridge construction, as only “horns and legs” remained from the first, which, by the way, hang nearby and excite the fantasy, which has already played out in earnest.

Sky Tower, New Zealand

If you woke up this morning thinking, "why don't I jump from 192 meters", then welcome to the radio tower located in downtown Auckland. Not everyone will be able to decide on a risky jump, because the fall speed reaches 85 km/h. Believe me, you will definitely not forget this.

Trolltunga rock, Norway

At an altitude of 350 meters there is a horizontal rock, popularly called the Troll's Tongue. For many, the idea of ​​conquering it has become an obsession, because it is not every day that you can see such a miracle of nature. And the spectacle awaits you truly unforgettable, because. an impressive ledge hangs exactly over the bewitching beauty of the lake. It is not enough for the most intrepid tourists to simply look at the Norwegian landscapes, and they rush to visit the very tip of the Language, dangling their legs into the abyss, even though this is a reckless undertaking. If only because the rock at any moment can sink into oblivion.

Step into the void, French Alps

Have you ever wanted to feel like you are floating in the air above the mountains? Since 2013, this has become possible without the help of iron birds. And, if you do not have a fear of heights, then you are at the right place.

From a height of almost 4000 meters you can see the mountains and snows of Italy, France and Switzerland. But wait, a portion of adrenaline will also be provided for you, because such an inspiring panorama will open before you not from an ordinary platform, but in a real glass cube. Of course, architectural engineers assure that the design is perfect and durable, but no one has canceled the imagination.

Devil's Basin, South Africa

At the very top of the famous Victoria Falls, located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, there is another extreme wonder of nature, called the Devil's Pool. Try to swim in the backwater, located at a height of 128 meters, from where the water flows sharply into the abyss. Your delight will be mixed with fear if you dare to swim to the edge of the pool.

Boulder Kjeragbolten, Norway

984 meters is not so much. Yes, only if they are measured on the ground. It is at this height that the seemingly unremarkable stone is located. And the fact is that he was literally stuck between two rocks. Climbing this cobblestone is clearly not a decision for the faint of heart. If you also take into account the wind in the mountains ..

Volcano Villarrica, Chile

Do you tremble at the thought of skydiving? Then we suggest jumping into the mouth of an active volcano. At an altitude of 2847 meters there is a crater of an active volcano, into which, if you wish, you can make one of the most extreme jumps. With the help of a rubber cable tied to a helicopter, you will be able to experience not only the breathtaking speed of 130 km / h, but also in literally feel the heat of the earth.

Death Road or 70 km of fear, Bolivia

The road in the province of Yungas is not for nothing called the "road of death". Every year she becomes last place in the lives of hundreds of people. Steep slopes, narrow isthmuses, terribly slippery road surfaces, fogs and landslides due to heavy rains do not make the task easier for those who dare to conquer these terrible 70 km. Despite the huge danger, tourists from all over the world continue to come in order to test their strength. well and local residents you don’t have to choose, the road is operated daily, because she, one of the few, connects northern Bolivia with the capital.

Fisher Towers, Utah, USA

Or as they are also called "stone chimneys", on this moment are the most unstable rocks, they can collapse under your feet at any moment. You ask: - Why then climb there? Yes, just to tickle your nerves ..

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

At an altitude of 120-200 meters above sea level, there is a narrow cycling route along the Cliffs of Moher. One must have a fearless and firm character in order to dare to drive over a chilling cliff, the width of which in some places reaches 10 cm.

Trift Bridge, Switzerland

The suspension bridge in the Alps appeared in 2004 for the purpose of carrying out electrical and hydraulic installation work. However, tourists eager for new sensations were not long in coming. Now anyone who wants to enjoy magnificent views over a distance of 170 meters can pass over this bridge. Additional options are a bonus: an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood and a slight dizziness when looking down.

Young Mountain, Peru

To admire one of the new 7 wonders of the world - Machu Picchu, you will have to muster up the courage and climb the top of the Young Mountain (Hayna Picchu). You are waiting for an incredible climb along the dilapidated steps and the remnants of ancient stairs hanging over the abyss, narrow manholes and morning fog. But, believe me, all this will pay off with a vengeance when you get to the viewing platform. There are contraindications: fear of heights.

Path of the King, Spain

The Royal Path is located between two waterfalls in the El Chorro Gorge in the province of Spain, and reaches 3 km in length. It was built in the 20th century for the workers who built the dam. It got its name on the opening day of the dam, when the king of Spain Alfonso 13 walked along the trail. Since then, the trail has fallen into disrepair and is officially closed, but for real extreme sports given fact just adds to the excitement. With the help of safety equipment, they pass the most dangerous sections, because there is little left of the structure. Pins sticking out of sheer cliffs and the remains of railway rails are the only thing that climbers can catch on to.

The most beautiful places in the world have always attracted the attention of lovers of everything beautiful. Nature has created a huge variety of the most beautiful places on our planet.

People helped to decorate the landscape and nature of these places in order to further emphasize their pristine beauty. I bring to your attention the top most beautiful places in the world.

blue pond hokkaido

This reservoir, unique in its nature, is actually a creation human hands. The pond is located on the left bank of the river in Japanese Hokkaido at the foot of the mountain. The Hokkaido Blue Pond was formed due to the construction of a dam. Subsequently, it became one of the Japanese nature reserves. The water is kept at a stable level in the forest plain, while creating a picturesque pond from which it is impossible to look away. poetic name Blue Pond speaks for itself. The fact is that the name itself very much coincides with the bright blue surface of the water against the background of trees.

Surprisingly, the origin of the characteristic blue color waters cannot explain to this day. But according to scientists, this phenomenon is associated with an increased content of aluminum hydroxide in the water in the reservoir. It is capable of reflecting blue light, just as it can in the earth's atmosphere.

The Hokkaido Blue Pond is able to change shades of blue and of blue color depending on the time of day and viewing angle. The Blue Pond is a famous tourist attraction that attracts many tourists from all over the world. This is an amazingly beautiful and picturesque place. Therefore, it is rightfully included in the most beautiful places in the world.

Tulip fields in Lisse

These magnificent tulip plantations in Holland are able to surprise with their unique beauty each person. It seems that the earth is decorated with all the colors of the rainbow. Blue, red, yellow, pink are the colors that cover the territory of Lisse in the western part of the Netherlands.

The first flowers called "tulip" appeared in the Netherlands as early as 1570. These flowers, or rather their bulbs, were brought by an Austrian scientist and botanist. After some time, a wave of growing tulips swept across the country. Tulips have become really popular. In some cases, people were willing to pay a lot of money for rare specimens of tulips. Since then, the country has changed a lot, but the reverent attitude of the Dutch towards these flowers continues to this day.

Until now, the Netherlands remains the largest supplier of tulips and roses in the world. Every year, the tulip fields attract the attention of thousands of tourists who come to see with their own eyes 3,000,000,000 tulips turn the earth into a rainbow paradise. These flowers are sold in all flower shops Worldwide. But most of all they are popular in Germany and the USA.

Stone forest in Madagascar

The stone forest of Madagascar is the most unusual and beautiful place on the planet. This forest is located on the territory of the Bemaraha nature reserve in the western part of Madagascar. The area of ​​the stone forest reaches 152,000 hectares.

Its originality and uniqueness is explained by the fact that the stone forest consists of vertically standing stone rocks, which are easily recognizable by their conical shape. These rocks arose as a result of the erosion of the limestone that makes up the stone forest. It is interesting to note that the age stone formations reaches over a million years.

Nowadays, the stone forest in Madagascar is a huge stone block with numerous amazing labyrinths, so you can sometimes get lost while traveling through this forest.

Flower park in Ashikaga

Amazing variety colors, magnificent design, incredible compositions and fragrant flower tunnels occupy an area of ​​​​more than eight hectares. In spring, wisteria reigns in this beautiful place. There are about a thousand such plants. One of the main attractions in the park is the 100 year old wisteria.

Many branches of a subtropical plant hang almost to the ground and amaze with their fragrant flowers that resemble butterflies against a background of bright green foliage. This spectacle is truly unforgettable and beautiful.

But the uniqueness of Ashikaga Park is not only in the blooming wisteria. Unique Trees plums amaze the park with their beauty in spring. And in summer, tourists from all over the world are impressed by hydrangeas, petunias, roses and hyacinths.

Ashikaga Park is a place where you plunge into a dream for a moment.

Grand Ice Canyon in Greenland

As a result global warming some of the most ordinary and monotonous landscapes of our planet have been transformed and become incredibly beautiful and impressive. These places include the island of Greenland. Which has changed and began to attract great attention of travelers from all over the world.

Numerous canyons have formed in the central part of the island. The most popular and largest is the Grand Ice Canyon. It impresses with its size and beauty. The canyon is inhabited by the Arctic wolf, lemming, arctic fox. And in coastal waters you can meet walrus, harp seal, whale and many other animals. The canyon is also home to white partridges, gulls and eiders.

The fabulous canyon view of the canyon attracts thousands of curious tourists, hikers, climbers and explorers every year. Such beauty excites the imagination and takes your breath away.

National Park of Brazil

There is an amazing park with sand dunes in Brazil. It occupies a huge area with fine golden sand. The main attraction of the national park in Brazil is a unique desert.

It should be noted that half of the desert area consists of water. The fact is that the desert is located in an area in which heavy rains are not uncommon. Therefore, the desert sands are simply not able to cope with the large volume of water that remains after heavy rains. It is worth noting that it is due to heavy rains in the desert that a luxurious lagoon with warm water is formed.

national park Brazil is especially beautiful in the spring, just when there is plenty of such water in the desert. In summer, you can see many beaches located right in the desert, near the lagoons. Bicycle is the main form of transport in the national park. Mostly visiting tourists move on foot.

Havasu Falls, Grand Canyon

The height of Havasu is 37 meters. The uniqueness of the waterfall lies in the fact that the water that falls into the lake acquires bright blue, blue and greenish hues. so delightful color palette creates calcium and magnesium carbonate, which are washed out of the rocks.

crystal pure water and constant water temperature is another feature of Havasu Falls. Most the best place- This sand beach in the shade of trees. This is truly a heavenly place to relax on a waterfall.

It is worth noting that 800 years ago, these places were inhabited by the Havasupai Indian tribes. Literally translated, it means "people who came from the blue-green waters." And it's really true. An amazing contrast is created by the crystal clear water of the color of the sky and the steep red cliffs of the Grand Canyon.

pamukkale Türkiye

Endless snow-white plains in the middle of a hot summer - this is Pamukkale. This beautiful place is located in the southwest of Turkey, Denizli province. Translated from Turkish means Cotton Castle. Pammukale is a natural site that consists of seventeen geothermal springs.

Unusual ponds and terraces formed in carbonate mineral deposits in hot springs. The main attraction is the so-called travertine. You can walk on it without shoes due to its fragility. The depth is not more than a meter.

The healing properties of thermal mineral springs and dazzling white formations of travertine have been known since ancient times. They are famous among most tourists who visit Turkey.

Indian Fort Chittorgarh

Chittorgarh is one of the oldest forts in India. It was built by the king. The fort was built as a dowry for the king's daughter in the 12th century.

Outwardly, it is a massive building, inside of which there are many doors. The territory of Chittorgarh is about 700 acres. Despite a large number of people who once lived in the fort, he was subjected to constant attacks.

Very often, the enemies kept the siege, thereby forcing the men to leave the fort directly to meet the enemy. There are more than a hundred temples on the territory, which have survived to this day in the form of ruins. But there are also temples that have been preserved in excellent condition.

Seven Colored Lands in Mauritius

There is a corner of our planet where the earth is naturally colored in seven colors. This miracle of nature is located on the island of Mauritius, not far from the Black River. It was there, on the famous plains of Kharamel in 1960, that this geological phenomenon was first revealed.

The dunes in this place are painted in seven colors. Among them are green, red purple, unusual brown, yellow, and even blue. A peculiar "highlight" of these sands is an unusual, spontaneously colored layer of soil. Because of this, sometimes it may seem that there are incredible paintings around you.

Scientists suggest that the appearance of multi-colored sands is caused by molten volcanic rocks. However, the exact origin of the unusual sand has not yet been established. And the characteristics of the soil itself are still being studied. Surprisingly, even the rains cannot destroy the colored layers of the soil.

Today, the dunes are protected and carefully fenced off with a special fence that does not allow tourists to come close to the paths with multi-colored sand.

The world is beautiful! One has only to look around.

Good luck to all!

Video The most beautiful places in the world

To touch at least a small part of this beauty, check out the fifteen most beautiful places that only exist in the world.

1. The colored rocks of Zhangye Danxia in China

This miracle is located in the province of Gansu, and is Mountain landscape, which nature painted with the most unimaginable colors. This became possible due to the unique composition of the red sandstone that makes up the rock. It is part of the UNESCO world heritage.

2 Belize Blue Hole

The location of this curiosity is Lighthouse Reef, located in Central America near the Yucatan Island. This place is considered one of the best for diving and became famous thanks to the expeditions of Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The Blue Hole is 305 meters in diameter and 120 meters deep!

3. Enchanted well in Brazil

This object created by Nature itself is located in the Brazilian Chapada Diamantina National Park. When the rays of the sun hit the water, its color becomes dark blue, an extremely saturated shade. Despite the fact that the color of the water is very dark, even small pebbles can be seen at its bottom (the depth of which is 36 m) in any weather. Visitors think that greatest impression this natural curiosity produces from 11 am to noon.

4. Vatnajökull Ice Caves in Iceland

In this ice-covered northern country, Nature has done its best to create stunning landscapes. Here you can see an abundance of fjords, waterfalls, similar to Martian volcanoes and giant glaciers, in which complex labyrinth-like caves lurk. The most picturesque of them are located in one of the largest glaciers in Iceland - Vatnajökull. There are only two glaciers in the world that exceed it in size, but one of them is in Greenland, and the other is in Antarctica. On the territory of Europe, Vatnajokull is the undisputed leader. Its area is 8133 sq. km. and occupies almost a tenth of all of Iceland. The minimum depth of the glacier is 400 m, and at the deepest points it reaches a kilometer!

5. Juneau Ice Cave in the USA

This cave is located in Alaska - in the Mendenhall Glacier. Its depth is as much as 12 km! At the same time, during the year the cave changes its shape: with the onset of warming, the ice blocks in the cave become springs.

6. "Troll Language" in Norway

This miracle is a huge rocky outcrop hanging directly over Lake Ringedalsvatn at an altitude of 350 m. An amazing natural site is located near the city of Odda and, according to travelers, to visit the "Troll Tongue" will require a five-hour climb.

7. Fiery waterfall "Horsetail" in the USA

The main attraction located in California's Yosemite National Park is Horsetail Falls. This name he received for his unique color. Interestingly, the water from the cliff falls only in winter and early spring, when melted snow rushes down the El Capitan mountain range. All this time the waterfall does not attract special attention and only in mid-February, for a few minutes, the specific refraction of the sun's rays in the stream begins, which makes the waterfall look like a fiery horse's tail.

8. Blue Lagoon in Iceland

It is a geothermal spring that made Iceland famous all over the world. Nearby there is a whole thermal complex, where the spa center is located. All this beauty is located in the southwest of the country on the Reykjanes Peninsula, in the city of Grindavik. The Blue Lagoon has a size of 200x2000 m, and even in winter the water temperature here does not drop below 37-40 degrees Celsius.

9. Cappadocia in Turkey

This attraction has long been chosen by tourists who have appreciated its incredible canyons, underground caves, volcanic formations and even cities. natural origin. The history of Cappadocia goes back to the depths of 7 millennia, during which it passed from the hands of the mysterious inhabitants of Chatal Huyuk to the power of the Hittites, Persians, Romans, Greeks and Ottomans.

10. Star Sea in the Maldives

Such fabulous name received a beach located on the Vaadhoo Atoll. The reason for the appearance of this miracle was the interaction of soil and organisms living on the coast. At night, this creates an effect that gives the lasting impression that the shore has become a star-spangled sky.

11. Victoria Falls in Zambia and Zimbabwe

It is traditionally considered to be the most beautiful natural object. It is really impossible to compare with this waterfall, since its width alone is 1 km. Meanwhile, its height is 10 times less - 100 m, which, however, is also quite a lot. Surrounds the waterfall belonging to Zambia, the so-called Devil's Pool. Victoria Falls is a UNESCO heritage site and is protected by international law.

12. "White Harbor" in Australia

The Australian archipelago of the Holy Trinity became famous for its snow-white beaches, which formed many millions of years ago, when there was no question of any beachgoers.

13. Grand Canyon in the USA

Rightly considered one of the wonders of the world. The canyon is located in Arizona on the Colorado Plateau and is part of national park Grand Canyon. Interestingly, the Navajo, Havasupai and Hualapai Indians live on the territory of this reserve.

14. "Doomsday" in Ecuador

Those who like to tickle their nerves have chosen these landscapes as perfect place where you can touch your personal End of the World. This attraction of natural origin is located in the mountains of Ecuador, in the city of Banos. Here, having climbed to a height of almost three kilometers (2660 m), you can admire the breathtaking panoramic view of the Andes.

15. Tunnel of love in Ukraine

This miracle was formed due to the random interweaving of branches of bushes and trees around the railway track. As a result, formed incredible beauty green tunnel, which is proud of a completely ordinary Ukrainian village of Klevan.

Of course, the beauty of our planet is not limited to the above objects, but getting to know them makes it possible to get an idea of ​​how beautiful the world in which we live is.

”, we decided to recall a few paintings on the theme of life after the apocalypse, which can always be reviewed with pleasure.

Through the Snow Snowpiercer, 2013

Frame: CJ Entertainment Bong Joon-Ho, director from South Korea, which shocked movie lovers with the thriller "Memories of a Murder" and the drama "Mother", directed a tough and at the same time philosophical film. The earth froze and died. The survivors live in a train, which rushes at breakneck speed across an icy world. The closer to the head of the train you live, the better your life is. The dregs of society live in the very last carriage. They are fed, but sometimes their children are taken from them, and no one else sees them.

After Earth After Earth, 2013

frame: Columbia Pictures We know that this film was not loved by many, and the founders of Golden Raspberry filled Will Smith, his son and director M. Night Shyamalan with nominations and awards. But, if you look at this fantastic thriller as a drama of the relationship between father and son, you will understand that someone simply mixed up the genre orientation. And the Earth, on which there are no more people, is just a backdrop for the drama.

Monsters, 2010

frame: Vertigo Films "Monsters" is a concise, modest and surprisingly fresh (in terms of presentation) film about an alien invasion. There are almost no aliens in the frame, but there is tension. Plus, the atmosphere of the infection zone is subtly felt, the inspiration for the creation of which was clearly drawn from the great " Stalker» Andrei Tarkovsky.

Shepherd Priest, 2011

frame: Buckaroo Entertainment Stylish action movie about a fighter of anti-vampire special forces is striking in scope, audacity and is slightly similar to anime (because it is based on the manga). Paul Bettany, an actor who a few years earlier fought with evil spirits in the horror film "Legion" (how to unsee him), this time approached the role thoroughly and fights for five. We think it's more interesting than " I'm a legend with Smith. Because it's darker.

child of man Children of Men, 2006

frame: Universal Pictures This is an exemplary dystopia. The world of the future, devoid of hope. Chaos that destroys not only humanity, but also humanity. And a child who is preparing to enter this world becomes something sacred for everyone. Cuaron is an uneven director, but thanks to this picture, his name will remain in the history of cinema.

How I love now How I Live Now, 2013

frame: BFI Film Fund Life after the third world war, according to Kevin Macdonald, will destroy everything that is dear to us if there is no love in it. Shooting the first part of the picture when main character in love, the director pierces every frame with the sun. To make the viewer feel the emptiness of life after love has been taken away.

Cloud Atlas Cloud Atlas, 2012

frame: Ascension Pictures An epic fantasy tale interweaving characters, stories and storylines based on novel of the same name David Mitchell, shows several times, worlds and eras. Two lines - in the distant future. One is Seoul after the Holocaust. The second - ten thousand years later, when there were almost no people left, and those who live, rolled into primitive order and die from mutations.

Mad Max: Fury Road Mad Max: Fury Road, 2015

frame: Warner Bros. Pictures Perhaps flawless film in the top ten: a chase movie full of adrenaline, blood and madness. It does not look at all on a small screen: in order to get inside this bacchanalia, you need a huge screen to feel the full power of the idea. Far in the future, the Earth has become a dead desert, and whoever owns the water rules over the world. In this region, Max Rockatansky is captured by an army of mutants led by Immortal Joe.

Delicacies Delicatessen, 1990

frame: Victoires Productions One of the first films of the brilliant Genet-Caro tandem: a completely crazy movie full of fantasies, miracles and allusions. Opening with fucking credits, Delicacies tells the story of the world after nuclear war, in which food is converted into hard currency. Main character paintings, Louison, gets a job at a butcher, not realizing that the meat in his employer's shop is a previous employee.

Akira Akira, 1988

frame: Akira Committee Company Ltd. Sweet is the last. No one blows our minds the way the Japanese do. After nuclear explosion a dictatorship has been established in Japan, and scientists are developing weapons using mutants. One of them, Tetsuo, possesses incredible strength, with the help of which a new apocalypse can come. And only him close friend can stop the monster. In "Akira" all the signs of the genre: hallucinations, racing, destruction and philosophy mixed up. A classic that was recently promised to be brought to the screen as a movie. Better - don't, it's sacred.

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