The official version of the death of Kurt Cobain. The mystery of the death of Kurt Cobain: who could save the leader of the legendary rock band Nirvana


On April 8, 1994, an electrician arrived at Cobain's house early in the morning to install a security system. He found Kurt's body in the greenhouse above the house's garage. official investigation concluded that he shot himself. The evidence for suicide, according to investigators, is suicide note, and also - a dose of heroin in the blood, incompatible with life.

However, there are several and unproven versions of the deliberate murder of a rock star.

The most plausible of them is the version of private detective Tom Grant. From his point of view, the cause of death of Kurt Cobain was the murder organized by Courtney Love.

“In December 1994, almost eight months after the investigation began, I have enough evidence to be firmly convinced that Kurt Cobain did not commit suicide, but was actually killed,” the detective said.

Grant was hired by Courtney herself to identify the person who tried to use Kurt's blocked credit card in the days before Kurt's death. The detective was alerted by the illogical behavior and confused testimony of the singer during the investigation. Grant also identified a number of inconsistencies in the official version of the investigation. The suicide was cleverly staged, according to a private investigator.

Firstly, no fingerprints were found on the gun that Kurt allegedly fired from, not even the singer himself.

Secondly, traces of injections and 3 times the lethal dose of heroin in the blood testify against suicide. According to medical experts, a single lethal dose of heroin puts a person into a coma in just a few seconds and can kill him before he can even remove the needle from his vein. Kurt, in this state, could not independently put the syringe and other devices back into the box, take a gun and shoot himself in the head. In addition, the door to the greenhouse, near which the body was found, "was locked from the inside", but in fact it was closed with an automatic lock that slammed shut automatically.

The detective does not agree with the “dying” purpose of the found note. She did not contain a direct reference to suicide, but only reported leaving the stage and separation from her family. The last two lines, which say "this world will be better without me", according to the conclusion of the handwriting examination, were added in a different handwriting.

Earlier, on March 4, 1994, Kurt, who was in the process of divorcing Courtney, was hospitalized in a coma with traces of Rohypnol and alcohol in his blood. The musician said that he did not remember what happened to him. Memory lapses are common side effect Rohypnol, but Kurt himself did not buy the drug. The singer's wife had the recipe for its purchase. During a search of the house, Tom Grant found several empty packets with a prescription in her name. At the same time, Courtney, contrary to the words of doctors and Kurt himself, claimed that the coma was the result of a suicide attempt.

The reason for the murder, according to Grant, could be $ 29 million. Courtney's fortune would have decreased by that amount if Kurt had time to sign the divorce papers.

The detective also considers the behavior of the widow immediately before the death of the guitarist suspicious. She called Dylan Carlson, and in a telephone conversation asked to "prepare the greenhouse." The singer herself flew to Los Angeles, refusing to return even at the request of friends.

Shortly after Kurt's death, Los Angeles 911 received an anonymous call announcing that Courtney Love had overdosed on drugs. Arriving doctors placed her in a medical isolation room. Later, an examination of the phone records during the investigation into the circumstances of Cobain's death revealed that the anonymous call was made from Courtney Love's room. Tom Grant believes that this was Courtney's attempt to provide herself with an alibi for the time of Cobain's death.

A private detective named Eldon Hawke as a witness to the contract killing of Cobain, who confirmed on a lie detector that Courtney Love tried to hire him for $50,000 to kill Kurt Cobain and then stage his suicide. On April 19, 1996, Hawke was found dead on the train tracks.

By the way, in 2004, on the 40th anniversary of the birth of Courtney Love, she almost committed suicide herself - she was saved from suicide at the last moment.

In March of this year, the police showed previously unreleased photographs from the scene of Kurt's death. The photographs show a cigar box with a heroin injection kit, the singer's suicide note and his purse with an identity card. Immediately after the publication of the photos, the court received a lawsuit from the American journalist Richard Lee, the author of the series documentaries titled "Kurt Cobain Was Killed". The journalist stated that the photographs should have been published 20 years ago to help investigate the causes tragic death soloist.

After his death, Cobain's body was cremated, and the ashes were divided into three parts: one was transferred to a Buddhist temple in New York, the second was scattered in the Wishka River in hometown Aberdeen, the third part is kept by Courtney Love.
Admirers of Cobain's work every year on April 5 gather in the park of the town of Aberdeen in the state of Washington - the city of the singer's childhood and youth, to honor the memory of the idol. At the entrance to the city there is a sign with the name of the Nirvana song “Come as you are”, which means “be yourself” or “come as you are”.

an electrician named Gary Smith arrived at the Cobain home at 171 Lake Washington Blvd East in Seattle at 8:30 a.m. to install a security system. Smith rang the house several times, but no one answered the door. Then he noticed a Volvo car parked in the garage next to the house, and decided that the owners of the house, perhaps in the garage or greenhouse, which was located directly above the garage. Smith checked the garage, then climbed the stairs to the greenhouse. Through the glass door of the greenhouse, Smith noticed the body and assumed that someone was sleeping, however, looking closer, he saw blood at the left ear and a gun lying across the body. This is how Kurt Cobain was discovered. At 8:45 a.m., Gary Smith called the police and the local radio station. Kurt left a suicide note written in red pen.

The examination showed that Cobain had been dead for several days; as the exact date of death was called April 5. A significant amount of heroin was found in the musician's blood. The police report stated that death was the result of a "penetrating gunshot wound to the head"; the cause of death was given as suicide. Kurt's relatives and friends noted his depression and hints of suicidal behavior even before his death: “He was very quiet. He pulled away from all his relationships, did not communicate with anyone, ”Dave Grohl recalled in an interview with Cobain biographer Charles Cross. Chris Novoselic, recalling their joint trip to the Cobain dealer, spoke even more categorically: "All he wanted was to get drunk until he passed out ... To die - that's what he wanted." A month before his death, the musician was taken to the hospital with a severe drug overdose: many regard this incident as his first suicide attempt. Two weeks later, his wife, singer and musician Courtney Love, called the police, claiming that her husband had locked himself in the room and was threatening to kill himself, but after protests, Kurta retracted her words. During this period leading up to his death, Cobain suffered from a severe heroin addiction, due to which his relationship with his family deteriorated greatly. In addition, it is known that he has always been prone to depression (he was diagnosed with manic-depressive psychosis): this family feature Kobainov - two of his paternal uncles also committed suicide.

Murder version

The first version of the Cobain murder was voiced by American journalist Richard Lee ( English), which a week after the death of the musician released a series of programs Kurt Cobain Was Murdered. In them, he highlighted the details of police reports and video footage as implausible.

Later, Tom Grant, a Los Angeles private detective hired by Courtney Love (who was in Los Angeles at the time) on April 3, 1994, after Cobain escaped from rehab on April 1, 1994, became a well-known proponent of the murder theory. . Tom Grant was hired by Courtney to search for Kurt, whose whereabouts had been unknown since April 1, 1994 (i.e., since escaping from rehab), and also to determine the identity of the person who tried to use Kurt's blocked credit card in the days before his death ( Courtney later confessed to Grant that she lied about Kurt's credit card; in an attempt to restrict her husband's movements, she canceled his credit card claiming it was stolen). Grant, according to him, was alarmed by Courtney's illogical behavior and confused testimony during the investigation. In the process, Grant established, in his opinion, a number of interesting facts. According to the private detective, someone wanted to paint a picture of a suicide and portrayed it almost convincingly. The main arguments of the Grant were the following statements:

Grant concludes that Courtney Love ordered the murder. Love's relationship with Cobain recent months his life was in critical condition; the detective considered that the singer was afraid of a possible divorce and chose to get rid of her husband. Shortly before his death, Cobain began the process of filing divorce papers, after which Love's share of the inheritance from her deceased husband would be reduced from $ 30 million (as a widow) to one million (as an ex-wife).

Grant was also supported by documentary director Nick Broomfield, author of an investigative film called Kurt & Courtney(). A video interview he made with rock musician Eldon "El Duce" Hawk, included in the film, is often cited by murder theorists as further evidence that Cobain was murdered rather than committed suicide: in this recording, Eldon announces that Courtney Love offered him to kill her husband and promised $ 50,000 for it, said that he knew who the musician was killed, but did not disclose the name of the criminal - only once he called the name of a certain “Alan”, after which he laughed and said: “I will do this for the FBI to catch this guy!” Just a few days after this, Hawke died under the wheels of a train on railway(which, according to conspiracy theorists, also seems highly suspicious). At the same time, many were critical of El Duce's testimony; for example, journalist Everett True, who knew Cobain closely during his lifetime, writes in his book "Nirvana: The True Story" (in the Russian edition - "Nirvana: true story”) that Hawke openly mocks the interviewer in this video. Brumfield himself, in an interview made shortly after the release of "Kurt & Courtney", announced that he did not believe in the murder: "I think he committed suicide ... Courtney only pushed him to this."

Jan Halperin ( Ian Halperin) and Max Wallace ( Max Wallace) released a book in 1999 called Who Killed Kurt Cobain?, in which they investigated the murder theory and also interviewed Tom Grant. In the end, they came to the conclusion that, although there is not enough hard evidence for the conspiracy theory, Cobain's death is still surrounded by many questions and the murder case should not have been closed so quickly. In 2004, the authors wrote a second book, Love and Death: The Murder of Kurt Cobain, which draws similar conclusions.

The reaction of family and friends

Some of Kurt's relatives and friends also doubted that he committed suicide, or at least expressed their bewilderment in connection with this act. Mark Lanegan, a longtime friend of Cobain, admitted in an interview with Rolling Stone: “I never imagined that he would commit suicide. I thought he just difficult period". The same article quoted Dylan Carlson, one of the last people to see Cobain alive, saying that he wanted to ask Kurt or someone close to him if the Rome incident was a suicide attempt. Kim Gordon, bassist for Sonic Youth who knew the musician during his lifetime, remarked in a 2005 interview, "I don't even know if he killed himself. Some of his relatives do not think so ... ”and when asked if she thinks that Cobain was killed by unknown people, she answered in the affirmative. Speaking of "relatives", Kim may have referred to Leland Cobain, who openly announced that, in his opinion, his grandson did not commit suicide, but was the victim of murderers. In the same interview, Gordon's husband, Sonic Youth founder Thurston Moore, also had a few words about Cobain's suicide: “He died a hard death; it was not just an overdose, he killed himself with violence and cruelty. It was so...aggressive, but in life he was not aggressive, he was smart, he had an unusual mind. So his act can only be explained in this way: here, they say, your mother, what gesture. But this gesture... there is something wrong with it, there is something unnatural in it. It somehow doesn’t really fit into the framework of what we know about all this.”

In turn, some of Kurt's family and friends, including his mother, Wendy Cobain, and his former comrades group, are skeptical about the version of the murder and agree with the official conclusion, or even refuse to comment on this topic. In an interview with Today newspaper, Wendy said: “Kurt's suicide was not an accident. He carefully considered his step and carried it out methodically. For the last two years I have lived in the belief that he will die soon. In the same place, she noted that, in her opinion, “the incident in Rome was ... [his] first attempt to die”: “I immediately realized that this was his joyful“ recovery ”is nothing more than a buffoon’s dramatization. He already had one foot in the grave." Curt's cousin Beverly, a psychiatrist by profession, emphasized the fact that the Cobain family had repeatedly experienced suicide and mental illness before (in particular, both of his paternal uncles committed suicide). After the death of her famous cousin, she became seriously interested in the topic of suicide and its causes and devoted herself to the work of preventing suicide among young people, publishing, among other things, a book called When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens("When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens"). . Dave Grohl has stated that he always felt that Kurt was destined to die young. The journalist and musician Everett True, who knew both Cobain and Courtney Love, was critical of the rumors about the "murder"; in his book, he cites the words of another acquaintance of Kurt, Rene Navarrete: “One guy later tracked me down through my brother and put forward a conspiracy theory that Kurt was killed. That's funny. Kurt himself told me a couple of times that if he was going to commit suicide, then only in this way, in this way. We joked about it. They joked about how much drugs you need to take in order to be able to bring a gun to your own head - and so it happened. We had such a sense of humor - we childishly made fun of people and things. Nirvana manager Danny Goldberg is also scathing about this theory: in his book Dispatches From The Culture Wars: How The Left Lost Teen Spirit he mentions "stupid Internet rumors that Cobain did not commit suicide, but was killed" and admits that the thought of the musician's death still hurts him.

Greg Sage, leader of the influential punk rock band Wipers and one of Kurt's idols who knew him during his lifetime, commented on Cobain's death in one of his interviews:

I can't theorize and make any assumptions here, I only know what he told me personally: he was not particularly happy about all this. I think success seemed like a brick wall to him. There was no other way for him but to end it all; it was all too fake for him, and he was not a fake person at all. He was actually going to come here on the day about two weeks after he died, he wanted to record a bunch of Lead Belly covers. But it was kind of kept a secret, because people definitely wouldn't let him do it. Think he was in a multi-billion dollar industry at the time and if the industry had known he wanted to leave they would never have let him, they would never have let him, because if he had just left scenes, he would be completely forgotten; but if he had died, he would have been immortalized.

original text (English)

Well, I can't really speculate other than what he said to me, which was, he wasn't at all happy about it, success to him seemed like, I think, a brick wall. There was nowhere else to go but down, it was too artificial for him, and he wasn't an artificial person at all. He was actually, two weeks after he died, he was supposed to come here and he wanted to record a bunch of Leadbelly covers. It was kind of in secret, because, I mean, people would definitely not allow him to do that. You also have to wonder, he was a billion-dollar industry at the time, and if the industry had any idea at all of him wishing or wanting to get out, they couldn't have allowed that, you know, in life, because if he was just to get out of the scene, he'd be totally forgotten, but if he was to die, he'd be immortalized.

The Seattle (Washington) police released the text, which is contained in a previously unknown letter from the musician, which he wrote just a few hours before his death. This soloist note cult group was found in his wallet right after Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1994.

20 years later law enforcement Washington state nevertheless decided to present to the general public the contents of Cobain's suicide note. She was attached to the materials of the case of the musician's death, which has not yet been closed. For a long time the police kept secret the text, which was written by the musician before his death. She believes that the handwriting in the note is very similar to Kurt Cobain's, but when exactly it was written remains unclear.

Summary of Kurt Cobain's suicide note

The singer's suicide note begins with a wedding vow that the bride and groom traditionally make to each other on the day of the ceremony. But then Kurt Cobain describes his marriage to Courtney Love in obscene language. In particular, he accused his wife of spending the money he earned on drugs and "fornication" without hesitation. What exactly did Kurt mean by last word he did not explain. Quote from the note:

Are you ready, Kurt Cobain, to accept Courtney Michelle Love as your legal wife ... Even if this pimple-faced bitch is ready to spend all your money on drugs and fornication?

Fragment of the singer's letter, which he wrote before his death

The text of Cobain's new suicide note is radically different from his first message, which was made public earlier. In a previous note, it was written that the musician "feels guilty before his fans and loved ones," and also confesses his feelings for Courtney Love and asks for her forgiveness. Representatives of the singer have not yet commented on the second note of the Nirvana soloist.

Kurt Cobain's death was a shock to his fans

Kurt Cobain death case

Recall that musician Kurt Cobain was found dead at his home on April 8, 1994, three days after his death. According to the official version, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Despite the fact that the case of the death of the lead singer of "Nirvana" has not yet been closed. One of the detectives working for Courtney Love suggested that the singer's wife herself could be the customer of the crime. However, so far this opinion remains only a version that has not found evidence.

His wife, Courtney Love, was also among the suspects in the case of the musician's death.

Even after his death, Kurt Cobain earned a sensational amount: his music brought $ 800 million to the copyright holders.

23 years ago, April 5, 1994, the famous rock musician, leader Nirvana Kurt Cobain. official reason his death was called suicide, although his method led fans to put forward the version of a contract killing. Although these conjectures have not been confirmed over time, the musician's biographers admit that the people who could save Cobain from death still existed, but were inactive.

Some researchers believe that suicide was the logical finale of the path that the musician had to go through throughout his life, and that the prerequisites for the manic-depressive disorder that arose in him were laid down in childhood. When he was 9 years old, his parents divorced, which was a heavy blow for him: “I was ashamed of my parents. I could not communicate with classmates, because I really wanted to have a "decent" and complete family. Like everyone else, ”the musician admitted. common language he did not find with his stepfather, and he had to live with his grandparents, then with relatives on his mother's side.

IN adolescence he learned that his uncle Barl had committed suicide by shooting himself in the stomach. After that, Kurt fell into a depression: “I spent hours sitting in my bedroom and strumming the guitar. I had no idea that because of my seclusion, the girls considered me a great original and constantly hit on me. This fact simply surprised my few friends, because I was far from being handsome. However, none of the contenders managed to "promote" me, because at that time it seemed to me that I was a homosexual. In fact, it was a real misanthropy.

Sometimes he had bouts of unmotivated vandalism - he could arrange a pogrom in someone's apartment. Due to constant pain in the stomach, he became addicted to strong painkillers, and this addiction soon developed into a drug addiction.

By the time his friends tried to save him, it was already too late. At the end of March 1994, they persuaded him to undergo a rehabilitation course, but two days later the musician escaped from the clinic. Some modern experts argue that doctors would have been able to help Cobain if they had paid attention to the presence of manic-depressive psychosis in time and, before treating him for drug addiction, sent him for a consultation with a psychiatrist. His wife Courtney Love or friends could have insisted on this, but this did not happen.

The body of the deceased was discovered by an electrician during a routine inspection of the alarm system. This happened 3 days after death. No traces of violent acts were found, so the official version was suicide. As it turned out, the musician shot himself in the mouth with a gun. The door was locked from the inside, there was a suicide note on the table - everything pointed to suicide.

The greatest suspicions and doubts about the version of suicide among the fans were caused by the fact that before taking the shot, Cobain made an injection - a dose of heroin was found in his blood, three times the lethal dose, as well as traces of a tranquilizer that enhances the effect of narcotic drugs. Many argued: in this state, he simply would not have been able to carry out his plan, and he would not have had time - in this case, death should have occurred within a few seconds. And what was the point of this shot if death was already inevitable? In addition, the lock on the door was automatic, and it could be closed from either side by simply slamming the door hard.

Among the suspected organizers of a contract killing rigged for suicide, the wife of the musician Courtney Love was also called. The reason for this was their frequent quarrels, there were rumors that Cobain was going to divorce her and even wanted to rewrite the will, removing his wife from it. She was confused in her testimony and claimed that she was trying to discourage her husband from drugs, but this turned out to be untrue - after all, she herself was a drug addict. However, the version of Courtney Love's involvement in the murder has not been officially confirmed. Although fans still do not believe in Cobain's suicide, they accuse his wife, if not of complicity, then of connivance, and express more and more new assumptions.

After Cobain's death, his mother told reporters: “I was sure that everything would turn out like this, but I was not able to fix something. He told me that people want him dead, that such an outcome is quite logical. Just fate, nothing more than "the continuation of the history of rock and roll"".

Kurt Cobain became another member of the 27 Club - after all, he was not the first musician to die at that age. And for others, they became fatal

When Kurt Cobain died, his fans were deeply affected by the news. Over the years of his creative work in the popular rock band Nirvana he became the idol of millions. Interestingly, Kurt Cobain never wanted to be a global celebrity. He did not see anything good in this, because he was afraid that excessive attention will take away his freedom and turn his favorite business into a boring everyday life.

The early years of Kurt Cobain

A little boy named Kurt Cobain pleased his parents with his birth on February 20, 1967 in an American town called Aberdeen. My father worked as an auto mechanic, and my mother was a housewife. However, there were many in the Cobain family talented musicians, which became for young talent real inspiration.

Kurt from an early age showed special interest to music. Already at the age of two, his parents enjoyed his marvelous performance of songs bands The The Beatles, and a few years later Kurt Cobain wrote his first song. That is why on the seventh birthday the relatives gave the boy drum set from which he did not leave for a minute. In addition, Kurt had special talents as an artist and painted wonderful pictures.

Kurt Cobain was a cheerful and cheerful child until the age of 9, when his parents This was a serious shock for him, from which he never recovered. Since then, the guy became sad and closed in on himself. However, the musician found his salvation in creativity, changed the drum set to a guitar and became very interested in rock. In 1987 came his real finest hour along with birth Nirvana bands.

Cobain was deeply disappointed with his rapidly developing popularity, he was much more eager to compose music for small group people with common thoughts and aspirations. He was one of the few talented people who tried to fight for justice in the world and did it sincerely. The whole world knows about his open struggle for the rights of women and representatives of sexual minorities. In addition, Kurt did not recognize any manifestations of racism and considered all people equal. It was these ideas that formed the basis of his songs.

Why did Kurt Cobain die?

This question worries many fans of the musician, but even today it is quite difficult to answer the question of why Kurt Cobain died. Experts still continue to debate this topic. He was a successful musician with a career that many dream of. His wife was the beauty Courtney Love, who gave birth to him beautiful daughter. He had everything he needed for a prosperous life, but Kurt did not feel happy.

Kurt Cobain did not deny his addiction to, which Courtney Love shared with him. Because of persistent problems with a stomach and headaches, the musician quite often indulged in hard drugs, which made it easier for him to endure pain. IN last years Throughout his life, Kurt Cobain was increasingly suffering from heroin overdoses, almost every time he was saved by Courtney Love. The musician's addiction to drugs finally got out of control when, in March 1994, he first tried to commit suicide.

Before Kurt Cobain died, his friends and relatives literally got him out of the world several times in a row. After much persuasion, the musician agreed to treatment for drug addiction in a specialized clinic, but very soon fled to Seattle, where he could not be found for quite some time. On April 8, 1994, his body, along with a gun, was found in own house. The examination showed that before the suicide, the rocker took a large dose of heroin, and then shot himself. If you want to know how old Kurt Cobain died, he was only 27. The question of what year Kurt Cobain died in still worries many fans of his work. The exact date of death was given as April 5, 1994.

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Among the reasons for the tragedy, experts called creative crisis musician and constant scandals with Courtney Love, but there is a theory that Kurt Cobain was killed by ill-wishers.

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