Explain the name of the fairy tale kind pop. Children's fairy tales online


Once upon a time there was a pop. He hired a worker, brought him home.

- Well, worker, serve well, I will not leave you.

The worker lived for a week, haymaking came.

- Well, light, - says the priest, - God willing, we will migrate safely, wait until morning and go tomorrow to mow hay.
- All right, father.

They waited for the morning, got up early. Pop and says popadye:

- Let's have breakfast, mother, we'll go to the field to mow hay.

Popadya collected on the table. They sat down together and ate breakfast. Pop says to the worker:

- Come on, light, we will have lunch at a time and we will mow in order. Pop says to the worker:
- Come on, light, we will have lunch at a time and we will mow until the afternoon without rest.
- As you wish, father, perhaps we will have lunch.
“Give it, mother, to dine on the table,” ordered the priest to his wife.

She served them lunch too. They took a spoonful, another sipped - and they were full.

Pop says to the worker:

- Come on, light, at the same table and in the afternoon and we will mow until dinner.
- As you wish, father, noon so noon!

Popadya served an afternoon snack on the table. They again took a sip on a spoon, on the other - and they were full.

“It’s all the same, light,” says the priest to the worker, “let’s have dinner at the same time, and we’ll spend the night on the field – we’ll be in time for work tomorrow.”
- Come on, daddy.

Popadya served them supper. They drank one or two and got up from the table.

The worker grabbed his coat and is going out.

Where are you, light? pop asks.
- How to where? You yourself, father, know that after dinner you have to go to bed.

Hello young writer! It's good that you decided to read a fairy tale " Dobry pop"in it you will find folk wisdom which are edified for generations. Each time, reading this or that epic, one feels incredible love with which images are described environment. Probably because of the inviolability human qualities in time, all morality, morality and issues remain relevant at all times and epochs. Loyalty, friendship and self-sacrifice and other positive feelings overcome everything that opposes them: malice, deceit, lies and hypocrisy. All heroes were "honed" by the experience of the people, who for centuries created, strengthened and transformed them, devoting great and deep meaning child education. The dialogues of the characters often evoke tenderness, they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. Thanks to the developed children's imagination, they quickly revive the colorful pictures of the world around them in their imagination and fill in the gaps with their visual images. The fairy tale "Kind Pop" should be read for free online thoughtfully, explaining to young readers or listeners the details and words that are incomprehensible to them and new to them.

Once upon a time there was a pop. He hired a worker, brought him home.
- Well, worker, serve well, I will not leave you.
The worker lived for a week, haymaking came.
- Well, light, - says the priest, - God willing, we will migrate safely, wait for the morning and go tomorrow to mow hay.
- All right, father.
They waited for the morning, got up early. Pop and says popadye:
- Let's have breakfast, mother, we'll go to the field to mow hay.
Popadya collected on the table. They sat down together and ate breakfast. Pop says to the worker:
- Come on, light, we will have lunch at a time and we will mow until the afternoon without rest.
- As you wish, father, perhaps we will have lunch.
“Give it, mother, to dine on the table,” ordered the priest to his wife.
She served them lunch too. They took a spoonful, another sipped - and they were full.
Pop says to the worker:
- Come on, light, at the same table and in the afternoon and we will mow until dinner.
- As you wish, father, noon so noon!
Popadya served an afternoon snack on the table. They again took a sip on a spoon, on the other - and they were full.
“It’s all the same, light,” the priest says to the worker, “let’s have dinner at the same time, and we’ll spend the night on the field — we’ll be in time for work tomorrow.”
- Come on, daddy.
Popadya served them supper. They drank one or two and got up from the table.
The worker grabbed his coat and is going out.
Where are you, light? asks the pop.
— How where? You yourself, father, know that after dinner you have to go to bed.
Went to the shed and slept until light.
Since then, the priest has ceased to treat the worker with breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner at a time.


Folk tales contained the wisdom and worldly experience accumulated by mankind over many centuries. " Fairy tale a lie, but there is a hint in it ... ”It is difficult to overestimate the importance of fairy tales for the development of a child: fairy tale teaches courage, honesty, kindness, develops a sense of beauty. Tell your child a fairy tale, he will definitely learn something useful from it. In this release Russian traditional fairy tale Dobry pop.

Dobry pop.

Once upon a time there was a pop. He hired a worker, brought him home.

Well, worker, serve well, I won't leave you.

The worker lived for a week, haymaking came.

Well, light, - says the priest, - God willing, let's move safely, wait for the morning and go tomorrow to mow hay.

Okay, daddy.

They waited for the morning, got up early. Pop and says popadye:

Let's have breakfast, mother, we'll go to the field to mow hay.

Popadya collected on the table. They sat down together and ate breakfast. Pop says to the worker:

Come on, light, we will have lunch at a time and we will mow until the afternoon without rest.

As you wish, father, perhaps we will have lunch.

Serve, mother, dine on the table, - the priest ordered his wife.

She served them lunch too. They drank on a spoon, on another - and are full.

Pop says to the worker:

Come on, light, at the same table and in the afternoon and we will mow until dinner.

As you please, father, noon so noon!

Popadya served an afternoon snack on the table. They again took a sip on a spoon, on the other - and they were full.

For the same, light, - says the priest to the worker, - let's have dinner at the same time, and spend the night on the field - tomorrow we'll be in time for work earlier.

Come on, dad.

Popadya served them supper. They drank one or two and got up from the table.

The worker grabbed his coat and is going out.

Where are you, world? - asks the pop.

How where? You yourself, father, know that after dinner you have to go to bed.

Went to the shed and slept until light.

Since then, the priest has ceased to treat the worker with breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner at a time.

Let folk tale told to the baby will become a good tradition and bring you closer to the baby.

Fairy tale

Dobry pop

Russian folktale
Once upon a time there was a pop. He hired a worker, brought him home.

- Well, worker, serve well, I will not leave you.

The worker lived for a week, haymaking came.

- Well, light, - says the priest, - God willing, we will spend the night safely, wait for the morning and go tomorrow to mow hay.

- All right, father.

They waited for the morning, got up early. Pop and says popadye:

- Let's have breakfast, mother, we'll go to the field to mow hay.

Popadya collected on the table. They sat down together and ate breakfast. Pop says to the worker:

- Come on, light, we will have lunch at a time and we will mow until the afternoon without rest.

- As you wish, father, perhaps we will have lunch.

“Give it, mother, to dine on the table,” ordered the priest to his wife.

She served them dinner. They took a spoonful, another sipped - and they were full.

Pop says to the worker:

- Come on, light, at the same table and in the afternoon and we will mow until dinner.

- As you wish, father, noon so noon!

Popadya served an afternoon snack on the table. They again took a sip on a spoon, on the other - and they were full.

“It’s all the same, light,” says the priest to the worker, “let’s have dinner and spend the night on the field at the same time — we’ll be in time for work tomorrow.”

- Come on, daddy.

Popadya served them supper. They drank one or two and got up from the table.

The worker grabbed his coat and is going out.

Where are you, light? asks the pop.

— How where? You yourself, father, know that after dinner you have to go to bed.

Went to the shed and slept until light.

Since then, the priest has ceased to treat the worker with breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner at a time.

Fairy tales - Russian fairy tales - Folk tales - Dobry pop

Russian folk tale for children "Kind Pop". We bring to your attention the best Russian folk tales on which more than one generation of boys and girls has grown up. Russian folk tales that have come down from time immemorial. These stories are fun for all ages. Because the Russian wise people have composed many of them - very different: funny and sad, magical and everyday, for the smallest and for those who are older ... Our website contains the best Russian fairy tales. one of best fairy tales"Good pop" you can read here.

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