Topic: ABC of folk wisdom. Objectives: to talk about the value of proverbs and sayings


Quotes for the final essay 2018 in the direction "Aims and means".

A person who certainly wants something forces fate to give up. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

Man must learn to obey himself and obey his decisions. (Cicero)

When the goal is reached, the path is forgotten. (Osho)

The meaning of life is those goals that make you appreciate it. (W. James)

Perfect means with obscure ends - feature our time. (A. Einstein)

lofty goals, even if unfulfilled, is dearer to us than low goals, even if they are achieved. (I. Goethe)

If you want to lead happy life, you must be attached to the goal, not to people or things. (A. Einstein)

You cannot change the direction of the wind, but you can always raise the sails to reach your goal. (O. Wilde)

Find a goal, resources will be found. (M. Gandhi)

If you are heading towards the goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​that barks at you, you will never reach the goal. (F.M. Dostoevsky)

about the weaker and ordinary people best judged by their characters, the more intelligent and secretive - by their goals. (F. Bacon)

It's never too late to step out of the crowd. Follow your dream, move towards your goal. (B. Shaw)

When it seems to you that the goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your plan of action. (Confucius)

No end is so lofty as to justify the unworthy means to achieve it. (A. Einstein)

We must set ourselves tasks above our strength: firstly, because you never know them anyway, and secondly, because forces appear as you complete an unattainable task. (B. L. Pasternak)

Ask yourself, do you crave this with all the strength of your soul? Will you live to see the evening if you don't get this thing? And if you are sure that you will not live, grab it and run. (R. Bradbury)

To reach the goal, you must first of all go. (O. de Balzac)

A person must have a goal, he cannot do it without a goal, for that reason is given to him. If he does not have a goal, he invents it... (A. and B. Strugatsky)

If you want to achieve the goal of your aspiration, ask more politely about the road you have lost. (W. Shakespeare)

I understand HOW; I do not understand why. (J. Orwell)

If you want to achieve a goal, don't try to be subtle or smart. Use rough tricks. Hit the target right away. Come back and hit again. Then hit again, with the strongest blow from the shoulder. (W. Churchill)

No transport will be passing if you do not know where to go. (E.A. Poe)

The one who aspires to the stars does not turn around. (L. da Vinci)

Life goes breathless without an aim. (F. M. Dostoevsky)

There are few unattainable things in the world: if we had more perseverance, we could find a way to almost any goal. (F. de La Rochefoucauld)

Some Jesuits say that every means is good, if only to achieve the goal. Not true! Not true! With feet defiled by the dirt of the road, it is unworthy to enter a clean temple. (I.S. Turgenev)

He walks faster who walks alone. (J. London)

Life reaches its peaks in those moments when all its forces are directed towards the implementation of the goals set for it. (J. London)

High goals, even if unfulfilled, are dearer to us than low goals, even if they are achieved. (Goethe)

At some second of the way, the target begins to fly at us. The only thought: do not evade. (M.I. Tsvetaeva)

The intention of a warrior is stronger than any obstacles. (K. Castaneda)

Only the one in whom the aspirations have died out is lost forever. (A. Rand)

It is much better to do great deeds, celebrate great victories, even if mistakes happen along the way, than to stand in the ranks. ordinary people who do not know great joy, no big trouble, living a gray life, where there are no victories or defeats. (T. Roosevelt)

Not a single person lives without some goal and striving for it. Having lost purpose and hope, a person often turns into a monster out of anguish... (F.M. Dostoevsky)

A person grows as his goals grow. (I. Schiller)

If there is no goal, you do nothing, and you do nothing great if the goal is insignificant. (D. Diderot)

Seek what is above what you can find. (D.I. Kharms)

Nothing calms the spirit so much as finding a solid goal - a point to which our inner gaze is directed. (M. Shelley)

Happiness lies in the joy of achieving a goal and thrill creative effort. (F. Roosevelt)

Angelica Shumikhina
Methodical development“The use of proverbs and sayings in educational educational work with preschoolers"

Depending on the degree of generalization, the third type is distinguished proverbs.

I. Proverbs - maxims, fixing specific moments of reality and expressed in ordinary language.

Waiting and driving - no worse.

II. Aphorisms that retain a specific content, but are used in a figurative sense.

God does not give a horn to a vigorous cow.

III. Sayings that can only be understood figuratively.

What goes around comes around.

AT preschool institutions described above varieties proverbs can be used during excursions to the forest, park, school, etc.; on walks, in classes, on walks, in classes to get acquainted with the surrounding world, drawing, etc.

Possibly also use of proverbs in Everyday life, in the process of individual work on the development of speech, at holiday parties.

Adults, wrote K. I. Chukovsky, think in words, and small children think in things, objects objective world. Their thoughts at first are connected only with specific images.

Poetic works passed down from generation to generation for centuries. The child learns the poetic images of the people. The treasury of the Russian language is revealed to him in the brilliant works of oral folk art.

Perfect images of him - proverbs, sayings, riddles, fairy tales - are included in his language.

Below are the tasks preschoolers, suggesting the formation of their thinking operations, elements of creative and recreating imagination on the material proverbs and other genres.

Exercise 1.

Target: to teach children to analyze, compare, find common ground in the moral content of different proverbs.

Material: proverbs:

Hastily do - redo.

Hurry up and make people laugh.

Tyap-blunder - the ship will not come out.

Illustrations for these proverbs.

Methodology: teacher calls proverb and put a picture on the board for each proverb.

After showing all pictures sets to children questions:

1. How similar proverbs?

2. What pictures can be matched to the first, second, third proverb?

3. Which word is more suitable for these proverbs: slob, braggart, hurry? Why?

4. What story can you come up with that happened to the hurry-ups?

Task 2.

Target: learn to classify proverbs by content.

Material: Petrushka doll, proverbs.

One for all and all for one.

There is safety in numbers.

For two hares chase You won't catch one.

Colored pencils, paper.


Tell the children that Petrushka came to their group. He will check how they understood and remembered proverbs. Parsley will call proverbs and the kids draw them. When the children draw everything proverbs, ask them to say what their drawings mean, which ones correspond to them proverbs.

Task 3.

Target: teach children to correlate content proverbs with the content of the story.

Material: proverb"Fear has big eyes"; Russian folk tale "Fear has big eyes".

Methodology: Comes to visit the children "Storyteller" tells the children a story "Fear has big eyes" and explains that the tale is called words proverbs. Children are given the task to explain why the fairy tale is called that way.

Task 4.

Target: to systematize and clarify children's knowledge about proverbs.

Material: collapsible chamomile, on the petals of which tasks are written for children.

Methodology: Divide the group into two teams, choose captains. Invite the captains to go to the teacher and pull out one petal from the chamomile. Read to the players tasks:

Remember and name proverbs about work.

Tell a fairy tale called words proverbs.

name proverbs about cowardice, courage, remember fairy tales about brave and cowardly people and animals.

Task 5.

Target: to teach children visual means transmit content proverbs.

Material: proverb“You can’t pull a fish out of the pond without labor”

Methodology: Read to children proverb, ask in what cases it can be use. Give the task: come up with funny stories to this proverb and tell them to kids.

Task 6.

Target: to teach children to distinguish proverbs from other genres literary creativity.

Material: poems, nursery rhymes, songs familiar to children.

Methodology: The teacher offers listen to poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, proverbs and correctly qualify them, explaining how they differ proverbs from nursery rhymes, etc.. d.

Then have the children remember proverbs about friendship, slovenliness, etc.

Task 7.

Target: teach children to finish proverbs.

Material: Pinocchio doll, proverbs:

Collect by berry - you will pick up a box.

Finished the job - walk boldly.

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

Methodology: Tell the children that you came to visit them

Pinocchio. He wants to know if the children remember proverbs. On behalf of Pinocchio

read the beginning to the children proverbs and offer to complete them.

Task 8.

Target: in a playful way to summarize and clarify children's knowledge about proverbs.

Material: travel map (drawing of a sea with several islands). On the map "Friendship Island", "Island of Labor", "Fun Island", chips in the form of boats.

Methodology: Invite the children to play the journey. Divide the group into two teams, choose captains. The team must take it in turns to complete the task - reaching "islands" pronounce proverbs, corresponding to the name "islands".

The winner is the team that remembers the most proverbs.

In honor of the winning team, offer the children listen writing a song about travelers.

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Topic: "The use of proverbs and sayings in educational work with preschoolers"

"In the simplicity of the word - the most great wisdom.

Proverbs and songs are always short, but mind and

feelings are invested in them for whole books "

M. Gorky

Proverbs and sayings - a spring folk wisdom. They reflect everyday life, customs, very often echo fairy tales. This is a trusted form of preserving edifications, morals, teachings, commandments among the people.

Proverbs are not antiquity, not the past, but the living voice of the people. The people retain in their memory only what they need today and tomorrow.

The proverb contains an assessment of life, observations of the people's mind, and universal human values ​​are affirmed:

Where there is work, there is good.

Do not spit in the well - it is useful to drink water.

Proverbs and sayings decorate and enrich a person's speech, expand lexicon develop the imagination. After all, in order to use the simplest proverbs and sayings, the child must quickly assess the situation, how to apply it to the saying, again compare their correspondence, and only then express their opinion.

The accuracy of thought and brevity of presentation allow you to quickly assimilate proverbs and sayings with early age, to perceive them not as wishes, but as a norm of life.

AT preschool institutions proverbs can be used during excursions to the forest, to the park, to the village or city, to the zoo, to the livestock farm, to school, etc.; on walks, during organized learning activities, through various educational areas; in the process of gaming activities and in the performance of their labor assignments, to explain and consolidate material on the work of adults, norms of behavior, social phenomena, species characteristics and habits of animals, seasonal phenomena, etc.

It is also possible to use proverbs in everyday life, in the process individual work on the development of speech, at evenings of oral folk art, festive matinees.

“Give children more and more contemplation of the general, human, world, but mainly try to acquaint them with this through native and national phenomena.” V. G. Belinsky.

The life of children is closely connected with the life of adults, but the child has his own conditioned age characteristics vision of the world. Adults, K.I. Chukovsky wrote, think in words, verbal formulas, and small children think in things, objects of the objective world. At first, their thought is connected with specific images. The choice of poetic images is determined by the peculiarities of the child's psyche. For many centuries, poetic works were passed down from generation to generation, gradually acquiring content and form. Perfect samples of folk art - proverbs and sayings entered the language.

Proverbs attract older preschoolers with a bright play on words, consonance, rhythm. Poetry here is a form of preservation and dissemination of folk wisdom, experience cognitive activity, consciousness, means of influencing the thought and actions of people. Preschoolers, arguing over proverbs and sayings, develop speech, enrich the active vocabulary, train memory and thinking.

The following are tasks for preschoolers, involving the formation of their thinking operations, elements creative imagination based on proverbs.

Exercise 1

Game: Say it differently.

Purpose: to teach children to express the meaning of the proverb in their own words.

Material: Dunno doll, proverbs.

    hurry up people make me laugh.

    Done hastily - and done for laughs.

    If you like to ride, love to carry sleds.

    Judge not by words, but by deeds.

    Fear has big eyes.

    Crying you will dig a ditch, laughing you will drink water.

Methodology: The teacher offers to help Dunno understand the meaning of proverbs. Dunno tells the children a proverb, offers to come up with and say differently. At the end of the lesson, he invites the children to draw a picture for the proverb they like.

Note: If the lesson is held with a small number of children, Dunno asks to be told in his ear and chooses the best answer.

Task 2

Purpose: To teach children to correlate the content of the proverb with the content of the fairy tale.

Material: Proverb: Fear has big eyes.

Methodology: The “Storyteller” comes to visit the children, tells the children the fairy tale “Fear has large eyes” and explains that the fairy tale is called the words of a proverb. Children are given the task to explain why the fairy tale is called that way.

Task 3

Purpose: To teach children to compare and abstract moral sense proverbs and others literary genres.

Material: Proverbs

    The work of the master is afraid.

    Chasing two hares, you won't catch one.

    Friendly, not heavy, but apart, at least drop it.

    From hard work and bread is sweet.

Poem by S. Ya. Marshak

Hey, merchant, well done, my stallion limped,

You shoe it again - Why not shoe it.

Here is a nail, here is a horseshoe. One, two, and you're done!

K. Chukovsky "Telephone"

Oh, it's hard work

Pull a hippo out of the swamp.

The story of L. A. Tolstoy.

The dog walked along the plank across the river, and carried meat in its teeth. I saw myself in the water and thought that another dog was carrying meat there - she threw her meat and rushed to take it from another dog. That meat did not exist at all, but the wave carried away its own and the dog remained with nothing to do with it.

Methodology: read proverbs about work and friendship to children, etc. After that, read Marshak's poem and ask him to name a proverb that suits him in meaning. Read an excerpt from the work of P.I. Chukovsky "Telephone" and instruct the children to point to the proverb corresponding to it. Do the same with other works.

Task 4.

Purpose: To teach children to compare and group proverbs that match each other in meaning.

Material: Proverbs

    Silly is the bird that does not like its nest.

    Where the pine has grown, there it is red.

    Own land and in a handful is sweet.

    With native land die don't go.

    Everyone has their own side.

    Cheek brings success

    And onions in the homeland are sweet

    In its homeland, every tree smiles.

    Methodology: A grandmother comes to the children - a riddle calls proverbs to the children.

    Questions for children:

1. How do you understand the proverb “Everyone has his own side?”

2. What proverbs are similar to her?

3. Which of all proverbs is superfluous?

Task 5.

Purpose: To teach children to compare and abstract the content of proverbs and other works.

Material: Proverbs

    Pick a berry - you'll pick a box.

    Knocked down, knocked together - that's the wheel! Sat down and went - oh, good! I looked back - some knitting needles are lying.

Cartoon "Girl and jug", "Adventures of Dunno".

Methodology: Viewing a cartoon with children; then read the proverbs and ask them to say which of the read proverbs fit the meaning of the cartoons.

Task 6.

Material: Proverbs

    Cheek brings success.

    Cowardly Bunny and a stump - a wolf.

    Fear has big eyes.

Methodology: A storyteller comes to the children and tells the fairy tale "Puff".

Questions for children:

    Why wasn't Alyonka scared of the "terrible Puff", while everyone else was scared?

    What proverbs fit this story? Why?

Task 7.

Purpose: To teach children to abstract the moral meaning of proverbs and other works.

Material: Proverbs

    You can’t break a broom, but you can break the whole twig along a twig.

The story of K.D. Ushinsky "Father and Sons".

Methodology: Read the story of Ushinsky. Ask questions.

    Why couldn't the sons break the broom when all the rods were together?

    What command did the father give to his sons?

    Does this proverb fit the content of the story?

    Suggest to remember proverbs about friendship. (If you hold on to each other, you can’t be afraid of anything. In a harmonious herd, the wolf is not terrible. A thing is good when it’s new, and a friend is when it’s old.)

Task 8.

Purpose: To teach children through facial expressions, gestures, correctly display main idea works, choose the right proverb for the tale.

Material: Proverbs

    Take it together, it won't be heavy.

    Friendly is not heavy, but at least drop it apart.

    There is safety in numbers.

Methodology: Preparatory work. Read the fairy tale "Turnip", assign roles. After showing the dramatization, offer to say main idea works and pick up proverbs for the tale.

Questions for children:

    Why couldn't grandfather pull out the turnip himself?

    When did the heroes of the fairy tale do their job?

    How can this be said in the words of a proverb?

Task 9

Purpose: To teach children to distinguish proverbs from other genres of literary creativity.

Material: poems familiar to children, nursery rhymes, songs, stories.

Methodology: The teacher offers to listen to poems, nursery rhymes, songs, stories, fairy tales, proverbs and explain how proverbs differ from other works. Offer to remember proverbs about friendship, Motherland, etc.

Task 10

Purpose: To teach children to complete proverbs.

Material: Wise Owl, proverbs

    Pick a berry - you'll pick a box

    Friendly - not heavy, but apart - at least drop it

    Finished the job - walk boldly

    Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do

    Do not dig a hole for another - you yourself will fall into it

    The wealth of a horseman is work.

Methodology: Tell the children that the Wise Owl has come to visit them. She wants to know if the children remember the proverbs. On behalf of the Owl, give the children a start different proverbs and offer to complete them. Help with more questions.

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Target: the formation of schoolchildren's ideas about proverbs and sayings as works of oral folk art.


  • educational- expand knowledge about proverbs and sayings, their distinctive features, topics; expand the horizons of students, enrich their speech, replenish vocabulary.
  • developing- develop logical thinking: the ability to observe, compare, analyze and draw conclusions; ability to work with the word; develop Creative skills; communicative competence: the ability to work in a group.
  • educational- to cultivate interest in the culture of the Russian people, the culture native land, the desire to improve their speech, tolerant attitude towards each other, the desire for a healthy lifestyle

Type of lesson: lesson of acquaintance with new material.

Teaching methods: verbal (dialogue), visual, practical, problem-search, control method.

Forms of training: individual, group.

Technologies used: student-centered, game technology, ICT (interactive demonstration material, learning control)

Lesson design: multimedia support (presentation on the topic of the lesson).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Purpose: to prepare children for the upcoming work.

Methods and techniques: verbal.

II. Motivation of educational activity. Purpose: to strengthen the motives for focusing on the upcoming activity, to create a positive attitude towards the lesson.

Methods and techniques: verbal, audiovisual

Slide number 2: (illustration of a butterfly in the palms, calm music)

One day a man wanted to prove to a wise man that he did not know everything. Clutching the butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her, if the dead one says, I will let her out.” The sage, after thinking, replied: "Everything is in your hands."

Guys, today it is in our hands to make the lesson interesting, informative, for this, be active, attentive and friendly to each other.

III. Checking homework.

Purpose: to control the assimilation of the material covered, evaluate the quality of the previous lesson, maintain motivation to do homework regularly and efficiently.

Methods and techniques: level differentiation, cluster, filling in the table, self-control and self-assessment.

Slide number 3, 4: checking tasks according to the criteria.

ASSIGNMENT: for strong students to enter the terms of small genres of folklore in the table, and for weak students to make a cluster.

fiction fiction, falsehood, lie.
Mystery an expression that needs to be unraveled.
invocation short poem, which was called out by participating in the rites of the calendar cycle.
counting a poem that was used to decide who to drive in the game.
Lullaby a song to lull a child to sleep.
cockle a short poetic sentence of nannies and mothers who nurture baby.
Patter fast speech, fast paced speech.

Criteria for checking d / z are written on the board
№1 №2
“5” 7 terms “5” 12.11 terms
“4” 6, 5 terms “4” 10-8 terms
“3” 4 terms “3” 7.6 terms

IV. Knowledge update.

Purpose: to form the ability to highlight the main and essential through the active mental activity of students.

Methods and techniques: setting a learning task, dialogue

As beautiful things decorate our life, so wise proverbs and sayings decorate and enrich our speech. Having heard these sayings, we try to remember them, and then show off our knowledge somewhere.

What section of literature studies proverbs and sayings? (Folklore)

Slide #5: problematic issue on the slide.

The question arises: Are proverbs and sayings different genres of folklore?

V. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Purpose: to prepare students for work in the lesson, to determine the purpose and objectives of the lesson, to facilitate the rapid inclusion of students in the business rhythm, organizing their attention.

Methods and techniques: verbal

VI. Explanation of new material.

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​proverbs and sayings, their subject, to teach to distinguish from each other.

Methods and techniques: verbal-illustrative, frontal, problematic, comparison, conversation-message.

1. The word of the teacher.

Slide #6: If you chase two hares, you won't catch either . Chasing two rabbits.

Look at the slide and tell me in which sentence the thought is completed and in which it is not? Which sentence can be replaced with one word - a synonym, and which one cannot?

Slide number 7 A short wise saying containing a complete thought is a proverb and cannot be replaced by a word - a synonym. Clear, bright folk expression, part of a judgment without a conclusion, without a conclusion - this is a saying, it can be replaced by a synonym.

slide number 8 A hungry wolf is stronger than a well-fed dog.

slide number 9 You can't spill them with water. (Friendly)

Which sentence can be replaced with a synonym?

Proverbs and sayings live in folk speech and when did they appear?

2. The word of the prepared disciple.

They were born in ancient times and reflect all aspects of people's lives. The collection of proverbs began in the 16th century, and maybe even earlier, but the records of that time have not reached us. The first manuscript collections that have come down to us date back to the 17th-18th centuries. Most of the compilers of these collections are unknown.

Start scientific study Russian proverbs and sayings were put by M.V. Lomonosov. Only from the second half of the eighteenth century. collections of proverbs and sayings began to be printed.

Slide No. 10 Famous compilers of such collections were A.N. Afanasiev, F.I. Buslaev and others. But the most famous is Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801-1872).

His work is considered unsurpassed. He devoted his whole life to collecting and systematizing proverbs. Dal traveled all over Russia. He wrote down proverbs and sayings heard from peasants, artisans, soldiers. Dal collected proverbs and sayings bit by bit for more than thirty years. He collected a huge amount - 25 thousand proverbs and sayings.

In addition to the collection “Proverbs of the Russian people”, V.I. Dahl prepared and published a great work - four volumes " explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language” (1803-1866), where he cited many proverbs and sayings. Dahl addressed the words of A.S. Pushkin: “What a luxury, what a sense, what is the use of every saying of ours! What a gold!” V.I. Dahl called proverbs short parables. Unlike a proverb, a proverb does not have a moralizing meaning.

Slide No. 11 Dahl wrote: “A proverb, by popular definition, is a flower, a proverb is a berry; and that's right."

Let's check it out guys.

slide number 12 ABC - a step to learning (voice saying)

Slide No. 14 V.I.Dal wrote about the proverb in the following way: “The code of folk wisdom and superstition, these are groans and sighs, cries and sobs, joy and fun, grief and consolation in faces; it is the color of the people's mind, original passion; this is the truth of life, a kind of lawsuit judged by no one.”

How do you understand the meaning of this statement?

Proverbs keep folk performances about harm and benefit, intelligence and stupidity. About spiritual beauty and ugliness in the form of short sayings. They help us understand the history of our people, teach us to love our Motherland, to be honest and hardworking, to love and respect our parents, to lead healthy lifestyle life. They condemn laziness, ignorance and other negative qualities of a person. Using proverbs and sayings in speech, we make it figurative, colorful, expressive.

The subject of proverbs and sayings is great. Try to identify the themes of some proverbs and sayings.

slide number 15 Spring rain grows, autumn - rots. The scientist leads, the unlearned follows.

  • If there was a bag, there would be money.
  • There would be no happiness - but misfortune helped.
  • He screams boldly, as the matter has not come to him.
  • Happiness to the stupid, bad weather to the smart.
  • Where there is love, there is advice.
  • Time is the best healer.
  • 4. Acquaintance with exemplary thematic groups of proverbs and sayings.

    VII. Fizkultminutka. slide number 25

    Purpose: creating conditions for strengthening the eye muscles and relieving fatigue.

    1. Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

    3. Stretch your right hand forward. Follow with your eyes, without turning your head, the slow movements of your index finger outstretched hand left and right, up and down. Repeat 4-5 times.

    4. Look at forefinger outstretched arm at the expense of 1-4, then look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

    5. At an average pace, do 3-4 circular movements with your eyes in right side, the same to the left side. After relaxing the eye muscles, look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 1-2 times.

    6. Sitting, hands on the belt. Turn your head to the right, look at your elbow right hand, turn your head to the left, look at the elbow of your left hand, return to ip. Repeat 4-5 times.

    7. Sitting hands forward, look at the fingertips, raise your hands up (inhale), follow your hands with your eyes, do not raise your head, lower your hands (exhale). Repeat 5-6 times.

    VIII. Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

    Target: identify the level and awareness of the material being studied, work on the skills of a reasoned and concise presentation of one's thoughts.

    Methods and techniques: game method, analysis, work in pairs.

    The task “The Box of Folk Wisdom”. Each pair of students receives a wise saying from the box, the guys should consult with each other and explain their proverb or saying, indicate its subject. Other pairs of guys who got similar sayings agree with the answer or refute it.

    IX. Consolidation.

    Target: consolidate the acquired knowledge, develop skills and abilities for their application.

    Methods and techniques: ICT technologies

    1. Among the proverbs and sayings, indicate the extra one.

    slide number 26

    • In summer, every bush will let it spend the night (proverb)
    • Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind (proverb)
    • Where there is love and advice, there is no grief(proverb)
    • Martok came - put on seven trousers (proverb)

    slide number 27

    B) Do not drink water from your face (proverb)

  • The sparrow itself, but sings like a nightingale (proverb)
  • Pretty face, but worthless disposition (proverb)
  • The nearest penny is more expensive than the distant ruble(proverb)
  • Why did you choose this particular answer?

    2. Find a saying among the proverbs.

    slide number 28. Not sweet and light when there is no friend

  • Business time, fun - hour
  • Will live before the wedding
  • It's not a bear, it won't go into the forest
  • 3. Remember the proverb from the illustration and the first word. Define a topic.

    Slide number 29. Seven do not wait for one.

    Slide number 30. Fear has big eyes.

    Slide number 31. Bored day to evening, if there is nothing to do.

    4. Collect parts of the sayings, explain their meaning, define the saying and proverb.

    slide number 32.

    Those who wish come to the board for an answer-evidence.

    5. Look at an excerpt from the cartoon and pick up proverbs and sayings for it.

    Slide number 33. An excerpt from the cartoon “Pinocchio” (you can pick up proverbs and sayings on the topic “Literacy and learning”.)

    Slide number 34. An excerpt from the cartoon “Masha is no longer lazy” (you can pick up proverbs and sayings on the topic “People, their mental properties, appearance and behavior” . )

    6. We get used to our native proverbs because we hear them from childhood. In other nations, the same proverbs may take on a different sound.

    Guys, we live in Khakassia, we need to be interested in the history and folklore of our republic. Listen to Khakassian proverbs, try to match them with Russian folk ones.

    slide number 35.

    • If you don't work hard, you won't get a hat. (Without labor, you can’t even catch fish from a pond.)
    • Don't be talkative, speak thoughtfully. (The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it.)

    X. Summary of the lesson. Estimates.

    Purpose: verification of a holistic understanding of the information received; formation of attitude to the studied material.

    Methods and techniques: dialogue, individual form of work, self-control method.

    Guys, what small genres of folklore did we get acquainted with today?

    What do they have in common? How will we distinguish them from each other?

    What do proverbs and sayings teach us? Do they help us in life?

    Sort the proverbs and sayings in their places, indicating the numbers on the checklist.

    slide number 36.

    • Put potatoes in okroshka, and love is in business.
    • The mosquito will not undermine the nose.
    • More action, less words.
    • The ant is not great, but it digs mountains.
    • Everything has its time.
    • Not the gods burn the pots.

    Let's check.

    XI. Homework

    Purpose: to consolidate the material covered, to control the level of assimilation and independent work skills

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